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The directors shall be obliged to provide the information requested in relation to the above two sections, except when, in the opinion of the chairman, publication of the requested information may damage the Company’s interests. Information cannot be refused when the request is supported by shareholders that represent at least one quarter of the share capital. Shareholders’ suggestions Notwithstanding shareholders’ right, under those situations and terms provided for under the law, to request the inclusion of specific items on the agenda of the Meeting they are requesting, shareholders may make suggestions regarding the organisation, running and competencies of the General Shareholders’ Meeting at any given time, subject to accreditation of their status as shareholders. Right to attendance Article 12 of the regulation includes everything related to the right to attendance. It establishes that shareholders may attend the General Shareholders’ Meeting if they own the statutory minimum number of shares registered in their name in the corresponding book entry registry five days before the date of the Meeting, provided that they can accredit this fact by means of the appropriate registered attendance card or certificate issued by any of the participating entities in charge of the register, or directly by the Company itself, or in any other format allowed under prevailing legislation. This card or certificate may be used by shareholders as a document for appointing proxies for the Meeting in question. Shareholders that do not own the minimum number of shares required to attend may, at any given time, delegate representation of their shares as indicated in the following Article, to a shareholder entitled to attend the Meeting, or also join with other shareholders in the same situation in order to reach the minimum number of shares required, in which case they must appoint one of the shareholders in the group to represent them. Groups must be formed anew for each General Shareholders’ Meeting and be accredited in writing. The chairman may authorise the attendance of any person deemed appropriate, although the Meeting may revoke this authorisation. Right to delegation and proxy Article 13 of the General Meeting Regulations sets forth that any shareholder who is entitled to attend a General Meeting may be represented in it by another person, even though such person is not a shareholder. The proxy has to be accepted by the proxy holder and has to be specifically granted for each General Meeting, either through the proxy form printed on the voting card or by any other means allowed by the Law. Proxy can also be granted via electronic or online means of communication that duly guarantee the proxy and the identity of the represented party. Proxy granted by these means shall be accepted when the electronic document that confers the appointment includes the recognised electronic signature used by the appointee, or another form of signature that provides adequate guarantees of authenticity and identification of the shareholder conferring proxy, and complies with the other requirements legally established at that time. The documents in which such delegations or proxies for the General Meeting appear shall reflect voting instructions. If no such express voting instructions appear, it shall be construed that the proxy holder shall vote in favour of the proposals put forward by the Board of Directors for resolutions on the items included in the agenda. Should there be no such voting instructions because the General Meeting is to take a vote on resolutions which did not appear on the agenda and therefore unknown on the date the proxy was granted, the proxy holder may cast the vote in the way he/she deems most suitable, taking into account the company’s interests. The same shall apply to any corresponding proposal or proposals brought before the Meeting which were not drawn up by the Board of Directors. If the identity of the party the shareholder has appointed as proxy is not indicated on the representation or delegation document, the proxy shall be deemed to be granted to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company, or to the party assigned to this role, or to the party standing in for the Chairman in the General Shareholders’ Meeting. In the event of public requests for proxies, the provisions set forth in Article 186 of the Revised Text of the Capital Companies Act and, as appropriate, Article 514 of said legal text shall apply. In particular, the document on which the power of attorney appears shall contain or have attached the agenda, along with instructions to exercise the right to vote and an indication of how the proxy holder must cast the vote should there be no precise instructions. In such cases, the director or person obtaining the proxy may not exercise the right to vote corresponding to the shares thus represented by proxy on any items on the agenda in which they have a conflict of interest, and also with respect to any resolutions on (i) his/her appointment or ratification, dismissal, suspension or removal from office as a director; (ii) derivative actions proposed against him/her; (iii) the approval or ratification of the company’s transactions with the director in question, with the companies controlled by him/her or which he/she may represent or with any people acting on his/her behalf. Foreseeing the possibility of conflicts, the proxy may be granted to another person on a subsidiary basis. Proxies may be revoked at any time. Personal attendance at the General Meeting shall revoke the proxy. Right to vote The shareholders present or represented by proxy at the Meeting may exercise their right to vote on the resolutions put to the Meeting. Resolutions shall be adopted by the legally established majorities, with one vote corresponding to one share. Shareholders that are natural persons without the full capacity to act, and shareholders that are legal entities, shall be represented by parties legally accredited to represent them. In all circumstances, both for cases of voluntary proxy and for legal proxy, no more than one proxy may be present at the Meeting. The Chairman of the General Shareholders’ Meeting or, through delegation, the Secretary thereof, shall settle any questions which may arise concerning the validity and efficacy of documents from which any shareholders’ right to attend General Meetings on an individual basis or through pooling their shares with other shareholders are derived, as well as any regarding delegating or granting proxies to another person. They shall solely deem as invalid and ineffective those documents which fail to meet essential minimum legal or statutory requirements, provided such defects have not been corrected. E.4. Indicate, as applicable, the measures adopted to promote the participation of shareholders in General Shareholder’s Meetings. From the date the General Meeting announcement is published, the company shall place at the disposal of its shareholders any documents and information on the items included on the agenda which must be provided to them legally or statutorily, and shall post such documents and information on the company’s website from such date. Without prejudice to the foregoing, shareholders shall be able to obtain such documents and information at the company’s registered address immediately and at no charge, or request their delivery free of charge in legally established circumstances and under legally established terms. Likewise, from the date the General Meeting’s announcement is published, the company shall post on its website any documents and information that may legally be required as they become available, as well any others the company may deem suitable for these purposes in order to foster shareholder attendance and participation at General Meetings. 40 ANNUAL CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT

In any event, the website shall contain the Bylaws, the General Meeting Regulations, the Board of Directors Regulations and, as appropriate, the Regulations of the Board of Directors’ Committees, the Annual Report, the Internal Code of Conduct, Corporate Governance Reports, the announcements of ordinary and extraordinary General Meetings, the proposals submitted to be voted, and the documents and information which must be placed at the disposal of shareholders from the date of the announcement, according to prevailing legislation. It shall also contain information on General Meetings which have been held, and in particular, on the composition of the General Meeting at the moment it was convened and the resolutions adopted, along with the number of votes cast for and against; existing channels of communication with the company and the means and procedures to appoint proxies at General Meetings; the means and procedures for remote voting, as well as relevant disclosures Such information may be subject to change at any time; in which case, the relevant amendments and clarifications shall be posted on the company’s website. Additionally, an Electronic Shareholders’ Forum has been set up to facilitate shareholder communications prior to upcoming General Meetings, and to serve as an instrument to post proposals to be added to the agenda, requests for support for such proposals, initiatives aimed at reaching a the percentage needed to exercise minority rights or voluntary proxy solicitations. From the moment the notice of the General Shareholders’ Meeting is published, until seven day prior to the date of the first call, any shareholder may request the information or clarifications they deem appropriate, in writing, from the Company’s Board of Directors, or may prepare, in writing, any questions they deem appropriate regarding the matters included on the Meeting agenda published in the notice of the Meeting, or regarding the publicly available information that the Company may have filed with the National Securities Market Commission since the immediately preceding General Shareholders’ Meeting was held. The Board of Directors shall be obliged to provide in writing the information or clarifications thus requested, as well as to respond in writing to any questions thus formulated up to the date the General Meeting is due to be held. The responses to the questions and the requests for information thus made shall be handled by the Secretary of the Board of Directors, by any of the Board members or by any person expressly empowered to do so by the Board of Directors. The directors shall be obliged to provide the information requested, except in cases where, in the Chairman’s judgement, disclosure of the information thus requested would prejudice the company’s interests, unless the request has received the backing of shareholders representing at least one-fourth of the company’s share capital. At the General Meeting, the Company’s shareholders may verbally request any information and clarifications they deem necessary about the issues included in the agenda, and should it be impossible to fulfil the shareholder’s right at that moment, the directors shall be obliged to provide such information in writing within seven days from the end of the Meeting. In all events, and for the purpose of facilitating communication between shareholders and the Company, an Investor Relations and Shareholders Department is available to shareholders, which they may contact via e-mail or telephone in order to settle any issues arising in relation to the corporate governance of the Company. In addition to all of the above, NH Hoteles, S.A. has created a webpage informing shareholders and investors in general about the most relevant occurring in the Company. The corporate website includes important information and documents on corporate governance and is designed to be a communication channel with shareholders, providing them with up to date information about every relevant aspect. E.5. Indicate whether the position of Chairman of the General Shareholders’ Meeting coincides with the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors. Describe, where applicable, what measures are taken to guarantee the independence and correct conduct of the General Shareholders’ Meeting: YES Describe the measures The Regulations of the Board of Directors, which governs everything related to calling, preparing and conducting the General Shareholders’ Meeting, as well as shareholders’ rights, guarantee the correct conduct of the Meeting. A notary public is also present to take the minutes of the Meeting and to perform the functions associated with making these records, such organising the order of speeches established for the Meeting, and taking notes or recording contributions that shareholders wish to make. E.6. Indicate, as applicable, and changes made during the financial year to the Regulations on General Shareholders’ Meetings. The General Meeting held on 29 June 2011 passed a resolution to amend some articles of the General Shareholders’ Meeting Regulations in order to adapt them to recently enacted legislation, which can be basically summed up as follows: - Revised Text of the Capital Companies Act, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010, of 2 July: As this is a revised text of provisions previously contained in the Limited Companies Act and the Public Limited Companies Act, the contents of the Board Regulations were adapted to the new legislative text. - Act 12/2010 of 30 of June amending the Auditing of Accounts Act and actions in the fiscal, labour-related and liberalising spheres to promote investment and job creation, as well as the Securities Market Act, among other legal provisions: This Act introduced the prohibition of clauses limiting the maximum number of votes, with effect from 1 July 2011. By virtue thereof, this limitation was eliminated from the Regulations’ text. Furthermore, Act 12/2010 introduced new reporting and shareholder participation mechanisms, such as the Electronic Shareholders’ Forum, which is reflected in the new Article 10.3. - Royal Decree-Law 13/2010 of 3 December on actions in the fiscal, labour-related and liberalising spheres to promote investment and job creation. By virtue of this legal provision, the possibility of posting the meeting announcement on the company’s website (instead of in provincial newspapers) was introduced. It was likewise deemed appropriate to incorporate other recommendations from the Unified Code of Good Governance, in addition to those introduced in recent years, such as Recommendation 9, which proposes bringing “transactions whose effect would be equivalent to winding up the company” before the General Meeting for approval. ANNUAL CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 41

The directors shall be obliged to provide the information requested in relation to the above two sections, except when, in the opinion of the chairman,<br />

publication of the requested information may damage the Company’s interests.<br />

Information cannot be refused when the request is supported by shareholders that represent at least one quarter of the share capital.<br />

Shareholders’ suggestions<br />

Notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing shareholders’ right, under those situations <strong>and</strong> terms provided for under the law, to request the inclusion of specific items on the<br />

agenda of the Meeting they are requesting, shareholders may make suggestions regarding the organisation, running <strong>and</strong> competencies of the General<br />

Shareholders’ Meeting at any given time, subject to accreditation of their status as shareholders.<br />

Right to attendance<br />

Article 12 of the regulation includes everything related to the right to attendance. It establishes that shareholders may attend the General Shareholders’<br />

Meeting if they own the statutory minimum number of shares registered in their name in the corresponding book entry registry five days before the<br />

date of the Meeting, provided that they can accredit this fact by means of the appropriate registered attendance card or certificate issued by any of the<br />

participating entities in charge of the register, or directly by the Company itself, or in any other format allowed under prevailing legislation. This card or<br />

certificate may be used by shareholders as a document for appointing proxies for the Meeting in question. Shareholders that do not own the minimum<br />

number of shares required to attend may, at any given time, delegate representation of their shares as indicated in the following Article, to a shareholder<br />

entitled to attend the Meeting, or also join with other shareholders in the same situation in order to reach the minimum number of shares required, in which<br />

case they must appoint one of the shareholders in the group to represent them. Groups must be formed anew for each General Shareholders’ Meeting<br />

<strong>and</strong> be accredited in writing.<br />

The chairman may authorise the attendance of any person deemed appropriate, although the Meeting may revoke this authorisation.<br />

Right to delegation <strong>and</strong> proxy<br />

Article 13 of the General Meeting Regulations sets forth that any shareholder who is entitled to attend a General Meeting may be represented in it by<br />

another person, even though such person is not a shareholder. The proxy has to be accepted by the proxy holder <strong>and</strong> has to be specifically granted for<br />

each General Meeting, either through the proxy form printed on the voting card or by any other means allowed by the Law.<br />

Proxy can also be granted via electronic or online means of communication that duly guarantee the proxy <strong>and</strong> the identity of the represented party. Proxy<br />

granted by these means shall be accepted when the electronic document that confers the appointment includes the recognised electronic signature used<br />

by the appointee, or another form of signature that provides adequate guarantees of authenticity <strong>and</strong> identification of the shareholder conferring proxy,<br />

<strong>and</strong> complies with the other requirements legally established at that time.<br />

The documents in which such delegations or proxies for the General Meeting appear shall reflect voting instructions. If no such express voting instructions<br />

appear, it shall be construed that the proxy holder shall vote in favour of the proposals put forward by the Board of Directors for resolutions on the items<br />

included in the agenda.<br />

Should there be no such voting instructions because the General Meeting is to take a vote on resolutions which did not appear on the agenda <strong>and</strong><br />

therefore unknown on the date the proxy was granted, the proxy holder may cast the vote in the way he/she deems most suitable, taking into account<br />

the company’s interests. The same shall apply to any corresponding proposal or proposals brought before the Meeting which were not drawn up by the<br />

Board of Directors.<br />

If the identity of the party the shareholder has appointed as proxy is not indicated on the representation or delegation document, the proxy shall be<br />

deemed to be granted to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company, or to the party assigned to this role, or to the party st<strong>and</strong>ing in for the<br />

Chairman in the General Shareholders’ Meeting.<br />

In the event of public requests for proxies, the provisions set forth in Article 186 of the Revised Text of the Capital Companies Act <strong>and</strong>, as appropriate, Article<br />

514 of said legal text shall apply. In particular, the document on which the power of attorney appears shall contain or have attached the agenda, along with<br />

instructions to exercise the right to vote <strong>and</strong> an indication of how the proxy holder must cast the vote should there be no precise instructions. In such cases, the<br />

director or person obtaining the proxy may not exercise the right to vote corresponding to the shares thus represented by proxy on any items on the agenda<br />

in which they have a conflict of interest, <strong>and</strong> also with respect to any resolutions on (i) his/her appointment or ratification, dismissal, suspension or removal from<br />

office as a director; (ii) derivative actions proposed against him/her; (iii) the approval or ratification of the company’s transactions with the director in question,<br />

with the companies controlled by him/her or which he/she may represent or with any people acting on his/her behalf.<br />

Foreseeing the possibility of conflicts, the proxy may be granted to another person on a subsidiary basis.<br />

Proxies may be revoked at any time. Personal attendance at the General Meeting shall revoke the proxy.<br />

Right to vote<br />

The shareholders present or represented by proxy at the Meeting may exercise their right to vote on the resolutions put to the Meeting. Resolutions shall<br />

be adopted by the legally established majorities, with one vote corresponding to one share.<br />

Shareholders that are natural persons without the full capacity to act, <strong>and</strong> shareholders that are legal entities, shall be represented by parties legally<br />

accredited to represent them.<br />

In all circumstances, both for cases of voluntary proxy <strong>and</strong> for legal proxy, no more than one proxy may be present at the Meeting.<br />

The Chairman of the General Shareholders’ Meeting or, through delegation, the Secretary thereof, shall settle any questions which may arise concerning<br />

the validity <strong>and</strong> efficacy of documents from which any shareholders’ right to attend General Meetings on an individual basis or through pooling their<br />

shares with other shareholders are derived, as well as any regarding delegating or granting proxies to another person. They shall solely deem as invalid<br />

<strong>and</strong> ineffective those documents which fail to meet essential minimum legal or statutory requirements, provided such defects have not been corrected.<br />

E.4. Indicate, as applicable, the measures adopted to promote the participation of shareholders in General Shareholder’s Meetings.<br />

From the date the General Meeting announcement is published, the company shall place at the disposal of its shareholders any documents <strong>and</strong><br />

information on the items included on the agenda which must be provided to them legally or statutorily, <strong>and</strong> shall post such documents <strong>and</strong> information<br />

on the company’s website from such date. Without prejudice to the foregoing, shareholders shall be able to obtain such documents <strong>and</strong> information at<br />

the company’s registered address immediately <strong>and</strong> at no charge, or request their delivery free of charge in legally established circumstances <strong>and</strong> under<br />

legally established terms.<br />

Likewise, from the date the General Meeting’s announcement is published, the company shall post on its website any documents <strong>and</strong> information that<br />

may legally be required as they become available, as well any others the company may deem suitable for these purposes in order to foster shareholder<br />

attendance <strong>and</strong> participation at General Meetings.<br />

40<br />


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