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Elders<br />

147. Ku la mage fukki fan, war a xam fukk yoo xamul. (19)<br />

Whoever is ten days older than you should know ten more than you.<br />

148. Mag mat naa bàyyi cim réew. (1,2,7,11,12,13,15,17,19)<br />

It is important to keep elders in a nation.<br />

The elders are a source of knowledge which must be preserved. They know the past and<br />

present. Their presence in a village is a necessity. The person who listens to them will not<br />

stray. This was one of the sayings of Kothie Barma from the famous story of the four<br />

pigtails.<br />

149. Mag a moom xamam, su ko neexee làlko toog. (20)<br />

The wise elder is master of his knowledge; if it pleases him, he spreads it out and<br />

sits.<br />

It is with respect, patience and politeness that one receives a share of the wisdom of an<br />

elder.<br />

150. Ku la mag, ëpp lay sagar. (2,3,5,7,8,10,11,12,15,19)<br />

Ku la mag, ëpp la xel, ëpp la sagar. (9)<br />

Ku la mag ëpp la ay sagar. (6)<br />

Ku la jëkka juddu, ëpp la ay sagar. (4,13)<br />

He who is older than you will have used up more clothes than you.<br />

An older person is more experienced than you. An older person who has experienced<br />

things you have not experienced, and been to places you have not been will always know<br />

things you do not know.<br />

[lay = la ay]<br />

151. Mag toog na séen lu xale taxaw te séenu ko. (8,20)<br />

Mag dina sóonu di séen lu gone gu taxaw gisul. (19)<br />

Xale séentu fu sori te gisul, mag toog fi mu toog di gis. (18)<br />

Mag dana tëdd di séen lu sori, gone jóg taxaw te du séen dara. (2)<br />

Mag dina tëdd gis lu gune gu yéeg gisul. (15)<br />

What a child standing up does not see, an old man sitting down sees.<br />

There is nothing so valuable as the experience of years. Youth, in spite of their ambitions<br />

and youthful strength cannot understand certain things which are tied to the experience of<br />

life, whereas an adult has the benefit of his experience.<br />

152. Ba béjjéni kuuy di lëõaaru, mag ñaa nga fa woon, te mënu ñu ca woon dara. (2)<br />

Man maay béjjén, bi may déng mag ñaa ngi fi, dañu cee mënul dara. (17)<br />

Béjjénum xaaf ba muy woñaaru, mag ñaa ngi fi dan cee mënul dara. (20)<br />

Béjjénu xaaf, ba muy màgg bay wëndéelu, booba mag ñaa nga fa. (7)<br />

When the horn of the ram became twisted, the elders were around, but could do<br />

nothing to prevent it.<br />

The knowledge of the elders has its limits.<br />

153. a. Mag du gaaw.<br />

b. Nu ngoog xamal nag ne : mag du gaaw.<br />

a. An adult does not hurry.<br />

b. It is known that elders don't hurry.<br />


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