CEFTA-2006 AND ANHANCING COMPETITIVENESS OF THE REGION - SOME SECTORAL ASPECTS blockages in air traffic management system, committing the region to work together and to improve inter-regional relationships, creating investment opportunities and enabling capital flow to support implementation of PSO model in the region, the air traffic market analysis can offer the following conclusions: o o o o o o Connections with main European destinations are dominant and all leading European air carriers are already present in the region; LCC are more and more coming - forming bases with two or three aircraft (WizzAir in Bulgaria and Romania), but also with dominant connection to the most developed European markets. In the expansion financing of LCC carriers in Europe some airports have taken part (various concessions), regions (direct or indirect “subventions”) and other subjects obtaining through the so increased transport effects level some positive economic and social benefits; The undeveloped network within the region is real fact - 10.1% of existing routes (The best air connections within the region are via Vienna!) Due to demand level, connection within the region is possible with regional aircraft (approx. 50-100 seats), with indispensable relationship of national air carriers, as a first step to provide and realize privatization process for some of the most successful air carriers; Implementation of PSO within the region would increase economic activities level among the regional countries, economic development and progress, political stability, continuation of the European integrations …; Project could be partly financed in interaction of the interested parties: countries within the region, air carriers – partners within the region, EU through institutions of the European funds …. The project should be thoroughly analyzed in order to be offered to the interested entities for final evaluation and implementation. REFERENCES Aerodrom Zagreb (1989): Kumulativni pregled prometa putnika na aerodromima SFRJ 1984.-1988. godine, Zagreb, Air Transport Action Group-ATAG (2008): The economic and social benefits of air transport 2008, Geneva; Bazargan, M. (2004): Airline Operations and Scheduling, Ashgate, Aldershot; European Commission: European Common Aviation Area, ; IATA Economic Briefing December 2008: The Impact of Recession on Air Traffic Volumes, IATA Freight Forecast (2008): 2008-2012, Montreal; 263

PART IV: IATA Passenger Forecast (2008): 2008-2012, Montreal; Iatrou, K.and Oretti, M. (2007): Airline Choices for the Future, Ashgate, Aldershot; Kleymann, B. and Seristö, H. (2004): Managing Strategic Airline Alliances, Ashgate, Aldershot; Misetic et al. (2008): Regulation and Practice of Managing Domestic Air Traffic, Suvremeni promet, No. 5. 2008, Vol 28, Zagreb, 363-372; Pearce, B. (2009): Financial Forecast March 2009, IATA Economics economics, Geneva; Pilarski, M.,A. (2007): Why Can’t We Make Money in Aviation, Ashgate, Alershot; Shaw, S. (2007): Airline Management and Management, Ashgate, Aldershot; Vasigh, B., et al. (2008): Introduction to Air Transport Economics, Ashgate, Aldershot; 264


blockages in air traffic management system, committing the region to work together and<br />

to improve inter-regional relationships, creating investment opportunities and enabling<br />

capital flow to support implementation of PSO model in the region, the air traffic market<br />

analysis can offer the following conclusions:<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

Connections with main European destinations are dominant and all leading<br />

European air carriers are already present in the region;<br />

LCC are more and more coming - forming bases with two or three aircraft<br />

(WizzAir in Bulgaria and Romania), but also with dominant connection to the<br />

most developed European markets. In the expansion financing of LCC carriers<br />

in Europe some airports have taken part (various concessions), regions (direct<br />

or indirect “subventions”) and other subjects obtaining through the so increased<br />

transport effects level some positive economic and social benefits;<br />

The undeveloped network within the region is real fact - 10.1% of existing routes<br />

(The best air connections within the region are via Vienna!)<br />

Due to demand level, connection within the region is possible with regional<br />

aircraft (approx. 50-100 seats), with indispensable relationship of national air<br />

carriers, as a first step to provide and realize privatization process for some of the<br />

most successful air carriers;<br />

Implementation of PSO within the region would increase economic activities<br />

level among the regional countries, economic development and progress, political<br />

stability, continuation of the European integrations …;<br />

Project could be partly financed in interaction of the interested parties: countries<br />

within the region, air carriers – partners within the region, EU through institutions<br />

of the European funds ….<br />

The project should be thoroughly analyzed in order to be offered to the interested entities<br />

for final evaluation and implementation.<br />


Aerodrom Zagreb (1989): Kumulativni pregled prometa putnika na aerodromima<br />

SFRJ 1984.-1988. godine, Zagreb,<br />

Air Transport Action Group-ATAG (2008): The economic and social benefits of air<br />

transport 2008, Geneva;<br />

Bazargan, M. (2004): Airline Operations and Scheduling, Ashgate, Aldershot;<br />

European Commission: European Common Aviation Area, ;<br />

IATA Economic Briefing December 2008: The Impact of Recession on Air Traffic Volumes,<br /><br />

IATA Freight Forecast (2008): 2008-2012, Montreal;<br />


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