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Self-evaluation<br />

626. Bët du yenu, waaye xam na lu bopp àttan. (2,3,5,6,8,9,10,15,19,20)<br />

Bët du yenu, waaye xam na lu bopp antan. (6)<br />

Bët du yenu, wande lu bopp àttan xam na ko. (4,13)<br />

The eye does not carry a load, but it knows what the head is capable of carrying.<br />

Everyone is able to judge for himself what his own capabilities are.<br />

Self reliance<br />

627. Manees na laa takkal jabar, yóbbul la ko ci sa néeg, waaye il ci des, yow rekk a ko mana def.<br />

(6,15)<br />

One can give you a wife, and bear all the costs to bring her to your home, but the<br />

rest only you can do.<br />

One must learn to depend on oneself, because there will always be situations where one is<br />

obliged to deal with a difficulty on one's own.<br />

628. Ku ñaan ñàkk, boo jëndee am. (2,15)<br />

Ku ñaan ñàkk, boo jëndee moom. (11,12)<br />

What you cannot obtain by begging you will be able to obtain if you pay the price.<br />

One should rely on oneself, not others, and maintain one's independence through hard<br />

work. What one earns for oneself is always better than what one is given.<br />

629. Lu la waay maye kon jën, na la ko jàngale napp moo gën. (12)<br />

As good as it is for your friend to give you fish, it is even better for him to teach<br />

you to fish.<br />

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a<br />

lifetime.”<br />

Shame<br />

630. Gàcce bu reyul semmal. (9)<br />

When shame does not kill you, it does at least harm you.<br />

631. Mbañ gàcce. (9)<br />

Avoid shame.<br />

632. Bët bu rusul, toj. (2,7,9,11,12,19)<br />

Bët bu rusul, tuuru. (15)<br />

The eye which is not sensitive to shame will explode.<br />

In Wolof society, shame and scruples are the most important factors which condition an<br />

individual to submit to the moral and social values of the culture. The person who is not<br />

controlled by a sense of shame will inevitably fall in ruin or debauchery.<br />

Sharing<br />

633. Ku amul bopp, na am ay tank. (6,13)<br />

He who does not have the head (of the sheep) should at least receive a foot.<br />

He who does not receive the best parts should at least receive something.<br />


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