Masahiro Watanabe Atmosphere & Ocean Research Institute ...

Masahiro Watanabe Atmosphere & Ocean Research Institute ...

Masahiro Watanabe Atmosphere & Ocean Research Institute ...


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<strong>Masahiro</strong> <strong>Watanabe</strong><br />

<strong>Atmosphere</strong> & <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Institute</strong><br />

University of Tokyo<br />

hiro@aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp<br />

Collaborators:<br />

M. Yoshimori, Y. Kamae, M. Kimoto (AORI, Univ of Tokyo),<br />

H. Shiogama, T. Yokohata, T. Ogura, S. Emori (NIES),<br />

J. D. Annan, J. C. Haargreaves (JAMSTEC)

Did climate sensitivity get converged in CMIP5 <br />

Equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) to 2xCO 2 in CMIP models<br />

IPCC report FAR SAR TAR AR4 AR5<br />

climate sensitivity 1.5-4.5K 1.0-3.5K 1.5-4.5K 2.1-4.4K <br />

Mitchell et al. (1990), Kattenberg et al. (1996), Cubasch et al. (2001), IPCC (2007)<br />

ECS in 4xCO2 experiments by some of the CMIP5 models<br />

2-4.6 K<br />

@Crown copyright Met Office<br />

Slide courtesy of K Taylor

Model diversity<br />

Structural differences in the multi-model ensemble (MME)<br />

make it difficult to understand sources of uncertainty<br />

CMAP<br />

Annual-mean precipitation biases in CMIP3<br />

MME<br />

IPCC (2007)

Different groups use CMIP MMEs differently<br />

Non-modeling groups tend to compare ensembles (e.g.<br />

CMIP3 vs CMIP5) w/o tracing changes in a particular<br />

model<br />

Modeling groups can do the same, but also trace the<br />

changes across versions of their own model and<br />

attribute difference in the system’s behavior to<br />

physical processes (parameterization details)

Equilibrium climate sensitivity<br />

Gregory plots for 4xCO2 experiments<br />

CMIP3 version<br />

MIROC3med(T42)<br />

2x =3.6K<br />

N = F − α∆T<br />

CMIP5 version<br />

MIROC5 (T85)<br />

2x =2.6K<br />

SAT<br />

SAT<br />

<strong>Watanabe</strong> et al. (2010, JC)<br />

Cloud-shortwave (SWcld) feedback is the key component

Multiple timescales of the cloud feedback<br />

MIROC3.2 MIROC5 4xCO2 150y 150y<br />

HadGEM2-ES 4xCO2<br />

slope in the<br />

natural variability<br />

slope in the<br />

natural variability<br />

CRE [W/m 2 ]<br />

SST [K]<br />

<strong>Watanabe</strong> et al. (2011, Clim. Dyn.)<br />

+ ann. mean, single run (150y)<br />

○ decadal mean, single run<br />

△ ann. mean, ensemble avg (20y)<br />

★ initial month of △<br />

SAT [K]<br />

Courtesy of Tim Andrews<br />

Sign of the SWcld feedback is<br />

determined by the fast response of<br />

clouds during a few years in MIROCs

Fast response of low clouds<br />

4xCO2 runs<br />

(20y ensemble)<br />

Regime composite of low cloud wrt 500<br />

MIROC3<br />

MIROC5<br />

Low cloud amount [%]<br />

Tropical mean < 0 Tropical mean > 0<br />

500hPa <br />

<strong>Watanabe</strong> et al. (2011, Clim Dyn)<br />

CTL<br />

CTL<br />

C<br />

P C ( ) d P C ( )<br />

d<br />

<br />

<br />

l l l<br />

Thermodynamic driving<br />

Tropical-mean changes in C l & SWcld are due to a subtle difference<br />

between C l decrease / increase over the subsidence / ascent regime

ENSO and climate sensitivity<br />

Reasons may be different in the two models, but a<br />

common feature of strong ENSO in the control run low<br />

ECS<br />

MIROC5 PPE-C (JUMP2)<br />

HadCM3 PPE-C (QUMP)<br />

SWcld feedback [W/m 2 /K]<br />

Nino 3.4 SST std dev [K]<br />

Corr=-0.67<br />

Nino 3.4 SST std dev [K]<br />

Equilibrium climate sensitivity [K]<br />

Shiogama et al. (2012, Clim. Dyn.) Toniazzo et al. (2008)

ENSO and climate sensitivity<br />

Compare 10 models having<br />

* Largest negative SWcld feedback<br />

* Smallest negative SWcld feedback<br />

Larger SWcld feedback<br />

Wetter mean state over the central<br />

equatorial Pacific & stronger ENSO<br />

ENSO amplitude [K]<br />

wet cold tongue dry<br />

<strong>Watanabe</strong> et al. (2011, JC)<br />

Shiogama et al. (2012)

Forcing-Feedback in two PPEs<br />

MIROC3 PPE<br />

Multi-Physics Ensemble<br />

(MPE)<br />

CMIP3 MME<br />

Climate<br />

sensitivity<br />

MIROC5<br />

AGCM<br />

MIROC5 MPE<br />

MIROC5 PPE<br />

Structural difference > Parametric difference<br />

Any strategy to link them <br />

Replacing one or more<br />

schemes in MIROC5 w/<br />

old ones:<br />

Std (=MIROC5)<br />

(old)CLD<br />

(old)CUM<br />

(old)VDF<br />

(old)CLD+CUM<br />

(old)CUM+VDF<br />

(old)CLD+VDF<br />

(old)CLD+CUM+VDF<br />

<strong>Watanabe</strong> et al. (2012, JC)

MPE: Filling the gap between PPEs<br />

Climate sensitivity vs SWcld feedback<br />

Processes are nonlinear, e.g.,<br />

Extratropics<br />

Global<br />

Tropics<br />

(old)CLD -> small impact<br />

(old)VDF -> small impact<br />

(old)CLD+VDF -> large impact!!<br />

SWcld feedbacks<br />

STD<br />

CLD+<br />

CUM<br />

CLD+<br />

VDF<br />

<strong>Watanabe</strong> et al. (2012, JC)<br />

‘Feedback occurs thru the interaction of a suite of parameterized<br />

processes rather than from any single process’ (Zhang & Bretherton 2008)

What can we do next<br />

Further analysis to the CMIP5 MME on the cloud<br />

feedback, adjustment, radiative forcing etc.<br />

-> will come out at the CFMIP meeting (May 2012, Paris)<br />

Paris)<br />

Hierarchical modeling to deepen our understanding of<br />

the cloud feedback processes (e.g. Brient & Bony 2012)<br />

Extensive use / coordinated analysis of the PPEs<br />

“Seamless model evaluation” ― Jim Murphy

Similarity in Pattern<br />

Cloud-shortwave forcing (SWcld)<br />

in CMIP5 AMIP 4xCO2 exps<br />

HadGEM2(+0.23W/m 2 ) IPSL CM5A (+1.07W/m 2 )<br />

Change in the tropical<br />

vertical motion in MIROC5<br />

4xCO2<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong><br />

CNRM (+0.85W/m 2 )<br />

MIROC5 (+0.70W/m 2 )<br />

CTL<br />

Land<br />

Courtesy of M. Webb<br />

Roughly positive (warming) over oceans,<br />

negative (cooling) over lands<br />

ω [hPa/s]<br />

Initial spin-up of the Walker cell<br />

due only to 4xCO2

ΔSWcld in idealized experiments<br />

L000(Aquaplanet)<br />

Dependence of ΔSWcld on the land size<br />

L000<br />

L180(continent in w hemi.)<br />

SWcld [W/m 2 ]<br />

L060<br />

L120<br />

Available in CMIP5 MME<br />

L180<br />

L240 L300<br />

SAT [K]<br />

[W/m 2 ]<br />

Land-sea contrast counteracts the cloud<br />

decrease over the tropical oceans and<br />

hence the strong cloud-shortwave forcing

Papers available at http://tinyurl.com/3qfup84 (user: guest, password: miroc)<br />

Concluding remarks<br />

MME is only one of the possible model ensembles<br />

Extensive use of combined various ensembles as well as a<br />

hierarchical modeling approach are desirable for advancing<br />

our understanding of the cloud feedbacks<br />

Hierarchical modeling<br />

Zhang & Bretherson 2008<br />

Medeiros et al. 2008<br />

Brient & Bony 2012<br />

Multi Model Ensemble<br />

Multi Physics Ensemble<br />

Gettelman et al. 2011<br />

<strong>Watanabe</strong> et al. 2012<br />

Perturbed Physics Ensemble<br />

Collins et al. 2010<br />

Yokohata et al. 2010<br />

Sunderson et al. 2010<br />

Klocke et al. 2012<br />

Shiogama et al. 2012

Papers available at http://tinyurl.com/3qfup84 (user: guest, password: miroc)<br />

Summary<br />

Toward understanding sources of model’s “uncertainty”<br />

in terms of the climate sensitivity & climate feedbacks,<br />

We have shown thru the analysis of MIROC3.2/MIROC5/CMIP3<br />

(& CMIP5 later) an importance of:<br />

identifying timescales of cloud response/feedback<br />

distinguishing robust/fragile parts associated w/<br />

cloud response/feedback<br />

Extensive use of various ensembles based on MIROC reveals<br />

a connection between apparently independent<br />

phenomena (ENSO & climate sensitivity)<br />

attribution of inconsistency among GCMs to<br />

individual processes/interactions

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