Climate, Landscapes and Life: The Tropics - Discovery Education

Climate, Landscapes and Life: The Tropics - Discovery Education

Climate, Landscapes and Life: The Tropics - Discovery Education


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<strong>The</strong> following words <strong>and</strong> terms are from <strong>Climate</strong>s, <strong>L<strong>and</strong>scapes</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Life</strong>: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Tropics</strong>. Read each definition. On the line next to the definition<br />

write the letter of the vocabulary word that matches the definition. <strong>The</strong>n use a separate piece of paper to write each word in a sentence.<br />

A) alluvial<br />

B) arboreal<br />

C) climate<br />

D) exotic river<br />

E) monsoon<br />

F) montane<br />

G) savanna<br />

H) seasonality<br />

I) selva<br />

J) shifting cultivation<br />

1. ________ dense tropical rainforest, found in South America (the Amazon Rainforest) <strong>and</strong> in parts of Mesoamerica, such as in Costa Rica<br />

2. ________ a grassl<strong>and</strong> found in the wet-dry tropics; vegetation consists of grasses, scattered trees <strong>and</strong> drought-resistant woody shrubs<br />

3. ________ large stream that originates in a well-watered area far from the desert that it flows through<br />

4. ________ the practice of cutting down areas of existing forest to use the l<strong>and</strong> for farming or pasturing of livestock. Once the l<strong>and</strong> becomes<br />

infertile, it is ab<strong>and</strong>oned; also known as slash-<strong>and</strong>-burn agriculture<br />

5. ________ a seasonal wind that brings heavy summer rains to Southern <strong>and</strong> South East Asia<br />

6. ________ refers to animals that are tree-dwelling<br />

7. ________ the yearly pattern of weather in a given place, taking into account temperature, wind, precipitation, latitude, elevation, <strong>and</strong> distance<br />

from mountain ranges <strong>and</strong> major bodies of water<br />

8. ________ the occurrence of weather phenomena as specific times of year, such as summer rains or winter snowfall<br />

9. ________ describes soil made up of s<strong>and</strong>, gravel, silt, or clay deposited by running water<br />

10.________<br />

describes a temperate zone in the tropical highl<strong>and</strong>s that is humid, cool, <strong>and</strong> is usually heavily cultivated<br />

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© Copyright 2002 • AIMS Multimedia • <strong>Climate</strong>, <strong>L<strong>and</strong>scapes</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Life</strong>: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Tropics</strong> • #2650

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