SOME ASPECTS OF TRADE STATISTICS AND REPORTING regions, including western Balkan. Regarding to the specifics of the separate areas, goals of the regional approach are usually reflected in strengthening of the peace and stability, democracy development and ownership rights, respecting human and minorities’ rights, regional cooperation etc. In spite of the regional cooperation, EU also implies economic integration, which is realized in the area including many different countries in order to remove any barriers in movement of goods, services and production factors and people. 1 Regional integration is political objective with special meaning for the European Union. It is a factor that influences realization of the other key political objectives as integrated market, monetary union, expansion and competition ability of the European economy, etc. This procedure is relatively slow, but, „information for the value of the regional integration show that it is high according to the average labor productivity in the European countries“ 2 . Consequences of this is high amount of income per capita, „agglomerations effects, from researching shows 64% of variances in productivity among European regains.” 3 Corrado and others point out the importance of regional connections, vis-a-vi connections between countries, pointing out the regional similarities and differences. 4 2. International differences in accounting and financial reporting Fast changes in manufacturing and information technologies as well as expansion of international trade and capital markets, have resulted in growth of the multinational corporations which are forced to deal with intensified movement of capital, labor force and markets. These changes are accompanied by fluctuating price factors, fluctuating interest rates and exchange rates as well as domestic and international taxes and regulatory changes. Besides that, basic inflation and changes of specific industrial goals have increased prices of many assets and have increased operations’ and investments’ risk. This situation in which companies operate requires larger scope of capital. That capital is always provided by the companies for higher prices. Due to changes in prices and cash flows there is also increased risk of keeping liquid assets. All of these factors have influenced companies to require new ways of credit finance and ways of controlling risks trough derivative transactions and hedging. In the European Union about 7000 European listed companies were report their 2005 consolidated figures under IFRS for the first time. The adoption of IFRS in Europe is considered as the most revolutionary financial reporting development since Pacioli’s double-entry bookkeeping, even more revolutionary than the adoption of the Fourth and Seventh EU Directive. 5 For now on, companies in Europe and worldwide will speak one accounting language. 1 Kigan i Grin: Global Marketing, Prentice Hall, 2000 2 De Benedictis i dr. (2005), pp. 13. 3 Ciccone (2002), pp. 220 4 Corrado i dr. (2005), pp. 156 5 Hoogendorn (2006), pp. 23 195

PART III: Companies prepare and present financial statements in order to publish the effects of the transactions and events inside and outside of them, and which are connected with their financial positions and results. Whether transactions influence financial statements and on which way, depends on the accounting policy chosen by the company’s management. For each type of transaction, management has to decide how to reflect them in the financial reports. Relating to this, certain frames, containing standards in different countries or international accounting standards, promote methods of recognition and measurement, consolidation and presentation. Some standards allow many options referring to above topics. Others are very strict and allow only one specific method for measurement. Companies located in countries where accounting regulation and standards (national or international) allow various choices regarding to above mention topic have more flexibility in accounting, referring to presentation and measurement of the ownership, results and financial position. As a result of this, users of the financial reports from the companies in countries with flexible accounting are going to face more problems comparing the operations of the different companies in comparison with the users of the annual accounts from companies located in countries with low flexibility of accounting. These differences in the accounting system are obstacle for comparison of the financial results from companies that use different accounting standards. Companies which operate in different countries insist on harmonization of the accounting standards. Harmonization is going to make financial information comparable and will improve transparency for the users of the financial reports. This will reduce and information asymmetry between shareholders and management of the companies. At the end, this will reduce the cost of the companies’ capital. It is well known that shareholders use information from financial statements during their decision making. Considering wide variety of projects or activities, usage of this information is very similar, but method of calculation and cost and revenue formulas may defer depending on the companies’ location, type of accounting standards used, or other factors (for example, legal system, development of the capital market, culture, etc). All this information gained from annual accounts is useful only if they can be matched against certain benchmark. Matching will be difficult if level of accounting flexibility significantly varies among companies. Accounting flexibility means that existing free choice, the same type of transactions and events can reflect on different way in different companies. This accounting flexibility is not an only problem connected with the comparability in those countries where accounting standards allow freedom for decision making. The necessity of foreign and domestic shareholders to compare financial statements of the companies located worldwide was big problem in the past and in the present. Company’s profit or loss can be taken as a measure for further assessment and consideration as a benchmark only if matching is not impossible because of accounting flexibility, or other factors. Matching of two financial statements based on different accounting policies, cannot be realized on simple way. But in the comparison of the financial statements representing transactions and events in accordance with certain accounting policy is very important the accounting policies to do not be too much different, to level to which comparison will be meaningless. Accounting policies and decisions of certain company are, and will be in the future, under great influence of the rational environment and rational accounting standards and practice. In the time when standardization and international harmonization are, at the first glance, well accepted and developed, national differences still exists. Evidences from practice 196

PART III:<br />

Companies prepare and present financial statements in order to publish the effects of the<br />

transactions and events inside and outside of them, and which are connected with their<br />

financial positions and results. Whether transactions influence financial statements and on<br />

which way, depends on the accounting policy chosen by the company’s management. For<br />

each type of transaction, management has to decide how to reflect them in the financial<br />

reports. Relating to this, certain frames, containing standards in different countries or<br />

international accounting standards, promote methods of recognition and measurement,<br />

consolidation and presentation. Some standards allow many options referring to above<br />

topics. Others are very strict and allow only one specific method for measurement.<br />

Companies located in countries where accounting regulation and standards (national or<br />

international) allow various choices regarding to above mention topic have more flexibility<br />

in accounting, referring to presentation and measurement of the ownership, results and<br />

financial position. As a result of this, users of the financial reports from the companies in<br />

countries with flexible accounting are going to face more problems comparing the operations<br />

of the different companies in comparison with the users of the annual accounts from<br />

companies located in countries with low flexibility of accounting. These differences in the<br />

accounting system are obstacle for comparison of the financial results from companies that<br />

use different accounting standards. Companies which operate in different countries insist<br />

on harmonization of the accounting standards. Harmonization is going to make financial<br />

information comparable and will improve transparency for the users of the financial reports.<br />

This will reduce and information asymmetry between shareholders and management of the<br />

companies. At the end, this will reduce the cost of the companies’ capital.<br />

It is well known that shareholders use information from financial statements during<br />

their decision making. Considering wide variety of projects or activities, usage of this<br />

information is very similar, but method of calculation and cost and revenue formulas may<br />

defer depending on the companies’ location, type of accounting standards used, or other<br />

factors (for example, legal system, development of the capital market, culture, etc). All<br />

this information gained from annual accounts is useful only if they can be matched against<br />

certain benchmark. Matching will be difficult if level of accounting flexibility significantly<br />

varies among companies. Accounting flexibility means that existing free choice, the same<br />

type of transactions and events can reflect on different way in different companies. This<br />

accounting flexibility is not an only problem connected with the comparability in those<br />

countries where accounting standards allow freedom for decision making. The necessity<br />

of foreign and domestic shareholders to compare financial statements of the companies<br />

located worldwide was big problem in the past and in the present. Company’s profit or loss<br />

can be taken as a measure for further assessment and consideration as a benchmark only<br />

if matching is not impossible because of accounting flexibility, or other factors. Matching<br />

of two financial statements based on different accounting policies, cannot be realized on<br />

simple way. But in the comparison of the financial statements representing transactions<br />

and events in accordance with certain accounting policy is very important the accounting<br />

policies to do not be too much different, to level to which comparison will be meaningless.<br />

Accounting policies and decisions of certain company are, and will be in the future, under<br />

great influence of the rational environment and rational accounting standards and practice.<br />

In the time when standardization and international harmonization are, at the first glance,<br />

well accepted and developed, national differences still exists. Evidences from practice<br />


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