FDI FLOWS IN SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE 3.2. Analysis of the pillars of competitiveness in particular West Balkan counties in the period from 2008 to 2009 In this chapter, we will briefly analyze current situation in every West Balkan country in terms of its basic pillars of competitiveness and emphasize the particular areas where each country achieved the best position and the best results. We will also examine those areas where the country achieved the worst position and results. Table 7 shows us that Albania has the worst results for all pillars of competitiveness; it has very bad results in the field of innovations while it has slightly better results in the health, services, elementary education and labour market efficiency . Albania had the lowest level of foreign investments inflow compared to the rest of the countries in the region. Lately, Albanian market has started to develop and the economy shows average increase rate of 6% (recorded in the past 5 years). (Hunya G., Geishecker I., 2005). Bosnia and Herzegovina achieved poor results in even 7out of 12 competitive areas. The most critical situation is in the area of innovations, while only macroeconomic stability can be praised as the area with the best predispositions for future improvements. We can safely say for Croatia that it achieved considerable advancements and that it improved its competitive position. Therefore, Croatia represents very attractive and very interesting investment area. Croatia also has good results in health care, elementary education, high school education and university education, innovations, research and development as well as technological development. Macedonia only has exceptionally good position regarding macroeconomic stability, while it has bad results for all other competitive indices. In this country labour market is significantly inefficient, so the efforts must be directed toward its improvement. In Macedonia, as in the rest of West Balkan countries Western Balkan countries governments often spend much energy on doing things they should not do. This destructs them from what they should really be doing. The problem is not only the fact that the government is too big but also that it does not do the right thing. ( Stiglic, 2002). Talking about Montenegro, we cannot have the clear picture of the situation in this country because this country has only recently become independent. The large number of its institutions, markets, health, educational and other infrastructural objects was founded while they were in the same state with Serbia. Also, there is the question if all real values regarding financial responsibilities of this country were considered and if it really achieves better results than Serbia with which it was associated until recently. The comparison with other countries in the region is also questionable. According to the presented indices, Montenegro shows good level of macroeconomic stability and well projected financial market. However, its market size and inadequate infrastructure are very critical areas. When we talk about Serbia, we can say that it is still far away from the attribute of the developed country. Perhaps, from time to time, it might seem that it achieves better results than its neighbours do. However, the data indicates different situation. Serbia achieved significant advancement in the field of the healthcare and lengthening the lifespan of its citizens, as well as in the field of elementary, high and university education. By introducing Bologna system to university education, the educational process has been significantly innovated and the production of the skilled and qualified staff of different profiles has been secured. It is a well-known fact that Serbia has very bad roads and rails. This area needs huge investments if we want to create conditions for normal transportation of both people and goods and thus develop trade and touristic potential of the country. Market for goods is poorly developed; the existence of 309

PART V: monopolistic companies is evident which dictate the prices of numerous goods. Frequent problem in Serbia like in other West Balkan countries is the illegal implementation of privatization process that causes bitterness and dissatisfaction in people, especially the unemployed ones, but also it influences people who managed to keep their jobs. Perhaps the most serious problem regarding the privatization is corruption. The rhetoric of the market fundamentalism claims that the privatization will reduce the activities of „charging rent“ that government officials charge. They also „skim milk“ from the profits of the public companies or give contracts or major jobs to their friends. But contrary to what had been expected, privatization made things much worse, so in many countries privatization is called „bribery“ (Stiglic, 2002). Unfortunately, corruption is present in all West Balkan countries and it represents the key problem that must be urgently solved. Table 7: The Global Competitiveness index : West Balkan countries Source: The Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009 CONCLUSION By analyzing general and particular indices as the key pillars of competitiveness in one country, we noticed that the majority of countries were unfavourably ranked, thus the achieved results were not so good. The exception is Croatia, which in stands out in many areas compared to other countries in the region. Croatia will certainly achieve strong and stable competitive position in the region in the following period if it continues to follow this direction. Primarily Serbia, and then Macedonia , have considerable potentials that must be improved and directed in the right way in order to create favourable attractive investing environment that would attract foreign investors and thus bring significant advantages to the mentioned countries. Unfortunately, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania have the worst ranking and the values of its indices, subindices and pillars of competitiveness are among the lowest in the world. The main reason for falling behind of these countries are numerous political and destabilization problems, as well as their insufficient decisiveness and persistence in implementation and finishing of the transitional process. However, we must emphasize that in the West Balkan countries the different unfavourable influences from the environment are present. The powerful multinational companies, international institutions, governments of the strong and stable countries to whom the developing 310


3.2. Analysis of the pillars of competitiveness in particular West Balkan counties<br />

in the period from 2008 to 2009<br />

In this chapter, we will briefly analyze current situation in every West Balkan country in<br />

terms of its basic pillars of competitiveness and emphasize the particular areas where each<br />

country achieved the best position and the best results. We will also examine those areas<br />

where the country achieved the worst position and results. Table 7 shows us that Albania<br />

has the worst results for all pillars of competitiveness; it has very bad results in the field of<br />

innovations while it has slightly better results in the health, services, elementary education<br />

and labour market efficiency . Albania had the lowest level of foreign investments inflow<br />

compared to the rest of the countries in the region. Lately, Albanian market has started<br />

to develop and the economy shows average increase rate of 6% (recorded in the past 5<br />

years). (Hunya G., Geishecker I., 2005). Bosnia and Herzegovina achieved poor results in<br />

even 7out of 12 competitive areas. The most critical situation is in the area of innovations,<br />

while only macroeconomic stability can be praised as the area with the best predispositions<br />

for future improvements. We can safely say for Croatia that it achieved considerable<br />

advancements and that it improved its competitive position. Therefore, Croatia represents<br />

very attractive and very interesting investment area. Croatia also has good results in health<br />

care, elementary education, high school education and university education, innovations,<br />

research and development as well as technological development. Macedonia only has<br />

exceptionally good position regarding macroeconomic stability, while it has bad results<br />

for all other competitive indices. In this country labour market is significantly inefficient,<br />

so the efforts must be directed toward its improvement. In Macedonia, as in the rest of<br />

West Balkan countries Western Balkan countries governments often spend much energy<br />

on doing things they should not do. This destructs them from what they should really<br />

be doing. The problem is not only the fact that the government is too big but also that it<br />

does not do the right thing. ( Stiglic, 2002). Talking about Montenegro, we cannot have<br />

the clear picture of the situation in this country because this country has only recently<br />

become independent. The large number of its institutions, markets, health, educational<br />

and other infrastructural objects was founded while they were in the same state with<br />

Serbia. Also, there is the question if all real values regarding financial responsibilities<br />

of this country were considered and if it really achieves better results than Serbia with<br />

which it was associated until recently. The comparison with other countries in the region<br />

is also questionable. According to the presented indices, Montenegro shows good level of<br />

macroeconomic stability and well projected financial market. However, its market size and<br />

inadequate infrastructure are very critical areas. When we talk about Serbia, we can say<br />

that it is still far away from the attribute of the developed country. Perhaps, from time to<br />

time, it might seem that it achieves better results than its neighbours do. However, the data<br />

indicates different situation. Serbia achieved significant advancement in the field of the<br />

healthcare and lengthening the lifespan of its citizens, as well as in the field of elementary,<br />

high and university education. By introducing Bologna system to university education,<br />

the educational process has been significantly innovated and the production of the skilled<br />

and qualified staff of different profiles has been secured. It is a well-known fact that<br />

Serbia has very bad roads and rails. This area needs huge investments if we want to create<br />

conditions for normal transportation of both people and goods and thus develop trade and<br />

touristic potential of the country. Market for goods is poorly developed; the existence of<br />


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