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402. Buur bu amul i nit du doon buur. (4)<br />

Buur bu amul ay gaay, nguuram wóoral. (13)<br />

A king without subjects is no king.<br />

A large population is a king’s glory, but without subjects a prince is ruined.<br />

(Proverbs 14:28 NIV)<br />

403. Buur du mbokk. (2,6,7,8,15,17,18,19)<br />

Buur du mbokk, du jeneen. (1)<br />

A king is not a relative.<br />

A ruler should rule with impartiality and not give privileges to his relatives and friends.<br />

This proverb was one of a series of four sayings from a famous story from the life of Kocc<br />

Barma Fall, a sage from the 19th century, concerning his four pigtails.<br />

404. Sopp buur aayul, wànte buur sopp laa ko gën. (4,6)<br />

Sopp buur aayul, wànte buur bu la sopp a ko gën. (13)<br />

It is not bad to love the King, but it is even better to be loved by the King.<br />

405. Waxu buur waaw lay sant. (20)<br />

The words of a king have the surname "Yes".<br />

Mamoussé Diagne explains that there is always a risk in contradicting the words of a ruler<br />

or powerful person. His authority lies in his position, not his person. What he says is<br />

unimportant, and since he has power acquiescence is the wiser route to take.<br />

Knowledge<br />

406. Gàcce ak xamadi, laajul a ko indi. (6,13)<br />

Failing to ask brings shame and ignorance.<br />

You do not have, because you do not ask God. (James 4:2 NIV)<br />

407. Laaj ay taxa xam. (2)<br />

Questioning brings knowledge.<br />

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all<br />

without finding fault, and it will be given to him. (James 1:5 NIV)<br />

408. Xam-xam sorewul, dafa làqu. (6,7,14)<br />

Knowledge is not far away, it is simply hidden.<br />

409. Bala ngaa xam, xamadi xaw laa rey. (5,8,16,19,20)<br />

Bala ngaa xam, xamadi xaw laa gaañ. (2,3,8)<br />

Bala ngay xam, xamadi rey la. (6)<br />

Ku daa-ta xam xamadi xaw la rey. (15)<br />

Before you know something, ignorance will almost have killed you.<br />

It is through making many mistakes that one gains knowledge.<br />

410. Du xamum nganj, yàgg a suub la. (9)<br />

Du xam nganj, mës a suub la. (6)<br />

Du miin nganj, yàggal suub la. (2)<br />

Lii du xam nganj, mën suub la. (7)<br />

It's not because you are familiar with indigo, but that you have been practising the<br />

art of dyeing for a long time.<br />

Experience is much more important than knowledge.<br />


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