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oyster perpetual lady-datejust<br />



april 2008 – avgust 2008<br />

April 2008 – August 2008

Taste Slovenia<br />

Okusite Slovenijo

36<br />

škocjanske jame<br />

veličastni obraz narave<br />

škocjan caves<br />

the majestic face of nature<br />

40<br />

ekološki ocean orhidej<br />

lepotice iz prekmurja<br />

ocean orchids<br />

organically grown beauties<br />

from prekmurje<br />

44<br />

maja ferme nymph<br />

pobeg v cvetoči vrt<br />

mali raj pod kostanji na krasu<br />

rose garden escape<br />

46<br />

mali raj pod kostanji, karst<br />

čebelarstvo slovenije<br />

narava = zdravje = umetnost<br />

apiculture in slovenia<br />

50<br />

nature = health = art<br />

osvojeni vrhovi<br />

zgodbe slovenskega alpinizma<br />

54<br />

conquered peaks<br />

a tribute to slovenian alpinism<br />

elaphe<br />

vozila prihodnosti nastajajo<br />

58<br />

tudi v sloveniji<br />

elaphe<br />

vehicles of the future are<br />

made in slovenia, too<br />

sebina contents

grad otočec<br />

razkošje in duh časa<br />

castle otočec<br />

glamour and the spirit of the times<br />

sončna vrata kleti graben<br />

vinogradnik janez šekoranja<br />

sun door leads into the graben cellar<br />

winegrower janez šekoranja<br />

globoko v tišini zemlje<br />

alternativno vino domačije kabaj morel<br />

68<br />

deep in the stillness of earth<br />

alternative wine from the kabaj morel<br />

homestead<br />

v dogovoru z naravo<br />

aci urbajs, biodinamični vinar<br />

hand in hand with nature<br />

aci urbajs, biodynamic winemaker<br />

geomantija<br />

slovenija čuti (z) zemljo<br />

geomancy<br />

slovenia feels (for) earth<br />

maja ferme angeli, angels<br />

darilo narave<br />

brez soli ni življenja<br />

nature’s gift<br />

there is no life without salt<br />

62 66<br />

70<br />

72<br />

78<br />

80<br />

<strong>SALON</strong> <strong>SLOVENIJA</strong><br />

turistična revija z vizijo A tourist magazine with a vision<br />

Revija Salon Slovenija je ekskluzivna turistična revija, ki je kot<br />

informacija in predstavitev slovenskih zgodb namenjena gostom hotelov<br />

višje kategorije v Sloveniji.<br />

Salon Slovenia is an exclusive tourist magazine with its<br />

purpose to provide the guests of higher category hotels in<br />

Slovenia with some information and the stories Slovenia<br />

narrates.<br />

Izdaja maj - avgust 2008 je na voljo gostom izbranih hotelov<br />

May – August 2008 issue is available to the guests of the<br />

following hotels:<br />

Banovci:<br />

Sončna hiša, Novi mediji<br />

Bled:<br />

Grand Hotel Toplice, Sava hoteli Bled<br />

Hotel Vila Bled, Sava hoteli Bled<br />

Hotel Golf, Sava hoteli Bled<br />

Hotel Park, Sava hoteli Bled<br />

Kraljeva klubska hiša, Sava hoteli Bled<br />

Ljubljana:<br />

City Hotel<br />

Austria Trend Hotel Ljubljana<br />

Moravske toplice:<br />

Hotel Ajda, Terme 3000<br />

Hotel Livada prestige, Terme 3000<br />

Hotel Termal, Terme 3000<br />

Novo mesto:<br />

Hoteli Otočec, Grad Hotel Otočec; Terme Krka<br />

Portorož:<br />

Hoteli St. Bernardin<br />

Ptuj:<br />

Hotel Primus, Terme Ptuj<br />

Radenci:<br />

Hotel Radin, Terme Radenci<br />

Hotel Izvir, Terme Radenci<br />

Strunjan:<br />

Hotel Svoboda, Talaso Strunjan, Terme Krka – Strunjan<br />

Šmarješke toplice:<br />

Hotel Vitarium, Terme Šmarješke toplice, Terme Krka<br />

Salon Slovenija je registrirana in zaščitena blagovna znamka v Sloveniji.<br />

Revija je vpisana v Razvid medijev pri Ministrstvu za kulturo Republike<br />

Slovenije.<br />

Salon Slovenija is registered and protected trademark<br />

in Slovenia. The magazine is listed on Media Register at<br />

Ministry of Culture of Slovenia.<br />

Izdajatelj in založnik Publisher: Divanova, d.o.o.<br />

Sedež uredništva Editorial headquarters:<br />

Koseška cesta 8, 1000 Ljubljana - SI<br />

telefon phone: +386 1 517 40 88,<br />

telefon in faks phone and fax: +386 1 517 40 89,<br />

urednistvo@salonslovenija.si<br />

www.salonslovenija.si<br />

Glavna in odgovorna urednica Editor-in-Chief: Polona Bohorič<br />

Izvršna urednica Executive editor: Marjeta Privšek<br />

Člani strokovnega sveta Members of the Executive Board:<br />

Petra Zabukovec Baruca, Hoteli St. Bernardin;<br />

Maja Bele, Terme Krka: Hoteli Otočec, Terme Strunjan, Terme Šmarješke Toplice;<br />

Alenka Bešter, Sava hoteli Bled;<br />

Brina Čehovin, STO;<br />

Nataša Kegelj Kovačič, Sončna hiša - Novi mediji;<br />

Verica Leskovar, Zavod za turizem Ljubljana;<br />

Eva Štraus Podlogar, LTO Bled;<br />

Ivo Silič, Turistično združenje Portorož;<br />

Barbara Stopinšek, Terme 3000, Moravske Toplice, Terme Ptuj, Terme Radenci.<br />

Lektorica Proofreading: Barbara Kavčič<br />

Angleški prevod English translation: Nataša Klarič<br />

Avtorji tekstov Authors: Polona Bohorič, Klemen Mišič, Olga Potisek,<br />

Marjeta Privšek, Beba Splichal, Mihael Virkeš.<br />

Fotografi Photographers: Barbara Čeferin, Miloš Mokotar<br />

Oblikovna zasnova in postavitev Design: Janez Vidrih, Agencija Nuit.<br />

Tisk Printed by: Tiskarna Pleško, Ljubljana<br />

Naslovnica Cover page:<br />

Obleka Dress and styling: Maja Ferme; Model: Karin - Bronz model<br />

agency; Make-up: Nataša Zajc; Pričeska Hair: Salon Las Vegas,<br />

Foto Photo: Urban Modic, Orhideja Orchiid: Ocean´s Orchids, foto:<br />

Franci Virant Grafika Design: Janez Vidrih, Agencija Nuit<br />

Distribucija za hotele Hotel distribution:<br />

Agencija Nuit d.o.o., Gregorčičeva ul. 23, 1000 Ljubljana – SI<br />

Trženje oglasnega prostora Marketing:<br />

Divanova d.o.o., Koseška c. 8, 1000 Ljubljana - SI<br />

salon@divanova.si<br />

Vse avtorske pravice pridržane. Izdano v aprilu 2008.<br />

All rights reserved. Published in April 2008.


Mestni trg 21 - 1000 Ljubljana - Tel.: 4217740<br />




prva salonska the first salon one<br />

Strastno do skrajnih meja<br />

Kaj nas žene, da ustvarjamo, napredujemo, tvegamo, se razvijamo, zmagujemo<br />

Je to intuicija, želja, neznano notranje vodilo Vseeno, lepo je čutiti strast. Naj gre za male<br />

vsakodnevne posebnosti, morda čudaštvo, ali zgolj za neko neizmerno, obvezujočo željo<br />

po nečem ali nekom v svoji bližini. Zagotovo pa brez strasti ni odstiranja novih obzorij, ni<br />

pravih uspehov in ni pravih občutij. Pravijo, da obstaja skupina ljudi, ki občuti močneje, bolj<br />

intenzivno in silno. Verjamem in vem, da je to enako težko kot lepo. Izrednim, do skrajnosti<br />

napetim naporom vedno, brez izjeme, sledi intenzivna sreča, občutek višave, blaženost.<br />

In zato je vredno preživeti tudi spodnjo stran skrajnosti. Za trenutek in občutek, strastno<br />

in skrajno lep. Na vrhu.<br />

What is it that drives us to create, improve, take risks, grow, triumph<br />

Is it intuition, desire, a mysterious inner force No matter – passion feels good. Be it small<br />

everyday quirks, eccentricity, or perhaps a massive, binding commitment to something or<br />

somebody close by. However, one thing is certain: without passion there is no discovery,<br />

there are no real triumphs and no real feelings. They say that some people feel more<br />

strongly, more intensely, more violently. I believe and know that this is just as hard as it<br />

is wonderful. Exceptional effort stretching one to the limit is always, without exception,<br />

followed by intense happiness, elation, bliss. Which is why it is worth to travel through hell<br />

to get there. To experience that moment of ecstasy, of indescribable passion and beauty.<br />

At the top.<br />

Polona Bohorič, odgovorna urednica Managing Editor<br />

foto photo: Barbara Čeferin<br />

Pushing Boundaries With Passion<br />

And who are the heroes of Salon stories in this issue The people whose desire to push<br />

beyond the boundaries, need to search for beauty or awareness of their mission drives<br />

them to produce outstanding results.<br />

Slovenian alpinists, who in recent decades attained the loftiest alpine aspirations and<br />

conquered the highest peaks on the planet. Winemakers, whose unique wine creations<br />

stand out from the already superb selection of Slovenian wines. Flower lovers, who have<br />

successfully channelled their passion into business success. Inventors, whose care for a<br />

better future of Earth’s inhabitants and high ethical standards have led them to forge new<br />

trails in technology. Lovers of nature, who by living their personal mission are opening<br />

our eyes to new dimensions of existence. Honeybees, tiny creatures without which life<br />

would be inconceivably more difficult and to which the people of Slovenia have become<br />

so attached that they have become an integral part of our culture. However, the place of<br />

honour in this issue of Salon guests goes to Nature. Nature, whose infinite creative force<br />

knows no bounds and which in the passing of time, measured in days, years or hundreds<br />

of thousands of years, produces shapes and forms that we people find so indescribably<br />

awesome.<br />

In kdo so junaki tokratnih salonskih zgodb Tisti, ki jih želja po preseganju meja, potreba<br />

po iskanju lepote ali pa zavedanje svojega poslanstva nenehno žene, da vsak na svoj<br />

način ustvarjajo presežke.<br />

To so slovenski alpinisti, ki so v zadnjih desetletjih osvojili najvišje cilje alpinizma in vse<br />

najvišje vrhove sveta. Vinarji, ki s svojimi vinskimi posebneži izstopajo iz povprečja<br />

sicer odlične ponudbe slovenskih vin. Ljubitelji cvetja, ki so uspeli svojo strast preliti v<br />

poslovni uspeh. Izumitelji, ki v skrbi za boljšo prihodnost Zemljanov in z visokimi etičnimi<br />

merili presegajo ustaljene smeri razvoja tehnologije. Ljubitelji narave, ki nam skozi svoje<br />

posebno poslanstvo odkrivajo drugačne razsežnosti bivanja. Čebele, drobna bitja, brez<br />

katerih bi bilo življenje nepredstavljivo težje in so nam Slovencem tako prirasle k srcu, da<br />

so postale nepogrešljivi del nacionalne kulture. In na častnem mestu salonskih gostov<br />

je Narava. S svojo neskončno ustvarjalno močjo ne pozna skrajnih meja in v bežečem<br />

času, ki ga merimo z dnevi, leti ali stotisočletji, riše oblike – nam ljudem tako nepojmljivo<br />

veličastne.<br />

Marjeta Privšek, izvršna urednica Executive Editor

12<br />

novice news hoteli bernardin<br />

Rajska izkušnja v Bernardinu<br />

Experience paradise at the Bernardin<br />

Na vrhu pečine, z veličastnim razgledom na morje, v prestižnem<br />

Grand Hotelu Bernardin v Portorožu, se konec maja 2008<br />

odpira center dobrega počutja Paradise Spa. Razkošnih 2000<br />

m2 omogoča rajsko izkušnjo za vsakogar, ki potrebuje oddih,<br />

sprostitev in razvajanje.<br />

Temu prostoru je že od nekdaj vladala pozitivna energija, leta<br />

1452 so prav na mestu današnjih hotelov Bernardin frančiškani<br />

zgradili cerkev in kasneje še samostan. Menihi so razvijali<br />

mnoge blagodejne dejavnosti, lokacija samostana z odlično<br />

obmorsko klimo in razgledom sama kliče po zdravilstvu in<br />

razvijanju duhovnih pogledov.<br />

Paradise Spa je mešanica mediteranskih vonjav po morju, soli<br />

in cvetju v harmoniji z naravnimi materiali, prijetnimi na dotik,<br />

ter okoljem, ki krepi čute in vzpodbuja stik s seboj, s svojim<br />

telesom in mislimi. Sprostitveni bazen z morsko vodo v centru<br />

Paradise Spa ponuja čudovit razgled na morsko gladino. Za<br />

romantike seveda dodajajo še sončni zahod. Paradise bar<br />

ob bazenu osveži in vzpodbudi zaznavanje okusa s svežimi<br />

kulinaričnimi dobrotami moderne Spa cuisine. Razvajanja se<br />

nadaljujejo v številnih različnih savnah. Tukajšnji posebnosti sta<br />

»rasul« za orientalski ritual z blatom in paro ter »hamam«, soba<br />

za mediteranski ritual s solnim pilingom in posebno masažo z<br />

milnico iz črnih oliv. Zdravilni učinki morske vode pa prihajajo s<br />

talasoterapijo. Sprostitev ponuja tudi široka paleta tradicionalnih<br />

neg in masaž, ki prepletajo vzhodnjaške tradicije in zahodnjaške<br />

znanosti, prihajajo z vseh koncev sveta, z enim samim ciljem:<br />

sproščanje in izboljšanje počutja. Tudi lepotni programi in kopeli<br />

so domišljeni, tako za moške kot za ženske, posebej tudi za pare<br />

ali za bodoče mamice. K splošni vitalnosti pripomore moderno<br />

opremljen fitnes center, visoko kvalificirani terapevti pa ob vsem<br />

skupaj svetujejo pri izbiri pravega razvajanja ter ga prilagodijo<br />

željam in potrebam posameznika.<br />

Center za sproščanje in razvajanje ali kot pravi njegovo ime<br />

– prostor za rajsko počutje, je sinergija masaž, kopeli, vonjav,<br />

vzdušja, bližine morja in udobja. Za povsem novo izkušnjo,<br />

svežo energijo in prenovljeno življenje. Seveda, z božanskim<br />

razgledom na morje.<br />

At the top of the cliff and boasting spectacular sea views, at the<br />

prestigious Grand Hotel Bernardin, Portorož, wellness centre Paradise<br />

Spa is set to open at the end of May 2008. The mission of the lavish<br />

spa spreading over 2,000 m2 is to deliver the experience of paradise to<br />

anyone in need of rest, relaxation and pampering.<br />

Since time immemorial, the place has been radiating positive energy;<br />

in 1452, a Franciscan church, which was later followed by a monastery,<br />

was build on the site of the present St. Bernardin hotel complex. The<br />

monks engaged in the development of numerous natural remedies and<br />

treatments, which is not surprising since the combination of the<br />

location and the exquisite sea climate is just about ideal for healing<br />

and spiritual pursuits.<br />

The Paradise Spa is a perfect blend of harmonious Mediterranean<br />

scents of sea, salt and flowers, natural materials, warm to the touch,<br />

and the ambience, with sharpens the senses and facilitates and<br />

promotes a sense of unity between the body, mind and spirit. The<br />

Paradise Spa relaxation swimming pool filled with seawater offers<br />

a magnificent view over the Adriatic Sea with the sunset thrown in<br />

for romantically inclined souls. Refreshments served at the Paradise<br />

Poolside Bar sensitise the taste buds to fresh culinary delicacies<br />

prepared by the Spa Cuisine. Pampering continues in four different<br />

saunas. Speciality treatments include the exotic “rasul” ritual, which<br />

is an oriental mud-and-steam treatment, and the “hamam” ritual<br />

featuring an invigorating peeling with sea salt and a black olive<br />

lather massage. The medicinal effects of seawater, however, come<br />

with thalassotherapy. A wide selection of traditional treatments and<br />

massages from all over the world, which combine oriental traditions<br />

and western science, is designed to serve a single purpose: to promote<br />

relaxation and wellbeing. Equally sophisticated are beauty treatments<br />

and baths for both men and women, and private baths and treatments<br />

for couples and expecting mothers. To restore your general vitality,<br />

there is also a state-of-the-art gym and highly qualified therapists to<br />

help you choose the right pampering package or design one to match<br />

your individual preferences and needs.<br />

The relaxation and pampering centre or, as its name suggests, a<br />

place to experience paradise, is a synergy of massages, baths, scents,<br />

atmosphere, indulgence and the sea. For a brand new experience, fresh<br />

energy and renewal. And divine sea views, naturally.

16<br />

novice news sava hoteli bled<br />

foto photo: arhiv archive Sava Hoteli Bled<br />

Ban Ki Moon na Bledu<br />

Knjiga častnih gostov blejskega Grand Hotela Toplice, v kateri<br />

se najdejo imena, kot so Gari Kasparov, Laura Bush, Madeleine<br />

Albright in Chris Barnard, je od januarja 2008 bogatejša za<br />

še en vpis. V hotelu so namreč gostili generalnega sekretarja<br />

Organizacije združenih narodov Ban Ki Moona, ki je obiskal<br />

Slovenijo kot predsedujočo Sveta Evropske unije. Generalni<br />

sekretar je pred odhodom iz hotela v knjigo častnih gostov med<br />

drugim napisal: “Čudovita okolica Bleda z zasneženimi gorami<br />

je še polepšala bivanje pri vas.”<br />

Ban Ki Moon at Bled<br />

As of January 2008 another illustrious name has been added to the<br />

book of honorary guests of Grand Hotel Toplice in Bled, which already<br />

boasts entries by Gari Kasparov, Laura Bush, Madeleine Albright and<br />

Chris Barnard. The hotel hosted the United Nations Secretary-General<br />

Ban Ki Moon during his visit of Slovenia as the current presiding state<br />

of the European Union. Before his departure, the Secretary-General<br />

included the following lines in the book of honorary guests:<br />

»…Beautiful scenery of the Lake Bled with mountains covered with<br />

snow made my stay much more comfortable and happier. I wish you<br />

all the best.«<br />

Hotel Golf – najboljši resort hotel<br />

Evrope in Sredozemlja<br />

Založba Condé Nast Johansens, izdajatelj mednarodnih<br />

vodnikov luksuznih hotelov, je blejski hotel Golf proglasila za<br />

najboljši resort hotel v Evropi in Sredozemlju v letu 2008. Hotel<br />

Golf je bil izbran na podlagi priporočil gostov in ocen neodvisnih<br />

inšpektorjev, ki so poleg hotelskih storitev ocenjevali tudi<br />

privlačnost kraja, v katerem se nahaja hotel. Priznana založba že<br />

šestindvajset let izdaja vodnike po vrhunskih hotelih, resortih in<br />

kongresnih prizoriščih, namenjene zahtevnim gostom. Hotel Golf,<br />

ki deluje v okviru družbe Sava Hoteli Bled, je bil že leta 2006 kot<br />

edini slovenski hotel objavljen v vodniku “Recommended Hotels<br />

& Spas” za območje Evrope in Sredozemlja, letos pa je prejel<br />

prestižno nagrado za odličnost v kategoriji Najboljši resort, eni<br />

izmed enajstih razpisanih kategorij.<br />

Hotel Golf: most excellent resort hotel<br />

in Europe & the Mediterranean<br />

Condé Nast Johansens, the publishers of the most comprehensive<br />

illustrated international reference to prestigious accommodation,<br />

declared Bled’s Hotel Golf the Most Excellent Resort Hotel in Europe<br />

and the Mediterranean in 2008. Winners are selected on the basis of<br />

guests’ recommendations and independent inspector appraisal, who in<br />

addition to hotel services also rate the attractiveness of the surrounding<br />

area. Condé Nast Johansens have been publishing reference guides to<br />

luxury hotels, resorts and meeting venues offering quality, excellent<br />

service and value for money for twenty-six years. Hotel Golf, which is<br />

part of Sava Hoteli Bled and was the first and only hotel in Slovenia<br />

to have been included in their Recommended Hotels & Spas guide for<br />

Europe and the Mediterranean in 2006, now received the prestigious<br />

Excellence Award in the category Most Excellent Resort Hotel, one of<br />

the eleven categories listed.<br />

Zmaga blejskih kuharjev<br />

Na tekmovanju v kulinarični umetnosti, ki je potekalo v okviru<br />

83. tradicionalne slanikove pojedine v Grand Hotelu Union<br />

v Ljubljani, sta predstavnika blejskega Grand Hotela Toplice<br />

prejela dve zlati medalji. Na prireditvi je sodelovalo 25 vrhunskih<br />

kuharskih mojstrov iz vse Slovenije, ki so številnim obiskovalcem<br />

predstavili več kot 150 različnih kulinaričnih izdelkov. V Unionski<br />

dvorani so prvo slanikovo pojedino pripravili že leta 1908. Vsako<br />

leto zapored kuharski mojstri pripravljajo razstavo kulinaričnih<br />

izdelkov iz različnih morskih in sladkovodnih rib, mehkužcev in<br />

sadežev, letos pa je ob razstavi prvič potekalo tudi tekmovanje.<br />

Blejski Grand Hotel Toplice sta zastopala vodja kuhinje Igor<br />

Jagodic, sicer tudi član slovenske nacionalne kuharske ekipe,<br />

in njegov pomočnik Simon Bertoncelj. Za svoje izdelke sta oba<br />

prejela zlato medaljo.<br />

Chefs from Bled victorious<br />

In the Culinary Art Competition held as part of the 83rd Traditional<br />

Cod Feast at Grand Hotel Union, Ljubljana, the representatives of Bled’s<br />

Grand Hotel Toplice claimed two gold medals. The competition featured<br />

25 top chefs from all over Slovenia who treated numerous visitors to<br />

more than 150 culinary masterpieces. The first Cod Feast took place<br />

at the hotel in 1908. While every year masters of culinary arts mount<br />

a veritable exhibition of their freshwater fish and seafood creations,<br />

the competition was only introduced in 2008. Grand Hotel Toplice<br />

Bled was represented by Head Chef Igor Jagodic, also a member of the<br />

Slovenian National Culinary Team, and his assistant Simon Bertoncelj.<br />

Both received gold medals for their dishes.

18<br />

novice news sava hoteli bled<br />

foto photo: arhiv archive Sava Hoteli Bled<br />

Prvi družinski hotel v Sloveniji<br />

Od konca aprila je gostom na Bledu na voljo nov hotel Savica, v<br />

katerem so še posebej dobrodošle družine z otroki. Hotel namreč<br />

nudi številne storitve za brezskrbno in prijetno dopustovanje<br />

– družine lahko bivajo v povezanih sobah, ki so opremljene in<br />

prilagojene otrokom. Razveselili se bodo tudi dveh igralnic,<br />

kjer jih pričakujejo animatorji s pestrimi programi. Želje otrok<br />

upoštevajo celo kuharji, ki pripravljajo posebne otroške menije.<br />

Vsi gostje lahko brezplačno uporabljajo bazenski kompleks<br />

v Wellnessu Živa, ki se prav tako ponaša s svojim otroškim<br />

kotičkom. Starši si lahko privoščijo tudi sprostitev v wellnessu,<br />

medtem ko na otroke popazijo usposobljene varuške.<br />

First family hotel in Slovenia<br />

From the end of April 2008 guests can stay at the Savica, a new hotel at<br />

Bled catering in particular to families with children. The hotel offers<br />

numerous services designed to ensure a carefree, relaxed vacation for<br />

families, which can stay in adjoining rooms connected by an internal<br />

door, furnished and designed with children in mind. There are also<br />

two common playrooms with extensive entertainment programs and<br />

children’s entertainers making sure that everybody has a good time.<br />

Children’s menus are also available. All guests staying at the Savica<br />

can splash about in the Wellness Živa swimming pools, which also<br />

feature a special kids’ corner. Parents can treat themselves to a bit<br />

of well-deserved R&R at the wellness studio while their children are<br />

looked after by qualified nannies.<br />

The one piece of hand luggage<br />

a pilot should always have.<br />

Golf Bled bo gostil najboljše<br />

evropske mlade golfiste<br />

V juliju 2008 na blejskem igrišču za golf pričakujejo 120<br />

najboljših mladih golfistov iz cele Evrope. Od 8. do 12. julija<br />

bo namreč potekalo Evropsko mladinsko prvenstvo, ki bo<br />

najpomembnejši mednarodni dogodek na igrišču v letošnjem<br />

letu. Na dogodek se na Bledu intenzivno pripravljajo, da se bodo<br />

bodočim profesionalnim igralcem predstavili v kar najlepši luči.<br />

Tudi v centru Bleda bo v času turnirja moč začutiti pridih golfa.<br />

Otvoritev dogodka tokrat prvič ne bo na samem igrišču, ampak<br />

na blejski promenadi, kjer si jo bodo lahko ogledali tudi drugi<br />

obiskovalci. Ti bodo v času tekmovanj dobrodošli tudi na igrišču,<br />

kjer bodo lahko vzpodbujali mlade igralce.<br />

Golf Bled to host best<br />

junior golf players in Europe<br />

In July, Bled’s golf links will welcome 120 best junior players from<br />

all over Europe as the European Junior Championship, the main<br />

international event taking place on the Bled golf course in 2008, is<br />

held from 8 to 12 July. The organisers are busy preparing for the<br />

tournament, eager to show themselves to the future pros in the best<br />

possible light. During the event, the centre of the town will likewise<br />

be pulsating in the rhythms of golf. For the first time the opening<br />

ceremony will not be held on the actual golf course but on the main<br />

promenade in town for all town visitors and residents to see. The latter<br />

will however also be welcome on the links to cheer on young players.<br />

Golf brez meja<br />

Gostje, ki želijo svoje golfske počitnice preživeti v enem izmed<br />

hotelov družbe Sava Hoteli Bled, imajo poleg igranja golfa na<br />

Bledu po novem na izbiro še pet igrišč v Sloveniji, Avstriji in Italiji,<br />

s katerimi je Igrišče za golf Bled sklenilo posebno partnersko<br />

sodelovanje. V manj kot uri vožnje tako lahko obiščejo katero koli<br />

od naslednjih igrišč: Arboretum Volčji Potok (Slovenija, 51 km),<br />

igrišče Moosburg-Pörtschach (Avstrija, 69 km), Alpe Adria Golf<br />

Schloss Finkenstein (Avstrija, 52 km), Klagenfurt-Seltenheim<br />

(Avstrija, 82 km) in Golf Country Club Tarvisio (Italija, 56 km).<br />

Na vseh naštetih igriščih so jim na voljo posebni popusti za<br />

nakup igralnih kart.<br />

Golf without frontiers<br />

This year, in addition to playing on the golf links of Golf & Country<br />

Club Bled, guests who are planning on spending their golf vacation at<br />

one of the Sava Hoteli Bled hotels can also avail themselves of a special<br />

discount at five other golf courses in Slovenia, Austria and Italy, all<br />

within an hour’s drive of Bled: Arboretum Volčji Potok (Slovenia, 51<br />

km), Moosburg-Pörtschach Golf Course (Austria, 69 km), Alpe Adria Golf<br />

Schloss Finkenstein (Austria, 52 km), Klagenfurt-Seltenheim (Austria,<br />

82 km) and Golf Country Club Tarvisio (Italy, 56 km).<br />

And the second.<br />

Pilot’s Watch Chrono-Automatic. Ref. 3717: Seventy years’ experience<br />

of designing pilot’s watches shine through in a watch as functional as a<br />

cockpit instrument. The soft-iron inner case protects the chronograph<br />

movement against even strong magnetic fields. The coated sapphire glass<br />

is optimally secured against sudden drops in pressure. After all, a good co-pilot<br />

should intervene when the captain is distracted. IWC. Engineered for men.<br />

Mechanical chronograph movement | Self-winding |<br />

Soft-iron inner case for protection<br />

against magnetic fields (figure) |<br />

Antireflective sapphire glass,<br />

secured in case of sudden drops in<br />

pressure | Water-resistant to 60 m |<br />

Stainless steel

20<br />

novice news terme laško<br />

foto photo: arhiv archive Zdravilišče Laško<br />

Skrivnost Laških vrelcev<br />

Najdbe prvih toplih vrelcev v Laškem segajo v čas razcveta antične<br />

Celeie. V srednjem veku so za pripovedovanje o blagodejnih<br />

vrelcih skrbeli misijonarji, po letu 1854 pa Habsburžani. Takrat<br />

je v Laškem zraslo prvo termalno kopališče, ki se je do danes<br />

razvilo v enega najsodobnejših centrov zdravstvenega in wellness<br />

turizma. Termalna voda s pozitivnimi biološkimi učinki sodi po<br />

mnenju Kemijskega inštituta iz Kanade med termalne vode z<br />

bogato vzpodbujevalno energijo in kvalitetnim biopoljem, kar je<br />

učinkovito predvsem pri prebolevanju in obnavljanju organizma<br />

ter koristno pri samem zdravljenju. Njena dobrodejna ionska<br />

sestava in pravilne oblike vodnih kristalov skrbijo predvsem za<br />

ponovno vzpostavitev zdravja in ohranjanje dobrega počutja.<br />

Preizkusili so jo ljudje iz domala vseh koncev sveta, tako z daljne<br />

Japonske, Nove Zelandije, celo iz Kanade, iz Turčije in številnih<br />

drugih držav. Laško danes postaja pomemben turistični center,<br />

ki s svojo wellness ponudbo izpostavlja kakovost bivanja in<br />

kulturo zdravega načina življenja.<br />

The mystery of Laško springs<br />

The discovery of the first hot springs in Laško goes way back, to<br />

the times of ancient Celeia. In the Middle Ages, stories about the<br />

healing wells were being spread by missionaries, and after 1851,<br />

the Habsburgs. It was at that time that the first spa baths were build<br />

in Laško, which have since grown into one of the most sophisticated<br />

centres of health and wellness tourism. In the opinion of the Chemical<br />

Institute of Canada the healing properties of the Laško thermal water<br />

are due to an abundance of stimulating energy and a high-quality bio<br />

field, which effectively facilitates the recovery and regeneration of<br />

the body and promotes the healing process. The water’s wholesome<br />

ionic composition and perfect crystal structure help restore health and<br />

wellbeing. It has been tried by a multitude of people from all over<br />

the world including Japan, New Zealand, Canada, Turkey and numerous<br />

other countries. Today, Laško is fast becoming a major tourist centre<br />

with a range of wellness products and services that are largely focused<br />

on the quality of living and promoting a healthy lifestyle.<br />

A<br />

H<br />

Maribor<br />

Ljubljana<br />

Celje<br />

Laško<br />

Na sotočju Rečice in Savinje<br />

Moderno kopališče, ki od sredine februarja 2008 k obisku<br />

nagovarja predvsem počitnikarje, je kar trikrat večje od<br />

dosedanjih bazenov Zdravilišča Laško. Termalni center se<br />

razprostira na 2200 m2 vodnih površin notranjih in zunanjih<br />

bazenov. Pod veličastno stekleno kupolo, ki je gotovo ena od<br />

glavnih posebnosti novega Wellness parka Laško, vabijo k<br />

vodnemu doživetju bazen z valovi, trije whirpooli nad bazenom,<br />

Kneippov kotiček, otroško vodno zabavišče, rekreacijskomasažni<br />

bazen s slapovi in talnimi izviri, hitra reka in tobogan. Na zunanjih<br />

površinah kraljujejo rekreacijskoplavalni in otroški bazen, vodna<br />

drča in zunanji tobogan ter termalni bazen, povezan z notranjim<br />

bazenom. Največja atrakcija je masažni bazen v obliki kristala,<br />

na sotočju Rečice in Savinje, ki najbolj izrazito poudarja sožitje<br />

z naravo v objemu termalnih voda. V njem bo moč uživati v<br />

različnih aromatičnih in barvnih kopelih v kombinaciji z vodnimi<br />

masažami, ki bodo telo še dodatno napolnile z energijo.<br />

Wellness park Laško, ki nastaja samo korak stran od že<br />

uveljavljenega zdravilišča, je možnosti izkoriščanja zdravilne<br />

termalne vode nadgradil z atraktivnim in modernim kopališčem<br />

ter savna centrom. V avgustu 2008 bo obstoječim kapacitetam<br />

dodan še wellness hotel s hotelsko in a la carte restavracijo,<br />

kavarno ter enim najsodobnejših SPA centrov v tem delu<br />

Evrope.<br />

Za telo in dušo<br />

V savna centru na 675 m2 s šestimi savnami, zgrajenimi v<br />

sodobnem slogu s pridihom zgodovine Laškega, postanejo<br />

podaljšani trenutki sprostitve in krepitve telesa neprecenljivi.<br />

Infrardeča ter klasične finske in parne savne se spogledujejo<br />

s tradicijo tematsko urejenih savn s tremi počivališči, hladnim<br />

notranjim in toplim zunanjim bazenom ter barom za osvežitev. V<br />

sprostitev med savnanjem v novem Termalnem centru Wellness<br />

parka Laško sodi neposreden pogled na reko Savinjo in vznožje<br />

Huma. Fascinanten razgled omogočajo steklene stene v savnah<br />

in poskrbijo za utrinke sožitja med znanostjo in nedotakljivostjo<br />

narave.<br />

Where the Rečica meets the Savinja<br />

The modern complex, which first opened in February 2008 and has<br />

been designed with holidaymakers in mind, is three times bigger<br />

than the pools of the Zdravilišče Laško spa resort. The thermal centre<br />

includes a number of indoor and outdoor pools covering 2,200 m2 of<br />

water surfaces in total. A magnificent glass dome, which is one of<br />

the trademarks of the new Wellness Park Laško, houses a wave pool,<br />

three whirlpools, a Kneipp corner, a children’s water entertainment<br />

area, a recreational and massage pool with cascading waterfalls and<br />

powerful jets installed in the floor of the pool, a fast river lane and a<br />

water slide. The outdoor area features a recreational swimming pool, a<br />

children’s pool, a water slide and outdoor toboggan, and a thermal pool,<br />

which is connected to the indoor pool. The biggest attraction, however,<br />

is the crystal-shaped massage pool situated at the confluence of the<br />

Rečica and the Savinja, which effectively highlights the symbiotic<br />

relationship between man and nature. You can choose from a variety of<br />

aromatic and colour therapy baths in combination with water massage<br />

designed to invigorate and revitalise the body.<br />

Wellness Park Laško, which is just a step away from the original<br />

spa resort, has augmented the water’s therapeutic properties with<br />

an appealing, modern water park and sauna centre. In August 2008<br />

the existing capacities will be further enhanced by a wellness hotel,<br />

restaurant, café and one of the most sophisticated spa centres in this<br />

part of Europe.<br />

Body and soul<br />

The sauna centre, which spreads over 675 m2, features six saunas<br />

designed in modern style with a hint of Laško’s history, where precious<br />

moments of leisure and relaxation become an opportunity to recharge<br />

your batteries. Infrared and classical Finnish and steam saunas flirt<br />

with the tradition of theme-oriented saunas with three resting spots,<br />

a cold indoor and a warm outdoor pool, and a refreshment bar. The<br />

relaxation in between sauna treatments at the new sauna centre of<br />

Wellness Park Laško includes a direct view over the Savinja river and<br />

the foothills of Huma. Lost in the mesmerising views through the glass<br />

walls of the sauna centre, one can truly feel a sublime union of science<br />

and nature.<br />

I<br />

Koper<br />

Novo mesto<br />

CRO<br />


• kristalna moč vode<br />

• atraktiven termalni center pod stekleno kupolo<br />

• sožitje z naravo v objemu termalnih voda<br />

Novo: Avgust 2008 - hotel WELLNESS PARK LAŠKO**** in najsodobnejši<br />


• crystal power of water<br />

• attractive thermal spa centre under a glass dome<br />

• life with nature in the embrace of thermal waters<br />

NEW: August 2008 - WELLNESS PARK LAŠKO**** hotel and the most<br />


Wellness Park Laško d.d., Zdraviliška cesta 6, SI – 3270 Laško<br />

Tel.: + 386 (0)3 7348 900, info@zdravilisce-lasko.si, www.wellnesspark-lasko.si<br />


24<br />

novice news terme 3000<br />

foto photo: arhiv archive Terme 3000<br />

Danilo Kozar iz Stuttgarta<br />

z dvema zlatima medaljama<br />

Na mednarodnem kulinaričnem tekmovanju Intergastra 2008<br />

v nemškem Stuttgartu so od 9. do 13. februarja v različnih<br />

kategorijah tekmovale številne nacionalne in regionalne ekipe<br />

ter samostojni tekmovalci z vsega sveta. Člana slovenske<br />

nacionalne ekipe, ki je za razstavo kulinaričnih izdelkov in<br />

za kuhanje glavne jedi prejela srebrno medaljo, sta tudi Igor<br />

Jagodic, vodja kuhinje v Grand Hotelu Toplice, in Danilo Kozar,<br />

vodja kuhinje v Hotelu Livada Prestige. Slednji je tekmoval kot<br />

samostojni tekmovalec v dveh kategorijah. Predstavil se je z<br />

vegetarijansko ploščo in menijem s tremi hodi ter v kulinarični<br />

artistiki z izdelkom iz slanega testa. Za oboje je prejel najvišji<br />

priznanji.<br />

Zlato razvajanje v hotelu<br />

Livada prestige<br />

V Termah 3000 skrbijo tudi za razvoj novih turističnih produktov<br />

in storitev. Izredno dobro so gostje sprejeli prvo kozmetično<br />

linijo iz termomineralne vode v Sloveniji, Thermalium Collection,<br />

ki so jo v Termah 3000 razvili v sodelovanju s podjetjem Galex<br />

iz Murske Sobote. Tako so ustvarili dragocen spominek iz Term<br />

3000, saj jim je uspelo združiti naravne in zdravilne sestavine<br />

največjega bogastva svojega zdravilišča.<br />

Najsodobnejšo wellness ponudbo so nadgradili z masažama,<br />

ki temeljita na olju, obogatenem s čistim 24-karatnim zlatom,<br />

dopolnjeni s specialnim gelom za vitalizacijo in regeneracijo<br />

celic, ekskluzivno pa ju bodo izvajali v wellness centru<br />

petzvezdičnega Hotela Livada Prestige. Masaži kožo učvrstita,<br />

obnavljata in poživljata ter jo ščitita pred neugodnimi zunanjimi<br />

vplivi. Z bogatim energetskim nabojem tovrstna masaža krepi<br />

odpornost kože, ji daje moč in energijo ter vpliva na dobro<br />

počutje.<br />

Danilo Kozar takes two gold medals in Stuttgart<br />

Numerous national and regional teams and individuals took park in<br />

the international Intergastra 2008 Culinary Competition in Stuttgart,<br />

Germany, which was held from 9 to 13 February. Igor Jagodic, Head<br />

Chef at Grand Hotel Toplice and Danilo Kozar, Head Chef at Hotel<br />

Livada Prestige were part of the Slovenian national team, which<br />

received a silver medal for the exhibition of their culinary creations<br />

and the preparation of the main dish. Danilo Kozar competed in the<br />

individual competition in two categories and received top prizes in<br />

both for his vegetarian dish and three-course menu, and a salt dough<br />

dish in Culinary Artistry.<br />

Pamper yourself with gold<br />

at the Livada Prestige<br />

The development of new products and services is a priority at Terme<br />

3000. The first thermal-mineral water cosmetics line in Slovenia,<br />

Thermalium Collection, which was developed at Terme 3000 in<br />

conjunction with Galex, Murska Sobota, has been extremely well<br />

received by the guests. Thermalium Collection features a proprietary<br />

blend of natural ingredients and healing properties of the spa resort’s<br />

greatest asset, which makes it a valuable Terme 3000 souvenir.<br />

Recently, the spa’s state-of-the-art wellness offer has been augmented<br />

with two massages where the oils used have been enhanced with 24-<br />

karat gold and a special gel for cell revitalisation and regeneration;<br />

both massages will be exclusive to the Hotel Livada Prestige wellness<br />

centre. The massages have a firming, regenerative and invigorating<br />

effect on the skin, creating additional protection from adverse<br />

environmental conditions. This kind of rich, energy-charged massage<br />

strengthens the skin, infuses it with nutrients and vital energy, and<br />

promotes a sense of wellbeing.<br />

• The luxury of water delights on a surface of more than 15.000 m 2<br />

• More than 1.800 metres of toboggan runs<br />

• More than 1.000 km of cycling paths<br />

• 36 golf holes for an unforgettable golf experience<br />

• More than 30 saunas<br />

• 300 diffrent services for your health, beauty<br />

and wellbeing<br />

• More than 2.500 beds (in hotels, apartments,<br />

bungalows and camp sites)<br />

• More than 1.000 seats for business meetings<br />

Lepotna kirurgija Onišak v<br />

wellness centru Thermalium<br />

V centru sprostitve, lepote in dobrega počutja Thermalium so<br />

bogato wellness ponudbo razširili tudi s storitvami Estetike<br />

Onišak, katere ustanovitelj je Boris Onišak, dr. med. V Estetiki<br />

Onišak se ukvarjajo s popravki nosu, ušes, brade, vek, dvigom<br />

čela ter obrvi in drugimi manjšimi kirurškimi posegi, posebno<br />

pozornost namenjajo tudi pomlajevanju obraza. Vsi posegi ter<br />

dodatne informacije so podrobneje opisane na spletni strani<br />

www.estetika-onisak.si.<br />

Cosmetic surgery clinic Onišak<br />

at wellness center Thermalium<br />

The range of services at the centre of relaxation, beauty and wellbeing<br />

Thermalium has been augmented by Estetika Onišak, a cosmetic<br />

surgery clinic established by Boris Onišak, MD. The clinic specialises<br />

in nose, ear, chin and eyelid corrections, forehead and eyebrow lifts,<br />

and other minor surgical procedures with a particular focus on facial<br />

rejuvenation. Detailed descriptions of all procedures and further<br />

information can be found on www.estetika-onisak.si<br />

7<br />

www.terme3000.si ++386 2 512 22 00<br />

Novost v Termah 3000 – tobogan<br />

aqua loop z raketnim štartom<br />

V Termah 3000 v Moravskih Toplicah v letošnjem letu širijo<br />

kopališko ponudbo s postavitvijo edinstvenega »aqua loop«<br />

tobogana na svetu. Dolžina tobogana je dobrih 90 metrov, start<br />

pa je na višini 22 metrov, njegova posebnost je raketni start.<br />

Raketa je usmerjena navzgor, v »vesolje«, kopalec se v raketo<br />

postavi z glavo navzgor, naenkrat mu zmanjka tal pod nogami in<br />

spusti se skozi tobogan – looping ter pristane v izteku.<br />

S toboganskim spustom za 360° so v Termah 3000 v Moravskih<br />

Toplicah poskrbeli za nepozabni adrenalinski naboj in še bolj<br />

pestre počitniške dni.<br />

New attraction at Terme 3000:<br />

“rocket powered aqua-loop” water slide<br />

2008 brought a new attraction to the Terme 3000 water park in<br />

Moravske Toplice: A 360° “aqua-loop” water slide, the only one of its<br />

kind in the world. The ride, which is just over 90 metres long, features<br />

a “rocket-powered” take-off at the height of 22 metres. The rider enters<br />

the rocket, which is turned skywards, when the trap door on which<br />

he stands suddenly gives way and the rider rapidly descends down<br />

the 360° loop, adrenaline pumping through his veins, before landing<br />

safely at the bottom.<br />

The exhilarating aqua-loop ride is virtually guaranteed to give your<br />

summer break at Terme 3000 an extra twist, making it even more<br />

exciting and enjoyable.<br />

www.terme-radenci.si ++386 2 520 27 20

26<br />

novice news terme krka<br />

foto photo: arhiv archive Terme Krka<br />

Pomlajeni iz Talaso centra Salia<br />

V Talaso centru Salia v Strunjanu navdušuje novost –<br />

biokibernetska stimulacija, moderna in zelo učinkovita metoda,<br />

ki se uporablja pri pomlajevalni negi obraza in preoblikovanju<br />

telesa. Omogoča glajenje gub in učvrstitev obraza ter<br />

podbradka, učinkovita je tudi pri odpravi aken in velja kot eden<br />

nahitrejših in najvarnejših načinov pomlajevanja obraza. Prav<br />

tako učinkovito zmanjša maščobno tkivo na trebuhu, zadnjici, na<br />

bokih in nad koleni. Zelo dobri rezultati so opazni tudi pri odpravi<br />

strij, brazgotin in celulita. Metoda biokibernetske stimulacije na<br />

popolnoma inovativen način združuje znanja sodobne medicine<br />

ter modrost tradicionalne kitajske medicine, prenesene v<br />

sodobno računalniško tehnologijo. Poseben postopek omogoča,<br />

da se med izvajanjem terapije na določenem delu telesa povečuje<br />

energetski nivo tega dela. Tako se voda in strupi iz celic izločajo<br />

v limfne tokove ter odplavijo iz telesa. Nakopičeno maščobno<br />

tkivo se razkraja, poveča se dotok krvi in s tem hranljivih snovi<br />

v tkivo. Terapija je prijetna, po njej se počutimo kot po rahli<br />

masaži, zanimivo pa si je ogledati učinke metode na posnetkih s<br />

kamero, ki jih opravijo pred in po postopku.<br />

Rejuvenated from Talaso center Salia<br />

Talaso Center Salia, Strunjan has recently introduced biocybernetic<br />

stimulation, a revolutionary and highly sophisticated treatment,<br />

which is proving particularly effective in facial rejuvenation and body<br />

contouring. Biocybernetic stimulation helps smooth wrinkles and tone<br />

the face and the chin, is very successful in the treatment of acne and is<br />

generally regarded as one of the fastest and safest facial rejuvenation<br />

techniques available. It also effectively reduces accumulated fat on the<br />

belly, buttocks, hips and knees. Furthermore, it has been successfully<br />

applied in the reduction of stretch marks, scars and cellulite. The<br />

method – biocybernetic stimulation – is an innovative blend of<br />

modern medicine, the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine<br />

and sophisticated computer technology. It is designed so as to lift<br />

the level of energy in the part of the body being stimulated. In the<br />

process, water and toxins accumulated in the cells are taken up by<br />

the lymphatic system and subsequently eliminated from the body. The<br />

accumulated fat breaks down and the inflow of blood increases along<br />

with the supply of nutrients essential to proper cell functioning. The<br />

therapy is very enjoyable and leaves one with a pleasant feeling similar<br />

to that felt after a light massage; the effects of the therapy can be<br />

seen on fascinating pictures taken by a camera before and after the<br />

treatment.<br />

Klub prijateljic<br />

Novost v Termah Šmarješke Toplice je tudi program za gospe,<br />

ki vsakodnevno uspevajo usklajevati službo, partnertsvo, otroke,<br />

dom, občasno pa si morajo privoščiti vikend, namenjen oddihu,<br />

sprostitvi in razvajanju. Poimenovali so ga Klub prijateljic.<br />

Tridnevni paket razvajanja vsebuje dobrodošlico s kavico,<br />

plavanje v termalnih bazenih in vodno aerobiko, obisk savn,<br />

malokalorijske pojedine, posvet s hišno nutricistko in hišno<br />

kozmetičarko, futrex analizo maščobnih tkiv ter neomejeno<br />

razvajanje, sproščanje in uživanje.<br />

Nov wellness hotel v Termah<br />

Dolenjske Toplice<br />

Terme Dolenjske Toplice se ponašajo z bogato tradicijo, saj so<br />

eno najstarejših zdravilišč v Evropi. Termalni izviri in prijetno<br />

okolje slikovite in z vinogradi porasle doline reke Krke že stoletja<br />

privabljajo številne goste. Visokokakovostno zdraviliško ponudbo<br />

nadgrajuje sodoben Wellness center Balnea, pravo kraljestvo<br />

termalnih bazenov, osvežilnih kopeli in savn, poživljajočih masaž<br />

ter razvajanja.<br />

V Termah Dolenjske Toplice so v decembru 2007 začeli z<br />

gradnjo novega hotela visoke kategorije, katerega posebnost<br />

bo steklen povezovalni hodnik z Wellness centrom Balnea.<br />

Hotel bo prve goste sprejel decembra 2008, v njem pa bo na<br />

razpolago 62 sob in apartmajev s 116 posteljami. Nudil bo<br />

udobje v skladu z najnovejšo tehnologijo, hkrati pa bo prijetno<br />

domačen, z veliko svetlobe in naravnih materialov. V hotelu<br />

bo še aperitiv bar v več nivojih, gostinska terasa, dvorana za<br />

seminarje, otroška igralnica, družabna soba ter prostor za<br />

rekreacijo z lepim razgledom po bližnji okolici.<br />

A circle of friends<br />

Another novelty at Terme Šmarješke Toplice is a pampering package<br />

for women who successfully juggle work, partnership, children and<br />

home, and every now and then need an R&R weekend away to recharge<br />

their batteries. It is called “Klub prijateljic” – “A Circle of Friends”.<br />

A three-day pampering package includes Welcome Coffee, swimming<br />

and water aerobics in thermal pools, sauna visits, low-calorie feasts,<br />

a consultation with the in-house nutritionist and beauty specialist,<br />

Futrex Body Fat Analysis, and infinite pampering, relaxation and<br />

indulgence.<br />

New wellness hotel at Terme Dolenjske Toplice<br />

Terme Dolenjske Toplice has long enjoyed the reputation of one of<br />

the oldest health and spa resorts in Europe. For centuries, hot water<br />

springs and the picturesque valley of the Krka river sprinkled with hilly<br />

vineyards have been attracting guests and visitors to these parts. Stateof-the-art<br />

Wellness center Balnea, which complements the already<br />

superior hotel and spa services, is a veritable kingdom of spa pools,<br />

refreshing baths and saunas, invigorating massages and pampering.<br />

In December 2007 the construction of a new luxury hotel at Terme<br />

Dolenjske Toplice got underway, which will be connected to Wellness<br />

center Balnea by a glass corridor.<br />

The hotel, which is set to receive its first guests in December 2008,<br />

will feature 62 rooms and suites with 116 beds in total. Made of<br />

natural materials and filled with light, it will be designed so as to<br />

provide the comfort and convenience dictated by the latest advances in<br />

technology, yet retain an aura of informal domesticity. The new hotel<br />

will also feature an aperitif bar, a dining terrace, a seminar room, a<br />

children’s playroom, and a recreation room with a stunning view over<br />

the surrounding area.

28<br />

novice news sončna hiša<br />

foto photo: arhiv archive Novi mediji<br />

Sončno razvajanje Sunny retreat<br />

Na severovzhodu Slovenije, tam, kjer se zemlja dotakne neba,<br />

kot radi povedo domačini, je odprla svoja vrata Sončna hiša.<br />

Luksuzen, s skrbno izbranimi dizajnerskimi kosi opremljen<br />

butični hotel v idilični vasici Banovci ponuja izvirno zamisel o<br />

drugačnem preživljanju prostega časa.<br />

Sončna hiša je namenjena vsem, ki iščejo oddih in sprostitev na<br />

vrhunski ravni turističnih storitev. Je oaza za tipične užitkarje,<br />

ki združuje čudovito naravno okolje z individualno zasnovanimi<br />

storitvami in najsodobnejšimi oblikovalskimi in arhitekturnimi<br />

podvigi. Njena dodana vrednost pa tiči tudi v skrbno premišljenih<br />

podrobnostih, ki presenečajo na vsakem koraku in obiskovalcu<br />

ponujajo povsem nove oblike sodobnega bivanja.<br />

Pet edinstvenih tematskih luksuznih suit pripoveduje vsaka<br />

svojo posebno zgodbo. Limetina trava predstavlja ambient, ki se<br />

kar zlije z naravo v okolici hiše in odstira pogled na nepregledna<br />

polja ob Muri. Mediteranski navdih v sožitju črne kovine in<br />

čistega belega bombaža najdemo v suiti Spomini na morje.<br />

Minimalistično opremljeni kotiček po imenu Manhattan spominja<br />

na urbano svetovljanstvo New Yorka, medtem ko ambient<br />

Natura, obogaten z naravnimi materiali, v človeku zdrami spomin<br />

na danes skorajda pozabljeno čistost in romantiko. Štorklja je<br />

prijazen, topel družinski kotiček z otroško posteljico, igračami,<br />

previjalno mizico ter vso opremo, namenjeno negi otroka.<br />

Za popolno sprostitev gostov poskrbi sodobno in estetsko<br />

opremljen Wellness & Spa vrt s programi za dobro počutje in,<br />

seveda, z enkratnim panoramskim razgledom.<br />

V Sončni hiši so veliko pozornosti namenili zdravi sestavi<br />

jedilnikov, saj so prepričani, da k naravnemu okolju sodi<br />

le naravna in zdrava prehrana. Najokusnejše zajtrke, ki so<br />

oblikovani izključno iz bioloških in doma pridelanih sestavin, kot<br />

je pričakovati, strežejo ob urah, ki odgovarjajo posameznemu<br />

gostu.<br />

Sončna hiša je registrirana blagovna znamka in po napovedih<br />

lastnikov se bo prekmurski inačici kmalu pridružila še kakšna<br />

nova sončna hiša v Sloveniji.<br />

In the north-eastern part of Slovenia, where the earth touches the sky,<br />

as locals are fond of saying, the Sončna hiša retreat has opened its door<br />

to guests and visitors. This exclusive boutique-size hotel, filled with<br />

carefully selected designer furniture and situated in the idyllic hamlet<br />

of Banovci, provides an imaginative alternative to traditional ways of<br />

spending one’s leisure time.<br />

The Sončna hiša is the perfect destination for those looking for a bit<br />

of R&R at the high end of the luxury spectrum. An oasis for those who<br />

know how to enjoy life to the fullest, it is a unique blend of a glorious<br />

natural environment and personalised services accentuated by stateof-the-art<br />

design and architecture. Elaborate details take the visitor<br />

by surprise at every step, revealing a whole new world of contemporary<br />

living.<br />

There are five extravagant, theme-oriented luxury suites to choose from,<br />

each telling a different story: The Limetna trava – Lime Grass suite<br />

positively blends into the nature surrounding the house, unveiling a<br />

striking view of vast plains along the Mura river. The spirit of the<br />

Mediterranean as an interplay of contrasting black metal and pure<br />

white cotton awaits us in the suite Spomini na morje – Memories of the<br />

Seaside. The minimalist Manhattan suite is reminiscent of the urban<br />

sophistication of New York, while the Natura, which is decorated with<br />

natural materials, awakens the memories of now almost forgotten<br />

purity and romance. The Štorklja – Stork is a friendly, warm family<br />

corner featuring a child’s bed, toys, a diaper changing table as well as<br />

all essential nursery items.<br />

The dream of total relaxation becomes reality in a beautifully<br />

designed, state-of-the-art Wellness & Spa studio. There are numerous<br />

wellness programs to choose from and the panoramic view is simply<br />

magnificent.<br />

Healthy menus are a priority at the Sončna hiša, in line with their<br />

motto that natural environment goes hand in hand with natural and<br />

wholesome nutrition. Their delicious breakfasts, made of exclusively<br />

organic and home-grown foods, are served at the convenience of<br />

individual guests.<br />

The Sončna hiša is a registered trademark and according to its owners<br />

the hotel in Pomurje – Prlekija may not remain the only Sončna hiša<br />

retreat in Slovenia for very long.

30<br />

Po izjemno uspešni pretekli razstavi fotografij v ljubljanskem<br />

parku Tivoli Zemlja, pogled z neba, ki jih je posnel znani francoski<br />

fotograf Yann Arthus-Bertrand, organizira slovenski Inštitut za<br />

ekologijo v sodelovanju s fundacijo GoodPlanet.org, ki jo vodi<br />

Yann Arthus-Bertrand, novo razstavo z naslovom Živi.<br />

Razstava z vrhunskimi podobami različnih živali, od pum do<br />

planktona, pripoveduje o ogroženih prebivalcih našega planeta.<br />

92 podob življenja je poleg Yanna Arthusa-Bertranda prispevalo<br />

39 svetovno znanih fotografov, specialistov za snemanje bitij v<br />

njihovih naravnih okoljih. Združeni so v okoljevarstveni fundaciji<br />

Goodplanet.org, ki si prizadeva prepričati človeštvo o nujnosti<br />

trajnostnega razvoja in ohranjanja biološke raznovrstnosti.<br />

Slovenija je tretja država sveta (za Francijo in Švico), ki<br />

javnosti s pomočjo te razstave sporoča pretresljiva dejstva o<br />

vplivih našega načina življenja na onesnaževanje planeta. Na<br />

Jakopičevem sprehajališču v Tivoliju bo razstava Živi na ogled<br />

do 30. maja 2008.<br />

novice news<br />

Živi Alive<br />

After the resounding success of Yann Arthus Bertrand’s past photo<br />

exhibit in the main Ljubljana park Tivoli, “Earth from Above”,<br />

the Slovenian Institute of Ecology in conjunction with foundation<br />

GoodPlanet.org has mounted Bertrand’s new exhibit, “Alive”.<br />

“Alive”, which features outstanding photographs of a variety of animals,<br />

from puma to plankton, tells a story about the endangered species of<br />

our planet. The 92 portraits of life on display have been contributed<br />

by Yann Arthus Bertrand and 39 other photographers of world renown<br />

who specialise in taking photographs of creatures in their natural<br />

habitats. Goodplanet.org is a non-profit organisation chaired by<br />

Yann Arthus Bertrand and dedicated to the promotion of sustainable<br />

development and the preservation of biodiversity around the globe.<br />

After France and Switzerland, Slovenia is the third country in the world<br />

to host the exhibit designed to alert the world to the heartbreaking<br />

facts about the massive pollution of the planet generated by the way<br />

we live. The exhibit “Alive” will be on display on the Jakopičevo<br />

sprehajališče promenade in Tivoli until 30 May 2008.<br />

foto photo: ©ArtWolfe_J.H.Editorial<br />

foto photo: ©Gary Braasch_J.H.Editorial<br />

kjer se srečuje vsa evropa<br />

where all of europe meets<br />

www.ljubljana-tourism.si<br />


V parku Tivoli, najlepšem in največjem ljubljanskem parku,<br />

se nahaja prav poseben predel po imenu Tičistan. Tam so se<br />

nekdaj obiskovalci parka srečevali s pticami in vevericami. Stik s<br />

pticami se je z leti izgubil, zato so se ljubitelji Tivolija, na pobudo<br />

redne obiskovalke, gospe Ane Jenko, odločili, da Tičistan<br />

ponovno oživijo. S skupnimi močmi in odličnim sodelovanjem<br />

Zavoda za turizem Ljubljana, Mestne občine Ljubljana, Društva<br />

za opazovanje ptic – DOPS in Rotary kluba Ljubljana Tivoli je<br />

nastal zanimiv projekt, ki daje parku Tivoli nove dimenzije<br />

in pri spoznavanju narave in njenih prebivalcev združuje vse<br />

generacije. Zasadili so nova drevesa in več kot 1000 okrasnih<br />

grmovnic – mnogo od njih je takšnih, ki privlačijo le določene<br />

vrste ptic. Uredili so ptičje krmilnice in številne gnezdilnice, tablo<br />

z informacijami o pernatih prebivalcih Tivolija, obnovili ograje in<br />

mize v predelu, imenovanem Monte Carlo – po kvartopircih, ki<br />

so se tam nekoč zbirali. Novi Tičistan je odprl gnezdilnice 11.<br />

marca 2008, dan pred gregorjevim, ko se po ljudskem izročilu<br />

ženijo ptički.<br />


In Tivoli, the most beautiful as well as the largest park in Ljubljana,<br />

there is a secluded corner called Tičistan. It has always been a special<br />

place where visitors would come to commune with birds and squirrels.<br />

Over the years the contact with birds had been lost, which is why<br />

Tivoli lovers, at the initiative of Mrs Ana Jenko, a regular visitor to<br />

the park, decided to revive Tičistan. Teaming up with the Institute<br />

for Tourism Ljubljana, the Municipality of Ljubljana, the DOPS bird<br />

watching association, and Rotary Club Ljubljana Tivoli, they delivered<br />

a fascinating project designed to enrich and enhance Tivoli as well<br />

as bring together all generations and let them commune with nature<br />

and its inhabitants. They planted new trees and over 1,000 decorative<br />

shrubs, many of which attract only particular bird species. Numerous<br />

bird feeders and nesters have been installed along with a sign with<br />

information on Tivoli’s feathery inhabitants, as well as refurbished<br />

rails and tables in the ‘Monte Carlo’ quarter – named after card players<br />

who used to meet there. The new Tičistan “opened the nesters” on 11<br />

March 2008, the day before St Gregory’s day, which according to popular<br />

tradition marks the start of birds’ mating season.

32<br />

novice news<br />

foto photo: Monochrome arhitekti<br />

uros belantic<br />

memcouture<br />

4. IABL<br />



Mednarodni arhitekturni bienale Ljubljana, ki so ga leta 2000<br />

ustanovili Monochrome arhitekti (Ljubljana), vsako drugo<br />

leto ponuja novo stičišče arhitekture, mode in oblikovanja,<br />

predstavlja lokalno okolje svetovni javnosti in hkrati z različnimi<br />

uglednimi ustvarjalci z vsega sveta komentira in razglablja o<br />

globalnih aktualnih problematikah.<br />

Različni programski sklopi bienala omogočajo obiskovalcem<br />

vstop na različna področja komunikacije – od filmov do arhitekture,<br />

modnih revij, diskusij, licitacij, okroglih miz, predstav, razstav,<br />

zabave … Letos, že četrtič zapored, z zgovornim naslovom<br />

Sodobni geto (Contemporary ghetto), so sledili sodobnim<br />

dogajanjem v okviru treh sklopov: prvi je svet Barbik v novo<br />

oblikovani hiši, poimenovani La Villa de Mademoiselle B; drugi<br />

predstavlja GA – Global Awards for Sustainable Architecture,<br />

eno najbolj uglednih nagrad za dosežke arhitektov, ki si je za<br />

razglasitev letošnjih nominirancev izbrala prav ljubljanski<br />

IABL; tretji sklop, The Chinese Dream, pa pobliže seznanja z<br />

razmišljanji in tradicijami kitajskih ustvarjalcev.<br />

Najbolj odmevna in splošni javnosti privlačna je bila gotovo Nova<br />

vila gospodične B, po domače Barbike. Nastala je v sodelovanju<br />

z devetimi francoskimi arhitektkami, ki jih je Barbie prosila, naj<br />

napravijo osnutek za njeno novo vilo ... Izjemna razstava devetih<br />

urbanih prostorov za ikono in najpopularnejšo igračo 20.<br />

stoletja prikazuje razvoj urbanega okolja v smeri ekološkega<br />

bivanja in trajnostnega razvoja, pa hkrati kritizira utečene<br />

standarde, pretirano prisotne v realnem prostoru. Arhitekturno<br />

razstavo spremlja tudi modna kolekcija svetovno znanih modnih<br />

oblikovalcev, med njimi Paco Rabbane, Christian Lacroix in<br />

Vivian Westwood, ki so v svoje kreacije oblekli stanovalko,<br />

gospodično B, v njenih novih bivalnih okoljih. Razstavo, ki je<br />

tokrat izjemoma zapustila Pariz, so pospremila predavanja in<br />

okrogla miza, za zaključek pa so gostitelji k sodelovanju povabili<br />

šest uveljavljenih slovenskih modnih ustvarjalcev. Alan Hranitelj,<br />

Uroš Belantič (Oktober), Jelena Leskovar (Cliché), Almira<br />

Sadar, Mem couture in Nataša Peršuh so kreirali oblačila za<br />

Barbiko. Zaključna prireditev letošnjega bienala je dosegla svoj<br />

vrhunec z dražbo gospodičen B v oblekah vseh šestih modnih<br />

ustvarjalcev.<br />

Bienale in organizatorji Monochrome arhitekti so s svojim<br />

originalnim pristopom ter mednarodno udeležbo zvezd iz sveta<br />

arhitekture, urbanizma, teorije, mode in filma znova dokazali,<br />

da ima lahko po obsegu navidez majhen dogodek velike<br />

razsežnosti.<br />

jelena leskovar<br />

alan hranitelj<br />

natasa persuh<br />

4 th IABL<br />



Every other year International Architectural Biennale Ljubljana, which<br />

was instituted in 2000 by Monochrome Arhitekti, Ljubljana, becomes<br />

a platform for architecture, fashion and design, a vehicle of bringing<br />

the local scene to the global public, a stage from which a variety of<br />

eminent artists and creators from all over the world comment on and<br />

discuss global current issues.<br />

A highly diversified programme enables the visitors to seek out different<br />

areas of interest – from film to architecture, fashion magazines, forums,<br />

auctions, panel discussions, shows, exhibitions, entertainment… This<br />

year’s Biennale with the suggestive title Contemporary Ghetto had a<br />

three-fold focus: The first was the world of Barbie Dolls in a newly<br />

designed house called La Villa de Mademoiselle B. The second were this<br />

year’s nominations for GA – Global Awards for Sustainable Architecture,<br />

which are among the most coveted accolades awarded to architects.<br />

The third was The Chinese Dream, which provided an insight into the<br />

contemplations and traditions of Chinese artists.<br />

The one that attracted most attention and response from the public<br />

was indisputably La Villa de Mademoiselle B, Barbie’s new residence.<br />

La Villa de Mademoiselle B is the result of collaboration with nine<br />

French architects invited by Barbie to create a conceptual design for<br />

her new home… An exceptional exhibit of nine urban settings for the<br />

icon and most popular toy of the 20th century shows the evolution of<br />

urban environment towards eco-living and sustainable development<br />

while trashing established standards overly present in the actual<br />

environment i.e. real world. A fashion line created by world-renowned<br />

fashion designers including Paco Rabbane, Christian Lacroix and<br />

Vivian Westwood who have got the occupant, Miss B, wearing their<br />

creations, complements the architectural exhibit. The exhibit, which<br />

otherwise never leaves Paris, was accompanied by lectures and a round<br />

table discussion. In conclusion, hosts also invited six established<br />

Slovenian fashion designers to dress Baribe: Alan Hranitelj, Uroš<br />

Belantič (Oktober), Jelena Leskovar (Cliché), Almira Sadar, Mem<br />

couture and Nataša Peršuh. The closing event of this year’s Biennale<br />

culminated with the auction of Barbie Dolls wearing the creations of<br />

all six fashion designers.<br />

Once again the Biennale and its organisers, Monochrome Arhitekti,<br />

with their original approach and by involving big international names<br />

from the worlds of architecture, town planning, theory, fashion and<br />

film, have shown that a seemingly minor event can make a big splash.<br />

almira sadar


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kitzbühel hOtEL SchLOSS LEBEnBERg | st. lambrecht hOtEL LaMBREchtERhOf | loipersdorf LIfE RESORt LOIpERSdORf | laibach hOtEL LJUBLJana

36 37<br />

Marjeta Privšek<br />

arhiv archive Park Škocjanske jame<br />

enkratno unique<br />

škocjanske jame<br />

veličastni obraz narave<br />

škocjan caves<br />

the majestic face of nature<br />

Da smo ljudje zmožni tako strasti kot tudi skrajnosti, je<br />

povsem jasno. Ko pa se znajdemo pred obličjem skrajnih<br />

obrazov narave, ostanemo brez besed: presenečenje,<br />

navdušenje, spoštovanje. Eden tovrstnih presežkov<br />

narave, sredi pokrajine Kras, ki je prepolna posebnosti<br />

in vznemirljivosti, je naravno čudo, ki smo mu nadeli ime<br />

Škocjanske jame.<br />

Škocjanske jame so več milijonov let nastajajoča kreacija<br />

reke Reke, ki jo domačini imenujejo Velika voda in je kot<br />

tipična kraška reka del škocjanskega jamskega spleta.<br />

Reka izgine pod mogočno skalno steno, vrh katere je<br />

ustoličena vasica – pravi urbanistični biser – ki je dala<br />

jamam ime: Škocjan. Po kilometru podzemeljskega toka se<br />

Reka spet pojavi na dnu dveh udornic, Velike in Male doline,<br />

dokončno izgine v podzemlje in se spet pojavi na površini<br />

šele po skoraj 40 kilometrih ob obali Jadranskega morja.<br />

Del Škocjanskih jam, po katerih teče Reka, je pravzaprav<br />

okoli tri in pol kilometra dolga in prek sto metrov visoka<br />

soteska s številnimi podzemnimi jezeri in slapovi, ki se<br />

ponekod razširi v podzemeljske dvorane in jamske rove.<br />

Podzemlje razkriva obiskovalcu bogastvo najrazličnejših<br />

kapniških oblik pa tudi več večjih jamskih dvoran. V sistemu<br />

Škocjanskih jam je tudi ena največjih jamskih dvoran v<br />

Evropi, ki na malo več kot hektarju površine doseže izjemen<br />

volumen dveh milijonov kubičnih metrov.<br />

Pokrajina okrog Škocjanskih jam vzbuja opazovalcu<br />

začudenje in globoko spoštovanje do oblik, ki jih kreira<br />

narava. Pogled na mogočne udornice, nad katerimi<br />

škocjanska cerkvica sv. Kanciana izgleda kot neznatna<br />

slamica, navdaja s posebnimi občutki neprestanega<br />

padanja. In čisto spodaj v globinah pogled ujame Reko,<br />

kako izginja v podzemlje ...<br />

Clearly human beings are capable of passion as well as<br />

greatness. However, when we find ourselves face to face<br />

with breathtaking creations of nature, words fail us as we<br />

are filled with astonishment, wonder and awe. One of such<br />

magnificent landmarks, which is situated in the Kras region<br />

(literally meaning Karst) and teeming with extraordinary<br />

and exciting features, is a spectacular natural formation<br />

called Škocjan Caves.<br />

Škocjan Caves are a work-in-progress created by the Reka river<br />

over a period of several million years. The Reka or Velika<br />

voda [Great Water] as the locals have named it, is a typical<br />

Karst river and an integral part of the Škocjan limestone<br />

cave system. The Reka disappears under a mighty rock topped<br />

by a tiny hamlet – a real gem of Karst architecture – which<br />

gave the caves its name: Škocjan. After a kilometre or so<br />

the Reka briefly re-emerges at the bottom of two hollows,<br />

Velika dolina and Mala dolina, before disappearing again and<br />

flowing underground for almost 40 kilometres. It reappears<br />

on the surface for the final time on the Adriatic coast. The<br />

part of Škocjan Caves carved out by the Reka river is actually a<br />

three and a half kilometre long and over one hundred metres<br />

deep canyon featuring numerous lakes and waterfalls, here<br />

and there widening into subterranean passages and caverns.<br />

There is a huge variety of stalagmite and stalactite formations<br />

as well as several large underground chambers. Škocjan Caves<br />

also boast one of the largest underground chambers in Europe<br />

reaching an exceptional volume of two million cubic metres<br />

on an area measuring just over one hectare.<br />

The surrounding scenery is nothing short of astounding and<br />

awe-inspiring: One cannot but feel a profound respect and<br />

admiration for the glory created by nature. Looking at the<br />

impressive hollows, which make the Škocjan church of sv.<br />

Kancian look like a tiny straw, one is filled with a singular<br />

feeling of being in free fall. And deep down, at the very<br />

bottom, one can only just catch a glimpse of the Reka river<br />

disappearing into the underworld…<br />

Med slavnimi obiskovalci Škocjanskih jam je bil tudi Sigmund<br />

Freud, znameniti psihiater in nevrolog, utemeljitelj šole<br />

psihoanalize. Po obisku aprila 1898 jih je v svojem pismu<br />

prijatelju opisal takole: “So grozljiv naravni čudež s podzemno<br />

reko, ki teče skozi ogromne čudovite oboke, s slapovi, s kapniki,<br />

z nočjo in s spolzkimi potmi, zavarovanimi z železnimi ograjami.<br />

Pravi Tartarus. Če je videl Dante kaj podobnega, ni potreboval<br />

za svoj Pekel nobenega fantazijskega truda.”<br />

Škocjan Caves have hosted many eminent visitors,<br />

including Sigmund Freud, distinguished psychiatrist,<br />

neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis. After his<br />

visit in April 1898 he described his experience in a<br />

letter to a friend, as follows: “They are a terrifying<br />

wonder of nature featuring an underground river,<br />

which flows through huge, spectacular arches; there<br />

are waterfalls, stalactites, darkness and slippery<br />

paths with wire railings. Veritable Tartarus. If Dante<br />

had seen anything like that, his Inferno required no<br />

imagination on his part whatsoever.”

38 39<br />

Naravni zaklad svetovnega pomena<br />

Zaradi izjemne raznolikosti in enkratnosti rastlin in živali,<br />

ki jim pomeni dom, je ta čudoviti preplet podzemeljskega<br />

in nadzemeljskega sveta kot vrednota svetovnega pomena<br />

vpisan v Unescov seznam svetovne dediščine. Rastlinski<br />

svet v udornicah Velike in Male doline je še toliko bolj<br />

zanimiv, saj tam zaradi posebne klime strnjeno rastejo<br />

alpske in sredozemske rastline, kar je sicer v naravi<br />

izjemna redkost. Prelepi so tudi kraški suhi travniki v okolici<br />

– najlepši so spomladi, ko zacvetijo – na njih pa najdemo<br />

tako bogastvo življenja, kot ga ne premore celotna Anglija.<br />

Gozd in skalna pobočja so dom živalskega sveta, tudi<br />

izjemno redkih živalskih vrst, ki jih je drugod že pregnala<br />

civilizacija. Samo netopirjev je v Škocjanskih jamah 12<br />

vrst, kar je več kot polovica v Sloveniji živečih vrst. V<br />

temi podzemlja, kamor nikoli ne posije sonce, pa skupaj<br />

z drugimi, skoraj bizarnimi malimi živalskimi kreaturami,<br />

živi skrivnostni zmajček rožnate barve, človeška ribica.<br />

Upravljalci Parka Škocjanske jame z veliko predanostjo<br />

skrbijo za ta naravni zaklad. Zavedajo se, da tako občutljiv<br />

in dragocen ekosistem Škocjanskih jam in okolice zahteva<br />

primerno spoštljiv odnos in ravnanje. Dobro so organizirani<br />

turistični ogledi jam, izredno urejene in opremljene so<br />

tudi sprehajalne poti po parku z razglednimi točkami in<br />

odmaknjenimi skritimi prostorčki, kjer se vsakdo lahko v<br />

miru in tišini poveže z naravo.<br />

World heritage<br />

Due to its exceptional diversity coupled with a uniqueness of<br />

plant and animal species, which call this place home, this<br />

magnificent interplay of the worlds above ground and under<br />

ground has been listed as a UNESCO world heritage site.<br />

The flora in Velika dolina and Mala dolina is particularly<br />

fascinating due to the climatic idiosyncrasy resulting in<br />

Alpine and Mediterranean plants growing side by side, which<br />

is an extremely rare occurrence in nature. Words cannot do<br />

justice to dry Karst meadows in the area, which are simply<br />

stunning in spring when they are in bloom and teeming with<br />

such an abundance of life forms as cannot be found in entire<br />

England!<br />

Woodland and rocky slopes provide a save haven to the animals,<br />

including some incredibly rare species, which have already<br />

been driven from many of their natural habitats. There are 12<br />

species of bats alone living in Škocjan Caves, which accounts<br />

for more than half of all bat species in Slovenia. In the depths<br />

of the underworld never reached by the sun’s rays, however, we<br />

find many peculiar life forms including the tiny, mysterious<br />

pale pink dragon-like creature, the Proteus. The management<br />

of Škocjan Caves are wholeheartedly committed to preserving<br />

this incomparable natural treasure. They are well aware of<br />

how delicate and precious the Škocjan Cave ecosystem is, and<br />

how important it is that it be treated with due deference. They<br />

offer well-organised tours of the Caves, and you can also take<br />

a stroll down well-groomed pathways through light woodland<br />

abounding with lookouts and secluded, tranquil spots where<br />

one can truly commune with nature.<br />

Starodavno obredno središče<br />

Številna arheološka najdišča v okolici Škocjanskih jam in v<br />

samih jamah pričajo, da so ljudje v teh krajih živeli že pred<br />

mnogimi tisočletji. Arheologe vznemirjajo odkritja, da so se<br />

raje kot na plodnih ravninah v okolici naseljevali čim bliže<br />

Škocjanu in vhodu Reke v podzemni svet v Veliki dolini. Tu<br />

so našli tudi velika grobišča; pravzaprav je na škocjanskem<br />

prostoru več kot polovica znanih prazgodovinskih grobišč<br />

na celotnem Krasu. Mar so tedanji prebivalci verjeli, da je<br />

Velika voda tista skrivnostna reka, po kateri plujejo pokojni<br />

v večna prostranstva posmrtnega življenja<br />

Ancient ritual centre<br />

Numerous archaeological sites in the vicinity of Škocjan Caves<br />

as well as in the Caves themselves tell us that these parts were<br />

already populated several thousand years ago. Archaeologists<br />

have discovered that in those times people preferred Škocjan<br />

and the point where the Reka enters the underworld in<br />

Velika dolina to settlements on fertile plains. Large burial<br />

grounds have been found; in fact, more than half of the known<br />

prehistoric burial sites in the entire Kras region are located<br />

in the Škocjan area! Did those early settlers perhaps believe<br />

the Velika voda to be the mysterious river down which the<br />

dead would travel to reach the vast expanses of the afterlife<br />

Izjemna raznolikost in enkratnost rastlin in živali ni edini razlog,<br />

da so Škocjanske jame že od leta 1986 dediščina UNESCA.<br />

Z edinstveno naravo je tu neločljivo povezana tudi bogata<br />

kulturna dediščina. Od leta 1999 so Škocjanske jame kot<br />

prvo podzemno mokrišče na svetu vpisane tudi v Ramsarsko<br />

konvencijo o mokriščih, od leta 2004 pa kot biosferno območje<br />

Kras tudi v program MAB – Človek in bisfera. To jih uvršča na<br />

častno mesto med naravnimi spomeniki sveta.<br />

The exceptional diversity and uniqueness of flora<br />

and fauna species is not the only reason why Škocjan<br />

Caves have been a UNESCO heritage site since 1986.<br />

A rich cultural heritage compliments the<br />

unparalleled nature. Since 1999 Škocjan Caves have<br />

been identified by the Ramsar Wetland Convention as<br />

the first underground wetland in the world, and since<br />

2004 also as the Karst region biosphere in the MAB<br />

(Man and Biosphere) programme. This puts them in<br />

a place of honour among natural monuments on a<br />

global scale.<br />

Simbol preobrazbe in vračanja h koreninam lastnega<br />

bivanja je v teh krajih tako močno prisoten, da nas ne more<br />

začuditi dejstvo, da je bilo pred tisočletji tu mnogo obrednih<br />

prostorov, kjer so ljudje darovali silam narave – zemeljskim,<br />

podzemeljskim, kozmičnim. Sledi starodavnih obrednih<br />

dejavnosti najdemo v devetdeset metrov globokem breznu<br />

Okroglica v vasi Škocjan ter v Mušji jami, nedaleč od<br />

Škocjana, v katero so hodili darovat romarji celo iz Grčije,<br />

osrednje Italije, zahodnega Balkana in Panonije. Darovanja<br />

so potekala tudi nad Veliko in Malo dolino pred ponorom<br />

Reke, v odprtini Mahorčičeve jame, na skalni ploščadi<br />

na Velikem naravnem mostu, severno pod cerkvico sv.<br />

Kancijana in v še veliko večji odprtini Tominčeve jame.<br />

The presence of this symbol of transformation, of the return<br />

to the roots of one’s existence is so obvious in these parts that<br />

we cannot really be surprised at the fact that millennia ago<br />

the area featured many sites where offerings were made to<br />

the forces of nature – earthly, underground, cosmic. Evidence<br />

of ancient rituals has been found in the ninety metres deep<br />

chasm Okroglica in the village of Škocjan and in the Mušja<br />

jama cave not far away, which was a popular destination of<br />

pilgrims even from faraway lands such as Greece, Central<br />

Italy, the Western Balkans and Pannonia! Offering rituals<br />

also took place above Velika dolina and Mala dolina in front<br />

of the Reka’s swallow-hole, in the Mahorčičeva jama cave, on<br />

the rocky plateau of the Great Natural Bridge, north under the<br />

church of sv. Kancijan, and in the much larger opening of the<br />

Tominčeva jama cave.<br />

Življenje v teh krajih je torej v davnini potekalo v znamenju<br />

danes že pozabljenih kultov. Človek se je nekoč znal<br />

pokloniti temu, kar je vzvišeno zgradila Narava. Lahko si<br />

želimo in moramo zahtevati, da ta spomin ostane oster in<br />

jasen tudi vsem, ki prihajajo za nami.<br />

Obviously, in prehistoric times life in these parts was ruled<br />

by now long forgotten cults. Long ago man learned how to pay<br />

homage to Nature’s glorious creations. It is our solemn duty to<br />

ensure that this memory also remains sharp and clear in the<br />

minds of those coming after us.

40 41<br />

Polona Bohorič<br />

Miloš Mokotar<br />

ustvarjeno tukaj made here<br />

ekološki ocean orhidej<br />

lepotice iz prekmurja<br />

ocean orchids<br />

organically grown beauties from prekmurje<br />

Verjetno nobena rastlina skozi zgodovino ni vznemirjala<br />

človeške duše tako močno kot prav orhideja. V vseh<br />

mogočih oblikah, barvah in velikostih rastejo orhideje<br />

skoraj po vsem svetu. So najbolj obsežna rastlinska<br />

družina in število njihovih vrst krepko presega 25000,<br />

čeprav so nekatere vrste zaradi prevelikega plenjenja<br />

naravnih rastišč že ogrožene. Število najrazličnejših<br />

križancev pa je že več sto tisoč. V Sloveniji so botaniki<br />

popisali kar 76 vrst orhidej, ki rastejo v naravi.<br />

Že ljudje starodavnih kultur so verjeli, da magična moč<br />

orhidej zdravi vse mogoče bolezni. Stari Grki so iz korenin<br />

izdelovali eliksirje za povečanje spolne moči, v Indiji so<br />

iz njih izdelovali krepčilne napitke, na Kitajskem pa so jih<br />

uporabljali mojstri tradicionalne kitajske medicine. Ena<br />

najbolj popularnih orhidej v prehrani danes je zagotovo<br />

vanilija. Iz njenih plodov, pomešanih s kakavovimi zrni, so<br />

Azteki pripravljali prve poznane oblike čokolade.<br />

Imenujejo jih tudi prevarantke, saj so skozi milijone let<br />

evolucije razvile nešteto trikov, kako z barvo, vonjem in<br />

obliko privabiti žuželke, da jih oplodijo. Tudi ljudje smo<br />

nemočni pred urokom orhideje. S čudovitimi barvnimi<br />

odtenki in sugestivno obliko v trenutku priklene naš pogled<br />

in že si živo predstavljamo, kako krasi okensko polico<br />

našega stanovanja …<br />

V Dobrovniku, malem prekmurskem kraju blizu meje z<br />

Madžarsko, se na hektarju in pol raztezajo rastlinjaki, iz<br />

katerih vsako leto na evropske trge odroma pol milijona<br />

orhidej. Začelo se je z idejo dveh zagnanih študentov<br />

agronomije, Romana Ferenčaka in Tomaža Jevšnika,<br />

o rastlinjakih z orhidejami sredi Panonske nižine. Bila<br />

sta dovolj drzna in pogumna, da sta jo v samo dveh letih<br />

tudi uresničila. Oba sta nekaj časa živela in delala na<br />

Nizozemskem in si tam nabirala dragocenih izkušenj, ki sta<br />

jih kasneje podjetno povezala s poslovnimi partnerji.<br />

Quite possibly through the history of mankind no other<br />

plant has held as much fascination for the human soul as<br />

the orchid. Orchids grow almost anywhere in the world<br />

and come in all possible colours, shapes and sizes. With<br />

well over 25,000 species and several hundred thousands<br />

of different hybrids, orchids are the most abundant plant<br />

family on the planet even though several varieties have<br />

already been identified as endangered due to the excessive<br />

harvesting of their natural habitats. In Slovenia, botanists<br />

have found no less than 76 orchid species growing in the<br />

wild.<br />

People in ancient cultures believed that the magical properties<br />

of orchids could cure a vast number of different conditions.<br />

Orchid roots were a common ingredient in libido-enhancing<br />

potions in ancient Greece and in tonics in India, while in<br />

China they were widely used by the masters of traditional<br />

Chinese medicine. Nowadays one of the most popular orchids<br />

in food preparation is the vanilla orchid. The Aztecs used<br />

to blend its fruit with cocoa beans to make the first known<br />

forms of chocolate.<br />

Orchids are also called deceivers as through the millions<br />

of years of evolution they have developed countless tricks<br />

– colour, perfume, shape – to attract insects to fertilize them.<br />

People too find themselves quite unable to resist their spell.<br />

As soon as the magnificent shade of colour and suggestive<br />

shape of the orchid capture the eye, one can already see it<br />

adorning the windowsill in one’s living room…<br />

In Dobrovnik, a tiny Prekmurje hamlet near the Slovenian-<br />

Hungarian border, there are several greenhouses spreading<br />

over a hectare and a half from which every year half a million<br />

of orchids find their way into European markets. It all started<br />

when two ambitious and enthusiastic students of agronomy,<br />

Roman Ferenčak and Tomaž Jevšnik, came up with the idea<br />

of building greenhouses to grow orchids in the middle of the<br />

Panonian plain. They had the boldness and the courage to<br />

make their dream come true in only two years. Both had spent<br />

time working in the Netherlands where they acquired valuable<br />

experience and contacts, which later proved very useful in the<br />

development of their business.

42 43<br />

Hitro sta ugotovila, da so naravni pogoji v Prekmurju<br />

neverjetno ugodni za gojenje orhidej v rastlinjakih, saj<br />

je dovolj sonca vse leto, temperature so ravno pravšnje.<br />

Tako je leta 2003 nastalo podjetje Ocean Orchids in<br />

kmalu za tem so iz njihovega prodajnega centra prišle prve<br />

orhideje, ki so zrasle na slovenskih tleh. Posebnost ideje<br />

prekmurskih rastlinjakov pa niso samo cvetoče lepotice,<br />

temveč tudi sami rastlinjaki. Ti so namreč ogrevani z<br />

geotermalno vodo iz bližnjega vrelca. Voda privre na dan<br />

s temperaturo 60 stopinj Celzija in se po 32 kilometrih<br />

ogrevalnih cevi porazdeli po rastlinjaku. Temperaturo, ki<br />

mora biti za rast orhidej zelo natančno določena, regulira<br />

računalniški sistem. Geotermalna energija je učinkovit<br />

in ekološko nesporen alternativni vir energije. Okoljske<br />

zavednosti pa so v rastlinjakih deležne tudi rastline, saj pri<br />

gojenju uporabljajo ekološke metode zaščite.<br />

Ocean Orchids prodaja svoje orhideje v vse sosednje države<br />

samostojno, občasno pa tudi preko tržne kooperative<br />

Flora Holland, ki je s svojo cvetlično borzo znana po<br />

Evropi in svetu. Gojijo križance iz rodu Phalaenopsis ali po<br />

domače kar falenopsis, ki so zaradi svoje nezahtevnosti<br />

in lepe obarvanosti najbolj priljubljeni rod orhidej. Njihovi<br />

falenopsisi postajajo že prepoznavni med poznavalci,<br />

saj so zaradi zelo ugodnih pogojev, v katerih rastejo v<br />

prekmurskih rastlinjakih, bolj vitalni in večji od orhidej, ki<br />

jih gojijo drugje. Zaradi odlične ideje uporabe geotermalnih<br />

danosti pa so tudi cenovno lahko konkurenčne.<br />

Mlada podjetnika imata z gojenjem rastlin na prekmurskih<br />

ravnicah obsežne načrte. Zgradili bodo še en rastlinjak,<br />

povečali proizvodnjo falenopsisov in s tem postali še bolj<br />

prepoznavni na trgu, razmišljajo pa tudi o gojenju bolj<br />

ekskluzivnih, butičnih sort iz daljnega vzhoda.<br />

It did not take them long to establish that the natural<br />

conditions in Prekmurje were extraordinarily favourable for<br />

cultivating orchids in greenhouses: plenty of sun all year round<br />

and perfect temperatures. Their company Ocean Orchids was<br />

founded in 2003 and soon started selling the first orchids<br />

grown on Slovenian soil. The greenhouses, which provide<br />

home to the mesmerising flowering beauties, are heated<br />

with geothermal water from a nearby hot water spring. The<br />

water gushing from the ground has the temperature of 60<br />

degrees Celsius and is piped through the greenhouse via a 32-<br />

kilometre supply system. Orchids thrive within a very precise<br />

temperature range, which is regulated by a computer system.<br />

Geothermal heating is an effective and environmentally<br />

wholly acceptable alternative source of energy. Environmental<br />

awareness, however, also extends to the plants, which are<br />

organically grown.<br />

Ocean Orchids export their orchids into all neighbouring<br />

countries directly, although they sometimes use Flora Holland,<br />

the market co-op whose flower exchange is famous all over<br />

Europe and the world. They grow Phalaenopsis hybrids, the<br />

most popular of all orchids due to their low maintenance<br />

and beautiful colours. Ocean Orchids’ Phalaenopsis are<br />

becoming increasingly popular with connoisseurs: Due to the<br />

highly favourable conditions in the Prekmurje greenhouses,<br />

they have more vitality and are taller than orchids grown<br />

elsewhere. They are also very competitively priced due to the<br />

cost-effective geothermal heating used.<br />

The young entrepreneurs have big plans when it comes to<br />

growing plants on the Prekmurje plains. They are planning<br />

to build another greenhouse, increase their Phalaenopsis<br />

production to further consolidate their position in the<br />

market, and they are also considering the cultivation of more<br />

exclusive, boutique varieties from the Far East.<br />

Roman Ferenčak in Tomaž Jevšnik, ambiciozna podjetnika.<br />

Roman Ferenčak in Tomaž Jevšnik, two ambitious and enthusiastic entrepreneurs.<br />

Tropski vrt v Prekmurju<br />

V rastlinjakih Ocean Orchids lahko obiščemo tudi pravi<br />

tropski vrt, ki se razteza na 400 kvadratnih metrih<br />

površine in je resnično eksotična dopolnitev lokalni<br />

turistični ponudbi. Prav tako kot ostale rastlinjake ga<br />

ogreva geotermalna energija. Na krožni poti, ki nas vodi<br />

skozi bujno rastlinje, srečamo divje tropske orhideje<br />

iz vseh svetovnih kontinentov, flamingovce in številne<br />

druge rastline tropskih in subtropskih območij. Vidimo,<br />

kako v naravi rastejo ananas, avokado, papaja, vanilija,<br />

bombaž, kava, poper – skratka rastline, ki jih sicer v<br />

bolj ali manj predelani obliki lahko srečujemo le na<br />

trgovinskih policah. V prekmurskem tropskem vrtu<br />

rastejo tudi številne rastline, ki kot lončnice životarijo<br />

v naših domovih, tu pa se (v za njih idealnih pogojih)<br />

bohotijo v vsej svoji lepoti.<br />

Eno od poslanstev podjetja Ocean Orchids je tudi<br />

širjenje vrtnarske kulture med ljudmi in širjenje<br />

znanja o orhidejah. Vsak, ki želi ohraniti svoje domače<br />

falenopsise zdrave in cvetoče, se lahko obrne na njihov<br />

diagnostični center na njihovi spletni strani, kjer se bo<br />

lahko poučil o pravilni vzgoji teh pisanih lepotic.<br />

Tropical Garden in Prekmurje<br />

In Ocean Orchids’ greenhouses we can also visit a genuine<br />

tropical garden, which spreads over an area of 400 square<br />

metres and is turning into an exotic tourist attraction. It<br />

is of course heated by geothermal energy like the rest of the<br />

greenhouses. On the circular walk, which leads us through<br />

the lush foliage, we encounter wild tropical orchids from<br />

all world’s continents, flamingo trees and numerous<br />

other plants from the tropics and the subtropics. We see<br />

how pineapple, avocado, paw paw, vanilla, cotton, coffee,<br />

pepper grow in nature – in short, the plants which we<br />

can otherwise encounter only in more or less processed<br />

forms on supermarket shelves. The Prekmurje tropical<br />

garden also features numerous varieties of plants, which<br />

are frequently subjected to a stunted existence in potted<br />

plants in people’s homes; here, in perfect conditions, they<br />

can really thrive.<br />

Ocean Orchids are also dedicated to advancing horticulture<br />

and educating people about orchids. Anybody who wants to<br />

keep their Phalaenopsis flowering and in good health can<br />

contact the diagnostic centre on the Ocean Orchids website,<br />

and learn all about growing these colourful beauties.

46 47<br />

Marjeta Privšek<br />

Erik Modic<br />

rožice flowers<br />

Dvojica stoletnih kostanjev.<br />

A pair of over hundred years old chestnut trees.<br />

pobeg v cvetoči vrt<br />

mali raj pod kostanji na krasu<br />

rose garden escape<br />

mali raj pod kostanji, karst<br />

Pravijo, da je vrtnica najžlahtnejša med cvetlicami.<br />

Starodavno lepotico, ki je na svetu že mnogo dlje kot<br />

človeštvo, častijo vse kulture sveta. Gojili so jo že v<br />

najstarejših civilizacijah od Kitajske do Egipta, pa še<br />

kje. Od nekdaj je bila spremljevalka boginj, vladarjev,<br />

bojevnikov in modrecev. Je simbol življenja, prispodoba<br />

božanske sile večnega bivanja. Predstavlja popolnost<br />

človeške duše in v sebi nosi sporočilo neminljive ljubezni.<br />

Vrtnice lahko občudujemo skoraj na vsakem slovenskem<br />

vrtu. Vrt v Kobdilju pri Štanjelu pa je nekaj posebnega.<br />

V njem v zgodnjem poletju zažarijo tisoči cvetovi vrtnic<br />

najrazličnejših barv in oblik. Domačija s tem posebnim<br />

vrtom je dom zakoncev Erika Modica in Britte Höschele,<br />

njunega sina Bernarda in hčerke Klare. V njej so dobrodošli<br />

ljubitelji narave in umetnosti in tudi tisti, ki jih lepota Krasa<br />

tako prevzame, da se vedno znova vračajo v to skrivnostno<br />

pokrajino žarečih barv – za mnoge eno najlepših na svetu.<br />

Kobdilj je slikovita kraška vasica, kjer moderni časi še niso<br />

dokončno popačili najpristnejših oblik kraške arhitekture.<br />

Tu sta pred malo več kot desetimi leti Erik in Britta kupila<br />

staro domačijo s prelepim razgledom na okolico. Obsežen<br />

vrt, ki ga je že preraščalo robidovje, sta očistila in na njem<br />

je našlo svoje mesto čedalje več rastlin, ki sta jih zakonca<br />

prinesla s potepanj po svetu. Propadajoče posestvo (nekoč<br />

premožno kmetijo, kamor je v poletnih mesecih hodila<br />

na počitnice tržaška gospoda) sta obudila v življenje.<br />

Kamnito hišo sta popolnoma obnovila, iz napol porušenega<br />

gospodarskega poslopja pa je nastala prodajno-razstavna<br />

galerija in umetniški atelje, kjer ustvarjata Britta in Klara.<br />

Pozneje se je stavbam pridružila tudi hiša, v kateri je urejen<br />

turistični apartma. Hiša se lepo vključuje v ambient stare<br />

domačije. Marsikdo od obiskovalcev je presenečen, saj<br />

je to popolnoma nova stavba, zgrajena v tradicionalnem<br />

kraškem stilu. Apartma sprejme do šest oseb in na 75<br />

kvadratnih metrih nudi vse, kar pričakuje zahteven gost. S<br />

pokrite terase se odpira pogled na planoto Komenskega<br />

Krasa, Čaven, Julijske Alpe in na bližnji Štanjel, eno<br />

najstarejših in najbolj slikovitih kraških naselij, do katerega<br />

je po urejeni Fabianijevi poti le 15 minut hoda.<br />

They say that the rose is the noblest flower of them all. The<br />

ancient beauty, which has been around for much longer than<br />

the human race, is revered by all cultures around the globe.<br />

It was already cultivated by the earliest civilisations from<br />

China to Egypt. Since time immemorial it has accompanied<br />

goddesses, rulers, warriors and sages. It is a symbol of<br />

life, a metaphor of the divine force of eternal existence. It<br />

represents the perfection of the human soul and carries the<br />

message of everlasting love.<br />

Roses can be admired in just about every garden and front<br />

yard in Slovenia. The garden in Kobdilj at Štanjel, however,<br />

is special: In early summer it transforms into a spectacular,<br />

stunning display of roses as thousands of buds come to life<br />

in an infinite variety of shapes and colours. The homestead<br />

featuring this exquisite garden is the home of a married<br />

couple, Erik Modic and Britta Höschele, and their son Bernard<br />

and daughter Klara. It welcomes nature and art lovers as well<br />

as those who are so taken with the beauty of Karst that they<br />

keep revisiting this mysterious land of dazzling colours,<br />

which is regarded by many as one of the most spectacular<br />

landscapes in the world.<br />

Kobdilj is a picturesque Karst village whose authentic Karst<br />

architecture has not been completely ruined by modern times.<br />

Here, a little over ten years ago, Erik and Britta bought an<br />

old homestead with a magnificent view over the surrounding<br />

countryside. The couple cleared the extensive grounds already<br />

severely infested with brambles, and made room for an<br />

increasing number of plants they had brought home from their<br />

travels all over the world. The estate (formerly a prosperous<br />

farm and a popular summer retreat with the Trieste gentry)<br />

was soon restored back to life. They completely renovated the<br />

stone cottage and transformed a dilapidating outbuilding into<br />

an art gallery and studio for Britta and Klara. Before long, a<br />

house featuring a self-catering suite for paying guests was<br />

also added, blending beautifully into the ambient of the old<br />

homestead. Many visitors are pleasantly surprised to discover<br />

a completely new building designed in traditional style. The<br />

self-catering guest suite can accommodate up to six people<br />

and on 75 square metres provides every type of comfort and<br />

convenience a fastidious guest might wish for. From a roofed<br />

terrace one can enjoy a vista over the Komenski Kras plateau,<br />

Čaven, the Julian Alps and nearby Štanjel, one of the oldest<br />

and most picturesque Karst settlements only a 15-minute<br />

walk away down the well-groomed Fabijanijeva pot footpath.

48 49<br />

Štanjel, eno najstarejših in<br />

najbolj slikovitih kraških naselij.<br />

Štanjel, one of the oldest and most<br />

picturesque Karst settlements.<br />

Vrt, ki zaokroža posest z imenom Mali raj pod kostanji,<br />

razkriva lepote, ki jih redko tako zgoščeno doživimo na<br />

enem mestu: več kot sto let stara kostanja, ki se ju kot<br />

mogočna varuha dvorišča spominjajo najstarejši vaščani<br />

še iz svojih otroških let, ogromen lovor, katerega velikost<br />

kaže na častitljivo starost, koprivovec (v starih časih zelo<br />

cenjeno drevo, saj so iz njegovih vej izdelovali biče odlične<br />

kakovosti) pa se boči nad lično izdelano pokrito vrtno<br />

klopjo, ki jo družina Modic imenuje kar filozofska klop.<br />

Gostje apartmaja se lahko razvajajo v bazenu in si naberejo<br />

mediteranskih dišavnic v zeliščnem vrtu. Britta in Erik pa se<br />

ne bosta ustavila le pri enem turističnem apartmaju. Načrti<br />

za novo kraško hišo z novimi turističnimi zmogljivostmi že<br />

zorijo.<br />

Vrtnice so Brittina strast postale šele tu, na Krasu. Šolana<br />

vrtnarka iz Stuttgarta, po duši umetnica, svojo kreativnost<br />

usmerja v urejanje vrta in likovno ustvarjanje. V njenem vrtu<br />

lahko občudujemo stare, zaščitene vrste vrtnic, ki zelo lepo<br />

dišijo in so nekoč razveseljevale plemenitaše. V običajnih<br />

vrtovih jih le redko najdemo.<br />

Vrt družine Modic je nastajal brez neke začrtane zasnove,<br />

tako kot je hotela narava. Najprej je bilo le nekaj posameznih<br />

vrtnic, ki so delale družbo drugemu cvetju, grmovnicam in<br />

drevesom, sedaj pa jih je že sto. Najlepše so maja in junija,<br />

takrat nas med bujnim zelenjem omamljajo živopisane<br />

barve in opojni vonji cvetnih slapov, ki buhtijo iz številnih<br />

pergol in grmovnic. Med Brittinimi dišečimi lepoticami<br />

najdemo tudi vrste, ki jih zaradi njihovega vonja po svetu<br />

gojijo za pridobivanje dragocenega rožnega olja. Takšni<br />

sta na primer rosa damascena ‘Rose de Rest’, ki je leta<br />

1500 prišla v Evropo iz Azije, ali rosa portlandica ‘Jacques<br />

Cartier’, ki so jo vzgojili leta 1868. Zanimive so vzpenjavke<br />

z veliko cvetočih šopkov, ki zrastejo v višino tudi do deset<br />

metrov, ali različne parkovne vrtnice z zelo velikimi cvetovi.<br />

Britta nima najljubše vrtnice, vse so ji enako ljube in vsak,<br />

ki je že videl njen cvetoči vrt, bo razumel, zakaj. Ima pa<br />

najljubšo rastlino. To je lan, ki svoje drobne cvetke razpre<br />

skupaj z vrtnicami.<br />

Tako kot je vse v naravi podvrženo večnemu toku<br />

spreminjanja, se spreminja tudi vrt družine Modic. Vsako<br />

leto je bogatejši za kakšno rastlinsko novinko. Od letos<br />

naprej bo ljubitelje okrasnih rastlin navduševala zelo redka<br />

vrsta albicije, zaradi temno vijoličnih listov imenovana<br />

“summer chocolate”, ena najbolj vznemirljivih rastlinskih<br />

novosti v svetu botanike in hortikulture, ki je čisto po<br />

naključju – kot “napaka” narave – zrasla na Japonskem leta<br />

1990. Lepotica je našla svoje mesto ob terasi turističnega<br />

apartmaja in bo lepo dopolnjevala nepozaben pogled na<br />

valovite griče zasanjanega Krasa.<br />

The grounds, which belong to the estate aptly named Mali raj<br />

pod kostanji – Bliss Under The Chestnut Trees, reveals the<br />

splendour rarely encountered at a single spot in such a small<br />

area: A pair of over one hundred years old chestnut trees,<br />

which the oldest villagers remember from their childhood<br />

days as mighty sentinels standing guard over the courtyard, a<br />

huge bay tree whose size bears witness to its venerable age,<br />

a nettle tree (very valuable in the olden days as its branches<br />

provided an excellent source of high quality whips) bending<br />

over a neat roofed garden bench nicknamed the philosopher’s<br />

bench by the Modic family. The guests can splash in the pool<br />

and pick aromatic Mediterranean herbs in the herb garden.<br />

Britta and Erik, however, have no plans to stop at a single<br />

guest suite. Plans for additional tourist accommodation built<br />

in the Karst style are already underway.<br />

It was only here, in Karst that roses have become Britta’s<br />

passion. A qualified gardener from Stuttgart and with the<br />

soul of an artist, Britta has found an outlet for her creativity<br />

in landscape design and fine arts. Her garden is teeming with<br />

old, protected rose species characterised by their wonderful<br />

fragrances, which once delighted the gentry and are generally<br />

quite to find in our times.<br />

Britta’s garden is not the product of design; it has evolved and<br />

grown in a completely natural way. It started with just a few<br />

single rose plants here and there providing company to other<br />

flowers, bushes and trees, and now there are a full hundred of<br />

them! They are at their most dazzling in May and June, when<br />

lush greenery, brilliant colours and intoxicating perfumes<br />

of cascading blossoms streaming from numerous pergolas<br />

and shrubs are nothing short of magical. Among Britta’s<br />

fragrant beauties we can also find the species used for the<br />

production of precious rose oil all over the world. Examples<br />

include Rosa damascena (‘Rose de Rest’), which was brought<br />

to Europe from Asia in 1500, or Rosa portlandica (‘Jacques<br />

Cartier’), which was first introduced to the gardening world<br />

in 1868. Particularly fascinating are climbing roses, which<br />

feature numerous bunched flowers and grow up to ten meters<br />

tall, or various large-flowered park roses. Britta does not play<br />

favourites; all roses are equally dear to her and anybody who<br />

has seen her garden in bloom will understand why. She does,<br />

however, has a favourite plant: Flax, which opens its tiny<br />

flowers at the same time that roses open their lush petals.<br />

Everything in nature is subject to the eternal flow of change<br />

and the Modic garden is no exception. New plants are added<br />

every year. From this spring onwards, admirers of decorative<br />

plants will be able to exclaim in delight at a very rare<br />

species of Albizia Summer Chocolate with its spectacular<br />

burgundy brown foliage – one of the most exciting novelties<br />

in the world of botany and horticulture, which appeared quite<br />

accidentally, as a natural mutation, in Japan in 1990. This<br />

particular striking beauty found its home by the terrace of<br />

the guest suite, perfectly complementing the unforgettable<br />

view over the undulating hills of dreamy Karst.

50 51<br />

Mihael Virkeš<br />

Franc Šivic, arhiv archive Medex<br />

naravno - ustvarjeno hand in hand with nature<br />

čebelarstvo slovenije<br />

narava = zdravje = umetnost<br />

apiculture in slovenia<br />

nature = health = art<br />

Izdelke pridnih čebelic je prepoznal že jamski človek<br />

– prva enostavna oblika čebelarstva je zabeležena na<br />

jamskih slikarijah. Čebele so častili v starem Egiptu<br />

in Sumeriji, kjer so se pojavljali prvi zapisi o zdravilnih<br />

lastnostih pridelkov čebel. Vemo, da je tudi Kleopatra<br />

zvesto posegala po preparatih iz čebeljih pridelkov.<br />

Sodobna dognanja pa znova in znova odkrivajo njihovo<br />

enkratnost.<br />


Se sploh zavedamo, kako koristne za naše življenje so te<br />

male sive delavke, na katere na žalost mnogi še vedno<br />

gledajo kot na nadležen mrčes Ne samo zato, ker uživamo<br />

plodove njihovega dela. Vloga čebel je neprecenljiva, saj<br />

skrbijo za opraševanje, torej razmnoževanje več deset tisoč<br />

rastlinskih vrst! Čebele so tako občutljiva bitja, da vsako<br />

onesnaženje v naravi lahko povzroči njihovo množično<br />

uničenje. In ravno v zadnjem času se je pokazalo, da so<br />

začele množično izginjati čebele po svetu – tudi pri nas. Si<br />

predstavljamo življenje brez sladkih plodov rastlinskega<br />

sveta Verjetno ne. Torej poskrbimo – vsak posameznik in<br />

vsi skupaj – da bodo čebele še naprej opravljale svoje, za<br />

nas tako pomembno delo. Začnimo pri skrbi za okolje.<br />


V Sloveniji smo ponosni na svojo čebelarsko tradicijo. Že<br />

v 18. stoletju so veljali čebelarji takratne dežele Kranjske<br />

za zelo razgledane, po poznavanju čebeljega sveta so<br />

bili celo vodilni v svetu. Znameniti Slovenec čebelar<br />

Anton Janša, ki je sicer služboval na Dunaju, je s svojimi<br />

knjižnimi deli v drugi polovici 18. stoletja sprožil pravo<br />

revolucijo, saj je v svetovno znanje vnesel veliko novosti<br />

in ovrgel marsikatero neresnico o čebelah. Danes je v<br />

Sloveniji preko 8000 čebelarjev, ki v približno 140000<br />

panjih letno pridelajo okoli 2200 ton medu. Slovenija je s<br />

svojim geografskim položajem in pokrajino, z bogato floro<br />

in ekološko relativno še neobremenjenim okoljem prava<br />

zakladnica najrazličnejših vrst medu, najpogostejši pa so<br />

cvetlični, gozdni, kostanjev, akacijev in lipov med. Mnogi<br />

slovenski čebelarji so odprli vrata svojih domov in čebelnjakov<br />

tudi turizmu. Po vsej Sloveniji so organizirane čebelarske<br />

poti, na katerih obiskovalci okušajo dobrote iz čebeljih panjev,<br />

se poučijo o delu s čebelami in občudujejo bogato kulturno<br />

dediščino čebelarstva in čebelnjakov pri nas.<br />

Judging by the simple form of beekeeping as depicted in<br />

prehistoric cave paintings, the creations of busy honeybees<br />

had already been discovered by Stone Age Man. The honeybee<br />

was venerated in ancient Egypt and Sumer, where we<br />

find first records on the medicinal properties of beehive<br />

products. We also know that Cleopatra assiduously used<br />

honey-based products to enhance her beauty. Time and time<br />

again their uniqueness has been corroborated by scientific<br />

findings.<br />


Do we have any idea of the vital role of these busy little<br />

workers, which sadly continue to be regarded by many as mere<br />

annoying pests We enjoy the fruits of their labour, but that<br />

is not all: Several tens of thousands of plant species depend<br />

on the pollination from bees. Honeybees transport pollen<br />

between flowers, prompting fertilization and jump-starting<br />

the production of seed and fruit. Bees are highly sensitive<br />

creatures and any pollution of their natural environment can<br />

easily kill entire colonies. Evidence suggests that in recent<br />

times bees have been disappearing in massive numbers all<br />

over the world, including Slovenia. Can we even imaging life<br />

without the sweet delights of the vegetable kingdom Probably<br />

not… So it is important that we do our bit – individually<br />

and collectively – to ensure that honeybees keep doing their<br />

indispensable job. And it all starts by taking care of the<br />

environment.<br />


People in Slovenia pride themselves on their apiculture<br />

tradition. As early as in the 18th century the beekeepers in<br />

what was the land of Carniola at the time were already regarded<br />

as highly skilled and knowledgeable in terms of their insight<br />

into the world and ways of honeybees. In the second half of the<br />

18th century the famous Slovenian beekeeper Anton Janša, who<br />

lived and worked in Vienna, triggered a veritable revolution<br />

when he presented to the world a number of new discoveries<br />

and disproved many false assumptions and erroneous beliefs<br />

about bees. Currently there are over 8,000 beekeepers in<br />

Slovenia who in about 140,000 beehives produce something<br />

like 2,200 tons of honey per year. Slovenia with its geographic<br />

location and countryside, rich flora and comparatively clean<br />

environment, is a genuine treasure chest of different honeys.<br />

The most prevalent varieties include flower honey, forest<br />

honey, chestnut honey, acacia honey and linden honey. Many<br />

Slovenian beekeepers have also opened their homes and<br />

beehives to tourists. Slovenia is criss-crossed with honeybee<br />

routes where visitors can taste a variety of delicious beehive<br />

products, learn about beekeeping, and admire the rich cultural<br />

heritage of apiculture and beehives in this country.<br />


Slovenija je tudi domovina svetovno znane pasme čebel<br />

– kranjske čebele ali kranjske sivke, kot jo zaradi značilnih<br />

sivih dlačic na zadku radi ljubkovalno imenujejo čebelarji.<br />

V tujini je poznana z imeni Carniolan Bee, Carnica in<br />

Krainer Biene. Kranjska čebela je po razširjenosti čebeljih<br />

pasem druga na svetu, saj se je zaradi zaradi velikega<br />

povpraševanja že v 19. stoletju iz Slovenije razširila<br />

najprej v Evropo, nato pa še drugod po svetu, predvsem v<br />

Ameriko. Slovenija jo je zaščitila kot slovensko avtohtono<br />

pasmo. Njen genski material se pri nas ohranja v svoji<br />

najčistejši obliki in čebelarji se trudijo, da tako tudi ostane.<br />

Kranjska sivka je izredno priljubljena, je miroljubna čebela<br />

in ne napada čebelarjev. Poleg tega je bolj odporna proti<br />

boleznim in ima zelo dobro orientacijo. Iz panjev pride bolj<br />

zgodaj od drugih pasem čebel in iz oddaljenih paš nosi več<br />

medene mane.<br />


Slovenia is also the home of the Carniolan Bee (Apis mellifera<br />

carnica, Krainer Biene), a world-renowned bee species<br />

distinguished by its generally dusky brown-grey colour, which<br />

is why it is also known as the Grey Bee. The Carniolan Bee is<br />

the second most prevalent honeybee species in the world; in<br />

response to growing demand in the 19th century it spread<br />

from Slovenia first to Europe and then all over the globe, in<br />

particular to America. Slovenia has registered the Carniolan<br />

Bee as indigenous Slovenian bee species. In its homeland<br />

its genetic material is maintained in its purest form and<br />

beekeepers are doing their best to keep it that way. The Grey<br />

Bee is very popular, not least for being non-aggressive and<br />

extremely gentle in its behaviour toward beekeepers. It is<br />

also quite resistant to disease and has a very good sense of<br />

orientation. It leaves the beehives earlier than other honeybee<br />

species and brings home more nectar from distant pastures.

52 53<br />


S čebelami pa je povezan tudi eden najzanimivejših<br />

slovenskih etnoloških zakladov – poslikane panjske<br />

končnice, ki so danes tipičen slovenski spominek. Panjske<br />

končnice so prednje deščice posebne vrste panjev,<br />

imenovanih kranjiči, ki so prav tako posebnost slovenskega<br />

prostora. Vse do 20. stoletja so panjske končnice z<br />

najrazličnejšimi motivi verske in posvetne vsebine<br />

poslikavali slikarji, kmečki podobarji in slikarji samouki.<br />

Danes lahko originalne panjske končnice občudujemo le<br />

še v muzejih. Bogato zbirko teh prelepih stvaritev ljudske<br />

umetnosti hrani Čebelarski muzej v Radovljici.<br />

MEDEX<br />

Prav bogata tradicija slovenskega čebelarstva je<br />

pripomogla k razvoju organiziranega, kontroliranega<br />

zbiranja in polnjenja medu. V začetku 20. stoletja pa se je<br />

začela razvijati tudi apiterapija, danes že uveljavljena veda<br />

o tem, kako pridelki iz panja pomagajo krepiti in ohranjati<br />

zdravje. Začetnik in utemeljitelj apiterapije je zdravnik dr.<br />

Filip Terč, po rodu sicer Čeh, ki je konec 19. stoletja živel in<br />

deloval na slovenskem prostoru. Bil je ljubiteljski čebelar in<br />

kaj kmalu je uspešno združil svoj poklic in svojo strast ter<br />

tudi v svetovnih zdravniških krogih zbudil veliko pozornost.<br />

Leta 1954 se je v majhnem podjetju s trgovino z medom<br />

začela pisati zgodovina slovenskega podjetja Medex. Že<br />

pred desetletji so v Medexu orali ledino tudi na področju<br />

apiterapije. Od takrat je minilo skoraj 50 let uspešnega<br />

poslovanja. Medex se je v tem času razvil v podjetje s<br />

poslanstvom razvoja vrhunskih prehranskih dopolnil in<br />

kozmetičnih izdelkov na osnovi čebeljih pridelkov. Izdelki<br />

na osnovi medu že skoraj petdeset let izboljšujejo kakovost<br />

življenja mnogim ljudem doma in po svetu.<br />


Honeybees are also associated with one of the most fascinating<br />

Slovenian ethnological treasures: painted beehive panels,<br />

nowadays sold as typical Slovenian souvenirs. Beehive panels<br />

are the front panels of the Carniolan beehive, a distinctive type<br />

of beehive unique to Slovenia. Until the 20th century, beehive<br />

panels were painted by artists, primitive folk art painters<br />

and self-taught painters, and featured various religious and<br />

secular motifs. These days original painted beehive panels<br />

can only be admired in museums. An impressive collection of<br />

these superb folk art creations can be seen at the Radovljica<br />

Apiculture Museum.<br />

MEDEX<br />

The rich tradition of apiculture in Slovenia fostered the<br />

development of an organised, controlled collection and<br />

bottling of honey. Early 20th century witnessed the emergence<br />

of apitherapy, now an established science on the beneficial<br />

and medicinal properties of beehive products. The pioneer<br />

and founder of apitherapy was Dr. Filip Terč, a medical doctor<br />

of Bohemian origin, who lived and worked in Slovenia at<br />

the end of 19th century. He kept bees as a hobby and soon<br />

successfully integrated his profession with his passion; his<br />

findings sparked a great deal of interest in medical circles<br />

worldwide. In 1954 a small honey shop opened in Slovenia,<br />

which was the start of the Slovenian company Medex. Even<br />

decades ago Medex was a pioneer in the field of apitherapy.<br />

Fifty years later, Medex has evolved into a corporation whose<br />

mission involves the development of premium nutritional<br />

supplements and cosmetics from bee products. For almost half<br />

a century, Medex’s honey-based products have been improving<br />

the quality of life of many people in Slovenia and abroad.<br />

Preko 8000 čebelarjev Sloveniji v približno 140.000 panjih<br />

letno pridela okoli 2200 ton medu.<br />

Over 8,000 beekeepers in Slovenia in about 140,000 beehives<br />

produce something like 2,200 tons of honey per year.<br />

Posamezniki, ki jih mika čebelarjenje v Sloveniji ali bi<br />

želeli pridobiti osnovno znanje, se lahko obrnejo na<br />

Čebelarsko zvezo Slovenije, ki organizira tečaje za<br />

čebelarje začetnike, organizirajo pa tudi čebelarske<br />

tabore za otroke. V Čebelarskem centru Slovenije<br />

na Brdu pri Lukovici, kjer je mogoče dobiti tudi vse<br />

ustrezne informacije in napotke za nakup opreme, so<br />

ali bodo našli prostor še laboratorij za med, čebelarska<br />

knjižnica, trgovina s čebelarsko opremo in pridelki<br />

ter restavracija. Atraktivno stavbo obdaja nasad<br />

medonosnih in zdravilnih rastlin, postavili so tudi tri<br />

lepe čebelnjake, izdelane v pravem kranjskem slogu,<br />

edinstvenem na svetu.<br />

Anybody who is interested in beekeeping in Slovenia<br />

or wants to learn the basics of beekeeping is welcome<br />

to contact the Beekeepers’ Association of Slovenia,<br />

which holds beginner courses in beekeeping as well as<br />

beekeeping camps for children. The Beekeepers’ Centre<br />

of Slovenia in Brdo pri Lukovici, where you can get all<br />

necessary information and instructions for the purchase<br />

of the relevant equipment, also features a honey laboratory,<br />

a beekeeping library, a beekeeping supplies and products<br />

store, and a restaurant. The charming building is set<br />

amidst honey-bearing plants, medicinal herbs and three<br />

beehives built in the unique Carniolan style.

54 55<br />

Klemen Mišič<br />

Tone Škarja, arhiv archive Planinska zveza Slovenije<br />

svetovni vrh among the world’s best<br />

osvojeni vrhovi<br />

zgodbe slovenskega alpinizma<br />

conquered peaks<br />

a tribute to slovenian alpinism<br />

Pravijo, da so športniki ambasadorji ugleda domovine v<br />

svetu. Če gre za vrhunske rezultate in majhno deželo, kot<br />

je Slovenija, je to toliko bolj opazno. Med obilico presežkov<br />

slovenskega športa, s katerimi lahko napolnimo debelo<br />

knjigo, je med pomembnimi ekstremi gotovo alpinizem.<br />

Velika imena slovenskega alpinizma so prve učne korake<br />

izvajala na domačem pragu – v slovenskih gorah. Uspehi<br />

v plezalstvu niso »od včeraj«, Slovenci so tudi v preteklosti<br />

prvi preplezali marsikatero pot. Spomnimo se Juliusa<br />

Kugyja, pravnika, podjetnika in pisatelja, ki se je s pomočjo<br />

lokalnih gorskih vodnikov na prehodu med 19. in 20.<br />

stoletjem povzpel na mnoge še neosvojene vrhove Julijcev,<br />

osvojene pa dosegal po novih poteh. Mnogi ga poimenujejo<br />

kar odkritelj Julijskih Alp. Svoje znanje je prenesel tudi v<br />

avstro-ogrsko vojsko, kamor se je v prvi svetovni vojni sam<br />

javil in prav zaradi svojih izkušenj kasneje postal poročnik.<br />

Njegov kip v Trenti torej ni postavljen zaman.<br />

Prvenstvene smeri je oboževal tudi Klement Jug, ki je vsaj<br />

v Kugyjevih časih veljal za največjega filozofa med alpinisti<br />

– iz filozofije je celo doktoriral, svoje filozofske poglede pa<br />

je uresničeval prav preko alpinizma. Volja in etika sta bila<br />

njegova filozofska temelja, s katerima je v slabih treh letih<br />

opravil do tedaj nepredstavljive vzpone. Njegova pot se je<br />

končala v severni steni Triglava, kjer je omahnil v globino.<br />

Tone Škarja je več kot dve tretjini svojega življenja posvetil<br />

alpinizmu, gorništvu in delu v Planinski zvezi Slovenije. Leta<br />

1979 je vodil slovito odpravo, ki je prva preplezala celotni<br />

zahodni greben Everesta, kar še danes velja za najtežjo<br />

smer. Škarja je opravil več kot 800 vzponov in preplezal čez<br />

30 prvenstvenih smeri. Kljub svojim sedemdesetim letom<br />

je pred časom sam preplezal severno triglavsko steno in<br />

vodil slovensko himalajsko odpravo na Kangbačen.<br />

Stane Belak - Šrauf je opravil prek tisoč alpinističnih tur,<br />

več kot 60 prvenstvenih vrhunskih vzponov v vseh letnih<br />

časih, doma in po svetu, do padca v severni triglavski<br />

steni, kjer se je smrtno poškodoval. V anale slovenskega<br />

alpinizma je nedvomno zapisana prva zimska ponovitev<br />

Athletes are generally regarded as ambassadors for their<br />

countries. When we talk top results and a small country<br />

like Slovenia, the impact is even more pronounced. Looking<br />

at the multitude of outstanding achievements in Slovenian<br />

sport, which could fill a substantial volume, alpinism has<br />

delivered some truly fabulous results.<br />

Great names of Slovenian alpinism learned their first<br />

mountaineering steps at home – in the Slovenian mountains.<br />

Our achievements in mountain climbing go a long way<br />

back: Slovenians have traditionally been known to be the<br />

first to climb many a route. There was Julius Kugy, lawyer,<br />

entrepreneur and writer who lived at the turn of the 20th<br />

century and with the help of local mountain guides not only<br />

reached the summit of many previously unconquered peaks in<br />

the Julian Alps but also made many ascents via new routes.<br />

He is generally regarded as the man who discovered the Julian<br />

Alps. Kugy successfully applied his in-depth knowledge of the<br />

mountains in World War I when he served as a volunteer in<br />

the Austrian-Hungarian army; due to his mountaineering<br />

skills he was later promoted to lieutenant. It is therefore no<br />

wonder that his statue has been erected in Trenta.<br />

Forging new routes was also a passion of Klement Jug, who<br />

was regarded as the philosopher among mountain climbers<br />

in Kugy’s times; he had a PhD in philosophy and he lived his<br />

personal beliefs through alpinism. His philosophy of life was<br />

based on willpower and ethics, which helped him complete<br />

hitherto inconceivable climbs in the space of less than three<br />

years. His life ended on the North Face of Triglav where he<br />

fell to his death.<br />

Tone Škarja devoted over two thirds of his life to alpinism,<br />

mountaineering and work in the Alpine Association of<br />

Slovenia. In 1979 he led the legendary expedition that was<br />

the first to climb the entire Western Ridge of Mount Everest,<br />

which is still considered to be the most challenging route to<br />

the summit of the world’s tallest mountain. Škarja completed<br />

more than 800 climbs and forged over 30 new routes. Even<br />

at seventy he made a solo ascent of the North Face of Triglav<br />

and led the Slovenian expedition to Kangbachen in the<br />

Himalayas.<br />

Stane Belak – Šrauf completed over one thousand mountain<br />

climbs, more than 60 first ever, top ascents in all seasons<br />

of the year, in Slovenia and abroad, until his fatal fall on the<br />

North Face of Triglav. The historic feat that undeniably made<br />

Triglav, najvišja slovenska gora in slovenski državni simbol.<br />

Triglav is not only the tallest Slovenian mountain but also a national symbol.

56 57<br />

Čopovega stebra, ki ga je s soplezalci preplezal v osmih<br />

dneh v izredno slabih razmerah. Prav tako za njegov velik<br />

uspeh velja vodenje prve slovenske zimske odprave na<br />

Daulagiri, prvi pristop na Nyanang Ri in osvajanje Ganeša<br />

5 z novo varianto. Spominu na velikega alpinista sta svojo<br />

prvenstveno smer v severozahodni steni Ama Dablama<br />

posvetila Tomaž Humar in Vanja Furlan. Zanjo sta prejela<br />

priznanje zlati cepin za najboljši alpinistični dosežek<br />

sezone.<br />

the books on Slovenian alpinism was the first winter ascent<br />

of Čopov steber, which took him and his co-climbers eight<br />

days in extremely inclement conditions. His other triumphs<br />

include leading the first Slovenian Daulaghiri winter<br />

expedition, the first ascent of Nyanang Ri and conquering<br />

Ganesh 5 by way of a new variant route. In tribute, Tomaž<br />

Humar and Vanja Furlan dedicated their first ever ascent<br />

of the North-western Face of Ama Dablama to Stane Belak<br />

– Šrauf. The climb earned them the prestigious international<br />

Golden Ice Axe award for the season’s most daring venture.<br />

Tone Škarja,<br />

Everest 1979<br />

Jernej Zaplotnik, bolj znan kot Nejc, je še eno od velikih<br />

imen slovenskega alpinizma. Poleg več kot 350 vzponov<br />

vseh težavnostnih stopenj, več kot 30 prvenstvenih vzponov<br />

in več ekstremnih smučarskih podvigov, je bil med redkimi<br />

na svetu, ki je osvojil vrh treh osemtisočakov: Makalu,<br />

Gašerbrum in Everest, vse po prvenstvenih smereh.<br />

Alpinizem je bil leta 1983 usoden tudi za Nejca, ko se je<br />

nanj zrušil leden plaz z južne stene Manaslua v Himalaji,<br />

enega najbolj nevarnih in nepredvidljivih osemtisočakov.<br />

Nejc je v svoji knjigi Pot med drugim zapisal: »Kdor išče<br />

cilj, bo ostal prazen, ko ga bo našel. Kdor najde pot, bo cilj<br />

vedno nosil v sebi.«<br />

Tudi Viki Grošelj ni mogel brez tragedij ob svoji poti. Brat<br />

Silvo, s katerim sta veljala za eno najperspektivnejših navez<br />

v Sloveniji, se je leta 1970 smrtno ponesrečil v francoskih<br />

Alpah. Leta 1975 je Viki, skupaj z Ivičem Kotnikom, po<br />

prvenstveni smeri čez južno steno osvojil peto najvišjo<br />

goro sveta, 8463 metrov visoki Makalu. Leta 1981 se je<br />

z ekipo spopadel z najtežjo steno v Himalaji – južno steno<br />

Lhotseja. V najhujših vremenskih razmerah so se z njo<br />

spopadali kar 63 dni, a žal niso uspeli stoodstotno. Viki<br />

Grošelj se je z odprave vrnil s poškodovano hrbtenico, ki ga<br />

je za leto dni priklenila »v doline«. Po nesreči je sodeloval<br />

na 16 himalajskih odpravah, stal na vrhovih desetih od<br />

štirinajstih osemtisočakov, kar ga uvršča med 7 alpinistov<br />

sveta, ki jim je to uspelo. Povzpel se je na vse najvišje vrhove<br />

kontinentov, kar nekaj visokih vrhov pa je tudi presmučal.<br />

Najbolj znan ekstremni smučar pa je Davorin Martin<br />

Karničar, bolj znan kot Davo Karničar. Kot prvi človek v<br />

zgodovini je, ne da bi enkrat samkrat snel smuči, prismučal<br />

z vrha Everesta do baznega tabora. Spust z Everesta pa<br />

je bil le del projekta, ki si ga je Davo zamislil pod imenom<br />

»7 summits skiing«. Želel je neprekinjeno smučati z vseh<br />

najvišjih vrhov vseh celin, konec novembra 2006 mu je<br />

to kot prvemu na svetu tudi uspelo. A uspeh ni bil plod<br />

Stane Belak - Šrauf,<br />

Šiša Pangma 1989<br />

Nejc Zaplotnik, Everest 1979<br />

(foto Andrej Štremfelj)<br />

Jernej Zaplotnik, better known as Nejc, is another great<br />

name of Slovenian alpinism. In addition to more than 350<br />

climbs of all degrees of difficulty, over 30 first ever ascents<br />

and several extreme skiing descents, he was one of only a<br />

handful mountain climbers ever to have conquered Makalu,<br />

Gashebrum and Everest via new routes. In 1983 mounting<br />

climbing claimed yet another life as Nejc was buried under<br />

an icy avalanche on the South Face of Manaslu, one of the<br />

most dangerous and treacherous 8000 metre peaks in the<br />

Himalayas. In his book Pot Nejc wrote: “He who seeks a goal<br />

to aspire to will be left with emptiness on finding it. He who<br />

finds the way will always carry the object of his aspiration<br />

in his heart.”<br />

Viki Grošelj likewise could not escape tragedy on his path.<br />

His brother Silvo, the other half of the extremely promising<br />

Slovenian climbing duo, was killed in the French Alps in 1970.<br />

In 1975 Viki, with co-climber Ivič Kotnik, conquered the fifth<br />

tallest mountain in the world, 8463 m tall Makalu via a new<br />

route across the South Face. In 1981 he and his team tackled<br />

the most challenging Face in the Himalayas – the South<br />

Face of Lhotse. Plagued by extreme weather conditions they<br />

persevered for 63 days but were eventually forced to give up<br />

before they could reach their goal. Viki Grošelj returned from<br />

the expedition with a back injury, which kept him confined<br />

to lowland for a year. After the accident he took part in 16<br />

expeditions in the Himalayas and climbed ten out of fourteen<br />

8000 metre peaks, becoming only the seventh climber ever to<br />

have accomplished this feat. He conquered the highest peaks<br />

of all continents and skied from the tops of quite a few tall<br />

mountains.<br />

The most famous extreme skier, however, is Davorin Martin<br />

Karničar, better known as Davo Karničar: He was the first<br />

man in history to have skied from the top of Mt Everest to<br />

the base camp without taking off his skies even once. The ski<br />

descent from Mt Everest, however, was only a part of Davo’s 7<br />

Summits Skiing project. The project involved uninterrupted<br />

ski descents from the summits of the tallest mountains of<br />

all continents, a feat he successfully completed at the end<br />

of November 2006. His achievement was no accident: He<br />

honed his skiing skills in the seven years of being part of<br />

Viki Grošelj,<br />

Anapurna 1995<br />

Tomaž Humar,<br />

Anapurna 1995 (avtoportret)<br />

Davo Karničar,<br />

Anapurna 1995<br />

naključja: svoje znanje smučanja je nabiral sedem<br />

let, ko je bil član državne reprezentance v alpskem<br />

smučanju, aktivno se je ukvarjal z alpinizmom in opravil<br />

več kot 1400 plezalnih vzponov ter spustov na smučeh<br />

v stenah. Davo je tudi ustanovitelj prve smučarske šole<br />

v Nepalu.<br />

Tomaž Humar, eden največjih gorskih ekstremistov<br />

zadnjih let, se je odpovedal klasičnim himalajskim<br />

odpravam, kjer je treba poslušati vodjo, in postal sam<br />

svoj gospodar. Najtežjo steno v svoji karieri, Daulagiri,<br />

je preplezal solo, v alpskem stilu. Po uspešni vrnitvi<br />

z Daulagirija, potem ko je preživel nemogoče, je pri<br />

gradnji hiše padel v odprtino za stopnice in si močno<br />

poškodoval obe nogi. Življenje na nitki in nato diagnoza:<br />

invalidski voziček do smrti. Kar nekaj mesecev je minilo,<br />

da je Humar od zdravnikov slišal, da bo sploh lahko še<br />

hodil. A moč volje je znova pokazala, kaj zmore. Humar<br />

je opravil okoli 1200 vzponov, od tega 60 prvenstvenih<br />

doma in po svetu. Med njegovimi »referencami«<br />

najdemo med drugim solo vzpone na Anapurno 1, El<br />

Capitan in Daulagiri. Pred tremi leti pa je Humar doživel<br />

ponovno rojstvo. Med solo vzponom na Nanga Parbat je<br />

ostal zaradi plazov ujet sredi stene na približno 6000<br />

metrih. Po šestih dneh bivakiranja v snežni luknji ga<br />

je spektakularno rešil pakistanski vojaški helikopter.<br />

Tomaž Humar se je po Nanga Parbatu vrnil v svojem<br />

slogu in preplezal prvenstveno smer na Anapurno.<br />

Kaj roji ekstremistom nekaj tisoč metrov nad morjem<br />

v njihovih glavah, navadno vedo samo sami. Mi lahko<br />

le ugibamo: preživetje, zmaga, slava, osebni uspeh,<br />

premagovanje samega sebe … Kakorkoli, slovenski<br />

alpinisti so svojevrstna zgodba o uspehu. Le želimo<br />

si lahko, da njihovih uspehov ne bi povezovali tudi s<br />

tragičnimi spomini. V ekstremnih pogojih je namreč še<br />

kako potrebno vedeti, kdaj odnehati in ne dosegati cilja<br />

za vsako ceno. Pogosto je pretežko pogledati na realno<br />

stran, ker je želja tako močna in mikavna. Ali z besedami<br />

Tomaža Humarja: »Najbolj me je strah nerealnih želja.«<br />

the national team in alpine skiing while also engaging in<br />

mountain climbing and completing over 1400 mountain<br />

face ascents and ski descents. Davo is also the founder of<br />

the first ski school in Nepal.<br />

Tomaž Humar, one of the most prominent extreme mountain<br />

climbers over the past couple of years, renounced classic<br />

Himalayan expeditions where team leaders have the final<br />

say, and ventured out on his own. He made a solo, alpinestyle<br />

ascent of Daulaghiri, which was the most challenging<br />

Face in his career. Having survived the impossible, once<br />

back home he fell down a stairwell when building a house<br />

and suffered serious injuries to both legs. His life hung<br />

by a thread, then came the diagnosis: Wheelchair for life!<br />

Quite a few months had gone by before Humar was told<br />

by the doctors that he should be able to walk again. Once<br />

more willpower and determination prevailed. Humar<br />

completed about 1200 ascents including 60 first ever<br />

ascents in Slovenia and abroad. In his resume we can also<br />

find solo ascents of Anapurna 1, El Capitan and Daulaghiri.<br />

Three years ago, during his attempted solo climb of Nanga<br />

Parbat, Humar got trapped on the Face by avalanches at<br />

approximately 6000 metres. After spending six days in a<br />

snow bunker he was spectacularly rescued by a Pakistani<br />

Army helicopter. The misadventure that almost cost him<br />

his life did not stop him: he returned in style and climbed<br />

Anapurna by a new route.<br />

What drives these extremists several thousands meters<br />

above sea level remains a mystery known only to themselves.<br />

We can only attempt to guess: Survival, conquest, fame,<br />

personal achievement, pushing one’s boundaries…<br />

Whatever it may be, Slovenian alpinists are a singular<br />

success story. We can only wish that their feats were not<br />

so strongly tarnished by memories of tragedy. In extreme<br />

conditions one needs to know when to back off, when to<br />

stop pushing on at any price. Often the desire is so strong<br />

and the goal so alluring that in such moments one tends to<br />

lose touch with reality. Or, as Tomaž Humar put it, “What I<br />

fear most are unrealistic desires.”

58 59<br />

Marjeta Privšek<br />

Smiljan Šiška, Urban Strnad, Bojan Brecelj<br />

energija energy<br />

elaphe<br />

vozila prihodnosti nastajajo tudi v sloveniji<br />

vehicles of the future are made in slovenia, too<br />

Predstave o življenju v prihodnosti, o tem, kakšne naprave<br />

nas bodo spremljale in s kakšnimi prevoznimi sredstvi<br />

se bomo vozili, so med ljudmi navadno zelo različne,<br />

pa vendar …Vsi, ki se ukvarjajo z vizijami prometa v<br />

prihodnosti, govorijo o električnih avtomobilih, vsa velika<br />

avtomobilska podjetja po svetu razvijajo svoje prototipe.<br />

Vozila prihodnosti pa nastajajo tudi na slovenskih tleh, v<br />

mladem podjetju Elaphe, kjer s svojimi inovacijami razvijajo<br />

energijsko varčna in okolju prijazna vozila. Njihovi izdelki<br />

so lahki, močni in energijsko zelo učinkoviti elektromotorji,<br />

ki se vgradijo neposredno v pogonska kolesa električnih<br />

in hibridnih vozil, tako imenovani »in wheel« motorji za<br />

direktni pogon. Trenutno tovrstnim pogonom strokovnjaki<br />

napovedujejo najboljšo prihodnost, saj so bolj enostavni za<br />

upravljanje in predvsem bolj varni. Z direktnim pogonom<br />

se ponujajo tudi nove oblikovalske rešitve za vozilo, ki je<br />

prilagojeno človeku in ne več mehaniki. To je udobna in<br />

varna kapsula s pripetimi kolesi, gibljivi deli pa preostanejo<br />

le tam, kjer se vozilo dotika ceste.<br />

Tovrstne inovacije niso zgolj izumi, ki se začnejo in končajo<br />

v laboratorijih, temveč se bodo utrdile na trgu. Rešitve<br />

podjetja Elaphe sodijo v sam svetovni vrh. Podjetje za<br />

razvoj in prodajo električnih vozil in energijskih virov je pred<br />

dvema letoma ustanovila skupina zagnanih znanstvenikov<br />

in poslovnežev, kot tako imenovano »spinoff« podjetje<br />

Instituta Jožef Stefan, največje slovenske raziskovalne<br />

organizacije s svetovnim ugledom.<br />

Jedro raziskovalne skupine podjetja predstavljajo dva fizika<br />

– priznan izumitelj, filozof, publicist Andrej Detela in mag.<br />

Gorazd Lampič, ki fiziko ambiciozno povezuje s poslovnim<br />

svetom, ter dr. Joško Valentinčič z ljubljanske Fakultete<br />

za strojništvo, ki fizikalno zasnovane motorje za izbrane<br />

aplikacije privede do prototipov. Andrej je avtor številnih<br />

mednarodnih patentov in izumitelj elektromotorja, ki ga<br />

trži japonsko podjetje HDS, vodilno v svetu na področju<br />

robotske industrije. Gorazd je v delo podjetja vnesel<br />

učinkovite metode računalniškega simuliranja fizikalnih<br />

modelov. Joško je konstruktor in tehnolog.<br />

People have very different ideas about what life in the future<br />

might be like, the devices and appliances that will come<br />

with it, the transport we will use, and yet... Everybody who<br />

is involved in the development of visions of transportation<br />

in the future is talking about electric cars, and for some<br />

time now all major companies in the automotive industry<br />

worldwide have been busy developing their own prototypes.<br />

Vehicles of the future, however, are also being designed in<br />

Slovenia, by a company called Elaphe, whose core business<br />

involves the development of innovative solutions in relation<br />

to the design of energy saving and environmentally friendly<br />

vehicles. They make light, powerful and highly energy efficient<br />

electric motors installed directly into the driving wheels of<br />

electric and hybrid vehicles, the so-called ‘in-wheel’ motors.<br />

At present, these types of propulsion are the number one<br />

choice of experts when it comes to predicting the next stage<br />

of vehicle development, as they are easier to operate and,<br />

above all, safer. Direct drive propulsion additionally opens<br />

the door to new design solutions: Now that the hardware is<br />

no longer in the way, we can develop a vehicle that can better<br />

meet the needs of the person using it. We are talking about<br />

a comfortable and safe capsule on wheels where the only<br />

remaining moving parts are those touching the road.<br />

Such innovations are not mere inventions, which are born<br />

and die in laboratories, but will take hold in the market. The<br />

solutions developed by Elaphe are truly state-of-the-art. The<br />

company for the development and sales of electric vehicles<br />

and energy resources was established a couple of years ago<br />

by a group of dedicated and enthusiastic scientists and<br />

businessmen as a spin-off of the Jožef Stefan Institute, the<br />

biggest Slovenian research institution of world renown.<br />

The core of the R&D team comprises two physicists and an<br />

engineer: Distinguished inventor, philosopher and publicist<br />

Andrej Detela; Gorazd Lampič M.Sc., who provides a highly<br />

ambitiously interface between physics and business; and Dr.<br />

Joško Valentinčič of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,<br />

Ljubljana, who specialises in turning mathematical solutions<br />

into prototype motors for selected applications. Andrej is the<br />

author of numerous international patents and the inventor of<br />

the electric motor marketed by the Japanese company HDS, a<br />

world leader in the robotics industry. Gorazd introduced into<br />

the company efficient methods for the computer simulation<br />

of physical models. Joško is a design engineer and technology<br />

specialist.<br />

Teoretična zasnova energijsko varčnega avtomobila<br />

za prevoz po mestu.<br />

Conceptual design of an energy efficient car for city driving.<br />

Risba/Design Uroš Pavasovič - www.urospavasovic.com<br />

»in wheel« motor za direktni pogon<br />

»in-wheel« motor

60 61<br />

Gorazd Lampič in Andrej Detela<br />

Gorazd Lampič and Andrej Detela<br />

Elektromotorji se vgradijo neposredno v pogonska kolesa.<br />

Energy efficient electric motors are installed directly into the<br />

driving wheels.<br />

Njihovo sicer dolgoletno razvojno in kreativno delo že daje<br />

prve rezultate. Največjo pozornost v podjetju namenjajo<br />

pogonom za lahka električna vozila, kot so kolesa, skuterji<br />

in manjši mestni avtomobili. Prvi dve generaciji prototipov<br />

»in-wheel« elektromotorjev sta bili namenjeni testiranju<br />

matematične teorije in poenostavitvi proizvodnje, tretja<br />

generacija prototipov pa je prirejena za uporabo v konkretnih<br />

aplikacijah. Na tem področju je v svetovnem merilu tudi<br />

največ zanimanja in največ potreb po izvirnejših rešitvah.<br />

Ekipa se problemov loteva celovito, aktivno se ukvarja tudi<br />

z analizami energijskih potreb za napajanje vozila, kjer<br />

se uveljavljajo hibridni sistemi, sodobni akumulatorji ter<br />

tehnologije vodika in gorivnih celic.<br />

Vemo, da je mestna vožnja z avtomobilom – poleg tega,<br />

da je precej stresna – tudi najbolj energijsko potratna.<br />

Skupina Elaphe je v sodelovanju z Urošem Pavasovičem,<br />

mednarodno priznanim oblikovalcem avtomobilov, izdelala<br />

teoretično zasnovo energijsko varčnega avtomobila za<br />

prevoz po mestu. Projekt Sodoben mestni električni hibrid,<br />

na kratko SMEH, tako nosi simpatično ime. Avtomobil ima<br />

posebne obročaste elektromotorje vgrajene neposredno v<br />

pogonska kolesa vozila. Hibridni pogon učinkovito združuje<br />

uporabo več virov energije (npr. tehnologije vodika in zelo<br />

lahke akumulatorje) in je zato učinkovitejši ter tudi cenejši.<br />

Podjetje Elaphe, podobno kot tudi vedno več podjetij<br />

in posameznikov, pogumno soustvarja priložnosti za<br />

pozitiven preskok v razvoju človeške družbe. Rešitve torej<br />

že obstajajo, vendar morajo počakati na pravi trenutek.<br />

Za njimi stojijo znanstveniki, raziskovalci, izumitelji ali pa<br />

čisto običajni ljudje vsega sveta, kar nekaj pa jih je tudi v<br />

Sloveniji.<br />

Already, the development and creative work is beginning<br />

to yield first tangible results. The company’s main focus is<br />

on the development of propulsion systems for light electric<br />

vehicles such as bikes, scooters and smaller city cars. The first<br />

two generations of ‘in-wheel’ electric motor prototypes were<br />

developed for the purpose of testing the mathematical theory<br />

and simplifying the production, while the third generation of<br />

prototypes has been designed for use in specific applications.<br />

Globally speaking, this is also the field that generates most<br />

interest as well as the greatest demand for more imaginative<br />

solutions. The team approaches each challenge from a holistic<br />

perspective; they also carry out analyses of energy needs<br />

for vehicle propulsion where hybrid systems, sophisticated<br />

batteries, and hydrogen and fuel cell technology are becoming<br />

increasingly popular.<br />

It is a fact that city driving – in addition to being very stressful<br />

– is also extremely wasteful in terms fuel consumption.<br />

The Elaphe team in association with Uroš Pavasovič, the<br />

internationally renowned automobile designer, has come<br />

up with a conceptual design of an energy efficient car for<br />

city driving. The project is called Sodoben mestni električni<br />

hibrid – Stylish Municipal Electrical Hybrid or SMEH (=<br />

smile). The car features special electric hub motors installed<br />

directly into the driving wheels of the vehicle. The hybrid<br />

drive enables an effective integration of different energy<br />

sources (e.g. hydrogen technology in combination with ultralight<br />

batteries), which results in improved efficiency and<br />

lower costs.<br />

A growing number of individuals and enterprises like Elaphe<br />

are creating opportunities for yet another quantum leap in<br />

transport and vehicle development. As we can see, solutions<br />

are already in place and will be launched when the time is<br />

right. They are being developed by scientists, researchers and<br />

innovators as well as by perfectly ordinary people, all over the<br />

world, not least in Slovenia.

62 63<br />

Polona Bohorič<br />

Barbara Čeferin<br />

razvajanje duha pampering the soul<br />

grad otočec<br />

razkošje in duh časa<br />

castle otočec<br />

glamour and the spirit of the times<br />

Zelena lepotica, kot reko Krko radi imenujejo poznavalci<br />

in ljubitelji voda, je z dolžino 93 km med najdaljšimi<br />

slovenskimi rekami, ki v vsej svoji dolžini tečejo po ozemlju<br />

Slovenije. V svojem začetnem delu, kjer je najbolj živahna,<br />

Krka skozi čas varuje svoj dragulj, majhen otok, Otočec.<br />

Z bregovoma reke je povezan z lesenima mostovoma<br />

in v svojem zelenem objemu skriva edini rečni grad na<br />

Slovenskem. Grad Otočec, katerega začetki segajo v 13.<br />

stoletje, je danes kulturni spomenik državnega pomena, v<br />

upravljanju podjetja Terme Krka. Otok je danes priljubljena<br />

izletniška točka za domače in tuje obiskovalce, grad pa<br />

je v letu 2008 zasijal v popolnoma prenovljeni podobi in<br />

ponudbi.<br />

Če je že doslej veljalo, da je na Gradu Otočec mogoče<br />

doživeti vrhunsko poročno, kulinarično ali poslovno<br />

slavje, pa sta tokratna popolna preobleka gradu, z njo<br />

pa tudi prenovljena ponudba, presegli vsa pričakovanja.<br />

Iz prostorov, detajlov in »prebivalcev« gradu veje nek<br />

poseben duh. Duh grajskih soban in izbranega okolja,<br />

duh razkošnih privilegijev in vzvišene gospode, duh<br />

prefinjenega okusa in ležerne sodobnosti. Samo jasna<br />

vizija uprave, natančna analiza arhitekture in življenja v<br />

preteklosti in visoki kriteriji ponudbe so lahko sestavine,<br />

ki porodijo takšno mojstrovino. Pa seveda prava izbira in<br />

zaupanje sodelavcem pri izvedbi.<br />

Pretanjenemu smislu za arhitekturni detajl in poznavanju<br />

stilnih prvin posameznih obdobij preteklosti je arhitekt Jani<br />

Vozelj dodal še značilno duhovitost in visoko funkcionalno<br />

vrednost. Izdelki iz njegovega ustvarjalnega opusa (ki<br />

je že sam po sebi zgodba o presežkih) so kot ustvarjeni<br />

za prostore, katerih kamniti zidovi delujejo večni in<br />

neuničljivi. Subtilni in domišljeni kosi pohištva nadgrajujejo<br />

prostor povsem neobremenjeno, neopazno, a občuteno.<br />

Kljub uvajanju popolnoma novih elementov, so ostale<br />

poudarjene značilnosti iz obdobja gotike, in vsi sestavni<br />

deli, ki so spomeniško varovani. V gradu so se prenove<br />

tudi v tehničnem smislu lotili celostno – poleg popolnoma<br />

novih instalacij, klimatske naprave v vseh prostorih, obnove<br />

konferečnih dvoran in bivalnih prostorov, ki zahtevajo<br />

visoko tehnologijo za zahtevne goste, pa je eden od biserov<br />

tudi panoramsko dvigalo, skrito za stara masivna vrata.<br />

The green beauty, as the 93 kilometres long Krka river<br />

is fondly referred to by water lovers and connoisseurs, is<br />

one of the longest waterways in Slovenia that is wholly<br />

contained within Slovenian borders. In its upper stream,<br />

where it is at its liveliest, Krka shelters a jewel of its very<br />

own: a small island, Otočec.<br />

The island is connected to the riverbanks by two wooden<br />

bridges, and its greenery veils the only river castle in<br />

Slovenia. Castle Otočec, whose origins date back to the 13th<br />

century, has been declared a cultural monument of national<br />

importance; nowadays it is managed by Terme Krka. The<br />

island is a popular destination with day-trippers from all<br />

over Slovenia and abroad, while the Castle itself has just been<br />

completely refurbished.<br />

Castle Otočec has always been known as a top venue for<br />

exclusive wedding, culinary or business functions; the new face<br />

of the Castle coupled with an augmented range of top-quality<br />

services, however, has vastly exceeded all expectations. The<br />

premises, décor and castle residents radiate an unmistakable,<br />

distinctive aura: The aura of Castle rooms and sophistication,<br />

the aura of extravagant privileges and high society, the aura<br />

of refined taste and leisurely indulgence. Only a clear vision<br />

of the management, a complete and accurate analysis of the<br />

architecture and life in times past, and exceptionally high<br />

standards can produce a masterpiece of such magnitude. It<br />

goes without saying, of course, that choosing the right people<br />

for the job and then leaving them free reign is just as vital.<br />

The architect Jani Vozelj has coupled his exceptional feel<br />

for architectural detail and a sound knowledge of individual<br />

periods’ stylistic features with his characteristic sense of<br />

humour and a high level of functionality. His creations (a<br />

veritable collection of outstanding masterpieces in its own<br />

right) appear to have been made specifically for rooms with<br />

seemingly eternal and indestructible stone walls. Subtle and<br />

well-designed pieces of furniture compliment and enhance the<br />

place in a way that is wholly inconspicuous and unobtrusive,<br />

yet impossible to miss. Despite the introduction of completely<br />

new elements, there is a continued accentuation of details<br />

from the Gothic period; all protected heritage features have<br />

likewise been preserved. The refurbishment was literally allinclusive<br />

and incorporated the latest technology advances: In<br />

addition to completely new installations, air conditioning in<br />

every room, the renovation of conference rooms and living<br />

areas, all of which spells state-of-the-art technology for<br />

sophisticated guests, there is also a panoramic lift concealed<br />

behind a solid old door.<br />

Iz prostorov, detajlov in »prebivalcev« gradu veje nek poseben duh.<br />

The premises, décor and castle residents radiate an unmistakable, distinctive aura.<br />

Subtilni in domišljeni kosi pohištva nadgrajujejo prostor povsem<br />

neobremenjeno, neopazno, a občuteno.<br />

Subtle and well-designed pieces of furniture compliment and enhance the place in<br />

a way that is wholly inconspicuous and unobtrusive, yet impossible to miss.

64 65<br />

Grad Otočec v sodobno urejenih grajskih sobah, suitah in<br />

apartmajih nudi udobje najvišje kategorije petih zvezdic<br />

za 32 gostov. Posebnost sta dva kraljevska apartmaja,<br />

ki ju poleg sobe za sprejeme ali posvete, salona, spalnice<br />

in prave razkošne grajske kopalnice, odlikuje tudi udobna<br />

skupna sprejemnica. Vrhunski mojstri kulinarike na Otočcu<br />

bodo odslej lahko postregli svoje stvaritve v dveh prostorih<br />

– poleg večje grajske restavracije tudi v Lovski restavraciji,<br />

– intimnejši sobi s kaminom, v poletnem času pa še naprej<br />

ostaja mamljiva letna terasa v osrčju grajskega oboda.<br />

Opisano in že doseženo pa ni vse, kar so si v vizije<br />

zapisali gospodarji gradu. V nadaljevanju nameravajo še<br />

podrobneje obnoviti zunanjost gradu, obrambni stolp bo<br />

nudil zatočišče intimni grajski kapeli, v kateri si bodo najbolj<br />

romantični zaljubljenci lahko obljubili zvestobo pred božjim<br />

obličjem. Med ponudbo, ki bo sledila prenovi vhodne stavbe<br />

obzidja, pa bo tudi predstavitev pestre zgodovine gradu.<br />

Grad Otočec nedvomno sodi med najprivlačnejše hotele<br />

v Sloveniji, predvsem za zavzete romantike, kulinarične<br />

sladokusce, poslovneže, protokolarne goste ali navdušene<br />

igralce golfa. Ti bodo lahko v prihodnje še bolj uživali na<br />

najlepše urejenemu igrišču Slovenije (po oceni igralcevm<br />

in strokovne komisije za leto 2007), ko se bodo obstoječim<br />

devetim luknjam pridružilo še dodatnih devet in zaokrožilo<br />

podobo Golf igrišča Otočec.<br />

Neponovljivi tris prečudovite okolice, vrhunske postrežbe in<br />

kulinaričnega doživetja.<br />

Unbeatable combination of magnificent scenery, superior service and<br />

innovative cuisine.<br />

Castle Otočec with its modern castle rooms, suites and<br />

apartments provides five-star comfort and can accommodate<br />

up to 32 guests. It also boasts two Royal Suites; in addition<br />

to a meeting room, a parlour, a bedroom and a deluxe castle<br />

bathroom each also features an inviting drawing room.<br />

Masters of culinary arts in Otočec will now be serving their<br />

masterpieces in two dining rooms – in the large formal dining<br />

area as well as in Hunter’s Inn, a more intimate room with a<br />

fireplace. In summer, however, al fresco dining on the terrace<br />

nested in the castle atrium remains the preferred choice.<br />

This, however, is not all that the masters of the Castle have<br />

envisaged. Plans for an even more elaborate restoration of<br />

the castle exterior are already underway; also, the watch tower<br />

will soon feature a private castle chapel, where the most<br />

romantic couples will be able to exchange their vows before<br />

God. The renovation of the entrance building in the curtain<br />

wall will be followed by a further upgrade and expansion of<br />

tourist services, which will include a presentation of the<br />

Castle’s colourful history. Unquestionably Castle Otočec is one<br />

of the most opulent hotels in Slovenia catering principally<br />

to passionate romantics, gourmets, businessmen, eminent<br />

dignitaries and golf enthusiasts. The latter in particular<br />

will soon be able to enjoy themselves even better on the<br />

best groomed links in Slovenia (as voted in 2007 by players<br />

and Expert Panel) once the existing nine holes have been<br />

augmented by another nine to complete the picture of the<br />

Otočec golf course.<br />

Grad Otočec nudi udobje najvišje kategorije petih zvezdic.<br />

Castle Otočec provides five-star comfort.<br />

Prvič se otoški grad omenja leta 1252 kot višnjegorska<br />

posest. Verjetno slikoviti srednjeveški grad ni bil<br />

vedno ‘otočec’ in je stal nekoč na desnem bregu reke<br />

Krke, pozneje pa so ga zavarovali še z druge strani z<br />

umetno izkopano strugo, kar se je najbrž zgodilo v hudih<br />

srednjeveških vojnah z Ogri, če ne morda v 13. stol. iz<br />

strahu pred grozečimi Mongoli.<br />

Grad so po končani 2. svetovni vojni delno obnovili<br />

in prilagodili za pisarniške prostore in restavracijo<br />

za vodstvo mladinskih delovnih brigad, ki so gradile<br />

‘avtoceste bratstva in enotnosti’ na trasi Ljubljana<br />

– Zagreb. Takoj po končani gradnji je bilo ustanovljeno<br />

Gostinsko turistično podjetje Otočec, ki je prevzelo<br />

grad v upravljanje. Za turistične namene so gGrad prvič<br />

temeljito spomeniško prenovili v začetku šestdesetih<br />

let. V sedemdesetih letih je gospodarjenje z gGradom<br />

prevzela Krka, tovarna zdravil iz Novega mesta in<br />

kasneje njena hčerinska družba Krka zdravilišča (danes<br />

Terme Krka). V osemdesetih letih je grad doživel celovito<br />

adaptacijo in se tem videzom ponašal do pričujoče<br />

prenove.<br />

Castle Otočec is first mentioned in 1252 as part of the<br />

Višnja Gora Estate. It is quite likely that the picturesque<br />

medieval castle has not always been situated on an island<br />

but was originally built on the right bank of the Krka. At a<br />

later date, probably in times of raging medieval wars with<br />

Hungarians or perhaps in the 13th century when the land<br />

was under threat from Mongols, a moat was dug out on the<br />

other side to give the castle added protection.<br />

The Castle was partially refurbished after World War II<br />

to make room for office space and a restaurant for the<br />

management of youth work brigades building the Highway<br />

of Brotherhood and Unity between Ljubljana and Zagreb.<br />

Once the road had been completed, the Gostinsko turistično<br />

podjetje Otočec hospitality and tourism enterprise was<br />

established for the purpose of managing the Castle. The<br />

first comprehensive, tourism-oriented heritage renovation<br />

of the Castle took place in early 1960s. In the 1970s<br />

the management of the Castle was taken over by Krka,<br />

a pharmaceutical company from Novo mesto, and later<br />

passed into the hands of its subsidiary Krka zdravilišča<br />

(now Terme Krka). Before the most recent renovation,<br />

which was completed in 2008, the Castle had last been<br />

refurbished in the 1980s.<br />

Robi Gregorčič, vodja kuhinje na Gradu Otočec,<br />

zagotavlja užitek v neponovljivem trisu: prečudoviti<br />

okolici, vrhunski postrežbi in ob inovativnem kulinaričnem<br />

doživetju. Veliko pozornosti posveča izboru vrhunskih<br />

produktov znanega porekla, lokalnim posebnostim in<br />

pestri ponudbi. Hrana izpod njegovih rok, pravi, da ima<br />

poseben karakter in šarm.<br />

Robi Gregorčič, Head Chef at Castle Otočec, swears by the<br />

unbeatable combination of magnificent scenery, superior<br />

service and innovative cuisine. His primary focus is on<br />

the selection of premium products of known origin, local<br />

delicacies and speciality dishes, and variety. The food<br />

prepared by his hands, he says, has a unique character and<br />


66 67<br />

Beba Splichal<br />

Marjeta Privšek<br />

vinske resnice wine truths<br />

sončna vrata kleti graben<br />

vinogradnik janez šekoranja<br />

sun door leads into the graben cellar<br />

winegrower janez šekoranja<br />

Panonsko morje je nekoč pljuskalo vse do Bizeljskega,<br />

pokrajine v jugovzhodni Sloveniji, ki poleg Dolenjske in<br />

Bele krajine predstavlja posavsko vinorodno območje.<br />

Peščeni nanosi, ki jih je morje pustilo v teh krajih pred šest<br />

in pol milijoni let, so dobra podlaga za rast vinske trte, s<br />

svojo posebno strukturo pa omogočajo, da zbita peščena<br />

zemlja ohrani obliko tudi kadar skopljejo večjo jamo. Celo<br />

tako veliko, da so lahko v njej opečnate police z buteljkami<br />

in miza za obiskovalce.<br />

There were times when the waves of the Panonian sea<br />

splashed against the foothills of Bizeljsko, a region in<br />

south-eastern Slovenia which alongside Dolenjska and Bela<br />

krajina makes up the Sava river winegrowing district.<br />

Sandy deposits made by the sea in these parts about six<br />

and a half million years ago provide good conditions for<br />

winegrowing, and their structure enables the compacted<br />

sandy soil to stay in place even when a larger hole is dug in the<br />

ground. A hole so large, in fact, that it can accommodate brick<br />

shelves laden with wine bottles and a table for visitors.<br />

Peščeni nanosi, ki jih je morje pustilo v teh krajih pred šest<br />

in pol milijoni let, so dobra podlaga za rast vinske trte.<br />

Sandy deposits made by the sea in these parts about six and a half<br />

million years ago provide good conditions for winegrowing.<br />

Sončna vrata iz masivnega lesa.<br />

The ‘sun door’, carved from massive wood.<br />

Repnica je idealen prostor za vinsko klet.<br />

Turnip cellar is perfect for storing wine.<br />

Zgodba se je začela, ko so tamkajšnji prebivalci sprejeli<br />

ponujeno roko narave in so ob hišah začeli kopati svojevrstne<br />

shrambe. Ohranjale so stalno nizko temperaturo, ne glede<br />

na vreme ali letni čas, in tako postale odličen prostor za<br />

ozimnico. Te nekaj metrov globoke peščene jame so<br />

imenovali repnice. Sčasoma so jih nadomestile zidane kleti<br />

in hladilniki. Odrinjene v pozabo jih je opazil vinogradnik<br />

Janez Šekoranja, domačin in gospodar posestva Graben, ki<br />

je naravne lastnosti jam – idealno temperaturo in vlažnost<br />

– povezal s potrebami vinske kleti. V zemljo iz zbitega<br />

rumenega peska so ob hiši izkopali tri prostore več kot<br />

dvanajst metrov pod zemljo, ne da bi pri tem uporabljali<br />

stroje ali drug gradbeni material – tako kot je narekovala<br />

tradicija. Poleg lopat, krampov in samokolnic za odvažanje<br />

peska so tudi pri kopanju teh repnic uporabili le še posebno<br />

strgalo za oblikovanje votlin v obokane sobane.<br />

It all started when the locals decided to take what nature so<br />

generously offered and started digging subterranean vaults<br />

next to their houses. The vaults maintained a constant,<br />

low temperature regardless of the weather or the season,<br />

providing perfect conditions for storing food in winter.<br />

These underground stores, which were only a few metres<br />

deep, were called turnip cellars. Overtime, however, they were<br />

replaced by proper cellars and refrigerators. The forgotten<br />

turnip cellars caught the attention of Janez Škoranja, a local<br />

and owner of the Graben estate, who noticed that the cellars’<br />

natural properties – ideal temperature and humidity – would<br />

be perfect for storing wine. In the compacted yellow sand next<br />

to his house he dug three, over twelve meters deep underground<br />

stores without using machinery or building materials – just<br />

as they used to do it in the olden days. Apart from shovels,<br />

picks and wheelbarrows to take away the excavated sand, only<br />

a special scraper was used to shape the caverns into vaulted<br />

rooms.<br />

Na otip grobe stene se svetlikajo ob skromni razsvetljavi.<br />

Ročno izkopana votlina s hrapavimi stenami daje občutek,<br />

da bi morali vprašati jamo, ali ji smemo zlesti pod kožo,<br />

sedeti v njenem vlažnem hladu ... in kot bogovi okušati<br />

eno izmed petdesetih različnih vin iz buteljk, zloženih ob<br />

stenah repnice. V optimalnih pogojih, ki jih omogoča prav<br />

bivanje pod zemljo, dozorijo traminec, rumeni muškat,<br />

modra frankinja, rumeni plavec, gamay in druga vrhunska<br />

vina, za katera so v zadnjih letih prejeli več kot sto medalj<br />

– trinajst zlatih medalj in pet šampijonskih nazivov. V klet<br />

Graben pridemo skozi sončna vrata, ki so še ena posebnost<br />

vinogradniškega posestva. Izrezljana iz masivnega lesa so<br />

od nekdaj sporočala obiskovalcu, kako premožna je hiša,<br />

kamor so prišli. Kolikor veliko je sonce na vratih, toliko moči<br />

in svetlobe premore dajati domačinom. In kdo bi bil lahko<br />

bogatejši kot tisti, ki mu sonce vedno sije na vratih<br />

The walls, which feel rough to the touch, gleam softly in the<br />

low light. The hand-excavated vault with its coarse walls<br />

generates the feeling that one should ask permission to get<br />

under its skin, sit in its damp cold… and like gods taste one<br />

of the fifty different wines from the bottles stacked along<br />

the turnip cellar walls. The underground cellar provides<br />

perfect maturing conditions for Traminec, Yellow Muscat,<br />

Blaufrankisch (Modra Frankinja), Rumeni Plavec, Gamay and<br />

other premium wines. In recent years, they have received over<br />

one hundred medals, thirteen Gold Medals and five Champion<br />

titles. We enter the Graben cellar through the ‘sun door’,<br />

another peculiarity of the wine-growing estate. Carved from<br />

massive wood, sun doors used to testify to the affluence of the<br />

household. The bigger the sun on the door, the more power<br />

and light it could give to the house residents. And who could<br />

be more affluent than the one with the sun eternally shining<br />

on his door<br />

Repnice so jame, skopane več metrov globoko v<br />

kremenčevem pesku. Ime so dobile po repi, ki so jo<br />

kmetje shranjevali v hladnih in vlažnih jamah, da bi<br />

ohranili ozimnico. Peščene luknje so danes etnološka<br />

dediščina in kulturna znamenitost krajine. Nekatere so<br />

stare tudi do 200 let, kar nekaj pa jih nastaja v zadnjih<br />

letih in dopolnjujejo turistično ponudbo kmetij in gostiln.<br />

Vina Graben je zaradi njihove odličnosti na svoje vinske<br />

karte v nekaterih svojih restavracijah v New Yorku in<br />

Parizu uvrstil tudi svetovno znani kuharski mojster in<br />

lastnik številnih prestižnih restavracij po svetu Alain<br />

Ducasse. Prav tako pa imata vina Graben na svojih<br />

vinskih kartah prestižni restavraciji L’Auberge Carmel v<br />

Kaliforniji in japonska restavracija Masa v New Yorku.<br />

Turnip cellars are subterranean vaults carved several<br />

meters deep into silica sand. They got their name after<br />

turnips, which farmers used to store in the cool and damp<br />

underground rooms to better keep over the winter. Today,<br />

sand cellars are treated as ethnological heritage and<br />

cultural peculiarity of the region. While some are over 200<br />

years old, several have been built in recent years to boost<br />

tourism in the area.<br />

Due to their outstanding quality, Graben wines also feature<br />

on the wine lists of the New York and Paris restaurants<br />

owned by Alain Ducasse, chef and proprietor of numerous<br />

prestigious restaurants all over the world. Likewise,<br />

Graben wines are included in the wine lists of prestigious<br />

L’Auberge Carmel restaurant in California and Japanese<br />

restaurant Masa in New York.

68 69<br />

Beba Splichal<br />

Umberto Pellizon, Tomaž Barbič, Hanno Hardt<br />

vinske resnice wine truths<br />

... za okni pa, do koder seže pogled, mehko valujoči griči vinogradov.<br />

... and the view from the windows reveals gently undulating vineyards as far<br />

as the eye can see.<br />

globoko v tišini zemlje<br />

alternativno vino domačije kabaj morel<br />

deep in the stillness of earth<br />

alternative wine from the kabaj morel homestead<br />

Sredi Goriških Brd, primorskega vinorodnega okoliša,<br />

dovozna pot zapelje na dvorišče briške domačije. V<br />

umirjeni rustikalni jedilnici Jean Michel Morel nostalgično<br />

pripoveduje o zadnjem obisku Francije, od koder se je<br />

preselil pred mnogimi leti. Ljubezen in družinske korenine<br />

so ga prepričale, da je njegov dom zdaj tu. Besede nihajo<br />

med ješprenjem z jurčki, hlebcem mladega tolminskega<br />

sira, ki je dozorel med vinskimi tropinami, in seveda kozarci<br />

vina. Pod nami so namreč vinske kleti, za okni pa, do koder<br />

seže pogled, mehko valujoči griči vinogradov. V jasnem<br />

dnevu se v ozadju mediteranske slike izostrijo zasneženi<br />

vrhovi Alp.<br />

In the heart of the Goriška brda winegrowing district in the<br />

coastal region of Slovenia, a simple driveway leads to the Morel<br />

homestead. Seated in a serene, rustic dining room, Jean Michel<br />

Morel nostalgically speaks about the last time he visited France,<br />

which he left many years ago. Love and family roots persuaded<br />

him to make his home here instead. Words are interspersed<br />

with cep and barley risotto, young Tolmin cheese, which<br />

matured among grapeskins, and of course glasses of wine. For<br />

we are sitting above wine cellars and the view from the windows<br />

reveals gently undulating vineyards as far as the eye can see. On<br />

a clear day, snowy peaks of the Alps rise in the distance as the<br />

perfect backdrop to the Mediterranean landscape.<br />

Vsaka amfora drži tristo litrov vina.<br />

Each amphora contains three hundred litres of wine.<br />

Med sodi se v hladu komaj občutijo vonji opojnih vsebin. V<br />

družinskih vinogradih dozori merlot, eno najbolj razširjenih<br />

rdečih sort v Sloveniji, ki ga v steklenice arhivirajo kot<br />

Cuvee Morel, v družbi z ročno obranimi jagodami cabernet<br />

sauvignona, cabernet franca in petit verdotoja. Sivi pinot,<br />

chardonnay in rebula zažarijo v intenzivni rumeni barvi<br />

vina, ujetega v steklenico z imenom Luisa prestige, grozdni<br />

sok, ki ga iztisnejo iz nežno zelenih, sladkih jagod pa po<br />

slabem letu zorenja shranijo kot aromatičen beli pinot.<br />

Posebnost v vinski kleti Kabaj Morel pa je devet glinenih<br />

posod, do vratu in čez zakopanih v zemljo, kjer v tišini globin<br />

nastaja alternativno vino iz amfor. Pričakovan pridelek<br />

vsake izmed njih je tristo litrov vina globoke zlate barve ter<br />

svojevrstnega okusa.<br />

Na potovanju po Gruziji je Jean Michel Morel zašel med<br />

preproste domačine, ki še danes s svojimi rokami mesijo<br />

glino in jo oblikujejo v ogromne jajčaste posode, kakor<br />

so to počeli pred tisočletji. Podobne glinene posode<br />

so nekoč poznali tudi na območju Goriških Brd, kar<br />

potrjujejo arheološke raziskave. Prevzet in navdušen nad<br />

starodavnim načinom pridelovanja vina je vinogradnik v<br />

Gruziji kupil amfore in jih dal pripeljati v Slovenijo. V njih<br />

je zorela trgatev 2005, ki se že, ustekleničena in ovita v<br />

tančico velikega pričakovanja, pripravlja za prihod na trg<br />

leta 2009. Omotična od zgodbe, vonjav in čarobnosti<br />

pokrajine, pomislim, da bi tu morala ostati vsaj še kakšen<br />

dan, da bi misli zmehčale robove in vino našlo pristan<br />

znotraj mene. Kar pa je uresničljiva želja, saj domačija rada<br />

sprejme goste v svojih šest sob, namenjenih prav užitku, ko<br />

časa ne merijo ure, ampak naš notranji ritem.<br />

In the coolness of the wine cellar one can only barely catch a<br />

whiff of the barrels’ intoxicating content. The varieties grown in<br />

the family vineyards include Merlot, one of the most widespread<br />

red wines in Slovenia, which is bottled as Cuvee Morel blended<br />

with hand picked Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Petit<br />

Verdo grapes. Pinot Gris, Chardonnay and Rebula glow in a deep<br />

yellow colour of the wine bottled as Lusia Prestige, while the<br />

juice squeezed from soft green, sweet grapes in just under one<br />

year matures into aromatic Pinot Blanc. A special feature in the<br />

Kabaj Morel wine cellar, however, are nine large earthenware<br />

pots, buried in earth up to the neck and beyond, where in the<br />

stillness of the deep alternative amphora wine is born. Each<br />

amphora contains one three hundred litres of wine that is<br />

characterised by a deep golden colour and a unique flavour.<br />

When travelling in Georgia, Jean Michel Morel stumbled across<br />

locals who to this day continue to knead clay and shape it into<br />

huge egg-shaped pots using a traditional method perfected<br />

thousands of years ago. Similar earthenware containers from<br />

ancient times have been found by archaeologists in Goriška<br />

brda and surrounding areas. Excited and eager to try the ancient<br />

winemaking technique, the winegrower bought the amphorae in<br />

Georgia and had them shipped to Slovenia. The first batch of<br />

his amphora wine was the harvest of 2005, which has already<br />

been bottled and is getting ready to make its eagerly anticipated<br />

market debut in 2009. Intoxicated by the story, the scents and<br />

the magic of the scenery I think to myself that I should stay for<br />

at least another day to allow my thoughts to soften around the<br />

edges and the wine to come to rest inside of me. Which, however,<br />

is nothing but wishful thinking on my part: The homestead is<br />

happy to put up guests in their six rooms when the guests’ time<br />

is not measured by the clock, but by their inner rhythm.<br />

Tradicija uporabe dolijev in amfor je znana predvsem iz<br />

rimske dobe, ko so amfore, ki so v osnovi vrč z dvema<br />

ročajema in vitkim zaključkom, uporabljali za transport<br />

tekočin in žita. Med vinarji, ki posegajo po alternativnih<br />

metodah, se je izraz amfora udomačil tudi za velike<br />

glinene posode – dolije, v katerih poteka predelava<br />

grozdja z minimalnim dodatkom žvepla. Do danes se<br />

je izdelava dolijev ohranila v Gruziji, od koder pa se z<br />

vinogradniki, kot je Jean Michel Morel, ponovno vrača<br />

tudi v Slovenijo.<br />

Jean Michel Morel štipendira absolventko živilske<br />

tehnologije na biotehnični fakulteti v Ljubljani Tino<br />

Štokelj, ki želi v svoji diplomski nalogi z laboratorijsko<br />

analizo dokazati, da vino, narejeno po tej metodi,<br />

ustreza vsem kemijskim, senzoričnim in fiziološkim<br />

parametrom.<br />

The traditional use of amphorae is known from the Roman<br />

times. An amphora is essentially a two-handled jar with<br />

a narrow neck used by the ancient Greeks and Romans<br />

to carry liquids or grain. Winegrowers who engage in<br />

alternative methods of wine production use the term<br />

amphora to describe large earthenware pots (‘dolije’) used<br />

for the fermentation of grapes with a minimal addition of<br />

sulphur. Dolije, which are still made in Georgia, are slowly<br />

being reintroduced in Slovenia by winegrowers such as<br />

Jean Michel Morel.<br />

Jean Michel Morel is sponsoring a graduate student at the<br />

Faculty of Biotechnology in Ljubljana, Tina Štokelj, whose<br />

graduation project involves a laboratory analysis of his<br />

amphora wine to show that it meets all chemical, sensory<br />

and physiological standards.

70 71<br />

Beba Splichal<br />

Grega Kalan, Drago Medved<br />

vinske resnice wine truths<br />

v dogovoru z naravo<br />

aci urbajs, biodinamični vinar<br />

hand in hand with nature<br />

aci urbajs, biodynamic winemaker<br />

Na Rifniku, enem izmed najlepših zgodovinskih parkov v<br />

Evropi, ki se dviguje nad dolino Voglajne na vzhodu Slovenije,<br />

Aci Urbajs skrbi za svoj vinograd. Sam pravi, da je bolj<br />

umetnik kot vinogradnik, odločen, da ima v dialogu med njim<br />

in naravo slednja vedno odločilno zadnjo besedo. Za biološkodinamično<br />

gospodarjenje v bližini arheološkega najdišča se<br />

je odločil povsem po naključju, če naključja sploh obstajajo.<br />

Tu so gojili trto, morda že Kelti, zagotovo pa stari Rimljani.<br />

Prostor hrani informacije, ki jih pozorno uho lahko zazna kot<br />

povabilo. Ko so Urbajsovi obnavljali vinograd, so naleteli na<br />

starodavno grobno žaro. V tem dogodku so videli sporočilo,<br />

naj poskrbijo za prostor, tako da bodo tudi tisti, ki prihajajo<br />

za njimi, tu našli nekaj zase. Aci pogosto škropi vinograd,<br />

skoraj vsak teden, vendar le z zdravilnimi čaji iz zelišč, ki<br />

jih nabira med okoliškimi travami. Rman, kamilica, regratovi<br />

cvetovi in preslica poskrbijo, da se trta dobro počuti in je<br />

odporna proti boleznim.<br />

Iz njegove kleti prihajajo vina posebne kakovosti, predikati<br />

iz grozdja, trganega v pozni jeseni, in organska vina, ki<br />

zorijo na drožeh. Sodi so narejeni iz lesa, ki je zrasel kar<br />

najbližje vinogradu. To je vino intenzivne barve, ki diši po<br />

rožah, travah, medu, je polnega okusa, nekoliko trpko,<br />

a zdravo in krepko. Z vinom je Aci zadovoljen šele, ko je<br />

požirek všeč ženi Brigiti. Prav takšno kot je, si najde kupce<br />

in lahko rečemo, da je njegovo vino tudi tržno uspešno.<br />

Aci Urbajs na vprašanje, koliko je v vinu njegove osebnosti,<br />

odgovarja z nasmehom: »To je tako kot pri otrocih. Seveda<br />

so moji, ampak jim puščam, da so samostojni, ne oblikujem<br />

jih po svoji volji niti ne po pričakovanjih drugih. Imajo svoj<br />

značaj in svojo življenjsko zgodbo, ki jim narekuje smer.«<br />

V vinogradu vzame, kar mu narava da. »Morda je slišati<br />

naivno, ampak nikamor ne silim, ničesar ne zahtevam.<br />

Trudim se brati, prepoznavati sporočila narave. Vino,<br />

recimo, se z leti spreminja. Če ga opazujemo nekoliko<br />

drugače, lahko kmalu opazimo določeno dogajanje, ki bi<br />

ga lahko označili s termini, ki morda ne sodijo v vinarstvo:<br />

se širi, oži, dviguje, spušča. Ko že mislim, da se je razvoj<br />

nekega vina zaključil, se zgodi še nekaj novega. Res, še<br />

sam sem večkrat presenečen. Značaj grozda je mladost,<br />

vina pa zrelost. Lahko bi ga seveda pomladili, ampak to bi<br />

bilo podobno, kot bi meni, ki sem moški v zrelih letih, naredili<br />

korekcijo obraza. Bi bil zato v resnici kaj mlajši«<br />

In Rifnik, one of the most beautiful historic parks in Europe<br />

rising above the valley of Voglajne in east Slovenia, Aci Urbajs<br />

tends his vineyard. He says that he sees himself more as an<br />

artist than a winemaker, determined that in any discussions<br />

between him and nature the latter should always have the<br />

decisive, final word. His involvement in biodynamic cultivation<br />

in the vicinity of an archaeological site started quite by<br />

coincidence, presuming there is such as thing as a coincidence<br />

in the first place. The Celts had probably already engaged in<br />

winegrowing in these parts, and we know for a fact that the<br />

Romans definitely did. The place is a veritable treasure chest of<br />

information that can sound like an invitation to the attentive<br />

ear. When the Urbajs family were restoring the vineyard they<br />

stumbled across an ancient funerary urn. They understood this<br />

as a message to look after the place so that those coming after<br />

them would find something for themselves there as well.<br />

Aci frequently sprays the vineyard, almost every week, however<br />

only with medicinal infusions made of herbs picked from among<br />

the nearby grasses. Yarrow, chamomile, dandelion flowers<br />

and horsetail make sure that the vines are in good shape and<br />

resistant to disease. The wines coming from Aci’s cellar are<br />

of superior quality: predicates from grapes harvested in late<br />

autumn, and organic wines aged on lees. The wine barrels are<br />

made of wood from the trees that grew as close to the vineyard<br />

as possible. The wine is characterised by a deep colour and<br />

smells like flowers, grass and honey; it is full-bodied, slightly<br />

tart, but healthy and robust.<br />

Aci isn’t happy with the wine until his wife Brigita likes it.<br />

The wine finds customers just as it is, and it sells well too.<br />

When asked how much of his personality can be found in his<br />

wine, Aci can’t help smiling. “Wine is just like children. Of<br />

course they are mine, but I let them be themselves, I do not mould<br />

them to my will and liking or to other people’s expectations.<br />

They each have a unique character and a personal mission which<br />

determine their path in life.” In the vineyard Aci takes what<br />

nature offers. “It might sound naïve, but I do not try to make<br />

things go a certain way, I do not force anything. I try to spot and<br />

decipher messages from nature. Wine, for instance, changes<br />

with each passing year. If we look at it from a slightly different<br />

perspective we can soon identify a certain process that could<br />

be described using terminology that may not be immediately<br />

associated with winegrowing: It expands, contracts, goes up,<br />

comes down. Just when I start thinking that the development<br />

of a wine is finished, something new happens. If truth be told,<br />

even I am often taken by surprise. Grape represents youth,<br />

wine maturity. Of course we could make it young again, but this<br />

would be like giving a facelift to a middle-aged man like myself.<br />

Would I in actual fact become any younger”<br />

Tu so gojili trto, morda že Kelti, zagotovo pa stari Rimljani.<br />

The Celts had probably already engaged in winegrowing in these<br />

parts, and we know for a fact that the Romans definitely did.<br />

Steklenica z drožmi.<br />

A bottle with lees.<br />

Gospodarjenje po biološko-dinamični metodi pomeni, da<br />

se pridelovalci strogo držijo ekoloških načel in tankočutno<br />

upoštevajo ritem narave. Pomagajo si s preparati, ki jih<br />

naredijo sami iz popolnoma naravnih sestavin. Pridelki<br />

rastejo v skladu z naravnimi tokovi, so odporni proti<br />

boleznim ter nosijo v sebi mnogo več vitalne energije<br />

kot običajna živila. Proizvodi Acija Urbajsa nosijo znak<br />

blagovne znamke Demeter, organizacije Demeter<br />

International, v kateri se povezujejo pridelovalci, ki<br />

gospodarijo po biološko-dinamični metodi v več kot 100<br />

državah po svetu. Demeter skuša tudi zaščititi kmečko<br />

kulturo v krajih, kjer ta še živi, hkrati pa spodbuja ljudi,<br />

da se od globalnega vračajo k lokalnim vrednotam.<br />

Biodynamic cultivation is a farming method, which<br />

requires strict compliance with environmental principles<br />

and sensitivity to the rhythms of nature. Only mixtures<br />

and infusions made from purely natural ingredients by<br />

primary producers themselves may be used. The produce,<br />

which is grown fully naturally, is resistant to disease<br />

and characterised by a significantly higher level of vital<br />

nutrients than conventionally grown foods. Aci Urbajs’s<br />

products are sold under the Demeter brand, which is<br />

owned by Demeter International, an association of primary<br />

producers who are using the biodynamic method in over<br />

100 countries all over the world. Demeter aims to preserve<br />

the traditional culture of farming in the places where it<br />

still exists while encouraging people to return from the<br />

global perspective to local values.

72 73<br />

Polona Bohorič<br />

osebni arhivi personal archives, Ljuba Južnič, Aleš Marolt<br />

uglašeno harmonized<br />

geomantija<br />

slovenija čuti (z) zemljo<br />

geomancy<br />

slovenia feels (for) earth<br />

Zgodba o sodobni geomantiji se začne davno pred<br />

našim tukajšnjim časom. Že starodavne civilizacije so<br />

prepoznavale prostore, ki so vitalnega pomena za življenje.<br />

Tam so gradili svetišča in častili sile narave. Znali so<br />

opazovati živa bitja, ugotavljali so, kako na določenem<br />

prostoru uspevajo rastline, kje se zadržujejo živali, kam<br />

letijo ptice. Sestavili so ugotovitve in jim sledili tudi sami.<br />


Razvoj civilizacije in prevlada razuma nad intuicijo sta<br />

utišala sporočila zemlje in narave. Naselbine rastejo, kjer<br />

koli je bolj praktično – naj gre za bližino napeljave, ceste ali<br />

druge infrastrukture. O slabem vplivu lokacije na kvaliteto<br />

življenja razmišljajo redki. Vseh razsežnosti Zemlje človek<br />

resda ne more videti, lahko pa začuti njihove vplive. Včasih<br />

so ti blagodejni, celo zdravilni, včasih pa precej neugodni,<br />

lahko tudi škodljivi. Šele ko so na sporedu bolezni, denarne<br />

težave ali nesreče, so ljudje pripravljeni pomisliti tudi na<br />

vplive okolja. Pa še takrat večinoma preradi posegajo po<br />

hitrih »rešitvah«, ki z nakupom simbola ali postavitvijo<br />

domačega oltarja navidezno rešujejo težave. Med<br />

popolnoma skeptičnim pristopom in instant prilagojenimi<br />

teorijami pa so velikanske razlike. Vmes se nahajajo<br />

čudovite nianse, ki prepričajo, če le prisluhnemo in se<br />

pustimo poučiti. Šele nekaj stoletij nazaj je logičen in hitrih<br />

dokazov željan razum preglasil vedo, ki se je kot znanost<br />

prenašala iz roda v rod. Ime »geomantija« sicer izhaja<br />

iz starogrških korenov besed Gaia, boginja Zemlje, ter<br />

mantein – razlagati. Geomantija torej v tem pomenu besede<br />

pomeni interpretirati vidne in nevidne razsežnosti prostora.<br />

Sodobna geomantija uči, kako zaznavati prostor – pa naj<br />

bo to pokrajina, hiša, stanovanje ali poslovni prostor – kot<br />

skupek vidnih in nevidnih plasti, uči prepoznavati te plasti<br />

in jih primerno nadgraditi. Pričakovan rezultat je seveda<br />

bolj vitalna okolica in posledično boljša kvaliteta življenja.<br />


Geomanti upoštevajo, da Zemlja oddaja življenjsko energijo,<br />

ki prežema krajino, zgradbe in ljudi. Prostor obravnavajo<br />

kot utripajoč, živ organizem, ki kot vsako bitje izpolnjuje<br />

bistvene življenjske funkcije. Temeljno geomantično<br />

pravilo pravi: če želimo imeti zdrav bivalni prostor, moramo<br />

v prostor zajeti vitalno energijo Zemlje.<br />

The story of modern geomancy started long before our times.<br />

Even the earliest ancient civilisations used to identify<br />

sites that are of vital importance to life on Earth. It was<br />

there that they built temples and worshiped the forces of<br />

nature. They were experts at observing living creatures;<br />

they noticed the places where plants thrived, where animals<br />

went, where birds flew. They put two and two together, and<br />

acted accordingly.<br />



The rise of civilisation and reason winning over intuition<br />

silenced the messages of Earth and Nature. Nowadays, the<br />

development of settlements is dictated by convenience – by the<br />

proximity of public utilities, road or other infrastructure. Few<br />

people concern themselves with potentially adverse impacts<br />

of location on the quality of life. While not all of Earth’s forces<br />

are visible to the human eye, their effects can however be felt.<br />

They can sometimes be beneficial or even therapeutic; on the<br />

other hand, they can also prove unpleasant or even downright<br />

harmful. Only in the wake of disease, financial problems or<br />

accidents people are willing to consider the effects of their<br />

environment. And even then they tend to opt for ‘quick fix’<br />

solutions such as purchasing a talisman or erecting a home<br />

altar in a vain attempt to put an end to their troubles. While<br />

we have total scepticism on one end of the spectrum and<br />

modified ‘instantaneous solution’ theories on the other, in<br />

between there lies a myriad of fascinating, highly persuasive<br />

alternatives if only we are willing to listen and learn from<br />

the experts. It has only been a couple of centuries since the<br />

rational mind with its penchant for logic and hard and fast<br />

evidence eclipsed the ancient art and science of geomancy<br />

handed down from generation to generation. The word<br />

‘geomancy’ is derived from the Greek word geōmanteia: geo,<br />

‘earth’ + manteia, ‘divination’. Geomancy quite literally means<br />

divination, through calculations and signs, of the visible and<br />

invisible forces around us. Modern geomancy teaches how to<br />

sense one’s spatial environment – be it a landscape, house,<br />

flat or office – as a totality of visible and invisible layers, how<br />

to identify these layers and augment them accordingly. The<br />

purpose is to infuse more energy into the environment, which<br />

consequently leads to an improved quality of life.<br />


Geomancy practitioners believe that Earth radiates a life<br />

force, which permeates land, buildings and people. Our spatial<br />

environment is perceived as a pulsating, living organism,<br />

which like every being performs essential life functions.<br />

The fundamental principle of geomancy says that to create<br />

a healthy living environment one must first infuse it with<br />

Earth’s life force.<br />

Kozmogrami s svojo univerzalno arhetipsko govorico<br />

pritegnejo k delovanju vitalne tokove in polja v okolici.<br />

Universal archetypal language of cosmograms triggers vital<br />

energy flows and fields in the surrounding area.<br />

Marko Pogačnik in njegovi učenci.<br />

Marko Pogačnik and his students.

74 75<br />

V Sloveniji je geomantijo ponovno obudil akademski kipar<br />

Marko Pogačnik, sicer tudi avtor slovenskega državnega<br />

grba. Razvil je različne metode zaščite in zdravljenja nevidnih<br />

nivojev življenja in svoje delo poimenoval zdravljenje<br />

Zemlje. Njegov pristop je alternativa znanstveni ekologiji, ki<br />

skrbi le za fizično telo Zemlje. Markovo zdravljenje Zemlje<br />

deluje bolj kot akupunktura, saj v ta namen za Zemljo<br />

kleše kamnite stebre, imenovane litopunkturni kamni, ki jih<br />

postavlja v prostor. Na njih so vklesani reliefni geometrijski<br />

vzroci ali druge podobe, imenovane kozmogrami. Te s svojo<br />

univerzalno arhetipsko govorico pritegnejo k delovanju<br />

vitalne tokove in polja v okolici. Z litopunkturo je mogoče<br />

v prostoru zdraviti energijske blokade, lahko pa se na ta<br />

način aktivirajo blagodejne lastnosti območja, da postane<br />

bolj dostopno in privlačno.<br />

<strong>SLOVENIJA</strong> ČUTI Z ZEMLJO<br />

Marko Pogačnik danes deluje po vsem svetu. Njegovi<br />

litopunkturni kamni stojijo v pokrajinah in mestih vse od<br />

Južne in Severne Amerike pa do Azije, pa seveda Evrope.<br />

Danes v Sloveniji in okolici delujejo že tudi številni drugi<br />

geomanti. Med njimi sta tudi Robi in Karin Lavin, ki sta<br />

razvila svoj pristop k obravnavanju prostora in iskanju vloge<br />

sodobne umetnosti v življenju. Geomantijo ob sodelovanju z<br />

arhitekti in drugimi strokovnjaki implementirata v urejanje<br />

krajine, arhitekturo, notranje urejanje prostorov, turistično<br />

ponudbo …<br />

Implementirajo jo v urejanje krajine, arhitekturo, notranje<br />

urejanje prostorov, načrtovanje cest, turistično ponudbo<br />

... Orodje sodobne geomantije niso več le kozmogrami,<br />

temveč lahko tudi umetnost sama – ustvarjalci izhajajo iz<br />

arhetipov tistega kraja in tako objekt postane nemoteč za<br />

naravne procese, ki se odvijajo v prostoru. Delo geomanta<br />

ni enostavno, saj zahteva vztrajnost in disciplino, poleg<br />

tega pa še močan pogum, da se sooči z vsemi predsodki in<br />

dvomi, ki jih goji večji del sodobne zahodne civilizacije do te<br />

nekoč izjemno cenjene veščine. Geomant se mora naučiti<br />

pozorno spremljati pojave v prostoru, mora se naučiti na<br />

njih odzivati in jih tudi objektivno interpretirati ...<br />

Mnogo hiš, bolnišnic, javnih ustanov, stanovanjskih in<br />

poslovnih prostorov v Sloveniji je že postavljenih po<br />

načelih geomantije. Slovenski geomanti so cenjeni tudi<br />

širše, predvsem pa s povezovanjem uspešno dodajajo<br />

svoje znanje k različnim projektom, seveda v glavnem<br />

povezanim s prostorom. Primeri prakse v Sloveniji so<br />

tako tudi ureditve stanovanjskih naselij, črpališča pitne<br />

vode, oblikovanje turističnih produktov, pa tudi posredno<br />

čiščenje odvečnih plasti zgodovine, ki najraje izbruhnejo<br />

na plan v obliki slabih medosebnih odnosov.<br />

In Slovenia it was sculptor Marko Pogačnik, also the designer<br />

of Slovenia’s national emblem, who has rediscovered and<br />

revived geomancy. He has developed various methods of<br />

protecting and healing the invisible layers of life, the practice<br />

he calls ‘healing the Earth’. His approach is an alternative<br />

to environmental science, which focuses merely on the<br />

physical body of the planet. Marko’s healing of the Earth is<br />

more akin to acupuncture: he carves stone columns called<br />

lithopuncture stones and places them in the environment<br />

at carefully selected strategic points. These columns feature<br />

flat geometric shapes or figures called cosmograms. Their<br />

universal archetypal language triggers vital energy flows<br />

and fields in the surrounding area. Lithopuncture can be<br />

very effective in removing energy blockages; it can also<br />

activate the beneficial properties of the area, making it more<br />

approachable and appealing.<br />


Today, Marko Pogačnik practices geomancy all over the world.<br />

His lithopuncture installations can be found in towns and<br />

country from South and North America to Asia and, of course,<br />

Europe. There are also numerous other geomancy practitioners<br />

working in Slovenia and surrounding areas. Among them<br />

we find Robi in Karin Lavin, who have developed their own<br />

approach in relation to spatial environment assessment<br />

and design, and the role of modern art in life. Working hand<br />

in hand with architects and other professionals, they are<br />

incorporating geomancy into landscape design, architecture,<br />

interior design, tourism…<br />

It is being incorporated into landscape design, architecture,<br />

interior design, road planning, tourism… The tools of<br />

modern geomancy, in addition to cosmograms, also include<br />

the art itself: Due to the use of local archetypes, the object<br />

does not interfere with the natural processes taking place<br />

in the environment. Geomancy is not an easy job, as it<br />

demands perseverance and discipline in addition to a great<br />

deal of courage and willingness to face all the prejudice and<br />

scepticism displayed by the majority of Western civilisation<br />

towards this once highly respected art. Skills that must be<br />

mastered by every geomancy practitioner include a close<br />

observation of the phenomena in the environment, the<br />

formulation of appropriate responses, and an objective<br />

interpretation of such phenomena.<br />

Many homes, hospitals, public institutions, residential and<br />

office buildings in Slovenia have already been designed in<br />

accordance with the principles of geomancy. Slovenian<br />

geomancy practitioners are highly respected not only in<br />

their homeland but also abroad, and are widely sought as<br />

consultants on various projects, mainly those involving<br />

spatial design. Examples in Slovenia include residential<br />

developments, drinking water supplies, design of tourist<br />

souvenirs, as well as indirect energy purification of past<br />

events, which generally tend to manifest as problems in<br />

interpersonal relationships.<br />

Na litopunkturnih kamnih so vklesani reliefni geometrijski<br />

vzorci ali druge podobe, imenovane kozmogrami.<br />

Lithopuncture stones feature flat geometric shapes or figures<br />

called cosmograms.

76 77<br />

Po načelih geomantije, s pomočjo Robija in Karin Lavin, se opremlja tudi prostor<br />

turističnega, razvojnega in informacijskega središča v občini Kostel.<br />

Robi and Karin Lavin are also involved in the design of the Tourism & Development Information<br />

Centre in the Community of Kostel, which also follows the principles of geomancy.<br />

Župan občine Kostel g. Valentin Južnič vidi prav<br />

v sodelovanju z geomanti možnost drugačnega<br />

ovrednotenja pokrajine in z njo turističnih priložnosti.<br />

Zdravilne energije krajine Kostela dodajajo vrednost<br />

ponudbi bogate tradicije in čiste narave. V Kostelu<br />

načrtujejo tudi gradnjo t. i. Ekološke zdraviliške vasi,<br />

kamor bodo lahko hodili iskat oddiha in zdravja tudi<br />

najbolj zahtevni gostje.<br />

The Mayor of the Community of Kostel, Mr Valentin<br />

Južnič, sees the involvement of geomancy practitioners<br />

as an innovative opportunity to add value and promote<br />

the development of tourism along these lines. The<br />

healing energies of the Kostel area further enhance the<br />

rich ethnological tradition and unspoiled nature. Also<br />

underway are plans for the development of a so-called<br />

Environmental Health Village in Kostel, an exclusive R&R<br />

sanctuary designed to cater to even the most demanding<br />

guests.<br />


Karin Lavin, akademska slikarka, krajino razume kot likovno<br />

polje, ki ga lahko ljudje predrugačijo: ko se spremeni njihovo<br />

dojemanje prostora, se spremeni pokrajina. V obdobju<br />

srednjega veka so poslikave romanskih cerkev služile kot<br />

pripoved, poučevanje ljudi. Danes, tako verjame Karin, lahko<br />

umetnost služi širjenju zavesti ljudi. Slikarstvo lahko vstopa v<br />

pokrajino in ni več omejeno ne s ploskvijo in ne s prostorom.<br />

In obratno: pokrajina vstopa v življenje – s tem, da njeni<br />

arhetipski vzorci zaživijo skozi oblike notranje opreme in<br />

grafičnega oblikovanja, tudi v masovno prisotnih medijih, kot<br />

so jumbo plakati, časopisni oglasi in podobno.<br />

Robi Lavin se ukvarja s sodobno geomantijo, ki jo razlaga<br />

kot ekološko veščino celostnega obravnavanja prostora in<br />

človeka. Izvaja preglede kakovosti prostorov, parkov, gozdov,<br />

obstoječih objektov in zemljišč za gradnjo, izdeluje geomantične<br />

analize in svetuje pri prenovah, ureditvah in gradnji objektov<br />

ali večjih stanovanjskih naselij. Začetek vsake njegove<br />

naloge je temeljito seznanjanje z lokacijo, z njenimi vidnimi<br />

in nevidnimi razsežnostmi. Z geomantično raziskavo kraja, s<br />

pomočjo analize, odkrije njene pravzorce in se tako dokoplje<br />

do razumevanja njenega izvirnega bistva. Robi pri analizi<br />

prostor zaznava ne le s petimi čutili, ki prikažejo materialno<br />

obliko okolja, pač pa vključi tudi intuitivno senzibilnost svojih<br />

rok, ki služijo kot energijsko čutilo. S prepoznavanjem svojih<br />

občutkov, ki jih izzovejo naravni pojavi ali pretoki energije, tako<br />

določi njihovo lego v prostoru in njihove lastnosti. Uporablja<br />

pa še en način zaznavanja, ki ga imenuje notranje videnje.<br />

Notranje videnje nastane, ko razne vtise, ki se nam nabirajo v<br />

podzavesti in jih običajno v zavesti zanemarimo ali prezremo,<br />

uspemo prepoznati kot uporabne informacije.<br />

V dolgoletni praksi se Karin in Robi Lavin lotevata različnih<br />

izzivov v dogovoru z naročniki – od sanacije vplivov patogenega<br />

sevanja, svetovanja pri arhitekturnih zasnovah in ozdravitve<br />

prostorskih težav do osebnih in poslovnih svetovanj. Med<br />

različnimi projekti v Sloveniji, pri katerih sodelujeta, je tudi<br />

obsežen projekt inovativne turistične ponudbe Svet Kolpe, ki<br />

predstavlja tudi zanimiv primer delovanja geomantije v praksi.<br />


Na jugu Slovenije, kjer reka Kolpa riše mejo s sosednjo Hrvaško,<br />

se razteza prav poseben svet. Neokrnjena narava, pester<br />

rastlinski in živalski svet ter še živeče sledi tradicionalnega<br />

načina življenja postajajo pravo bogastvo. Kolpa je zaradi svoje<br />

čistosti in skrivnostne romantike, ki jo obdaja, pravi raj za za<br />

vse, ki skušajo ponovno poiskati vrednote, kot so tišina, mir in<br />

preprosta avtentična arhitektura. Ob bregovih Kolpe se razvija<br />

prav posebne vrste turizem, ki se nevsiljivo vklaplja v pokrajino<br />

ter nudi možnost doživetja neizkrivljenega sveta.<br />

Kipar Marko Pogačnik ter skupina geomantov iz Slovenije<br />

in Hrvaške so na celotnem področju zgornjega toka reke<br />

Kolpe raziskali energijski organizem pokrajine in s številnimi<br />

litopunkturnimi kamni na levem in desnem bregu Kolpe označili<br />

energijske točke. Med kamnitimi umetninami z vklesanimi<br />

kozmogrami vodijo meditativne poti, na katerih spoznavamo<br />

zdravilnost energij pokrajine. Po načelih geomantije, s pomočjo<br />

Robija in Karin Lavin, se opremlja tudi prostor turističnega,<br />

razvojnega in informacijskega središča v občini Kostel, ki je<br />

osrednja informacijska točka Sveta Kolpe.<br />


Painter Karin Lavin understands landscape as an artistic<br />

expanse, which can be reshaped by people: As people’s perception<br />

of a certain place changes, the landscape changes with it.<br />

In Medieval times, church paintings would serve as a visual<br />

narrative designed to educate people. However, Karin believes<br />

that nowadays art could be used to facilitate the expansion of<br />

human awareness. The art of painting can enter the landscape<br />

and is no longer confined to two or three dimensions. And vice<br />

versa: Landscape permeates life with its archetypal forms that<br />

come alive through the elements of interior and graphic design,<br />

and mass media tools such as billboards, magazine ads and<br />

similar.<br />

Robi Lavin, on the other hand, practices modern geomancy,<br />

which he defines as an environmental skill and an integral part<br />

of the holistic treatment of man and his spatial environment.<br />

He carries out quality condition surveys of places, parks, forests,<br />

existing buildings and building lots, performs geomantic<br />

analyses, and provides advice in relation to renovations, building<br />

design and construction, and major residential developments.<br />

Every assignment starts with a detailed study of the location and<br />

its visible and invisible dimensions. By carrying out a geomantic<br />

survey of the place and analysing his findings, he identifies<br />

the location’s archetypal patterns, which lead him to its true<br />

essence. When analysing a space, Robi does not rely solely on the<br />

five senses, which are instrumental in determining the physical<br />

properties of the environment, but also includes the intuitive<br />

sensibility of his hands, which he uses as energy antennas. By<br />

recognizing the sensations triggered by natural phenomena or<br />

energy flows, he can identify their characteristics and pinpoint<br />

their position. Another form of perception used by Robi is inner<br />

seeing. Inner seeing occurs when we succeed in recognizing<br />

various impressions, which are stored in the subconsciousness<br />

and generally disregarded or overlooked by the conscious mind,<br />

as useful information.<br />

Over the years Karin and Robi Lavin have been commissioned<br />

by their clients to take on a variety of challenges – from<br />

geopathic stress rehabilitation, architectural design consulting,<br />

space clearing and harmonising, to personal and business<br />

consultations. Among a variety of their projects in Slovenia we<br />

also find a major innovative tourism project The World of the<br />

Kolpa, which is also a fascinating case study of how geomancy<br />

can be applied in practice.<br />


In southern Slovenia, where the Kolpa river carves a border with<br />

neighbouring Croatia, we find a very particular world. Pristine<br />

nature, an abundance and variety of flora and fauna coupled with<br />

remnants of a traditional way of life are turning into a veritable<br />

treasure chest of hitherto untapped riches. Due to its unpolluted<br />

waters and mysterious aura, the Kolpa is a haven for all those who<br />

are looking for tranquillity, serenity and architectural simplicity<br />

and authenticity. The banks of the Kolpa are presently giving<br />

birth to a distinct brand of tourism, which unobtrusively blends<br />

into the landscape and provides an opportunity to experience a<br />

world of wholesomeness and straightforwardness.<br />

Sculptor Marko Pogačnik and a team of geomancy practitioners<br />

from Slovenia and Croatia have surveyed the energy body of<br />

the countryside along the upper Kolpa and installed numerous<br />

lithopuncture columns in energy points on both sides of the<br />

river. Meditation paths lead between these stone creations<br />

featuring relief cosmograms, where we can feel and learn<br />

about the healing energies of the area. Robi and Karin Lavin<br />

are also involved in the design of the Tourism & Development<br />

Information Centre in the Community of Kostel, the central<br />

information point of The World of the Kolpa, which also follows<br />

the principles of geomancy.

78 79<br />

Polona Bohorič<br />

Urban Modic<br />

svetovni vrh among the world’s best<br />

Maja Ferme poleg oblačil izdeluje tudi modne dodatke<br />

– predvsem je prepoznavna po unikatnem kristalnem<br />

nakitu, ki je lahko čudovit modni dodatek, tako k<br />

dnevnim oblačilom kot h glamurozni večerni kreaciji.<br />

Pred iztekom leta 2007 je uspešno predstavila novo<br />

kolekcijo oblačil in kristalnega nakita Angeli, ki so jo<br />

dobro sprejeli tudi v tujini.<br />

V letu 2008 je na povabilo blagovne hiše Maximarket v<br />

Ljubljani odprla svoj prodajni kotiček – prostor v prvem<br />

nadstropju, kjer se predstavlja z večernimi kreacijami,<br />

poleg blagovnih znamk svetovnega slovesa.<br />

Obenem je v mesecu marcu v partnerskem sodelovanju<br />

odprla svoj »Showroom« v središču prestolnice in s tem<br />

stopila novim izzivom naproti.<br />

Vizij ji ne zmanjka: še letos načrtuje razširiti svojo ekipo<br />

sodelavcev, zagnati proizvodnjo v tujini, končati magisterij<br />

in razširiti svoja prodajna mesta. Ob tem pa niti ne našteva<br />

številnih drugih zanimivih projektov, ki jih pripravlja ali že<br />

izvaja v sodelovanju z drugimi podjetji.<br />

In addition to clothing Maja Ferme also designs fashion<br />

accessories; she is particularly renowned for her unique<br />

pieces of crystal jewellery, which add that perfect<br />

finishing touch both to daywear as well as a glamorous<br />

evening gown. At the end of 2007 Maja launched her latest<br />

line of clothing and crystal jewellery, Angels, which has<br />

been well received both in Slovenia and abroad.<br />

In 2008, at the invitation of the department store<br />

Maximarket in Ljubljana, she opened a boutique on their<br />

first floor where her evening gowns are featured alongside<br />

world-renowned labels.<br />

In March 2008 she and her business partners took on a<br />

new challenge by opening the Showroom in the centre of<br />

Slovenia’s capital.<br />

She is not likely to run out of visions anytime soon: In 2008<br />

she is planning to expand her team of associates, commence<br />

manufacturing abroad, finish her Master’s degree and<br />

increase the number of her sales outlets. Not to mention a<br />

number of other fascinating projects she has been working<br />

on in collaboration with other partners...<br />


80 81<br />

Olga Potisek<br />

arhiv archive Terme Krka, arhiv archive Soline d.o.o.<br />

darilo narave<br />

brez soli ni življenja<br />

nature’s gift<br />

there is no life without salt<br />

»Dober tek« in »Sol, prosim« so menda največkrat izrečene<br />

besede za pogrnjeno mizo. Večino jedi bolj ali manj začinimo s<br />

soljo, sicer se nam zdijo brez okusa. Sol je tako samoumevna<br />

v naših življenjih, da ji sploh ne posvečamo več nikakršne<br />

posebne pozornosti. Razen morda takrat, ko nas zdravniki<br />

opozorijo, naj ne pretiravamo s soljenjem hrane ...<br />

SOL<br />

Sol pa je, poleg funkcije okusa, tudi bistven element, brez<br />

katerega ne moremo živeti. Že tisočletja je znana kot<br />

zdravilo. Nešteti izreki in vraže nas spominjajo, da je od<br />

nekdaj nepogrešljiva človekova spremljevalka. Magični<br />

rituali, miti in verovanja so skrivnostna plat soli. Kot simbol<br />

čistosti so jo upodabljali veliki umetniki v svojih brezčasnih<br />

delih. V modernih časih nam služi za čiščenje prostorov, v<br />

obliki raznih solnih lučk se za nas bori proti preveliki količini<br />

pozitivnih ionov v zaprtih prostorih. Kako pomembna je bila<br />

sol v zgodovini, pričajo tudi številna imena mest, ki so dobila<br />

ime po soli, in besede, ki so izpeljanke iz soli. Latinska beseda<br />

za sol je sal in rimski vojaki so jo dobivali kot del plače ter<br />

jo imenovali salarium argentum oziroma slan denar. Iz tega<br />

izraza naj bi skozi stoletja nastala tudi angleška beseda za<br />

plačo – salary. Trgovina s soljo je cvetela že v antičnem času<br />

starogrških mestnih državic in Rima. Takrat so v Sredozemlju<br />

začele nastajati prve večje soline.<br />

postopki in izdelki procedures and products<br />

“Enjoy your meal” and “Pass the salt, please”, are the most<br />

frequently spoken words at the dining table. Most dishes<br />

need to be spiced up with a dash of salt, or else they taste<br />

completely bland. It is become so ingrained in our lives that<br />

we no longer even spare it a thought. Except perhaps when<br />

doctors tell us to go easy on the salt…<br />

SALT<br />

In addition to making food tasty, however, salt is also vital to<br />

our survival. Salt has been used as medicine for thousands of<br />

years. Countless proverbs and superstitions tell us that, since<br />

time immemorial, it has been an indispensable companion<br />

to man. There are a number of magic rituals, myths and lore<br />

that are associated with salt. Great artists have portrayed<br />

it as a symbol of purity in their timeless masterpieces. In<br />

modern times it is commonly used as an indoor air purifier<br />

in the form of various salt lamps to cut the excess of positive<br />

ions in confined spaces. The importance of salt throughout<br />

history can be seen from the number of towns named after it,<br />

and the words derived from the word salt. The Latin term for<br />

salt is sal. Roman soldiers would receive part of their wages<br />

in salt, which was called salarium argentum or salty money.<br />

This is also the root of the English word for remuneration,<br />

salary. Salt trade was already flourishing in antiquity in<br />

the city-states of ancient Greece as well as in Rome. It was<br />

in those times that first major salt works appeared in the<br />

Mediterranean.<br />

Strunjanske soline. Strunjan salt works.<br />


Tudi v Jadranskem morju je stoletja cvetela trgovina s soljo.<br />

Soline so bile mnogokrat predmet političnih prerivanj in vojn,<br />

saj je bila sol strateško zelo pomembno blago, ne samo za<br />

konzerviranje hrane in kot začimba, temveč tudi kot surovina za<br />

proizvodnjo smodnika. Nekoč je bilo v Tržaškem zalivu in Istri<br />

veliko solin, a do današnjih dni so se ohranile le Sečoveljske<br />

in Strunjanske soline na slovenski obali. Danes so oboje<br />

zaščitene kot krajinski park, pravi kulturni in naravni biser.<br />

Predstavljajo primer pristnega sožitja človeka in narave, saj<br />

tam še vedno najdejo zavetje redke in zelo posebne rastlinske<br />

in živalske vrste. Sečoveljske soline na razmeroma majhnem<br />

območju nudijo dom, gnezdišče ali zgolj prezimovališče kar<br />

270 vrstam ptic.<br />


Strunjanske in Sečoveljske soline so edine soline v tem delu<br />

Jadrana, kjer še vedno pridobivajo sol po tradicionalnem<br />

postopku – ta izvira iz davnega 14. stoletja. Solinarji so se ga<br />

pred stoletji naučili od svojih učiteljev, solinarjev z jadranskega<br />

otoka Paga. Tradicionalno ročno pobiranje soli na solnih<br />

parcelah je posebnost kulturne dediščine sredozemske<br />

Slovenije. Tudi solinarji so prav posebni ljudje. Svoje življenje<br />

posvečajo obujanju spomina na nekoč bogato sredozemsko<br />

dediščino in varujejo krajino, ki v razvitem svetu počasi izginja.<br />

Pri pridelavi uporabljajo le tradicionalna orodja. Vsak dan<br />

pridelano sol pograbijo z lesenimi strgali na pobočje z naravnim<br />

naklonom, kjer se odcedi. Suho sol nato ročno poberejo in jo s<br />

posebnimi vagončki tovorijo v odlagališča, kjer jo skladiščijo.<br />

Solinarji v bazenih, kjer sol kristalizira, gojijo prav posebno<br />

podlago, imenovano petola. To je popolnoma naravna, približno<br />

dva centimetra debela plast alg, sadre in drugih mineralov, ki<br />

preprečuje, da se sol, medtem ko se suši, pomeša z blatom.<br />

Solinarji pravijo, da soli ne proizvajajo, temveč žanjejo, saj je<br />

bila žetev včasih obred spoštovanja do plodov, ki jih narava<br />

pokloni človeku. Na pridelek soli v resnici vpliva samo narava<br />

– sonce, veter, morje – in seveda marljivo delo solinarjev. Tudi<br />

zato je sol, pridobljena na tradicionalni način v slovenskih<br />

solinah posebna. Bogata z minerali morja in izjemnega okusa<br />

doda vsaki jedi pridih prelepe pokrajine, iz katere izvira.<br />


For centuries, salt trade also flourished by the Adriatic Sea. Salt<br />

works were frequently the subject of political tussles and wars,<br />

as salt was a major strategic commodity used not only for the<br />

preservation of foods and spices but also as a raw material in<br />

the production of gunpowder. In the olden days the bay of Trieste<br />

and Istria were teeming with salt works, however in our time<br />

the only ones left are the salt works of Sečovlje and Strunjan on<br />

the Slovenian coast. Both have been declared protected cultural<br />

and natural landmarks. The two salt works symbolize a genuine<br />

symbiosis of man and nature, as they continue to provide shelter<br />

to rare and highly unique flora and fauna species. Making up<br />

a comparatively small area, the Sečovlje salt works are a<br />

permanent, nesting or winter habitat for 270 bird species.<br />


The salt works in Strunjan and Sečovlje are the only salt works<br />

in this part of the Adriatic coast where salt is still harvested<br />

in the traditional way originating from the 14th century. The<br />

know-how has been passed down from generation to generation,<br />

and was brought to these parts several hundred years ago from<br />

the island of Pag. The traditional manual harvesting of salt<br />

is part of the cultural heritage of the Mediterranean Slovenia.<br />

Likewise the people working the salt pans are far from ordinary.<br />

Their lives are spent in keeping alive the memory of the once<br />

prosperous Mediterranean region and protecting the once<br />

typical, now progressively vanishing landscape. Traditional<br />

tools only are being used. Every day, the harvested salt is raked<br />

by wooden rakes onto the naturally sloping shore to drain.<br />

Once dry, it is hand-loaded onto special carts and taken away to<br />

storage depots. In the drying beds where the salt crystallizes,<br />

the salt workers maintain a special bedding called petola.<br />

Petola is a fully natural, roughly two centimetres thick layer<br />

of algae, gypsum and other minerals, designed to prevent the<br />

drying salt from mixing with mud. Salt workers say that salt<br />

is not produced but harvested, as harvest was once a ritual of<br />

appreciation of the fruits bestowed on man by nature. The only<br />

factors involved in the production of salt are nature – sun, wind,<br />

sea – and the diligence of the salt workers. This too makes<br />

the salt harvested in the traditional way in the Slovenian salt<br />

works special. Abundant with minerals and characterised by an<br />

exceptional flavour it infuses every food with the taste of the<br />

stunningly beautiful countryside that is its home.<br />

Piranske soline, Sečovlje. Sečovlje salt works.

84 foto photo: arhiv archive Cankarjev dom<br />

dogodki events<br />

85<br />



Italijan Roberto Capucci, ikona svetovne modne in umetniške<br />

ustvarjalnosti, se od 19. marca do 18. maja 2008 predstavlja<br />

tudi v Sloveniji, v Mestnem muzeju v Ljubljani. Vznemirjenje,<br />

ki ga je s svojimi idejami in inovativnimi kreacijami povzročil<br />

z vstopom v svet visoke mode v petdesetih letih 20. stoletja,<br />

vzbuja še danes, ko z modnih stez vstopa v muzejske hiše po<br />

vsem svetu. Presegel je vse meje modnega oblikovanja ter<br />

se posvetil inovacijam in eksperimentiranju z dragocenimi<br />

tkaninami. Svoje tekstilne umetnine razstavlja v svetovnih<br />

centrih mode v Rimu, Parizu, Milanu, New Yorku, Tokiu, Benetkah<br />

in so del stalnih razstav najznamenitejših svetovnih muzejev, kot<br />

so Palača Pitti v Firencah, Victoria & Albert Museum v Londonu,<br />

Umetnostnozgodovinski muzej na Dunaju.<br />



Italian Roberto Capucci, the celebrated cosmopolitan icon of art and<br />

fashion, will be exhibiting at the City Museum of Ljubljana from 19<br />

March to 18 May 2008. The excitement he originally caused with his<br />

ideas and innovative creations when he first entered the world of haute<br />

couture in the 1950s continues as his creations are finding their way<br />

from the catwalk into museums all over the world. Having transcended<br />

all boundaries of fashion design, his focus has shifted to innovation<br />

and experimentation with precious fabrics. His timeless masterpieces<br />

are on display in world fashion centres in Rome, Paris, Milan, New<br />

York, Tokio and Venice, and form part of permanent exhibitions in<br />

the world’s most distinguished museums including the Pitti Palace in<br />

Florence, Victoria & Albert Museum in London, and the Vienna Museum<br />

of Art History.<br />

foto photo: arhiv archive Mestni muzej Ljubljana<br />



Ob 90-letnici Narodne galerije v Ljubljani, ustanove, ki hrani<br />

najpomembnejša in najbolj prepoznavna dela slovenske<br />

likovne umetnosti od začetkov do prvih desetletij 20. stoletja,<br />

je mogoče na morda najbolj obsežni razstavi doslej občudovati<br />

številne originale znamenitih slovenskih impresionistov<br />

– Riharda Jakopiča, Matije Jame, Ivana Groharja in Mateja<br />

Sternena iz obdobja 1890–1920. Ob tem pa tudi platna, kipe,<br />

fotografije in arhitekturo njihovih sodobnikov, ki so delovali<br />

vzporedno z njimi. Razstava v prostorih Narodnega doma<br />

nasproti ljubljanskega Tivolija je nastajala dve leti. Okoli 200<br />

eksponatov so za to priložnost osvežili ali restavrirali: nekatera<br />

platna so pred javnostjo prvič, saj jih je veliko v zasebni lasti.<br />

Dr. Barbara Jaki, direktorica Narodne galerije in avtorica<br />

razstave, pri kateri je sodelovala široka paleta strokovnjakov:<br />

»Pomen slovenskih impresionistov temelji na njihovem lastnem<br />

hotenju, da ustvarijo prepoznavno, z nacionalnimi konotacijami<br />

prepleteno likovno delo, ki bo dosegalo evropsko kakovostno<br />

raven. Tako so izrazit odsev svojega časa, prelomnega obdobja<br />

evropske zgodovine in na neki način s svojo vsebino aktualni<br />

tudi danes, ko smo Slovenci del velike evropske integracije in<br />

smo na nacionalna obeležja še bolj občutljivi.« Zato se razstava<br />

ne omejuje samo na likovna in fotografska dela v galerijskih<br />

prostorih, ampak nagovarja tudi mimoidoče na izbranih mestnih<br />

prostorih, povezanih z obdobjem moderne. Razstava bo odprta<br />

do februarja 2009.<br />


Poletna muzejska noč je akcija slovenskih muzejev in galerij, s<br />

katero se želijo predstaviti kot prostori sproščenega preživljanja<br />

prostega časa. Vsako leto so tako vrata muzejev in galerij po<br />

Sloveniji za en dan odprta od jutra do pozne noči. Obiskovalci<br />

si tako lahko brez plačila vstopnine ogledajo zaklade muzejev in<br />

galerij, se udeležijo delavnic, demonstracij, predavanj, literarnih<br />

večerov in koncertov. Največ prireditev je navadno v zgodnjih in<br />

poznih večernih urah, ko noč prispeva svoj čar in je tudi največ<br />

obiska. Letos bo Poletna muzejska noč 21. junija 2008, na prvi<br />

poletni dan, ko je noč najdaljša in dan najkrajši.<br />



In celebration of its 90th anniversary the National Gallery in<br />

Ljubljana, the custodian of the most remarkable and most distinctive<br />

works of Slovenian fine art from the earliest times to the first decades<br />

of the 20th century, has mounted what is possibly the most extensive<br />

exhibition to date of numerous original paintings by distinguished<br />

Slovenian impressionists including Rihard Jakopič, Matija Jama, Ivan<br />

Grohar and Matej Sternen from the period 1890-1920. In addition,<br />

we also admire canvasses, sculptures, photographs and architectural<br />

designs by their fellow contemporaries. The exhibition, which has<br />

been mounted in the Narodni dom building opposite Ljubljana’s central<br />

park Tivoli, took two years to prepare. Roughly 200 items had to be<br />

refreshed or restored; some canvasses have never been shown to the<br />

public before as many of them are privately owned. “The significance<br />

of Slovenian impressionists lies in their particular desire to create<br />

a distinctive body of work infused with national overtones that would<br />

measure up to European standards. They are a profound reflection of<br />

their time, which was a turning point in European history, and on<br />

some level the content is still relevant in our times as Slovenians<br />

have become part of the great European integration, which makes us<br />

even more responsive to national connotations,” explains Managing<br />

Director of the National Gallery Dr. Barbara Jaki, who also curated the<br />

exhibition which required the involvement and contribution of a wide<br />

range of experts. For this reason the exhibition is not confined to the<br />

display of fine art items and photographs in the gallery but also speaks<br />

to passers-by at selected public places associated with the modernistic<br />

period. The exhibition will be open until February 2009.<br />


The idea behind Museum Night is to promote Slovenian museums and<br />

galleries as places of leisure and relaxation. Every year for a single day,<br />

museum and gallery doors in Slovenia are open from early morning<br />

to late evening. Admission is free. Visitors can admire the treasures<br />

on display, take part in workshops, watch demonstrations and listen<br />

to lectures, recitals and concerts. The majority of events usually take<br />

place in the evening hours when night casts its magic spell and visitor<br />

numbers soar. This year’s Museum Night will be on 21 June 2008, the<br />

first day of summer when the night is shortest and the day longest.<br />

foto photo: arhiv archive Narodna galerija<br />



Cankarjev dom in z njim Ljubljana od 4. marca do 20. julija<br />

2008 gosti obsežno razstavo, ki prikazuje zanimivo obdobje<br />

zgodovine starega Egipta, poimenovano tudi faraonska<br />

renesansa. Razstava je dogodek velike znanstvene vrednosti<br />

in hkrati splošen in zanimiv pregled egipčanske civilizacije. V<br />

obdobju od začetka 7. do sredine 6. stoletja pred našim štetjem<br />

(25. in 26. dinastija) je Egipt po dobrih treh stoletjih politične<br />

in gospodarske krize ponovno doživel preporod, njegova<br />

dediščina pa se je prek antične kulture prenesla v izročilo<br />

današnjega evropskega prostora. Avtor razstave je priznani<br />

italijanski egiptolog dr. Francesco Tiradritti. Predstavlja 140<br />

eksponatov, ki so del največjih svetovnih muzejskih zbirk, za<br />

ljubljansko razstavo pa so jih posodili najpomembnejši evropski<br />

muzeji: londonski Britanski muzej, pariški Louvre, dunajski<br />

Umetnostnozgodovinski muzej, egipčanski muzeji v Berlinu,<br />

Münchnu in Firencah, tržaški Mestni muzej za zgodovino in<br />

umetnost, budimpeški muzej umetnosti Szepmüveszeti in<br />

zagrebški Arheološki muzej. Nekateri eksponati pa so celo iz<br />

zasebne zbirke znanega glasbenika Giuseppeja Sinopolija,<br />

strastnega navdušenca nad klasičnimi egipčanskimi in<br />

bližnjevzhodnimi starimi kulturami.<br />

Nekaj zanimivosti z razstave:<br />

Sarkofag vratarja Amonovega templja z imenom Djed-montuefankh<br />

je čudovita najdba, obnovljena prav za razstavo v<br />

Ljubljani. Sarkofag njegovega očeta A-keswy-te (Isahte) pa je<br />

razstavljen v Narodnem muzeju Slovenije, le nekaj sto metrov<br />

razdalje od Cankarjevega doma. Oče in sin sta tako po več<br />

stoletjih ponovno združena.<br />

Kamnita plošča z genealoškim drevesom duhovnika Ankhefaen-sekhmeta<br />

velja za edinstveni primer takega spomenika v<br />

svetu. Na genealoškem drevesu je vpisanih šestdeset prednikov<br />

duhovnika Ankhefa-en-sekhmeta v časovnem razponu 700 let,<br />

ki na živ način dokumentirajo zgodovino.<br />

Kip Imhotepa, arhitekta vladarja Džoserja, ki naj bi zgradil<br />

stopničasto piramido v Sakari. S tem arhitekturnim podvigom<br />

si je Imhotep prislužil, da so ga po smrti povzdignili v boga<br />

modrosti in čarovnije, hkrati pa je postal ikona zgodovine.<br />

V Ljubljani je na ogled tudi ena najslavnejših egipčanskih najdb,<br />

tako imenovan Kamen iz Palerma, ki prvič po 130 letih zapušča<br />

Palermo in predstavlja enega najdragocenejših dokumentov<br />

za rekonstruiranje zgodovine starega Egipta. Na kamnu so<br />

vklesani hieroglifski napisi z letopisi vladarjev Egipta od začetka<br />

zgodovine, ko naj bi, kot pravi mit, kraljevska oblast prešla<br />

z božanstev na ljudi, pa vsaj do približno druge polovice 3.<br />

tisočletja pred našim štetjem.<br />



From 4 March to 20 July 2008 Cankarjev dom and Ljubljana will host<br />

a major exhibition portraying a fascinating period in the history<br />

of Ancient Egyipt, Faraonska Renesansa – the renaissance of the<br />

pharaohs. The exhibition, which is of great scientific value, provides<br />

a comprehensive and absorbing overview of the Egyptian civilisation.<br />

From the early 7th century to mid 6th century BC (the period of the 25th<br />

and 26th Dynasties), after a political and economic crisis spanning<br />

over three hundred years, Egypt underwent a revival and its legacy made<br />

its way, via Ancient culture, into the traditions of the present European<br />

realm. The exhibition is curated by the acclaimed Italian Egyptologist<br />

Dr Francesco Tiadritti. It features 140 items from the largest museum<br />

collections in the world, which have been loaned for the Ljubljana<br />

exhibition by the most distinguished European museums including the<br />

British Museum in London, the Louvre in Paris, the Vienna Museum<br />

of Art History, the Egyptian Museums in Berlin, Munich and Florence,<br />

the History and Art Museum in Trieste, the Szepmüveszeti Museum<br />

in Budapest, and the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb. Some items,<br />

however, come from the private collection of the renowned composer<br />

and conductor Gusieppe Sinopoli, a great aficionado of Ancient Egyptian<br />

and Middle-Eastern cultures.<br />

Exhibition Trivia<br />

The sarcophagus of the guardian of Amon’s temple, Djed-montu-efankh,<br />

is a magnificent artefact that has been specially restored for the<br />

Ljubljana exhibition. The sarcophagus of his father, A-keswy-te (Isahte),<br />

is on exhibit at the National Museum of Slovenia, only a few hundred<br />

metres from Cankarjev dom. After several centuries of separation,<br />

father and son are united once more.<br />

The stone plate depicting the genealogy tree of High Priest Ankhefen-sekhmet<br />

is believed to the only one of its kind in the world. The<br />

genealogy tree features sixty ancestors of High Priest Ankhef-ensekhmet<br />

over a period of 700 years, turning stone into living history.<br />

The statue of Imhotep, chief architect to Pharaoh Djoser, who is<br />

believed to have designed the Step pyramid at Sakkara. As a reward<br />

for this architectural feat, after his death Imhotep became the god of<br />

wisdom, medicine and magic, as well as a history icon.<br />

Also on exhibit in Ljubljana is one of the most renowned Egyptian finds,<br />

the so-called Palermo Stone, which has left Palermo for the first time in<br />

130 years and represents an invaluable record for the reconstruction of<br />

the history of Ancient Egypt. The Stone features engraved hieroglyphic<br />

chronicles of the rulers of Egypt from the beginning of history when,<br />

according to legend, royal power was transferred from gods to men, to<br />

approximately the second half of the third millennium BC.

86<br />

dogodki events<br />

foto photo: arhiv archive Zavod za turizem Ljubljana<br />

100 Let orkestra Slovenske filharmonije<br />

100 Years Of The Slovenian Philharmonics Orchestra<br />

Slovenska filharmonija je osrednja slovenska glasbena<br />

ustanova z bogato, več kot 300-letno tradicijo.<br />

Orkester Slovenske filharmonije, ki se ponaša z najdaljšo<br />

glasbeno tradicijo na Slovenskem, pa v letu 2008 praznuje<br />

častitljivo 100. obletnico svojega delovanja. Ob tem prazniku<br />

pripravljajo velik spektakel na prostem v središču Ljubljane, na<br />

Kongresnem trgu. Orkester Slovenske filharmonije bo 21. junija<br />

2008 skupaj z Orkestrom Slovenske vojske izvedel klasičen<br />

koncert z izvrstnimi solisti, dogodek, kot ga Ljubljana že dolgo<br />

ni doživela. Za pomlad in poletje jubilejnega leta pa Orkester<br />

Slovenske filharmonije pripravlja še nekaj vrhunskih dogodkov,<br />

ki jih ljubitelji klasične glasbe nikakor ne smejo zamuditi.<br />

S solistko Bernardo Fink, dirigent George Pehlivanian,<br />

29. in 30. maj 2008.<br />

Prisluhnili bomo mojstrovinam Ottorina Respighija (Rimski<br />

vodnjaki in Rimske pinije) ter Freskam Pavla Šivica, ki tako<br />

kot Orkester Slovenske filhamonije praznuje 100. obletnico<br />

rojstva. Mezzosopranistka svetovnega slovesa, Bernarda Fink,<br />

bo ponovno nastopila v Ljubljani in tako kot vedno očarala v<br />

Berliozovem ciklu šestih pesmi Poletne noči.<br />

S pianistom Denisom Macujevim, dirigent Anton Nanut,<br />

22. in 23. maj 2008.<br />

V Tretjem in hkrati najbolj znanem klavirskem koncertu S.<br />

Prokofjeva se bo tokrat kot solist predstavil Denis Macujev<br />

– pianist, za katerega kritiki pišejo: »Njegova moč: brez meja.<br />

Njegov razpon in tehnika: brez primerjave. Njegov občutek:<br />

pretanjen. Nihče ne igra hitreje, drznejše, prozornejše.«<br />

Filharmoniki bodo izvedli tudi legendarni Koncert za orkester W.<br />

Lutoslawskega in novo delo mladega Davida Beoviča, ki je še<br />

brez naslova. Pustimo se presenetiti.<br />

S Slovenskim komornim zborom in solistko Marjano Lipovšek,<br />

dirigent George Pehlivanian, 5. in 6. junij 2008.<br />

»Dragi prijatelj, nikar si ne ogleduj te naravne krasote okoli<br />

naju. Vse to boš našel v moji novi simfoniji.« S temi besedami<br />

je Gustav Mahler sprejel dirigenta Bruna Walterja, ki ga je med<br />

počitnicami prišel obiskat. V svoji najobširnejši, 3. simfoniji je<br />

Mahler postavil spomenik naravi, človeku in ljubezni ter naslikal<br />

različna razpoloženja, upanje in vero v svetlo prihodnost.<br />

Z altistko Marjano Lipovšek, vrhunsko glasbenico z izjemno<br />

pevsko tehniko in muzikalnostjo, bo koncert gotovo doživetje<br />

najvišje kakovosti.<br />

Slovenska filharmonija – the Slovenian Philharmonics Society – is the<br />

central music institution in Slovenia established over 300 years ago.<br />

The Slovenian Philharmonics Orchestra, however, which boasts<br />

the longest music tradition in the country, celebrates its 100th<br />

anniversary in 2008. To celebrate this momentous occasion, a huge<br />

open-air spectacle will take place in Kongresni trg in the centre of<br />

Ljubljana. On 21 June 2008 the Slovenian Philharmonics Orchestra<br />

and the Slovenian Armed Forces Orchestra will give a classical concert<br />

featuring some outstanding soloists, an event the likes of which have<br />

not taken place in Ljubljana for quite some time. Other “must see” top<br />

concerts scheduled for the spring and summer of the anniversary year<br />

by the Slovenian Philharmonics Orchestra will feature:<br />

Soloist Bernarda Fink, conductor George Pehlivanian<br />

29 and 30 May 2008<br />

We will hear Ottorino Respighi’s The Fountains of Rome and The Pines<br />

of Rome, and Frescoes by Pavle Šivic, whose 100th anniversary of<br />

birth is likewise celebrated in 2008. World-renowned mezzo-soprano<br />

Bernarda Fink will return to perform in Ljubljana once more to<br />

captivate the audience with Summer Nights, a six song cycle by Hector<br />

Berlioz.<br />

Pianist Denis Macujev, conductor Anton Nanut<br />

22 and 23 May 2008<br />

The Third (and also the most famous) Piano Concerto by S. Prokofiev<br />

will be performed by pianist Denis Macujev, of whom critics have<br />

written: “His power: Boundless. His range and technique: Beyond<br />

compare. His touch: Refined. Nobody plays faster, bolder, clearer.”<br />

The Philharmonics Orchestra will also perform W. Lutoslawski’s<br />

legendary Concerto for Orchestra as well as a new piece by young<br />

composer David Beovič, the title of which is yet to be revealed.<br />

Slovenian Chamber Choir and soloist Marjana Lipovšek,<br />

conductor George Pehlivanian 5 and 6 June 2008<br />

“Dear friend, do not look at the splendour of nature around us. You will<br />

find it all in my new symphony.” These were the words with which<br />

Gustav Mahler greeted conductor Bruno Walter who came to visit him<br />

during the holidays. In his most voluminous, 3rd symphony Mahler<br />

erected a monument to nature, to man and to love, and painted the<br />

moods of hope and faith in a bright future.<br />

With contralto Marjan Lipovšek, a brilliant artist blessed with<br />

outstanding musicality and technique, the concert undoubtedly carries<br />

the promise of a truly sublime experience.

88 foto photo: arhiv archive Festival Ljubljana foto photo: arhiv archive Narodni dom Maribor<br />

dogodki events 89<br />


Slovenija spada med najstarejše organizatorke jazzovskih<br />

festivalov v Evropi, saj je prvega gostila že leta 1959 v<br />

impresivnem ambientu Bleda.<br />

Jazz festival Ljubljana že od svojih začetkov predstavlja<br />

sodobno svetovno glasbeno ponudbo, ki izhaja iz kreativne<br />

tradicije jazza. V bogati in raznoliki zgodovini je gostil skoraj<br />

vse velike jazzovske glasbenike in glasbenice, številna dotlej<br />

neodkrita imena in mnoge premierne nastope v tem delu<br />

Evrope. Festival tako predstavlja ključne zgodovinske osebnosti<br />

te glasbene zvrsti, poseben poudarek pa namenja evropskemu<br />

jazzu ter modernim in kreativnim pristopom k jazzovski tradiciji.<br />

Vselej se je Jazz festival Ljubljana osredotočal na inovativne,<br />

moderne in izzivalne pristope glasbenic in glasbenikov, ki s<br />

svojimi nastopi presegajo žanrske, starostne, geografske,<br />

kulturne in rasne omejitve ter stereotipe. Jazz festival Ljubljana<br />

nudi zabavo in širi obzorja, želi presenetiti in navdušiti s svojo<br />

nenavadnostjo, svežino slišanega in videnega. 49. Jazz festival<br />

Ljubljana bo potekal od 30. junija do 4. julija 2008 v Križankah<br />

in Cankarjevem domu.<br />



Festivalsko poletje 2008 v Ljubljani tudi letos z bogatim<br />

programom vabi obiskovalce, da užijejo bogat poletni kulturni<br />

utrip slovenskega glavnega mesta. Festivalsko poletje – že<br />

56. po vrsti – bo gostilo 70 prireditev in 3000 nastopajočih.<br />

Slovesen začetek 19. junija bo počastil koncert Kraljevega<br />

filharmoničnega orkestra iz Londona, ki mu bo dirigiral Sir<br />

Andrew Davis. Festivalsko poletje se bo zaključilo 28. avgusta<br />

s sklepnim koncertom Orkestra Maggio Musicale Fiorentino z<br />

dirigentom, ki ga Slovenija že dobra pozna, Zubinom Mehto.<br />

Med kopico odličnega glasbenega dogajanja bodo zagotovo<br />

izstopali koncert Filharmoničnega orkestra milanske Scale,<br />

Zbora Mihaila I. Glinka, Komornega orkestra Moskovskih<br />

solistov, Orkestra Marijinskega gledališča iz St. Petersburga,<br />

ki bo pod taktirko izjemnega Valerija Gergijeva nastopil kar dva<br />

večera zapored, pa tudi Orkester Roma Sinfonietta in velikan<br />

filmske glasbe, oskarjevec Ennio Morricone, s svojimi najlepšimi<br />

filmskimi melodijami.<br />

Gostovala bo opera Pogovori karmeličank Hrvaškega narodnega<br />

gledališča, Muzikal Briljantina Gledališča Komedija Zagreb, v<br />

festivalski spored sta uvrščeni tudi med sezono razprodani<br />

Bizetova Carmen v izvedbi SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana ter<br />

Carmen Opere in balet SNG Maribor.<br />

Za šokiranje na letošnjem festivalu je zadolžen Tomaž Pandur<br />

s tremi uprizoritvami gledališke predstave Barok. Vse njegove<br />

predstave so bile razprodane in so vsakič navdušile, razburile,<br />

prestresle.<br />

Osrednji festival bodo spremljale številne prireditve, kot so Film<br />

pod zvezdami na Ljubljanskem gradu in Mednarodna likovna<br />

kolonija Križanke.<br />

Slovenia was among the earliest organisers of Jazz festivals in Europe;<br />

the first event of this kind in our country took place in Bled in 1959<br />

against the backdrop of spectacular Alpine scenery.<br />

Since the very beginning, Jazz Festival Ljubljana has been characterised<br />

by modern, cosmopolitan music originating from the creative tradition<br />

of jazz. During its impressive and colourful history the Festival has<br />

hosted just about every great jazz artist, male and female, numerous<br />

hitherto unknown names as well as many premiere performances in<br />

this part of Europe. The Festival features key proponents of this music<br />

genre through history, with a particular focus on European Jazz and on<br />

modern and creative approaches to jazz. The spotlight has always been<br />

on innovative, modern and provocative approaches of music artists<br />

whose performances transcend genre, age, geographic, cultural and<br />

racial boundaries, and stereotypes. Jazz Festival Ljubljana provides<br />

entertainment to the visitors and broadens their horizons; it aims to<br />

surprise, reward and inspire with its uniqueness, with a fresh take<br />

on what is heard and seen. The 49th Jazz Festival Ljubljana will take<br />

place from 30 June to 4 July 2008 at Križanke and Cankarjev dom.<br />


Once again, the impressive and varied content of Ljubljana’s upcoming<br />

summer festival season promises a lively cultural pulse of the<br />

Slovenian capital over the summer. The 2008 Summer Festival, which<br />

will take place for the 56th consecutive year, will host 70 events and<br />

3,000 performers. The grand opening on 19 June will be distinguished<br />

by a concert performed by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra from<br />

London conducted by Sir Andrew Davis. The Summer Festival will<br />

conclude on 28 August with a concert given by the Orchestra del Maggio<br />

Musicale Fiorentino led by conductor Zubin Mehta, who is no stranger<br />

to Slovenian audiences.<br />

Other choice concerts to look forward to undoubtedly include<br />

performances by La Scala Philcharmonic Orchestra Milan, Mihail I.<br />

Glinka Choir, Moscow Soloists Chamber Orchestra, two performances<br />

on consecutive nights by Mariinnsky Theatre Orchestra St Petersburg<br />

conducted by Valery Gergijev, Orchestra Roma Sinfonietta and legendary<br />

film composer and Academy Award-winner Ennio Morricone with his<br />

most acclaimed pieces.<br />

We will see the opera Dialogues des Carmelites mounted by Croatian<br />

National Theatre, the musical Grease staged by Comedy Theatre Zagreb<br />

as well as previously sold-out 2007/8 productions of Bizet’s Carmen by<br />

Slovenian National Theatres Opera & Ballet Ljubljana and Maribor.<br />

Those eager to be both thrilled and shocked should not miss Tomaž<br />

Pandur’s production of Barok [Baroque], which will play three times.<br />

All his previous shows sold out, never failing to impress, astound and<br />

horrify the viewer.<br />

The Festival’s sideshow will feature a variety of events including Film<br />

Under The Stars at Ljubljana Castle and International Art Colony<br />

Križanke.<br />



Je še kaj lepšega kot poslušati klasični koncert pod zvezdnatim<br />

obodom poletnega neba Morda ogled predstave pod arkadami<br />

Rotovža ali baletne predstave na plavajočem odru na reki Dravi.<br />

Ali zgolj prijeten sprehod po srednjeveških ulicah starega<br />

mestnega jedra, kjer se stojnice šibijo pod domačimi dobrotami<br />

...<br />

Vse to in mnogo mnogo več prinaša Festival Lent v Mariboru,<br />

ki bo dravsko nabrežje od 27. junija do 12. julija že petnajstič<br />

zapored spremenil v živahno kulturno in družabno središče,<br />

utripajoče v ritmih vsega sveta.<br />

Več kot štiristo različnih prireditev in pol milijona obiskovalcev<br />

letno uvršča Festival Lent med največje tovrstne festivale v<br />

Evropi, njegov glas pa seže tudi na drugo stran zemeljske oble.<br />

Multikulturni festival, ki je pred petnajstimi leti izšel iz folklornega<br />

festivala Folkart, se tako lahko pohvali s številnimi nagradami,<br />

med katerimi je kar 34 nagrad svetovnega festivalskega<br />

združenja IFEA, ki pod svojim okriljem združuje več kot 2500<br />

festivalov z vsega sveta. Festival Lent je v zadnjih štirih letih<br />

uvrščen med 50 najboljših evropskih prireditev!<br />

Doslej so na Lentu nastopili mnogi umetniki svetovnega<br />

slovesa. Ob Dravi so koncertirali legendarni Ray Charles, B. B.<br />

King, James Brown, Jose Feliciano, Lester Bowie, Stephane<br />

Grappelli, Tania Maria, Les McCann, Jimmy Whitterspoon,<br />

Maynard Ferguson Big Band, Paquito D’Rivera, Howard<br />

Johnson & Gravity, Dr. John, B. Golson, Chico Freeman, Vocal<br />

Sampling, Reggie Workman, Chucho Valdes, Brad Mehldau,<br />

Monty Alexander, Ray Brown, Alfredo De La Fé, Bela Fleck, Alvin<br />

Queen, Dr. Didge, Esbjörn Svensson, Alfredo Rodrigues, Matt<br />

Darriau, Taj Mahal, Malia, Mercedes Sosa, Olodum, Eric Burdon<br />

& The Animals, David Byrne, Reggie Johnson, Femi Anikulapo<br />

Kuti in mnogi drugi. Seveda so vsakoletni gostje festivala tudi<br />

številni domači priznani umetniki. V okviru Festivala Lent poteka<br />

tudi mednarodni folklorni festival Folkart, ki se odlikuje po<br />

kakovosti in raznolikosti gostujočih domačih in tujih folklornih<br />

skupin. Festival uličnega gledališča pritegne v Maribor vrhunske<br />

skupine iz vsega sveta in vsa pomembna ulična gledališča v<br />

Sloveniji.<br />

Multikulturna ponudba visoke kakovosti, ki zadovoljuje široko<br />

paleto okusov tudi najzahtevnejših obiskovalcev festivala, je<br />

preverjena formula, ki ji snovalci festivala ostajajo zvesti tudi<br />

letos. Tako bo triindvajset festivalskih prizorišč tudi tokrat<br />

ponudilo koncerte klasične, jazz, popularne in etno glasbe,<br />

kantavtorske večere in večere šansonov, gledališke in plesne<br />

predstave, koncerte, dramske in lutkovne predstave ter<br />

kreativne delavnice za otroke in športne prireditve.<br />

Is there anything better than listening to a classical concert under the<br />

stars of the summer night sky Well – perhaps a play under the arcades<br />

of the Rotovož, or a ballet show on a floating stage on the Drava river.<br />

Or possibly just a pleasant stroll down the medieval streets of the old<br />

town teeming with stands heavily laden with scrumptious homemade<br />

goodies…<br />

All that and much, much more awaits you from 27 June to 12 July 2008<br />

at Festival Lent, Maribor during which, for the fifteenth consecutive<br />

year the banks of the Drava will be transformed into a lively hub of<br />

culture and social life, pulsating in the rhythms of music, art, comedy,<br />

drama, creativity and sport.<br />

Over four hundred different events and half a million visitors every<br />

year makes Festival Lent one of the biggest festivals of this kind in<br />

Europe. The multicultural festival, which evolved fifteen years ago from<br />

the Folkart folk festival, is the recipient of numerous awards including<br />

34 awards presented by IFEA, the premiere international association<br />

supporting and enabling over 2,500 festivals and events worldwide. In<br />

the past four years, Festival Lent has been consistently ranked among<br />

the top 50 European events!<br />

So far, Lent has hosted numerous artists of world renown. Past<br />

concerts on the Drava featured legendary Ray Charles, B. B. King,<br />

James Brown, Jose Feliciano, Lester Bowie, Stephane Grappelli, Tania<br />

Maria, Les McCann, Jimmy Whitterspoon, Maynard Ferguson Big Band,<br />

Paquito D’Rivera, Howard Johnson & Gravity, Dr. John, B. Golson, Chico<br />

Freeman, Vocal Sampling, Reggie Workman, Chucho Valdes, Brad<br />

Mehldau, Monty Alexander, Ray Brown, Alfredo De La Fé, Bela Fleck,<br />

Alvin Queen, Dr. Didge, Esbjörn Svensson, Alfredo Rodrigues, Matt<br />

Darriau, Taj Mahal, Malia, Mercedes Sosa, Olodum, Eric Burdon & The<br />

Animals, David Byrne, Reggie Johnson, Femi Anikulapo Kuti and many<br />

others. Likewise, numerous renowned Slovenian artists traditionally<br />

perform at the festival. Part of Festival Lent is also the international<br />

folk festival Folkart, which is characterised by the quality and variety<br />

of folk groups from Slovenia and abroad. The Street Theatre Festival<br />

brings to Maribor top ensembles from all over the world as well as all<br />

major street theatres in Slovenia.<br />

A variety of multicultural, high quality events catering to a wide range<br />

of tastes and satisfying even the most demanding Festival visitors is a<br />

proven formula that the creators of the Festival have decided to reapply<br />

once more in 2008. Twenty-three Festival venues will host classical,<br />

jazz, pop and ethno music concerts, songwriter recitals and chanson<br />

evenings, plays and dance performances, drama and puppet shows as<br />

well as and sports events and creative art workshops for children.

90 foto photo: arhiv archive Zavod za turizem Kranj<br />

foto photo: Tone Škarja<br />

91<br />

Dogodki / Events KRANJ<br />

BOHINJ<br />

Festival alpskega cvetja Alpine Flower Festival<br />

Teden mladih v Kranju<br />

Teden mladih je tradicionalni kranjski dogodek v mesecu<br />

maju, ki se je od leta 1995 do danes razvil v največji slovenski<br />

mladinski festival. Od 9. maja do 17. maja 2008 se bodo odvijale<br />

številne športne, mladinske, kulturne, glasbene, izobraževalne,<br />

otroške in mednarodne vsebine – barvit kalejdoskop aktivnega<br />

festivalskega dogajanja, ki v gorenjsko prestolnico letno privabi<br />

na tisoče mladih. V raznovrstno programsko shemo je letno<br />

vključenih preko 100 dogodkov. Veseli obrazi, prijateljski stiski<br />

rok, druženje in spoznavanje novega so besede, s katerimi lahko<br />

opišemo vzdušje, ki preveva mesto Kranj v času festivala.<br />

Youth Week In Kranj<br />

Youth Week is a traditional event held every May since 1995; overtime,<br />

it has evolved into the biggest Slovenian youth festival. Spanning from<br />

9 May to 17 May 2008, this year’s Youth Week will include over one<br />

hundred sport-, youth-, cultural, music-, educational and children’s<br />

events – a colourful kaleidoscope of interactive activities and<br />

performances, which bring thousands of young people into the capital<br />

of Upper Carniola every year. Smiling faces, friendly handshakes,<br />

socialising and getting to know new people and experience new things<br />

are the keywords describing the mood permeating the town of Kranj<br />

during the festival.<br />

S cvetjem je povezanega veliko znanja, zgodb, starih modrosti,<br />

znanstvenih odkritij, spremlja nas od rojstva do smrti, navdihuje<br />

ustvarjalnost in olepšuje življenje.Več ko o cvetlicah vemo,<br />

več jih tudi opazimo. Vse to cvetlično bogastvo, ki nas obdaja,<br />

potrebuje našo skrb in varstvo, da bi ga lahko ohranili tudi za<br />

prihodnost. Mnogim rastlinam namreč že grozi izumrtje. Izjemno<br />

rastlinsko bogastvo Bohinja in okolice že dolgo zbuja zanimanje<br />

botaničnih strokovnjakov in občudovanje ljubiteljev narave. Da<br />

bi dali cvetličnemu bogastvu Bohinja, Triglavskega narodnega<br />

parka in Slovenije pravo veljavo, da bi vzpodbudili spoznavanje<br />

alpskega cvetja, so se v Bohinju odločili, da se v poletnem času,<br />

ko se razcveta največ samoniklega cvetja, z nekajdnevnim<br />

festivalom posvetijo cvetličnim temam. Od botaničnih spoznanj,<br />

ljudskih izročil, umetniškega ustvarjanja do spoznavanja, kaj<br />

vse ni samo lepo, ampak tudi okusno ali celo zdravilno.<br />

Drugi Mednarodni festival alpskega cvetja v Bohinju bo potekal<br />

od 24. maja do 7. junija 2008. V festivalskih dneh se bo<br />

zvrstila cela kopica kulturnih prireditev, povezanih s cvetličnimi<br />

temami – od likovnih razstav do glasbenih večerov. Saj veste,<br />

cvetje je od nekdaj navdihovalo umetnike. Strokovnjaki bodo<br />

imeli priložnost za posvetovanja o alpskih rastlinah, njihovem<br />

spoznavanju, ohranjanju in pomenu. Zvrstile se bodo delavnice in<br />

predstavitve številnih področij in načinov, kako lahko samoniklo<br />

cvetje polepša in obogati naše življenje: od tečajev fotografije<br />

do kulinaričnih delavnic, od spoznavanja čebelarstva do<br />

likovnih tečajev. Pod vodstvom domačih vodnikov in botaničnih<br />

strokovnjakov boste lahko spoznali cvetlično bogastvo Bohinja,<br />

njegove okolice in tudi nekaterih drugih botanično zanimivih<br />

območij Slovenije. Bohinj boste lahko doživeli na nov način<br />

in izvedeli marsikaj zanimivega o njegovi preteklosti, sožitju<br />

človeka in narave in lepotah, ki se včasih skrivajo v neopaznih<br />

malenkostih.<br />

A great deal of knowledge and ancient wisdom as well as many stories<br />

and scientific discoveries are associated with flowers; flowers are with<br />

us from birth to death, they inspire creativity and bring beauty into our<br />

lives. The more we know about flowers the more we notice them! All<br />

this wealth of flowers surrounding us needs our care and protection<br />

to ensure it will still be here in the future. Sadly, many plants already<br />

find themselves on the brink of extinction. The exceptional plant life<br />

in Bohinj and surrounding area has long been of interest to botanical<br />

experts and a source of admiration and appreciation for nature lovers.<br />

To acknowledge true value to the floral treasure chest of Bohinj, Triglav<br />

National Park and Slovenia, and to spark people’s interest in alpine<br />

flowers, a decision has been made in Bohinj to organise a flower festival<br />

spanning over several days in summertime, when meadows and pastures<br />

are literally covered in wildflower blossoms. From botanical insights,<br />

folklore, artistic creativity to learning about what is not only pretty but<br />

also tasty or even good for your health!<br />

The second International Alpine Flower Festival in Bohinj will be held<br />

from 24 May to 7 June 2008. The Festival will feature a number of<br />

theme-oriented cultural events, from fine arts exhibitions to musical<br />

recitals. It is a well known fact that flowers have inspired artists since<br />

time immemorial! Experts will have the opportunity to lecture about<br />

alpine wildflowers, how to recognize them, and about their conservation<br />

and importance. There will be workshops and presentations of<br />

numerous areas and ways in which self-planted flowers can brighten<br />

and enhance our lives: from courses in photography to cooking lessons,<br />

from learning the basics about beekeeping to arts classes. Local guides<br />

and botanical experts will introduce you to the floral treasures of Bohinj<br />

and surrounding area as well as some other, botanically interesting<br />

parts of Slovenia. The Alpine Flower Festival is a perfect opportunity<br />

to experience Bohinj in a new light and find out more about its history,<br />

about the symbiotic relationship between man and nature, and about the<br />

beauty, which is sometimes hidden in minute, imperceptible details.<br />

Festival Carniola<br />

Od 7. junija do 5. julija 2008 se v Kranju odvija največji festival<br />

na Gorenjskem, ki je izjemnega pomena za kulturni razvoj<br />

lokalnega in širšega gorenjskega prostora. V minulih letih je<br />

festival gostil številne glasbenike svetovnega formata (Josipa<br />

Lisac, Mariachi, Conjunto Artistico Maraguan, Huerque Mapu,<br />

Cubismo, The Platters, Laibach …) ter predstave priznanih<br />

gledališč in plesnih skupin.<br />

Festival Carniola<br />

From 7 June to 5 July 2008 Kranj will play host to the biggest festival<br />

in Upper Carniola: Festival Carniola, an event of vital importance<br />

for the cultural development of Upper Carniola in general and Kranj<br />

in particular. Over the years the festival has hosted numerous music<br />

artists of world renown (Josipa Lisac, Mariachi, Conjunto Artistico<br />

Maraguan, Huerque Mapu, Cubismo, The Platters, Laibach …) as well<br />

distinguished theatre and dance groups.<br />

Festival Kranfest<br />

Na vrhuncu poletja, v zadnjih dneh julija, se ulice Kranja<br />

spremenijo v najbolj množično prireditev na Gorenjskem<br />

– Kranfest s tradicionalno Kranjsko nočjo. S svojo bogato in<br />

raznoliko programsko vsebino se je festival postavil ob bok<br />

drugim največjim slovenskim festivalom z več kot 70.000<br />

obiskovalcev iz vse Slovenije. Tudi letošnji festival Kranfest,<br />

ki je na sporedu 25. in 26. julija, je mozaik številnih dogajanj,<br />

ki na 10 prizoriščih ponuja glasbene ter športne dogodke,<br />

gledališke predstave in animacijski program na vsakem koraku<br />

za obiskovalce vseh generacij brezplačno.<br />

Festival Kranfest<br />

At the height of summer, in the last days of July, the streets of Kranj<br />

turn into the biggest mass participation event in Upper Carniola<br />

– Kranfest and the traditional Kranj Night. With its impressive and<br />

varied content, every year Kranfest attracts over 70,000 visitors from<br />

all over the country, which makes it one of the biggest Slovenian<br />

festivals. This year’s Kranfest, which has been scheduled for 25 and 26<br />

July, is a mosaic of numerous events held at every step and catering to<br />

all generations: From music and sports to theatre performances and<br />

animation. Admission is free.

92 foto photo: arhiv archive Turizem Bled<br />

foto photo: arhiv archive Židana marela<br />

93<br />

Dogodki / Events BLED<br />


NA BLEDU<br />

V soboto, 7. junija 2008, se bodo na Blejskem gradu zvrstili<br />

predstavitve življenja v srednjem veku, nastopi srednjeveških<br />

skupin in srednjeveška tržnica. Ne bo manjkalo mečevanja,<br />

lokostrelstva, vragolij z ognjem in iger na konjih.<br />

Poletna sezona se na Bledu prične z Mednarodno veslaško<br />

regato. Letošnja, že 53. po vrsti, bo letos od 13.–15. junija<br />

2008. Veslanje je na Bledu paradni šport. Poleg organizacije<br />

svetovnih prvenstev v veslanju se Blejčani lahko pohvalijo s<br />

številnimi vrhunskimi veslaškimi lovorikami, tudi zlato olimpijsko<br />

medaljo, ki sta jo Iztok Čop in Luka Špik priveslala v Sidneyu.<br />

Že 13. tradicionalni mednarodni Glasbeni festival Bled bo<br />

potekal od 3.–17. julija 2008 na različnih lokacijah Bleda z<br />

okolico. Na odrih večernih koncertov bodo najboljši violinisti z<br />

vsega sveta, v različnih komornih zasedbah, ki bodo navdušili<br />

tako strokovnjake kot širše občinstvo.<br />

Riklijevi športni dnevi 5. in 6. julija 2008 bodo obudili spomin<br />

na Švicarja Arnolda Riklija, ki je na Bledu leta 1855 storil prvi<br />

korak k intenzivnemu turizmu. Njegov Naravni zdravilni zavod<br />

je predstavljal svojevrstno metodo zdravljenja, njegovi načini<br />

zdravljenja so še danes aktualni. Tudi letos bo v spomin nanj<br />

atraktiven pohod po Riklijevih poteh z zračnimi, sončnimi<br />

in vodnimi kopelmi, zabavo in zdravo prehrano po Riklijevih<br />

priporočilih.<br />

Nočna 10ka je tekaška prireditev za staro in mlado, ki se bo<br />

zgodila v soboto, 12. julija 2008, v večernih urah. Start krajšega<br />

rekreativnega in otroškega teka bo ob 20. uri, ob 22. uri pa<br />

bo start desetke – 10-kilometrskega teka na osvetljeni progi<br />

ob Blejskem jezeru. Vse skupaj bo spremljala dobra glasba in<br />

bogata kulinarična ponudba.<br />

Tradicionalna prireditev Blejski dnevi, z nepogrešljivimi<br />

lučkami na jezeru, večernim ognjemetom, sejmom domače in<br />

umetnostne obrti in raznimi koncerti na blejski promenadi, ima<br />

zametke že v jezerskem prazniku iz leta 1876, ko so domačini<br />

z lučkami osvetlili otok, jezero in grad. Letos bo potekala od<br />

25. do 27. julija.<br />

V letu 2008 mineva 55 let od ustanovitve Ansambla bratov<br />

Avsenik, ki ga danes pozna ves svet. Sloviti kvintet se lahko<br />

pohvali z vrsto tujih priznanj za prispevek k razvoju zabavne<br />

glasbe, pa seveda z 31 zlatimi, eno diamantno in dvema<br />

platinastima ploščama. Na prireditvi, imenovani Festival<br />

Avsenik, ki se bo odvijala od 20. do 24. avgusta v Begunjah, se<br />

bodo glasbeni družini Avsenik pridružili številni glasbeni gostje<br />

iz Slovenije in tujine. Skozi Avsenikove skladbe bodo predstavili<br />

lepote Gorenjske, slovenske plese, običaje in narodne noše.<br />


On Saturday, 7 June 2008 Bled Castle will provide the setting for the<br />

re-enactment of scenes from medieval life, a medieval market, and<br />

performances by medieval re-enactment groups including sword and<br />

archery demonstrations, fire tricks and mounted games.<br />

The summer season in Bled traditionally opens with the International<br />

Rowing Regatta. This year’s Regatta, which takes place for the 53 rd<br />

year running, will be held from 13 to 15 June 2008. Rowing is the<br />

number one sport in Bled. In addition to organising world rowing<br />

championships, the people of Bled also boast numerous prestigious<br />

rowing trophies including the Olympic gold medal won by Iztok Čop<br />

and Luka Špik at the Sydney Olympics.<br />

The already 13 th traditional international Music Festival Bled will<br />

be held from 3 to 17 July 2008 at various locations in Bled and its<br />

surrounding area. Evening concerts will feature top violinists from<br />

across the globe accompanied by variety of chamber ensembles, which<br />

are bound to thrill and delight the experts as well as wider audiences.<br />

Rikli’s Days of Fitness held on 5 and 6 July 2008 will revive the<br />

memory of Swiss Arnold Rikli who pioneered tourism at Bled in<br />

1855. Rikli and his Institute of Natural Healing promoted an original<br />

approach and treatment methods designed to recreate health and<br />

wellbeing, which are still in use today. Like always, there will be an<br />

expedition in Rikli’s memory, which will include air-, sun- and water<br />

baths coupled with entertainment and healthy nutrition in line with<br />

Rikli’s recommendations.<br />

Nočna 10ka is a night-time race for people of all generations scheduled<br />

to take place in the evening hours on Saturday, 12 July 2008. The<br />

shorter recreational and children’s race will start at 8 pm, while the<br />

start of the 10 km run under the illuminated track that follows the<br />

shore of Bled Lake has been set for 10 pm. The evening will be spiced<br />

up by good music and a wide selection of delicious food.<br />

Traditional Days of Bled with floating lights on the lake and evening<br />

fireworks, Arts and Crafts Fair, and a multitude of concerts on the<br />

promenade have their roots in the Lake Holiday of 1876, when locals<br />

first used floating lights to illuminate the island, the lake and the<br />

castle. This year’s event will be held from 25 to 27 July.<br />

2008 marks the 55 th anniversary of the world-renowned Ansabel bratov<br />

Avsenik band. The celebrated quintet boasts numerous foreign awards<br />

and commendations for their contribution to the development of ethno<br />

pop music, in addition to their 31 gold, one diamond and two platinum<br />

records. At Festival Avsenik, which is set to take place from 20 to<br />

24 August in Begunje, the Avseniks will be joined by numerous music<br />

artists from Slovenia and abroad. Journeying through Avseniks’ songs<br />

they will create a portrait of the beauty of Upper Carniola, Slovenian<br />

dances, customs and national costumes.<br />

Židana volja na Slovenskih večerih<br />

Party Time Slovenian Style<br />

Trije mladi fantje, turistični vodniki, združeni pod imenom Židana<br />

marela, bogato kulturno dediščino Slovenije uspešno vključujejo<br />

v turistično ponudbo. Organizirajo Slovenske večere za vse, ki<br />

želijo v prijetnem vzdušju žive slovenske glasbe, petja, plesov,<br />

domače hrane in dobre kapljice spoznati pravo slovensko<br />

gostoljubnost.<br />

Slovenske večere pripravljajo vsak petek ob 19:30 v restavraciji<br />

Skriti kot v centru Ljubljane. Goste ob prihodu pričakajo pari v<br />

nošah z dobrodošlico s “šklojcami” in harmoniko ter jih povabijo<br />

za mize, kjer jih že čaka hladna predjed. Jedilniki so sestavljeni<br />

iz značilnih slovenskih jedi, vsak gost pa dobi tudi kozarec vina<br />

ali brezalkoholne pijače.<br />

Spremljevalni program je pripravljen tako, da lahko v njem<br />

sodelujejo tudi gosti. Folklorna skupina, oblečena v tradicionalne<br />

noše, predstavi plese iz različnih krajev Slovenije, šege, navade<br />

in nadvse zabavne skupinske igre, ki so nepogrešljiv del<br />

slovenske folklore. Igre, kot so »pouštertanc«, šivanje, ples s<br />

klobuki, kačo vit mora preprosto doživeti vsak, ki si želi vsaj za<br />

trenutek pogledati v slovensko dušo. Za glasbo skrbijo godci,<br />

ki v živo igrajo slovensko ljudsko in ponarodelo glasbo. Večer<br />

se ponavadi konča v skupnem rajanju, ob zaključku večera pa<br />

folklorna skupina gostom podari rdeče nageljne – tradicionalno<br />

“slovensko rožo” in jih ob vriskanju ter zvokih harmonike<br />

pospremi do odhoda.<br />

Poleg rednih tedenskih večerov pripravljajo tudi Slovenske<br />

večere po naročilu, folklorne dogodke, glasbene nastope,<br />

dobrodošlice za agencije, podjetja in organizatorje, ki želijo<br />

presenetiti in obogatiti program svojih gostov. Na njihovi spletni<br />

strani je mogoča tudi rezervacija preko spleta.<br />

Three young guys – tourist guides united under the name of Židana<br />

marela have come up with an exciting way of integrating rich Slovenian<br />

cultural heritage and tourism. They organise Slovenian Evenings for<br />

all those who are eager to experience genuine Slovenian hospitality<br />

in an ambient filled with live Slovenian music, singing, dancing, and<br />

traditional food and wine.<br />

Slovenian Evenings are held every Friday at 7:30 pm at Skriti kot<br />

restaurant in the centre of Ljubljana. On arrival, guests are greeted by<br />

couples dressed in Slovenian national costumes playing the accordion,<br />

who lead them to the tables heavily laden with cold appetizers. Menus<br />

feature typical Slovenian dishes and each guest is also treated to a<br />

glass of wine or a soft drink.<br />

Entertainment is interactive, encouraging the guests to take active<br />

part in co-creating the fun. A folk dance group wearing traditional<br />

garb shows various dances from different parts of Slovenia, ways and<br />

customs, and highly entertaining party games which are an integral<br />

part of Slovenian folklore. Games such as pillow dance, sewing, hat<br />

dance, snake twist, simply must be experienced by anybody hoping for<br />

at least a momentary insight into the Slovenian soul. There is also<br />

a band playing live Slovenian folk music as well as ethno pop. The<br />

Evenings usually end in dancing. As the party winds down, guests<br />

receive red carnations – the traditional Slovenian flower – from the<br />

folk dance group, who see them out amidst joyful yells and the sounds<br />

of the accordion.<br />

In addition to the regular weekly Slovenian Evenings, they also<br />

organise folklore events, music recitals, welcome parties for agencies,<br />

corporate clients and organisers wishing to surprise their guests<br />

and augment their entertainment programmes. For reservations and<br />

online bookings please visit the Židana marela website.<br />


94<br />

Dogodki / Events PORTOROŽ<br />


23. avgusta 2008 se bo pričel sedmi Tartini festival, mednarodni<br />

glasbeni festival, ki oživlja dela in duh v Piranu rojenega Giuseppeja<br />

Tartinija. Serija vrhunskih umetniških dogodkov obuja bogato<br />

kulturno dediščino in leto za letom prejema najboljše kritike v<br />

strokovni javnosti. Slovenska Istra tako vsako leto konec poletja<br />

gosti priznane glasbenike z vseh koncev sveta, ki z raznolikim<br />

programom nagovarjajo poznavalce in ljubitelje klasične<br />

glasbe, obilo umetniških užitkov pa ponujajo tudi naključnim<br />

obiskovalcem. Tudi letos so se na povabilo organizatorjev,<br />

kulturnega društva Lib-Art, odzvali svetovno priznani glasbeni<br />

mojstri, med njimi italijanski Ensemble Arte dell’Arco, violinista<br />

Cecilia Bernardini z Nizozemske in Federico Guglielmo iz Italije,<br />

flavtista Alja Velkaverh iz Slovenije in Massimo Mercelli iz Italije,<br />

violončelista iz Francije François Salque in Christophe Coin,<br />

fagotist Sergio Azzolini iz Italije, avstrijski Salzburg Chamber<br />

Soloists in Caliopée Trio iz Francije. Kot doslej jih bo spremljal<br />

festivalski ansambel »Il terzo suono«.<br />

Gostje festivalskih večerov bodo okušali glasbene sladkosti na<br />

devetih koncertih vrhunske klasične glasbe in na koncertu pod<br />

zvezdami, ki pa je namenjen promoviranju mladih slovenskih<br />

glasbenikov. Izvrstni glasbi se bodo lahko predajali v Križnem<br />

hodniku Minoritskega samostana in cerkvi sv. Jurija v Piranu,<br />

v Manziolijevi palači v Izoli, v Pokrajinskem muzeju v Kopru in<br />

drugih zanimivih prizoriščih.<br />


23 August 2008 will mark the start of the seventh Tartini Festival,<br />

an international festival of classical music and a revival of the opus<br />

and spirit of Piran-born Giuseppe Tartini. A series of top artistic<br />

performances and events brings his rich cultural legacy to life,<br />

receiving rave reviews in professional circles year after year. Every<br />

year towards the end of summer, Slovenian Istria traditionally plays<br />

host to distinguished music artists from across the globe whose<br />

outstanding performances are designed to delight the connoisseurs<br />

and lovers of classical music as well as chance visitors. Once again, the<br />

organisers of the Tartini Festival, cultural society Lib-Art succeeded in<br />

bringing to Piran a number of renowned master musicians including<br />

Italian Ensemble Arte dell’Arco; violinists Cecilia Bernardini from<br />

the Netherlands and Federico Guglielmo from Italy; flute players Alja<br />

Velkaverh from Slovenia and Massimo Mercelli from Italy; French cello<br />

players François Salque and Christophe Coin; bassoon player Sergio<br />

Azzolini from Italy; Salzburg Chamber Soloists from Austria; and<br />

Caliopée Trio from France. As was the case in previous years, they will<br />

be accompanied by the resident festival ensemble, “Il terzo suono”.<br />

Audiences will be treated to nine superb classical music concerts as<br />

well as an outdoor concert under the stars designed for the promotion<br />

of young Slovenian artists. Concert performances will be held in Križni<br />

hodnik of the Minorite monastery, the church of Sv. Jurij, Manzioli’s<br />

palace in Izola, Pokrajinski muzej (regional museum) in Koper and<br />

other fascinating venues.<br />

foto photo: arhiv archive Turistično združenje Portorož<br />

C<br />

M<br />

Y<br />

CM<br />

PovpreËna poraba: od 10,2-14,4l/100 km l emisije CO 2<br />

: 270 - 340 g/km l Toyota Adria d.o.o., BrnËiËeva 51, 1000 Ljubljana<br />

Kralj vseh poti.<br />

www.toyota.si<br />

MY<br />



V pomorskem muzeju Sergej Mašera v Piranu je od 17. maja<br />

do 30. septembra 2008 na ogled zanimiva razstava o luksuzni<br />

italijanski potniški ladji Rex, ki je zaradi svoje dramatične usode<br />

burila duhove od svojega konca, leta 1944, pa do danes.<br />

Rex, ki so ga splovili leta 1931, je bil večji od slovitega Titanika<br />

in kombinacija tedanje vrhunske tehnologije ter luksuznega hotela<br />

s šestimi zvezdicami. Imel je vse, kar je takrat pomenilo največje<br />

razkošje: dragoceno opremljena luksuzna stanovanja, kinodvorane,<br />

restavracije, bazene, telovadnice, celo solarij in fizioterapevtski<br />

kabinet, česar do takrat ni imela še nobena ladja. Leta 1933 je<br />

Rex osvojil modri trak (blue riband), prestižni naslov za ladjo, ki<br />

najhitreje prepluje Atlantik.<br />

V vihri druge svetovne vojne je med poskusom Italijanov, da<br />

jo skrijejo pred zavezniki, nasedla v Koprskem zalivu, kjer so jo<br />

zavezniška letala v bombnem napadu popolnoma uničila. Po vojni<br />

so jo razrezali za staro železo, njeno mogočno sidro pa krasi<br />

ljubljanski park Zvezda. Dolga desetletja so mesto, kjer ležijo<br />

ostanki ladje, obiskovali potapljači v upanju, da najdejo kakšne<br />

dragocenosti, saj so krožile zgodbe o bogastvih, skritih na Rexu.<br />

Mit o Rexu je močno vsidran v izročilo domačinov, celo obala med<br />

Izolo in Koprom je med ljudstvom dobila ime “Pri Rexu”.<br />


From 17 May to 30 September 2008 the Sergej Mašera Maritime Museum<br />

in Piran will showcase an exhibition on the Italian luxury liner Rex,<br />

whose tragic fate has been stirring people’s imagination ever since its<br />

demise in 1944.<br />

The Rex, which was launched in 1931, was larger than the infamous<br />

Titanic and was regarded as a perfect blend of state-of-the-art technology<br />

of the time and a luxury, six star hotel. It was as extravagant as it could<br />

possibly get – luxury suites featuring ornate decoration and lavish<br />

furnishings, movie theatres, restaurants, swimming pools, gyms – and<br />

was the first liner ever to sport a solarium and a physiotherapy studio.<br />

In 1933 it took the prestigious Blue Riband for the fastest crossing of<br />

the Atlantic.<br />

In the maelstroms of World War II, in an attempt by the Italians to hide it<br />

from the Allies, it got stranded in the Bay of Koper and was subsequently<br />

completely destroyed by Allied bombers. After the war it was dismantled<br />

for scrap iron; its mighty anchor now adorns park Zvezda in Ljubljana.<br />

Prompted by stories of untold riches hidden on the Rex, for many decades<br />

divers kept visiting the spot with the liner’s remains in the hope of<br />

recovering some treasure from the sunken ship. The myth of the Rex has<br />

become deeply ingrained in the local tradition, and even the coastline<br />

between Izola and Koper is now generally referred to as “At the Rex”.<br />

foto photo: arhiv archive Pomorski muzej Sergej Mašera, Piran<br />

CY<br />

CMY<br />

K<br />

Novi Land Cruiser V8. Robustno eleganten.<br />

Novi Land Crusier V8 združuje izjemno funkcionalnost terenskega<br />

vozila z eleganco in vrhunskim udobjem luksuzne limuzine.<br />

Doživite ga v salonih Toyota.<br />

Ladja Rex med plovbo<br />

The Rex at sea<br />

Jedilnica na ladji Rex<br />

Dining room on the Rex<br />


BTC, Leskoškova cesta 1<br />

Ljubljana<br />

(080) 2 99 2<br />


PE VI», Tržaška cesta 132<br />

Ljubljana<br />

(080) 2 99 2<br />

AC LOV©E<br />

Jarška cesta 11<br />

Domžale<br />

(01) 729 9000<br />

AC LOV©E<br />

Cesta Staneta Žagarja 65b<br />

Kranj<br />

(04) 280 9000<br />

ARDEN<br />

Ptujska cesta 176<br />

Maribor<br />

(02) 45 02 260<br />


Rogaška cesta 13<br />

Ptuj<br />

(02) 78 85 477<br />


Kroška ulica 58<br />

Murska Sobota<br />

(02) 530 18 88<br />


IpavËeva ulica 21<br />

Celje<br />

(03) 42 61 280<br />


Polje 9b<br />

Izola<br />

(05) 61 68 011<br />


Industrijska cesta 9<br />

Nova Gorica<br />

(05) 33 06 071

96<br />

dogodki events<br />

foto photo: Marjeta Privšek<br />

. . ,L ,L <br />

<br />


Znanje geomantije ni poseben dar, namenjen izključno nekaj<br />

izbrancem. Osnov geomantije se lahko nauči vsak, ki se želi<br />

naučiti subtilnejšega dialoga z življenjem, ki ga obdaja. V ta<br />

namen se bo 2. avgusta 2008 začela šola geomantije na<br />

posestvu mediteranske vile Muzika pri Savudriji. Vila, obnovljena<br />

po načelih geomantije, je s svojo podobo tudi sama zgleden<br />

primer usklajene postavitve in nemotenega pretoka blagodejnih<br />

energijskih tokov. Danes deluje kot center alternativnega turizma<br />

in prijazno sprejme vse, ki jih želja po doživetju drugačnega<br />

oddiha pripelje pred njena vrata. Šola geomantije se začne<br />

2. avgusta in intenzivno poteka en teden, potem pa se znanje<br />

utrjuje še tri posamezne vikende v jeseni.<br />

Šola vključuje različna poglavja, povezana z odnosi med človekom<br />

in prostorom: celosten odnos do narave, senzibilizacija čutil,<br />

spoznavanje znanja tradicionalne in sodobne geomantije, človek<br />

in bivalni prostor, celostno doživljanje kulturnih in geomantičnih<br />

počel pokrajine – prostora, poglobljena obravnava naravne in<br />

kulturne dediščine, razumevanje narave vitalnih energij Zemlje,<br />

prepoznavanje dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na zdravje, učenje telesnih<br />

drž in reakcij, uporaba vaj sproščanja in obnavljanja, uporaba<br />

tehnik komunikacije z naravo oziroma prostorom, doživljanje in<br />

prepoznavanje večdimenzionalnosti prostora.<br />


The art of geomancy is not some mysterious gift bestowed upon a select<br />

few; in fact, anybody, who wants to improve their ability to communicate<br />

with the life that surrounds them, can master the basics of geomancy.<br />

To that end, a course in geomancy will be held on the Mediterranean<br />

estate of Vila Muzika near Savudrija commencing on 2 August 2008. The<br />

house itself, which has been refurbished in line with the principles<br />

of geomancy, is a model of balanced architecture and smooth flows of<br />

beneficial energy. Now a centre for alternative tourism, Vila Muzika<br />

welcomes all those whose desire for a different holiday leads them to its<br />

door. The first, intensive part of the course takes a week and has been<br />

scheduled to start on 2 August, and will be followed by three weekend<br />

seminars in autumn.<br />

The curriculum addresses various perspectives of the relationship<br />

between man and his spatial environment: A Holistic Attitude to Nature;<br />

Sensibilisation of the Senses; The Basics of Traditional and Modern<br />

Geomancy; Man and Living Space; A Holistic Experience of Cultural<br />

and Geomantic Origins of the Spatial Environment; In-depth Study of<br />

Natural and Cultural Heritage; Understanding Earth’s Vital Energies;<br />

Identification of Health Factors; Mastering Body Postures and Reactions;<br />

Application of Relaxation and Regeneration Techniques; Methods of<br />

Communication with Nature / Spatial Environment and Their Application;<br />

Experiencing and Identifying the Multidimensionality of Space.<br />

Globoko v prazgodovini, let nazaj, takrat, ko je bilo nebo še čisto kot oko<br />

in narava nedolžna, je nastala PRAVODA. let je ostala nedotaknjena,<br />

skrita našim očem, čakajoča na trenutek, ko jo bomo zaradi nespametnega početja<br />

potrebovali bolj kot kadarkoli. In zdaj, ko je ta trenutek napočil, nam je dovolila,<br />

da jo najdemo in občutimo neponovljiv okus neokrnjene narave pred 12 000 .<br />

www.muzika-istra.si<br />

www.radenska.si<br />

Jasno. Radenska.

98 foto photo: visibleearth.nasa.gov<br />

pogled naprej looking ahead<br />

99<br />



O negospodarnem gospodarjenju človeštva s planetom, ki<br />

smo ga dobili v upravljanje, verjetno ne gre izgubljati besed.<br />

Ob poslušanju nič kaj obetavnih dejstev, konkretnih številk in<br />

časa, ki ga (morda) še imamo na voljo za spremembe, pa se v<br />

vsakomur od nas vendarle zgane ščepec notranjega, etičnega<br />

– morda vest, zavedanje Karkoli, da le dojamemo razsežnosti<br />

posledic lastnega vsakodnevnega početja in predvsem, da se<br />

aktiviramo. Takoj, zdaj. Kajti čez minuto je lahko že (pre)pozno.<br />

Umanotera, Fundacija za trajnostni razvoj, je ena najstarejših<br />

in najbolj dejavnih okoljskih nevladnih organizacij v Slovenji.<br />

Z aktivno dejavnostjo predstavljanja različnih dobrih praks in<br />

produktov med ljudmi poskušajo spremeniti načela trajnostnega<br />

razvoja v način življenja. To razumejo kot dinamično ravnovesje<br />

med človekom in naravo, socialno pravičnost in medgeneracijsko<br />

solidarnost.<br />

Z novim projektom Umanotera vstopa v pisarne in pisarniško<br />

dejavnost. Skupaj s partnerji razvijajo sistem za zmanjševanje<br />

vplivov na okolje v pisarniški dejavnosti, ki ponuja podjetjem<br />

orodja, predloge, smernice in ideje, kako spremeniti svoje<br />

ravnanje. Vida Ogorelec Wagner, direktorica Umanotere,<br />

opozarja, da tudi nov sistem ni skupek hitrih rešitev in naglih<br />

sprememb. Ravno nasprotno. Gre za dolgoročen proces<br />

uvajanja sprememb v delovnih prostorih, kjer preživimo zajeten<br />

del življenja, dejansko pa gre za privzemanje nekega vedenja, ki<br />

ga nosimo s seboj povsod, torej v glavi.<br />

Umanoterin sistem predvideva več faz; od analize stanja in<br />

porabe do izdelave akcijskega načrta in programa s praktičnimi<br />

pristopi in rešitvami, predvsem pa čimveč motivacije vsakega<br />

posameznika v podjetju. Pričakovani rezultati uvedbe sistema<br />

so: zmanjševanje<br />

izpustov CO2, povečanje energetske<br />

učinkovitosti, reciklaža – ponovna uporaba, zmanjšanje porabe<br />

in nabava lokalnih izdelkov ter posledično znižanje stroškov<br />

podjetja.<br />

Če si podjetje ali drugače oblikovana javna ali gospodarska<br />

združba želi spremembe, mora najprej najti svoj največji vir<br />

obremenjevanja. Temu sta namenjena pregled in ocena stanja.<br />

Pri snovanju akcijskega načrta pa gre sistem globlje. Najprej<br />

do prakse in ravnanja v podjetju – na primer z odsluženimi<br />

računalniki, uravnavanjem temperature v delovnih prostorih,<br />

lokacijo nabave potrošnega materiala ... Sistemski pristop je<br />

dovolj ustvarjalen in inovativen, da lahko pomaga podjetju in<br />

vzpodbuja zaposlene. Najbolj pomembna je gotovo ugotovitev,<br />

da se dejansko niti ne zavedamo visoke porabe energije v<br />

pisarnah. Pisarniška in računalniška oprema je vse večji<br />

porabnik energije. Ko se zavemo številk, je zelo enostavno<br />

sprejeti rešitev in ukrepe za varčnost – energetsko in finančno.<br />

There is probably no point going on about the careless and<br />

irresponsible management of this planet by the human race to whose<br />

care it has been entrusted. Nevertheless, on hearing all those alarming<br />

facts and figures, and considering what little time (if any) is left in<br />

which we could still turn things around, we all feel the faint stirring<br />

of something intrinsic, something ethical inside our souls – a pang of<br />

conscience Or perhaps – awareness It does not really matter as long<br />

as we finally wake up to the massive and far-reaching consequences of<br />

our daily actions, and do something about it. Right now, this moment.<br />

Another minute gone and it might already be too late.<br />

Umanotera, The Slovenian Foundation of Sustainable Development,<br />

is one of the oldest and most active environmental nongovernmental<br />

organisations in Slovenia. It actively promotes good practice and<br />

products designed to turn sustainable development from a concept into<br />

a reality. This is understood as a state of dynamic equilibrium between<br />

man and nature, social justice and intergenerational solidarity.<br />

Umanotera’s new project involves the office and related workplace<br />

practices. In collaboration with their business partners they have<br />

been working on a system designed to reduce the negative impact<br />

on the environment caused by various common office practices. The<br />

system provides tools, suggestions, guidelines and tips as to how these<br />

practices can be effectively modified to bring about the desired result.<br />

However, according to Umanotera’s founder and managing director<br />

Vida Ogorelec Wagner, the proposed system is not a quick fix solution.<br />

In fact, the opposite is true. We are talking about a long-term project<br />

designed to facilitate change at the workplace where we spend a<br />

significant part of our lives, which essentially involves the adoption of<br />

a certain mindset that governs our behaviour everywhere we go.<br />

Umanotera’s system involves several stages, from the current situation<br />

analysis to developing an action plan featuring hands-on approaches<br />

and solutions, and, above all, maximising motivation of each and every<br />

company employee. The implementation of the system is expected to<br />

produce the following outcomes: Reduced CO2 emissions; improved<br />

energy efficiency; recycling – reuse; reduced consumption; purchase of<br />

locally manufactured products. This effectively translates into lower<br />

costs of business operation.<br />

All corporate change – in private enterprises, public bodies or other<br />

corporate entities – starts with identifying the source of the biggest<br />

load on the system. This is the purpose of the initial assessment and<br />

current situation analysis. In designing the appropriate action plan,<br />

however, the system goes even further. First, it addresses company<br />

policy and practices – e.g. disposal of used computer equipment,<br />

temperature settings at the workplace, location of stationary<br />

supplier… The approach is sufficiently creative and innovative to<br />

make a difference and facilitate employee motivation. Undoubtedly the<br />

Trajnostni razvoj je izredno težko definirati, najbolj preprosta<br />

in najbolj nazorna pa je definicija Svetovne komisije za okolje<br />

in razvoj (Burtlandska komisija), ki pravi, da trajnostni razvoj<br />

pomeni » zadovoljiti trenutne potrebe, ne da bi pri tem ogrožali<br />

zadovoljevanje potreb prihodnjih generacij«. Trajnostni razvoj<br />

pomeni tudi, da namesto naravnih omejenih dobrin izkoriščamo<br />

neomejene zmogljivosti našega razuma, da bomo lahko naše<br />

okolje in vire zapustili naslednjim generacijam v čim boljšem<br />

stanju.<br />

Fundacija Umanotera je slovenski javnosti poleg opozarjanja<br />

na probleme s področja okolja, povezovanja z globalnimi<br />

organizacijami, z izdajanjem publikacij in objavo poročil ter<br />

vplivom na javno mnenje poznana tudi z razvijanjem področja<br />

pravične trgovine. Izdelke s to oznako lahko kupujemo v trgovini<br />

Tri muhe, v starem mestnem jedru Ljubljane. Bistvo na vseh<br />

področjih delovanja Umanotere je njihova predanost načelu<br />

neodvisnosti od politike in interesov kapitala, poštenosti,<br />

iskrenosti in neposrednosti.<br />

Umanotera želi s sistemom pokazati tudi podporo vsem, ki<br />

se bodo vključili v projekt in sprejeli ukrepe. Kot koristen<br />

pripomoček za vse, ki iščejo alternative, bo pripravljen katalog<br />

ponudnikov okolju prijaznejših storitev in izdelkov. Radovednim<br />

in raziskovalnim pa bo namenjena posebna spletna stran z<br />

vsemi podatki in opisi.<br />

Umanotera torej namerava skupaj s partnerji in novimi<br />

somišljeniki mednarodno leto planeta Zemlja zaznamovati v<br />

polnem pomenu. S svojo usmeritvijo pa ne želijo zgolj “ozeleniti”<br />

pisarn. Enostavno povedano, pametnim glavam ponujajo<br />

zavedanje, izziv, ugled in seveda tudi vpliv. Lokalno, globalno. Da<br />

bo Zemlja lahko še naprej Naša.<br />

What is sustainable development The widely accepted standard<br />

definition of sustainable development comes from the Burtland Report<br />

by the UN World Commission on Environment and Development:<br />

“Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of<br />

the present without compromising the ability of future generations<br />

to meet their own needs”. The concept of sustainable development<br />

also implies that, instead of a continued reliance on finite natural<br />

resources, man should instead learn to draw on the infinite capabilities<br />

of the mind so as to preserve our environment and resources for the<br />

generations to come.<br />

In addition to alerting the public to environmental issues, liasing with<br />

global organisations, publishing various publications and reports,<br />

and influencing the public opinion, Umanotera is also known to the<br />

people of Slovenia as a developer of fair trade. Products sold under the<br />

Fair Trade brand can be purchased at Tri muhe store in Ljubljana old<br />

town. The essence of Umanotera’s activities in all spheres of operation<br />

lies in Umanotera’s independence from politics and capital, and in a<br />

commitment to integrity, sincerity and straightforwardness.<br />

most important finding is that we have no real awareness of just how<br />

high the consumption of energy in offices is. Office and IT equipment<br />

has become a significant energy consumer. Once we become aware of<br />

the actual figures, it suddenly becomes very easy to identify solutions<br />

and adopt the appropriate energy and money saving measures.<br />

Umanotera also wants to show support for all those who will join<br />

the project and take action. As a useful tool for all those looking<br />

for alternatives, Umanotera will publish a catalogue of suppliers of<br />

environmentally friendlier products and services. A dedicated website<br />

featuring all relevant details and descriptions will be set up for the<br />

curious and the inquisitive.<br />

Clearly, Umanotera with its partners and supporters intends to make<br />

its mark on the International Year of Planet Earth. Their initiative,<br />

however, goes beyond ‘going green’ in the working environment. Simply<br />

put, it is all about awareness, challenge, image and, naturally, power.<br />

Locally, globally. To make sure that Earth stays Ours.

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Austria Trend Hotels & Resorts,<br />

del največjega avstrijskega turističnega koncerna Verkehrsbüro<br />

Group, je brez dvoma vodilna avstrijska hotelska skupina. Kmalu<br />

bodo dosegli številko 33 hotelov s približno 10 000 posteljami,<br />

pretežno v Avstriji ter tudi v njeni bližnji okolici. Vodilni pa so<br />

predvsem zaradi svojega odnosa do poslovnega turizma. Na<br />

Dunaju, na primer, njihovi štirizvezdični hoteli dosegajo najboljše<br />

ocene prav kot lokacije za dogodke in konference. Cilj skupine<br />

je prevzeti vodilno vlogo na področju MICE turizma (meetings,<br />

incentives, conferences, events) v hotelskem prostoru celotne<br />

Evrope.<br />

Pri posebnih dogodkih, doživetjih, produktnih predstavitvah<br />

in tržnih srečanjih se v Austria Trend Hotels & Resorts še<br />

kako zavedajo pomembnosti znanja in obvladovanja izvedbe.<br />

Za to so potrebne ustrezne kapacitete in predvsem primerno<br />

sposobni ljudje, ki lahko izpeljejo in zadostijo še tako visokim<br />

pričakovanjem.<br />

Ker sta raznolikost ponudbe in kompetenca izvedbe pomembna<br />

faktorja za pripravo poslovnega dogodka ali kongresa, v skupini<br />

skrbijo za bogate in zelo različne presežke. Tako Austria Trend<br />

Hotel Savoyen Vienna, odprt v decembru 2007 na prvovrstni<br />

lokaciji v središču mesta Dunaj, že slovi po razkošni, 1000<br />

m2 obsegajoči plesni dvorani. Podoben sloves uživa s 5000<br />

m2 površine in 42 m višine Event Pyramid, ki v svojem osrčju<br />

skriva 3500 m2 kongresnih površin, pri tem pa stoji nasproti<br />

največjega nakupovalnega središča Evrope (SCS, Vienna<br />

Vösendorf) in predstavlja sceno za največje možne dogodke.<br />

Odlično nasprotje hotelu Event Pyramid predstavlja bližnji<br />

Hotel Böck, ki se ponaša z lastnim plavalnim jezerom, s katerim<br />

pričara magično in zagotovo unikatno okolje za sprejem še tako<br />

zahtevnega dogodka. Za drugačne želje praznovanja in srečanja<br />

v stilsko dovršenem ambientu pa je prvovrstna rešitev že okolje<br />

Hotela Schloss Wilhelminenberg: dvorec v neoempirskem slogu<br />

združuje zgodovinsko tradicijo s sodobnim udobjem. Pogled s<br />

terase na mestno panoramo, obsežno grajsko posestvo ali sobe,<br />

potopljene v zgodovino – sestavljanka zagotavlja neponovljivo<br />

doživetje za sprejeme ali srečanja. Junija 2007 odprt Hotel<br />

Kahlenberg prav tako ponuja čaroben ambient – naj gre za<br />

čudovit razgled na mesto Dunaj, za konferenčno sobo, ki kraljuje<br />

na strehi hotela, ali zgolj prireditev na eni od dveh velikih teras<br />

ali drugih zunanjih površinah.<br />

Po prevzemih Hotela Kahlenberg in Life resorta Loipersdorf<br />

prav zastava Austria Trend Hotela Savoyen Vienna predstavlja<br />

under the umbrella of the biggest Austrian tourism corporation<br />

Verkehrsbüro Group is indisputably the leading hotel group in<br />

Austria. Soon it will boast 33 hotels with approximately 10,000 beds,<br />

mostly in Austria and adjacent countries. The key to their leading<br />

position, however, lies in business tourism. In Vienna, for instance,<br />

their four star hotels are consistently awarded the highest marks as<br />

venues for functions and conferences. The Group aims to become the<br />

leading provider of MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Events)<br />

tourism in the hotel business in Europe.<br />

When it comes to special events, functions, productive presentations<br />

and marketing symposiums, Austria Trend Hotels & Resorts are only<br />

too aware of the importance of know-how and flawless execution.<br />

This, however, necessitates sufficient capacities and in particular<br />

skilled and competent personnel who can meet and satisfy even the<br />

highest standards and expectations.<br />

Two major factors in the organisation of a business event or<br />

conference include the variety and range of available products and<br />

services on one side and flawless execution on the other, which<br />

effectively translates into first-class facilities above and beyond<br />

the usual standards. Consequently, the Austria Trend Hotel Savoyen<br />

Vienna, which opened in December 2007 at a premium location in<br />

the centre of Vienna, is already renowned for its 1,000 m2 ballroom.<br />

Just as prominent is the 42 metre tall Event Pyramid with 5,000<br />

m2 of premises including 3,500 m2 of conference rooms, which<br />

is located opposite the biggest shopping centre in Europe (SCS,<br />

Vienna Vösendorf) and is a preferred venue for various big events. A<br />

perfect counterpart to the Event Pyramid is the nearby Hotel Böck,<br />

which boasts a swimming lagoon designed to create a magical and<br />

undoubtedly unique setting for even the most delicate occasions.<br />

For those who prefer period interior design, however, Hotel Schloss<br />

Wilhelminenberg is just the place they are looking for: The castle<br />

built in the Neo-Empire style is a wonderful blend of history, timehonoured<br />

tradition and modern convenience. The outdoor terrace<br />

with views of the city skyline, extensive grounds and rooms steeped in<br />

history make for an exceptional venue for receptions or conventions.<br />

Hotel Kahlenberg, which opened in June 2007, is equally captivating.<br />

The design is a statement, the views unique. You can choose between<br />

a spectacular penthouse conference room, two large terraces and<br />

various outdoor areas to stage your event.<br />

After the takeovers of the Kahlenberg and the Life Resort Loipersdorf,<br />

it is the Austria Trend Hotel flag flying high on the Savoyen Vienna<br />

that sums up the Group’s triumphs in the previous financial year.<br />

bleščeč vrhunec uspešnega razvoja skupine v zadnjem<br />

poslovnem letu. To leto pa tudi za širšo skupino Verkehrsbüro<br />

Group predstavlja začetek širjenja na hitro rastoče trge srednje<br />

in vzhodne Evrope. Gradi se popolnoma nov hotel v Bratislavi,<br />

ki bo dokončan leta 2009, v začetku leta 2008 pa je skupina<br />

prevzela hotel v Ljubljani. Seveda je trasa pripravljena za še<br />

nove podvige v letu 2008: najprej dva novo pridružena hotela<br />

Hotel Lambrechterhof in Hotel Salzburg Mitte, po dolgotrajni in<br />

zahtevni prenovi pa bosta letos z novo podobo navdušila tudi<br />

Hotel Schloss Lebenberg in Hotel Salzburg West.<br />

In zakaj s širitvijo preko meja Avstrije skupina Austria Trend<br />

Hotels & Resorts začenja prav v Sloveniji Predvsem jih je<br />

navdušila ekonomska rast Slovenije v zadnjih nekaj letih, kar<br />

ima seveda zelo pozitiven vpliv tudi na lokalni turizem. Število<br />

nočitev raste, v zadnjih desetih letih se je skoraj podvojilo.<br />

Slovenija kaže visoko rast razvoja med državami srednje in<br />

vzhodne Evrope, obenem pa je močno integrirana v Evropski<br />

uniji in sodi v evropsko območje. Hotel Ljubljana je že pred<br />

vstopom v skupino zgradil jasno strategijo delovanja, ki se<br />

popolnoma sklada z naravnanostjo skupine. Pomembna je tudi<br />

bližina in povezava med Ljubljano in upravo skupine na Dunaju.<br />

Če se bodo pokazale nove možnosti za prevzem še kakšnega<br />

slovenskega hotela, jih bo skupina zagotovo temeljito preučila.<br />

Austria Trend Hotels & Resorts (Verkehrsbüro Group):<br />

Dunaj: Hotel Astoria, Hotel Europa Wien, Hotel Rathauspark,<br />

Hotel Ananas, Parkhotel Schönbrunn, Eventhotel Pyramide,<br />

Hotel Böck, Hotel Schloss Wilhelminenberg, Hotel Kahlenberg,<br />

Hotel Savoyen Vienna, Hotel Bosei, Appartementhotel<br />

Vienna, Hotel Favorita, Hotel Lassalle, Hotel Messe Wien,<br />

Hotel Donauzentrum, Hotel Anatol, Hotel Albatros, Hotel Beim<br />

Theresianum; Salzburg: Hotel Europa Salzburg, Hotel Altstadt<br />

Radisson SAS, Hotel Salzburg West (se ponovno odpre maja<br />

2008), Hotel Salzburg Mitte (se odpre maja 2008), Zgornja<br />

Avstrija: Hotel Schillerpark Linz; Štajerska: Hotel Europa Graz,<br />

Life Resort Loipersdorf, Hotel Lambrechterhof (se odpre poleti<br />

2008), St. Pölten: Hotel Metropol; Innsbruck: Hotel Congress<br />

Innsbruck, Fieberbrunn: Sporthotel Fontana, Kitzbühel: Hotel<br />

Schloss Lebenberg (se ponovno odpre decembra 2008);<br />

Bratislava: Hotel Bratislava (se odpre 2009); Ljubljana: Hotel<br />

Ljubljana (pridružen januarja 2008).<br />

This year, however, the Verkehrsbüro Group is poised to enter the<br />

rapidly growing markets of Central and Eastern Europe. Presently<br />

underway is the construction of a brand new hotel in Bratislava,<br />

which is scheduled for completion in 2009; in the beginning of<br />

2008, however, the Group already acquired a hotel in Ljubljana. Other<br />

projects in the pipeline for 2008 include the acquisition of two<br />

more hotels – Hotel Lambrechterhof and Hotel Salzburg Mitte, and<br />

completion of extensive and delicate renovations of Hotel Schloss<br />

Lebenberg and Hotel Salzburg West.<br />

And what made Austria Trend Hotels & Resorts decide on Slovenia<br />

as the starting point in their business expansion beyond Austrian<br />

borders Above all, they were very impressed with Slovenia’s economic<br />

growth in recent years, which has had a very positive effect on local<br />

tourism. The demand for tourist accommodation is on the rise and has<br />

almost doubled over the past ten years. Compared to other countries<br />

in Central and Eastern Europe, Slovenia is not only characterised by<br />

very high growth levels, but is also deeply integrated into the European<br />

Union and has long been part of the European realm. Even prior to<br />

being taken over by the Group, Hotel Ljubljana had already developed<br />

a clear operating strategy, which is in perfect alignment with the<br />

operating strategy of the Group. Other important considerations<br />

included proximity and ease of communication and travel between<br />

Ljubljana and the Group’s Head Office in Vienna. Should opportunity<br />

arise for the takeover of another hotel in Slovenia, the Group is bound<br />

to give the matter serious consideration.<br />

Austria Trend Hotels & Resorts (Verkehrsbüro Group):<br />

Vienna: Hotel Astoria, Hotel Europa Wien, Hotel Rathauspark, Hotel<br />

Ananas, Parkhotel Schönbrunn, Eventhotel Pyramide, Hotel Böck,<br />

Hotel Schloss Wilhelminenberg, Hotel Kahlenberg, Hotel Savoyen<br />

Vienna, Hotel Bosei, Appartementhotel Vienna, Hotel Favorita, Hotel<br />

Lassalle, Hotel Messe Wien, Hotel Donauzentrum, Hotel Anatol, Hotel<br />

Albatros, Hotel Beim Theresianum; Salzburg: Hotel Europa Salzburg,<br />

Hotel Altstadt Radisson SAS, Hotel Salzburg West (to reopen in<br />

May 2008), Hotel Salzburg Mitte (to reopen in May 2008), Upper<br />

Austria: Hotel Schillerpark Linz; Styria: Hotel Europa Graz, Life<br />

Resort Loipersdorf, Hotel Lambrechterhof (to open in summer 2008),<br />

St. Pölten: Hotel Metropol; Innsbruck: Hotel Congress Innsbruck,<br />

Fieberbrunn: Sporthotel Fontana, Kitzbühel: Hotel Schloss Lebenberg<br />

(to reopen in December 2008); Bratislava: Hotel Bratislava (to open<br />

in 2009); Ljubljana: Hotel Ljubljana (as of January 2008).<br />


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Z valovitih gričev bizeljsko-sremiškega vinorodnega okoliša,<br />

na jugovzhodu Slovenije, ki sodi med najboljše slovenske<br />

vinorodne okoliše, prihajajo bela in rdeča vina odlične kakovosti.<br />

Območje je poznano po modri frankinji (eni najbolj svojstvenih<br />

blago dišečih vin v Sloveniji z visoko vsebnostjo antioksidantov),<br />

po vrhunskem laškem rizlingu, sauvignonu ter mnogih drugih<br />

sortah. Podnebne razmere pa nudijo ugodne pogoje tudi za<br />

pridelavo posebnih vinskih umetnin – predikatnih vin, od poznih<br />

trgatev do ledenih vin. V tej zeleni, odprti pokrajini podjetje Vino<br />

Brežice nadaljuje dolgoletno tradicijo pridelovanja vin. Pohvalijo<br />

pa se lahko tudi s posebnim biserom – z vinsko kletjo, skrito<br />

med zidovi starodavnega gradu Brežice, kjer enologi podjetja<br />

Vino Brežice že desetletja vzdržujejo in skrbno negujejo svoja<br />

najdragocenejša vina.<br />

Mogočno grajsko zidovje je preživelo mnoge preizkušnje davnih<br />

stoletij burne zgodovine, danes pa se ponosno boči nad obrežjem<br />

reke Save kot eno najlepše urejenih grajskih spomenikov pri<br />

nas. Njegova klet, vklesana v živo skalo in obzidana s kamenjem<br />

in opeko, obiskovalcem razkriva zaklade omamnih okusov in<br />

plemenitih arom najboljših vin. Sto različnih vrst vin višjega<br />

kakovostnega razreda v 40 000 žlahtnih steklenicah danes<br />

napolnjuje kletne prostore. Bogata zbirka arhivskih vin zajema<br />

predvsem vina, nagrajena na različnih tekmovanjih. Trinajst<br />

izmed njih se ponaša z nazivom »šampion«.<br />

Med posebnosti grajske kleti spadajo tudi vina Moscon, ki so<br />

dobila ime po velikem vojskovodji sedemnajstega stoletja,<br />

baronu Johannu Mosconu, ljubitelju vsega lepega in dobrega.<br />

Baronova prepoznavnost gre (poleg znamenitih šestih prstov<br />

na levi roki) predvsem odličnim vinom, pridelanim v njegovih<br />

vinogradih v okolici gradu Pišece, o katerih se je dober glas<br />

širil vse do Dunaja. Legenda pripoveduje, da je prav strast<br />

do lepega možatega barona stala življenja, ko so preštevilne<br />

dame v okolici povile otroke s šestimi prsti. Danes iz grozdja<br />

nekdaj baronovih vinogradov v Vinu Brežice pridelujejo peneče<br />

vino Baron Moscon, srebrno in zlato penino, ter posebnost in<br />

prijetno presenečenje brežiške grajske kleti Moscon Tawny<br />

– bogato naravno desertno vino, pridelano po metodi portskih<br />

vin iz odličnih rdečih sort.<br />

Obisk grajske kleti je odlična priložnost za degustacijo in nakup<br />

vin, pogostitev poslovnih partnerjev v žlahtnem ambientu ali za<br />

oplemenitenje osebnih praznikov in obletnic. Je prav posebno<br />

doživetje nepozabnih okusov skozi pripoved izkušenega enologa,<br />

ki strokovnost in romantiko umetelno preplete v brezčasno<br />

zgodbo o vinu, lepoti in življenju.<br />


The undulating hills of the Bizeljsko – Sremiš wine district in southeastern<br />

Slovenia, one of the best wine districts in the country, are<br />

the home of white and red wines of exceptional quality. In addition<br />

to Blaufrankisch (Modra Frankinja), which is characterised by its<br />

unusual, mild aroma and high antioxidant content, the region is<br />

also renowned for premium Laški Rizling, Sauvignon as well as<br />

many other varieties. Furthermore, climatic conditions favour the<br />

production of high quality fortified and dessert wines, from late<br />

harvest wines to ice wines. It is in this green, open countryside that<br />

wine producer Vino Brežice continues the longstanding tradition of<br />

winemaking. They also boast a unique jewel – a wine cellar nestled<br />

inside the walls of ancient Brežice Castle, where for decades oenology<br />

experts of Vino Brežice have been keeping and carefully nurturing<br />

their most precious wines.<br />

Mighty castle walls, which have survived many assaults through the<br />

centuries of tumultuous history, rise boldly above the banks of the<br />

Sava river and are regarded as one of the most beautifully preserved<br />

monuments of their kind in the country. The cellar, carved out of solid<br />

rock and featuring exposed stone and brick interior walls, reveals a<br />

wealth of intoxicating flavours and splendid aromas: 100 different<br />

varieties of fine wines in 40,000 designer bottles. An impressive<br />

collection of vintage wines comprises mostly award winning wines;<br />

thirteen of them have been awarded a Champion title.<br />

Another feature of the Castle cellar are Moscon wines named after<br />

the great 17th century general and epicure, Baron Johann Moscon. In<br />

addition to having six fingers on his left hand, the Baron was also<br />

famous for his excellent wines produced from the grapes grown in his<br />

vineyards around Pišece Castle whose renown spread all the way to<br />

Vienna. Legend has it that it was his passion for beauty in all shapes<br />

and sizes that cost the virile Baron his life, when far too many ladies in<br />

the district had given birth to six-fingered children. Nowadays grapes<br />

from the vineyards formerly owned by the Baron are processed into<br />

sparkling wine Baron Moscon (Silver and Gold labels), and a startling<br />

and delightful surprise from the Brežice Castle cellar: Moscon Tawny,<br />

a unique, fully natural rich dessert wine produced from superior red<br />

varieties using the traditional Porto wine method.<br />

The cellar is a wonderful day-trip destination for wine tasting<br />

and purchasing as well as a perfect venue for business and private<br />

functions, receptions and anniversaries. Enjoy a unique experience of<br />

unforgettable tastes and aromas facilitated by an experienced oenology<br />

expert who knows how to weave his expertise into a romantic and<br />

timeless tale of wine, beauty and life.<br />


Vino Brežice, d.d.<br />

Cesta bratov Cerjakov 33<br />

8250 Brežice – Slovenija<br />

Kontaktna oseba za obisk Grajske kleti:<br />

For guided tours and appointments<br />

contact:<br />

Marjan Malus<br />

Tel.: +386 7 4668 426<br />

GSM: +386 31 210 377<br />

marjan.malus@vino-brezice.si<br />


104<br />

izvoz kreativnosti export of creativity<br />

Oxford, Anglija, design: Philippe Starck, Jade Jagger (Studio YOO)<br />

NE LE HIŠA. DOM.<br />


Dom je pristan, od koder osvajamo svet, kjer nabiramo moči za<br />

nove podvige.<br />

Da pa bivališče postane dom, mora dihati s svojimi prebivalci,<br />

ustvarjeno mora biti čimbolj v skladu z njihovimi željami. Želje<br />

in zahteve so vse višje. V globalnem svetu namreč postajamo<br />

vse bolj individualni. Ekskluzivna potovanja, posebej izdelana<br />

oblačila, čevlji, avtomobili in seveda posebej izdelane hiše.<br />

V podjetju Riko hiše je postalo poslanstvo: zadovoljiti potrebe<br />

naročnika z določenim življenjskim stilom, ki živi v tehnološko<br />

in oblikovalsko dovršenem okolju in ima temu primerna<br />

pričakovanja. Hiša naj bo odraz lastnikovega značaja in<br />

njegovega pogleda na kakovost bivanja. Ob sodelovanju<br />

strokovnjakov in naročnikov tako nastajajo temeljito zasnovane,<br />

kakovostno zgrajene in trajne hiše iz naravnih materialov. Pri<br />

nastajanju Riko hiše se že v začetku začne odvijati posebna<br />

zgodba, ki jo ustvarjajo skupaj z naročnikom, z namenom doseči<br />

nič manj kot popolno zadovoljstvo. Skratka – postaviti dom.<br />

Posebnost Riko hiš so poleg individualnega pristopa tudi najbolj<br />

kakovostni naravni gradbeni materiali in ekološka končna<br />

obdelava notranjih površin, kot so na primer s čebeljim voskom<br />

premazane notranje stene. Strokovnjaki podjetja pri svojem<br />

delu črpajo iz tradicije, saj so njihovi predniki pri postavljanju<br />

svojih bivališč v stoletjih iznašli odlične rešitve, ki so skoraj<br />

zašle v pozabo, njihova modrost pa se je ponovno izkazala v<br />

času številnih tehnoloških presežkov. Riko hiše nastajajo v<br />

Ribnici, okolju, kjer je delo z lesom domačinom zapisano v prstih.<br />

Spretnost starih mojstrov tako živi naprej.<br />

Zasnova Riko hiš omogoča veliko izvirnosti pri oblikovanju<br />

notranjega prostora. Dokazuje, da je mogoče tradicijo, lepoto<br />

naravnih materialov in svojstven oblikovni pristop vpeljati tudi v<br />

poslovne in javne zgradbe. Uporabniki tako začutijo, da poslopje<br />

ni postavljeno zgolj za funkcijo, ampak da so ustvarjalci veliko<br />

razmišljali tudi o dobrem počutju.<br />

Poseben pristop, izvirne rešitve in kakovost Riko hiš vzbujajo<br />

pozornost tudi preko meja Slovenije. V sodelovanju z nekaterimi<br />

mednarodno uveljavljenimi arhitekti so v Angliji, Italiji, Franciji,<br />

Švici, na Švedskem, Irskem že zrasle Riko hiše, ki izstopajo<br />

s svojo močno izraznostjo, obenem pa vključenostjo v okolje.<br />

Slovenska zgodba o hišah, ki dihajo z naravo, o ohranjanju okolja<br />

in spremljanju najnovejših trendov pri gradnji je tako našla svoje<br />

mesto tudi v najbolj zahtevnih okoljih.<br />



Home is a safe haven from which we go forth to conquer the world, and<br />

where we recharge our batteries for new endeavours.<br />

However, for a dwelling to become a home it has to breathe with its<br />

residents, it has to be designed, as far as possible, in line with their<br />

wishes. And desires and standards keep climbing higher and higher.<br />

The fact is that in this global world we a are becoming increasingly<br />

individualised. Custom-designed travel, custom-made clothes, shoes,<br />

cars and, of course, custom-designed houses.<br />

Riko hiše has made it their mission to meet the needs of the customer<br />

with a certain lifestyle and expectations which includes a living<br />

environment characterised by state-of-the-art technology and design.<br />

The house should reflect the character of its owner and his definition<br />

of quality living. At Riko, designers work together with customers to<br />

create quality homes distinguished by comprehensive design, durability<br />

and use of natural materials. The customer is involved in the process<br />

from the very beginning, and the company’s number one priority is<br />

complete customer satisfaction. In short – to build a home.<br />

In addition to individualized approach to home design, another special<br />

feature of Riko houses are high quality, natural building materials and<br />

eco treatment of internal surfaces, such as beeswax coated interior<br />

walls. In the course of their work, company’s building experts draw<br />

on tradition: Their ancestors had already developed brilliant solutions<br />

when building their dwellings, and their wisdom and virtually<br />

forgotten time-honoured methods are beginning to re-emerge in the<br />

Age of Technology. Riko houses are being designed in Ribnica, in a<br />

region where working with wood is hard-wired into people’s genes. The<br />

skill of old masters lives on.<br />

The conceptual design of Riko homes leaves room for a great deal of<br />

creative license in interior design. It is proof positive that tradition,<br />

the beauty of natural materials, and innovation can also be incorporated<br />

into office- and public buildings. Users sense that the edifice does not<br />

only serve a particular utility function but that its creators have put a<br />

lot of effort into creating an atmosphere of wellbeing.<br />

A unique approach, original solutions and superior quality of Riko<br />

houses have also started attracting notice outside Slovenian boarders.<br />

Riko’s teaming up with selected, internationally renowned architects<br />

has resulted in the first Riko homes being built in England, Italy, France,<br />

Switzerland, Sweden and Ireland. While blending beautifully into the<br />

environment, their distinctive design makes them impossible to miss.<br />

This is a Slovenian story about the preservation of the environment,<br />

about following the latest trends in building and construction, and<br />

above all about homes, which breathe with nature and have found their<br />

place in the sun even in the most demanding of settings.

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