Peri specifications in log-log space and the Cheng and Wall approach: (3) SOME ASPECTS OF TRADE STATISTICS AND REPORTING Equation (3) specifies the gravity model where STOCK ij,t is the stock of the origin country population in each of the destination countries expressed as a percentage of the total population in the host country, GDPpc jt-1 is the GDP per capita of the sending (or origin) country, GDPpc it-1 is the GDP per capita of the destination (or host) country, POP jt-1 is the population of the country of origin, POP it-1 is the population of the host country, GINI jt-1 denotes the Gini coefficient of the country of origin, GINI it-1 is the Gini coefficient of the host country, DIST ij,t is a proxy variable for distance between country of origin and the host country, CONTIG ij,t and COMLANG ij,t are the dummy variables taking the value of 1 if the sending country and destination country are contingent and have the same language. Finally, the terms α are the country-pair individual effects covering all unobservable i j factors related to the country-pair migrations costs, λ t are time specific effects and ε is the error term. The main hypothesis of this paper is that the stock of the migrant population in the destination country is determined by the income per person differentials between the sending and host countries. Thus the stock of migration should decrease with the origin country GDP per capita ( β 1 < 0) and increase with the host country’s GDP per capita ( β > 0) 2 . According to the Ortega and Peri (2009) specifications, the GDP per capita of the destination country, which is measured as PPP gross domestic product per person, explicitly captures the effect of the difference in incomes between the destination and origin countries. In particular, the assumption is that average expected labour income in the host country is adequately measured by GDP per capita of the destination country. If we suppose that costs of migrants increase with distance, a negative sign for β 7 is expected. Distance fundamentally determines migration. For instance, Central and Eastern European countries, which are geographically closer to the observed EU-15 member states, may have a distance advantage in comparison with the developing North African countries. Migration is also higher between a pair of countries sharing a border and a common language. For this reason a positive sign is expected for the term β 8 and β 9 . As the gravity model in its basic form assumes that the stock of the migrant populations will increase with the size differentials, 7 a positive sign is expected for this variable as a measure of size differentials between the sending and receiving countries in the present analysis. The supposition is that a country with an increasing population may find it easier to absorb new immigrants with little consequence for its own population. According to this supposition , ti j 7 Linnermann (1996) included population as an additional measure of country size, where a positive sign is to be expected. 207

PART III: a positive sign can be expected for the variable POP it-1 ( β > 0 2 ) , and a negative one for POP jt-1 ( β 1 < 0) , as a proxy variable for size differentials. As mentioned above, Ortega and Peri also introduced the Gini coefficient as a measure of income distribution, where the Gini coefficient of the destination country (GINI it-1 ) is a proxy variable for income inequality. It is supposed that in the periods when the income distribution is more equal, the opposition to immigration in the host country may be milder. Thus a positive sign is to be expected for GINI i,t-1 ( β > 6 0 ), and by contrast a negative sign for GINI ( β < 0 i,t-1 5 ), as proxy variables for income inequality. The next section will present the data sources and the regression results. 2. Empirical analysis 2.1. Data We introduce a generalized gravity equation as a basic empirical specification that is estimated using the fixed effects method. We initially tested the gravity model on migration inflows data and migration stock data. The data on yearly flows into 15 European Union member states are provided from OECD migration statistics. The EU member observed states are: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Most of the data provided from the OECD database are taken from the individual contributors of national correspondents appointed by the OECD Secretariat with the approval of the authorities of the member countries. Consequently, these data have not necessarily been harmonized at the international level. Thus the series presented in relatively standard format does not imply that the data have been fully standardized and are comparable at the international level. Since the database provides annual series for the ten most recent years, we used migration inflow and stock data from 1996 to 2006. This bilateral database, which has more than fourteen thousand items, is carefully examined and organized separately for two datasets on migration flows and stocks. While all countrypairs which show only zero items in the observed period are omitted, the final dataset of approximately six thousand items is formed on migration stocks and approximately five thousand cross-section items on migration flows. More precisely, the 5874 items that represent the stock of the immigrant population by nationality and 5247 items that represent inflow of immigrant population by nationality are extracted from the larger migration database of 14,204 items. Preliminary tests 8 show that the first extracted dataset of the 5874 items, which represent the stock of foreign-born population in fifteen EU member states from 1996 to 2006, is more reliable in comparison with the mentioned second extracted dataset. This reliability of the first dataset is somehow linked with the zero value items. While the first dataset has less than 9 per cent 0 values, the second dataset has more than 17 per cent zero values. Finally, we add one to each observation relative to stock and flow of immigrants so that when taking logs we do not discard the 0 observations. The testing repeatedly shows that the second dataset, which represent inflows of foreign- 8 Redundant (Likelihood Ratio) fixed effects test. 208

Peri specifications in log-log space and the Cheng and Wall approach:<br />

(3)<br />


Equation (3) specifies the gravity model where STOCK ij,t<br />

is the stock of the origin country<br />

population in each of the destination countries expressed as a percentage of the total<br />

population in the host country, GDPpc jt-1<br />

is the GDP per capita of the sending (or origin)<br />

country, GDPpc it-1<br />

is the GDP per capita of the destination (or host) country, POP jt-1<br />

is the<br />

population of the country of origin, POP it-1<br />

is the population of the host country, GINI jt-1<br />

denotes the Gini coefficient of the country of origin, GINI it-1<br />

is the Gini coefficient of the<br />

host country, DIST ij,t<br />

is a proxy variable for distance between country of origin and the host<br />

country, CONTIG ij,t<br />

and COMLANG ij,t<br />

are the dummy variables taking the value of 1 if<br />

the sending country and destination country are contingent and have the same language.<br />

Finally, the terms α are the country-pair individual effects covering all unobservable<br />

i j<br />

factors related to the country-pair migrations costs, λ<br />

t<br />

are time specific effects and ε<br />

is the error term.<br />

The main hypothesis of this paper is that the stock of the migrant population in the<br />

destination country is determined by the income per person differentials between the<br />

sending and host countries. Thus the stock of migration should decrease with the origin<br />

country GDP per capita ( β 1<br />

< 0)<br />

and increase with the host country’s GDP per capita<br />

( β > 0) 2<br />

. According to the Ortega and Peri (2009) specifications, the GDP per capita<br />

of the destination country, which is measured as PPP gross domestic product per person,<br />

explicitly captures the effect of the difference in incomes between the destination and origin<br />

countries. In particular, the assumption is that average expected labour income in the host<br />

country is adequately measured by GDP per capita of the destination country.<br />

If we suppose that costs of migrants increase with distance, a negative sign for β<br />

7<br />

is<br />

expected. Distance fundamentally determines migration. For instance, Central and Eastern<br />

European countries, which are geographically closer to the observed EU-15 member<br />

states, may have a distance advantage in comparison with the developing North African<br />

countries. Migration is also higher between a pair of countries sharing a border and a<br />

common language. For this reason a positive sign is expected for the term β<br />

8<br />

and β<br />

9<br />

.<br />

As the gravity model in its basic form assumes that the stock of the migrant populations<br />

will increase with the size differentials, 7 a positive sign is expected for this variable as a<br />

measure of size differentials between the sending and receiving countries in the present<br />

analysis.<br />

The supposition is that a country with an increasing population may find it easier to absorb<br />

new immigrants with little consequence for its own population. According to this supposition<br />

, ti j<br />

7 Linnermann (1996) included population as an additional measure of country size, where a positive sign is to<br />

be expected.<br />


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