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G. OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION If you consider that there is any relevant principle or aspect relating to the corporate governance practices applied by your company that has not been included in this report, please comment and explain their content below. SECTION A.3.: The information contained in table A.3 sets out exclusively the number of voting rights held directly by private individuals and legal entities that have the status of members of the Board of Directors. This number does not include the voting rights held by legal entities that have requested and assigned proprietary directors. SECTION A.5.: All relations of a commercial, contractual or corporate nature made between significant shareholders and the Company and/or its group have been described in section C.2 and C.3 (in so far as the significant shareholders are also Company directors. These relations have not been included in section A.5 since these transactions are considered to arise from the ordinary course of the Company’s business. SECTION B.1.2.: The table reflects the composition of the Board of Directors of NH Hoteles, S.A. at 31 December 2011. It should be mentioned that the Board of Directors accepted the resignation tendered by Caja de Ahorros de Valencia, Castellón y Alicante (Bancaja) on 18 January 2012 and that it appointed Corporación Financiera Caja Madrid to replace it. The change was due to the internal restructuring of the conglomerate of entities comprising Grupo Financiero de Ahorros. In addition, Mr Gilles Pélisson was appointed as a new independent director at the Board meeting mentioned above held on 18 January 2012. Furthermore, it should be pointed out that, at the General Meeting held on 29 June 2011, Grupo Financiero de Intermediación y Estudios, S.A. was appointed as a new proprietary director. Such company has yet to accept its appointment. Thus, in accordance with the provisions set forth in Article 214.3 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010 of 2 July approving the Revised Text of the Capital Companies Act, its appointment has yet to take effect. SECTION B.1.3.: With regard to the proprietary directors Mr Juan Llopart Pérez, Caja de Ahorros de Valencia, Castellón y Alicante (Bancaja) and Sociedad de Promoción y Participación Caja Madrid, S.A., it should be noted that though it has been indicated in this section that they were appointed by the indirect shareholder Banco Financiero y de Ahorros, they were actually appointed by the significant (direct) shareholders Sociedad de Promoción y Participación Caja Madrid, S.A. and Corporación Financiera Caja de Madrid, S.A., entities which belong to Grupo Caja Madrid. However, given that the system only allows one significant shareholder to be indicated, the decision has been taken to include the indirect shareholder and parent company of the aforementioned shareholders, the company Banco Financiero de Ahorros. SECTION: B.1.11.: In accordance with Article 42 of the bylaws of NH HOTELES, S.A., directors’ remuneration shall consist of an annual fixed concept as well as expenses for attending the meetings of the Board of Directors and its delegate and advisory committees, and the amounts of this remuneration shall be determined by the General Shareholders’ Meeting. Additionally and independent of the remuneration described in the above paragraph, share-based remuneration systems, or those involving assigning shares or stock options, may be put in place for directors. Implementation of these remuneration systems must be agreed by the General Shareholders’ Meeting, which shall determine the value of the shares that are taken as a reference, the number of options, the exercise price of the stock options, the duration of this remuneration system and any other conditions deemed appropriate. Likewise, similar remuneration systems may be established for other company personnel, directors or otherwise, provided they comply with the law. In addition to the remuneration referred to in the above two paragraphs, executive directors are entitled to receive additional remuneration for the executive duties they perform beyond those contemplated in the post of director. In particular, this remuneration shall be comprise the following items: (a) a fixed component, adapted to the services and responsibilities assumed; (b) a variable component, referenced to a company executive directorship performance indicator; (c) an attendance component, comprising suitable insurance and benefits systems; and (d) indemnity in the event of dismissal or any other type of termination of the legal relationship with the company that is not due to breaches attributable to the director. The determination of the amount of the remuneration components referred to in this paragraph shall be based on market conditions and shall take into account the responsibility and degree of commitment involved in the role assigned to each executive director. Along with the Annual Corporate Governance Report, the Board shall draw up an Annual Director Remuneration Report, which shall include complete, clear and comprehensible information on the company’s remuneration policy approved by the Board for the year in course, as well as for future years, as appropriate. It shall also include an overall summary of the remuneration policy implemented during the year, as well as a breakdown of the individual remuneration due to each of the directors. Such report will be disclosed and subject to a consultative vote as a separate point of the agenda at the General Shareholders’ Meeting. The amounts due on an individual basis to each director in 2011 for their fixed remuneration for belonging to the Board of Directors and the attendance allowances for attending the different Committee meetings were as follows: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR HOLDING OFFICE AT 31/12/2011: Mr Mariano Pérez Claver (appointed with effect as from 1/03/2011) - Annual remuneration as a Board member: 31,689.86 euros - Total: 31,689.86 euros. NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS HOLDING OFFICE AT 31/12/2011: Mr Iñaki Arratíbel Olaziregi - Annual remuneration as a Board member: 37,800 euros - Attendance allowance, Audit Committee: 22,191.12 euros - Total: 59,991.12 euros Caja de Ahorros de Valencia, Castellón y Alicante (BANCAJA) - Annual remuneration as a Board member: 37,800 euros - Attendance allowance, Executive Committee: 0 euros - Total: 37,800 euros Ms Rosalba Casiraghi - Annual remuneration as a Board member: 37,800 euros - Total: 37,800 euros 52 ANNUAL CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT

Mr Roberto Cibeira Moreiras - Annual remuneration as a Board member: 37,800 euros - Total: 37,800 euros Mr Carlos González Fernández (since his appointment on 29/06/2011) - Annual remuneration as a Board member. 19,262.46 euros - Attendance allowance, Audit and Control Committee: 9,246.30 euros - Total: 28,508.76 euros Grupo Inversor Hesperia, S.A. (GIHSA) - Annual remuneration as a Board member: 37,800 euros - Total: 37,800 euros Hoteles Participados, S.L. - Annual remuneration as a Board member: 37,800 euros - Attendance allowance, Audit Committee: 12,141.60 euros - Total: 49,941.60 euros Mr Francisco Javier Illa Ruiz - Annual remuneration as a Board member: 37,800 euros - Attendance allowance, Appointments and Remuneration Committee: 14,794.08 euros - Total: 52,594.08 euros Ms Nuria Iturriagagoitia Ripoll - Annual remuneration as a Board member: 37,800 euros - Attendance allowance, Appointments and Remuneration Committee: 14,794.08 euros - Total: 52,594.08 euros Mr Juan Llopart Pérez - Annual remuneration as a Board member: 37,800 euros - Attendance allowance, Audit Committee: 18,492.60 euros - Total: 56,292.60 euros Mr Miguel Rodríguez Domínguez: - Annual remuneration as a Board member: 37,800 euros - Total: 37,800 euros SOCIEDAD DE PROMOCIÓN Y PARTICIPACIÓN EMPRESARIAL CAJA MADRID - Annual remuneration as a Board member: 37,800 euros - Attendance allowance, Appointments and Remuneration Committee: 2,428.32 euros - Total: 40,228.32 euros EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR HOLDING OFFICE AT SOME POINT IN 2011, WHO NO LONGER HELD OFFICE ON 31/12/2011 Mr Gabriele Burgio (left the company on 28/02/2011) - Annual remuneration as a Board member: 6,110.14 euros - Total: 6,110.14 euros NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS HOLDING OFFICE AT SOME POINT IN 2011, WHO NO LONGER HELD OFFICE ON 31/12/2011 Mr Juan Antonio Samaranch Salisachs (tendered his resignation on 19/06/2011) - Annual remuneration as a Board member: 18,641.10 euros - Total: 18,641.10 euros Mr Antonio Viana Baptista (tendered his resignation on 17/07/2011) - Annual remuneration as a Board member: 21,540.82 euros Attendance allowance, Audit Committee: 9,246.30 euros - Total: 30,787.12 euros Mr José de Nadal Capará (his office expired on 19/06/2011 as he was not reappointed) - Annual remuneration as a Board member: 18,641.10 euros - Attendance allowance, Appointments and Remuneration Committee: 9,246.30 euros - Total: 27,887.40 The compensation and remuneration of the post-contractual no-competition agreement received by Mr Gabriele Burgio, which amounted to 6,566 thousand euros for all items, are included in the total amount received in 2011 by executive directors set out in Section B.1.11. He effectively left the group on 28 February 2011. SECTION B.1.12.: As regards the aggregate remuneration due to members of senior management during 2011, only their fixed remuneration has been reflected. SECTION B.1.38.: Due to the refinancing process, the Company is confident of having the refinancing process. Concluded before the maximum date established legally for the emission of the Auditor’s Report. SECTION B.1.40.: In relation to the shareholdings of Grupo Inversor Hesperia, S.A. in the share capital of companies with the same, similar or complementary activity type as NH Hoteles, S.A., it should be noted that the activity carried out by these companies consists of owning hotels that are operated by NH Hoteles, S.A. In relation to the reference made to the shareholding of Sociedad de Promoción y Participación Empresarial Caja Madrid, S.A. (SPPE) in the company Inversora de Hoteles Vacacionales, S.A., it should be expressly noted that in fact it is the company Estrategia Inversiones Empresariales, SCR de Régimen Simplificado, S.A., a company of the Caja Madrid group that is 100% owned by SPPE, which owns 25% of the aforementioned company. ANNUAL CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 53


If you consider that there is any relevant principle or aspect relating to the corporate governance practices applied by your company that has not been<br />

included in this report, please comment <strong>and</strong> explain their content below.<br />

SECTION A.3.:<br />

The information contained in table A.3 sets out exclusively the number of voting rights held directly by private individuals <strong>and</strong> legal entities that have<br />

the status of members of the Board of Directors. This number does not include the voting rights held by legal entities that have requested <strong>and</strong> assigned<br />

proprietary directors.<br />

SECTION A.5.:<br />

All relations of a commercial, contractual or corporate nature made between significant shareholders <strong>and</strong> the Company <strong>and</strong>/or its group have been<br />

described in section C.2 <strong>and</strong> C.3 (in so far as the significant shareholders are also Company directors. These relations have not been included in section<br />

A.5 since these transactions are considered to arise from the ordinary course of the Company’s business.<br />

SECTION B.1.2.:<br />

The table reflects the composition of the Board of Directors of NH Hoteles, S.A. at 31 December 2011. It should be mentioned that the Board of<br />

Directors accepted the resignation tendered by Caja de Ahorros de Valencia, Castellón y Alicante (Bancaja) on 18 January 2012 <strong>and</strong> that it appointed<br />

Corporación Financiera Caja Madrid to replace it. The change was due to the internal restructuring of the conglomerate of entities comprising Grupo<br />

Financiero de Ahorros. In addition, Mr Gilles Pélisson was appointed as a new independent director at the Board meeting mentioned above held on<br />

18 January 2012.<br />

Furthermore, it should be pointed out that, at the General Meeting held on 29 June 2011, Grupo Financiero de Intermediación y Estudios, S.A. was<br />

appointed as a new proprietary director. Such company has yet to accept its appointment. Thus, in accordance with the provisions set forth in Article 214.3<br />

of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010 of 2 July approving the Revised Text of the Capital Companies Act, its appointment has yet to take effect.<br />

SECTION B.1.3.:<br />

With regard to the proprietary directors Mr Juan Llopart Pérez, Caja de Ahorros de Valencia, Castellón y Alicante (Bancaja) <strong>and</strong> Sociedad de Promoción y<br />

Participación Caja Madrid, S.A., it should be noted that though it has been indicated in this section that they were appointed by the indirect shareholder<br />

Banco Financiero y de Ahorros, they were actually appointed by the significant (direct) shareholders Sociedad de Promoción y Participación Caja Madrid,<br />

S.A. <strong>and</strong> Corporación Financiera Caja de Madrid, S.A., entities which belong to Grupo Caja Madrid. However, given that the system only allows one<br />

significant shareholder to be indicated, the decision has been taken to include the indirect shareholder <strong>and</strong> parent company of the aforementioned<br />

shareholders, the company Banco Financiero de Ahorros.<br />

SECTION: B.1.11.:<br />

In accordance with Article 42 of the bylaws of NH HOTELES, S.A., directors’ remuneration shall consist of an annual fixed concept as well as expenses for<br />

attending the meetings of the Board of Directors <strong>and</strong> its delegate <strong>and</strong> advisory committees, <strong>and</strong> the amounts of this remuneration shall be determined<br />

by the General Shareholders’ Meeting.<br />

Additionally <strong>and</strong> independent of the remuneration described in the above paragraph, share-based remuneration systems, or those involving assigning<br />

shares or stock options, may be put in place for directors. Implementation of these remuneration systems must be agreed by the General Shareholders’<br />

Meeting, which shall determine the value of the shares that are taken as a reference, the number of options, the exercise price of the stock options, the<br />

duration of this remuneration system <strong>and</strong> any other conditions deemed appropriate. Likewise, similar remuneration systems may be established for other<br />

company personnel, directors or otherwise, provided they comply with the law.<br />

In addition to the remuneration referred to in the above two paragraphs, executive directors are entitled to receive additional remuneration for the<br />

executive duties they perform beyond those contemplated in the post of director. In particular, this remuneration shall be comprise the following items:<br />

(a) a fixed component, adapted to the services <strong>and</strong> responsibilities assumed; (b) a variable component, referenced to a company executive directorship<br />

performance indicator; (c) an attendance component, comprising suitable insurance <strong>and</strong> benefits systems; <strong>and</strong> (d) indemnity in the event of dismissal or<br />

any other type of termination of the legal relationship with the company that is not due to breaches attributable to the director. The determination of the<br />

amount of the remuneration components referred to in this paragraph shall be based on market conditions <strong>and</strong> shall take into account the responsibility<br />

<strong>and</strong> degree of commitment involved in the role assigned to each executive director.<br />

Along with the Annual Corporate Governance Report, the Board shall draw up an Annual Director Remuneration Report, which shall include complete,<br />

clear <strong>and</strong> comprehensible information on the company’s remuneration policy approved by the Board for the year in course, as well as for future years, as<br />

appropriate. It shall also include an overall summary of the remuneration policy implemented during the year, as well as a breakdown of the individual<br />

remuneration due to each of the directors. Such report will be disclosed <strong>and</strong> subject to a consultative vote as a separate point of the agenda at the General<br />

Shareholders’ Meeting.<br />

The amounts due on an individual basis to each director in 2011 for their fixed remuneration for belonging to the Board of Directors <strong>and</strong> the attendance<br />

allowances for attending the different Committee meetings were as follows:<br />


Mr Mariano Pérez Claver (appointed with effect as from 1/03/2011)<br />

- Annual remuneration as a Board member: 31,689.86 euros<br />

- Total: 31,689.86 euros.<br />


Mr Iñaki Arratíbel Olaziregi<br />

- Annual remuneration as a Board member: 37,800 euros<br />

- Attendance allowance, Audit Committee: 22,191.12 euros<br />

- Total: 59,991.12 euros<br />

Caja de Ahorros de Valencia, Castellón y Alicante (BANCAJA)<br />

- Annual remuneration as a Board member: 37,800 euros<br />

- Attendance allowance, Executive Committee: 0 euros<br />

- Total: 37,800 euros<br />

Ms Rosalba Casiraghi<br />

- Annual remuneration as a Board member: 37,800 euros<br />

- Total: 37,800 euros<br />

52<br />


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