Lesson Activities

Lesson Activities

Lesson Activities


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“jesus said ... ‘the father has sent me. so now i am sending you.’” —JOHN 20:21<br />

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the<br />

ultimate<br />

savior<br />

<strong>Lesson</strong>3<br />

God’s Great Gift<br />

Key Verses:<br />

Matthew 1:18-25 and<br />

Luke 2:1-20<br />

<strong>Lesson</strong> 3—The Ultimate SAVIOR<br />

Activity 1—Fruit Roll Relay (A game to review last week’s lesson)<br />

Prepare: Gather grapes (or other small fruit), two spoons, four bowls (or similar containers). Mark a<br />

start line and a finish line approximately 10 feet apart or on opposite sides of the play area. Divide<br />

grapes between two of the bowls. Place a spoon in each bowl. Wash some additional fruit for a snack.<br />

Form two teams of equal number. Each team lines up behind the start line. Place a bowl of grapes in<br />

front of each team. Place an empty bowl on the finish line for each team.<br />

Key Focus<br />

In this lesson the children will understand that:<br />

• Jesus was fully God and came to earth fully human and lived<br />

a sinless life.<br />

• Jesus is their Savior. He is the only way to fix our sin problem.<br />

Prepare<br />

THINK<br />

When we look through history, we see the terrible consequences<br />

of our problem with sin. Wars, poverty, and disease destroy lives.<br />

It is incredible that Jesus decided to fix the problem Himself. He<br />

gave up a perfect life in heaven, where He lived in all the glory<br />

He deserves, and became a helpless baby born into a poor family<br />

who were refugees. He showed great humility to be our Savior.<br />

READ<br />

Carefully read the story of Jesus’ birth. Pray for the children in<br />

your group by name. Review the material in the student book<br />

on pages 15–19. Underline the important parts.<br />

DO<br />

This week, collect a few objects that are small but precious. How<br />

did you decide what was valuable Was it valuable to everyone<br />

or just you You will need to show these objects to the children.<br />

Opening Activity<br />

You may choose to do one or all of these activities as the children<br />

come to class.<br />

• Student books<br />

Materials<br />

Needed<br />

• A bag of grapes, 4 bowls,<br />

and 2 spoons (Opening<br />

Activity option)<br />

• A set of keys and<br />

blindfold for game<br />

(Opening Activity option)<br />

• Dress-up clothes and props to<br />

re-enact the story of Christ’s<br />

birth (<strong>Lesson</strong> Presentation)<br />

• String or cord,<br />

clothespins, sheets of<br />

paper (Memory Verse)<br />

• Paper, markers, and tape<br />

(<strong>Lesson</strong> <strong>Activities</strong>)<br />

• A large clear pitcher, a<br />

bottle of bleach, red food<br />

coloring (<strong>Lesson</strong> <strong>Activities</strong>)<br />

• A large waste can, tape,<br />

scissors (<strong>Lesson</strong> <strong>Activities</strong>)<br />

Present: Let’s play a game to review what we learned in the last lesson. Because fruit was a big<br />

part of our story last week, we’re going to play a game with it! When I signal, the first person on<br />

each team puts a grape on their spoon, races to the finish line, and drops the grape into the bowl.<br />

The first child to drop a grape into the bowl wins a point for the team and the privilege for the<br />

team to answer a question. If your team gives the correct answer, the team gets a point. If not,<br />

the other team gets a chance to answer the question for the point.<br />

Continue playing until all children have had a turn to race.<br />

Review questions:<br />

1. After Lucifer became evil, what was his new name (Satan.)<br />

2. What is the name of the garden where Adam and Eve lived (Eden.)<br />

3. What did Adam and Eve do to disobey God for the first time<br />

(Ate fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.)<br />

4. When you sin, who are you saying is more important than God (Yourself.)<br />

5. Were Adam and Eve allowed to go back into the garden (No.)<br />

6. God created you to have a special _____ with Him. (Friendship.)<br />

7. Who sins (Every human.)<br />

8. What did all of Adam and Eve’s children do (Sin.)<br />

9. True or false: All of the evil and pain in the world is because of sin. (True.)<br />

10. What is the name of the list of rules God gave to us (Ten Commandments.)<br />

Activity 2—Rescue the Keys<br />

Prepare: Greet each child individually when they arrive. Remember to use their name. Gather the<br />

children and have them sit in a circle. One child sits in the middle and is blindfolded or has their eyes<br />

closed. On the floor in front of them is something that is difficult to move without making a noise<br />

(e.g., a bell or a set of keys). Choose one person from the circle to try to rescue the object without<br />

being noticed.<br />

Present: The blindfolded person has three chances to point directly at the person doing the rescuing.<br />

If they succeed, the rescuer returns to their seat and another child is chosen. If the rescuer succeeds,<br />

they get to sit in the middle. The idea of this game is to understand that the rescuer came quietly.<br />

<strong>Lesson</strong> Presentation—The Great Savior<br />

Prepare: Hand out the student books and allow the children to browse through them.<br />

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ook 1—god’s great gift<br />

<strong>Lesson</strong> 3—The Ultimate SAVIOR<br />

Present: Read the Bible story of “The Ultimate<br />

Savior,” found on pages 15–19, to the children.<br />

They can follow along in their own books.<br />

Questions to discuss:<br />

• Were the shepherds frightened when they saw<br />

the angel (Yes.) Why<br />

• What special things happened with Jesus’ birth<br />

(Angels visited; Mary was a virgin; Jesus born in a<br />

stable; prophets’ words fulfilled; host of angels.)<br />

• What messages did the angels give in the story<br />

(Do not be afraid; Mary is carrying God’s Son in her<br />

womb; call Him Jesus the Messiah, because He will<br />

save people from sin.)<br />

Living Nativity<br />

Prepare: Prior to having the children read the story of Christ’s birth found on pages 15–19, bring in<br />

appropriate props such as a shepherd’s staff, headdresses, robes, a baby doll, a small box to represent<br />

a manger, etc. Choose children to pose as various characters in your nativity scene (shepherds, Mary,<br />

Joseph, angels).<br />

Present: Either you read or select various older children to read the various segments of the story.<br />

As each is read, have your actors come to the front of the room and “freeze” as if they were in a picture<br />

of what took place.<br />

What we are about to read is actually one of the most amazing stories ever told. This story has<br />

been shared all over the world for thousands of years. Here in America it is most often read around<br />

Christmastime. Let’s read it and act it out together.<br />

Memory Verse<br />

God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone<br />

who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life. John 3:16<br />

How to learn the memory verse:<br />

Have the children repeat the verse aloud together and then play this<br />

simple game.<br />

Prepare: String a cord across the front of your room about 4 feet off the ground. Have several<br />

clothespins already placed on the cord. Have children write the memory verse on sheets of 8.5"x11"<br />

paper, one word per sheet. Gather up all the sheets.<br />

Present: Have the kids form a line on the side of the room opposite the cord. Hand out one sheet to<br />

each child. When you say “go,” have the first child in line run up and clip their sheet to the cord using<br />

the clothespin. Have them try to put the word in about the right order of where they think it should<br />

go. Once all the children have pinned up their sheets, select a child to come up to the cord and place<br />

the first word of the first sentence to the far left side of the cord. Have all the children come up one at<br />

a time to repeat this process until the entire verse is spelled out correctly.<br />

<strong>Lesson</strong> <strong>Activities</strong><br />

1. Picture Yourself<br />

Draw a picture of yourself in the middle of a piece of paper. Around the outside of the drawing,<br />

write speech bubbles that answer each of these questions about the birth and life of Jesus.<br />

• The most surprising thing about Jesus’ birth was ...<br />

• If I visited Jesus just after He was born, I would give Him ...<br />

• When I think about the things Jesus did in His life, it makes me feel ...<br />

• I need Jesus to save me from ...<br />

2. From the Student Book: An Amazing Life<br />

Prepare: Have four children look up the Scriptures listed on page 20 of the student book that<br />

describe various miracles Jesus performed.<br />

Present: Have your readers read the verses aloud.<br />

Questions to ask:<br />

• Jesus walked on water. What does that tell us about God<br />

(That He has authority over all the things He has made, including the waves and the weather.)<br />

• Jesus taught the people. What does that tell us about God<br />

(That He wants us to know about Him and His ways; that He wants to help us live right.)<br />

• Jesus brought the little girl back to life. What does that tell us about God<br />

(That He has power over death; that He cares about us.)<br />

• Jesus healed people. What does that tell us about God<br />

(That He has compassion for our hurts and needs; that He cares about us; that He is all-powerful.)<br />

3. Jesus, Gives Us a New Identity<br />

Prepare: Either prior to class time or at the beginning of this activity, provide strips of paper, roughly<br />

2"x8", enough for each child to have at least two strips. Using a marker, have the children come up<br />

with several common sins or unkind characteristics and write one on each strip of paper (lying, bad<br />

language, bullying, stupid, ugly, etc.). Also, create several strips of paper that each say “child of God.” (Be<br />

sure to have enough for each child.) Put a piece of masking tape on the end of each strip so that it can<br />

be taped to a child.<br />

Present: Often we attach labels to ourselves based on our behavior or what others may say<br />

about us. (Ask the children to pick up one of the strips of paper with a sin written on it and tape it<br />

to themselves.) It doesn’t feel good to think about ourselves like this does it (Allow for response.)<br />

It can feel just as bad when others say mean or unflattering things about us. (Have kids pick up a<br />

negative characteristic and tape it onto another child.) Sometimes, we can start to believe that’s<br />

who we really are.<br />

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ook 1—god’s great gift<br />

But Jesus came not only to show us who God is and what He is like—Jesus came to make us what<br />

the Bible refers to as a “new creation.” He wants to give us a brand-new, wonderful identity. You<br />

know what it is (One by one, go to each child and remove the negative behavior or characteristic<br />

and replace it with the “child of God” strip of paper.) He wants to give you a new identity—as a<br />

child of God. What does it mean to be God’s child (Allow for response—but discuss being loved<br />

unconditionally, accepted, forgiven, part of God’s forever family, etc.) Jesus came not only to show us<br />

how to live the way God wants, but to free us from these negative things and give us a new identity<br />

in its place, one that is truly wonderful. Jesus came to help us become known as “children of God.”<br />

4. The Power of Jesus to Forgive Our Sins<br />

the<br />

ultimate<br />

friend<br />

<strong>Lesson</strong>4<br />

God’s Great Gift<br />

Key Verses:<br />

MatThew 27-28<br />

And John 20:24-29<br />

Prepare: Fill a large clear pitcher about one quarter full of water. Have a second pitcher filled with<br />

bleach but labeled “JESUS.” Please use caution to protect the children from the bleach.<br />

Present: Our lives were intended to be holy and clean, just like God. But as we learned last<br />

week, sin came in and muddied that up. Drop in just a few drops of red food coloring and watch<br />

the water turn red. But Jesus came to take away our sin. He lived a perfect life, so only He has the<br />

power to do this.<br />

When we invite Jesus into our lives (slowly pour the bleach into the now colored water), He cleans<br />

up our lives by taking away all our sin. Watch as the bleach slowly turns the red water clear again.<br />

Prayer Time<br />

Group the children into pairs. Share with your partner one thing from today’s lesson where you<br />

want to be more like Jesus, or one thing that Jesus did for which you are thankful.<br />

Allow time for the children to pray together.<br />

Dear God, thank You for loving me and sending Jesus to save me. Thank You that Jesus showed<br />

us what You are like. Help us remember that He is Your special gift to us. In Jesus’ Name, amen.<br />

Take-Home Challenge<br />

Which is more powerful, your sin or Jesus This week, write down at least one thing that<br />

you did wrong.<br />

Once they realize this, have them stop and say a quick prayer to thank Jesus for His power to forgive<br />

them of their sin and keep them as God’s child.<br />

If possible, have the child draw a picture of a small firecracker next to the name of their sin. Then<br />

have them write the name JESUS and draw picture of a big bomb next to His Name. This represents<br />

His great power to destroy the small power of sin.<br />

Key Focus<br />

In this lesson the children will understand that:<br />

• The problem of sin has been solved once and for all by Jesus.<br />

• We can now be in a right relationship with God.<br />

Prepare<br />

THINK<br />

This week we will be talking a lot about the great swap. Jesus<br />

got what we deserved—death and punishment for our sin.<br />

If we believe and trust in Jesus, we can have friendship and<br />

favor with God forever. It is amazing! Jesus dying and coming<br />

back to life shows us that God is just and loving. He had to<br />

deal decisively with sin because it is so destructive, but He<br />

loves us and found a way for us to be forgiven and released<br />

from our punishment.<br />

READ<br />

Read the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection found in the<br />

student book on pages 22–26. Be reminded of His power to<br />

forgive you and be prepared to share the joy of this freedom<br />

from sin with your children.<br />

DO<br />

Think about what trading is like. We usually try to be as fair as<br />

we can when we trade. Both people make sure that the traded<br />

objects are of equal value. But God’s “ultimate exchange”<br />

gave us the greatest blessing of all<br />

time! Cultivate a heart of praise<br />

throughout the week, rejoicing in<br />

this amazing free gift of salvation!<br />

• Student books<br />

Materials<br />

Needed<br />

• Several toys and objects ranging<br />

from simple (a whistle, pencil,<br />

deck of cards, etc.) to more<br />

expensive (a radio-controlled car,<br />

doll, basketball, etc.), and boxes<br />

to cover them up (Opening<br />

Activity option)<br />

• Something representing nature<br />

or creation (a flower, toy horse,<br />

etc.), a crumpled sheet of paper,<br />

a precious gem or ring, a small<br />

wooden cross, a softball-size<br />

rock, and a shoe box (<strong>Lesson</strong><br />

<strong>Activities</strong>)<br />

• Popsicle sticks, wooden dowels<br />

or pipe cleaners, tape (enough<br />

for all children to make a cross)<br />

(<strong>Lesson</strong> <strong>Activities</strong>)<br />

“Christ didn’t have any sin. But God made him become<br />

sin for us. So we can be made right with God because of<br />

what Christ has done for us.” —2 Corinthians 5:21<br />

• Paper bags, assorted craft<br />

supplies, notebook paper, wood<br />

scraps, cloth, and gold or yellow<br />

crayons (or gold and yellow<br />

paper) (<strong>Lesson</strong> <strong>Activities</strong>)<br />

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TheUltimateMission.org<br />

1 Billy Graham Parkway<br />

Charlotte, NC 28201<br />

1-877-2GRAHAM (1-877-247-2426)<br />

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