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199. Guy dina jur i dég. (5,6,9)<br />

Guy dana jur i dég. (2,3)<br />

A baobab can produce thorns.<br />

There can be a black sheep in any family, even if the parents raise their children well.<br />

200. Moo juddu ciy géléem nàmp ciy mbaam. (2,15,19)<br />

Born a camel, and suckles on a donkey.<br />

This proverb expresses the fall of an individual which can occur in spite of a good birth.<br />

One can be born into a family with a good reputation and still be a failure.<br />

201. Jur, mu dee, du yaradal ; jur, mu dund te baaxul mooy yaradal. (6,15)<br />

Jur mu dee taxula yaradal,<br />

Jur mu né léõõ,<br />

Te fajul dara ay yaradal. (2)<br />

To lose one's children at an early age is not the true misfortune; the true misfortune is to<br />

see them grow up to be good-for-nothings.<br />

[yaradal = indicates the misfortune of seeing one's children die successively one after<br />

another at an early age]<br />

202. Loo sopp-sopp doomu jaambur, sa doom a la ko gënal. (13)<br />

Lu nga sopp sopp doomu jaambur, sa doom gënal la ko. (4)<br />

No matter how much you love the children of others, you will love your own even<br />

more.<br />

“Blood is thicker than water.”<br />

Family discipline<br />

203. Nag wéq na doom ja, waaye bañu ko. (2,3,5,6,9,12,20)<br />

204. Ginaar dëgg na doom ja, waaye bañu ko. (8,19)<br />

203. The cow kicks its calf but does not hate it.<br />

204. The fowl treads on its chick, but does not hate it.<br />

A child needs to be disciplined. A parent punishes a child, but still loves it.<br />

“because the LORD disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.”<br />

(Proverbs 3:12 NIV)<br />

205. Gone, lawtanu yomb la; boo walbatiwul mu law fu la neexul. (2,3,5,6,15)<br />

A child is like a creeper (calabash vine), if it is not trained in the right direction, it<br />

will spread in a direction that does not please you.<br />

“Spare the rod and spoil the child.”<br />

A child needs to be disciplined.<br />

All the family have gone out to the field, leaving young Aminata alone at the house to<br />

guard it and prepare dinner. When everyone returns they find the house empty and the<br />

meal not prepared. Her father finds Aminata playing at a neighbours, and beats her. Her<br />

mother rebukes her husband who replies with this proverb.<br />

“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from<br />

it.” (Proverbs 22:6 NIV)<br />

206. Waxtaan woo gis diggante baay ak doom dafa war mel na taggtoo. (20)<br />

The conversation which a father has with his son should be like one's last words<br />

as though he would soon disappear.<br />


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