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39. Jikko dana soppiku jaan walbatiku màtt boroom ba. (2,3,5,6)<br />

Character transforms into a serpent and bites its master.<br />

The character of a person can be harmful to himself.<br />

A certain woman is particularly demanding and quarrelsome. After a certain time her<br />

husband sends her back to her parents. Her father, who knows her well, tells her this<br />

proverb.<br />

40. Xam nit, xam jikkoom a ko gën. (2)<br />

Xam sa waay, xam jikkoom a ko gën. (19)<br />

It is better to know a person's character than to simply know him.<br />

Choice<br />

41. Wat a gën wef. (4,6)<br />

It is better to shave your hair than pluck hairs out.<br />

“You're between the devil and the deep blue sea.”<br />

“You're between a rock and a hard place.”<br />

“Better lose the saddle than the horse.”<br />

You should choose the lesser of two evils.<br />

Co-operation<br />

42. Benn loxo du tàccu. (2,3,5,6,7,20)<br />

One hand cannot clap.<br />

People who share a common interest need to work together to achieve a common goal.<br />

43. Janax yu bari duñu gas menn pax. (18)<br />

Many mice do not dig the same hole.<br />

“Too many cooks spoil the broth.”<br />

It is not practical for several to do the work that only requires one person. When we do not<br />

have the same interests, then the results of calling others to help where we could have done<br />

it on our own risk being mediocre. This is often used by the facilitator of a meeting to<br />

prove that working in smaller groups is more efficient than working in large groups.<br />

44. Lu kenn mën, ñaar a ko ko dàq. (2,6)<br />

What one person can do, two can do better.<br />

“Many hands make light work.”<br />

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one<br />

falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no<br />

one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how<br />

can one keep warm alone Though one may be overpowered, two can defend<br />

themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12<br />

NIV)<br />

45. Sanqaleñ yu bari men nañoo watat janax ju dee. (18)<br />

Many ants can drag a dead mouse.<br />

“Many hands make light work.”<br />

“Little strokes fell great oaks.”<br />

“There is strength in numbers.”<br />

“United we stand!”<br />

“Strength through unity.”<br />


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