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382. Saaga ku la man duw fit ñàkk jom la. (12)<br />

It is not courage that allows one to be insulting, it is a lack of honour.<br />

Integrity<br />

383. Gàllaaj i nit mooy jub. (20)<br />

The (best) amulet for a human being is honesty.<br />

384. Ku sa bëgge bare, sa ngor néew. (1,8,13,15,20)<br />

He who wants too much has little honour.<br />

The Wolof belief that too much ambition is not good, and leads to a loss of honour.<br />

385. Ku di loo xam wax ko, sa ngor yàqu. (1,15)<br />

Whoever says all that he knows demeans himself.<br />

A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.<br />

(Proverbs 29:11 NIV)<br />

Wisdom reposes in the heart of the discerning and even among fools she lets<br />

herself be known. (Proverbs 14:33 NIV)<br />

386. Ku di loo bëgg jaar ca, sa ngor yàqu. (1,13,15)<br />

Whoever enters into everything that takes his fancy will demean himself (lose his<br />

honour and integrity).<br />

387. Ku di foo yabu dem fa, sa ngor yàqu. (1,15)<br />

Whoever goes wherever his fancy takes him will demean himself (lose his honour<br />

and integrity).<br />

388. Néegub ngor, kenn terewu ko, ku ci duggul ci yow la. (7,10)<br />

No one is forbidden from entering the room of honourable behaviour; if you do not<br />

enter it is your own fault.<br />

389. Wéet duma tee gore. (18)<br />

To be alone will not stop me from being honest.<br />

Even when we are not accountable to anyone, it is good to be honest and manage well<br />

what has been entrusted to us.<br />

390. Sorim réew bu m(u) la taxa fen. (2)<br />

Being far from your country is not a reason to lie.<br />

391. Du man rekk, bokkuma cee ko gën. (6)<br />

Du man doõõ, bokkuma caa ko gën. (7)<br />

“I was not part of it” is better than “I was not the only one”.<br />

It is better not to be part of something dishonest than later on when you are caught to say<br />

that you were not the only one.<br />

392. Ñaar a di yëf di jàmm ji àddina : ngor ak njullit. (8,13,20)<br />

Ñaar di def jàmm ca àdduna : ngor ak njullit. (1)<br />

Two things bring peace in the world: honourable behaviour (ngor) and piety (njullit).<br />


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