REGIONAL TRADE AGREEMENTS AND REGIONAL COOPERATION Oleksiy Plotnikov, Member of Parliament of Ukraine, Head of Subcommittee for International Economic Policy, Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) of Ukraine; Professor, Head of Department, Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine REGIONAL INTEGRATION OF UKRAINE IN THE CONDITIONS OF GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS Abstract Problems of Ukraine’s regional integration in the current financial crisis conditions are under review. Characteristics are given to the impact the world financial crisis has on development of Ukraine’s economy. Distinguished are the peculiarities of the state’s European integration processes, including the perspective creation of a free trade zone with the EU. Key words: world financial crisis; regional integration; Ukraine; European integration; economic growth; gross domestic product. INTRODUCTION Problems of regional integration are extremely important for the nowadays development of the Ukraine’s country and determination of its place in the world. The world financial crisis is a real explosion for both the developed countries and the economies in transition. National economic and political disturbances taking place in Ukraine make the situation in the country anything but simple. Ukraine is not only geographically a European country. There is no need to prove its European identity from the historical, economic and political perspective. Unfortunately, at this point there is still no clear signal from the EU as for the perspective of Ukraine’s membership, including terms and conditions of such membership. 1. World financial crisis and developments in Ukraine Evolution of the world financial crisis 2008-2009 cannot but engage Ukraine. The point is also that as well as during the world financial crisis 1997-1998 Ukraine has a lot of its own aggravators in the form of the internal economic and political crises. When estimating the current world financial crisis one can already make a conclusion that it makes the most serious and large-scale breakdown since studies of crises by the international economic science began. Traditionally, economic theory tracks the beginning of economic crises to 1825. But even the so called Great Depression 1929-1933, by both its intensity and consequences, now lags behind the crisis set to break out in 2008. As long as the Great Depression was characterized by an unprecedented fall in industrial production 31

PART I: (46%) and duration (37 months), it did not embrace the monetary sphere to such extent – from an exchange rate formation to a collapse of financial and banking institutions. The modern world economy is a more complex formation as compared to that existing in the times of the Great Depression. And currently the magnitude of a fall or a rise of industrial production is not the main indicator of the crisis’ destructiveness. Based upon the theory of a cyclic development, the world financial crisis 2008 is essentially in conformity with the ideas of economic cycle and its stages. The regular world economy develops in this very way – cyclically. Therefore, however cynically it may sound, crises are an absolutely natural state of the international economic development. By some evidence, the first signs of the impending crisis began to show up as yearly as in 2002-2003. Already in early 2005 and up to 2007, that is over a period of 2-3 years, an absolutely unpredictable situation in the financial field could be observed (first of all the euro-dollar ratio, whereby the exchange rate of the euro rose significantly). This is the first reason. The second one is the considerable appreciation of real estate in the world, mortgage crisis in the US and so on. The third reason is the food cost: food supplies went down and it started going up in price. Those three factors – dollar-euro, real estate costs and the food crisis –were the reason why the world shook with fever. Here one should add the so called derivatives which are more virtual than real money. As for Ukraine, here we can see a situation which cannot be expressly estimated. Firstly, in the course of all years of its independence exactly in 2008 does Ukraine possess a market economy with the most highly advanced attributes and a corresponding degree of integration into the world economy. Secondly, the domestic economic and political crises started well before the most prominent showings of the world financial crisis, including its direct impact on Ukraine. Thirdly, the de facto repudiation by the political and economic authorities of the impact the world financial crisis has had on Ukraine proved to be one of the obstacles to a prompt formulation of an AP to mitigate such an impact. The very development of the internal crisis in Ukraine has somewhat wimpled the world crisis. And besides all other things, Ukraine faced the autumn 2008 completely unprepared to the severe impact of the external disturbances. The first serious impacts of the world financial crisis came up to Ukraine as far back as in late summer. Here the case in point is the export businesses – metallurgy, chemical industry and so on. In addition, as for Europe Ukraine’s exports is somewhat specific. When giving a correct estimate of what constitutes a Ukrainian export – 50% of the exports throughout the years of independence – one should say that it is crude products. Whereas in developed countries 80% of exports is made of manufactures. In fact the structure of Ukrainian exports is typical for the African states, but not for a country that is geographically situated in Europe and strives to become a member of the EU. As for the correlation (balance) between the major world currencies, a few observations can be made. First, dynamics of euro-dollar is changing sure enough and nobody, 32

PART I:<br />

(46%) and duration (37 months), it did not embrace the monetary sphere to such extent –<br />

from an exchange rate formation to a collapse of financial and banking institutions. The<br />

modern world economy is a more complex formation as compared to that existing in the<br />

times of the Great Depression. And currently the magnitude of a fall or a rise of industrial<br />

production is not the main indicator of the crisis’ destructiveness.<br />

Based upon the theory of a cyclic development, the world financial crisis 2008 is essentially<br />

in conformity with the ideas of economic cycle and its stages. The regular world economy<br />

develops in this very way – cyclically. Therefore, however cynically it may sound, crises<br />

are an absolutely natural state of the international economic development.<br />

By some evidence, the first signs of the impending crisis began to show up as yearly as<br />

in 2002-2003. Already in early 2005 and up to 2007, that is over a period of 2-3 years, an<br />

absolutely unpredictable situation in the financial field could be observed (first of all the<br />

euro-dollar ratio, whereby the exchange rate of the euro rose significantly). This is the<br />

first reason. The second one is the considerable appreciation of real estate in the world,<br />

mortgage crisis in the US and so on. The third reason is the food cost: food supplies went<br />

down and it started going up in price.<br />

Those three factors – dollar-euro, real estate costs and the food crisis –were the reason why<br />

the world shook with fever. Here one should add the so called derivatives which are more<br />

virtual than real money.<br />

As for Ukraine, here we can see a situation which cannot be expressly estimated. Firstly,<br />

in the course of all years of its independence exactly in 2008 does Ukraine possess a<br />

market economy with the most highly advanced attributes and a corresponding degree of<br />

integration into the world economy. Secondly, the domestic economic and political crises<br />

started well before the most prominent showings of the world financial crisis, including its<br />

direct impact on Ukraine. Thirdly, the de facto repudiation by the political and economic<br />

authorities of the impact the world financial crisis has had on Ukraine proved to be one of<br />

the obstacles to a prompt formulation of an AP to mitigate such an impact.<br />

The very development of the internal crisis in Ukraine has somewhat wimpled the world<br />

crisis. And besides all other things, Ukraine faced the autumn 2008 completely unprepared<br />

to the severe impact of the external disturbances.<br />

The first serious impacts of the world financial crisis came up to Ukraine as far back as in<br />

late summer. Here the case in point is the export businesses – metallurgy, chemical industry<br />

and so on. In addition, as for Europe Ukraine’s exports is somewhat specific. When giving<br />

a correct estimate of what constitutes a Ukrainian export – 50% of the exports throughout<br />

the years of independence – one should say that it is crude products. Whereas in developed<br />

countries 80% of exports is made of manufactures. In fact the structure of Ukrainian<br />

exports is typical for the African states, but not for a country that is geographically situated<br />

in Europe and strives to become a member of the EU.<br />

As for the correlation (balance) between the major world currencies, a few observations<br />

can be made. First, dynamics of euro-dollar is changing sure enough and nobody,<br />


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