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469. Lu Naar gis ci mbuusam, ba sànni ko, ku ko for it du am njeriñ. (20)<br />

What the Mauritanian has seen in his bag, and has thrown away, whoever picks it<br />

up again, will have no benefit.<br />

A comment on the perceived stinginess of Mauritanians.<br />

Means<br />

470. Bala nga ne “naam”, ne fa. (2,6,8,9,14,19,20)<br />

Bala nga wuyu nekk fa. (4,13)<br />

Bala nga naan naam, ne fa. (7)<br />

Before you answer “yes”, you must be there.<br />

To do something one has to have the means.<br />

471. Saaku bu deful dara du taxaw. (18,19)<br />

Saaku bu deful, du taxaw. (11,12)<br />

An empty sack cannot stand upright.<br />

One cannot put a lot of energy into a project without the means. Without a good material<br />

foundation any project is bound to fail.<br />

472. Yërmande day wàññi doole. (14)<br />

Mercy makes one weak.<br />

Mercy<br />

Merit<br />

473. Bu ñépp yemee, am ñu gedd seen cër. (7,9)<br />

Bu ñépp yemee, am ñu gedd seen wall. (15)<br />

If one divides equally between all, there will be those who refuse their share.<br />

One cannot put on the same level the worker and the idle; those who are knowledgeable<br />

and those who are ignorant; the traitor and the hero. Justice demands that each receives<br />

according to his merit.<br />

Miserliness<br />

474. Kuy aaye xobu màngo, doo ca mayeeb doom. (2,6)<br />

The person who does not permit you to touch the leaves of the mango tree will not<br />

give you its fruit.<br />

475. Sakkantal du la taxa texe. (13)<br />

Being miserly will not cause you to be saved.<br />

One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes<br />

to poverty. (Proverbs 11:24 NIV)<br />

Misfortune<br />

476. Dereti bopp du moy mbaggum boroom. (11,12)<br />

Deretu bopp, du moy mbagg. (20)<br />

Deretu bopp, du moy mbagg moy baat. (2)<br />

The blood which runs from the head will inevitably fall on the shoulders.<br />

A misfortune which afflicts those close to us will also affect us.<br />


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