Full Annual Report - Inchcape

Full Annual Report - Inchcape Full Annual Report - Inchcape


Financial statements Notes to the accounts continued 11 Intangible assets continued a. Goodwill Goodwill acquired in a business combination is allocated to the cash generating units (CGUs) that are expected to benefit from that business combination. These are independent sources of income streams and represent the lowest level within the Group at which the associated goodwill is monitored for management purposes. This may be at country, regional or brand level. The carrying amount of goodwill has been allocated to the following operating segments: United Kingdom 264.6 264.8 Russia and Emerging Markets 216.5 214.8 South Asia 17.9 19.6 Australasia 11.0 9.7 510.0 508.9 Goodwill additions in 2009 arise mainly from adjustments to the purchase price of the Musa Motors group under certain earn out arrangements (see note 27). Goodwill is subject to impairment testing annually, or more frequently where there are indications that the goodwill may be impaired. Impairment tests were performed for all CGUs during the year ended 31 December 2009. The recoverable amounts of all CGUs were determined based on value in use calculations. These calculations use cash flow projections based on five year financial forecasts prepared by management. The key assumptions for these forecasts are those relating to revenue growth / decline, operating margins and the level of working capital required to support trading, which have been based on past experience, recent trading and expectations of future changes in the relevant markets. They also reflect expectations about continuing relationships with key brand partners. Cash flows after the five year period are extrapolated at an estimated average long-term growth rate for each market. These growth rates reflect the long-term growth prospects of the markets in which the CGUs operate. The growth rates used vary between 0% and 5% and are consistent with appropriate external sources for the relevant markets. Cash flows are discounted back to present value using a risk adjusted discount rate. The discount rate assumptions are based on an estimate of the Group’s weighted average cost of capital adjusted for a risk premium attributable to the relevant CGU. The pre-tax discount rates used vary between 10% and 12%, and reflect long-term country risk. The assumptions used with regards to pre-tax discount rates and long-term growth rates in those segments with material goodwill balances were as follows: Discount rate Long-term growth rate United Kingdom 11% 2% Russia and Emerging Markets 11% to 12% 5% South Asia 10% 1% Australasia 11% 2% Impairment No impairment charge has been recognised during the year ended 31 December 2009. In the year ended 31 December 2008, the goodwill in relation to the Group’s businesses in Latvia (reported in the Russia and Emerging Markets segment) was impaired by £46.8m following a significant deterioration in the automotive sector in that market which adversely affected revenue and trading profit. In addition, goodwill of £7.4m related to sites in the UK which were sold or closed was impaired in 2008. Sensitivities The Group’s value in use calculations are sensitive to a change in the key assumptions used, most notably the discount rates and the long-term growth rates. With the exception of the Musa Motors group in Russia and the Group’s business in Lithuania, a reasonably possible change in a key assumption will not cause an impairment in any of the other CGUs. 2009 £m 2008 £m 110 Inchcape plc ¦ Annual Report and Accounts 2009

Section Three Financial statements 11 Intangible assets continued The Group’s goodwill in the Russia and Emerging Markets segment at 31 December 2009 is allocated as follows: Cost £m Impairment provision £m Net book value £m Musa Motors group (Russia) 126.6 – 126.6 Inchcape Olimp (Russia) 63.8 – 63.8 Latvia 46.4 (46.4) – Lithuania 23.2 – 23.2 Other 2.9 – 2.9 At 31 December 2009 262.9 (46.4) 216.5 The value in use calculations for the Musa Motors group currently exceed the carrying value by approximately 20%. A 0.5% increase in the discount rate or a 0.5% reduction in the long-term growth rate would reduce the headroom available to approximately 5% of the carrying value. The value in use calculations for the Group’s business in Lithuania currently exceed the carrying value by approximately 10%. A 0.5% increase in the discount rate or a 0.5% reduction in the long-term growth rate would eliminate the headroom available. b. Other intangible assets Computer software costs consist of purchase prices from third parties as well as internally generated software development costs. They include both assets in the course of development and assets in operation. The amortisation charge is largely included within ‘administrative expenses’ in the consolidated income statement. Other intangible assets include customer contracts and back orders recognised on the acquisition of a business. These intangible assets are recognised at the fair value attributable to them on acquisition, and are amortised on a straight line basis over their useful life (usually up to one year). www.inchcape.com 111

Financial statements<br />

Notes to the accounts continued<br />

11 Intangible assets continued<br />

a. Goodwill<br />

Goodwill acquired in a business combination is allocated to the cash generating units (CGUs) that are expected to benefit from that<br />

business combination. These are independent sources of income streams and represent the lowest level within the Group at which<br />

the associated goodwill is monitored for management purposes. This may be at country, regional or brand level.<br />

The carrying amount of goodwill has been allocated to the following operating segments:<br />

United Kingdom 264.6 264.8<br />

Russia and Emerging Markets 216.5 214.8<br />

South Asia 17.9 19.6<br />

Australasia 11.0 9.7<br />

510.0 508.9<br />

Goodwill additions in 2009 arise mainly from adjustments to the purchase price of the Musa Motors group under certain earn out<br />

arrangements (see note 27).<br />

Goodwill is subject to impairment testing annually, or more frequently where there are indications that the goodwill may be impaired.<br />

Impairment tests were performed for all CGUs during the year ended 31 December 2009.<br />

The recoverable amounts of all CGUs were determined based on value in use calculations. These calculations use cash flow projections<br />

based on five year financial forecasts prepared by management. The key assumptions for these forecasts are those relating to revenue<br />

growth / decline, operating margins and the level of working capital required to support trading, which have been based on past<br />

experience, recent trading and expectations of future changes in the relevant markets. They also reflect expectations about continuing<br />

relationships with key brand partners.<br />

Cash flows after the five year period are extrapolated at an estimated average long-term growth rate for each market. These growth<br />

rates reflect the long-term growth prospects of the markets in which the CGUs operate. The growth rates used vary between 0% and 5%<br />

and are consistent with appropriate external sources for the relevant markets.<br />

Cash flows are discounted back to present value using a risk adjusted discount rate. The discount rate assumptions are based on an<br />

estimate of the Group’s weighted average cost of capital adjusted for a risk premium attributable to the relevant CGU. The pre-tax<br />

discount rates used vary between 10% and 12%, and reflect long-term country risk.<br />

The assumptions used with regards to pre-tax discount rates and long-term growth rates in those segments with material goodwill<br />

balances were as follows:<br />

Discount rate<br />

Long-term growth rate<br />

United Kingdom 11% 2%<br />

Russia and Emerging Markets 11% to 12% 5%<br />

South Asia 10% 1%<br />

Australasia 11% 2%<br />

Impairment<br />

No impairment charge has been recognised during the year ended 31 December 2009. In the year ended 31 December 2008, the<br />

goodwill in relation to the Group’s businesses in Latvia (reported in the Russia and Emerging Markets segment) was impaired by<br />

£46.8m following a significant deterioration in the automotive sector in that market which adversely affected revenue and trading<br />

profit. In addition, goodwill of £7.4m related to sites in the UK which were sold or closed was impaired in 2008.<br />

Sensitivities<br />

The Group’s value in use calculations are sensitive to a change in the key assumptions used, most notably the discount rates and the<br />

long-term growth rates. With the exception of the Musa Motors group in Russia and the Group’s business in Lithuania, a reasonably<br />

possible change in a key assumption will not cause an impairment in any of the other CGUs.<br />

2009<br />

£m<br />

2008<br />

£m<br />

110<br />

<strong>Inchcape</strong> plc ¦ <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> and Accounts 2009

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