Plantations, poverty and power - Critical Information Collective

Plantations, poverty and power - Critical Information Collective

Plantations, poverty and power - Critical Information Collective


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113<br />

The Food <strong>and</strong> Agriculture Organisation: Promoting the lie of “Planted Forests”<br />

Created in 1945, the United Nations Food <strong>and</strong> Agriculture Organisation has worked hard on behalf of the<br />

plantation industry to reinforce the myth that a plantation is a forest. In its 2005 Global Forest<br />

Assessment, for example, FAO concludes that the “rate of net loss” of forests is decreasing. It sounds<br />

good, until you realise that in its definition of forests, the FAO includes monoculture plantations, highly<br />

degraded forests <strong>and</strong> even clearcuts which are expected to regenerate.580<br />

FAO has played an important role in promoting the commercialisation of tropical forestry generally581,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the industry with which FAO’s forestry department has had the “longest <strong>and</strong> deepest involvement” is<br />

the pulp <strong>and</strong> paper industry.582 FAO has produced studies aiming to facilitate investment <strong>and</strong> production<br />

in the pulp <strong>and</strong> paper industry in a wide range of tropical countries.<br />

The Fifth World Forestry Congress, which took place in Seattle in 1960, discussed “the need for action to<br />

use forest tree improvement to strengthen afforestation <strong>and</strong> reforestation programs <strong>and</strong> to increase the<br />

yield of the world’s forests”. The Congress recommended that the FAO organise a technical conference,<br />

“to co-ordinate <strong>and</strong> promote the development of tree improvement techniques, the mass production of<br />

improved planting stock, <strong>and</strong> the incorporation of these techniques <strong>and</strong> plants into afforestation <strong>and</strong><br />

reforestation programs in a scientific <strong>and</strong> economic manner”. FAO subsequently organised a meeting,<br />

“The World Consultation on Forest Genetics <strong>and</strong> Tree Improvement,” which took place in Sweden, in<br />

August 1963.583<br />

“The regional timber trend studies published by FAO demonstrate the greatly increased dem<strong>and</strong> for forest<br />

products in tropical countries, as a result of rising st<strong>and</strong>ards of living <strong>and</strong> rapid increases in population,”<br />

noted the participants at the conference. They concluded that industrial tree plantations were needed to<br />

meet this dem<strong>and</strong>: “These trends, coupled with the generally low productivity of natural tropical forest<br />

st<strong>and</strong>s, are focusing increased attention on the need to establish plantations of high-yielding species –<br />

either to supplement or replace the natural st<strong>and</strong>s.”584<br />

The conference recommended that governments in the South develop “planned programs of forest<br />

genetics <strong>and</strong> tree improvement”.585 The conference commended the governments of Australia <strong>and</strong><br />

Mexico “for their help in collections of eucalypts <strong>and</strong> Mexican pines, <strong>and</strong> urges FAO to encourage <strong>and</strong><br />

support the extension of such action to satisfy critical needs.”586 The conference recommended that the<br />

FAO’s Forestry <strong>and</strong> Forest Products Division should set up an advisory <strong>and</strong> information unit “on the<br />

introduction of forest trees with actual or potential use as exotics”.587<br />

580 “FAO’s net loss in credibility over global forest resources assessment”, World Rainforest Movement Bulletin 100,<br />

November 2005. http://www.wrm.org.uy/bulletin/100/FAO.html<br />

581 George Marshall (1991) FAO <strong>and</strong> Tropical Forestry, The Ecologist, Vol. 21 No. 2, March/April 1991, page 66.<br />

582 “FAO: The First Forty Years”, Food <strong>and</strong> Agriculture Organisation, 1985, page 59.<br />

583 J.D. Matthews (1964) “General Introduction – FAO/IUFRO meeting on forest genetics", Unasylva, Vol. 18 (2-3),<br />

No. 73-74.<br />

584 “Proceedings of the World Consultation on Forest Genetics <strong>and</strong> Tree Improvement, FAO, 1964”, Unasylva, Vol. 18<br />

(2-3), No. 73-74.<br />

585 “Proceedings of the World Consultation on Forest Genetics <strong>and</strong> Tree Improvement, FAO, 1964”, Unasylva, Vol. 18<br />

(2-3), No. 73-74.<br />

586 “Proceedings of the World Consultation on Forest Genetics <strong>and</strong> Tree Improvement, FAO, 1964”, Unasylva, Vol. 18<br />

(2-3), No. 73-74.<br />

587 “Proceedings of the World Consultation on Forest Genetics <strong>and</strong> Tree Improvement, FAO, 1964”, Unasylva, Vol. 18

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