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373. Bukki wiiri-wiiri, jaari Ndaari. (2,6,8,9,14,19)<br />

Lu bukki wiiri wiiri, jaari ndaari. (2,8)<br />

However much an hyena wanders about, he will eventually come to his den.<br />

There are some things which a person will inevitably return to, things which he did<br />

habitually, even if planned to abandon them.<br />

Influence of Others<br />

374. Ndoxum kese du forox. (2,3,5,6,20)<br />

Pure water never turns sour.<br />

Water does not alter itself. Any change is due to something foreign in the water. Likewise<br />

it is often due to the influence of others that people change their ideas.<br />

Souleyman and Omar decide to leave their village to go work in the city. They agree to<br />

keep it secret until their departure. However Omar’s family learns of their plans and<br />

prevents him from leaving. Omar accuses Souleman of having betrayed him. Souleyman<br />

defends himself saying he would never do anything like that. His uncle who has been<br />

listening to the argument interrupts with this proverb.<br />

A man has a sheep to sell, and comes to an agreement on the price with a buyer. When he<br />

gets home he tells his wife that he is selling the sheep for 7,000 cfa. His wife tells him that<br />

he is stupid because the sheep is worth at least 30,000 cfa. The next day when the buyer<br />

comes around to pick up his sheep, the seller announces that the price has changed. The<br />

buyer then quotes this proverb.<br />

Injustice<br />

375. Lu waay nangu, teg ko ko dagan na. (2,9)<br />

Lu nit nangu, teg ko ko dagan na. (15,19)<br />

It is legitimate to place on someone any burden he is willing to accept.<br />

An injustice becomes a justice the moment a person accepts to carry the burden. It is an<br />

encouragement to fight against injustice and not just accept it.<br />

Insolence<br />

376. Ku reew, amul saans. (19)<br />

The insolent and rude person has no sense.<br />

377. Ku reew ñàkk lépp. (1)<br />

The insolent lose everything.<br />

378. Reewaande ga du jariñ mukk. (13)<br />

Insolence is never of use.<br />

379. Xale bu reew, toolam du ñor. (19)<br />

The field of an insolent child does not ripen.<br />

Insults<br />

380. Ku xaste, waxeef nga loo doon. (1)<br />

He who denigrates someone reveals who he really is himself.<br />

381. Ku bañ ñu saaga la, doo saagaante. (20)<br />

If you do not want people to insult you don't insult others.<br />


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