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715. Dëgg a neex Yàlla. (15)<br />

Only the truth pleases God.<br />

This is usually said before telling someone an unpleasant truth.<br />

“He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God<br />

who does no wrong, upright and just is he.” (Deuteronomy 32:4 NIV)<br />

“Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost<br />

place.” (Psalms 51:6 NIV)<br />

716. Dëgg, puso bu réer la : gune man na ko for, mag man na ko for. (6,15)<br />

Dëgg, puso bu réer la : mag dana ko for, ndaw dana ko for. (2)<br />

717. Xel, puso bu réer la, mag dina ko for, xale dina ko for. (10,20)<br />

718. Xam-xam, puso bu réer la, mag dina ko for, xale dina ko for. (7)<br />

The truth/wisdom/knowledge is like a lost needle: a child could pick it up just as<br />

easily as an adult.<br />

One says this when a child happens to say a truth which surprises an adult.<br />

719. Dëgg, kaani la, ku ñu ko xëpp nga toxoñu. (2,3,5,6,20)<br />

Dëgg kaani la, koo ko tuuf mu toxoñu. (14)<br />

The truth is like chilli. If it is thrown in your face, you will rub your eyes.<br />

Truth hurts. The truth is not always pleasant to hear.<br />

“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who<br />

is the Head, that is, Christ.” (Ephesians 4:15 NIV)<br />

“Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.” (Proverbs<br />

27:6 NIV)<br />

720. Fen wuy defarug mbokk a gën dëgg gu koy yàq. (2,3,5,20)<br />

Fen wuy defar moo gën dëgg guy yàq. (6,19)<br />

A lie that reconciles people is better to a truth that puts them apart.<br />

If you know of someone, something which can be hidden to another person or family,<br />

whom knowing about it can break their relationship with that particular person, it's better<br />

to keep that truth to yourself.<br />

721. Bukki nee : “Li ñépp wax ay dëgg !” (2)<br />

Li ñépp wax ay dëgg. (19)<br />

The hyena says “What everyone says must be the truth!”<br />

What most people say will be believed as being true. The hyena is often quoted as a source<br />

of wisdom.<br />

722. “Sa gémmiñ xasaw na”, sa doomu-ndey a la koy wax. (2,8)<br />

“Sa gémmiñ gi xasaw na” sa mbokk a la koy wax. (19)<br />

Only your close relative can tell you that you have bad breath.<br />

One should not take offence at what such a relative says. But a cross-cousin equally well<br />

has a duty to criticize when necessary, and say what it would be offensive for others to<br />

say. Because he cares, a close relative might tell you an unpleasant truth.<br />


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