Balanced Scorecard ING BANK - sasCommunity.org

Balanced Scorecard ING BANK - sasCommunity.org

Balanced Scorecard ING BANK - sasCommunity.org


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Popko de Vlugt & Kees Timmers

Balancing functions &<br />

techniques<br />

<strong>Balanced</strong> <strong>Scorecard</strong> <strong>ING</strong> <strong>BANK</strong>

Agenda<br />

• Introduction<br />

• Challenges and strategy<br />

• Implementation of the <strong>Balanced</strong> <strong>Scorecard</strong><br />

• Balancing Techniques

<strong>ING</strong> Group<br />

• Global financial institution of Dutch origin<br />

• In 60 countries with over 80,000 employees<br />

• Total assets over 482 bln (4thq. 1999)<br />

• Offers integrated financial services to retail, corporate<br />

and institutional clients<br />

• Through many divisions operating under own label<br />

• <strong>ING</strong> carefully balances ineterests of its customers,<br />

shareholders and employees

Seven years results <strong>ING</strong> (in Euro’s)<br />

7,000<br />

6,000<br />

5,000<br />

4,000<br />

3,000<br />

2,000<br />

1,000<br />

0,000<br />

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999<br />

Result before taxation<br />

Net profit

Organisational structure<br />

(as of 1 Januari 2000)<br />

Supervisory board<br />

<strong>ING</strong> Group<br />

Executive board<br />

<strong>ING</strong> Group<br />

<strong>ING</strong> Corporate & Investment Banking<br />

<strong>ING</strong> Direct<br />

<strong>ING</strong> Asset Management<br />

e-Business<br />

<strong>ING</strong> Europe <strong>ING</strong> Americas <strong>ING</strong> Asia/Pacific

Strategic challenges<br />

• Strategic challenges<br />

• Higher demands of customer<br />

• More options due to technology, new players<br />

• More difficult to meet financial requirements<br />

…Necessitates more focus on activities<br />

• Alignment of strategy and <strong>org</strong>anisation

Strategy<br />

• Customer partnership<br />

• Client chracteristics ordening principle of <strong>org</strong>anisation<br />

…Different segments, with different demands

<strong>Balanced</strong> <strong>Scorecard</strong>: Users & usage<br />

• Primary users: Mid-level sales management in<br />

branches as well as headquarters departments<br />

• Management attitude<br />

• Self-management and communication, instead of control<br />

• Uniformity of goals, different ways to achieve them<br />

• Offer more than financial information<br />

• Is reprospective<br />

• Is short-term focused<br />

• Has little explanatory power

<strong>Balanced</strong> <strong>Scorecard</strong>: Distribution<br />

• Via Intranet<br />

• Figures and analyses by slice and dice<br />

• Benchmarking<br />

• Step by step implementation<br />

• Use of tools has to set itself

Lessons learned<br />

• It takes a lot of time, persuasion and matrix movements<br />

• Communication: workshops, intranet, leaflets, etc.<br />

• In line with users learning curve<br />

• Keep it simple<br />

• Define comprehensive phases<br />

• Clearly environment: quality assurance, planning & budgetting,<br />

audits<br />

• Mobilize senior management in reporting demands

Hurdles<br />

• Budget discussions, how to manage the expectations<br />

• BSc concept is innovative, play save in technicals<br />

• Users objections<br />

• Give me more, woth this I can’t work<br />

• Give me basis information, then I’ll look at strategics, BSc

How has the BSc affected decisions<br />

• Planning & budgetting in 4 perspectives<br />

• Commercial floor level<br />

• Steering in activities<br />

• Management level<br />

• Reporting in 4 levels<br />

• Investment/project decisions<br />

• Turn-around management

Next ambitions<br />

• In 3 years 90% of personnel has a BSc<br />

• Embedded in management information concept:<br />

• Functional: get what you need<br />

• Technical: portals

To be continued<br />

• Kees Timmers

Balancing techniques<br />

• eNiklas (Netherlands) B.V.<br />

• Present situation<br />

• (near)Future situtation<br />

• Next phase<br />

• Demo

eNiklas<br />

• A new e-company<br />

• eSolutions<br />

• Analytical-, Business- & IT consulting<br />

To help companies explore their potential to<br />

grow<br />


Present situation<br />

• One-level of information<br />

• Web-publishing<br />

• SAS/Base only<br />

• A lot of SAS programs (Base,<br />

SCL & Macro’s)<br />

• Data on UNIX, Web-pages on<br />

NT<br />

• Not flexible enough<br />

• Not very interactive<br />

• Completely tailor made

Goals<br />

• Flexible BSc-tool<br />

• <strong>Scorecard</strong> for each segment<br />

• <strong>Scorecard</strong> for each <strong>org</strong>anisational level<br />

• <strong>Scorecard</strong> for more <strong>ING</strong> companies<br />

• Data-driven back-end<br />

• Interactive front-end<br />

• With the use of standard tools<br />

• Iterative approach

Near-future situation<br />

• SAS/Version 8<br />

• Metabase<br />

• UNIX server<br />

•Warehouse<br />

•SAS/IntrNet<br />

•Webserver<br />

• Combining tailor-made & SAS<br />

V8 standard tools<br />

•Using the MDDB & SAS/IntrNet<br />

MDDB Report Viewer<br />

• One tool for simple & complex<br />

reporting<br />


Next phase<br />

• Using BSc as a web-portal<br />

• Strategic Vision<br />

• Publish & subscribe<br />

• Messaging


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