Plantations, poverty and power - Critical Information Collective

Plantations, poverty and power - Critical Information Collective

Plantations, poverty and power - Critical Information Collective


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95<br />

The ADB’s report notes that the project was delayed “due to prolonged, <strong>and</strong> sometimes breakdown in the<br />

negotiation to secure lease of l<strong>and</strong> owned collectively, <strong>and</strong> reduction of planting areas, both of which led<br />

to postponement of planting activities.” The project was rated as “unsuccessful”. 483<br />

Sri Lanka<br />

A “community forestry project” in Sri Lanka, was rated “generally successful” although less than half the<br />

target of 14,000 hectares was actually planted. The Bank’s 1994 report on forestry lending notes that a<br />

community woodlots component of the project “was termed as a failure <strong>and</strong> so also the five<br />

demonstration woodlots”. 484<br />

Malaysia<br />

Launched in 1982, the “Compensatory Forest Plantation Project” in peninsular Malaysia aimed to cover<br />

188,200 hectares with acacia monocultures by 1995. By the end of 1999, 62,800 hectares had been<br />

planted. Many of the plantations failed because of extensive outbreaks of heartrot disease in the Acacia<br />

mangium plantations. 485<br />

The Philippines<br />

The ADB has supported two plantations projects in the Philippines. Both projects created problems. The<br />

first, approved in 1983, “suffered from deficiencies in Project design <strong>and</strong> implementation,” according to<br />

the Bank’s Project Performance Audit Report. 486 The project was redesigned in 1988, after a typhoon hit<br />

the project area. Instead of planting different tree species, as initially planned, “the Project adopted a<br />

strategy of near monoculture plantations of E. camaldulensis.” The plantations were poorly maintained<br />

<strong>and</strong> “were characterized by highly uneven <strong>and</strong> low tree growth rate.”<br />

The Bank failed to monitor the project adequately. Only one socio-economic survey was carried out <strong>and</strong><br />

only one Bank mission included a visit by a forestry specialist to the project sites. The Project<br />

Performance Audit Report notes that “There was little or no assessment of plantation growth<br />

performance, review of the appropriateness of Project design, <strong>and</strong> determination of the adequacy of<br />

Project staffing input <strong>and</strong> technical competency. No technical advice on forestry establishment or<br />

assistance in the Project performance management system was provided.” 487<br />

A second ADB project in the Philippines, the Industrial Forest Plantation (Sector) Project also ran into<br />

problems. The project started in 1991, <strong>and</strong> aimed to establish 30,000 hectares of industrial tree<br />

483 “Sector synthesis of post-evaluation findings in the forestry sector”, Asian Development Bank, Post-Evaluation<br />

Office, August 1994.<br />

484 “Sector synthesis of post-evaluation findings in the forestry sector”, Asian Development Bank, Post-Evaluation<br />

Office, August 1994.<br />

485 Thai See Kiam (2000) “Forest plantation development in Malaysia <strong>and</strong> the potential of rubber wood as an important<br />

source of timber in the future”, in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Timber Plantation Development, 7-9<br />

November 2000 in Manila, Philippines. http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/ac781e/AC781E09.htm<br />

486 “Project Performance Audit Report on the Forestry Development Project (Loan No. 677-PHI) in the Philippines”,<br />

Asian Development Bank, July 1997.<br />

487 “Project Performance Audit Report on the Forestry Development Project (Loan No. 677-PHI) in the Philippines”,<br />

Asian Development Bank, July 1997.

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