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266. Néew na a gën nañu ko bàyyi. (13,20)<br />

It is better to have a small amount than to refuse it.<br />

“Something is better than nothing.”<br />

267. Neexum ngont, xam fooy fanaanee ko gën. (7,17,19)<br />

It's good to have a good afternoon but it's better to know where you are going to<br />

spend the night.<br />

As good as the moment you are having is, you should ensure that the follow up is all set in<br />

place.<br />

268. Petax am rab la. (4,13)<br />

The pigeon of the animal is there.<br />

A Senegambian phrase, used to stop a conversation concerning one who is absent, when<br />

suddenly there appears somebody who is likely to let him know what was said. M. Dard<br />

considers this proverb a proof that Negroes formerly used carrier pigeons. It may,<br />

however, allude to the mythical pigeon that whispered in the Prophet's ear.<br />

269. Ndigg toq moo gën taati neen. (2)<br />

270. Faru lawbe gënug neen. (2,14)<br />

271. Coqam a gën këmm, (2,12,14)<br />

272. Sagaru tubéy a gën taati neen. (2,8,19)<br />

273. Néew na moo gën dara.<br />

274. Reer ci goloo gën fande. (11,12)<br />

275. Fas wu làpp a gën fas wu réer. (6,13)<br />

276. Rendi bu ñaaw a gën médd. (2)<br />

269. A small cache-sex is better than a bare backside.<br />

270. It is better to have a fiancé who is a lawbe than to have nothing at all.<br />

[Lawbe are generally looked down on in Senegal, therefore not considered to be a good<br />

choice for a marriage partner.]<br />

271. To have a small amount of food is better than nothing.<br />

[coqum and këmm are sounds that go with eating. Coqum is the smacking sound of<br />

moisture in the mouth. Këmm is the absence of sound.]<br />

272. Ragged trousers are better than a bare backside.<br />

273. A little is better than nothing.<br />

274. It is better to eat dinner with monkeys than go hungry all night.<br />

275. It is better to have an emaciated horse than one that is lost.<br />

276. An ugly slaughter is better than allowing the animal to die of natural causes.<br />

[In Islam it is forbidden to eat meat which has not been ritually slaughtered. Thus any<br />

animal which dies of accidental or natural causes cannot be eaten.]<br />

“Something is better than nothing.”<br />

277. Picc, la muy wax ci banqaasu garab, du ko wax ci loxol gone. (2,3,6,8)<br />

What the bird says/sings high in a tree it will not say in the hands of a child.<br />

Someone cries “thief” in a crowd at Kermel Market. The police come and arrest Abdou in<br />

spite of his protests. At the police station he is forced to confess. However, when the case<br />

comes to court he proclaims his innocence. When the judge asks why he confessed he<br />

quotes this proverb.<br />

278. Wàcc, daanoo ci gën a gaaw. (2,6,7,14,19)<br />

When it comes to getting down, letting yourself fall is the fastest (method).<br />

When it comes to telling the truth say it frankly. One should get straight to the point, and<br />

head straight for the goal.<br />


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