Plantations, poverty and power - Critical Information Collective

Plantations, poverty and power - Critical Information Collective

Plantations, poverty and power - Critical Information Collective


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34<br />

between eucalyptus plantations <strong>and</strong> natural forest. 143<br />

In June 2008, the federal court in the city of Eunápolis passed a sentence ordering Veracel to plant with<br />

native trees 96,000 hectares of l<strong>and</strong> covered in licences granted between 1993 <strong>and</strong> 1996 for planting with<br />

eucalyptus. Veracel was also fined US$12.5 million for deforesting areas of Atlantic forest. Once again,<br />

the company denies the charge <strong>and</strong> plans to appeal. 144<br />

Veracel claims that its guidelines which are supposed to prevent planting close to water sources or<br />

streams prevent any impact on local water sources. Yet farmers interviewed in 2003 by SwedWatch said<br />

that the water level in creeks, ponds <strong>and</strong> lakes was significantly lower than before Veracel started<br />

planting. In some cases, watercourses have completely disappeared. Fishing <strong>and</strong> irrigation of agricultural<br />

farml<strong>and</strong> became impossible. 145<br />

In November 2005, I visited the Veracel area with colleagues from the Brazilian NGO network Alert<br />

Against the Green Desert Movement. A local government official in Eunápolis told us how several<br />

thous<strong>and</strong> people had moved into the area to work on the construction of the pulp mill. When the<br />

construction work was finished, about five thous<strong>and</strong> people were left unemployed. Many of them stayed<br />

in the area. The local authorities have to provide services for them, but Veracel contributes little in taxes.<br />

Under a 1996 Brazilian law, exports are exempt from state sales tax. Veracel exports almost all its pulp.<br />

The government official suggested that a law insisting that pulp companies sell at least 30 per cent of<br />

their produce in Brazil would at least mean that the local authorities saw some benefits from pulp mills.<br />

We visited the community of Maneco, not far from Eunápolis <strong>and</strong> spoke to villagers about how things<br />

had changed since Veracel started planting its eucalyptus. “People have moved away since the eucalyptus<br />

arrived,” one man told us. “In one commune everyone has moved away.”<br />

This used to be a very rich area, villagers told us. One of the villagers we spoke to used to plant papaya<br />

<strong>and</strong> passion fruit <strong>and</strong> had employed many people on a small area of l<strong>and</strong>. But since Veracel arrived,<br />

“There are no jobs here now <strong>and</strong> no money from the eucalyptus,” a villager said. The village shop owner<br />

told us that business was down by about 80 per cent. The river near the village is drying up, <strong>and</strong> is<br />

increasingly polluted by agrochemicals from the plantations. Plantation workers clean their tractors in the<br />

river which further pollutes the water. Fish <strong>and</strong> even cattle have died as a result.<br />

“Animals <strong>and</strong> birds have disappeared from the area, but now there are many snakes in the village,” a<br />

villager told us.<br />

The villagers from Maneco took us to see their cemetery. It is now completely surrounded by eucalyptus<br />

plantations. We had to drive between the rows of trees to get there. Villagers told us of people getting lost<br />

in the plantations on their way to a funeral. Veracel has even planted trees on part of the cemetery.<br />

143 Måns Andersson <strong>and</strong> Örjan Bartholdson Swedish Pulp in Brazil: The case of Veracel, Swedwatch, 2004, page 31-32.<br />

http://www.swedwatch.org/swedwatch/content/download/157/721/file/Rapport%20Swedwatch.Vercel.pdf<br />

144 Winnie Overbeek (2008) “Brazil: Historic federal court decision sentences Veracel Celulose (Stora Enso-Aracruz)<br />

for environmental violations”, World Rainforest Movement Bulletin 132, July 2008.<br />

http://www.wrm.org.uy/bulletin/132/viewpoint.html#Veracel<br />

145 Måns Andersson <strong>and</strong> Örjan Bartholdson Swedish Pulp in Brazil: The case of Veracel, Swedwatch, 2004, page 37.<br />


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