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303. Koo yaakaar, Yàlla la yaakaar. (2,7,11,12)<br />

He who hopes, hopes in God.<br />

Our hopes return to God, Lord of everyone, everything, everywhere.<br />

304. Ku Yàlla may mu am. (4)<br />

He to whom God gives, will have.<br />

305. Ku wóolu Yàlla, dinga wér. (13)<br />

He who trusts in God will succeed.<br />

306. Lëkkaayu Yàlla, xalangu du ko dindi. (4,6,13)<br />

Rolling around on the ground will not remove the wraparound skirt God has placed<br />

on you.<br />

A person cannot remove what nature has given him.<br />

307. Lu jot Yàlla def ko. (12)<br />

Whatever happens, God has done it.<br />

308. Lu am Yàllaa ! (12)<br />

Whatever is, is because of God.<br />

309. Lu dul Yàlla, ag neen la. (2,8,15,19)<br />

What is not of God, is nothing.<br />

“Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labour in vain.” Psa 138:1 NIV<br />

310. Lu waay jaay fa Yàlla, fekk fa njëgam. (9,11,12)<br />

What a person sells to God, he will find a price there.<br />

God will repay every man according to his deeds. Therefore we should do good.<br />

311. Xam Yàlla ca la nga weesu. (15)<br />

Know God through what you have experienced in the past.<br />

It is through past life experiences that one discovers God.<br />

312. Yàlla rekk moo moom baax. (20)<br />

God alone owns goodness.<br />

If I'm good, it's from God.<br />

“"Why do you ask me about what is good" Jesus replied. "There is only One who<br />

is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments."” (Matthew 19:17<br />

NIV)<br />

313. Yàlla du teg nit lu mu àttanul. (7,14)<br />

God does not place on a person what he is not capable of bearing.<br />

“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is<br />

faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you<br />

are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” 1<br />

Cor 11:14 NIV<br />

314. Yàlla amul palanteer bu mu naan la tollu ma foofu ma jox la. (15)<br />

God does not have a window through which He says come here and I will give to<br />

you.<br />

That which God gives comes through the intermediary of another person.<br />


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