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SECTION B.2.1.: As at 31 December 2011, the Executive Committee remained inactive as it had not held any meetings during 2011. Without prejudice to the above, the Board of Directors resolved to reactivate the Executive Committee at its meeting held on 18 January 2012 and appointed to it the following new members: Chairman: Mr Mariano Pérez Claver Members: Grupo Inversor Hesperia, S.A. (represented by José Antonio Castro Sousa) Mr Juan Llopart Pérez Mr Iñaki Arratíbel Olaziregi Mr Carlos González Fernández Mr Giles Pélisson The Executive Committee also has a Secretary and Deputy Secretary, who are the Board’s Secretary, Mr José María Mas Millet, and Deputy Secretary, Mr Leopoldo González Echenique Castellanos de Ubao. SECTION C.2.: In relation to the lease agreements between the significant shareholder PONTEGADEA INVERSIONES, S.L. and various companies of the NH HOTELES, S.A. group, it should be noted that these agreements have actually been signed by the company PONTEGADEA INMOBILIARIA, S.L., a company that is 100% owned (indirectly) by PONTEGADEA INVERSIONES, S.L. The transactions set out in Section C.2, which were supposedly carried out between some NH Hoteles group companies and Corporación Financiera Caja Madrid, were actually effectuated with Bankia. Though Bankia is not a direct shareholder of NH Hoteles, it is an indirect shareholder because it fully owns the company Corporación Financiera Caja Madrid, which holds a 4.544% stake in NH Hoteles. SECTION C.3.: The loans between HOTELES PARTICIPADOS, S.L. and the company NH FINANCE, S.A. mentioned in the table contained in this section were actually entered into by different companies which form part of the HOTELES PARTICIPADOS, S.L. group. It should likewise be pointed out that two transactions have been joined together in a single mention due to technical reasons. Both these transactions were effectuated by Hoteles Participados, S.L. and NH Hoteles, S.A., namely a credit policy, 4,989,000 euros of which had been drawn down as at 31/12/2011, and a loan amounting to 2,576,000 euros. SECTION F.25.: It is systematic practice in the company and is part of its internal procedures, that when new directors are selected, they are given informative and refresher sessions with the different management structures to provide them with information about internal aspects of the Company to help them to perform their duties better as directors of NH Hoteles, S.A. You may include any other information, clarification or table in this section, related to the previous sections of the report, which may be relevant but not repetitive. Specifically, please indicate whether the company is subject to legislation other than Spanish in relation to corporate governance and, as applicable, include the information that must be provided and that is different to the information required by this report. Binding definition of independent director: Indicate whether any of the independent directors have or have had any relationship with the company, its significant shareholders or executives, which, if it had been sufficiently significant or important, would have meant that the director could not be considered independent pursuant to the definition set out in part 5 of the Unified Code of Governance: Sign and date: This annual corporate governance report has been approved by the company’s Board of Directors in its session of 28/03/2012 Indicate whether any directors voted against or abstained in relation to the approval of this report. NO NO 54 ANNUAL CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT

APENDIX TO THE 2011 ANNUAL CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT, INCLUDING ASPECTS COVERED BY ARTICLE 61B OF ACT 24/1988, OF 28 OF JULY, ON THE SECURITIES MARKET Act 2/2011, on Sustainable Economy, amends Act 24/1988, of 28 July, on the Securities Market (henceforward, LMV), introducing a new chapter VI, entitled “On the annual corporate governance report”. Chapter VI contains, among others, a new Article 61b on the dissemination and content of the Annual Corporate Governance Report. Article 61b repeals and revises the content of Articles 116, on the Annual Corporate Governance Report and 116b, which established the obligation to include additional information in the Management Report. In addition, it requires the Annual Corporate Governance Report to include a description of the main features of the internal risk control and management systems used in the financial reporting process. The 2011 Annual Corporate Governance Report has been based on the format provided on the CNMV website. The provisions of this Annexe have been added this Report wherever they are lacking in the CNMV template, including detailed information on the text of new Article 61b of the LMV, which is broken down under the following subheadings: 1. Securities that are not traded in a regulated European Union market, indicating, where relevant, the various types of shares, and the rights and obligations relating to each type of share. NH Hoteles, S.A. is listed on the Spanish and New York stock markets at Level 1 ADR. 2. Any restriction on the transmissibility of securities and any restriction on voting rights There are no restrictions in the company bylaws on the transmissibility of the shares from share capital. The restrictions on voting rights are the same as those for any other public limited company, with no specific restrictions on this right in the company bylaws other than those stipulated by law. 3. Regulations applicable to modification of the company bylaws. The regulations applicable to modification of the company bylaws are those established in Articles 285 and subsequent of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010, of 2 July, approving the revised text of the Capital Companies Act (henceforward Capital Companies Act), which require the approval of the General Shareholders’ Meeting by the majorities stipulated in Articles 194 and 201 of this Act. In the General Meeting held on 29 June 2011, the bylaws were adjusted to reflect the legislative changes in the area of Company Law, and some recommendations on corporate governance issued in the Unified Code of Good Governance published by the Spanish National Securities Market Commission were also introduced. The bylaws were also given a new more systematic and well-ordered structure. The new legislative developments are basically as follows: - Act 12/2010, of 30 June, amending Act 19/1988, of 12 July, on the Auditing of Accounts, Act 24/1988, of 28 July, on the Securities Market and the revised text of the Public Limited Companies Act approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1564/1989, of 22 December, to adapt it to EU regulations: this legal provision introduces, as of 1 July 2011, the prohibition on clauses limiting the maximum number of votes. As a result, the limitation was removed from the text of the bylaws (previous Article 15). In addition, Act 12/2010 introduces new instruments on the provision of information to shareholders and their participation (for example in the Electronic Shareholder Forum); it also modifies the make-up and powers of the Audit Committee. - The consolidated text of the Capital Companies Act, approved by Legislative Royal Decree 1/2010, of 2 July, Capital Companies Act: as this is a revised text of the previous text of the Limited Liability Companies Act and the Public Limited Companies Act, the content of the bylaws was adapted to reflect the text of this new legislation. - Royal Decree-Act13/2010, of 3 December, on fiscal, labour and liberalisation measures to promote investment and job creation: this legal provision introduces the possibility of announcing the General Shareholder’s Meeting on the company website (rather than in provincial newspapers). - Act 2/2011, of 4 March, on Sustainable Economy: among other things this amends the Securities Market Act (introducing a new Article 61c), which includes the obligation to publish an Annual Report on Directors’ Remuneration, which is to be disseminated and put to the vote, for consultation purposes, in the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting. 4. Significant agreements signed by the company and that come into force, are modified or are terminated in the case of a change in control of the company resulting from a public acquisition offer and the effects thereof. The NH Hoteles group has agreements signed with the partners of Residencial Marlín S.L. and Los Alcornoques de Sotogrande, S.L. that, given that the personal characteristics of the partners are essential for smooth running of projects involving these companies, establish that any change in effective control, either in the partners or in their respective parent companies, will result in a procedure enabling the other partner to leave the company with the right to have his or her shareholdings refunded and be compensated for any damages caused. The €650 million syndicated loan signed by group company NH Finance, S.A., as borrower, and a syndicate of banks on 2 August 2007 contains a clause establishing its early maturity in any circumstances giving rise to a change in control of the company NH Hoteles, S.A. In addition, the NH Hoteles Group has been granted loans and credits with a joint limit of €35 million containing a clause establishing their early maturity in the event of circumstances that give rise to a change in control of the company NH Hoteles, S.A. Hotel management contracts have been signed by Group subsidiaries in which the owner (or landlord) of the hotels may exercise the right to terminate these contracts in the case of a change in control of NH Hoteles S.A., understood as any situation in which one or more people acting together control at least 50.01% of the voting rights. Should such right be exercised, the owner of the hotels must pay the managing company sums that will vary depending on the time at which it is exercised, as compensation for the impact of the contract being terminated. For example, the management contracts signed between Hoteles Hesperia, S.A. (which is 99% owned by NH Hoteles España, S.L.) and the respective owners of the hotel establishments in question state that, should there be any change in the control of NH Hoteles, S.A., the owner could choose to terminate the management contract, being required to pay Hoteles Hesperia, S.A. an amount linked to its annual average income, as stipulated in the contracts. Lastly, Article 9 the company bylaws of Coperama Servicios a la Hostelería, S.L. states that the partners shall have a preferential share acquisition right if there is any change in the control of the company that holds the shares and the new partner is a competitor of the other partners. For these purposes, control shall be understood to have changed if a different third party directly or indirectly holds more than 50% of the company’s share capital or voting rights. The partner having changed their interest must notify the other partners of this fact and offer them the chance to acquire his or her shares at a reasonable price. ANNUAL CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 55

SECTION B.2.1.:<br />

As at 31 December 2011, the Executive Committee remained inactive as it had not held any meetings during 2011. Without prejudice to the above, the<br />

Board of Directors resolved to reactivate the Executive Committee at its meeting held on 18 January 2012 <strong>and</strong> appointed to it the following new members:<br />

Chairman: Mr Mariano Pérez Claver<br />

Members: Grupo Inversor Hesperia, S.A. (represented by José Antonio Castro Sousa)<br />

Mr Juan Llopart Pérez<br />

Mr Iñaki Arratíbel Olaziregi<br />

Mr Carlos González Fernández<br />

Mr Giles Pélisson<br />

The Executive Committee also has a Secretary <strong>and</strong> Deputy Secretary, who are the Board’s Secretary, Mr José María Mas Millet, <strong>and</strong> Deputy Secretary, Mr<br />

Leopoldo González Echenique Castellanos de Ubao.<br />

SECTION C.2.:<br />

In relation to the lease agreements between the significant shareholder PONTEGADEA INVERSIONES, S.L. <strong>and</strong> various companies of the NH HOTELES,<br />

S.A. group, it should be noted that these agreements have actually been signed by the company PONTEGADEA INMOBILIARIA, S.L., a company that is<br />

100% owned (indirectly) by PONTEGADEA INVERSIONES, S.L.<br />

The transactions set out in Section C.2, which were supposedly carried out between some NH Hoteles group companies <strong>and</strong> Corporación Financiera Caja<br />

Madrid, were actually effectuated with Bankia. Though Bankia is not a direct shareholder of NH Hoteles, it is an indirect shareholder because it fully owns<br />

the company Corporación Financiera Caja Madrid, which holds a 4.544% stake in NH Hoteles.<br />

SECTION C.3.:<br />

The loans between HOTELES PARTICIPADOS, S.L. <strong>and</strong> the company NH FINANCE, S.A. mentioned in the table contained in this section were actually<br />

entered into by different companies which form part of the HOTELES PARTICIPADOS, S.L. group.<br />

It should likewise be pointed out that two transactions have been joined together in a single mention due to technical reasons. Both these transactions were<br />

effectuated by Hoteles Participados, S.L. <strong>and</strong> NH Hoteles, S.A., namely a credit policy, 4,989,000 euros of which had been drawn down as at 31/12/2011,<br />

<strong>and</strong> a loan amounting to 2,576,000 euros.<br />

SECTION F.25.:<br />

It is systematic practice in the company <strong>and</strong> is part of its internal procedures, that when new directors are selected, they are given informative <strong>and</strong> refresher<br />

sessions with the different management structures to provide them with information about internal aspects of the Company to help them to perform their<br />

duties better as directors of NH Hoteles, S.A.<br />

You may include any other information, clarification or table in this section, related to the previous sections of the report, which may be relevant but not repetitive.<br />

Specifically, please indicate whether the company is subject to legislation other than Spanish in relation to corporate governance <strong>and</strong>, as applicable,<br />

include the information that must be provided <strong>and</strong> that is different to the information required by this report.<br />

Binding definition of independent director:<br />

Indicate whether any of the independent directors have or have had any relationship with the company, its significant shareholders or executives, which,<br />

if it had been sufficiently significant or important, would have meant that the director could not be considered independent pursuant to the definition set<br />

out in part 5 of the Unified Code of Governance:<br />

Sign <strong>and</strong> date:<br />

This annual corporate governance report has been approved by the company’s Board of Directors in its session of 28/03/2012<br />

Indicate whether any directors voted against or abstained in relation to the approval of this report.<br />

NO<br />

NO<br />

54<br />


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