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557. Kenn du toog ci bànqaas di ko gor. (6)<br />

No one cuts the branch on which he is sitting.<br />

“Don't cut your nose off to spite your face.”<br />

558. Kenn du boole say nen yépp ci genn leket. (6)<br />

No one puts all his eggs in the same calabash.<br />

“Do not put all your eggs in one basket.”<br />

559. Ku sol tubéyu nékk du jaaru. (6,13)<br />

The person who wears pants of animal fat will not need to warm himself up.<br />

In certain situations, one does not take risks.<br />

560. Ni ñuy def saa njëkk kenn du ko def saa béjjén. (20)<br />

That which one dares to do to a sheep without horns, one would never think of<br />

doing to a ram with horns.<br />

561. Bëréb bukkeek mbaam yàgg-yàgg mbaam ay dee. (12)<br />

Bëréb bukkeek mbaam. (2)<br />

In a wrestling match between an hyena and a donkey, eventually the donkey will<br />

die.<br />

The weak will always be overcome by the strong, so they should not fight with them.<br />

562. Bët du gis la koy fatt. (9,16,20)<br />

Bët, la koy fatt, du ko gis. (2,8,19)<br />

Something which gets into the eye, the eye cannot see.<br />

The things that you do sometimes come back at you with consequences that you do not<br />

expect. Therefore you should be careful in all that you do.<br />

But if you fail to do this, you will be sinning against the LORD; and you may be<br />

sure that your sin will find you out. (Numbers 32:23 NIV)<br />

563. Làmbi bukki, béy du ca wàlli. (2,3,5)<br />

Béy du wàlli ci sabarug bukki. (19)<br />

The place where the hyenas put on a wrestling match is not an event for a goat to<br />

attend.<br />

Lamin is travelling far from home. Someone offers him a place to stay and tells him how<br />

to get there. But Lamin gets lost and asks an old man the way. The man is surprised that<br />

Lamin has the intention of passing the night there as the family has the reputation of being<br />

sorcerers. To try and persuade Lamin not to go there he cites this proverb.<br />

Rama is very proud to have received her first pay check. On her way home she stops to<br />

window-shop. Now being late she takes a shortcut along an infamous street where<br />

someone snatches her bag. She arrives home crying and tells her father the story. He cites<br />

this proverb.<br />

564. Boroom caq war nay moytu boroom baatub neen. (2)<br />

Boroom caq day moytu boroom yoqeel. (14)<br />

The owner of a necklace should beware of him who has a bare neck.<br />

One should be wary of one's company, especially the person in need.<br />

565. Suuxlu mbër, làng ak moom a ko gën, muy bëre di daan ngay ree. (20)<br />

It is better to be on the same side as a champion than against him. If you are on<br />

his side you can rejoice in his victories.<br />

“Discretion is the better part of valour.”<br />


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