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Interest<br />

393. Yebu ca, namm ca, ku la ca bëmëx nga jél. (6)<br />

Namm ca, yabu ca, ku la ca bëmëx nga jël. (2,7)<br />

So much the better to push someone to action who already wanted to do it.<br />

394. Yebu ca, namm ca, ku la ca yónni, nga gaawa dem. (13)<br />

Yebu ca nangu ca, ku la ca yónni nga gaaw ca dem. (4)<br />

If you have made a decision to go to a place, and wish to go there, when someone<br />

sends you on an errand there you will be quick to go.<br />

We go quickly where we are sent when we take interest in the journey.<br />

Intolerance<br />

395. Ñaar a di def aye ci àdduna : Njéemé ak Mbanik. (1)<br />

There are two causes of disorder in the world: contrariness and intolerance.<br />

King<br />

396. Buur bu baax dina rafetal réewam. (13)<br />

A good king will improve his kingdom.<br />

Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people. (Proverbs 14:34<br />

NIV)<br />

Love and faithfulness keep a king safe; through love his throne is made secure.<br />

(Proverbs 20:28 NIV)<br />

397. Buur bu baax dina sàmm i nitam. (13)<br />

A good king will look after his subjects.<br />

398. Buur aayul, dag yaa aay. (2,6,8,11,12,19,20)<br />

The King is not evil, it is the courtiers who are evil.<br />

With many of the things that you are deprived of by a ruler, it is the people close at hand to<br />

the ruler who deprive you, not the ruler himself. A self-seeking, servile flatterer and<br />

fawning parasite is dangerous.<br />

The plans of the righteous are just, but the advice of the wicked is deceitful.<br />

(Proverbs 12:5 NIV)<br />

There is deceit in the hearts of those who plot evil, but joy for those who promote<br />

peace. (Proverbs 12:20 NIV)<br />

399. Jege buur, jege xol baa ko gën. (2)<br />

It is better to be close to the heart of the King than to be related to him.<br />

400. Lu neex, Buur jël, ba mu des fuddu. (20)<br />

The King can confiscate whatever he wishes except the pleasure of stretching<br />

oneself.<br />

No matter what a ruler might decide there are things which he has no control over, and<br />

things which he cannot stop you doing.<br />

401. Mere buur, jege xol baa ko gën. (2)<br />

It is better to be close to the heart of the King than to be angry with him (which will<br />

serve no purpose).<br />


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