annals of the university of petroşani ∼ economics ∼ vol. xi - part i ...

annals of the university of petroşani ∼ economics ∼ vol. xi - part i ...

annals of the university of petroşani ∼ economics ∼ vol. xi - part i ...


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4 Annals <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> University <strong>of</strong> Petroşani, Economics, 11(1), 2011<br />

Muntean, C.; Hauer, I.; Butuza, A. - Decisions in Negotiations Using Expert<br />

Systems and Ma<strong>the</strong>matical Methods<br />

Mutengezanwa, M.; Gombarume, F.B.; Njanike, K.; Charikinya, A. - The<br />

Impact <strong>of</strong> Micro Finance Institutions on <strong>the</strong> Socio- Economic Lives <strong>of</strong><br />

People in Zimbabwe<br />

Nagy, C.M.; Cotleţ, D. - Specific Aspects <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Technical Reserves <strong>of</strong><br />

Insurance Accounting<br />

Niţă, D.; Fleşer, A. - Youngsters - Disadvantaged Group on <strong>the</strong> Labour<br />

Market – Alternative Employment<br />

Njanike, K.; Mutengezanwa, M.; Gombarume, F.B. - Internal Controls in<br />

Ensuring Good Corporate Governance in Financial Institutions<br />

Pârvulescu, I.; Pleşa, R. - Social-Economic Aspects Regarding <strong>the</strong> Activity<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Personnel Engaged in <strong>the</strong> Railway Transportation<br />

Popovici (Bărbulescu), A. - Human Capital and Higher Education in Romania<br />

in <strong>the</strong> Last Years<br />

Răvaş, B. - The Role <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Internal Audit in <strong>the</strong> Tourism Unit’s Risk<br />

Management Process<br />

Răvaş, O. - The Utility <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Barter Agreement in International Commercial<br />

Trade<br />

Schmidt, M.C.; Andrioni, F. - Restructuring and Reform in <strong>the</strong> Jiu Valley<br />

Slusariuc, G.C.; Răscolean, I.; Guţă, A.J. - Sovereign Risk Assessment<br />

under Economic Crisis Conditions<br />

Stoian, M. - The E<strong>vol</strong>ution <strong>of</strong> Marketing Methods in a Tourism Association<br />

from Romania<br />

Trandafir, A.; Brezeanu, P.; Stanciu A.P. - The Race to <strong>the</strong> Bottom and Its<br />

Impact on <strong>the</strong> Provision <strong>of</strong> Public Services in Romania<br />

Vasile, E.; Carapancea, D.; Balan, M. - Types <strong>of</strong> Decisions Based on Multi-<br />

Criteria Analysis Applicable to Extractive Industry. Theoretical<br />

Approaches<br />

Vătavu, S.; Pirtea, M.; Vătavu, S. A Review <strong>of</strong> Financial Regulations to<br />

Avoid <strong>the</strong> Nationalisation <strong>of</strong> Losses in <strong>the</strong> Banking System<br />

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