The Sikh Bulletin

The Sikh Bulletin

The Sikh Bulletin


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

the blood of <strong>Sikh</strong> masses through a system of bribery and<br />

corruption. As then and now they employ threats of<br />

excommunication to terrorize <strong>Sikh</strong>s who dare to question<br />

their hypocrisy and out right dishonesty.<br />

<strong>The</strong> succession of these so-called Jathedars or high priests<br />

since 1984 brought nothing 5ut henchmen of the leader of the<br />

Akali Dal Party. A slight mistake by these puppets in catering<br />

to the wishes of the political boss gets them packing and<br />

banished. <strong>The</strong> present Mukh Granthi at Akal Takht, Joginder<br />

Singh Vedanti, has topped the list in his willingness to<br />

become the tool in the hands of various interest groups to<br />

terrorize their opponents by summoning to Akal Takht and<br />

declaring them guilty of unknown religious offenses while<br />

honoring others who show blatant disregard to panth<br />

approved rahit maryada. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> declared him a<br />

Trojan horse at the time of his appointment as Mukh Granthi<br />

at Akal Takht. His tenure has been marred by scandals<br />

caused by his excessive greed, partisanship, and hypocrisy.<br />

Such actions can only be attributed to a person of low moral<br />

character and not from the one holding an esteemed religious<br />

position.<br />

Recent excommunication of a pious <strong>Sikh</strong> writer of at least a<br />

dozen books on gurmat, Gurbax Singh Kala afgana of British<br />

Columbia Canada, is the most condemned decision of his<br />

tenure. He was declared guilty for his opinions calling Guru<br />

Granth and Guru Panth as supreme and rejecting the spurious<br />

books so called " Dasam Granth, and Gurbilas Patshahi 6"<br />

which are championed by the priests and fake sant babas as<br />

true renderings of <strong>Sikh</strong> principles and ethical values.<br />

Once again to serve his political masters he has summoned<br />

Sardar Joginder Singh, chief editor of a popular magazine<br />

'Spokesman'. He is accused of criticism of the decision of the<br />

Jathedar to excommunicate Sardar Kala Afgana. This issue of<br />

the <strong>Sikh</strong> bulletin has numerous articles and letters from <strong>Sikh</strong>s<br />

from all over the world protesting and condemning this latest<br />

outrage of this unscrupulous granthi.<br />

Anti gurmat traditions carried over from the Mahant period<br />

are considered supreme and cannot be violated. Thus <strong>Sikh</strong><br />

women are denied right to perform kirtan and seva at Darbar<br />

Sahib in transgression of specific injunctions of Guru Granth<br />

Sahib ji. Professing reverence to spurious books and<br />

installing them equal to Guru Granth Sahib at two of the five<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong> religious Takhts is wrong. To this date Jathedar of Akal<br />

Takht or the president ofSGPC, two premier institutions of<br />

the <strong>Sikh</strong>s, have not uttered a word of protest. Further none of<br />

the leaders of the many Akali Dal parties have protested to<br />

the Takhts concerned or sent any letter of complaint to the<br />

Akal Takht. Forgive me for calling it <strong>Sikh</strong>i by Hypocrisy.<br />

Gurpal Singh Khaira<br />

*****<br />


At least since the Islamic Mullahs overthrew the Shah of<br />

Iran, and even more so during the past year, there has been a<br />

rising crescendo of the talking heads on television telling us<br />

of the dangers of religious fundamentalism. <strong>The</strong>y warn us<br />

and alarm us: the rising tide of fundamentalism poses a<br />

danger to human survival and to civilized society, as we<br />

know it. Religious fundamentalists all over the globe are<br />

fighting to carve new boundaries and new nations, and they<br />

stand ready to destroy anyone who blocks their way. <strong>The</strong><br />

religious fundamentalists, it is alleged, are the least tolerant<br />

of any people.<br />

But the media pundits talk primarily of Islamic<br />

fundamentalism and its intolerance. <strong>The</strong>y rarely mention<br />

Christian fundamentalists, who are also intolerant of all<br />

other religions, and even of Christians who do not believe in<br />

their particular brand of Christianity. This differential and<br />

deferential treatment often stems from the fact that many of<br />

the pundits identify personally with the Christian<br />

fundamentalists. In addition, the Christian fundamentalists<br />

seem to operate primarily in countries with nominally<br />

secular governments and thus can do only limited harm to<br />

government and society as a whole.<br />

History tells us that this, of course, was not always the<br />

case, and even now such obsessively single-minded<br />

believers are not entirely harmless. <strong>The</strong> television pundits<br />

rightly condemn the second-class place of women in<br />

orthodox Muslim society and the precarious existence<br />

therein of all non-Muslims, as well as the lack of free<br />

discussion and debate in such closed orthodoxies.<br />

What these pundits forget is that the Inquisition<br />

stemmed from dogmatic Christians. Lynching of Blacks was<br />

often done in the name of Christianity, and that was not so<br />

long ago. I remember Cardinal Spellman painting the sign<br />

of the cross on the helmets of young American soldiers on<br />

their way to Vietnam. Even today the debate over a<br />

woman’s right to abortion usually gets obscured in religious<br />

doctrine and dogma. Keep in mind that even in these days of<br />

enlightenment President Bush uses American financial<br />

might to impose his religious beliefs on poorer nations when<br />

he vetoes any funding for programs that might provide<br />

education or technology for birth control.<br />

My purpose here is to cast a jaundiced eye on the<br />

whole concept of fundamentalism. To me the examples of<br />

Islamic and Christian intransigence that I have cited are not<br />

really examples of religious fundamentalism at all but of<br />

fanatic intolerance.<br />

Literally, fundamentalism means to be in touch with<br />

the basics, the fundamentals — in this case, of a religion. I<br />

think such fundamentalism should be the minimum<br />

expected from anyone who professes a religion, be it Islam,<br />

Christianity, <strong>Sikh</strong>ism or any one of the wide varieties of<br />

religious experience. I am an anatomist so, one hopes, I<br />

know the fundamentals of anatomy. If I am a <strong>Sikh</strong>, I should<br />

be similarly comfortable with the fundamentals of my faith.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 2

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

Once a person rejects the fundamentals, one cannot in good<br />

faith remain a part of the whole, the institution. That is my<br />

position. I could hardly function as an anatomist or be able to<br />

assert the right to call myself one if I were no longer in<br />

command of the fundamentals of anatomy. Being a <strong>Sikh</strong>,<br />

Hindu or Christian seems no different in concept or in<br />

principle.<br />

Thus, fundamentalism is not and cannot be inherently<br />

evil. It is the “talibanized” version of fundamentalism that is<br />

evil. Excessive enthusiasm for one’s own belief and the<br />

diminution and demeaning of the viewpoint of other people<br />

to the point of denying them the right to believe in their own<br />

way — that would certainly be evil. And that is fanaticism,<br />

which would and should be sinful under any circumstances,<br />

in any place at any time.<br />

Contrary to what we usually think, not all fanatics<br />

necessarily believe in religion of any sort. When we look at<br />

religions of the world, we often recognize the good that<br />

religions have done by fostering and awakening the humanity<br />

in humans. More often, however, we see the injustice that has<br />

been committed in the name of religion. <strong>The</strong> crusades, the<br />

jihads, the Inquisition and the more recent pogroms of the<br />

Nazis bear witness to the inhumanity people express in the<br />

name of religion. Do not forget to add to this incomplete<br />

litany of religious intolerance the genesis and history of the<br />

long-running troubles in Ireland and the Arab-Jewish<br />

imbroglio.<br />

Hinduism is generally thought of as a historically<br />

tolerant faith that is only recently becoming viciously<br />

intolerant of others. I should add that Hindu intolerance in the<br />

name of religion is not new but had merely been held in<br />

check for the many centuries that Hindus were powerless<br />

either under the Muslims or under the British. History<br />

suggests that St. Thomas, who took Christianity to India<br />

perhaps around A.D. 52, died at the hands of fanatical<br />

Brahmins. Similar minds decimated Buddhism in India, the<br />

land of its birth. We now remember the systematically<br />

repressive and genocidal policies of the secular Indian<br />

government against the Muslims, <strong>Sikh</strong>s and Christians, as<br />

well as against people of other minority religions over the<br />

past two decades and even longer.<br />

We often think that perhaps many of these pogroms<br />

and policies against religious people stemmed directly from<br />

or were a reaction to the fanatical beliefs and practices of the<br />

believers. Beware of those who hold too tightly to their<br />

religions, conventional wisdom warns us, for they are<br />

fanatics and least tolerant of diversity. But not all fanatics are<br />

believers in religions, as we know them. That’s why I use the<br />

example of India, where secular principles are enshrined in<br />

the constitution.<br />

Look at the irony of another situation — it would be<br />

delicious were it not so illogically and fanatically cruel.<br />

In Turkey today, a Muslim woman walking down the<br />

street who wears a hijab (scarf covering her head, neck and<br />

shoulders), as required by her religion, would invite<br />

governmental hostility. But if the same Muslim woman<br />

appeared on the street in Iran without her hijab, she would<br />

also face immediate legal reprisals. Much of the world<br />

probably wouldn’t care either way. Turkey is a secular<br />

country while Iran is governed strictly by Islamic law.<br />

It would be illegal in Turkey for a family to hold in its<br />

home an Islamic religious service officiated by a cleric. If<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong>s build a gurdwara in Kuwait, it would be closed by<br />

order of the government; <strong>Sikh</strong>s can, however, practice their<br />

faith within their own home, even in Kuwait. Turkey is<br />

secular, Kuwait is Islamic, but is one more fanatical Is one<br />

less tolerant than the other<br />

<strong>The</strong> policies of Iran, Kuwait and many other Islamic<br />

countries ostensibly are derived from their religion; those of<br />

Turkey seem to stem from a rejection not of just one<br />

religion — Islam — but effectively from a rejection of all<br />

religions. Turkey is aggressively secular. But what is<br />

secularism<br />

Is “secularism” to be the new religion replacing the<br />

older religions with the support of the government Can<br />

rejection of religion itself become a religion However<br />

illogical, that seems to be the intent in Turkey. Does<br />

rejection of religion promote or guarantee tolerance Not<br />

necessarily, as evidenced by the case of Turkey.<br />

A government that is truly representative of all the<br />

people can and should be determinedly fanatical in<br />

requiring that all its citizens uphold the laws of society. <strong>The</strong><br />

laws of a society primarily and minimally require its citizens<br />

to conduct their lives such that they respect the rights,<br />

persons and property of their neighbors. One of these rights<br />

is to be able to live one’s life according to one’s faith. But to<br />

enforce a religion of secularism means to deny people the<br />

right to believe and practice their religion, even if it is not in<br />

conflict with laws that protect them or their neighbors. To<br />

require from citizens a denial of their own beliefs makes<br />

secularism a religion and its proponents and prophets<br />

undeniably fanatics. I give you the example of communism<br />

as an example of non-traditional religion.<br />

It seems to me that forcing such aggressive secularism<br />

as a belief system provides an excellent working definition<br />

and model of fanaticism. Lest one think that this is<br />

separation of politics and religion, I emphasize that this is<br />

not at all inherent in the concept of separation of church and<br />

state. That concept means only that the state will not<br />

establish, promote or hinder any religion. If clearly thought<br />

through, that concept would reject the words “In God We<br />

Trust” on the currency or “One nation under God” in the<br />

Pledge of Allegiance. It would also allow an Orthodox Jew<br />

or a turbaned <strong>Sikh</strong> to serve in the armed services of the<br />

United States without hindrance.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is no virtue in being nominally secular as India<br />

claims to be or aggressively so as Turkey is or as the Soviet<br />

Union used to be. <strong>The</strong> point is for individual citizens to be<br />

fundamentalist in the true meaning of the word — that is,<br />

remaining faithful to the fundamentals of their belief —<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 3

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

while remaining tolerant of the different beat of the distant<br />

drummer that their neighbor chooses to walk to on his or her<br />

religious path. It is in this latter condition that India and<br />

Turkey seem to be critically deficient.<br />

This principle exactly is the bedrock of <strong>Sikh</strong> belief: to<br />

believe and practice one’s faith by understanding its<br />

fundamentals but never to enforce it on others. History tells<br />

us that Aurungzeb, the 17th-century Muslim ruler of India,<br />

declared Islamization of the country as his national policy<br />

goal. Hindus were converted by force. At that time, the <strong>Sikh</strong><br />

Guru, Tegh Bahadur, at the entreaty of Hindus, chose to<br />

accept martyrdom to insure that Hindus could practice their<br />

own faith as they deemed fit. He did so not because he did<br />

not value the fundamentals of his own <strong>Sikh</strong> belief, which was<br />

not Hinduism. His sacrifice was a testament to the<br />

fundamentals of his own <strong>Sikh</strong> faith - tolerance of the<br />

different views of others and helping them chart their own<br />

destiny, as they saw fit.<br />

<strong>The</strong> approach of all <strong>Sikh</strong> Gurus, from Guru Nanak to<br />

Guru Gobind Singh, was similar. <strong>The</strong>y taught a message that<br />

did not diminish or demean others. <strong>The</strong>y considered no one<br />

person or his religion to be the enemy. <strong>The</strong>y fought battles,<br />

yet were equally willing to welcome the opponent as a friend.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lives of Guru Hargobind and Guru Gobind Singh are a<br />

testament to this. History tells us that in the many battles that<br />

the Gurus fought, some of their allies were Hindu; others<br />

were Muslim. At times some enemies were Hindu, while<br />

others were Muslim. Through all this the Gurus never forced<br />

their beliefs on any people, subjugated others or conquered<br />

any territory. For almost half a century until the arrival of the<br />

British in the mid 19th century, <strong>Sikh</strong>s dominated north India;<br />

the ruler, Ranjit Singh, ruled justly with an emphasis on<br />

tolerance to ensure that the fundamentals of all faiths were<br />

respected.<br />

Here I must offer an apologia of sorts. What I have<br />

recounted is <strong>Sikh</strong> history. In the past two decades or so,<br />

whether in response to the political realities in India where<br />

the <strong>Sikh</strong>s are under siege or as fallout from fundamentalists<br />

and fanatics from around the world, <strong>Sikh</strong>ism, too, has<br />

produced its share of talibanized <strong>Sikh</strong>s who are intolerantly<br />

fanatical. Assuredly, there is no way to justify or garner<br />

support for such self-righteousness and hubris in <strong>Sikh</strong><br />

tradition, history or doctrine.<br />

Fundamentals of one’s belief are important to a sense<br />

of self; intolerance and fanaticism are inimical to it. This is<br />

the crux of a civilized and cultured existence. I. J Singh, NY<br />

[From his book ‘Being And Becoming A <strong>Sikh</strong>’, available from the Author<br />

ijs1@nyu.edu ED.]<br />

*****<br />


Jan. 02, 2004.<br />

<strong>The</strong> under mentioned persons connected with the ‘World<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong> Convention’, analysed the news item published in the<br />

papers of December 25, 2003, according to which Editor of<br />

the Spokesman Joginder Singh has been summoned by Bhai<br />

Joginder Singh Vedanti to appear at the Akal Takhat,<br />

considered it in the context of the resolutions of the<br />

Convention and concluded as follows:<br />

1.1 Several years earlier our representatives had<br />

politely asked Bhai Joginder Singh Vedanti to<br />

clarify to the <strong>Sikh</strong> panth the religious or ethical<br />

basis on which he was declaring himself and others<br />

as “maha Granthis, Five Singh Sahiban, Jathedars<br />

or High Priests”. He has not bothered to explain his<br />

position to the <strong>Sikh</strong> people.<br />

1.2 <strong>The</strong> panth accepted <strong>Sikh</strong> Rehat Maryada provides<br />

for selection of Five Beloved ones by the<br />

concerned <strong>Sikh</strong> congregation. <strong>The</strong> above<br />

mentioned ‘maha Granthis, Jathedars’ were never<br />

so selected by the congregation. <strong>The</strong>y must explain<br />

to the congregation how without going through the<br />

process of selection, they usurp the powers of the<br />

Five Beloved Ones and why do they terrorise<br />

Guru’s <strong>Sikh</strong>s by the exercise of such powers<br />

1.3 <strong>The</strong>y need to clarify how they are entitled to<br />

summon a <strong>Sikh</strong> to appear before them in the<br />

absence of his voluntary desire to seek forgiveness<br />

for dereliction of religious duty<br />

1.4 Clearly Editor Joginder Singh has committed no<br />

breach of Rehat Maryada and neither has he<br />

presented himself before the congregation to seek<br />

forgiveness. In these circumstances no pseudo<br />

Jathedar is entitled according to the principles of<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong>i to summon him to appear at the Akal Takhat.<br />

1.5 It is certain that no <strong>Sikh</strong> of the Guru is obliged to<br />

obey such an order which is void ab initio.<br />

2.1 After deep consideration, all of us, particularly in<br />

the context of Akali Dal’s Moga Conference<br />

(1996), believe that Mr. Parkash Singh Badal’s<br />

position is that of a henchman of Hindutva forces.<br />

He now is a firm adherent of Hindutva’s ultimate<br />

aim of liquidating the <strong>Sikh</strong> panth and is a handle in<br />

the axe of Hindutva.<br />

2.2 In recent times Mr. Badal has usurped the sole<br />

right to appoint and dismiss what his group calls a<br />

‘Jathedar’ of the Akal Takhat. Inspired by some<br />

destructive thought he has appointed Bhai Joginder<br />

Singh Vedanti to that office and has retained him<br />

even after attaining the retiring age of 60 years.<br />

2.3 For the above mentioned reasons Bhai Vedanti is<br />

only a henchman of one who himself is but a<br />

henchman of an enemy organisation. According to<br />

principles derived from Guru’s word, Guru’s<br />

instructions and the dictates of <strong>Sikh</strong> history and<br />

tradition, it is nothing but betrayal of <strong>Sikh</strong>i to<br />

obey Vedanti’s orders.<br />

3.1 To advertise the collection of indecent tales and<br />

meaningless mythological stories as ‘Dasam<br />

Granth’ and to attribute its authorship to the Tenth<br />

King in entirety is to throw mud on the Guru’s<br />

clean and holy garment. <strong>The</strong> ultimate aim of<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 4

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

ascribing its authorship to the Guru is to destroy the<br />

image of the Lord of the Blue Steed, the one who<br />

sacrificed his whole family, and to sow the seeds of<br />

hatred for him and is nothing less.<br />

3.2 <strong>The</strong> Tenth King is certainly the ornament of the<br />

human race and his image is preeminent amongst<br />

the greatest humans in history. It is capable of<br />

inspiring the highest ethical values, idealism and is<br />

capable of bestowing the highest spiritual<br />

development. This image has been carefully<br />

preserved by three and half centuries of history in its<br />

original purity. To keep this purity in tact is<br />

universally beneficial.<br />

3.3 For this purpose it is absolutely essential to<br />

denigrate this book and to refuse to publicly accept<br />

the white lie that its author is Guru Gobind Singh.<br />

To actively participate in this denial process is a<br />

religious duty as well as a homage to the truth of<br />

history.<br />

4.1 Bhai Gurbaksh Singh Kala Afghana is a believing,<br />

duly baptised <strong>Sikh</strong> writer. His books are dedicated<br />

to the betterment of the <strong>Sikh</strong> people and are in<br />

conformity with Guru’s word. As against those,<br />

Gurbilas Patshahi 6 edited by Bhai Joginder<br />

Singh Vedanti is poisonous weed and a basket of<br />

dirt born of low mentality.<br />

4.2 When Bhai Kala Afghana brought the above fact to<br />

the notice of public in a serious discussion, he was<br />

ex-communicated by Bhai Joginder Singh Vedanti.<br />

This was done without giving him an opportunity of<br />

being heard and without considering his written<br />

point of view. He was trapped into that quagmire by<br />

low cunning.<br />

4.3 To excommunicate people like this may be in order<br />

in Islam hijacked by crude priesthood, but in <strong>Sikh</strong>i<br />

such an action is completely unauthorised. <strong>The</strong><br />

World <strong>Sikh</strong> Convention of October 26, 2003,<br />

rersolved that excommunication is in opposition to<br />

the basic postulates of <strong>Sikh</strong>i. To accept<br />

excommunication as valid is opposed to human<br />

values, is out and out cowardness and is a complete<br />

betrayal of <strong>Sikh</strong> history and tradition. This is the<br />

firm belief of majority of ordinary <strong>Sikh</strong>s like us.<br />

We perceive that inspite of opposition by majority of the<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong>s, the ‘mahan granthis, Jathedars’ are progressively<br />

tightening their noose around the necks of ordinary <strong>Sikh</strong>s.<br />

For this purpose they are spreading the terror of their<br />

unauthorised ‘hukamnamas’. <strong>The</strong>y are leaving no space for<br />

meaningful discussion. It is a death dealing situation for<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong>i. To distill the views of ordinary <strong>Sikh</strong>s on the issue, to<br />

organize expression of public opinion against this new<br />

menace, we propose to hold at least four big conventions<br />

outside India and will hold a Sarbat Khalsa in the Punjab and<br />

will thus put a complete end to this new tradition of<br />

terrorising Guru’s <strong>Sikh</strong>s.<br />

To every person wedded to truthful conduct and pious<br />

living, we promise that we will ever incessantly strive to<br />

completely obliterate the terror of unauthorised<br />

‘hukamnamahs’ of ‘maha granthis’ root and branch<br />

from the psyche of <strong>Sikh</strong>s.<br />

Gurtej Singh (Professor of <strong>Sikh</strong>ism), Narinder Singh (Retd. Major<br />

General), Kn. Mahinder Pratap Singh Inder Singh, Ghagga (International<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong> Missionary), Dr. Sukhjit Kaur Gill (Human Rights Activist), Sukhdev<br />

Singh (<strong>Sikh</strong> Missionary College), Dr. Tarlochan Singh (Former Chairman,<br />

Sahibzada Jujhar Singh Miss. College), Giani Jagmohan Singh (Mata Sahib<br />

Kaur Miss. College), Prof. Joginder Singh (Gurmat Gian Miss. College),<br />

Prin. Surjit Singh (<strong>Sikh</strong> Missionary), Dalbir Singh (Ex. Correspondent),<br />

Bibi Jasbir Kaur (Akal Sahai Trust), Prin. Jasbir Singh (Sahibzada Jujhar<br />

Singh Miss. College), Harmit Singh (Delhi, Akal Sahai Trust), Er. Jagtar<br />

Singh Bhogal.<br />

Authenticated by: (Gurtej Singh)<br />

*****<br />


Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti, Head Minister<br />

Sri Akal Takhat Sahib, Golden Temple Complex,<br />

Amritsar (Punjab)<br />

Respected Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti Ji,<br />

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa. Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.<br />

I have received your letter No. A: 3/03/3635 dated 22-12-<br />

2003. Although the language of the letter is quite<br />

provocative and there is no dearth of decrees pronouncing<br />

me as “guilty”, even before giving me a hearing, yet for two<br />

reasons, I touched my forehead with it as a mark of respect<br />

Firstly, because this letter has come to me from Sri Akal<br />

Takhat Sahib, the same Akal Takhat, which being the very<br />

symbol of <strong>Sikh</strong> Sovereignty, deserves to be respected by<br />

every upright <strong>Sikh</strong>. Although for sometime past, its<br />

“Mukh Sewadars” (Head ministers) have left no stone<br />

unturned to denigrate the Takhat, yet those wedded to the<br />

idea of <strong>Sikh</strong>s' sovereign status, as for example, myself, even<br />

today see the Akal Takhat as distinct from its “Sewadars”<br />

(servants) and consider it a matter of honor to be committed<br />

to it.<br />

Secondly, you have summoned me to appear at Akal Takhat<br />

“on behalf of the Guru Panth.” This has been our principle<br />

demand from the very beginning that as ordained by the<br />

Guru, only the Guru Panth can issue any command from the<br />

Akal Takhat and not its “Sewadars.” But you have not<br />

stated anything about when and how the Guru Panth<br />

took a decision to summon me. <strong>The</strong> Guru-Panth manifests<br />

its will through “Gurmata” which cannot be adopted until<br />

all the parties to a dispute sit together along with the<br />

representatives of all Panthic organizations and after holding<br />

free and frank discussion, arrive at a consensus. I am not<br />

stating this on my own, but this is what is written in the<br />

Panth-approved “rehat maryada” also. It is hoped that before<br />

summoning me on behalf of the Guru Panth, you will oblige<br />

me by supplying the above-mentioned information about the<br />

“Gurmata” adopted by the Guru Panth, at the earliest.<br />

You wrote that you have received complaints against<br />

me. In this connection, you have referred to a few articles<br />

that had appeared in the Spokesman’s September through<br />

November 2003 issues. After receiving your letter, I have<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 5

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

re-read all the relevant articles. All these articles are fine<br />

examples of Panth's glory and raise the prestige of the <strong>Sikh</strong><br />

Panth, and I fail to understand what is objectionable about<br />

them. <strong>The</strong> Spokesman is the largest-selling <strong>Sikh</strong> magazine<br />

and even our opponents relish going through its contents.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is no corner of the world where this paper does not<br />

have its subscribers. Had something objectionable really been<br />

there in the articles referred to by you, the <strong>Sikh</strong>s would have<br />

certainly voiced their objections. But till today, we have not<br />

received even a single complaint with regard to these articles.<br />

It is prudent that I request you to supply me the original<br />

complaints or their photo copies so that I may ascertain these<br />

documents and refute the allegations made. As you should<br />

know that the complaints can be bogus. I shall duly reply<br />

once the documents are made available to me. <strong>The</strong><br />

complaint of the Dharam Parchar Committee was duly<br />

responded to on October 15, 2003, and Spokesman’s<br />

November 2003 issue reprinted that reply. You must have<br />

read that as well as the challenge to SGPC to constitute a<br />

panel of independent judges to examine the issues raised<br />

here.<br />

You will find that many of the allegations leveled<br />

against me in your letter stand rebutted. So far as the<br />

“Salahkar Board” (Advisory Board) and its aftermath are<br />

concerned, please read the January 2004 issue of the<br />

Spokesman.<br />

Having said all that: My final reply shall be<br />

submitted only after the receipt of copies of the<br />

complaints and your replies to the points brought forth<br />

hereunder. I would certainly like to put forward a few<br />

important points, which can prove helpful in defusing this<br />

issue. From the telephonic messages I have received so far<br />

form all over the world, it appears that besides the <strong>Sikh</strong>s,<br />

even non-<strong>Sikh</strong>s are showing deep interest in this matter and<br />

want to know how the religious heads of world's most<br />

modern religion mistreat the editor of the most popular <strong>Sikh</strong><br />

magazine. <strong>The</strong> following are the points for your<br />

consideration:<br />

1. A newspaper editor does not bring out a paper to express<br />

his own views only. Rather, by acquainting the readers with<br />

the views of all the parties, he tries to add to their knowledge.<br />

If a particular view is not liked or is considered faulty, the<br />

reader responds to the editor. A paper is only a means to<br />

bring forth conflicting views at one place. That is why,<br />

complaints with regard to any writing are first made to the<br />

editor and he is asked to rectify the error, which the editor<br />

usually does undertake if it is found to have validity. Where<br />

is the avenue open and justified when the editor is asked to<br />

appear in person and offer clarifications to religious<br />

authorities I have been told that Pope and Khomeini not<br />

excluding, even the all-powerful Mullahs in Islamic countries<br />

too had complaints of a very serious nature against<br />

newspaper editors but no editor had ever been summoned by<br />

them to appear personally and offer clarifications. Can you<br />

cite an example when an editor was made to appear in<br />

person, before the clergy, in any part of the world and was<br />

asked to offer clarifications All the democratic<br />

institutions regard the freedom of Press as an integral<br />

part; regrettably I ask why those sitting at the Guru's<br />

“Takhats” wish to reverse the process By starting this<br />

new anti-<strong>Sikh</strong> tradition, will the “Sewadars” of Akal Takhat<br />

add to the glory of the Guru's Takhat or will lower its<br />

reputation further<br />

2. I offer you the past case of Bhai Ranjit Singh. <strong>The</strong><br />

Spokesman came out with reservations about the<br />

“hukamnamas” (edicts) issued by the Jathedar first time<br />

when Bhai Ranjit Singh had issued a number of them.<br />

Gurcharanjit Singh Lamba (editor of the “Sant Sipahi”<br />

now), wrote to Bhai Ranjit Singh that Spokesman’s editor be<br />

summoned at Akal Takhat and action taken against him<br />

because he had thrown a challenge to the authority of the<br />

“Jathedar.” Bhai Ranjit Singh was wise enough to forward<br />

Lamba's letter to me. This was the right mode of dealing<br />

with a complaint received against the paper. A radically<br />

different course adopted by you is not expected from a<br />

fellow <strong>Sikh</strong>.<br />

3. It is a fact that before sending the letter to me, you had<br />

released it to the Press. Why Are you going for justice or<br />

using your status to defame a person Making use of this<br />

same methodology, Indira Gandhi had tarnished the image<br />

of the <strong>Sikh</strong>s so much that later when she unleashed her rein<br />

of terror against them, no one raised a voice in their support.<br />

Politicians have no doubt been employing these tactics, but<br />

when persons sitting on seat of Akal Takhat behave in this<br />

manner, how will it impact on our future course of <strong>Sikh</strong>i<br />

4. In your letter, you pronounced me guilty of having<br />

committed many sins and released the letter to the press<br />

before I could receive it. Besides this, at least in three press<br />

statements (both before and after the 26th October World<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong> Convention) you have pronounced the verdict that the<br />

Spokesman is an anti-Panthic paper. Do you think that even<br />

in these circumstances, it will be wrong to view your<br />

impartiality with suspicion Rumor has it that you have sent<br />

this letter to me after receiving instructions from Parkash<br />

Singh Badal. Is it true<br />

5. Seeing the manner in which Khalsa Panchayat's peaceful<br />

and unarmed workers were beaten and beleaguered by<br />

SGPC's musclemen in Darbar Sahib complex (you too had<br />

supported this action) on February 22 nd (2003) and the<br />

threats of causing bloodshed were given so as to scuttle the<br />

World <strong>Sikh</strong> Convention, do you think you can guarantee<br />

personal safety of a person who had been criticizing the<br />

SGPC, the Akali Dal and some of your own past actions<br />

6. Your double standards are obvious in the controversy of<br />

“Dasam Granth”. In our view, propagation of “Dasam<br />

Granth” is tantamount to showing disrespect to Guru<br />

Gobind Singh. Yet you have allowed Baba Virsa Singh to<br />

create a website on ‘Dasam Granth’, Khushwant Singh to<br />

write articles in favour of it, Takhat Patna Sahib’s Head<br />

Granthi Giani Iqbal Singh to call it ‘Perfect Guru’ with<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 6

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

impunity Recently Dr. Jasbir Singh Mann of USA delivered a<br />

lecture on ‘Dasam Granth’ on 8 th of December (2003) at<br />

Amritsar. Bibi Kiranjot Kaur, S. Waryam Singh, Secretary<br />

Dharam Parchar Committee and yyyour PA, S. Prithi were in<br />

the audience. Not one of them pointed out your ban on the<br />

subject. Did they know that your ban is to be enforced in an<br />

arbitray manner<br />

7. <strong>The</strong> Spokesman is <strong>Sikh</strong> Panth's 53-year old institution,<br />

which was founded by S. Hukam Singh in 1951. During the<br />

last ten years, its new management has brought forth its<br />

Panthic character in a rather more pronounced manner and at<br />

present, it has become the most popular paper among the<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong>s both in India and abroad. If you have any grievance<br />

against this paper, it should be expressed by keeping its<br />

prestige and position in view. <strong>The</strong> language used in your<br />

letter and the way it has been released to the press before<br />

sending it to the Spokesman show that you have scant regard<br />

for great Panthic institution. We, in the Spokesman, have<br />

always tried our level best to see that in spite of our<br />

differences, no damage should be caused to the prestige of<br />

any Panthic institution. For sake of brevity I will mention<br />

only three examples:<br />

(a) You remember that you yourself had rung me up to say<br />

that we should not write anything about the Dhanwant Singh<br />

affair in the Spokesman. When you repeatedly said to me<br />

these words, “I request you with folded hands,” I gave my<br />

word, even though your demand did not appear justified, that<br />

we would not write anything until the matter was finally<br />

disposed of by you. For more than a year, we withheld our<br />

pen--only to uphold the prestige of the institution.<br />

(b) In October, 2003, when the Dharam Parchar Committee<br />

passed a resolution against the Spokesman, its Board of<br />

Directors decided unanimously that a defamation suit be<br />

filed against the SGPC and the Dharam Parchar Committee<br />

members, but I got this decision stalled by pleading that if the<br />

SGPC people refrain from taking any wrong step thereafter,<br />

the great Panthic institution should not be put in the dock for<br />

the first case of high handedness.<br />

(c) A delegation of some <strong>Sikh</strong>s came to the Spokesman’s<br />

office to inform us that since what you have written in the<br />

preface to the “Gurbilas Patshahi-6” provides<br />

encouragement to blasphemy, they were going to file a case<br />

against you for your abetment in insulting the Gurus and for<br />

that purpose they sought our help too. I told them that<br />

although I consider the publication of “Gurbilas Patshahi–<br />

6” and its praise by a Darbar Sahib Granthi as a crime<br />

against the Guru, yet I would not approve of the filing of a<br />

case in this connection because it would bring shame to a<br />

sacred institution.<br />

8. A <strong>Sikh</strong> religious head derives powers from three sources:<br />

Guru Granth Sahib, Gurdwara Act, and Panth-approved<br />

“Rehat Maryada.” <strong>The</strong>re is no provision of a “Jathedar” of<br />

Akal Takhat, nor any authority to declare oneself as<br />

“Jathedar” and start summoning <strong>Sikh</strong>s at the Akal Takhat,<br />

pronounce them “tankhahiyas' (guilty of religious<br />

misconduct) and excommunicate them from the Panth. Six<br />

prominent <strong>Sikh</strong>s of Chandigarh jointly wrote a letter to you<br />

requesting you to enlighten them about the source from<br />

which you had derived these powers. Narcissistically you<br />

and the SGPC President kept on threatening the six <strong>Sikh</strong>s,<br />

and have not replied them till today.<br />

9. After waiting for more than six months, it was decided<br />

that honest and dedicated <strong>Sikh</strong>s, should be called upon to<br />

assist us in finding answers to the above questions in the<br />

light of Gurmat. Thus the World <strong>Sikh</strong> Convention was held<br />

at Mohali on October 26, 2003.You, the SGPC and its sister<br />

organizations called upon the <strong>Sikh</strong>s to boycott the<br />

convention. <strong>The</strong>n threats were issued: organizers would be<br />

killed, bloodshed would be caused and “come what may, the<br />

Convention would not be allowed to be held.” <strong>The</strong><br />

gurdwaras were directed not to provide space for holding<br />

the Convention. When private parties agreed to rent out<br />

accommodation, they too were threatened and the central<br />

Home Minister was made to force an MP to go back on his<br />

establishment's commitment. At last, twelve hours before<br />

the Convention was scheduled to start, the High court issued<br />

directions to the Police and the administration that not only<br />

the Convention be allowed but also law and order<br />

maintained. Despite adverse circumstances, large number of<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong>s poured in from every state in the country and each<br />

district of Punjab, besides from fourteen other countries.<br />

Ninety per cent of the attendees consisted of “Amritdharis.”<br />

<strong>The</strong>se <strong>Sikh</strong>s, both men and women, held serious<br />

deliberations for eight long hours, and endorsed the views of<br />

the organizers unanimously. This convention gave a lie to<br />

the SGPC’s contention that old fashioned ‘Sarbat Khalsa’<br />

cannot be held under today’s circumstances.<br />

10. Why I alone have been summoned Why not all the<br />

convention organizers You and the SGPC bosses are either<br />

very much chagrined at the success of the October<br />

convention or wish to stop the onward march of the<br />

Spokesman.<br />

11. Regarding the objections raised by you that have<br />

appeared in the Spokesman, I emphatically state that if even<br />

a single writing of the Spokesman is proved to be violation<br />

of Gurmat, I will resign as its chief editor. We make every<br />

effort to ensure that not a single word should appear in the<br />

Spokesman, which is contrary to Gurmat. And Gurmat is<br />

what is recorded in Guru Granth Sahib, and not in “Dasam<br />

Granth” and “Gurbilash Patshahi – 6.” Secondly, we have<br />

taken up the challenge of completing the unfinished task of<br />

the “Gurmat-Lehar” initiated by Prof. Gurmukh Singh and<br />

Giani Dit Singh, which was abandoned half-way by the<br />

politicians who succeeded them. At the time when Prof.<br />

Gurmukh Singh and Giani Dit Singh embarked on this task,<br />

they too were accused of being Panth's enemies by the<br />

“Pujaris” (priests) and those controlling the gurdwaras. Is it<br />

necessary to repeat that history or should we learn lesson<br />

from it<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 7

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

12. <strong>Sikh</strong>ism is a religion in which discussion or exchange of<br />

views is all-important. It is not a religion of those who are<br />

bigoted or practice blind faith. Rather, it is a religion of those<br />

who revolt against blind faith. It is not a religion of those<br />

who follow antiquated practices or traditions, but of those<br />

who reject old practices by testing them on the touchstone of<br />

Gurmat. Secondly, even the leaders of stone-age religions<br />

have changed greatly with the passage of time. But the<br />

“Granthis” and leaders of our most modern religion,<br />

sometimes behave in such a manner that it looks as if they<br />

were living in the stone age and are representing an outdated<br />

religion. People have realized that in the realm of religion,<br />

creating hurdles in the way of discussion and exchange of<br />

views ultimately proves to be harmful to the religion itself.<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore, it is my request that needless fruitless faultfinding<br />

should not be encouraged: It will bring great harm to<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong>ism.<br />

13. At present, the RSS wants that the “Granthis” appointed<br />

by the politicians should be made to appear so powerful and<br />

“supreme” in the name of Akal Takhat, that every command<br />

of theirs should be taken by the <strong>Sikh</strong>s as a “Divine edict” so<br />

as to enable the RSS make some future “Jathedar” declare<br />

that the <strong>Sikh</strong>s are a part of Hinduism and even Lord Vishnu<br />

ought to be worshipped at Sri Darbar Sahib, because<br />

“Gurbilas Patshahi – 6” supports that claim. Already, a<br />

Jathedar has described the <strong>Sikh</strong>s as the progeny of “Luv and<br />

Kush,” and you yourself have added another insult by stating<br />

“Gurbilas Patshahi – 6” as a gift to the <strong>Sikh</strong>s and advocated<br />

its recitation in gurdwaras. <strong>The</strong> future looks grim and subject<br />

to more manipulations. You can see why we harbor serious<br />

questions about you and your abilities.<br />

Summing up: I am committed to offering clarifications<br />

about each and every complaint sent by you. All I need are<br />

the documents in original or their copies. Secondly, under no<br />

circumstances, are we prepared to bargain the freedom of<br />

the press. I can give up the vocation of journalism but will<br />

never compromise on vital question of freedom of the press.<br />

Thirdly, the manner in which the Guru Panth had given a<br />

clear verdict on Gurmat ideology, by braving threats and<br />

crossing hurdles put in its path in an unprecedented manner, I<br />

will never go against it. Fourthly, following in the footsteps<br />

of Prof. Gurmukh Singh and Giani Dit Singh, I will certainly<br />

wage a struggle to raise the flag of Gurmat to rid our<br />

gurdwaras of the Hindu practices that have crept into them.<br />

Guru Gobind Singh had bequeathed Guruship to the Guru<br />

Granth and the Guru Panth only. My request to you is that<br />

you should also give recognition to the verdict of the Guru<br />

Panth. You should make every effort to forge unity in the<br />

Panth. Entrust the entire issue to independent Panthic<br />

thinkers and ask them to make recommendations on how the<br />

entire Panth can remain ideologically united. It is hoped that<br />

you will consider this request because it is in the interest of<br />

the Panth itself. If I have done anything against the Guru's<br />

commands, I should be told as to where I have erred. But if I<br />

am only advocating compliance with the Guru's edicts, I hope<br />

that Akal Takhat Sewadars will stand by me, will ensure the<br />

unity and supremacy of the Guru Panth.<br />

You have described the Spokesman as “my paper” in your<br />

letter. Please note that this magazine is owned by JPC Ltd.,<br />

which has thousands of shareholders, who assemble every<br />

year and elect their Board of Directors, who alone can<br />

formulate the policies of the Spokesman. You have fixed<br />

January 7 (2004) as the date for submitting clarifications.<br />

<strong>The</strong> time for fixing the date will arrive after you<br />

acknowledge the letter of December 27, 2002, and with the<br />

help of experts, attend to the questions raised by the writers<br />

of that letter, besides those raised by me in this letter.<br />

Ours is not a religion of deaf and dumb people and<br />

there is a strong tradition of questioning. I advise you to<br />

attend to the questions raised by the Guru-Panth, in the 26th<br />

October (2003) World <strong>Sikh</strong> Convention. I am sure that once<br />

you give a serious thought to the whole issue in the light of<br />

Gurmat philosophy, you will no longer feel the necessity of<br />

summoning any <strong>Sikh</strong>, nor issuing any “edict” and will rather<br />

start helping the <strong>Sikh</strong>s take their own decisions by sitting<br />

together in Sarbat Khalsa gatherings. It is for this purpose<br />

only that the institution of “Jathedar” of the <strong>Sikh</strong>s had been<br />

created and certainly not to follow the Muslim practice of<br />

summoning the people and issuing “fatwas” and Hindu<br />

practice of excommunicating them. <strong>The</strong> next convention, to<br />

be held in 2004, will clear the position further especially on<br />

a question related to the basic postulates of <strong>Sikh</strong>ism and it is<br />

my request that instead of dealing with people on individual<br />

basis, all decisions should be taken as per the provisions of<br />

Panth-approved “<strong>Sikh</strong> Reht Maryada” only, and the name of<br />

“Akal Takhat” should not make one arrogant vis-a-vis the<br />

Guru Panth. You are also answerable to the Guru Panth.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is no post or position in <strong>Sikh</strong>ism, the incumbent of<br />

which can claim that he or she is not answerable to the Guru<br />

Panth. <strong>The</strong>refore, your thinking that because the politicians<br />

have appointed you as “sewadar” of the Akal Takhat, every<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong> is answerable to you but you yourself are answerable<br />

to none.<br />

Joginder Singh, Chief Editor, Spokesman<br />

[<strong>The</strong> text has been summarized for want of space without losing the thrust<br />

of S. Joginder Singh’s response. ED.]<br />

*****<br />


Dr Jodh Singh, NY<br />

Dear Dr. Kharak Singh Sahib,<br />

Guru Fateh!<br />

Attached please note a copy of my views on the article in<br />

Gurmat Praksh, about Excommunication of Kala Afghana<br />

I have not seen any facts in these lengthy verbose articles<br />

other than countless names of institutions and people for<br />

and against S. Kala Afghana. What are the facts And where<br />

are they All I read is inflammatory threatening statements<br />

about the supremacy of Akal Takhat. No <strong>Sikh</strong> has ever<br />

challenged or denied the supremacy of Akal Takhat.<br />

<strong>The</strong> crux of the problem, as you know it very well,<br />

is the Jathedar Akal Takhat: Bhai Joginder Singh<br />

Sandhu (Vedanti). He wanted to display and establish<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 8

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

his vedantachariatta. In collaboration with Principal Amarjit<br />

Singh, he editorialized Gurbilas patshai chhevi. Countless<br />

celebrities were maneuvered to write laudatory comments<br />

and SGPC printed the book. On inquiry, one of those<br />

celebrities, whose comments were published, denied having<br />

written those. This bespeaks honesty and truthfulness of<br />

Vedanti Sahib. He never missed any gainful chance of<br />

meeting hypocrite saints in Chicago or paying his obeisance<br />

to his holiness, the Pope in Vatican, so that his pictures could<br />

be displayed on broadcast and print media. But he could not<br />

spare a few moments to speak with GSKA. Fortunately,<br />

after squandering SGPC funds on the book, Gurbilas patshai<br />

chhevi, SGPC withdrew it. However, Vedanti Ji has not<br />

missed any opportunity or chance of castigating ruthlessly<br />

those who exposed his book, its falsehood and intellectual<br />

dishonesty. In his arrogance, anger and vengeance, Vedanti Ji<br />

maneuvered <strong>Sikh</strong> Scholars to recommend GSKA’s<br />

excommunication.<br />

Unfortunately, <strong>Sikh</strong> scholars have not done their<br />

homework adequately and they failed to investigate the<br />

questionable books and the author completely. If they did,<br />

they did not report the so-called facts. What disgraceful<br />

conspiracy has been hatched to damage the principles of Akal<br />

Takhat I do not understand. If Akal Takhat has any<br />

principles, it is not mentioned anywhere in the scriptures.<br />

Again, you are harping on the same string. It is baseless<br />

allegation that any body has attacked the fundamental<br />

principle of <strong>Sikh</strong>ism. It is the same old rotten slogan, Panth<br />

is in danger that we have been hearing since 1951. And now,<br />

it is attack on the fundamental principle of <strong>Sikh</strong>ism<br />

After excommunicating Kala Afghan, you are accusing us as<br />

his collaborators. hux is`K pMQ qy ivdvqw dw ByK Dwr ky Awx<br />

cVHy s. kwlw APgwnw Aqy aus dy kuJ ku sihXogIAW v`loN sRI<br />

Akwl q^q swihb dy isDWq nUM Fwh lwaux dIAW koJIAW swzSW<br />

kIqIAW jw rhIAW hn[ ies nvyN hmlwvr vrg nUM aunHW v`loN<br />

is`K Drm dy buinAwdI isDWqW qy kIqy jw rhy hmilAW dw sucyq<br />

rUp ivc pqw sI[ aunHW nUM ies g`l dw AMdwzw sI ik swfy<br />

kwirAW nUM T`lH sRI Akwl q^q swihb qoN hI pvygI[<br />

Keep on giving threats. One wonders as to what Akal<br />

Takhat, nine feet tall brick & stone structure, has to do with<br />

Dasam Granth <strong>The</strong>re is no mention of Akal Takhat in it.<br />

Sahib Siri Guru Gobind Singh Ji never visited Akal Takhat.<br />

GSKA did not write a word, negative or otherwise, about<br />

Akal Takhat. We are not with GSKA, because we do not<br />

have any interests of favors or fear from him, we want the<br />

truth, unlike the honorable Committee members whose jobs,<br />

pelf, positions and publications, visits to America and Europe<br />

maybe dependent on SGPC, universities and Government of<br />

Akali-BJP at stake.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Committee members (M/s Balwant Singh Dhillon,<br />

Darshan Singh, Kharak Singh Maan, Giani Gurdit Singh. and<br />

Joginder S. Talwara) took the responsibility to study the<br />

matter in depth, fair and just and submit its report. <strong>The</strong>y did<br />

not meet with GSKA and those who had read his books and<br />

had met with him, e.g., Professor Gurtej Singh or Dr.<br />

Baldev Singh from Pennsylvania, Bhai Hardev Singh<br />

Shergill of California or Bhai Jagtar Singh Jachak from NY<br />

or Principal Surjit Singh of Delhi or even the down-trodden<br />

undersigned. Honorable members! May I know as to why<br />

you did not meet with any of them Believe me, we are<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong>s and our bodies, possessions and souls belong to<br />

AGGS.<br />

SGPC thought of Gurtej Singh as an exceptional<br />

scholar and besrowed the title, National Professor of<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong>ism, on him. He was more than willing to talk and<br />

explain. Wasn’t he your associate at IOSS He had read the<br />

books thoroughly and even wrote preface on one of them. I<br />

do not know him personally, never met him.<br />

Let us talk about Dasam Granth and the undersigned.<br />

Dr. Kartar Singh of Bari inspired me to acquire a copy of<br />

it in 1972. I have been studying it ever since. When I read<br />

Mela Gopal Mohan fable I was stunned. Did Guru Gobind<br />

Singh write this Sant Virsa Singh of Mehroli, professor<br />

Piara Singh Padam, Dharam pal Ashta, Dr. Mahhep<br />

Singh and countless others believe that each and every word<br />

of DG is by GGS. Sahib Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji is<br />

accused of ordering his <strong>Sikh</strong>s to rob turbans from the<br />

visitors by kicking them in the butt, who were sitting to<br />

urinate. ‘Pick up the turban and run, wash and clean it, to<br />

get ready for initiation of new <strong>Sikh</strong>s tomorrow.’ Kala<br />

afghana was an ordinary policeman in 1972. He had no idea<br />

of DG. Dr. Kharak Singh Ji, you gave me a small booklet<br />

by late S. Jagjit Singh about DG when I visited you first<br />

time many years ago. I have been collecting anything and<br />

every thing about DG, even before I had heard the name of<br />

GSKA. It just so happened that GSKA and I were on the<br />

same wavelength.<br />

Less than three years ago, my patient, late Bhai<br />

Harbhajan Singh Ji (a student of Bhai Sahib Singh and<br />

teacher of Professor Manjit Singh), one of the rare learned<br />

Granthis, advised me to read Kala Afghana’s books. I<br />

acquired them and read them many times over and<br />

encouraged many others to read them.<br />

Finally, last year I invited GSKA to NY, met with<br />

him one to one for three days at my humble hut. I found<br />

him selfless, sincere, knowledgeable, dedicated, Five-<br />

Kakar-Dhari Gursikh. He is an ectomorph, six feet plus<br />

tall yet humble, conscientious and hard working in spite of<br />

his advancing years and feeble general health. His wife is<br />

far sicker than he is and he has to assist her physically.<br />

Let me state it categorically, GSKA has poor general<br />

health being old and chronically ill, takes multiple<br />

medications. His wife is seriously ill with heart disease and<br />

he takes care of her. He had trepidations to go to India<br />

because having been a cop himself he knew what treatment<br />

he will receive from Akali-supported BJP government. (Ask<br />

Harsimran Singh Mann, former IPS, how mercilessly<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 9

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

brutally he was tortured by the Indian police, being young<br />

and energetic, he did survive. (His father told us the details in<br />

Brookville, NY). GSKA was almost sure that he would have<br />

died in India either in police custody or jail or murdered by a<br />

hired gun. This is the realty. As you know it very well that he<br />

is not related to me. We owe each other nothing. I only<br />

support his views and writings. <strong>The</strong>re may be a few<br />

objectionable words here and there in the series of his books.<br />

I have copies of the letters with objectionable and<br />

abusive language to GSKA from Bihari-Lawyer G.S.<br />

Lamba, Professor Jodh Singh, late Prof. P.S. Padam and<br />

Mr. Kirpal Singh, Chief Sewadar of Sant Versa Singh Ji.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is only one letter of appreciation from Jathedar<br />

Kewal Singh of Damdama Sahib.<br />

<strong>The</strong> only evidence, you gave, in support of your<br />

recommendations is the number of people sending you their<br />

signatures and addresses. Have you done any investigation to<br />

find out how many of these have had a chance to see or read<br />

books, by Kala Afgana It seems like a sheep walk. Let me<br />

illustrate.<br />

One evening, two buses packed with folks from Sant<br />

Sagar came to attack Granthi Jagtar Singh Jachak at<br />

Gurdwara, Glen Cove, NY. Granthi Jagtar Singh (formerly at<br />

Duarbar Sahib) had visited with GSKA in British Columbia,<br />

Canada, agreed with and supported GSKA’s views. <strong>The</strong><br />

boisterous, unruly, dango-crats demanded from the<br />

management (weaker sect of the educated <strong>Sikh</strong>s from cities<br />

of India) to fire Granthi JSJ immediately or face the<br />

consequences. And they were ready for the drastic action<br />

against the Gurdwara and the Granthi. Somehow, the<br />

administrator with his shrewd-salesmanship saved the<br />

situation by begging apologies and issuing a stern warning to<br />

Bhai Jagtar Singh to publically dissociate with Kala Afghana.<br />

And he complied with it. *<br />

Subsequently, on a casual inquiry, it turned out that the<br />

majority of this sangat had not read a line from GSKA books.<br />

Because, they were poorly schooled masses from my rural<br />

Punjab, had no capacity, time or talent to do so. <strong>The</strong>y were<br />

simply misled by a rival granthi who had spoken to Bhai<br />

Jagtar Singh on telephone a few days earlier. Some body<br />

spread the rumor that Bhai Jagtar Singh is condemning and<br />

rejecting Amrit sanchar.<br />

Let me address, you, the honorable Committee of<br />

scholars. I have met with some of you. Dr. Kharak Singh Ji,<br />

I was disappointed that, you being the most erudite<br />

scholar should have done a better Job. I had only a<br />

glimpse of Dr. Darshan Singh when he came to NY with<br />

Acting J.A.T. Professor Manjit Singh. I have met Prof.<br />

Balwant Singh Dhillon in NY. He could have done a more<br />

detailed investigation. I have not met Giani Gurdit Singh Ji or<br />

Bhai Joginder Singh Talwara. But, Professor Manjit Singh<br />

spoke very high about Talwara Ji, as a precedence of <strong>Sikh</strong>i,<br />

he could have been fair and just. I do appreciate his feelings<br />

about GSKA; he has criticized Talwara ji’s book, ‘Ten Kion<br />

Murghi Mari’.<br />

History will record monumental decisions.<br />

Excommunications must not be taken lightly. Make no<br />

mistake; more people are reading books by GSKA and<br />

Dasam Granth Darpan by late Giani Bhag Singh. You may<br />

like to remind me that ATJ, Late Sadhu Singh Bhaura<br />

excommunicated Giani Bhag Singh Ambalvi. Sant Singh<br />

Masqeen did most of the maneuvering through his<br />

friendship with late Singh Sahib Giani Chet Singh Ji in this<br />

accomplishment. Kindly read the book by Professor Ude<br />

Singh Ji of Canada (one of KA’s critics) and you will find<br />

how Mahan is Masqeen<br />

In America, there is no ban on free speech. Ours is a<br />

modern scientific religion and is spreading across the world.<br />

GSKA and Bhag Singh’s books will soon be translated in<br />

other languages for a wider discriminating reader. And<br />

many more erudite <strong>Sikh</strong> scholars will write books on<br />

authenticity of Dasam Granth. With your sword of<br />

Damocles, excommunications, you may repress, suppress or<br />

scare a few of us and hurt <strong>Sikh</strong>ism irreparably but the<br />

movement of Truth shall reign supreme. ‘Koorh Nikhote<br />

Nanka, ohrhak sach rahi!’ May I seek your forgiveness if I<br />

sounded too blunt Respectfully,<br />

Dr Jodh Singh, NY, xjsa@aol.com<br />

[*See <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> June 2002 pp.1- 4. ED]<br />

*****<br />



Edith Piaf the famous French singer was denied burial rights<br />

by the Catholic Church because she was born to a prostitute!<br />

Outpouring of hundreds of thousands Le Parisiens on<br />

Champs Elysse joined her funeral procession and<br />

condemned the scandalous attitude of the church. By<br />

coincidence another famous Parisian<br />

writer/poet/philosopher, Jean Cocteau, also died on the same<br />

day and was granted full burial rights. French public and<br />

media ridiculed and lambasted the church for extending full<br />

honours to a homosexual. Only a small coterie of friends<br />

joined Cocteau's funeral. <strong>The</strong> Church had abused its<br />

authority.<br />

I am not sure if Akal Takhat (AT) has an equivalent<br />

of an Ecclesiastical court for enforcing discipline or<br />

excommunicating fellow-<strong>Sikh</strong>s! Since the rules of Rehat<br />

Maryada, unfortunately, are not universally accepted, the<br />

chain of command and lines of communication between AT<br />

and <strong>Sikh</strong> masses in India and diaspora, are either blurred or<br />

non-existent, perhaps "the twain shall not meet." Most of the<br />

time, edicts, like sanctions and Coventry treatment, are<br />

ineffective, counter-productive and meaningless. As a<br />

universal and an egalitarian religion, <strong>Sikh</strong>ism cannot justify<br />

abuses laced with edicts or the excommunication process.<br />

Kala Afghana and his works (regardless of his<br />

domicile, station in life or age) became more popular after<br />

his excommunication. His silence has generated more<br />

sympathy than condemnation. Works of authors, editors,<br />

journalists, artists and scholars can be challenged in kind,<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 10

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

but they cannot be denied freedom of expression. AT should<br />

not allow itself to be perceived as ' thought police' created<br />

specifically to manipulate certain insidious agendas. <strong>The</strong>re is<br />

abundance of <strong>Sikh</strong> scholars to debate controversial issues<br />

raised by Kala Afgana and others. Respected Jathedars must<br />

demonstrate fair play and respect freedom of speech, viz,<br />

expression.<br />

Dr. Chahal Ji rightly observed, "<strong>The</strong>re is no system of<br />

excommunication of any <strong>Sikh</strong> in Gurbani." Mrs A. Singh<br />

Ji reaffirmed this further, "No one can excommunicate any<br />

believer of AGGS." Dr. Jodh Singh of New York wrote,<br />

"You (AT) have threatened us all (significant proportion)<br />

with the same punishment if we continue to be associated<br />

with him (Afghana)." Dr. Jaspal Singh Mayell reflected, "I<br />

will not be surprised if one of us is also excommunicated in<br />

the near future." Dr Mayell posed an interesting question, "Is<br />

there any one who is in favour of excommunication of<br />

Joginder Singh or any other <strong>Sikh</strong> by the <strong>Sikh</strong> religious<br />

managers" <strong>The</strong> jury is out! Tejpal S. Thind, Montreal. Canada<br />

*****<br />


Amritsar, January 9, 2004<br />

<strong>The</strong> Khalra Mission Committee (KMC) along with some<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong> religious and social organisations today filed a petition<br />

before the <strong>Sikh</strong> Judicial Commission against nine persons<br />

including Mr Parkash Singh Badal, President, Shiromani<br />

Akali Dal (SAD), Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti, Jathedar<br />

Akal Takht and Mr Gurcharan Singh Tohra, president,<br />

SGPC, allegedly for misusing SGPC funds.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y (petitioners) alleged that the nine alleged<br />

celebrated birthday of Mr Parkash Singh Badal on December<br />

8, 2003 using SGPC funds and its notified gurdwaras,<br />

causing loss of Rs five lakh which was against ‘<strong>Sikh</strong><br />

maryada’ (code of ethics) as only birthdays of <strong>Sikh</strong> Gurus<br />

were entitled to be celebrated from gurdwara funds. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

claimed that on the day of hearing of Mr Badal in a<br />

corruption case at Ropar, the Manager of Nadda Sahib<br />

Gurdwara in connivance with other respondents had provided<br />

free of cost meal to the SAD workers. <strong>The</strong>y alleged that it<br />

caused loss of Rs two lakh to the SGPC.<br />

On another count they said, Giani Puran Singh, head<br />

granthi, Golden Temple and Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti,<br />

Jathedar Akal Takht presented a siropa (a robe of honour) to<br />

Mr Badal on December 11, 2003 on his visit to the Golden<br />

Temple after release on bail in a corruption case in which he<br />

was chargesheeted which was against <strong>Sikh</strong> tenets. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

compared it with “the <strong>Sikh</strong>s giving siropa to General O’Dyer<br />

who had massacred Punjabis and <strong>Sikh</strong>s at Jallianwala Bagh<br />

in 1919.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y said that Mr Badal was instrumental in making<br />

Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Prime Minister, a known RSS<br />

worker, chairman of the Committee for celebrating 300-year<br />

anniversary celebration of Khalsa Panth. <strong>The</strong>y said now<br />

again Mr Badal had made Mr Vajpayee, Chairman of a<br />

committee constituted to celebrate the coming 400th<br />

Prakash Utsav of Siri Guru Granth Sahib.<br />

<strong>The</strong> petition has been filed under Section 142 of the<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong> Gurdwara Act, 1925. <strong>The</strong> next date of hearing is on<br />

January 12. <strong>The</strong> five petitioners, include Mr Jasbir Singh,<br />

President, Ashutoshwad Virodhi Morcha, Mr Dalbir Singh,<br />

Patron KMC, Mr Harmandeep Singh, Chairman, KMC, Mr<br />

Joginder Singh, General Secretary, Gurmat Prachar Sabha<br />

and Mr Virsa Singh convener <strong>Sikh</strong> Jagriti Morcha.<br />

<strong>The</strong> other six persons against whom petition was filed<br />

are Mr Manjit Singh Calcutta, Honorary Secretary, and Mr<br />

Sukhdev Singh Bhaur, General Secretary of the SGPC,<br />

Giani Puran Singh, Head Grandhi, Golden Temple, the<br />

Managers of Darbar Sahib, Dukh Niwaran Sahib<br />

Gurdwara and Nadda Sahib Gurdwara.<br />

*****<br />


"<strong>Sikh</strong> Gurus never meant us to be a religion. <strong>The</strong>y meant us<br />

to be a full-fledged people, a nation, a PANTH - defined<br />

and driven by a comprehensive ethical human culture"<br />

Dear fellow <strong>Sikh</strong>s across the globe:<br />

I take this opportunity to briefly and respectfully share with<br />

you my potent concerns over the continued use and<br />

imposition of the term 'religion' and 'religious' on the <strong>Sikh</strong>s<br />

and their matters. Please read and consider the following<br />

substantive points and questions. <strong>The</strong>se invite careful<br />

thought and a response to key fundamental points.<br />

1. Firstly, the term 'religion' is a vague, stigmatized and<br />

legally UNDEFINED term! Both European, United<br />

Nations, British and other territorial laws refer to 'religion';<br />

but leave it undefined (certainly in European and British<br />

law). Even the recent European Union Directive<br />

establishing equali rights on grounds of sexual orientation,<br />

religion and philosophical thought; fails to define the critical<br />

point of what is 'religion'. This begs the question, what<br />

makes a group or community a 'religion' What are the<br />

qualifying factors Perhaps, our wise <strong>Sikh</strong>s could comment<br />

on this fundamental point In contrast, British law explicitly<br />

and comprehensively defines what an 'ETHNIC' group is.<br />

Indeed, this was done in 1983, in direct response to a<br />

landmark <strong>Sikh</strong> legal case (Mandla v Dowell Lee, 1983,<br />

House of Lords), to decide the question of whether <strong>Sikh</strong>s<br />

were merely a 'religious' group or a much wider<br />

and comprehensive social and cultural entity - ETHNIC. It<br />

was decided, on merits of their common language, history,<br />

sociology, social customs (including 'religious' and beyond)<br />

territorial commonality, community feeling, etc; that<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong>s were "more than just a religion". It was decided that<br />

they were a full-fledged ETHNIC community, and should<br />

be treated as such under public and private law!<br />

2. Why do <strong>Sikh</strong>s have a fixation with the term 'religion'<br />

Where is this term used in <strong>Sikh</strong> history or <strong>Sikh</strong> historic<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 11

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

or scriptural literature (e.g. rehatnamas, hukamnamas,<br />

gurbani) In case someone thinks 'dharam' means 'religion',<br />

they are sorely mistaken! Dharam is a much more fuller,<br />

substantive and wholesome term than 'religion'. 'Dharam'<br />

means a totalised and holistic lifestyle of righteous living<br />

(code of ethical conduct, philosophy of life, etc). It was<br />

used in this sense by the <strong>Sikh</strong> Founding Fathers (the 'Gurus').<br />

For example:<br />

"(Guru Nanak) gave a new code of conduct, as the high<br />

way of spiritual life. Thus, Guru Nanak restored to<br />

DHARMA, its lost feet. He blended all classes and creeds<br />

into one social order: the SIKHS. In this, he gave the<br />

lowliest social equality with the kings; and taught<br />

humility and dignified living to the world." Bhai Gurdaas,<br />

Var 1, 24<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong> writers continue to confuse and misinterpret 'religion'<br />

and 'Dharam' as the same things (much like the term<br />

'Khaalsa' meaning the 'pure'). 'Dharam' is higher than the<br />

confines of institutionalised 'religion' (e.g. Catholicism,<br />

Protestantism). It is about human society and its<br />

wholescale ethical functionality. <strong>The</strong> authentic Khaalsa<br />

culture, society and people are a dharamic nation and<br />

civilisation.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Gurus never meant us to be a religion. <strong>The</strong>y meant<br />

us to be a full-fledged people, a nation, a PANTH -<br />

defined and driven by a comprehensive ethical human<br />

culture ('a network of ideas, values and customs which<br />

define the behaviour of a society').<br />

3. <strong>The</strong> term religion was first brought to the <strong>Sikh</strong>s by the<br />

British colonialists, in the 19th century during their<br />

conquest of Panjaab. British officialdom began to describe<br />

the <strong>Sikh</strong>s as a 'religion'. <strong>The</strong> British used various disjointed<br />

and half-baked descriptions about the <strong>Sikh</strong>s - their lifestyle,<br />

their ethics and collective community. For example, the<br />

'Khalsa' was frequently described as a 'military sect'. <strong>The</strong><br />

Darbar Sahib was described as a 'temple of worship'. Indeed,<br />

even today, the term 'temple' and 'place of worship' is<br />

routinely applied to gurdwaras. Moreover, the learned<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong>s have absorbed and imbibed these misdescriptions;<br />

and frequently use them themselves, pliantly. <strong>The</strong><br />

Gurdwara is neither a 'temple' nor a place of 'worship' (a<br />

English term for formal religious 'prayer' etc). In sum total,<br />

the <strong>Sikh</strong>s have blindly and pliantly accepted terminology<br />

superimposed by a conquering power! (highly reflective of<br />

the current subdued and pliant '<strong>Sikh</strong>' mental character, in<br />

contrast with the pre-1849 staunch Panjaabi - <strong>Sikh</strong>s who were<br />

annihilated by the invading British, much like the Scottish<br />

highland stalwarts).<br />

4. <strong>The</strong> term 'religion' comes with a great deal of negative<br />

and institutionalised baggage. <strong>The</strong> religious establishment<br />

throughout Europe, over previous centuries, and indeed, the<br />

current time; has been involved in great social and political<br />

controversies and scandals, and sanctioned aggressive wars<br />

by the prevaling imperialistic states. Religion is associated<br />

with institutional control, formalisms, ritual, tight and<br />

oppressive authority and officialdom. This is certainly not<br />

the substance of the Khaalsa philosophy, lifestyle or<br />

movement or peoplehood! Indeed, the exact opposite.<br />

5. Religious groups do not have rights in international<br />

law! <strong>The</strong> nearest thing to religious rights, is the right to<br />

freedom of thought and expression and freedom of 'religion',<br />

etc, as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human<br />

Rights. Religious groups do not have any COLLECTIVE<br />

rights as a collective community, unlike ethnic-national<br />

groups, in international law. <strong>The</strong>re is no legal basis for<br />

self-determination for a 'religious minority' or a<br />

'religious community'. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong>s presenting themselves as<br />

a 'persecuted religious minority' in India, diverts massively<br />

and most fundamentally, from the correct principles of the<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong> case - a nation undemocratically and oppressively<br />

colonialised and subjugated by a state (INDIA). It makes<br />

no intellectual sense for a 'religious' community to seek<br />

autonomy, self-determination or self-rule, merely<br />

because of their different style of worship, different<br />

prayers, different centres of worship. That is like,<br />

buddhists demanding territorial and political separation<br />

from christians. In contrast, a nation - a people who have<br />

a collective way of life and a collective society of their<br />

own, and seek to function and develop as a collective<br />

human unit - has much more comprehensive<br />

and overarching basis for self-existence and independent<br />

existence. A nation wishes to function as a full-fledged<br />

comprehensive society - social, political, civic and<br />

legislative; based on its cultural, social and spiritial<br />

substance and values - customs, heritage, codes, norms. This<br />

is why the Khaalsa civilisation decidely qualifies as a<br />

nation more than as a mere 'religion', much less a<br />

'religious minority'!<br />

<strong>The</strong> reduction of <strong>Sikh</strong>s to a 'religious' group, as against a<br />

ethnic group, is driven by the duplicitous and oppressive<br />

desire to deny the <strong>Sikh</strong>s their legal rights as a distinct<br />

and full-fledged people. Being a 'religion' gives <strong>Sikh</strong>s no<br />

legal strength or basis. Indeed, discussions by the <strong>Sikh</strong><br />

Commonwealth (London) with western governments'<br />

representatives and in the United Nations (New York) about<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong> nationhood were often complicated and impeded by<br />

Indian pre-information, that <strong>Sikh</strong>s were only a 'religious'<br />

group.<br />

6. <strong>Sikh</strong>s says they are a 'nation', and claim national<br />

rights. How do they reconcile this with their constant and<br />

repititive self-description as a 'religious' group, seeking<br />

'religious rights and freedoms'<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 12

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />


I hope that, we as a people can look to evaluating<br />

these important and searching fundamental questions We<br />

cannot chop and change from being 'religious' one moment<br />

to 'ethnic' and 'national' another moment. Consistency is<br />

necessary in intellectual argument and certainly in law -<br />

domestic and international. At the moment, the erratic<br />

chopping and changing, indicates a lack of clear thought<br />

and comprehension of the critical substance of the global<br />

issues facing the <strong>Sikh</strong> people both as a migrant<br />

population (in France, Britain, USA, Europe, etc) and as<br />

a non-state nation. <strong>The</strong>re is nothing worse and more selfdestructive<br />

than a confused mind.<br />

I would hope that the above earnest comments, will nurture<br />

healthy debate and discussion. Open responses from <strong>Sikh</strong><br />

organisations, like United <strong>Sikh</strong>s, British <strong>Sikh</strong> Federation and<br />

other leading <strong>Sikh</strong> bodies, are much welcomed.<br />

I would also advise <strong>Sikh</strong>s in France to present their issues<br />

of the dastaar ('turban'), as an issue of ethnic equality -<br />

the right to practise a distinct and progressive ethnic way<br />

of life. <strong>The</strong> 5ks - their ethical significance/symbolism and<br />

practical usage in day to day life - forms an integral part<br />

of the ETHNICITY of the <strong>Sikh</strong> people. Entrapping this<br />

into the swamp of 'religion' will create unnecessary<br />

complications, and further undermine the status of the<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong> people as a people.<br />

Jagdeesh Singh, <strong>Sikh</strong> Commonwealth (London, England)<br />

<strong>Sikh</strong> Community Action Network (Slough, England)<br />

*****<br />

sMpwdkI:<br />

[From Indian Edition of Jan. 04 <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong>]<br />

BIKw bwq Agm kI, kihx suxn kI nWh<br />

jy bwrIkI nwl is`K pMQ dI hwlq v`l ingwh mwrIey qW eysdw rom-rom<br />

ZulwmI dIAW qMdW iv`c b`iJAw nzr Awvygw[ ieh ZulwmI bhup`KI hY<br />

Aqy qMdW dy AnykW rUp hn[ inrUpx qW kuJ ku qMdW dw hI ho skdw hY,<br />

pr Awm vwk&IAq Aqy ibbyk-bu`DI dI vrqoN qoN aupjy AnuBv dvwrw<br />

mihsUs swrIAW qMdW ƒ hI kIqw jw skdw hY[ jy AQwh SkqISwlI<br />

suqMqr mnuK ^wlsw, ijs ƒ gurU-hzUr ny ‘myrw rUp hY ^ws’ AwK ky<br />

vifAwieAw sI, dy sMklp ƒ AjokIAW nslW iv`c rUpmwn krnw hY, qW<br />

zrUrI hY ik swrIAW auhnW pRsiQqIAW dw igAwn hwsl kIqw jwvy ijnHW<br />

kwrx A`j ^wlsw Awpxy-Awp ƒ mzlUm mihsUs krdw hY[<br />

ie`kIvIN sdI iv`c, jdoN ik igAwn-pRwpqI dy somy Anyk hn, s`c dI<br />

prdwpoSI krn dy swDn vI Axigxq hn[ is`K pMQ dI shI siQqI ƒ<br />

s`c dI rOSnI iv`c inrKx-prKx iv`c v`fI AiV`cx ieh prdwpoSI hI<br />

hY[ dUsry mulkW dIAW l`crqw PYlwaux vwlIAW iPlmW Awid ƒ<br />

ihMdosqwn iv`c ivKwaux au~`qy qW kueI pwbMdI nhIN pr inrp`K qsvIr<br />

pyS kr skx dyy kwbl Cpx-swDnW (print media) au~qy bVI s^q<br />

pwbMdI hY[ eyQy EhI A^bwr Cp skdy hn ijhVy ik ‘smyN, sQwn Aqy<br />

fwiFAW dI loV’ Anuswr GVI Dwrnw ƒ s`c pRcwrn dI izMmyNvwrI inBw<br />

skx[<br />

is`KW Aqy pMjwb pRqI inrDwrq ‘rwmkwr’ dw izkr Asl hwlq ƒ<br />

smJx iv`c shweI hovygw[<br />

26 AkqUbr 2003 ƒ swihbzwdw AjIq isMG ngr (A`gy qoN sw.A.isMG<br />

ngr) iv`c hoeI kOnPrMs qoN Bwrq dI iksmq dy Awpy vwrs bxy lokW<br />

ny AMdwzw lwieAw ik EQy aunHW q`qW bwry ivcwr-vtWdrw hoieAw hY jo<br />

ik is`KW dI shI hwlq ƒ aujwgr kr skx dy Xog hn[ qurMq F`kxmwhr<br />

hrkq iv`c Aw gey Aqy auhnW jo-jo F`kx GVy auhnW dw vyrvw<br />

smJ lYx nwl swƒ soJI ho jWdI hY ik ikvyN is`KW ƒ AwpxIAW<br />

sm`isAwvW pRqI fUMGy hnyry iv`c sdIvI qOr au~qy r`Kx dIAW ivauNqW<br />

bxIAW hoeIAW hn[<br />

iksy ƒ S`k hY ik hux is`K Awpxy nwl hoieAW D`ikAW dI g`l krngy[<br />

ieh naubq Awaux qoN pihlW pMjwbI itRibaUn ny id`lI vwly mhIp isMG<br />

dy do lyK bVI AihmIAq dy ky Cwpy[ pihly iv`c auh mohndws<br />

krmcMd gWDI ƒ is`KW dw v`fw ihqYSI sQwpq krdy hn[ ieh lyK<br />

keI vwr pihlW Cp cu`ikAw hY Aqy keI vwr eys dw juAwb eyhnW ƒ<br />

iml c`uikAw hY[ jwpdw hY ik ieh EnIN dyr SWq nhIN hoxgy ijMnIN dyr<br />

q`k k`tV is`K-ivroDI ƒ is`KW koloN is`K-ihqYSI mnvw nw lYx[ ieh<br />

eys leI ik is`KW dI isAwsI bdiksmqI dI khwxI eys S^s dy JUTy<br />

vwAidAW Aqy Es dI is`KW pRqI insMg ho ky zwhr kIqI n&rq qoN SuruU<br />

huMMdI hY ijs ƒ F`kx leI eys au~qy is`K- ihqYSI dw prdw pwauxw bhuq<br />

zrUrI hY[ [<br />

dUjw lyK ijs ƒ is`K h`kW dI Awvwz dI A`goN rokQwm krn dI mnSw<br />

nwl 14 dsMbr 2003 ƒ CwipAw igAw hY dw isrlyK hY, “is`KW dI<br />

v`KrI pCwx dw svwl”[ eys lyK iv`c “is`KW nwl ihMdUAW dI fUMGI<br />

sWJ” pRgt kIqI hY pr ieh nhIN d`isAw ik 1984 ’c sRI Akwl q^q<br />

swihb ƒ mlIAwmyt krn vyly jW id`lI dy is`K kqlyAwm vyly ieh<br />

sWJ ik`Qy lukI hoeI sI[ dUsrw eys dw mksd hY is`KW ƒ ihMdU d`sdI<br />

sMivDwn dI Dwrw ƒ jwiez d`s ky, BweI kwnH isMG nwBw qoN Zlq<br />

gvwhI pvw ky, is`KW ƒ nsIhq krnw ik “A`j swry sMswr iv`c<br />

nYSnYltI dw sbMD Drm nwloN tu`t cuikAw hY”[ ieh ikqy nhIN iliKAw<br />

ik is`K Ajy k`lH sMpUrn s`qwDwrI nySn sn; auh iks tUxy krky<br />

‘nySn’ hoxoN h`t gey nw hI ieh ikhw hY ik jdoN sYkUlr burkw pw ky<br />

kueI POjW cVHwaux, gurdvwry Fwhux, swD-sMq qy syvwdwr mwrn,<br />

kqlyAwm krn au~qy au~qr Awvy qW zwlm qy mzlUm donW ƒ ie`k nySn<br />

iks AwDuink sMklp ADIn AwiKAw jwvy AsIN pu`C skdy hW ik<br />

is`KW dy fUMGy ihq iv`c pRp`k sMklpW ƒ FwA lwaux leI hI ikauN<br />

mhIp isMG dI klm qVpdI rihMdI hY<br />

pr hr hwl iv`c is`KW ƒ BMfx dy mwhr kuldIp neIXr pihl kr ky<br />

Aqy nMgy-ic`ty hwl is`K DwrnwvW dw ivroD kr ky mhIp isMG qoN bwzI<br />

lY igAw hY[ Es ny Awpxy AjIq iv`c 5 nvMbr 2003 ƒ Cpy lyK iv`c<br />

is`Dw sw.A.isMG ngr iv`c hoeI knvYnSn dw izkr kIqw Aqy eys ƒ<br />

is`KW iv`c ‘k`tV’ rucIAW r`Kx vwilAW dI knvYnSn AwK ky ASWqI<br />

(ArQwq is`K kqlyAwm) dy idnW ƒ prq Awaux dw s`dw dyx vwlI<br />

AwiKAw[ bIby rwxy AkwlI AwgUAW dI r`j ky qwrI& kIqI jo sMivDwn<br />

dI Dwrw dI mnSw Anuswr is`KW dw ihMdU hoxW svIkwr cu`ky hn[ eys ny<br />

isr& Dwrimk msly ivcwrdI knvYnSn ƒ isAwsI haUAw drsw ky,<br />

kqlyAwm dw fr dy ky Drm bwry swrQk phuMc Apnwaux qoN is`KW ƒ<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 13

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

byh`d kur^q qrIky nwl vrijAw hY[ pr mW nwloN v`D hyj krn vwlI<br />

PPyku`txI dweI vWg cMgI KMf lpyt ky zihr dyx dI koiSS kIqI hY[<br />

AwpxI jwcy AjIq ny iF`lV is`KW ƒ im`Ty dI prq ivKw ky lyKk ƒ<br />

hmdrd prgt krn dI ksr nhIN rihx id`qI[<br />

KuSvMq isMG ie`k hor AYsw AwdmI hY ijs ny is`KW ƒ BMfx Aqy guMmrwh<br />

krn dw kueI vI mOkw h`QoN nhIN jwx id`qw[ Es ƒ AMgRyzI itRibaUn ny<br />

bINfI joV ilAw[ is`K BwvnwvW ƒ ijs bypRvwhI nwl ieh kuh skdw hY,<br />

Aqy is`K ieiqhws ƒ ijs sPweI nwl ieh pu`Tw gyV dy skdw hY, Es<br />

kuSlqw nwl qW ieh isrP jnwnIAW dw nK-iS`K vrxn hI kr skdw<br />

hY[ eys ny iqMn Aqy cwr nvMbr 2003 ƒ do lyK ilKy[ iehnW donW dw<br />

rlvW Bwv hY ik is`K AwpxIAW ZlqIAW kwrx mwr KWdy hn, Zlq<br />

BwvnwvW ƒ mMndy hn Awid[ eys ny is`KI dy v`fy AlMbrdwr isrdwr<br />

kpUr isMG dI Swn ivru`D vI r`j ky gusqw^I kIqI Aqy bIqI sdI dy<br />

mhwn is`K sMq bwbw jrnYl isMG ShId dI Swn iv`c vI[ eys ny hwl dy<br />

is`K sMGrS dI hr Dwrnw dy Zlq hox dw Fol pUry zor nwl vjwieAw[<br />

is`KW nwl ho rhy ivqkirAW sbMDI hr sbUq ƒ AwieAw igAw kIqw[<br />

ijs vyly is`KW kol eys ƒ Suhrq dyx dI smr`Qw sI EdoN eynyN hI zor<br />

nwl ieh is`K ngwry au~qy f`gw lwauNdw sI[ 1966 iv`c ijs vyly mwstr<br />

qwrw isMG ny ‘is`K homlYNf’ dw nwArw bulMd kIqw sI, Aqy ijs<br />

p`qrkwr imlxI iv`c ieh kIqw igAw sI Es iv`c isrdwr swihb<br />

mwstr jI dy s`jy pwsy suSoiBq sn Aqy ieh K`by pwsy pUry (bnwvtI)<br />

jwho jlwl iv`c bYTw sI[ eys v`loN kIqIAW Gor by-AdbIAW Aqy<br />

ieiqhwisk aukweIAW v`l iDAwn dvwauNdw lyK itRibaUn AKbwr ƒ 4<br />

nvMbr 2003 ƒ hI eI. myl duAwrw Byj id`qw igAw[ nw Cpxw sI, n<br />

CipAw[<br />

14 Aqy 15 dsMbr 2003 dy AKbwrW iv`c do ilKqW Awpxy A`j dy<br />

ivSlySx dy nukqy dy nzrIey qoN bVIAW Aihm hn[ 14 ƒ CipAw ik<br />

pMjwb iv`c prvwsI mzdUrW dI Awmd qoN pMjwb dy is`K Awpxy<br />

siBAwcwr ƒ ^qrw mihsUs krdy hn[ ieh dl ^wlsw v`loN Aswm dy<br />

hwlwq qoN pRBwvq ho ky kIqI knvYnSn nwl sbMDq ^br sI[ eys ƒ<br />

is`K mslw jwx ky bwAd iv`c SRomxI ^wlsw pMcwieq ny vI bVy zor nwl<br />

auBwirAw[ 15.12.2003 dI AMgRyzI itRibaUn iv`c AYfItr v`loN v`fw lyK<br />

AYfItr s&y au~qy CwipAw igAw ijs dI do-DwrI phuMc srsrI piVHAW vI<br />

spSt hY[ pihlI Dwr qW ieh ik purwqn simAW qoN Awpxy lok v`fI<br />

igxqI iv`c Byj ky dUsry mulkW au~qy kbzw krn dI rIq c`lI AwauNdI<br />

hY[ ieh Dwr qW Awpxy suihrd jwq BweIAW leI sI[ dUsrI Dwr<br />

icMqwqur is`KW v`l syDq sI[ auhnW ƒ vMgwr ky AwiKAw igAw sI ik<br />

auh pRdysIAW dI Awmd qoN ‘frn’ nw, auhnW dI bdnwmI n krn ikauNik<br />

auhnW dI loV hY, eyQoN dy lok ^ud kMm nhIN krdy[<br />

jy AsIN AwpxI Koj dy Gyry ƒ hor v`fw kr leIey qW jwxWgy ik pMjwb<br />

iv`c ivkdy swry ZYr-is`K A^bwr inrMqr is`K-ivroDI pRcwr au~qy l`gy<br />

hoey hn[ &rk isr& eynW hI hY ik kdy ieh pRcwr gu`Jw Aqy lukvW<br />

huMdw hY, kdy spSt Aqy kur^q[ AsIN iehnW AKbwrW ƒ Cpx qoN nhIN<br />

rok skdy, nw hI JUTw pRcwr krn qoN, pr AsIN G`to-G`t ibbyk bu`DI<br />

vrq ky pVH qW skdy hW[ A^bwrW pRqI GoKvW vqIrw Dwrx krIey Aqy<br />

duS-pRcwr dw iSkwr hox qoN bcIey[<br />

mnjIq isMG klk`qy vrgy n&rq dy vxjwirAW ƒ Aqy kuJ ku zr^rId<br />

‘j`QydwrW’ ƒ C`f ky bwkI is`K qW spSt smJdy hn ik sw.A.isMG<br />

ngr dI knvYnSn is`K Drm iv`c AweIAW kurIqIAW pRqI lokW ƒ<br />

jwgx dw hokw dyx leI hI sI[ pr hr hwlq iv`c is`K-ivroDI pRcwr<br />

ƒ ihMdUqv dy vwDy leI v`fw mwArkw mwrn qu`l smJx vwly A^bwrW<br />

ny qW KMBW dIAW fwrW bxwauxIAW AwrMB vI kr id`qIAW hn[ auhnW dy<br />

qs`vr iv`c AsIN Dwrimk jwgrUkqw ilAw ky isAwsI h`kW dI rwKI<br />

leI XqnSIl hW Aqy EnHW dI pRoFqw iv`c v`fI kRWqI ilAw vI cu`ky hW<br />

ijs ƒ rokx leI ieh huxy qoN hI XqnSIl hn[<br />

iehnw dIAW ikAws ArweIAw qoN pYdw hoeIAW BVkwaU kwrvweIAW dw<br />

iSkwr ho ky ismrnjIq isMG mwn dI qrz au~qy PokI nwArybwzI dI<br />

dldl iv`c iblkul nhIN Psxw cwhIdw[ mukMml Dwrimk jwgRqI hI<br />

AYs vyly is`K pMQ dw inSwnw hY[ ieh mMzl vI Ajy bhuq dUr hY[ Ajy<br />

q`k qW hr is`K ƒ fyrydwrW, AKwauqI j`QydwrW, Drm dy TykydwrW v`loN<br />

PYlweIAW kurIqIAW bwry jwxkwrI dyxw hI v`fw kMm bixAw hoieAw hY[<br />

pr duSmx ikMnW sqrk Aqy ik`QoN q`k AgwaUN phuMc r`Kx vwlw hY, eys<br />

ƒ iDAwn iv`c r`Kxw Xog hY[ swry iehnW cwlW qoN sucyq hoeIey Aqy<br />

ivroD iv`c kIqy jw rhy duS-pRcwr ƒ ibbyk bu`DI nwl T`lH pweIey[<br />

AsIN eys dOr iv`c duSmx qoN FweI krm AgWh c`lxw hY[ ZulwmI dI<br />

ie`k prq ƒ auqwrn leI kyvl AKbwrW rwhIN AwauNdy sunyihAW ƒ shI<br />

sMdrB iv`c smJ ky pVHnw hI kwPI hY[<br />

swihb s`cy pwqSwh dI kQnI Aqy krnI swfy cwnx-munwry hn; sMswr<br />

dy kilAwx dw ie`ko-ie`k rwh hn[ eys s`c ƒ mnW iv`c vsweIey Aqy<br />

Awpxy gurmuK bzurgW vWg inmwxy ho ky gurU dy dr au~qy bynqI krIey:<br />

“hwir pirE suAwmI ky duAwry dIjY buD ibbykw”[<br />

*****<br />

ig: joigMdr isMG vydFqI vloN “spoksmYn” dy<br />

muwK sMpfdk nUM ilKI icwTI<br />

jo aKbfrF nUM pihlF jfrI kr idwqI geI qy “spoksmYn” dy dPLqr ivwc mgroN phuMcI.<br />

aYzIytr koloN “spwsLtIkrn” mMigaf igaf hY pr AunHF nUM “dosLLI” pihlF hI imQ idwqf<br />

igaf hY. afdysL “gurUu-pMQ vloN” pr ieh nhIN disaf igaf ik guruU-pMQ df afdysL<br />

ikhVy gurmqy rfhIN qy kdoN jfrI kIqf hoieaf sI.<br />

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh<br />

igafnI joigMdr isMG jQydfr sRI akfl qKq sfihb aMimRqsr<br />

nMbr: a: 3/03/3635 imqI 22-12-2002(2003)<br />

joigMdr isMG, muwK sMpfdk, cMzIgVH spoksmYn,<br />

3037, sYktr 19 zI, cMzIgVH, 160019<br />

vfihgurU jI kf KLlsf]<br />

vfihgurU jI kI PLiqh]<br />

sRI akfl qKq sfihb ivKy Drm pRcfr kmytI(soLmxI gurduafrf<br />

pRbMDk kmytI) sLRI aMimRqsr, vwK vwK QfvF dIaF iswK sMgqF aqy sRI<br />

akfl qKq sfihb dy slfhkfr borz vloN smyN smyN afp dIaF<br />

guMmrfhkuMn ilKqF bfry isLkfieqF pRfpq ho rhIaF hn ik afp afpxy<br />

prcy “spoksmYn” rfhIN iswK Drm, mirafdf, pRMprfvF qy ieiqhfs<br />

nfl sbMDq mhwqvpUrn ivisLaF ijvyN ik:<br />

-iswKI dy muwZly isDFqF aqy pRMprfvF.<br />

-nwqnym aqy aMimRq-sMcfr dIaF bfxIaF.<br />

-pMc pRDfnI gurmiq isDFq qy pRMprf.<br />

-gurUu-pMQ dI pRqIinD srv-Auwc sMsQf, sRI akfl qKq sfihb dy<br />

ieiqhfs, mirafdf, pRpMrf qy rvfieqF bfry.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 14

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

-sRI akfl qKq sfihb qoN jfrI hoey hukmnfimaF dy isDFq, pRMprfvF<br />

qy ieiqhfs bfry.<br />

-iswKF dy srv- pRvfinq kyNdrI Dfrmk asQFn sRI hirmMdr sfihb<br />

dIaF pRMprfvF, aMimRq isDFq, sMklp aqy ieiqhfs sbMDI ipCly<br />

lMmy smyN qoN rol-Gcolf pfAux df Xqn.<br />

-aTfrvIN sdI dy gOrvmeI suinhrI iswK ieiqhfs nUM ivgfV ky iswK<br />

ihridaF nUM vlMUDrnf.<br />

iswK isDFqF qy pRMprfvF ivruD quhfzIaF ieqrfjLXog ilKqF jo afpxy<br />

afp ivwc quhfnUM dosLI drsfAuNdIaF hn, dIaF tUk mfqr AudfhrxF<br />

hyTF idwqIaF jf rhIaF hn:<br />

1[ kI gurimq ieh mMndI hY ik koeI Kfs bfxI pVHn nfl pfxI aMimRq<br />

bx jFdf hY nhI, ies bRfhmxI ivcfr df gurmiq pUrI qrFH KMzn<br />

krdI hY.<br />

2[ guruU gRQ aqy gurUu-pMQ hI akfl qKq hY, iksy iemfrq jF Aus ivwc<br />

bYTy gRMQIaF nUM akfl qKq nhIN ikhf jf skdf. ( sMpfdkI pMnf4,<br />

spoksmYn, nvMbr 2003)<br />

3[ guru gRMQ sfihb nUM svyry pMj cfdrF, rumfilaF ivwc Guwt ky bMnH idAu<br />

aqy sLfm qwk KuwlHx nF idAu. (pMnf 17, spoksmYn, sqMbr 2003)<br />

4[ mugLlF dy dOr ivwc iswKF nUM jMglF ivwc jf Cupxf ipaf. jMglF ivwc<br />

rih ky iswKF ny jMglI afdqF nUM hI apxf ilaf. sfrf idn KFdy-pINdy<br />

rho( jo kuJ vI imly), lVdy rho qy gflHF kwZdy rho. sLihrI jIvn<br />

ivwc vfps prq ky vI iswK jMgl dy idnF dIaF afdqF nUM ajy qwk nhIN<br />

Buwly.” (pMnf 11, spoksmYn, akqUbr 2003)<br />

quhfzIaF Auprokq ilKqF qhfnUM hyT ilKy dosLF df BfgI drsfAuNdIaF<br />

hn:<br />

(A) sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dy siqkfr aQvf syvf sMBfl sbMDI mirafdf<br />

dI iKwlI AuzfAuxf.<br />

(a) sfihb sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI vloN sLurU kIqy KMzy bfty dI pfhul,<br />

aMimRq isDFq aqy pRMprf dI pMQ pRvfxq mirafdf Auwqy ikMqU pRMqU<br />

krky sDfrn iswK sMgqF nUM guMmrfh krky ies pfvn dfq dI pRfpqI qoN<br />

munikr krn df koJf Xqn kIqf hY.<br />

(e) sRI akfl qKq sfihb vloN pMQk msilaF dy hwl bfry hukmnfmyN<br />

jfrI krn dy gurUu-pMQ pRvfixq isDFq, sQfpq qy pRvfixq pRMprf pRqI<br />

Brm-BulyKy pYdf kIqy hn.<br />

(s) smuwcI iswK kOm ivruwD jMglI asiBak hox df dUsLx lfAuNxf.<br />

AupRokq qoN ielfvf quhfzIaF hyT ilKIaF gqI-ivDIaF vI quhfnUM dosLI<br />

drsfAuNdIaF hn :<br />

1[ 14 meI, 2002 dy sRI akfl qKq sfihb qoN gurUu-pMQ vloN afdysL<br />

kIqf igaf sI ik “dsmgRMQ bfry aKbfrI crcf qurMq bMd kIqI<br />

jfvy” dI AulMGxf kridaF “spoksmYn” rfhIN dsm gRMQ nUM pUrn rUp<br />

ivwc rwd krn df ivvfd inrMqr jfrI rwKxf.<br />

2[ gurUu-pMQ vloN sRI akfl qKq sfihb qoN Cyky gurbKsL isMG kflf<br />

aPLgfnF dI hmfieq krnI qy gurUu-pMQ vloN sRI akfl qKq sfihb qoN<br />

jfrI hukmnfmy dI inrfdrI (qOhIn) krnI.<br />

3[ 26 akqUbr, 2003 nUM mohflI ivwc kIqI knvYnsLn dy zYlIgyt<br />

sYsLn nUM “srbwq Kflsy” df nfm dy ky pMQk pRMprfvF aqy mfnqfvF<br />

nfl srfsr iKlvfV krnf aqy sRI akfl qKq sfihb qoN jfrI hoey<br />

hukmnfimaF nUM mUloN rwd krn dI avwigaf krky iswK sMgqF nUM sRI<br />

akfl qKq sfihb qoN jfrI hukmnfimaF nUM nF mMnx leI AuksfAuxf.<br />

Auprokq dosLF dy mwdynjLr quhfnUM sRI akfl qKq sfiuhb qoN gurUu-pMQ<br />

vloN afdys idwqf jFdf hY ik imqI 25 poh, sMmq nfnksLfhI 535(7<br />

jnvrI, idn bwuDvfr nUM sRI akfl qKq sfihb ivKy svyry 11-00<br />

vjy inwjI qOr qy o pysL ho ky afpnO siQqI spwst kro.<br />

dsqKLq/ (joiMgdfr isMG),jQydr,sRI akfl qKq sfiuhb, sRI aMimRqsr.<br />

*****<br />

JUT n boil pWfy sc khIAY]<br />

isMG bRdrz, AMimRqsr v`loN pRkwSq “in`qnym stIk” – tIkwkwr pRo.<br />

swihb isMG, fI. il`t dy muK bMD iv`c BweI joigMdr isMG qlvwVw ny<br />

iliKAw hY:<br />

“kibXo bwc bynqI cOpeI pwqSwhI 10 (hmrI kro hwQ dY r`Cw)<br />

dw tIkw pRo. swihb isMG jI dw kIqw hoieAw nhIN imldw, ies<br />

krky ies bwxI dw tIkw hor pRymIAW v`loN krvw ky ies in`qnym<br />

stIk iv`c Swml kIqw igAw hY[”<br />

BweI joigMdr isMG qlvwVw dI auprokq it`pxI pVH ky mn<br />

ƒ bhuq D`kw l`gw, ikauNik auprokq kQn sO PIsdI JUT hYY Aqy JUT qoN<br />

isvwey hor kuJ vI nhIN[ mrhUm pRo. swihb isMG horW dy ividAwrQI<br />

Aqy auhnW dy swQI/sihXogI Kws kr ky Aqy is`K jn-mwns Awm qOr<br />

’qy A`CI qrHW jwxdy hn ik pRo. Swihb isMG dI kibXo bwc bynqI<br />

cOpeI]pwqSwhI 10] hmrI kro hwQ dY r`Cw] iv`c koeI AwsQw nhIN<br />

sI Aqy ieh iv`cwr auh Ku`lH ky Awpxy lYkcrW iv`c pRgtwieAw krdy<br />

sn[ auhnW ny kdI vI ies cOpeI dw tIkw kIqw hI nhIN sI, qW iPr<br />

aus dy nw imlx dw svwl hI pYdw nhIN huMdw[<br />

mrhUm pRo. swihb dy AnykW ividAwrQI A`j vI ies q`Q dI qsdIk<br />

krn leI auplbD hn[ BweI qlvwVw v`loN “kUV boil murdwr Kwie”<br />

vwlI hrkq kyvl pRo. swihb isMG horW dI AwsQw dw hI inrwdr nhIN,<br />

sgoN auhnW dI gOrv qy pRiqSTw ƒ ivgwVwn dI iGnwauxI hrkq hY;<br />

k`cI bwxI ƒ gurbwxI qul pRcwrn dw koJw Xqn hY[ A`j pRo. swihb<br />

dIAW durl`B rcnwvW is`K pMQ dw Amu`l ^zwnw hn Aqy iehnW iv`c<br />

iksy v`loN vI iksy qrHW dI CyV- CwV dI AwigAw nhIN id`qI jw skdI[<br />

BweI kwnH isMG nwBw mhwn koS dy pMnw 545 ’qy ilKdy hn: “is`K<br />

Drm iksy hwlq iv`c BI JUT bolx dI AwigAw nhIN idMdw[ hW viSSt<br />

sMihqw Aqy Bwgvq iv`c iliKAw hY ik iesqRIAW nwl hwsI mKOl iv`c,<br />

ivAwh smyN AwpxI rozI vwsqy, jwn jwx dy fr qoN, Dn nws huMdw vyK<br />

ky, gaU bRwhmx dy ihq leI, ihMsw rokx vwsqy JUT bolxw pwp nhIN[<br />

BweI qlvwVw v`loN byKO& JUUUUUUUT ny sQwpq is`K kdrW-kImqW qy isDwqW<br />

dI SrHyAwm aulMGxw inrsuAwrQ qW ho hI nhIN skdI[ A&sos ik<br />

sMpRdwiek suAwrQ is`DI leI BweI qlvwVw dI swijS iv`c ‘isMG<br />

bRdrz’ vI pUrI qndyhI nwl Swml hn, AwiKr ikauN pRo. swihb isMG<br />

ƒ tIkwkwr drswauNidAW, tIky dy muK bMd iv`c BweI qlvwVw dw JUT<br />

Cwp ky, is`K jgq dy sQwpq ivdvwn dI Suhrq, js, pRiqSTw Aqy<br />

mwx-mirXwdw au~qy prhwr ’c BwgIdwrI kIqI hY[ dUsirAW dI kImq<br />

’qy AwpxI ivdvqw qW auvyN hY ijvyN “JUTy kau nwhI piq nwau] kbhu n<br />

sUcw kwlw kwau](pM. 839 )[ vwihgurU sum`q b^Sy[<br />

ieMj: jgqwr isMG mohwlI<br />

{gMBIr ividAwrQIAW, ivdvwnW ƒ pqw krnw cwhIdw hY ik eys qrHW nwl ikMnW<br />

ku is`K swihq sMpRdwvW dy byeImwn numwieMidAW v`loN AwKyp kIqw jw cu`kw hY Aqy<br />

kIqw jw irhw hY eys msly nwl is`KI ƒ Awid-kwl qoN hI jUJxw pY irhw hY[<br />

eys p`KoN byh`d sqrk rihx dI loV hY[ - sMpwdk ]<br />

*****<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 15

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

smkwlI ieiqhws<br />

1. aUcy mMdr suMdr CwieAw] JUTy lwlic jnmu gvwieAw]<br />

(m: 5, pMnw: 1175-76)<br />

pihlW pRkwS isMG bwdl dI g`l krIey[ eys au~qy c`ly muk`dmy dy sMdrB<br />

iv`c ivcwr krnI bxdI hY[<br />

ie`k AKbwrI rpt Anuswr, ‘mulwkwq qoN bwAd ijhl v`l jwx l`igAW<br />

bwdl A`KW Br AwieAw’[ ie`k vwrI Pyr jdoN auh Awpxy pu`qr suKbIr<br />

isMG ƒ ijhl dy Ahwqy v`l lY jwx l`igAw qW Es dIAW A`KW iv`c hMJU<br />

sn[ gurmiq dy p`K qoN ivSlySx krIey qW keI gursMdyS mn iv`c<br />

AwauNdy hn[ “iKn mih kauVy hoie gey ijqVy mwieAw Bog” (m.5, pMnw<br />

135)[ Awp muhwry svwl au~Tdw hY ik kI isAwsI SkqI dw nSw pYsy dy<br />

lwlc A`gy gofy tyk idMdw hY sMswr dy suGV, s&l isAwsqdwnW v`l<br />

ingwh mwrIey qW auhnW iv`c isAwsq dw jƒn lok-syvw iv`c nwmxw<br />

K`tx dI cwh iv`c v`tdw nzr Awvygw[ pr bwdl iv`c isAwsI SkqI<br />

ƒ pYsy iv`c vtwaux dI cwh eynW zor PV geI ik AYP.AweI.Awr.<br />

Anuswr swry dw swrw pRvwr iksy mjwr au~qy bYTy mjOr vWg kyvl pYsy<br />

hUMJx ƒ hI prmoDrm smJ bYTY[<br />

qmwSw vyKx vwly dI vI ie`k A`K ieh vrqwrw vyK ky bwdl nwl roNdI<br />

hY[ ie`k mDvrgI ikswn dy byty ƒ iksmq ny ieiqhws iv`c nW rOSn<br />

krn dw eyfw vDIAw mOkw id`qw sI pr bwdl ny ies ƒ cMd kaufIAW<br />

bdly guAw ilAw[ “kwc bwdrY lwlu KoeI hY iPir iehu Aausru kid<br />

lhw]” (m.5, pMnw 1203) jo kuJ bwdl ny pYsy dy lwlc iv`c kIqw jW<br />

brdwSq kIqw, Es nwl eys ny qkrIbn fyF sdI dy bxy pRSwskI FWcy<br />

ƒ qihs-nihs kr id`qw[ pYsy dy ky bxy pulIs A&sr, pRSwsn-<br />

AiDkwrI jW inAWkrqwvW ny hr kMm leI pYsy lY ky inAW, Drm ƒ<br />

idn-rwq sULI au~qy tMgxw sI[ pYsy dy ky bxy fOktrW Awid ny cIr-PwV<br />

qoN bwAd mrIzW ƒ qW isauxw sI jW auhnW ƒ mrIzW dy qol cWdI dwn<br />

kIqI jWdI[ iehnW swry kukrmW dw bdlw bwdl qoN bxdy doS Anuswr<br />

Ajy ilAw jwxw hY[ “hukm kIey min Bwvdy rwih BIVY AgY<br />

jwvxw”](pM.570)[ cInI AKwx hY ik r`b ny AwiKAw, “bMdy! jo cwhyN<br />

sMswr iv`coN lY lY pr Es dI kImq Adw kr dy[” Eh sB dw mwlk<br />

jdoN AwpxI Klkq ƒ bwdl dy kukrmW kwrx npIVIdI, lu`tINdI-pu`tINdI<br />

vyKygw qW kI lyKw n mMgygw “lyKw rbu mMgysIAw bYTw kiF<br />

vhI ]qlbw pausin AwkIAw bwkI ijnw rhI”[ (m.1, pM. 953)[ Es<br />

drgwh iv`c qW ‘cor dI hwmw Brn vwlw’, h`k iv`c nwhry lgwaux vwlw<br />

AkwlI vrkr nhIN huMdw; EQy eys dw kI bxUM “AdlI pRB” q^q au~qy<br />

bYTdw hY qW “scVw inAwauN” hI krdw hY[ EQy bwdl ikhVw mUMh lY ky<br />

jwvygw[<br />

^wlsw-gwfI-rwh dy rwhIAW dIAW qW donoN A`KW jwr-jwr ro rhIAW hn[<br />

bwdl ny AMimRq dI rsm inBweI, ikRpwnDwrI ^wlsw, gurU kw ^ws rUp<br />

AKvwieAw[ AYfw sWg bxw ky au~cw ho ho ivcrdw ieh cMgw Blw mnu`K<br />

eynW bOxw ikvyN ho igAw n AMimRq dI Awx, n gurU dI Srm, n bwxy dI<br />

lwj, n pRmwqmw dw fr Bau[ ieh ikhw ^wlsw sijAw ^wlsw nwm qW<br />

Es dw hY ijs ny ‘cunrI dy tUuk kr ky grIbI dI loeI EF’ leI hovy[<br />

ieh q^`ls qW Es dw hY jo hr roNdI A`K nwl rovy, jo hr grIb dy hMJU<br />

pUMJy, jo hr mzlUm dI Fwl bx ky “z^m swhmxy mUMh au~qy Kwx vwlw”<br />

hovy[ ieh kYsw Ajb ^wlsw hY jo Awpxy gLIN hwr pwauNdy lokW ƒ<br />

pRSwskI FWcw ivgwV ky mukMml juggrdI dy mUMh D`kx dw BrpUr Xqn<br />

krdw irhw Awauu! A&sos zwhr krIey ik swfw AMimRqDwrI,<br />

ikRpwnDwrI, dwVHy pRkwS krn vwlw hms&r gurU dy d`sy rwh au~qy ie`k<br />

kdm vI n c`l sikAw Aqy ijs ƒ swfy bzurgW “nwkhu kwtI kwnhu<br />

kwtI kwt kUt ky” fwirAw sI Esy kMcnI bIbI ny eys ƒ glvkVI iv`c<br />

lY ky Awqmk mOqy mwr id`qw[ A`j Es leI nwhry mwrn vwilAW dI<br />

qW Brmwr hY pr kueI ie`k vI bw-ie`zq ienswn eys dI Awqmk lwS<br />

ƒ moFw dyx leI nhIN in`qirAw[<br />

pr kI kwrx sI ik srkwr ihMd dy swry kirMdy eys ƒ PauVw PV ky<br />

pYsy btordy ƒ n vyK sky[ “qYyƒ husn Krwb kryNdw qy mYƒ smJ<br />

sqwieAw[ ijauN ijauN pyc husn dy smJW mYƒ au~Tdw sUl svwieAw[”<br />

eys dy kwrnwimAW ƒ smJIey qW jwxWgy ik eys ny is`KW ƒ ihMdUqv dy<br />

Kwry swgr iv`c Korn dw Tykw lY ky auh hsqI hwsl kIqI ijs kwrx<br />

eys dy kukrmW bwry iksy smr`Q s`qwDwrI ny n mwVw suixAw, n mwVw<br />

vyiKAw qy n mwVw AwiKAw[ Aw^r kI ieh smJIey ik eys ny kOm vycI<br />

hY, kI ieh jwxIey ik A`j pMjwb dI DrqI “dIn ky hyq” lVn vwly<br />

sUrimAW qoN bWJ ho geI hY[ jo eys kOlm dy kIrny sux nhIN skdy, auh<br />

vI v`fI srkwr vWg kMnW au~qy h`Q r`K lYx:<br />

hwie! hwie! ik mwirAw swfw Syr PutVI kaufI ny,<br />

hwie! hwie! ik PutI kaufI ny,<br />

Gyr ky mwirAw SrHy-bzwr cMdrI kaufI ny,<br />

hwie hwie ik cMdrI kaufI ny,<br />

mwry iqMny Gyr kulihxI kaufI ny,<br />

hwie hwie! kulihxI kaufI ny[<br />

Gw Gw kIqw hwl byhwl tu`t pYxI kaufI nyy,<br />

hwie hwie! ik kwxI kaufI ny[<br />

pu`itAw hr ie`k mu`C dw vwl zwlm kaufI ny,<br />

hwie! hwie! ik zwlm kaufI ny[<br />

lwieAw rMg ksuMBw ij`Qy l`gxw sI lwl,<br />

hwie! hwie! kwxI kaufI ny[<br />

kOm vyc ky su`qw bySrmI qwx, svwieAw kaufI dw,<br />

hwie! hwie! mr jwxI kaufI dw[<br />

2. s`dwm husYn vwlw vrqwrw vyK ky qW keI bu`q keI mnW iv`coN tu`ty<br />

hoxgy[ AnykW mulkW dIAW Axigxq PaujW ny vyKo ikvyN Gx nwl m`KI<br />

mwrI hY[ jy iehnW swry mulkW dw ieKlwkI idvwlw vyKxw hovy qW vyKo<br />

sdr s`dwm dIAW PVy jwx qoN qurMq bwAd dIAW qsvIrW[ vyKo sB qoN<br />

ivksq s`iBAqw dIAW PVHW mwrn vwly, AwpxI dUjI g`lH Q`pV Kwx<br />

leI pyS krdy eIsw dy cyly, nSy iv`c foby ipMjry dy Syr ƒ iks qrHW byie`zq<br />

krdy hn! Es dy vwlW iv`c A`g dIAW auNglW Pyrn vwly vyKo<br />

ikvyN Es dy mUMh iv`c rOSnIAW kr ky v`fy mwrU hiQAwr l`Bdy hn[<br />

ie`k mrsIAw Es dw vI kihxw bxdw hY ijs ny cMd cWdI dy is`ikAW<br />

ip`Cy muKbrI kIqI Aqy Awpxy dyS dI Awx ƒ ksweIAW dy mws vycx<br />

vWg vyc id`qw[ kI auh vI Esy ieslwm dw pYrokwr sI ijs dy pYrokwr<br />

klipq khwxI dy pwqr nbI KW ZnI KW sn[ b`s! eynIAW ku sdIAW<br />

iv`c eynw bdl igAw ienswn jy iksy jwqI bdlw lYx leI kIqw, qW<br />

vI kI kIqw pu`q dw bdlw ipau koloN mulk dy sdr ƒ Es ny isr&<br />

ie`k kukrmI ipau hI jwixAw[<br />

s`dwm husYn dI is`K kOm Sukr guzwr hY ijs ny s`cy swihb dI Xwd<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 16

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

sWBx dI iejwzq is`KW ƒ id`qI[ ABwr pRgt krn dw vylw eyho hY[<br />

Aqy imhxw mwrn dw vI vylw eyho hY[ kwS! ik auh jMgI jrnYl sMq<br />

bwbw jrnYyl isMG vWg KMfw KVkwauNdw hoieAw rx-q`qy ƒ Bwg lwauNdw!<br />

kwS! ik Es ny kurdW pRqI suihrdqw ivKweI huMdI Aqy EhnW dIAW h`kI<br />

mMgW pRvwn kIqIAW huMdIAW!<br />

pMjwb isMG[<br />

*<br />

3. SoRmxI Kwlsw pMcwieq dI ie`k ivSyS mIitMg gurduAwrw<br />

msqUAwxw swihb, luiDAwxw ivKy 21 dsMbr 2003, idn AYqvwr<br />

svyry 11 vjy hoeI, ijs iv`c swry pMjwb dIAW ^wlsw pMcwieqW<br />

ny ih`sw ilAw[<br />

mOjUdw pMQk hwlwq bwry ivsiqRq Aqy gMBIr ivcwr-vtWdrw kIqw igAw<br />

Aqy hyT ilKy Anuswr inrxy leI gey:–<br />

1. sRI pRkwS isMG bwdl dy kys ƒ pMQk lVweI bxwey jwx dI inKyDI<br />

kIqI geI[ iBRStwcwr dy kys iv`c zmwnq imlx ’qy sRI bwdl ƒ<br />

Akwl q^q dy ‘j`Qydwr’ duAwrw isropwau id`qy jwx ƒ mMdBwgw<br />

krwr id`qw igAw[ sRI bwdl ƒ is`K isDWqW dI aulMGxw krn,<br />

is`K sMsQwvW ƒ kmzor krn Aqy iBRSt qrIky nwl mwieAw iek`TI<br />

krn bdly sRI Akwl q^q dy ‘j`Qydwr’ duAwrw id`qy isropwau ƒ<br />

pMjwbIAW dy kIqy kql bdly jnrl fwier ƒM id`qy gey isropwau<br />

nwl qulnw id`qI geI[<br />

2. inrxw kIqw igAw ik 10 jnvrI 2004 ƒ smUh hmiKAwl is`K<br />

j`QybMdIAW dI mIitMg kr ky sRI pRkwS isMG bwdl v`loN Awpxy<br />

ivru`D bxy iBRStwcwr dy kys ƒ pMQk mu`dw bxwey jwx Aqy aunHW<br />

duAwrw pMQk mirAwdw Aqy prMprwvW dw Gwx krn bwry ivcwr<br />

vtWdrw kr ky koeI sWJw pRogrwm aulIikAw jwvy[<br />

3. ieh vI inrxw kIqw igAw ik sRI bwdl duAwrw jo is`K isDWqW dI<br />

aulMGxw kIqI geI Aqy is`K sMsQwvW ƒ jo Fwh lweI geI hY aus<br />

dy q`Q Cpvw ky lokW iv`c vMfy jwx[<br />

4. SRomxI kmytI dIAW AwauNdIAW coxW bwry inrxw kIqw igAw ik<br />

sMgqW duAwrw Awpxy-Awpxy ielwky dy au~cy-su`cy ikrdwr vwly is`KW<br />

dI inSwndyhI krvw ky aunHW ƒ srbsMmqI nwl SRomxI kmytI dI<br />

mYNbrI leI aumIdvwr bxwaux Aqy Aijhy aumIdvwrW ƒ kwmXwb<br />

krvwaux leI ^wlsw pMcwieq BrpUr mdd kry[<br />

5. ieh vI inrxw kIqw igAw ik SRomxI kmytI dy pRDwn swihb ƒ<br />

mYmorYNfm id`qw jwvy ik SRomxI kmytI Awpxy pRbMD hyT AwauNdy swry<br />

gurduAwirAW iv`c iqMn mhIinAW dy AMdr-AMdr pMQ pRvwxq rihq<br />

mirAwdw lwgU krwvy Aqy jy kr ies dOrwn rihq mirAwdw aukq<br />

gurduAwirAW iv`c lwgU nhIN huMdI qW SRomxI ^wlsw pMcwieq ies<br />

leI sMGrS kry[<br />

6. Bgq pUrn isMG jI duAwrw inBweI geI mnu`Kqw dI lwswnI syvw<br />

pUrn qOr ’qy gurU pwqSwh duAwrw drswey mwrg Anuswr hY[ ies<br />

leI Bgq pUrn isMG jI ƒ “pUrn guris`K” dw snmwn id`qw jwvy[<br />

ies mMqv dI pUrqI leI pMQk p`Dr dw ie`k v`fw smwgm kr ky<br />

ieh snmwn dyx dw PYslw kIqw igAw[<br />

7. SRomxI ^wlsw pMcwieq dy kMm ƒ hor sucwrU FMg nwl clwaux leI<br />

srdwr joigMdr isMG (qrn qwrn) ƒ srbsMmqI nwl SoRmxI ^wlsw<br />

pMcwieq dw pMc cuixAw igAw[ srdwr AmrjIq isMG (sYktr<br />

71, mohwlI) ƒ srbsMmqI nwl SRomxI ^wlsw pMcwieq dw<br />

‘PweInYNs sk`qr’ bxwieAw igAw[ jwrI krqw, hrBjn isMG<br />

*****<br />

ivcwr guldsqw<br />

1. is`KW dIAW pRyrnw-sroq XwdgwrW dI brbwdI<br />

is`K Drm dI aumr 500 swl hY[ gurU nwnk swihb ƒ eys DrqI ’qy<br />

Avqwr Dwrn kIiqAW 534 swl hoey hn[ ‘nw koeI ihMdU nw muslmwn”<br />

dw AYlwn kr ky EhnW ny ie`k nvyN Drm dI nINh r`K id`qI [ iehnW<br />

500 swlW iv`c mnu`K ny bhuq qr`kI kIqI hY[ ies dI cyqnw iv`c vI<br />

bhuq ivkws hoieAw hY[ Awpxy ivrsy ƒ smJx Aqy eys ƒ sMBwlx<br />

v`l vI loVINdw iDAwn id`qw igAw hY[<br />

is`K Drm kol ie`k bhuq kImqI ivrsw hY[ dunIAw dy bwkI mulkW<br />

iv`c, Kws kr p`CmI dySW iv`c, hryk smwj dy AwgUAW ny pRwcIn<br />

vsqUAW, iemwrqW, hiQAwrW Aqy hor XwdgwrW, ijnHW dw sbMD iksy<br />

Aijhy ivSyS ivAkqI nwl huMdw hY ijs ny Awpxy mulk dw nW koeI<br />

ivSyS kwrnwmw kr ky au~cw kIqw hovy jW koeI nvIN kwF jW Koj kIqI<br />

hovy, dyS ƒ bhuq AOKy vyly sMBwilAw hovy, duSmx qoN bcwieAw hovy, jW<br />

iesy qrHW dw koeI hor smwj BlweI vwlw Ad`uqI kwrnwmw kIqw hovy,<br />

auhnW dIAW auplBDIAW dI aumr lMmI krn leI hr hIlw Aqy au~dm<br />

krdy hn[ v`Kry mihkmy KolH ky srkwrW AijhIAW XwdgwrI inSwnIAW<br />

dI sMBwl Aqy r`K-rKwau leI kroVW rupY Krc krdIAW hn[ hzwrW,<br />

l`KW dI igxqI iv`c lok iehnW ƒ dyKx leI hr swl AwauNdy hn[<br />

iehnW ƒ vyK ky P^r mihsUs krdy hn Aqy iehnW nwl juVIAW<br />

GtnwvW qoN pRyrnw lYNdy hn[<br />

mn`uKI idmwZ dI bxqr kudrq v`loN kuJ ies qrHW dI hY ik ijhVI<br />

Gtnw ƒ ieh kMnW rwhIN suxdw hY aus dI XwdwSq kuJ smyN leI rihMdI<br />

hY pr lMmy smNy q`k aus dI XwdwSq kwiem r`Kx leI eys ƒ EhI g`l<br />

bwr-bwr suxweI jWdI hY[ jy koeI s`jx, suxI hoeI Gtnw ƒ A`KrW iv`c<br />

iliKAw hoieAw pVH lvy qW ieh g`l pihlI hwlq dy mukwblyN lMmy smyN<br />

q`k Xwd rihMdI hY[ ijs cIz bwry suixAw hovy, Pyr aus bwry piVHAw<br />

hovy Aqy aus dy inSwnW ƒ AslI rUp iv`c dyK vI ilAw hovy qW Pyr<br />

auh Awpxy-Awp bwr-bwr Xwd AwauNdI hY[ ieh Xwd aus ivAkqI ƒ<br />

Aijhy mwhOl iv`c lY jWdI hY ik aus ivAkqI ƒ ieauN l`gdw hY ijvyN<br />

ieh swrI Gtnw aus dIAW A`KW swhmxy vwpr rhI hovy[<br />

is`KW dw ieiqhws hI 534 swl dw hY[ swfy kol ies gurU-kwl dy<br />

ieiqhws nwl sbMDq XwdgwrW dw bhuq hI v`fw ^zwnw auplbD sI[<br />

AYs vyly vI Ajyhy bhuq ivAkqI ijaUNdy hn ijnHW ny iehnW XwdgwrW<br />

Aqy inSwnIAW ƒ A`KIN vyiKAw hY ijvyN ik srhMd dw TMfw burj, ij`Qy<br />

mwqw gUjrI jI Aqy Coty swihbzwidAW ƒ ShId krn qoN pihlW kVwky<br />

dI TMf ’c r`iKAw igAw sI[ ievyN hI aus kMD dw bhuq v`fw ih`sw,<br />

ijs iv`c Coty swihbzwidAW ƒ icixAw igAw sI; dmdmw swihb ij`Qy<br />

gurUu goibMd isMG swihb ny bYT ky bwbw dIp isMG Aqy BweI mnI isMG ƒ<br />

bwxI dy ArQ smJwey sI[ TMfy burj sbMDI kuJ lokW, ijnHW ny ies ƒ<br />

Asl rUp ’c dyiKAw hY, dw kihxw hY ik ieh ieqnw mzbUuq bixAw<br />

hoieAw sI ik sdIAW q`k bZYr r`K-rKwau dy Aqy bZYr Krcy dy ijayuN<br />

dw iqauN bixAw rihxw sI[ jy ies dI sMBwl kIqI jWdI qW hzwrW<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 17

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

swlW q`k vI ijauN dw iqauN hI KVHw rih skdw sI[ Awaux vwlIAW keI<br />

pIVHIAW swihbzwidAW dIAW lwimswl kurbwnIAW qoN is`KI jzby dI<br />

pRyrnw lY skdIAW sn[ pr ies dI mOilkqw ƒ bypCwx kr id`qw igAw<br />

hY[ iehI hwl AnMdpur swihb dy iklHy dw kIqw igAw hY[ byby nwnkI<br />

dw Gr, AnMdpur swihb dw iklHw Aqy hor Axigxq XwdgwrW ik`Dr<br />

geIAW AYs vyly jW qW ienHW ƒ pUrI qrHW sw& kr id`qw igAw hY jW<br />

nWmwqr hI rihx id`qw igAw hY, ijs qoN ienHW dI AslI Skl jW sUrq<br />

dw AMdwzw hI nhIN lgwieAw jw skdw[<br />

Aijhw vI nhIN hY ik SRomxI gurduAwrw pRbMDk kmytI dy AhudydwrW ƒ<br />

iehnW purwqn XwdgwrW dI mh`qqw dI sUJ nhIN hY[ kwr syvw vwly<br />

bwibAW, jo Awpxy-Awp ƒ gurU dy syvk smJdy hn, ny jy Srm nw lwh<br />

r`KI hovy qW auhnW ƒ vI ienHW QwvW qoN gurU nwl vwprIAW GtnwvW<br />

mihsUs hoxIAW cwhIdIAW sn[ ieh swrw kuJ ikauN Aqy iks dy ieSwry<br />

au~pr kIqw igAw hY mslw munwsb iDAwn mMgdw hY[ ieh vI suxn<br />

iv`c AwieAw hY ik ieiqhwsk AsQwnW dI kwr syvw pRwpq krn leI<br />

bwibAW v`loN gurduAwrw kmytIAW dy mYNbrW ƒ v`fIAW rkmW id`qIAW<br />

jWdIAW hn[ ie`k-ie`k bwby pws 20-20 kroV qoN au~pr rkmW jmHW hn[<br />

dovyN iDrW ies Dn ƒ ‘h`k dI kmweI’ smJ rhIAW hn[<br />

ieho hwl 1984 ’c drbwr swihb ’qy hoey POjI hmly dy PlsrUp sRI<br />

drbwr ’qy bxy golwbwrI dy inSwnW dw sony dw p`qry cVHw ky kIqw igAw[<br />

srovr dI prkrmw iv`c Fwhy gey kmirAW dI muV auswrI dw kMm qurq<br />

krvw id`qw igAw Aqy Akwl q^q swihb dI pUrI qrHW FwhI geI<br />

iemwrq ƒ muV idnW iv`c hI auswr ky is`K Drm nwl kmwey DRoh Aqy<br />

ies dy AnuXweIAW au~pr Fwhy gey zulm dIAW mUMhoN boldIAW inSwnIAW<br />

ƒ nSt kr id`qw igAw[ ieh 6 jUn 1984 ƒ vrqy kihr ƒ Bulw dyx<br />

dI kwrveI nhIN qW hor kI hY<br />

is`KW dy ienHW pRyrnw dy soimAW ƒ ipCly 30 swlW iv`c mlIAwmyt kr<br />

id`qw igAw hYy[ kwr syvw vwly bwibAW ny J`lpuxy ’c, ibnw iksy<br />

isAwxp dy AYsI syvw AwrMBI hoeI hY ijs nwl is`KW kol gurU swihbwn<br />

Aqy gurU-pMQ dy mhwn ShIdW dI Coh vwlI koeI cIz rih n jwvy[ ieauN<br />

jwpdw hY ik ieh iksy ivAwpk is`K-ivroDI swizS dI hI kVI hY ijs<br />

qihq ieh XkInI bxwieAw jw irhw hY ik iehnW ieiqhwsk inSwnIAW<br />

qoN pRyrnw lY ky ikDry is`KW ’c is`KI hor mzbUq nw ho jwvy Aqy ijhVy<br />

is`KI qoN dUr jw rhy hn, auh ikDry muV shI rsqy nw pY jwx[<br />

ivcwrvwnW dw kQn hY ik jy iksy kOm ƒ Kqm krnw hY qW Es dI bolI,<br />

ieiqhws Aqy siBAwcwrk ivrsy ƒ Kqm kr idE[<br />

ieMJ l`gdw hY ik is`KW ƒ ies pwsy socx jogy rihx hI nhIN id`qw<br />

igAw[ nhIN qW bhumu`lIAW XwdgwrW ƒ byrihmI nwl Fwhux dI kOx<br />

jurAq kr skdw sI huux vI pMQ-drdIAW dI nINdr Ku`lH jwvy qW bwkI<br />

rihMdIAW inSwnIAW ƒ Fwhux leI khIAW Aqy s`blW h`QW iv`c lY ky<br />

hrl-hrl krdy hoey ie`k dUjy nwloN A`gy dOVy iPrdy bwibAW dIAW is`KivroDI<br />

gqIivDIAW ƒ T`lH pweI jw skdI hY[ Ardws krdy hW ik<br />

Akwl purK, siqgurU pwqSwh is`KW ƒ hor keI dwnW qoN ielwvw bu`Dibbyk<br />

dw dwn b^Sy qW ik Aijhy duSkrmW qoN gurduAwrw pRbMDk Aqy<br />

kwr syvw vwly bwby bwz Aw jwx[ fw. suKjIq kOr ‘ig`l’ (cMfIgVH)<br />

*<br />

2. vYsy qW dunIAw dw hr Drm s`c Aqy nYiqkqw dI g`l krdw hY[<br />

pr sRI gurU nwnk pwqSwh jI dw is`K Drm qW hY hI sicAwr jIvn,<br />

inrml guxW Aqy SuB AmlW dw Drm[ blik siqgurU jI ny qW Drm<br />

dI dunIAw iv`c iv`crn vwly hr pRwxI mwqr ƒ AYsI jIvn-jugq<br />

Apnwaux dI hdwieq kIqI hY[ qW hI qW BweI gurdws jI ilKdy hn<br />

ik gurU pwqSwh dI bZdwd PyrI smyN kwzIAW ny swihbW ƒ ie`k suAwl<br />

p`uiCAw:<br />

“puCin Poil ikqwb ƒ ihMdU v`fw ik muslmwnoeI”]<br />

qy A`goN siqgurW dw juAwb sm`ucI mnuKqw vwsqy ie`k cwnx-munwrw hY:<br />

“bwbw AwKy hwjIAW SuiB AmlW bwJhu dono roeI”]<br />

jy siqgurU ƒ SuB AmlW qoN vWJy ihMdU muslmwn prvwn nhIN qW kI<br />

‘is`K’ ies vwsqy prvwn ho jwxgy ikauNik aunHW is`KI dw pihrwvw<br />

pwieAw hoieAw hY Aqy is`KI dy vwirs hox dy dwAvydwr hn<br />

siqgurU jI dw ieh sunyhw smu`cI mnu`Kqw vwsqy hY[ pr gurU-soc dy<br />

vwirs hox dy nwqy hr is`K dw pihlw &rz hY ik auh Awp ies ƒ<br />

Aml iv`c ilAwvy qy Pyr swrI mnu`Kqw ƒ ies dI AgvweI dyvy[ koeI<br />

vI is`K ies izMmyvwrI qoN mukq nhIN BwvyN auh Awm is`K hY jW Dwrimk<br />

AwgU, ZrIb ikrqI hY jW DnwF, Awm nwgirk hY jW koeI rwjsI<br />

AwgU[ siqgurU ny sB ƒ AwpxI izMmyvwrI gurmiq Anuswr inBwaux dI<br />

jwc vI Awp hI d`sI hY, ijvyN rwj krn vwly vwsqy siqgurU jI<br />

PurmwauNdy hn:<br />

“rwjy culI inAwv kI piVAw scu iDAwnu]” (pM.1240)<br />

“qKiq rwjw so bhY ij qKqY lwiek hoeI]<br />

ijnI scu pCwixAw scu rwjy soeI] (pM. 1088)<br />

pihlw is`K rwj kwiem krn vwly bwbw bMdw isMG bhwdr qoN lY ky<br />

rxjIq isMG dy smyN dy ^wlsw rwj q`k keI audwhrxW id`qIAW jw<br />

skdIAW hn ijnHW gurU-AwSy Anuswr rwj-Bwg clw ky ij`Qy prjw ƒ<br />

suK id`qw au~Qy is`KI dy nW ƒ vI cwr cMn lwey, AwpxI pMQ-pRsqI nwl<br />

is`KI ƒ pRPu`lq vI kIqw Aqy SuB guxW nwl sMswr iv`c is`KI dw mwn<br />

vI vDwieAw[<br />

1997 iv`c is`KW ny v`fI igxqI iv`c AkwlI dl ƒ votW pw ky rwj<br />

krn dw AiDkwrI bxw id`qw- ies Aws nwl ik ipCly do dhwikAW qoN<br />

zulm dw sMqwp Bog rhy is`K prvwrW ƒ kuJ rwhq imlygI[ is`K<br />

nOjuAwnI dw Gwx krn vwly zwlmW ƒ szwvW imlxgIAW; keI swlW qoN<br />

jylHW dIAW kwl-koTVIAW iv`c bMd, nOjvwnI qoN A`DKV aumr vl v`D<br />

rhy kurbwnIAW vwly, guris`K Awpxy prvwrW iv`c vwps prq skxgy;<br />

G`to-G`t is`K bhuigxqI vwly pMjwb iv`c is`KI pRPu`lq hovygI Aqy gurU-<br />

AwSy Anuswr inrml guxW nwl hlymI rwj kwiem kr ky AkwlI AwgU<br />

sMswr iv`c is`K kOm dw nW rOSn krngy[ ieh swry vwAdy AkwlI<br />

AwgUAW ny coxW qoN pihlW Awp kIqy sn; iBRStwcwr-rihq rwj dy JWsy<br />

id`qy sn[<br />

srkwr bxn ’qy ieh vI AwiKAw igAw ik rxjIq isMG dw rwj muV<br />

qoN Aw igAw hY[ Awpxy mUMhoN mIAW im`TU bxdy hoey pRkwS isMG bwdl ny<br />

Awpy hI Awpxy-Awp ƒ rxjIq isMG dy brwbr sQwpq kr ilAw[<br />

ieqnIAW v`fIAW AwsW lwaux smyN Swied is`K ieh Bu`l gey sn ik<br />

ieh AkwlI AwgU is`K kOm dy numwieMdy hox dw dwAvw qW Awp hI C`f<br />

cu`ky hn; 1996 dI ‘mogw knvYnSn’ iv`c auh AkwlI dl ƒ is`KW dI<br />

numwieMdw pwrtI dI bjwey ‘pMjwbI pwrtI’ AYlwn cu`ky hn; is`KI ByK dw<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 18

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

idKwvw Aqyy pMQk drd dw nwtk qW auh kyvl votW lYx vwsqy krdy<br />

hn[<br />

pRkwS isMG bwdl ny AkwlI mu`K-mMqrI dy qOr ’qy pihlI vwrI pUry pMj<br />

swl rwj kIqw[ ies dI kImq aunHW, Awpxy Awr.AYs.AYs Aqy bI.jy.pI<br />

dy AwkwvW ƒ, pMj swl is`KI jW pMQ dw nW vI nw lY ky Adw kIqI[ is`KI<br />

dI g`l qW kI krnI sI, sgoN ijqnI Fwh kOm ƒ pRkwS isMG bwdl dy<br />

rwj smyN l`gI auqnI Swied ipCly 50 swlW iv`c nhIN sI l`gI[ is`KI<br />

dI sB qoN v`fI duSmx j`QybMdI Awr.AYs.AYs. nwl bI.jy.pI. rwhIN ienHW<br />

dI sWJ kwrx Awr.AYs.AYs. dI ie`k ip`Cl`g sMsQw rwStRIX is`K sMgq<br />

ƒ ^wlsw swjnw idvs mnwaux dy nW ’qy kroVW rupey dI grWt nwl lYs<br />

kr ky pMjwb dy ipMf-ipMf iv`c vwV id`qw igAw ijnHW Awpxy duS-pRcwr<br />

Aqy pRBwv nwl is`KI isDWqW Aqy srUp ƒ brbwd kr ky bRwhmxvwdI<br />

soc dw gulwm bnwauxw SurU kr id`qw[ A`j jo is`KI dw BwrI Gwx nzr<br />

AwauNdw hY, auh bhuqw iesy dw nqIjw hY[<br />

is`KW ƒ sRI gurU gRMQ swihb qoN qoVn vwsqy sMqW dy nW ’qy pKMMfI bwibAW,<br />

fyirAW, mVHIAW, smwDW Aqy qWqirkW dw jwl pMjwb iv`c ivCw id`qw<br />

igAw[ ieh BoLI BwLI is`K jnqw ƒ vihmW-BrmW Aqy AigAwnqw Bry<br />

hnyr-Biv`K v`l D`k rhy hn[ Awpxy AwkwvW ƒ KuS krn leI Aqyy<br />

iehnW pMQ-mwrU swizSI sMsQwvW ƒ pRPu`lq krn leI pRkwS isMG bwdl,<br />

aunHW dw pirvwr Aqy aunHW dy vzIr iehnW pwKMfIAW kol jWdy rhy[ sRI<br />

gurU gRMQ swihb ƒ Aqy gurU-pMQ ƒ ip`T dy ky hvn krvwey gey,<br />

rwmwiex Awid gRMQW dy AKMf pwT krvwey gey, iqlk Aqy mukt lgwey<br />

gey[ ieh kihxw bykwr hY ik aus vyly bwdl ƒ pMQ Xwd nhIN AwieAw<br />

ikauNik auh qW Awp hI ie`k socI-smJI swizS ADIn pMQ ƒ brbwd<br />

krn leI hI ieh sB kr krw rhy sn[<br />

ij`Qy ikqy gurU ƒ smripq is`KW ny Avwz auTwaux dI koiSS kIqI aunHW<br />

ƒ sRI Akwl qKq swihb dw fr ivKw ky cu`p krw id`qw igAw[ sRI<br />

Akwl q^q swihb dI piv`qr-pwvn sMsQw dI srvau~cqw dI bjwey<br />

‘j`Qydwr’ ƒ srvau~c pRcwirAw igAw[ ies Ahudy nwl jo iKlvwV<br />

pRkwS isMG bwdl dy rwj-kwl jW AkwlI dl dI pRDwngI iv`c hoieAw<br />

hY, aus dI imswl ieiqhws iv`c ikqy nhIN imldI[ bwdl dy Qwpy iBRSt<br />

Aqy AwcrxhIx ‘j`QydwrW’ ny Awpxy kukrmW duAwrw sRI Akwl q^q<br />

swihb dI piv`qr sMsQw ƒ jo Fwh lweI hY, aus dI pUrqI jy AsMBv<br />

nhIN qW bhuq AOKI zrUr hY[ A`j ies sMsQw dw ‘j`Qydwr’ khwaux vwlw<br />

pRkwS isMG bwdl dw ie`k zrKrId Zulwm hY ijs dw ieh is`K kOm ƒ<br />

bRwhmxI jUly iv`c jkVn leI v`D qoN v`D iesqymwl kr irhw hY[ iesy<br />

leI ieh kihxw bykwr hY ik ieh sB kridAW bwdl ƒ pMQ Xwd nhIN<br />

AwieAw, ikauNik aus ƒ pMQ Bu`ilAw hI kdoN sI hW, aunHW dw inSwnw<br />

bVw spSt sI- ies pMQ dI brbwdI[<br />

zulm dw sMqwp Bog rhy is`K pirvwrW ƒ rwhq qW kI imlxI sI, aunHW<br />

qyy zulm Fwhux vwilAW ƒ qr`kIAW nwl invwijAw igAw[ is`K nOjuAwnW<br />

dy kwqlW dy kys srkwrI ^zwny nwl lVy gey; aunHW kwqlW dy kys ^qm<br />

krn jW krwaux dy auprwly kIqy gey[ pr 100 qoN v`D is`K nOjuAwnW,<br />

ijnHW dI juAwnI qW jylHW iv`c brbwd ho cu`kI hY, A`j vI jylHW iv`c rul<br />

rhy hn[ ienHW swirAW ny pMQk srkwr dy nW ’qy Awpxy sIinAW ’qy<br />

p`Qr r`K ilAw[ kWgrs srkwr ny is`KW ƒ mwrn dI h`d kr id`qI sI[<br />

pRkwS isMG bwdl ny AwpxI hI mW, jnmdwqI “is`KI” ƒ mwrn dw hr<br />

auprwlw kr ilAw[ rwj-Bwg imlidAW hI ‘iBRStwcwr rihq’ srkwr<br />

dy vwAdy krn vwly pRkwS isMG bwdl dy prvwr Aqy swQIAW ny l`ut<br />

mcw id`qI[ pMjwb dy lokW ƒ dohIN h`QIN lu`itAw igAw[ hr Ahudw<br />

ivikAw, hr bdlI dI kImq peI, hr in`ky qoN in`ky kMm dw mu`l<br />

v`itAw igAw[ jy rwjy irSvqI ho gey qW kirMidAW ik`QoN G`t krnI<br />

sI! sRI gurU nwnk pwqSwh dy inrml Aqy inAwry pMQ dy m`Qy klMk poq<br />

id`qw[ is`K ieiqhws ƒ SrimMdw kr id`qw[<br />

A`j jdoN pRkwS isMG bwdl leI Awpxy krmW dw PL Bogx dw smW<br />

AwieAw hY, aunHW qoN iBRStwcwr dI pu`C-ig`C hoeI hY, iBRStwcwr dw kys<br />

Adwlq iv`c phuMc igAw qW A`j pRkwS isMG bwdl ƒ muV pMQ Xwd<br />

AwieAw hY[ A`j auh pUrn qOr ’qy in`jI iBRStwcwr dy kysW ƒ pMQ dI<br />

lVweI bxwaux dI koiSs kr rhy hn[ l&zW dy qwxy-bwxy bux ky BoLy-<br />

BwLy is`KW ƒ guMmrwh krn dI hr koiSS ho rhI hY[pRkwS isMG bwdl<br />

dw AMdwz vI inrwlw hY[ auh Aksr kihMdy hn ik auh sRI Akwl<br />

q^q dw bhuq siqkwr krdy hn[ pr jdoN aunHW ƒ sRI Akwl q^q<br />

swihb ’qy bulwieAw igAw qW nwl hzwrW dI POj lY ky gey[ ieh<br />

Akwl q^q swihb ’qy pyS hox dw qrIkw sI ik Akwl q^q swihb<br />

’qy hmlw hor qW hor, pRkwS isMG bwdl ny sRI Akwl q^q swihb ’qy<br />

r`j ky guMfwgrdI kIqI[ ‘j`Qydwr’ sRI Akwl q^q swihb ƒ kmry iv`c<br />

luk ky, kuMfI bMd kr ky AwpxI jwn bcwauxI peI, bMd kmry ƒ Tu`fy<br />

mwry gey, gMd bikAw igAw[<br />

bwdl inAWpwilkw bwry iehI kihMdy hn ik auh BwrqI inAWpwilkw<br />

dw bhuq siqkwr krdy hn[ Swied iesy leI jdoN aunHW Adwlq iv`c<br />

pyS hox jwxw sI qW nwl AwpxI iBRSt-mMflI ƒ vI v`fI igxqI iv`c<br />

iek`Tw kr ilAw[ kI ieh Adwlq ƒ pRBwvq krn vwsqy nhIN sI<br />

ie`k g`l dI qwrI& zrUr krnI pvygI ik bwdl swihb dI iBRStmMflI<br />

pUrI qrHW aunHW dw swQ dy rhI hY[ dyvy vI ikauN nw bwdl dy<br />

rwj iv`c auh pUry BweIvwl sn[ Blw gurU pwiqSwh ny jW pMQ ny aunHW<br />

ƒ kI id`qw hY bwdl swihb ny qW aunHW ƒ au~cy AhuidAW, Dn-dOlq<br />

Aqy jwiedwdW dw mwlk bxwieAw hY[ Pyr gurU pwiqSwh ƒ qW jdoN<br />

mrzI AKMf pwT krvw ky, rumwlw cVHw ky jW gurduAwry iv`c sMgmrmr<br />

lgvw ky KuS kIqw jw skdw hY pr jy bwdl nwrwz ho gey qW bhuq<br />

muSkl ho jwvygI[ jy g`l ie`QoN q`k sImq huMdI qW Swied sIny ’qy p`Qr<br />

r`K ky brdwSq kr leI jWdI[ pr ienHW qW AwpxI ies suAwrQ dI<br />

jMg iv`c au~cIAW-s`ucIAW pMQk mirXwdwvW, pRMprwvW Aqy rvwieqW ƒ<br />

qihs-nihs kr id`qw hY[<br />

ijnHW gurduAwirAW iv`c gurU swihbwn dy gurpurb mnwey jWdy hn, kOm<br />

ƒ nvW jIvn dyx vwly mhwn ShIdW dy ieiqhwsk idhwVy mnwey jWdy<br />

hn, au~Qy iBRStwcwr dy kys iv`c jylH iv`c bMd isAwsI AwgU dw jnm<br />

idn pMQk p`Dr ’qy mnwieAw jw irhw hY[ aus dy jylH iv`coN zmwnq qy<br />

irhw hox ’qy sRI drbwr swihb Awaux ’qy v`fy–v`fy bYnr lgw ky ‘jI<br />

AwieAW’ AwiKAw jw irhw hY[ hor qW hor, ‘j`Qydwr’ Akwl q^q v`loN<br />

isropw id`qw jw irhw hY[ ieh qW kyvl zmwnq hoeI hY; iBRStwcwr dw<br />

kys qW ijauN dw iqauN au~Qy hI hY[ hW, jy kys iv`coN brI ho igAw huMdw<br />

qW vI koeI g`l bxdI sI[ ‘j`Qydwr’ ny vI jnrl fwier ƒ isropw dyx<br />

dw ieiqhws muV duhrw id`qw hY[<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 19

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

^Yr, ieh lok qW auhI kr rhy hn jo ienHW qoN Aws sI[ suAwl qW ieh<br />

hY ik A`j Awpxy-Awp ƒ pMQ-pRsq khwaux vwly kI krdy hn[ loV hY<br />

ik A`j sB pMQ-pRsq j`QybMdIAW Aqy S^sIAqW Awpxy swry m`qByd Bulw<br />

ky pMQ Aqy pMQk rvwieqW ’qy mirXwdwvW ƒ bcwaux leI ie`ksur<br />

Awvwz auTwaux[<br />

rwijMdr isMG, knvInr, SRomxI ^wlsw pMcwieq[<br />

*****<br />

vydWqI nU do icTIAwN<br />

igAwnI joigMdr isMG vydWqI, muK syvwdwr 13/01/2004<br />

SIR Akwl q^q swihb AimRqsr<br />

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw[vwihgurU jI kI &iqh[[<br />

Awp jI ny spoksmYn dy siqkwrXog sMpwdk srdwr joigMdr isMG jI nUM<br />

bybuinAwd doSw dy ADwr qy SpStIkrx dyx leI SRI Akwl q^q swihb qy<br />

bulwieAw hY[ aunw dI pySI hI Awpxy Awp ivc vwd ivvwd dw ivSw hY[ hryk<br />

ivdvwn qy GVy GVwey doS lwey jWdy hn, ijvyN ik is~K irvwieqwN Aqy<br />

ruhrIqW dw ivroD Awid [ Xwd rhy ik is~K Drm dIAW mzbUq buinAwdW<br />

ibprvwdI pujwrIAW v~looN sQwipq kIqIAW krmkWfI ruhrIqW qy nhIN itkIAW<br />

hoeIAW sgoN gurmiq dy suinhrI isDWqW qy hn [ audwhrx vjoN purwqn isMGW<br />

ny AwpxIAW jwnW dI prvwh nW kridAW gYr is~K bhu bytIAW nUM zrvwixAW<br />

h~QoN bwiezq bcw ky suriKAq aunHw dy GrIN phuMcw ky Swndwr irvwieq<br />

kwiem kIqI pr vrqmwn smyN iksy grIb dI DI dI p~q iek mhMq v~loN luty<br />

jwx qy aus pirvwr nUM jQydwr v~loN ienswP qW kI imlxw sI sgoN aus mhMq<br />

nMU bcwieAw vI igAw [aus pirvwr nMU Aqy aunHW dy smrQkW nMU Apmwinq<br />

kIqw igAw PlsrUp aunW nMU iensw& leI duinAwvI kichrI dw dr<br />

^VkwExw ipAw[ pMQ ny &Yslw krnw hY ik Swndwr irvwieqW dw Gwx kOx<br />

kr irhw hY <br />

Awp jI pMQ drdIAW qy ieh doS vI Lwaudy ho ik ieh inqnym Aqy AimRq<br />

sMcwr dIAW bwxIAW ivc vI rOl Gcolw pWaudy hn [ igAwnI jI zrw ku Xwd<br />

kro AwpxI nvMbr 2002 dI lMfn &yrI jdoN Awp jI hMslo gurdvwrw swihb<br />

dI nvIN iemwrq dw nINh p~Qr r~Kx leI Awey sI [smwgm qoN aprMq Awp<br />

jI, dws syvw isMG Aqy pRDwn sR: gurcrn isMG auprlI mMjl vwly d&qr<br />

ivc bYTy vIcwr vtWdrw kr rhy sW[ pRDwn swihb ny Awp jI pwsoN puiCAw<br />

ik inqnym dIAW bwxIAW ikhVIAW hn qw Awp jI ny d~isAw ik –jpujI, jwp<br />

swihb, svYXY, AnMd swihb Aqy kibXovwc bynqI[ dws dI hYrwnI dI koeI<br />

h~d nw rhI Aqy tokidAW Awp jI dw iDAwn rihq mirAwdw ivclIAW pMj<br />

bwxIAW jpujI, jwp swihb, svYXY, rihrws Aqy kIrqn soihly vl idvwieAw<br />

qW iPr Awp jI ny jvwb idqw ik ieh glqI rih geI hY ies ivc jldI<br />

soD kr leI jwvygI ,dws nMU mzbUrn kihxw ipAw ik Awp jI Aqy Awp jI<br />

dy kuJ swQI Aijhw nhIN kr skdy Aijhw krn dI ivSyS ivDI pMQ v~loN<br />

inrDwirq kIqI geI hY jo ik rihq mirAwdw ‘c drz hY[ AMq ivc Awp jI<br />

dy pws ieho jvwb sI ik Aijhy msly CyV ik AsI vwd ivvwdW nMU jnm nW<br />

dyeIey[ is~K rihq mirAwdw swfI AgvweI krdI hY pr AsI ies dI<br />

aulMGxw krky is~K kOm vwsqy smisAWvW KVIAW kr rhy hW[ spSt hY ik<br />

is~K rihq mirAwdw Awp jI nMU hukmnwmy jwrI krn dw Aqy gurmuKW nMU pMQ<br />

ivcoN Cykx dw AiDkwr nhIN idMdI pr Awp jI Awpxy isAwsI mwlkNw nMU KuS<br />

krn leI gurmqI isDWqW dIAW DijAW aufw rhy ho[<br />

Awp jI dI ausy PyrI dOrwn gurimq bwry hor vI keI ivcwrW hoeIAW sn pr<br />

Awp jI dI nIqI twl mtoly vwlI hI rhI[ Awp jI ny pI AYc fI kr rhy do<br />

nOjvwnW nMU ibpRvwdI gRMQ pVx leI vI pRyirAw[ &lsrUp ieh hI ikhw jw<br />

skdw hY ik sMBv hY ik Awp jI nMU vydW dw igAwn hovy pr ieMj jwpdw hY<br />

ik Awp jI gurimq qoN AvS kory ho [ ieh vI jwpdw hY ik Awp jI dy Aws<br />

pws<br />

glq slwhkwrW Aqy pMQ ivroDIAW dw Jurmt ipAw hY ijhVy Awp jI pwsoN<br />

glqIAW krvweI jw rhy hn[<br />

igAwnI jI is~K rihq mirAwdw nMU ivdySW ivcly gurdvwirAW ivc lwgU<br />

krvwx leI AwdyS Byjx nwloN s~B qoN pihlW SRI drbwr swihb, SRI Akwl<br />

q^q swihb Aqy SromxI gurdvwrw pRbMDk kmytI dy pRbMD hyT Awaudy<br />

gurAsQWnW ivc lwgU krvwE iPr Awpxy nzdIkI swDW dy fyirAW ivc Aqy<br />

iPr Awpxy nvyN jotIdwrW dy sihXog nwl q^q SRI ptnw swihb Aqy q^q<br />

SRI hzUr swihb pr ies dw A~Kr-A~Kr lwgU krvwE jI [ieh Awp jI dI<br />

bhuq v~fI pRwpqI hovygI[ Awpxw smW zwqI rMzSW k~Fx leI AjWeI nw<br />

gvwE Aqy ies mnorQ dI pURRrqI LeI nw hI pivq~r SRI Akwl q^q swihb<br />

dI durvrqoN kro[ sRdwr joigMdr isMG jI sMpwdk spoksmYn vrgy ivdvwn<br />

dI pMQ nMU bhuq LoV hY auh bhuq suc~jI AgvweI dy rhy hn[ aunw bwry<br />

&Yslw qW bwdl swihb ny pihlW hI kIqw hoieAw hY Awp jI ny qW kyvl<br />

mohr hI LwExI hY [gurU pMQ dw dws,<br />

syvw isMG,<br />


*<br />

ipafry vIr igafnI joigMdr isMG jIE,<br />

vfihgurU jI df Kflsf ! vfihgurU jI dI PLqih !!<br />

mYN ieh KLq iek inmfxy iswK vjoN, iek dosq vjoN aqy iswK ielm dy<br />

iek qfilby-ielm (ivdvfn nf shI) vjoN ilK irhf hF .<br />

bIqy idn qusIN ‘spoksmYn’ irsfly dy aYzItr s[ joigMdr isMG nUM<br />

akfl qKLq sfihb `qy qlb kIqf sI . iek gwl mYN pihlF vfijLaf<br />

kr idaF ik s[ joigMdr isMG nf qF myry dosq hn qy nf irsLqydfr qy<br />

AunHF dI pflsI nfl myry coKy qPLwrkfq (ihMdI ivc mqByd) hn . pr,<br />

mYN ieh mihsUs krdf hF ik AunHF nUM akfl qKLq sfihb `qy qlb<br />

krnf (qy sjLf lfAuxf) pMQ dy ihqF ivc nhIN hY . qusIN ieh jfxdy ho<br />

ik AunHF ny qF akfl qKLq sfihb dy “jQydfr” dI hoNd nUM hI nhIN<br />

mMinaf qy ies kr ky Auh akfl qKLq sfihb `qy iksy vI hflq ivc<br />

pysL nhIN hoxgy . (qKLq sfihb dy ‘jQydfr” dy ahudy bfry AuNÖ sfry<br />

myry ipwCy turdy hn) .<br />

ies qkrIbn XkInI hY ik s[ joigMdr isMG ny quhfzy awgy<br />

pysL nhIN hoxf aqy qusIN iek-do vfr qlb krn mgroN AunHF nUM “pMQ<br />

`coN Kfirj” kr idEgy . qusIN awgy s[ gurbKLsL isMG kflf aPLgLfnf<br />

nUM vI ieMÖ hI “pMQ `coN Kfirj” kr cuky ho . ies qoN pihlF BfeI<br />

rxjIq isMG ny lMgr dy “hukmnfmy” dy nF `qy knyzf dy Cy iswK “pMQ<br />

`coN Kfirj” kIqy sn . ho skdf hY ik afAuNdy vyilaF ivc qusIN kuJ<br />

hor iswKF nUM vI ieMÖ hI “pMQ `coN Kfirj” kr idE . Blk nUM aijhy<br />

“Kfirj” iswKF dI igxqI lwKF qk vI puwj skdI hY .<br />

sB qoN pihlI gwl qF ieh hY ik s[ joigMdr isMG nUM ijs<br />

ibnf `qy qlb kIqf igaf hY AuhI jF Auho ijhI gwl s[ gurqyj isMG<br />

vI afK cuky hn qy hor keI iswK vI afK cuky hn aqy 26 akqUbr<br />

dI mohflI knvYnsLn ivc hfijLr pMj-swq hjLfr hor iswK vI ies dI<br />

qfeId kr cuky hn . ies ihsfb nfl s[ joigMdr isMG df “jurm”<br />

AunHF sfiraF iswKF df jurm bx jFdf hY pr qusIN qlb isrPL iek<br />

sLKLs nUM kIqf hY .<br />

ieh vI iKafl rhy ik ikAuNik s[ joigMdr isMG jI quhfzI<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 20

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

aYizt kIqI ikqfb ‘guriblfs pfqsLfhI CyvIN’ bfry nukqfcInI vflI<br />

smgrI ilKdy aqy Cfpdy rhy sn; ies kr ky quhfzy aYksLn qoN ieh<br />

soicaf jfvygf ik qusIN injI bdly dI soc nfl s[ joigMdr isMG `qy<br />

aYksLn ilaf hY . iehI gwl bhuq sfry iswK quhfzy s[ gurbKLsL isMG<br />

kflf aPLgLfnf nUM “pMQ `coN Kfirj” krn sbMDI vI afK rhy hn .<br />

ieh vI iKafl rhy ik awgy pMj-swq jF awT iswKF nUM pMQ coN<br />

Kfirj kIqf jf cukf hY qy ies nfl iswKF ivc AunHF dI vuwkq koeI<br />

bhuqI nhIN GtI . jy qusIN s[ joigMdr isMG vrgy iek hor iswK nUM “pMQ<br />

`coN Kfirj” kr vI idEgy qF vI koeI PLrk nhIN pYxf ikAuN ik hjLfrF<br />

iswK AunHF dy ihmfieqI hn . mohflI knvYnsLn nUM sfry akflI dlF,<br />

sLromxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI, awDI drjn iswK stUzYNts<br />

PLYzrysLnF, keI nOjvfn akflI dlF qy keI hor jmfqF ny sfry hIly<br />

vrq ky rokx dI koisLsL kIqI sI . AunHF nUM qF sLfm qk vI XkIn nhIN<br />

sI ik Auh smfgm kr vI skxgy . afm lokF nUM vI XkIn nhIN sI ik<br />

smfgm hovygf qy dUjy pfsy ijnHF nUM jLrf-mfsf ies smfgm dy hox dI<br />

afs sI qy Auh AuWQy puwjxf cfhuMdy sn, AunHF nUM vI pqf nhIN sI ik<br />

smfgm ikwQy hovygf . pr ies dy bfvjUd Aus smfgm ivc pMj-swq qoN<br />

awT hjLfr qk iswK sLfiml hoey . ies ihsfb nfl jy AunHF dy smfgm<br />

ivc rukfvtF nf KVHIaF huMdIaF qF Aus ivc sLfied vIh-pMJI qoN pMjfh<br />

hjLfr qk iswK sLfiml ho skdy sn . myrf ieh afKx df mqlb<br />

hrigjL AunHF dIaF isPLqF krnf nhIN blik ieh kihxf hY ik sLfied<br />

AunHF nfl 25 qoN 50 hjLfr qk iswK sfQ dy skdy hn .<br />

mMn lE Blky qusIN s[ joigMdr isMG nUM ‘bfgLI’ afK ky “pMQ<br />

`coN Kfirj” kr dyNdy ho qy Auh ies dy jvfb ivc iek iekwT kr ky<br />

quhfnUM rwd kr dyNdy hn qF ieh akfl qKLq sfihb dy ruqby nUM Zfh<br />

lfAux vflI gwl hI qF hovygI . aijhI hflq ivc kuJ lok s[ joigMdr<br />

isMG nUM qKLq sfihb dI ies byhurmqI df ijLMmydfr afKxgy aqy kuJ<br />

ieh kihxgy ik ies dy ijLMmydfr qusIN ho ijnHF ny jfx buJ ky “af bOld<br />

mYnUM mfr” vflI gwl kIqI hY . dUjy lPLjLF ivc hr hflq ivc ies nfl<br />

akfl qKLq sfihb dI ieMstIicAUsLn dI byhurmqI hovygI .<br />

myrI quhfnUM arjL hY ik qusIN s[ joigMdr isMG df mslf<br />

pMQk ivdvfnF dI iek kmytI nUM sONp idE jo hor ivdvfnF nUM swd ky<br />

iek bMd bYTk ivc ies bfry ivcfr kry qy ies dI irport akfl<br />

qKLq sfihb dy muK syvfdfr nUM pysL kry . aijhf amrjIq isMG vloN<br />

jvwdI zyry dI mYgLjLIn ‘ivsmfd nfd’ ivc ilKy lyK vyly vI kIqf igaf<br />

sI .<br />

afs hY afp aijhf krogy aqy akfl qKLq sfihb nUM sMkt<br />

ivc pYx qoN bcfa lvogy . pr, jy qusIN kfhlI ivc jF iksy dbfa hyT<br />

koeI gLlq kdm cuk ilaf qF qvfrIKL quhfnUM vI muafPL nhIN krygI .<br />

gurU pMQ df iek inmfxf syvk, zfktr hrijMdr isMG idlgIr<br />

*****<br />

akfl qKLq sfihb nUM bcfE<br />

09-01-2004<br />

iswK Drm afm DrmF vrgf iek krm-kFzI Drm nhIN hY .<br />

ies ivc jIvn jfc hY, ieKLlfk hY, rUhfnIaq hY; qy sB qoN vwzI gwl<br />

ieh hY ik ies ivc ‘KLudfeI’ hY . sLfied isrPL iswK hI afpxy afp nUM<br />

akfl qKLq sfihb, Xfin akfl purK, dI irafieaf mMndf hY . ies<br />

akfl qKLq dy PLlsPLy ivc mIrI qy pIrI iewko QF aqy iek jujL ivc<br />

iekwTIaF hn . ieh ies PLlsPLy df afdrsLk isKr hY . ieh sfry<br />

nukqy lMbI qPLsIlI qnkIh mMgdy hn ies kr ky mYN hQly pypr ivc<br />

ienHF nUM nhIN CyVFgf .<br />

iswKI dy Gyry ivc kuJ ieMstIicAUsLnjL aijhIaF hn jo ies<br />

PLlsPLy dy somy vI hn qy ies dI qfkq vI hn . ieh ieMstIicAUsLnjL<br />

hn: gurU gRMQ sfihb, aMimRq, akfl qKLq sfihb, ‘pMj ipafry’ aqy<br />

srbq Kflsf . AuNÖ, ajokI hflq ivc, ies ivc sLromxI akflI<br />

dl, sLRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI (qy idwlI aqy hor gurduafrf<br />

kmytIaF) nUM vI pMQ dIaF nvIaF ieMstIicAUsLnjL ivc sLfiml krn<br />

dI koisLsL kIqI jFdI hY pr myrI ingh ivc ieh ieMstIicAUsLnjL nhIN<br />

blik afrgynfeIjLysLnjL hn . mYN ies pypr ivc, isrPL do mOilk<br />

ieMstIicAUsLnjL dI gwl krnI cfhvFgf aqy sYkMzrI qy vkqI<br />

ieMstIicAUsLnjL, Xfin afrgynfeIjLysLnjL, dI nhIN .<br />

pMj ipafiraF nUM bqOr iek ieMstIicAUsLn dy nhIN ilaf<br />

jfxf cfhIdf ikAuN ik ies df qvfrIKLI ipCokV isrPL Kflsf prgt<br />

krn dy idn (30 mfrc 1698/1699) nfl juiVaf hoieaf hY aqy<br />

ies dI hsqI nUM isrPL aMimRq sMskfr dOrfn hI kbUl kIqf jf skdf<br />

hY nf ik akfl qKLq sfihb qy hor “qKLqF” dy gRMQIaF, aKOqI isMGsfihbfn”<br />

vjoN iek ieMstIicAUsLn dy rUp ivc . ieh koeI pMcfieqI<br />

isDFq nhIN qy nf hI ieh rUsI pRIjLIzIam vFg hY, jo iek KLfs juwt<br />

vFg, ‘suprIm’ qfkq bx ky, “hkUmq” krn vflI isMzIkyt bx jfdI<br />

hY . iswKI ivc iksy aijhI KLfs qy supr qfkq dI koeI qvfrIKL,<br />

irvfieq jF PLlsPLf nhIN hY . ieMÖ hI iswKI ivc “pMj” dI igxqI dI<br />

vI koeI aihmIaq nhIN hY . pr kuJ sflF qoN ies nUM (pMj gRMQIaF,<br />

aKOqI ‘isMG sfihb’ dy nF hyT) qfkq jF zrfvy/dbky dI sLkl ivc<br />

aKOqI ‘pMj ipafiraF’ nUM AuvyN hI vriqaf igaf hY ijvyN akfl qKLq<br />

sfihb nUM . ies kr ky ies df eynf kU ijLkr jLrUrI sI . asl gwl<br />

mYN akfl qKLq sfihb bfry gwl krnI cfhvFgf .<br />

akfl qKLq sfihb df PLlsPLf dunIaF ivc sB qoN vD<br />

lfsfnI hY . dunIaF dy iksy Drm, iksy kOm kol qfkq df ieho ijhf<br />

mrkjL nhIN hY . guru sfihb ny ieh iek aijhI ieMstIicAUsLn prgt<br />

kIqI hY ijs nfl iswK kOm nUM mIrI-pIrI dI hsqI df mrkjL aqy<br />

drbfr hfisl ho igaf hY . akfl qKLq nUM afpxf iesLt mMnx vflf<br />

iswK afpxy afp akfl purK dI PLOj df ihwsf bx jFdf hY . akfl<br />

qKLq sfihb iswK dI sLfn hY, afn hY, mfx hY qy jfn hY . ies qKLq<br />

nfl sbMiDq hoxf akfl purK dI, Xfin AucyrI dunIaF df sLihrI hoxf<br />

hY . muZ kdIm qoN dunIaF Br ivc iPLlfsPLr (sxy sukrfq, arsqU,<br />

plYto, mYikafvlI, lfskI, mfrks, cfxkX vgLYrf) Dfrimk aqy<br />

isafsI KyqrF ivc, mfarkf-KLyjL isDFq GVdy af rhy hn pr AunHF<br />

df suJfieaf koeI isDFq vI akfl qKLq dy PLlsPLy dy nyVy nhIN puwj<br />

sikaf ikAuN ik ieh ‘afKLrI’ PLlsPLf hY . swc qF ieh hY ik dunIaF<br />

dy vwK-vwK DrmF dy awlfmf ajy qk qF mIrI qy pIrI dI eykqf nUM<br />

smJ hI nhIN sky .<br />

akfl qKLq sfihb sqfrvIN sdI df jF iewkIvIN sdI df<br />

nhIN blik sdIvI PLlsPLf hY . ies qoN aglyrI gwl kdy vI nhIN<br />

kIqI jf skygI . ies nUM apxfey ibnf iensfn PLfsLI soc, aKOqI<br />

mulk pRsqI, nfjLI ijLhnIaq, iPLrkf pRsqI vgLYrf qoN injfq nhIN pf<br />

skdf . mfrks dI stytlYWs susfietI, rUso dI mnuwKI afjLfdI jF<br />

supr afjLfdI, inqsLy dy suprmYn dI dunIaF dI soc jy iek QfeyN<br />

iekwTI vI kr leIey qF vI Auh akfl qKLq sfihb dy PLlsPLy df<br />

mukfblf nhIN kr skdI . swc qF ieh hY ik iek afm afdmI ivc<br />

ies PLlsPLy nUM smJx dI pfieaF vI nhIN .<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 21

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

pr aPLsos df mukfm qF ieh hY ik aYnf vwzf PLlsPLf qy<br />

aYnI vwzI ieMstIicAUsLn hox dy bfvjUd, ies nUM dunIaF Br ivc<br />

PLYlfAuxf qF kI, asIN ies nUM KLfls rUp ivc kfiem vI nhIN rK sky .<br />

kdy asIN ies nUM pujfrIaF, kdy pMj gRMQIaF (pMj ipafry dy PLlsPLy nUM<br />

ivgfV ky) qy kdy srkt hfAUs qoN nfmjLd kr ky a-iswK kYd ivc<br />

nUV dyNdy hF . kdy ies nUM DiVaF dI eykqf (qy PLuwt) dI pihlI sLrq<br />

bxf lYNdy hF qy kdy ies sLrq (BfeI rxjIq isMG) nUM sLromxI kmytI<br />

dI pRDfngI qoN kurbfn kr dyNdy hF . kdy ies dy aKOqI huknfimaF nUM<br />

‘ielfhI hukm’ grdfn dyNdy hF qy kdy ienHF nUM (ijvyN igafnI joigMdr<br />

isMG vydFqI rfhIN pUrn isMG dy aKOqI ‘hukmnfmy’) rwd vI krvf dyNdy<br />

hF . asIN dUijaF nUM afKdy hF ik Auh ienHF nUM nf mMxn dI sUrq ivc<br />

pMQ wcoN “Kfirj” ho jfxgy pr afp ienHF wqy aml nhIN krdy (Gto-Gt<br />

cfr, sLfied vDyry, hukmnfimaF wqy qF sLRomxI kmytI ny afp vI aml<br />

nhIN kIqf) . ieho ijhIaF hrkqF nfl asIN akfl qKLq sfihb vrgI<br />

sB qoN mhfn ieMstIicAUsLn dIaF DwjIaF Auzfx ivc koeI ksr nhIN<br />

CwzI .<br />

ies sB qoN vwzy PLlsPLy ies ieMstIicAUsLnjL nUM AunHF lokF ny<br />

hI Gwty-kOzIaF roilaf ijnHF nUM ies dy muK syvfdfr qy COxI-brdfr<br />

bxfieaf igaf sI . ies dI bjfie ik akfl qKLq sfihb nUM kul<br />

lokfeI df qKLq bxfieaf jFdf, ies ieMstIicAUsLnjL nfl qF aijhf<br />

slUk kIqf igaf ik ies mhfn qKLq nUM gLYr-iswK qF kI gLYr-akflI<br />

iswK vI ies nUM Eprf smJx lg pey . iPr hOlI-hOlI ieh isrPL<br />

sLromxI kmytI dy kfbjL DVy df qKLq bx igaf . qkrIbn do dhfky<br />

gurcrn isMG tOhVf ny ies nUM afpxI injI qfkq vjoN hfeIjYk krI<br />

rwiKaf . 1999 ivc qF ieh iek cIPL minstr (bfdl) dI JolI jf<br />

ipaf . Xfin iek mhfn ieMstIicAUsLn isrPL iek sLKLs dI<br />

jgIrdfrfnf, PLfsLI snk jF injI loVF muqfibk vrqI jfx lg peI .<br />

ienHf gwlF ny akfl qKLq sfihb dI byhurmqI krn ivc sB qoN vD<br />

rol adf kIqf .<br />

awj hflq ieh hY ik hr koeI ies qKLq sfihb nUM cYlMj<br />

krn lg ipaf hY . ies dy ‘aKOqI hukmnfimaF’ nUM iKwdo vFg roilaf<br />

jf irhf hY . aYnI mhfn ieMstIicAUsLn nUM eyny inGfr vl DUh iljfx dy<br />

ijLMmydfr vDyry Auh hI mMny jfxgy jo ies dy srbrfh qy syvfdfr sn qy<br />

jF ienHF syvfdfrF nUM nfmjLd krn jF afpxy ihqF vfsqy vrqx vfly .<br />

sfnUM ies gwl nUM dlyrI nfl mMn lYxf cfhIdf hY ik 10 jUn 1978 qoN<br />

mgroN dy isrPL do-cfr nUM Cwz ky bfkI sfry “hukmnfimaF” wqy Aus<br />

vkq dy sLromxI kmytI dy pRDfn, akflI pfrtI dI isafsI DVybfjLI jF<br />

lfgqbfjLI df prCfvF njLr afAuNdf hY .<br />

eynf hI bs nhIN blik akfl qKLq sfihb vrgI mhfn<br />

ieMstIicAUsLn nUM ieMj vriqaf igaf hY ijvyN ik ieh ieMzstrIal<br />

JgiVaF dy PLYsly krn vfsqy iek itRibAUnl jF iksy ipMz dI<br />

‘pMcfieqI adflq’ hovy . kI akfl qKLq sfihb isrPL akflI pfrtI<br />

dy JgiVaF dy hwl vfsqy hY iPr ienHF JgiVaF df “hwl” krn<br />

vfsqy, sLromxI kmytI dy vyly dy pRDfn dy zr hyTF jF iksy hor zr jF<br />

lflc jF DVybfjLI hyT, akfl qKLq sfihb qoN “huknfimaF” nUM jfrI<br />

krvfieaf jFdf hY . bIqy sflF ivc sLRomxI kmytI dy pRDfnF ny<br />

aijhIaF hrkqF vfsqy BfeI rxjIq isMG, pUrn isMG, joigMdr isMG<br />

vydFqI nUM rwj ky vriqaf hY .<br />

pr, kuJ akflI cODrIaF ny vI ies qKLq dI “aQfrtI” nUM<br />

sLryafm cYlMj vI kIqf hY . 1979 ivc pRkfsL isMG bfdl ny sfDU isMG<br />

BOrf nUM Aus dy puwqr dI nOkrI sbMDI kfbU ivc kr ilaf, iPr (1986<br />

ivc) surjIq brnflf ny akfl qKLq sfihb dy iKLlfPL lONgovfl ivc<br />

iekwT kr ky, pRkfsL isMG bfdl ny (1994 ivc) akfl qKLq mUhry<br />

BIVF iekwTIaF kr ky qy dihsLq idKf ky, bIbI jfgIr kOr ny (2000<br />

ivc) TuwT idKf ky akfl qKLq sfihb (jF pUrn isMG) dy aKOqI<br />

“hukmnfmy” dy dbky nUM byasr kr idqf sI . ieho ijhI hfsohIxI<br />

hflq df kfrn kuJ cODrIaF vwloN ies mhfn ieMstIicAUsLn nUM injI<br />

ihqF vfsqy vrqx dI sfijsL sI . ieho ijhIaF hrkqF kfrn, iswK<br />

ivdvfnF dy nfl-nfl sMjIdf iswKF df vI ies mhfn ieMstIicAUsLn dy<br />

syvfdfrF qoN XkIn AuTx lg ipaf qy gLYr-iswKF nUM vI ies hflq ivc<br />

ies bfry GtIaf gwlF krn df mOkf iml igaf .<br />

kI akfl qKLq sfihb hfkm DVy dy muKLflPLF nUM DmkIaF<br />

dyx, dbky mfrn, pMQ coN Cykx, aKOqI hukmnfmy jfrI krn vfsqy hI<br />

hY jF ies ny kOmI BlfeI vfsqy vI koeI rol adf vI krnf hY . ies<br />

qKLq sfihb qy ies vkq jo kfrvfeIaF ho rhIaF hn kI Auh akfl<br />

purK dy qKLq dy drjy (stYNzrz) dIaF hn akfl qKLq sfihb df<br />

mOjUdf rol 1979 qoN sLurU huMdf hY; kI ienHF 25 sflF ivc akfl qKLq<br />

sfihb ny pMQ dI ibKVI hflq bfry vI koeI kfrvfeI/pRfjYkt/aYksLn<br />

kIqf hY <br />

ieMÖ hI ies svfl df jvfb vI pMQ nUM idqf jfvy ik bIqy<br />

20 sflF ivc akfl qKLq sfihb dI syvf qy qfeInfq muK syvfdfr<br />

(aKOqI jQydfr) ivdysLF ivc ikMnI vfr gey hn qy AunHF ny AuQoN ikMny<br />

pYsy iekwTy kr ky ilaFdy hn qy Auh rkm ikQy KLrcI hY crcf hY<br />

ik ipCly 20 sflF ivc aKOqI jQydfrF aqy aYkitMg jQydfrF ny pMj<br />

kroV ruipaf iekwTf kIqf hY qy ies ivcoN 90 qoN 99% rkm AunHF ny<br />

zkfr leI hY . (pr, dfn df DMn hVp krn dI sjLf qF vfihgurU hI<br />

dyxgy) .<br />

kI akfl qKLq sfihb df rol isrPL akflI pfrtI dy afly<br />

duafly hI GuMmdf hY kI akfl qKLq sfihb df koeI hor rol nhIN hY<br />

iswK ies vkq kbIilaF, mnUvfdI jLfq-pfq, jiQaF ivc vMzy hoey<br />

hn qy a-iswK mfhOl ivc ivcr rhy hn . kI ieh akfl qKLq<br />

sfihb df PLrjL nhIN sI ik iswKF nUM iek BfeIcfry ivc proieaf jfx<br />

vfsqy koeI rol adf krdf hor qF hor igafnI pUrn isMG, jo KLud<br />

iek aKOqI pCVI jLfq nfl sbMD rKdf sI, ny vI ies mnUvfd nUM<br />

KLqm krn vfsqy kuJ nf kIqf, sgoN Auh afp bRfhmx dy jfl ivc<br />

Psdf guru sfihb nUM vI bRfhmxI cfl df ihwsf bxf ky lv-kusL dI<br />

aOlfd drsfAux dI hrkq vl tur ipaf .<br />

aKOqI pCVIaF jLfqF dy bhuqy afgUaF df ieh duKFq hY ik<br />

Auh mnUvfdIaF dy iKLlfPL rOlf qF pfAuNdy hn pr Auh iPr ienHF<br />

mnUvfdIaF dy jfl ivc hI Ps jFdy hn . ies mnUvfdI cfl df sB qoN<br />

vwzf aYksLn sI pMjfb dy rivdfsIaF nUM iswKF qoN qoV ky bRfhmxI cfl<br />

df ihwsf bxfAuxf . ies sfijsL hyTF AunHF ny bfbf Bgq rivdfs nUM<br />

“gurU” aKvf ky iswKI qoN dUr kIqf pr mnUvfdIaF ny afp kdy vI<br />

ienHF pCVIaF jLfqF nUM kbUl nf kIqf . ieMj aKOqI pCVIaF jLfqF dy<br />

afgU bRfhmx dI mnUvfdI cfl df isLkfr ho gey .<br />

akfl qKLq sfihb aqy iswK afgUaF qy ivdvfnF ny vI ies<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 22

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

sfijsL nUM rokx vfsqy kdy koeI kdm nhIN cuikaf . mYN akqUbr 2003<br />

ivc sLromxI kmytI vwloN bxfeI geI iek sLqfbdI kmytI dI mIitMg<br />

ivc ieh suJfa idqf sI ik aKOqI pCVIaF jLfqF dI iswKI qoN dUrI<br />

KLqm krn vfsqy Bgq bfbf rivdfs, Bgq kbIr qy bfbf nfm dyv dy<br />

jnm idn drbfr sfihb mMjI sfihb qy mnfey jfx . BfvyN ies suJfa<br />

nUM mnjLUr qF kr ilaf igaf hY pr ies df PLfiedf qF hI hovygf jy<br />

ies sbMDI coKf amlI pRcfr krn vflf iltrycr vI aKOqI pCVIaF<br />

jLfqF dy lokF qk phuMcfieaf jfvy qy aKOqI pCVIaF jLfqF dy lokF nUM<br />

sc-muc Brf vFg kbUilaf jfvy . vrnf, ieh iek qvfrIKLI mqf bx<br />

ky PLfeIlF ivc kYd ho jfvygf .<br />

awj akfl qKLq sfihb (dr asl ies df muK syvfdfr, Aus dI<br />

kfrgujLfrI qy Aus dy aKOqI-huknfmy) dI keI pfisaF qoN nukqfcInI ho<br />

rhI hY . ienHF nukqfcInI dy ipCokV ivc iek pfsy gLYr-iswK hn qy<br />

dUjy pfsy sMjIdf aflm-PLfjLl hn . gLYr -iswKF nUM lgfm pfAux vfsqy<br />

qF sLfied koeI zurlI jwQf hI vDyry rol adf kr skdf hY pr iswK<br />

awlfmf dI nukqfcInI iek iPLkr vflI gwl hY . ies df mqlb sfPL hY<br />

ik akfl qKLq sfihb df muK syvfdfr afpxy rol qoN kuqfhI kr irhf<br />

hY . ies df vkqI ielfj qF ieh hY ik Aus nUM bdl idqf jfvy . pr,<br />

ies df pwkf ielfj ieh hY ik ies dy muK syvfdfr nUM srbq Kflsf<br />

vwloN cuxn df qrIkf nIaq kIqf jfvy; Aus dy rol, PLrjL imwQy jfx;<br />

Aus dI imafd imwQI jfvy, Aus dy gLlq clx qy Aus nUM bdlx df<br />

qrIkf imiQaf jfvy . ieh kr ky hI asIN ies mhfn ieMstIicAUsn nUM<br />

bcf skFgy vrnf sLromxI kmytI dy “hfkm” ies pMQ nUM do ihwisaF<br />

ivc vMz ky rK dyxgy .<br />

zfktr hrijMdr isMG idlgIr<br />

*****<br />

gurmiq pRkwS AkqUbr 2003<br />

'AwgU lY auJiV pvY iksu kry pukwrw'<br />

1- kRoVW dI Awmdn vwlI So:gu:pR; kmytI dy muV muV pRDwn bxI AwauNdy<br />

rhy isAwsI pYNqVy bwzIAW dy inpuMn iKfwrI j: gurcrn isMG jI tOhVw dI<br />

C`qrCwieAw hyTW BweI mnjIq isMG klk`qw jI vI Pyr s`kqr Aw bxy hn"<br />

inrsMdyh bVI mh`qqw vwlI ies ^br qoN eynI hYrwnI nhIN sI hoeI ijMnI<br />

A^bwrW ivc Cp rhI klk`qw jI dI ies GoSnw qoN huMdI rhI sI ik dws<br />

(kwlw A&Zwnw) dIAW ilKqw ivcly ku&r qoN is`K jgq nUM jwxU krvwaux<br />

leI auh Drm prcwr kmytI koloN "gurmiq pRkws" dw aucycw AMk k`Fvw rhy<br />

hn ies GoSnw qoN hYrwnI BrI auqsukqw hox dw kwrn ieh sI ik, DM|wxy<br />

hI dws dy vYrI bx bYTy igAwnI joigMdr isMG jI vydWqI ny dws nUM pMQ ivcoN<br />

Cykx leI Fu`kvW Fu`cr l`Bx leI AwpxI mrzI dy cuxy ivdvwnW dIAW<br />

kmytIAW iek qoN v~D vwr bxweIAW, imSnrI kwljW koloN ilKqI irportW<br />

mMgvweIAW, hor vI keI Xog AXog auprwly kIqy, pr guurU-SbdW dy ADwr qy<br />

ilKIAW 9 pusqkW ivcoN, gurmiq ivroDI koeI ie`k vI dlIl, pusqk dw koeI<br />

pYrw, jW AXog vrqoN vwlw koeI ie`k vI gurU Sbd nw sI iml sikAw[ iPr<br />

aunHW hI pusqkW ivcoN klk`qw jI nUM dws dw "JUT" ilKx leI gurmiq pRkwS<br />

dw aucycw AMk k`Fvwaux dw supnw iks ADwr qy AwieAw hovygw hYrwnI sI<br />

ik pqw nhIN iks krmwqI cqurweI dI vrqoN nwl pusqkW ivcoN klk`qw jI ny<br />

ikho ijhw ku&r l`B ivKwauxw hY <br />

2- bYcYnI BrI auqsukqw nwl dws ny gurmiq pRkwS pVHnw ArMiBAw<br />

qW (1) bwhrI s&y qy nzr pYNidAW hI hYrwn rih igAw, ik, tweItl s&y (-<br />

Title Page) qy hI gurmiq ivroDI duKdweI GoSnw (2)- ies dy mu`K<br />

sMpwdk jI vI auh BweI cmkOr isMG jI, ijnHW bwry dws dy ihrdy ny bVw<br />

siqkwr kbUilAw hoieAw hY -(3)-kI, sc muc hI pMQk durBwg isKrW qy<br />

jw pu`jw Ajyhy duKdweI AnuBv hox dy kwrnw dw vyrvw:-<br />

(a)- "gurmiq pRkwS" qW guris`KW leI gurmiq dIAW syDW dw hvwlw p`qr<br />

bx cu`kw sI aus dy bwhrI s&y (tweItl pyj) qy qsvIrW sihq " BgqI<br />

qy SkqI dy somy hirmMdr swihb Aqy Akwl q^q swihb" Cwp dyx dw is`Dw<br />

ArQ siqgurU gRMQ swihb jI dy SuB guxW dy BMfwry qy nwdr SwhI fwkw kI,<br />

Drm-prcwr kmytI eynI Axjwwx bx geI ik aus ny gurmiq dy ies zrUrI<br />

isDWq dI Av`igAw dy pUrny pw Byjy hn -(1)-idRsitmwn sBu ibnsIAY<br />

ikAw lgih gvwr ]2]{ibl:m: 5-pMnw 808} (2)-eysy aupdyS dw dUjw<br />

rUp-"jo dIsY so sgl ibnwsY ijau bwdr kI CwhI ]1]...2]{1231}-(3)-<br />

aupdyS dw qIsrw rUp ieh- "ndrI AwvY iqsu isau mohu ] ikau imlIAY pRB<br />

AibnwsI qoih ] kir ikrpw moih mwrig pwvhu ] swDsMgiq kY AMcil<br />

lwvhu ]1] kau qrIAY ibiKAw sMswru ] siqguru boihQu pwvY pwir ]1]<br />

rhwau ] 1]{iblw:m: 5-pMnw 801}-gurmiq pRqI syDW dyx leI bxI Drm<br />

prcwr kmytI vloN "siq siq siq siq siq gurdyv ]" dy QW- "JUTu JUTu<br />

JUTu JUTu Awn sB syv "]{1166} dI isiKAw {Note:- auprokq -(1)-<br />

(2)-(3)-iqMnw rUpW dy gurmiq isDWq nwl sbMiDq gurU SbdW dI ArQW<br />

sihq- (kRmvwr-) -30, 29 qy 19 kul 78 gurU SbdW dI sUcI dws koloN<br />

AQvw Intrenet qoN iml skdI hY}[ ieh ikqy gurU gRMQ swihb jI dI mihmw<br />

nUM ^qm krn dIAW swzSW ivc nvW vwDw qW nhIN hoieAw <br />

(A)- (1) ^wlsw jI dI kyNdrI jQydwrI Aqy aus dI Drm prcwr<br />

kmytI vwly kI ieh vI nhIN sn jwxdy ik, guriblws ivc siqgurU Arjn<br />

swihb jI pwqr dy rUp iv`c vrqidAw ilKwrI ny aunHW nUM (poQI swihb qoN vI<br />

s`Kxy kyvl) hirmMdr swihb dIAW nMgy pYrI inkIAW v`fIAW pRkrmW nwl<br />

fMfOqW krdy bVy KulHy cVHq cVHwivAW sihq pUjw Bytw krdy, mMgW purIAW<br />

krn dIAW ArdwsW dy nwl s`uKxw su`Kdy Aid gurisKW leI pUrny pwauNdy<br />

keI vwr drswieAw hox vwlI kQW fyVH sdI qoN v`D smw suxidAW rihx dy<br />

kwrn isKW ivc bxI SrDw qoN hirmMdr jI Aqy Akwl q^q jI nUM "BgqI"<br />

Aqy "SkqI" dy pRqIk qW ikhw jw skdw hY pr SuB guxw dy Asl (AnUpm<br />

Aqy AQwh) somy kyvl Aqy kyvl siqgurU gRMQ swihb jI hI hn [ gurU gRMQ<br />

swihb jI dI hoNd qo ibnW AQvw guruU dyv jI dy izkr q`k qoN ibnw iliKAw<br />

mMdr (Building) SuB guxW dw somw, AQvw is`KW leI pUjnIk nhIN mMinAw<br />

jw skdw[ (2)- ies scweI nUM vI iksy XukqI nwl JuTlwieAw nhIN jw<br />

skdw ik, hirmMdr jI AQvw Akwl q^q jI jIaUNdy jwgdy pRwxI hn sgoN<br />

ieh vI p`QrW dIAW mUrqIAW vWg inrijMd AQvw imRqk hI hn[ kI swfI<br />

Drm prcwr kmytI gurU bwxI dy prmwx nwl is`D kr skdI hY ik aunHW ny<br />

Ajyhw krky ies gurU &urmwn dI inrwdrI nhIN kIqI - mhlw 5 ].. jo<br />

pwQr kau khqy dyv ] qw kI ibrQw hovY syv ] jo pwQr kI pWeI pwie ]<br />

iqs kI Gwl AjWeI jwie ]1] Twkuru hmrw sd bolµqw ] srb jIAw kau<br />

pRBu dwnu dyqw ]1] rhwau ] AMqir dyau n jwnY AMDu ] BRm kw moihAw pwvY<br />

PMDu ] n pwQru bolY nw ikCu dyie ] Pokt krm inhPl hY syv ]2] jy<br />

imrqk kau cMdnu cVwvY ] aus qy khhu kvn Pl pwvY ] jy imrqk kau<br />

ibstw mwih rulweI ] qW imrqk kw ikAw Git jweI ]3]<br />

...4]4]12]"{1160}<br />

3- "joiq Ehw jugiq swie sih kwieAw Pyir pltIAY ] gurU hukm<br />

dy siqkwr ivc ies dlIl dI ivroDqw Swied koeI vI isAwxw guris`K nw<br />

kry ik gurU gRMQ swihb jI dy siqkwr nUM siqgurU nwnk swihb jI dy qu`l<br />

ijauN dw iqauN bxweI rKx leI, hir iek guris`K nuM idR~V krvweI r`Kxw<br />

cwhIdw sI ik bhu srUpI grUugRMQ swihb jI BwvyN iksy vI QW (in`jI invws<br />

AsQwn ivc qy Bwvy iksy v`fy qoN vfy ieiqhwsk AsQwn qy) prkwSmwn hox<br />

aunHW nUM auhI guru gRMQ swihb smJxw qy mMnxw hY ijs nUM sRI gurU goibMd<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 23

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

isMG jI ny gurU nwnk swihb dI guirAweI dI sdIvI mwlkI sONpI sI[ hr<br />

ie`k pwvn gurU bIV nUM sw^Swq siqgurU nwnk swihb hI smJidAW iek swr<br />

siqkwr nwl gurU hkumW dy Anuswr AwpxI jIvn jugq bxweI rK`xI gurUis`KI<br />

dI ivAwiKAw bx jwxI cwhIdI sI [ pr 18vIN sdI qoN hI sB kuJ aultw<br />

huMdw Aw irhw hY[ swfy Dwrimk AwgUAW ny gurU siqkwr ivc vwDw qW kI<br />

krnw sI aultw gurU gRMQ swihb jI dy srUpW pRqI ivqkry bxweI rKx dy<br />

pUrny hirmMdr jI dy AMdr qoN Aqy prkRmw dy cOigrdy qoN inrMqr pweI qury Aw<br />

rhy hn[ ijs kwrn isKW dy mnW ivc ACoply hI inrwdrI dw Ajyhw AnuBv<br />

bx igAw ik dys ivdys dy gurU drbwrW ivc bVy bdnwmIAW Bry Bwxy vrqxy<br />

swfw durBwg bx igAw [ hux AkqUbr mhIny dy gurmiq pRkwS dy tweItl<br />

pyj qoN qW ieauN l`gw hY ijvyN AjokI jQydwrI ny siqgurU gRMQ swihb jI dy<br />

ivr`uD KulHI bZwvq dw ibZl hI vjw id`qw hovy <br />

vMngI vjo gMBIr SMkw:-<br />

kI kwrn hY ik ijs qrHW dw siqkwr hirmMdr jI dy dIvwn hwl ivc<br />

pRkwSmwn siqgurU gRMQ swihb dw hY hirmMdr swihb jI dy AMdr hI dUjIAW<br />

QwvW qy sRI drbwr swihb jI dy bwkI swry ivhVy (Complex) ivc keI QwvW<br />

qy pRkwSmn “bhusrUpI gurU gRMQ swihb” dy pwvn srUpW ivcoN iksy ie`k dw vI<br />

vYsw siqkwr huMdw vyKx nUM kdy nhIN imilAw <br />

kRrmvwr gurmiq ivcwrW:-<br />

(a)- Drm pRcwr kmytI ieqhws dI ies scweI nUM JUTlw nhI skdI<br />

ik, bwl aumrw ivc jdoN siqgurU nwnk swihb jI ny jgq dy bx bYTy bRwhmx<br />

gurU koloN sdw nwl inBn vwly jnyaU dI mMg kridAW aus dy hQW dw v`itAw<br />

sUq dy Dwgy dw nwsvMq jnyaU pwaux qoN nwh kIqI qW bRwhmx vrg siqgurU jI<br />

dw vYrI bx igAw sI [ iBMfrW vwly sMq gXwnI gurbcn isMG jI ^wlsw dy<br />

ilKy Anuswr, gurU nwnk swihb jI dy ivAwh smy btwly ivKy gurdyv jI nUM<br />

purwxI kMD dy hyTW dy ky ^qm krn dw As&l Xqn vI aunHW pRohqW ny hI<br />

kIqw sI [ ib`pR jI nUM siqgurU nwnk swihb jI dy ivru~D aucycw rMj ies<br />

kwrx sI ik, auh pihly rhibr sn ijnHW ny aus dIAW lMptI AYSpRqIAW dI<br />

Awmdn dy inrMqr vih rhy somy dI pCwx kr leI sI[ ijs krmkWfI Brmjwl<br />

dI bdOlq ZrIb ikrqIAW dI lhU psIny dI kmweI bRwhmx dI JolI ivc<br />

inrMqr pY rhI sI, siqgrW dw aupdyS aus mwieAw jwl dIAW jVHW KoKlIAW<br />

krI jw irhw sI[ AwpxI AQwh Awmdn dy swDn krmkWfI mRXwdw leI ^qrw<br />

bx rhI pwvn gurbwxI ivc Kot rlw ky ArQW dw AnArQ bxwaux dw Xqn<br />

AwrMB kr ilAw[ sujwn pMcm siqgurU nwnk swhb jI ny gurbwxI nUM vYrIAW<br />

dI phuMc leI jd AsMBv bxw ilAw qW ivdvwn dUridRSt ib`pr kutlqw Bry<br />

sbr nwl Xog smy dI aufIk iv`c dV v`t bYTw[ 1708 ivc gurU gRMQ swihb<br />

jI nUM sdIvI mwlkI sONpI jwx nUM F`ukvW smw jwx ky gurmiq dy vYrI bRwhmx<br />

kWsI ivKy isr joV bYTy Aqy gurmiq igAwn nUM sdw leI ins&l bwxwaux dI<br />

Xojnw ADIn gurmiq ivroDI sm`gRI ilKx ivc jut gey[<br />

ivSwl rwj SkqI vwly bu`D Drm nUM Bwrq ivcoN mwr mukwaux dI s&lqw qoN<br />

AhMkwry hoey, JUTIAW khwxIAW GVn ivc inpuMn, gurmiq dy vfy igAwqw,<br />

ies ib`pR ny ijMnI vI gurmiq ivroDI sm`gRI iqAwr kIqI aus ivco "guriblws<br />

pwqSwhI 6" gRMQ AjyhI sm`gRI dw BMfwrw sI ijs ivclI hr iek gwQw<br />

gurmiq dy iek qoN v`D isDwqW dy QW bRwhmxI rIqW nUM gurU swihbwn dy Awpxy<br />

jIvn dw ih`sw bxw rhI sI/hY [ guriblws dI BUimkw dy 69 s&y Anuswr aus<br />

gRMQ dw rcnw kwl ienHW SbdW ivc iliKAw hoieAw hY-"guribls dI rcnw<br />

dw kwrj ie`k jyT 1774 ib: nUM AwrMB hoieAw qy 22 idn swvx bqIiqAW<br />

1775 ib: nUM smwpq hoieAw "[ sp`St hY ik ilKwrI bRwhmxw ny ieh gRMQ<br />

sMn 1718 (gurU gRMQ swihb jI nUM guirAweI sONpI jwx dy 10 swlW dy) ivc<br />

hI Awpxy dUjy rUp, audwsI inrmly AQvw mhMq ivdvwnW kol pucw id`qw[ iPr<br />

eyhI tolw isKI nUM ^qm krn dI bxI XojnW ADIn, is`KI dy au~qm pRcwrk dy<br />

ByK iv`c, siqgurU nwnk swihb jI dI DrmSwlw dw sMBwlU qy sMcwilk Aw<br />

bixAw [ gurmiq dy vYrIAW vloN siqgurU nwnk swihb jI dI is`KI nUM<br />

bypCwxw bxwaux leI iqAwr kIqw ieh guriblws pwqSwhI 6 gRMQ, vYrIAW<br />

dw iek AmoG bwx sI[ krmkWfI sMskwrW gRsy hzwrW swlW dy ipCokV vwly<br />

Aqy bRwhmx vloN jwx buJ ky ividAw qoN kory r`^y gey ^wlsw jI nUM qW ies<br />

gRMQ koloN kohW dUr r`Kxw cwhIdw sI, (gurU gRMQ swihb dI ksv`tI qy prK ky<br />

ies ivclI lwhyvMd sm`gRI aucycI sMBwl ivc lY ky, gurmiq ivroDI sm`gRI<br />

AqIq dy hnyirAW ivc guMm kr id`qI jwxI, gurmiq dI s`cI syvw smJx dI<br />

loV sI)<br />

Awpy hI Aw bxy swfy Drm-AwgU mhMq ib`pRW ny ies gRMQ nUM AjyhI Xojnw b`D<br />

ivDIAW nwl pRcwirAw ik ies ivclw swry dw swrw AnrQ swfy leI AslI<br />

gurmiq bx igAw[ pMQk bdiksmqI dw is^r vyKo ik, AjokI jQydwrI<br />

mOhry dI gMdl ausy guriblws nUM isKW leI hvwlw gRMQ bxwaux leI A`j vI<br />

inrMqr Xqn SIl hI hY[ guriblws pwqShI 6 pusqk dI pRkwSk hox dy<br />

nwqy DrmpRcwr kmytI aus gRMQ dI BUimkw ivc ilKy sRI vydWqI jI dy ienHW<br />

bcnW qoN ienkwrI nhI ho skdI-" ieMj prqIiq huMdw hY ik ieh gRMQ pRwcIn<br />

smyN ivc is`K pMQ AMdr bhuq hI hrmn ipAwrw hox dy kwrn pRcilq irhw<br />

hY ikauNik ies gRMQ dIAW AnykW (sYNkVy hzwrw) h`Q ilkKqW, p`Qr Cwpy<br />

dIAW prqIAW qy bwAd ivc Cwpy ^wny dy moty tweIp ivc AYfISnW CpIAW-<br />

" is`D hY ik 18vIN sdI qoN ijhVw gRMQ swfy Awcrn ivc gurmiq dy QW<br />

bRwhmxvwd vwVI Aw irhw hY Ajokw Dwrimk AwgU vI ausy hI gRMQ nUM swfw<br />

Drm gRMQ bxwaux leI bycYn hY[ ienHW q~QW qoN pRq`K hY ik Ajokw Drm AwgU<br />

ausy dw hI vtwieAw hoieAw rUp hY ijs nUM gurU duAwirAw ivcoN k`Fx leI<br />

1921 ivc aus smy dy AkwlIAW nUM bVIAW kurwbwnI dyxIAW peIAW sn,<br />

Aqy ijhVw sYkVy swlW qoN gur gRMQ swihb jI dI mihmW nUM inrMqr Korw lweI<br />

Aw irhw hY[ jy Ajy vI gurmiq dy AslI vYrIAW dI pCwx kridAW isKI dy<br />

kyNdrI Drm-pRbMD nUM gurmiq dy pUrn igAwqw imSnrI socW vwly suihrd<br />

gurmuK ivdvwnW dy h`QW ivc nw sOipAw qW isMG swihbI dy mwlk bxy bYTy<br />

Drm AwgU-rUp ienW Supreme j`jW ny ijvyN pwvn q^qW auqy SsqrW dy<br />

rUp ivc ivSnU dI pUjw SurU kIqI hoeI hY, auh idn vI bhuqI dUr nhI hn<br />

jd hirmMdr jI iv`c vI cqurBujI kiQq r`b dI mUrqI Aw sQwpq hoxI hY[<br />

(e) kI Drm prcwr kmytI vwly mhWpurK hyT ilKIAW scweIAW qoN<br />

ienkwrI ho skdy hn:-<br />

(1)- ik, SRo:gu: pR: kmytI dy kol 1708 (gurU gRMQ swihb jI nUM guirAweI<br />

sONpI jwx) qoN pihlW dw nw koeI ieqhwsk gRMQ hY nw gurU ieiqhws dI koeI<br />

pusqk hY, AQvw nw hI sp`St nwm pqy vwly ilKwrI dI AjyhI koeI ilKq<br />

hI hY, ijs qoN sRI hirmMdr swihb dI Aqy sRI Akwl q^q jI dI bnwvt<br />

(Design) Aqy nIh p`Qr rKx dy nwl aunHW dI auswrI kIqI jwx dy vyrvy<br />

bwry koeI toh iml skdI hovy <br />

(2)- ik, Awpxw ieqhws ilKx qoN AsmrQ, gurmiq dy igAn qoN hIxy<br />

swfy kyNdrI Dwrimk AwgU dy rUp iv`c ^ud mu^iqAwr (Despot) hwkmW kol<br />

(guriblws pwqSwhI 6 qo pihlW dw) gurU ieiqhws dw purwqn hor koeI gRMQ<br />

nhIN hY<br />

(3)-ik, "hoie iekqR imlhu myry BweI duibDw dUir krhu ilv lwie ] hir<br />

nwmY ky hovhu joVI gurmuiK bYshu sPw ivCwie ]1]" gurmiq isDWq dI<br />

swkwr krqw, siqgurU nwnk swihb jI dI Drm Swlw dI ivSwlqw dy sMklp<br />

q`k nUM imtwaux dI XojnW ADIn srovr dy ivckwr cwr drvwizAW vwlw qy<br />

ieko pwsy sVk rUp pul vwl Ajokw hirmMdr jI, cqurBujI BRwhmxI r`b jI<br />

ny Awpxy leI bxvwaux dy vyrvy vwlw pRsMg ausy guribwlws pwqSwhI 6 dy<br />

pMjvy AiDAwie ivc bVI pRBwvSwlI SbdwvlI ivc iliKAw hoieAw hY qy<br />

ies gRMQ qoN pihlW dw iliKAw hor rIx mwqr vI sbUq swfI isrmor<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 24

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

jQydwrI kol nhIN hY ijs qoN ieh ikhw jw irhw hY ik Ajoky hirmMdr swihb<br />

dw nINh p`Qr gurU Arjn swihb jI ny pIr mIAW mIr jI dy h`QoN hI rKwieAw<br />

sI <br />

(4)- ik, gurU swihb jI dy ivSrwm leI koTVI Bwv Ajokw koTw swihb vI<br />

pUrIAW inSwndyhIAW sihq cqur BujI Bgvwn jI ny Awp hI bxvwieAw hox<br />

dw swKSI vI kyvl guriblws p: 6 hI hY <br />

(5)- hir mMdr swihb ivc inrMqr iGau dI joq jgnI, pihr rwq bIq<br />

jwx qy gurU gRMQ swihb jI dy kyvl aus srUp nUM ijs pwvn srUp dw pRkwS<br />

dIvwnhwl ivc kIqw huMdw hY, sMKW GiVAwlW dy bRwhmxI FMg dy Sor Srwby<br />

nwl koTw swihb jI ivc ivSrwm leI lY jwxw (Bwv, gurU gRMQ swihb jI dy<br />

srUpW nwl pRq`K ivqkirAW Bry ivhwr dy inq pUrny ), &rS dw (du`D nwl)<br />

ieSnwn krvw ky in`q nvyN bsqr pwayuxy, svyry pihr rwq rihMidAW kyvl<br />

hir mMdr swihb jI dy aucycy siqkwr vjoN Awsw dI vwr dw gwien AwrMB<br />

krnw, (mhwrwjy AQvw, scy pwqSwh jI qo ibnw hI drbwr dI kwrveI<br />

AwrMB krn dI sMswr qoN inAwrI Aqy gurmiq ivroDI mRXwdw ) do GVIAW<br />

rwq rihMidAW koTw swihb jI qoN gurU gRMQ swihb nUM hirmMd swihb ilAwauxw<br />

qy Awvwzw lYxw, (mgroN pqw nhIN kdoN, iks ADwr qy Aqyy iks ny ies QohVy<br />

ijhy pYNfy leI gurU gRMQ swihb leI pwlkI iv`c ilAwauux dI mRXwdw nUM Drm<br />

dw ih`sw bxw id`qw ), swrw idn Sdb ivcwr qoN ibnw lgwqwr rwgW ivc<br />

Sbd gwien huMdw rihxw, rwq dy 9 vjy dy krIb kwnVy rwg idAW SbdW dI<br />

cOkI inklxI, sRI Akwl q^q dw sMklp, auswrI dw ieqhws, mIrI pIrI dw<br />

sMklp qy do qlvwrw, SsqrW dy rUp ivc ivSnUM rUp Akwl purK dI pUjw<br />

Awid, swrI dI swrI (gurmiq ivroDI) mrXwdw kyvl Aqy kyvl ies<br />

guriblws pw:6 dI dyx hY[ jo ik inrsMdyh gurmiq dy aunHW vYrIAW dw hI<br />

kwrw hY ijnHW ny is`KI dI rUp ryKw imtwaux dI Xojnw nwl hI ieh sB kuJ<br />

guriblws ivc iliKAw hoieAw hY[<br />

(s) jd aupurokq vrxn sB kuJ guriblws dI hI dyx is`D hY qW ies<br />

pRcilq mRXwdw nUM gurmiq ivroDI jW bRwhmxI mRXwdw kihxw jQydwrI ny pwp<br />

iks ADwr qy mMn riKAw hY jI <br />

(h) ik, hr roz hirmMdr swihb qoN hukmnwmw bwhr Byjx dI nvI mRXwdw dw<br />

ArQ vI kI iehI hY ik sQwnk gurU gRMQ swihb jI dw hukm sMgqW leI<br />

ins&l bx jwvy gurU srUpW pRqI SrDw ivc pwey jw rhy ivqkry dw kI<br />

ieh iek nvW rUp nhIN hY jI <br />

(k) AkqUbr mhIny dy gurmiq pRkwS dy Title page qy BgqI qy SkqI<br />

dy somy hirmMdr swihb qy Akwl q^q swihb ilKx vwlI Drm pRcwr kmytI<br />

kI, pwTkW nUM smJw skygI ik dohW ivco pUjnIk kOx hY, nwsvMq mnuKI h`QW<br />

nwl bxIAW idRStmwn iemwrqW (Buildings), ik jW bhup`KI AnUpm qy nIq<br />

nvyN igAwn dy iniD, siqguuruU gRMQ swihb jI gurisKW nUM jwx buJ kY AOJVy<br />

pwauxw hI jy grmuKqweI hY qW mnmuKqweI iks nUM khogy jI <br />

AMDw AwgU jy QIAY ikau pwDru jwxY ] Awip musY miq hoCIAY ikau<br />

rwhu pCwxY ] ikau rwih jwvY<br />

mhlu pwvY AMD kI miq AMDlI ] ivxu nwm hir ky kCu n sUJY AMDu<br />

bUfO DMDlI ] idnu rwiq cwnxu<br />

cwau aupjY sbdu gur kw min vsY ] kr joiV gur pih kir ibnµqI<br />

rwhu pwDru guru dsY ]6]{667}<br />

"rwh pwDru guru dsY" bcn AtlwDy hn ik jW Drm prcwr kmytI dy ilKy<br />

Anuswr Agy qoN hirmMdr swihb Aqy Akwl q^q swihb swnUM jIvn dy isDy<br />

rsiqAw qy qurnw d`isAw krngy jI <br />

zrurI sUcnw rUp jodVI- 26 AkqUr nUM hoeI kwn&rMs qy gurU sMgqW<br />

dy drSxW leI puj skx dy XqnW ivc pMjwb puls dy nvy bxy fI jI sRI<br />

sdIkI jI dI syvw ivc imqI 2 Agsq 2003 nUM bynqI p`qr ilK ByijAw<br />

sI[ pr au~qr nw AwieAw qW keI vwr Xqn krdy rihx qy kwnrMs qoN<br />

kyvl do idn pihlW hI aunHW nwl tYlI &Un qy sMprk bx sikAw[ aunHW ny<br />

dws dI qs`lI krweI ik dws ivru`D hux koeI kys nhIN hY Aqy inrBY ho kY<br />

dws Bwrq Aw skdw hY[<br />

AkqUbr 2003 dy gurmiq pRkwS ivc CpI dws nUM pUMQ ivcoN<br />

Cykx dI kwrvweI ivc s`c dy QW JUT pRDwn hY[ dws dw p`K suxy ibnW dws<br />

nwl kIqI inrol vDIkI qoN pMQ ivc peI pwto DwV pMQ dI cVHdI klw dw<br />

sUck nhIN hY[ dws ny gurU gRMQ swihb dy igAwn qy pRyrq ho ky siqguurU jI<br />

dI CqrCwieAw hyT pusqkW ilKx dI krVI Gwlxw guurU pMQ nUM SuB guxw dw<br />

BMfwr bx ky muV rwjBwg dw mwlk bixAw vyKx dI lwlsw nwl GwlI sI[<br />

so jy suihrdqw nwl KulIHAW ivcwrW qoN Brm BuluyKy dUr krky byienws&I Bry<br />

aus nwdr SwhI inrxy qy muV ivcwr ho skdI hovy qW isK jgq ivc vwprI<br />

kVvwht nUM dUr krn ihq dws hr prkwr dI kubwnI krn leI iqAwr hY[<br />

ieh inmwxw dwsrw dwqwr jI dI bVI aucycI imhr smJdw hY jo aunHW ny gurU<br />

gRMQ swihb jI dI hzUrI dy QW (guriblws pwqSwhI 6 pusqk AiDAwie 8<br />

ivc gwQw dy pwqr Aw bxy kiQq ivSnUM Bgvwn dy gurU hirgoibMd swihb<br />

jI nUM khy ienW kiQq bcnW Anuswr-“jb lg qum idh Dwr suhwvo ] qb<br />

lg qum XW pr Cib pwvo[ pwCy Ssqr rUp moih jwnO ] mm pUjw kI ieh TW<br />

mwno ]”) sSqrW rUp ivSnUM dy drbwr ivc l`gI vydWqI jI dI kcYhrI ivc<br />

pyS hoxo dws nUM bcw ilAw sI[<br />

dws dI ishq BwvyN Ajy vI Bwrq qk dw s&r dI Kycl J`lx<br />

Xog nhIN hY pr ikauNik pMQ drdI auhI gurmuK s`jx aucycIAW shUlqW vwly<br />

hvweI s&r dI itkt dw ^rcw krn leI iqAwr hn so jy punr ivcwrW ho<br />

skx qW dwsrw Bwrq Awaux dw joKm BirAw ^qrw mu`l lYx leI A`j vI<br />

iqAwr hY[ BweI joigMdr isMG jI qlvwVw, vkIl lWbw jI AQvw f:<br />

gurb^S isMG jI smyq Drm prcwr kmytI jW, vydWqI jI dy nyVU swry<br />

ivdvwn s``jx ijnHW ny dws dIAW pusqkW nUM gurmiq ivroDI jwixAw hY mMjI<br />

(swihb) gurUdAwryy jI dy KulHy guruU drbwr ivc pqrkwrW sroiqAW Aid<br />

swirAW dy kYmirAW dy swhmxy-"hoie iekqR imlhu myry BweI duibDw dUir<br />

krhu ilv lwie ]" pwvn gurU &urmwn dy AwSy Anuswr dws swirAW gurmuK<br />

sjxW nwl AwpxIAW ilKqW bwry KuulHw gurmiq ivcwr vtWdrw krn leI<br />

iqAwr hY Aqy gurU Sbd dy hvwly nwl ijhVW bcn vI gurmiq ivroDI i`s`D<br />

hoieAw qW is`K pMQ qoN iKmw dw jwck huMdy hoieAW aus bcn nUM pusqk ivcoN<br />

qrMq k`F id`qw jwvygw[ jy kyNdrI jQydwrI suihrdqw nwl is`K pMQ ivcoN swry<br />

Brm BulyKy qy ivqkry mtwaux dI cwhvwn hovy qW dws hwzr hox leI<br />

iqAwr hY[ siqgurU gRMQ swihb jI dI srbau`cqw ivc is`K pMQ AMdr sdw<br />

leI suKWvW vwqwvrn bixAw rhy, ies leI dws hor vI hr pRkwr dI<br />

kurbwnI dyx leI hr smy iqAwr hY; gurmiq Anuswr jIvn bqIq kr rhy<br />

gurmuKW dI crn DUV:-dwsrw, gurb^S isMG imqI 15 jnvrI 2004<br />

*****<br />

pfiksqfn qoN drd BrI icwTI<br />

nOjvfn anUp isMG Buner (N.W.F.P)<br />

(Tel: 92-938-410530)<br />

siqkfrXog bfbf avqfr isMG jI!<br />

vfihgurU jI kf Kflsf] vfihgurU jI kI PLqh]<br />

myrf nfm anUp isMG hY mYN pfiksqfn dy sUby srhd (N.W.F.P) df<br />

rihx vflf hF qy mYN dsvIN ivwc pVH irhf hF aqy myrI Aumr 15 sfl<br />

hY. kuJ gwlF afp nfl afpxy muZly jIvn bfry:-<br />

mYN pihly isMG nhIN sF, krmkFzI qy BrmI sI, aqy gurmiq qoN bhuq<br />

dUr sF. mYny Gr qoN, prfeIaF dukfnF qoN, corI kIqI, gutky ivwcoN aMg<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 25

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

PfV ky gMdI nflI ivwc suwty, prfeI mMUgPlI dIaF borIaF jlfeIaF<br />

afid. pr krnI rwb dI! iewk idn “iswK PulvfVI”(iswK imsLnrI<br />

kflj luiDanf) pVHI jo bhuq cMgI lwgI ies df jIvn qy bhuq pRBfv<br />

ipaf. iPr afihsqf-afihsqf syvf sLurU kIqI, corI GtfeI aqy kIrqn<br />

sRvn krn lwgf qy nfl-nfl pusqkF gurmiq dIaF pVHn lwgf. iewk<br />

idn Gr vfilaF nUM kihaf ik mYnUM isMG sjf dyvn, pr Auh nhIN mMny qF<br />

mYN skUl dy bhfny isMG sjx leI bfg igaf(Bwj igaf) pMjf sfihb<br />

clf igaf lykn Gr vfilaF ny mYnUM ilaf ky bhuq mfiraf pIitaf pr<br />

AunHF nUM pqf lgx qy ik mYN isMG sjx leI bfigaf(Bwijaf) sI, mYNUnUM<br />

sMn 2002 ivwc “gurUu goibMd isMG jI” dy afgmn purb qy isMG sjf<br />

idwqf.<br />

iPr mYny soicaf ik ikAuN nf iswK PulvfVI ivwc PRI dfKlf ilqf jfvy<br />

ikAuNik mYN iewk grIb Grfxy nfl qfluk rwKx vflf hF ies qrHF Grfxf<br />

ijs ivwc Gr df Krcf brdfsLq nhIN kr skdf. so mYNny iswK imsLnrI<br />

kflj nUM eI[myl dy rfhIN PRI iswK PulvfVI leI sunyhf Byijaf, mn bhuq<br />

KusL hoieaf jd pihlI “iswK PulvfVI” 18 jnvrI 2003 nUM imlI, qy<br />

mn EdoN bhuq ijafdf KusL hoieaf jdoN AunHF ny myry puwCy bgYr mYnUM do<br />

sflf kors zfk rfhIN sLurU krvf idwqf. bfbf jI! mYNny kflj dI pihlI<br />

iqmfhIN coN 700 ivwcoN 654 aMk pRfpq kIqy hn.<br />

KYr mYN afAuNdf hF afpxI gwl Auwqy ijvyN ik mYN pihlf dws cuwkf hF ik mYN<br />

iks qrHF isMG sijaf, hux qF mYNnUM gurmiq nfl bhuq ipafr hY qy myrI<br />

KLuvfihsL hY ik myry kol ijafdf qoN ijafdf gurmiq iltrycr qy typF<br />

afid hox so mY ienHF nUM Kud vI pVH skF qy sMgqF nUM vI dyvF qF ik<br />

gurmiq df sUrj ieQy vI cmk sky. mYN hux vI afpxI ivq muqfibk<br />

sMgqF nUM typF qy iltrycr pVHn suxn leI dyNdf hF. mYN cfhuMdf hF ik do<br />

sflf kors AuprMq afpxy ielfky ivwc “<strong>Sikh</strong> Missionary College”<br />

KolH lvF.myrf gurmiq nfl bVf cfa hY, so mYN afpxy nyVy dy ielfikaF<br />

coN pusqkF pVHn leI mMgvFdf rihMdf hF. qkrIbn iewk sfl pihly mYny<br />

iksI dy GroN “imsLnrI syDF” mMgvf ky pVHI jo bhuq hI ijafdf cMgI<br />

lwgI qF mYny iPr dUsrI imsLnrI syDF mMgvfeI iPr qF imsLnrI syDF<br />

mMgvfxy dI lVI stfrt ho geI. hr mhIny ijqnIaF vI huMdIaF 5-6<br />

iewk mhIny ivwc mMgvf ky pVHdf sF pr iewk idn AunHF ny jvfb Byijaf<br />

ik myry kol ijhVIaF imsLnrI syDF peIaF sn Auh sfrIaF qUMny pVH<br />

lIqIaF hn qF myry leI hor afAuxIaF bMd ho geIaF. ieh juvfb AunHF<br />

mYnUM iksI dy hwQ Byijaf. iPr mYny soicaf ik afp jI vwl pwqr ByjF jF<br />

kflj vwl, iPr soicaf ik iewk imsLnrI hox dy nfqy qusF nUM pwqr Byjx<br />

leI soicaf. Pr musIbq ieh sI ik ijhVHIaF “imsLnrI syDF” mYny<br />

pVHIaF sn Auh sfrIaF sMn 1998, 99,aqy 2000 dIaF sn. ijs<br />

krky mYny soicaf ik afp jIaF vwl pwqr nhIN ByjFgf ikAuNik hux qF<br />

sMn 2003 cwl irhf hY, ies qrHF nF hovy ik qusF df pqf bdl igaf<br />

hovy. iPr mYny ies mfmly nUM Cwz hI idwqf.<br />

hux nnkfxf sfihb(2003) dy gurpurb qoN bfad mYN Gr jf irhf sF ik<br />

acfnk mYnUM iewk BfeI ny “imsLnrI syDF” idKfeI qy ikhf ik ieh mYnUM<br />

iksI ny idwqI hY. jd mYN “imsLnrI syDF” vyKI qF ieh mfrc 2002 dI<br />

sI, soicaf ik ho skdf hY ik ies aMk ivwc vYb-sfeIt hovygf jd KolH<br />

ky dyKI qF nF ies ivwc vYb-sfeIt qy Pon nMbr sI ikAuNik ies ivwc<br />

pihly 10 aMk hI nhIN sn pr afKrI aMg qy afp jI df pqf vyiKaf<br />

qF afp jI nUM hQlf pwqr Byj idwqf.<br />

hux mYN afpxy ivsLy qy afAuNdf hF-bfbf jI! mYN cfhuMdf hF ik qusI myry<br />

leI iewk imsLnrI hox dy nfqy “sfihbjLdf juJfr isMG gurmiq<br />

imsLnrI kflj ropVH” qoN PRI imsLnrI syDF qkrIbn 5 slF leI Byjo.<br />

ijvyN ik mYN dws cuikaf hF ik asIN byhwd grIb hF, ies leI sfzy Gr<br />

vfilaF nUM gurmiq ivwc koeI idlcspI nhIN hY . mYN Gr ivwc iekwlf<br />

isMG hF so mYnUM “imsLnrI syDF” bhuq cMgI lgdI hY qy afp ikRpf kro<br />

mYnUM afpxy pfsoN hr mhIny ieh prcf Byjdy rho. jF iPr myrf<br />

zfierYkt dfKlf krvf ky mYnMU kflj qoN pMj sflF qwk Byjo qF ik mYN<br />

pUrn guriswK bx skF. mYnUM “<strong>Sikh</strong> Missionary College-<br />

Ludhiana” hr cIjL PRI Byjdf hY qy mYN qusF pfsoN BI AumId krdf<br />

hF. agr qusIN myrf do sflf kors ivwc dfKLlf krvfAuNxf cfhUMdy ho qF<br />

Auh BI mYnUM Byj skdy ho mYN Br ky afp jI vwl Byj idaf krFgf. mYnUM<br />

pqf hY ik <strong>Sikh</strong> Missionary College(Ludhiana) and Gurmat<br />

Missionary College(Ropar) df kors iewko hI hY.<br />

hF jy qusIN ieh kMm nhIN kr skdy qF iewk imsLnrI hox dy nfqy qusIN<br />

mYnUM afpxy koloN hn mhIny pusqkF, kYlMzr, kYstF afid kuJ nf kuJ<br />

jrUr Byijaf kro jF iPr myry leI, amrIkf dy iksI iswK imsLnrI<br />

kflj jF susfietI jF iPr iksI iswK XUnIvristI ivwc PRI dfKlf<br />

krvf dyvo jo mYnUM gurmiq pRcfrk, pUrn guriswK sMq-ispfhI bxn dy<br />

leI hr mhIny PRI typF pusqkF afid Byjy.<br />

mYny mlysLIaf, XU[ky[,knyzf dy kuJ BfeIaF nfl vI gwl kIqI sI pr<br />

AunHF ny hfly qwk nF koeI jvfb qy nF koeI pusqk afid ByjI hY. ies<br />

qrHF nF hovy ik qusIN vI mYnUM koeI jvfb nF dyvo. qusF df jvfb kI hY<br />

mYnUM koeI cIjL Byjdy ho jF nhIN jvfb jrUr dyxf qF ik mYnUM lMbI<br />

ieMqjLfr nf krnI pvy. mYnUM Pon qy jvfb dyx leI pfiksqfn df kMtrI<br />

koz 92 imlf ky eyrIaf koz 938 aqy Pon nM: 410530 qy pfiksqfnI<br />

tfeIm dy muqfibk dupihr dy 1:00 qoN lY ky 5:00 vjy qwk jF iPr rfq<br />

dy vkq 9 qoN 9:30 ieh nM:92-938-410456 imlf ky Pon kr skdy<br />

ho.myrf eI[ myl pqf ieh hY: aanoopsingh@yahoo.com qy myry<br />

imlx df pqf hY:-<br />

Anoop Singh, V.P.O---Ghurghushto, Via---Swabi<br />

Disstt.---BUNER (N.W.F.P.) PAKISTAN.<br />

mYnUM jvfb jrUr dyxf. KLq ivwc hoeI Buwl-cuwk muafPL krnf. ieh KLq<br />

mYN afp jIaF vwl 24-11-2003 nUM Byj irhf hF. afp mYnUM guriswK<br />

bxn qy myry supinaF nUM sfkfr krn leI myrI mdd jrUr kro]<br />

afp jI df Cotf BfeI(puwqr),<br />

anUp isMG, pfiksqfn<br />

*****<br />

AkwlqKq swihb Aqy AkwlbuMgw<br />

pMQ dy mhwn ivdvwn BweI kwhn isMG jI nwBw Anuswr sMmq 1665 (sMn<br />

1608) ivc CyvyN pwqSwh ny AkwlbuMgw (mojUdw Akwl qKq swihb) nUM<br />

kwiem kIqw[ drAsl ieh buMgw zwimn sI pMQ dI Awzwd hsqI dw qwik<br />

smyN smyN dIAW hkUmqW jW ivroDI qwkqW pMQ nUM Apxy dbwA jW pRBwv ADIn<br />

nw vrq skx[ pr ies dw ieh mnSw kdy vI nhIN sI pMQ ivc kdy koeI<br />

ivdvwn auBr hI nw sky Aqy ivroDI qwkqW ieQy Apxy ip~TU ‘jQydwr’ jW<br />

‘isMG swihb’ kwiem krky pMQ dIAW siqkwrjog hsqIAW nUM hI in~q<br />

Apmwinq krn[<br />

iesqoN v~fI gl ik iesdw nwm ieiqhws ivc kdy vI ‘Akwl<br />

qKq’ jW ‘AkwlqKq swihb’ nhIN AwieAw[ hW, pwqSwh ieQy qKq lgw<br />

ky, do v~kq idvwn sjwieAw krdy sn[ ‘Akwl qKq’ qW isKI jIvn dw<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 26

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

isDWq hY, Aqy auh hn swihb sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI[ iblifMg qW iek<br />

v~KrI gl hY[ sMswr aupr jykr ik~Dry vI ‘Akwl qKq swihb’ vwlw isDWq<br />

pRgt huMdw hY qW ausdw pRgtwvw hn- kyvl Aqy kyvl swihb sRI gurU gRMQ<br />

swihb jI-ijhVw ik smyM smyN nwl mwrUQlW Aqy CMbW dy sQwnW qoN vI pRgt<br />

krn dI loV peI- koeI ivSyS sQwn, koeI mnuK jW iblifMg nhIN[ iesyqrHW<br />

isKW aupr ijhVw hukmnwmw lwgU huMdw hY-kyvl Aqy kyvl gurbwxI rUp<br />

‘swihb sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI’ dw[ iksy mnuK jW sMsQw dw nhIN[ qW suAwl<br />

pYdw huMdw hY hY ik kI ‘swihb sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI’ iksy nUM pMQ ivcoN Cykx<br />

dI iejwzq dyNdy hn kdwicq nhIN[<br />

qW iPr smW mMg krdw hY ik kdoN Aqy iks Srwrq ADIn ‘gurU<br />

gRMQ swihb jI dI qwibAw AgvwhI krn vwsqy kwiem kIqy gey sQwn nUM hI<br />

Acwnk ‘Akwl qKq’ ivc qbdIl kr idqw igAw Aqy DrqI aupr ‘Akwl<br />

purK dy hI AslI qKq ‘swihb sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI’ nUM dUjy nMbr qy pw<br />

idqw igAw[ iesqrHW ‘swihb sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI’ dI qwibAw clx vwsqy<br />

kwiem ies gurU dy pMQ dI hONd nUM hI KyrUM KyrUM krn dI iek kuitl cwl clI<br />

geI[<br />

kdy gurUfMm Aqy fyhry kwiem kIqy gey auhnW dI ip~T TokI geI<br />

jdoN dwl nhIN glI qW pihlI vwrI 18 mwrc 1887 nUM, pRo: gurmuK isMG dy<br />

pMQ ivcoN Cykx dI Kyf dw AwrMB ieQoN hI kIqw igAw[ auprMq kdy gurUnwnk<br />

jhwz (kwmwgwtw mwrU jhwz) dy BweI guridq isMG nUM “ AYNtI nYSnl” Aqy<br />

“AYNtI isK” dy ‘iKqwb’ nwl ieQoN invwijAw igAw Aqy kdy gdrI bwibAW<br />

nUM[ kdy kwiql-vihSI jnrl fwier nUMN ieQoN dy zr KrId jyQdwr ArUV<br />

isMG qoN ‘isropw’ duAwieAw igAw[ ieQoN hI iesy jnrl fwier nUM ieh vI<br />

kihlvwieAw igAw ‘qUM kyswDwrI nhIN qW koeI gl nhIN-qUM smoikMg krdw hY<br />

qW vI koeI gl nhIN, qUM auh sB vI krdw rih-qW vI kI hoieAw pr qUM<br />

‘AMimRq C~k skdw hY’[ ieQON hI gwj if~gI qW pMQ dI mhwn hsqI igAwnI<br />

Bwg isMG jI AMbwlw aupr Aqy hun pMQ dI mwieAw nwz hsqI kwlw A&gwnw<br />

jI aupr[ ieQoN hI ikqny hI rwjnIiqk “hukmnwimAW” dw frwmW jdoN jIA<br />

AwieAw cwlU kr idqy gey Aqy jdoN loV smJI qW vwips lYx dIAW KyfW<br />

KyfIAW jWdIAW hn[ iek jQydwr, dUjy jQydwrW nUM pMQ ivcoN Cyk irhw Aqy<br />

dUjw auhnW nUM vwips lY irhw hY ‘AwiKr ikauNN- ikauNik ieh jQydwr qW kyvl<br />

srkwrW dy pwxI Brn vwly hn’ ijhVw hukm auproN auhnW dy Awkw dw huMdw hY,<br />

vjw rhy hn[ auhnW dy Apny hI pYdw kIqy hukmnwimAW dI AwV ivc, kdy<br />

isKW nUM myzW-kursIAW dy stMt CyV ky do-&wV kIqw jWdw hY[ kdy ‘PCO’ qoN<br />

‘jQydwrW’ nUM hI pMQ ivcoN Cykx vwsqy hukmnwmyN ieSU kIqy jWdy hn[ iehnW dy<br />

jQydwr AKvwaux vwly, isKW nUM kdy ‘lv-kuS’ dI aulwd grdwn rhy hn,<br />

kdy kwlw A&gwnw nwl ‘vIifau twk’ dIAW glW krky Awp mYdwn ivcoN dOV<br />

rhy hn Aqy pMQ ivcoN Cykx dw frwmw kr rhy hn[ ieh swry frwmy kyvl<br />

ipCly kuJ smyN qoN hn[<br />

AwiKr iehnW ‘jQydwrW’ jW ‘gRMQIAW’ pws, iksy nUM pMQ ivcoN Cykx<br />

vwsqy ieho jhy ‘hukmnwimAW’ vwlw h~k AwieAw ikQON ieh h~k nW hI qW<br />

iehnW nUM ‘swihb sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI ny idqw hY , nw hI ‘isK rihq<br />

mirAwdw’ ny Aqy nw hI ‘gurduAwrw AYkt 1925’ ny[ qW i&r ieh lok ieh<br />

qwnwSwhI h~k dI vrq ikQoN rhy hn Aqy iehnW dy Ajyhy vwDU<br />

‘hukmnwimAW’ dI kImq kI hY BweI gurmuK isMG, BweI guridq isMG ivruD<br />

igAwnI Bwg isMG ivruD hukmnwimAW dw hSr sMswr swhmxy hY[ rwjsI<br />

hukmnwmy ‘Aj k~Fy Aqy kl vwips’ dI Kyf vI sMswr swhmxy hY[ kwlw<br />

A&gwnw dIAW iliKqW Aj vI hrmn ipAwrIAW hn Aqy DVwDV iv~k<br />

rhIAW hn[ kwiql fwier nUM idqy gey isropwau dI iK~lI Aj vI swrw sMswr<br />

aufw irhw hY[ AwiKr ‘gurU kw pMQ’ iksy pujwrI gRMQI jW rwjsI AwgU dI injI<br />

jwgIr nhIN Aqy ieh ‘pMQ’ Aj vI ‘gurU kw’ hY Aqy rvygw vI ‘gurU kw’ hI[<br />

scweI qW ieh hY ik Akwl buMgy (Akwl qKq swihb) dw sdw<br />

qoN iek jW dUjw koeI nw koeI ingrwn irhw hY ijsnUM srbrwh jW kyArtykr<br />

vI AwiKAw igAw hY[ sMNn 1920 qoN pihlW nw hI qW iesdw koeI ‘jQydwr’<br />

sI Aqy nw hI “isMG swihb”[ ieQoN qIk ik ArMB ivc, pihlW CyvyN<br />

pwqSwh Awp, auprMq BweI gurdws jI iesdy ingrwn bny[ ieh qW kyvl<br />

12 AkqUbr sMn 1920 dI gl hY jdoN gurduAwrw suDwr lihr smyN, swry<br />

pujwrI ‘qKq swihb’ nUM KwlI Cf ky dOV gey qW 25 s~jxW dw iek ingrwn<br />

j~Qw kwiem kIqw igAw Aqy BweI qyjw isMG Bu~cr nUM, aus j~Qy dw jQydwr<br />

QwipAw igAw[ i&r auh s~jx vI kyvl aus j~Qy dw hI j~Qydwr sI-<br />

AkwlbuMgy jW AkwlqKq dw nhIN[<br />

spSt hY ik aus smyN qoN ieh l&z rws Aw igAw mOjUdw<br />

pujwrIAW Aqy rwjsI AwgUAW nUM Aqy Aj isrqoV koiSS ho rhI hY ies<br />

zihrIly s~p nUM-gurU ky lwfly pMQ dy gl ivc pwaux dI ijsqoN pMQ nUM Awp<br />

sucyq hon dI loV hY[<br />

DnvMq isMG koml<br />

*****<br />

ivaMg<br />

gurpfl isMG Kihrf<br />

joigMdr isMG nUM joigMdr isMG imilaf<br />

kir kir lMby hfQ.<br />

ajy kflf aPgfnf sfihb df Gfq krky igafnI joigMdr isMG jI dI<br />

sMqusLtqf Kqm nhI sI hoeI ik AunHF ny spoksmYn rsfly dy muwK<br />

aYzItr sR[ joigMdr isMG jI nUM iswDf krn df bIVf AuTf ilaf hY. AunHF<br />

ny bVI sKq icwTI rfhIN ijs ivwc bVI kurKq sLbdfvlI dI vrqoN<br />

kIqI hoeI hY, joigMdr isMG nUM akfl qKq qy pysL hox df hukm Byijaf.<br />

ies icwTI ivwc AunHF ny iekwly dosL hI nhI lgfey sgoN AusnUM dosLI BI<br />

Tihrfieaf hY.<br />

agoN isrdfr joigMdr isMG ny nihly qy dihlf mfridaF<br />

pUry 12 siPaF dy jvfbI pwqr duafrf ies Pqvy nUM rwd krn df sunyhf<br />

Byj idqf. ies msly vfry iswK bulyitn ivwc jgHf dI idkq nUM muwK<br />

rwKky joigMdr isMG dy juafbI pwqr df sMKyp rUp hI idwqf hY. ies qoN<br />

ielfvf ZukvIaF icwTIaF buwDI jIvIaF vloN aqy ies msly qoN hYrfn<br />

hoey PMQk ihwqU ivakqIaF dy lyK qy pYRs not BI pfey hn.ies leI mYN<br />

isrP BfeI joigMdr isMG jI qy isrdfr joigMdr isNMG jI dIaF iewkdUjy<br />

nUM ByjIaF icwTIaF df Bfv arQ hI pysL kr irhf hF.<br />

joigMdr isMG vydFqI jI dI icwTI df Bfv arQ<br />

sux BI joigMdr isMhF, sfnUM bhuq sLkfieqF afeIaF, peI qUM bhuq hI<br />

awq cuwkI hoeI hY. afpxy rsfly ivwc qUM myrf qy myry hrmn ipafry jylH<br />

invfsI pRkfsL isMG bfdl df rwj ky KUMn pINdf hYN. ies nfl qyrf<br />

rsflf bVf msLhUr ho igaf hY. ies dI ivkrI BI bhuq vD geI hY<br />

ikAuNik hrmn ipafry afgU bfdl sfihb dy sfry doKI KrId dy hn qy<br />

pVHdy hn. qyrIaF qF jyHbF BrI jFdIaF qy sfzy imwqr gurcrnjIq<br />

isMG “lFbf” df rsflf ivkxo ht irhf hY aqy Aus dI JolI KflI hoeI<br />

jFdI hY. hux afpxy rsfly nUM rojLfnF pypr bxf ky iewk hor Blymfxs<br />

iswK df aftf lUx Kqm krn df CoCf krn dIaF iqafrIaF kr irhf<br />

hYNN qUM. hor kI-kI igxfvF qyrIaF kurIqIaF pwuC ky vyK ikvyN ivcfry<br />

tOhVf sfihb qy klkwqf sfihb dy kmjLor qy ibmfr idl byrihmI nfl<br />

qYN vlMUdr ky rwK idwqy hn. mYN ivcfry ny ienHF sfry slfhkfrF dI suxI<br />

qy dbfa Qwly af ky ieh PYslf kr ilaf hY ik hux qF qYNnUM bwcU bMdy df<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 27

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

puwq bxfAuxf hI pYxf hY. jo kuJ kflf aPgfnF nfl hoieaf Aus qoN<br />

ielfvf ijhVf cfhtf Kflsf pMcfieq nUM PrvrI 22, 2003 nUM<br />

Ckfieaf sI quhfnUM BI Auh imlx dI sMBfvnf hY.<br />

guruU pMQ df koqvfl<br />

isrdfr joigMdr isMG jI df juvfb<br />

iPty mUMh gRMQIaf! ieh kI jLblI kwZ mfrI qYN! mYN qF jdoN BI drbfr<br />

sfihb afieaf akfl qKq jrUr mwQf tyikaf. Drm asQFn svfey<br />

rUhfnIaq dI jrUrq dy jfx dI loV nhIN. sjf dyx leI qF koqvflI qoN<br />

hI swdf aAuNdf hUMdf hY. pMQ ny akfl qKq nUM koqvflI qy qYnUM koqvfl<br />

bxfAuNx df kdoN mqf pfs kIqf swdy pwqr dy nfl Auh mqf BI Byj dyxf<br />

sI qF asIN isrmwQy lf ky jrUr cumxf sI. arjn ny qF iewko rQvfn<br />

sRI ikRsLn jI nfl hI mhF Bfrq dI sfrI lVfeI lV CwzI sI qusIN qF<br />

inq nieaF rQvfn afpxy kUV dy rwQ leI bdl lYNdy ho. jdoN isrdfr<br />

kflf aPgfnF jI qy hwlf kIqf sI As vkq sRI qlvfVf jI rQvfn sI<br />

quhfzf, qy hux jdoN myry qy cVfeI kIqI qF quhfzy kUV rUpI rQ dy rQvfn<br />

sRI lFbf jI hn.<br />

jdoN sfzy hwk df gRMQI qyrI cmcfigrI nOkrI qy sI Auh qF koeI BI<br />

ilKqI sLkfieq myry vfry afvy, ibnf pVHy qoN mYnUM Byj idMdf sI. qUM ieh<br />

pMQk mirXfdf dI Gor alMgxf kr irhf hYN. qYnUM pMjF isMGF qoN jrUr<br />

slfh lYxI cfhIdI hY qy iPr ieho ijhIaF hrkqf qoN sdf leI bfj af<br />

jfxf cfhIdf hY.<br />

Auey mUrKf! mYN ikqy iekwlf dsm gRMQ dI gwl krdf hor ikny hI qyry<br />

bfpU sYmInrF ivwc qyry ipafry do gRMQF “guiblfs pfqsLfhI 6” qy “dsm<br />

gRMQ” dy briKlfP prcy pVdy iPrdy hn pwuC qF afpxy sfly cor qoN<br />

ijhVf blvMq isMG iZloN dy nfl EQy hfjLr sI. qyrI BI koeI gl nhIN.<br />

kdI qUM tYlIPon qy hwQ joV bynqI krdf hYN kdI gflLHF vrgI bolI vrq<br />

ky koqvflI phuwcx df Prmfn pwqr Byj idMdf hY. gwl mukdI krF! BfeI<br />

mYN koeI ibmfr qy Amr df kfly aPgfny vrgf bjLurg nhIN. jf lf lY<br />

jor, mYN nhIN afAuxf qyrI byknUMnI koqvflI. qyrf zt ky mukfblf krFgf<br />

qy qYnUM mUMh dI KfxI pvygI. ajy BI kuJ nhIN ivgiVaf afpxf swdf pwqr<br />

vfps lY lY qy tYlIPon qy awgy vFg hI hwQ joV dy mYN iksy nUM nhIN dsdf,<br />

DUMh nhI inkln dyAUNgf. ies qrHF kryNgf qF pMQ df BI Blf, qyrf BI<br />

Blf, qy myrf qF Blf hI Blf.<br />

gurUu pMQ df dfs<br />

*****<br />

SRomxI kmytI dw SuDIkrx hI Ajoky isK sMkt dw inroAw<br />

qy qqkwlI hY!<br />

pMQ dI pRqIinD Aqy siqkwrq sMsQw ‘SRomxI gurduAwrw pRbMDk kmytI, SRI<br />

AMimRqsr’ vloN lgBg ie`k mhInw pihlW kwhlI ivc sQwipq kIqy ‘SRI<br />

Akwl qKq swihb’ dy ie`k slwhkwr borf rwhIN ‘jQydwr SRI Akwl qKq’<br />

dI inXukqI leI Xogqw, inXukqI FMg Aqy AiDkwr qy &rzW bwry dyS ibdyS<br />

dIAW isK sMgqW dI rwie mMgI geI hY[qW ju iksy srbsWJI pMQk jugiq<br />

duAwrw, srbpRvwixq ingwhbwn/jQydwr inXukq kIqw jw sky[*SRomxI<br />

kmytI dw ieh audm ie`k SlwGw Xog kdm hY[ ikauNik, ies duAwrw smUh<br />

is`K sMgqW nUM pMQk jQybMdI dy kyNdrI AsQwn ‘SRI Akwl<br />

(buMgw) q^q’ swihb nwl sbMDq msilAW nUM Ku`lH ky ivcwrn Aqy ipCly do<br />

dwhikAW drimAwn auhnW dI pMQk-cyqnw AMdr pYdw hoey pRSnW nUM<br />

prgtwaux dy nwl-nwl, auhnW dy swriQk auqr FUMfx qy sQweI h`l lBx<br />

dw Avsr imlygw, jo ik pMQ dy au~jly BivK leI lwBdwiek hY[pRMqU, ies dy<br />

nwl nwl swnUM ieh BI ivcwrn dI loV hY ik SRomxI kmytI dI sQwpnw hox<br />

auprMq lgBg 77 swl bwAd pMQ ivc AijhI tkrw-meI Aqy icMqw jnk<br />

siQqI ikauN pYdw ho geI ik pMQ dw ie`k bu`DI-jIvI qy inroAw AMg, ijnHW<br />

AMdrly is`KI isdk Brosy qy koeI S`k nhI kIqw jw skdw, SRI Akwl q^q<br />

swihb qoN kIqy gey AYlwnw nUM mMnx qoN ienkwrI ho rhy hn Aqy kmytI nUM<br />

srbpRvwixq ‘ingwhbwn/jQydwr’ dI FUMf ivc Aijhw ivSyS auprwlw<br />

krnw pY irhw hY[<br />

SRomxI kmytI dy pihly pMjwh swlw pRbMDkI ieqhws nUM vwicAW, Bwv,<br />

1926 qoN 1976 q`k dI kwrj pRxwlI nUM pVcoilAW inScy huMdw hY ik<br />

Kwlsw pMQ dI AjokI tkrwau BrpUr qy icMqw-jnk siQqI pYdw hox dw muK<br />

kwrn pMQ dy SRomxI jQy, SRomxI gurduAwrw pRbMDk kmytI vloN is`K Drm dy<br />

muFly AsUlW nwl sbMDq Aqy hor Dwrmk PYsly, kmytI dy smUh mYNbrW dI<br />

jnrl iek`qRqw ivc ivcwr mMQn duAwrw h`l krn dI iprq nUM iqAwgxw<br />

hY, jo ik pMQk ivDwn ‘is`K rihq mrXwdw’ dI is`DI aulMGxw hY[ikauNik,<br />

mrXwdw muqwibk Drm dy muFly AsUlW bwry gurmqw krn ARQwq PYslw lYx<br />

dw AiDkwr kyvl qy kyvl pMQ dy SRomxI jQy AQvw, pMQ dy pRqIinD iek`T<br />

nUM hI pRwpq hY[SRI drbwr swihb, AMimRqsr smyq iksy BI gurduAwry dy<br />

gRMQI Aqy pMQ vloN mwnqw pRwpq q^qW dy muK syvwdwr, ijnHW nUM shjy shjy<br />

‘isMG swihb’ dw sMboDnI pd Aqy ‘jQydwr’ dI aupwDI pRwpq ho cu`kI hY,<br />

nUM smu`cy pMQ nwl sbMDq koeI gurmqw jW mqw krky ARQwq Awpxy Awp koeI<br />

PYslw lY ky pMQ pRqI koeI hukmnwmw jwrI krn jW AwdyS dyx dw koeI<br />

ivSyS qy ivAkqIgq AiDkwr nhI hY[pMQ pRvwixq is`K rihq mrXwdw dy<br />

ikqwbcy ivc aulIkI pMQk rihxI dy cYptr ivc ‘gurmqw krn dI ivDI dy<br />

isrlyK hyT ieauN iliKAw hY:<br />

(a) gurmqw kyvl aunHW svwlW qy hI ho skdw hY, jo is`K Drm dy muFly<br />

AsUlW dI pwlxw leI hox, ARQwq gurU swihbwn jW gurU gRMQ swihb dI<br />

pdvI, bIV dI inrolqw, AMimRq, rihq-bihq, pMQ dI bnwvt Awid[hor<br />

iksy iksm dy swDwrn ( Dwrimk, ividAk, smwjk, pulItIkl) svwl<br />

auqy kyvl mqw ho skdw hY[<br />

(A) ieh gurmqw gurU pMQ dw cuixAw hoieAw kyvl SRomxI jQw jW gurU-pMQ<br />

dw pRqIinD iek`T hI kr skdw hY[<br />

‘SRomxI gurduAwrw pRbMDk kmytI’ vloN 1982 ivc pRkwSq kIqw, 1976<br />

q`k dw Awpxw pMjwh swlw ieqhws, ies hkIkq dw gvwh hY ik gurU Aqy<br />

pMQ nwl sbMDq swry gurmqy AQvw mqy, SRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI mhwrwj dI<br />

hzUrI Aqy hYf gRMQI SRI drbwr swihb Aqy qKqW dy inXukq jQydwr, ijnHW<br />

nUM gurduAwrw AYkt ivc ‘hYf-minstrz’ iliKAw hY, dI hwzrI ivc,<br />

SRomxI kmytI dy jnrl smwgm ivKy pws huMdy rhy hn[sDwrn miqAW bwry<br />

qW mYNbrW dI voitMg BI krw leI jWdI sI, pr ‘gurmqy’ srbsMmqI nwl<br />

hI pws kIqy jWdy sn[ Aqy Aijhw hoxw suBwivk BI hY[ikauNik,‘gurmqw’<br />

SRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI ivc AMkq gurbwxI dI rOSnI ivc gurmiq isDWqW qy<br />

ADwrq huMdw hY[ies krky ijQy ‘gurmqy’ pRqI iksy gurisK dI rwie vKrI<br />

hoxI AsMBv hY[auQy, aus nUM swry gurisKW leI mMnxw BI lwzmI hY[<br />

ies smyN dI kwrj pRnwlI dI ie`k ivSySqw hor BI izkr krn Xog hY ik<br />

iesdy PYsilAW nUM srb pRvwixq qy hor pRBwvSwlI bnwaux ih`q ivcwr leI<br />

kuJ ivSyS isMG sBwvW dy muKIAW, pMQ dIAW keI pRiqSt SKSIAqW, pRis`D<br />

ivdvwnW, pRcwrkW qy imSnrI kwlj dy purwxy ividAwrQIAW nUM BI ivSyS<br />

s`dy qy bulwieAw jWdw sI[ Aijhw suc`jw FMg ApnwieAW BI jykr koeI<br />

pcIdw mslw hl nhI sI huMdw qW aus nUM hor ivcwrn leI ‘ Drm pRcwr<br />

kmytI ’ dy pws Byj idqw jWdw sI[qW ju auyh mqw, ‘Drm pRcwr kmytI<br />

ivclI ivdvwn mMflI dI rwie lY ky iPr iksy AglI jnrl iekqrqw<br />

ivc srb sMmqI nwl pws kIqw jw sky[ AijhI gurmqI jugiq rwhIN jd<br />

koeI AYsw gurmqw, ijs duAwrw smu`cy pMQ nUM koeI ivSyS sMdyS jW AdyS<br />

dyxw huMdw sI, srb sMmqI nwl pws hox Aqy aus nUM Aml ivc ilAwaux dI<br />

AwigAw pRwpq hox auprMq, pRDwn SRomxI kmytI, ‘SRI Akwl ( buMgw ) qKq’<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 28

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

swihb dy ‘muK pRbMDkI syvwdwr’( jQydwr ) nUM bynqI krdw ik ies<br />

‘gurmqy’(hukmnwmy) nUM pMQ pRqI jwrI krn dw AYlwn kIqw jwvy[ijvyN, SRI<br />

Akwl q^q swihb vloN jwrI kIqy jw cu`ky ie`k suDwrk hukmnwmy bwry, jUn<br />

1936 nUM hoeI ie`k jnrl iekqrqw dI kwrvweI ivc ieauN iliKAw h:Y-<br />

pRDwn swihb vloN pyS hox qy pRvwn hoieAw ik SRI Akwl qKq swihb vloN<br />

jQydwr swihb hyT iliKAw hukmnwmw jwrI kr dyx: “ srb`q Kwlsw Aqy<br />

gurduAwirAW dy syvwdwrW pRqI SRI Akwl qKq dw hukm hY, jo AMimRqDwrI<br />

pRwxI mwqR nwl sMgq pMgq ivc ieko ijhw ivhwr krnw, ipClI zwq pwq<br />

nhI puCxI, Brm nhI krnw, ieho hI gurU jI dI AwigAw hY”[ ies pRkwr<br />

dI kwrvweI ipCoN ‘jQydwr’ jI SRI Akwl q^q dI mohr hyT Awpxy hsqw^r<br />

krky SRI Akwl qKq swihb dy AsQwn qoN AYlwn kr idMdw sI[ ijs nUM<br />

swrw pMQ gurU dy hukm qu`l jwx ky isr Jukw pRvwn kr lYNdw sI[dyS ibdyS<br />

dI koeI BI is`K jQybMdI jW koeI guris`K ivAkqI, iksy pRkwr dw koeI auzr<br />

(AObjYkSn) nhI sI krdw[ikauNik, pMQ dy ies pRqIiniD iek`T qy SRomxI<br />

jQy dI ieh swrI kwrvweI gurmiq isDWqW qy ADwrq Aqy KwlseI-ivDwn<br />

muqwibk huMdI sI[<br />

so SRomxI kmytI dy kyvl ipCly qIh-pYNqI swl pihlW dy ieqhws qoN ieh<br />

q`Q suUrj dI qrW rOSn huMdw hY ik SRI Akwl qKq dw muK syvwdwr ( jQydwr<br />

) pMQ dy SRomxI jQy Aqy pRqIiniD iek`T dw ie`k vot rihq qy ivcwr<br />

AiDkwrI siqkwrq mYNbr hY[pr, pMQk jQybMdI dy kyNdrI AsQwn dw muK<br />

pRbMDkI syvwdwr hox dy nwqy aus nUM pMQ dy SRomxI jQy dy bulwry ( spoksmYn )<br />

hox dw kyvl ie`k XwdgwrI snmwn idqw jWdw sI[lyikn, jdoN qoN SRomxI<br />

kmytI dw rwjsIkrn hoieAw Aqy kmytI mYNbrW ny jnrl hwaUs dI swrI<br />

SkqI pRDwn dI JolI pw idqI, qW AgoN iPr pRDwn ny Awpxy rwjsI ihqW qy<br />

kursI nUM suriKAq rKx dy iKAwl nwl, Awpxy Awp nUM keI pRkwr dIAW<br />

Dwrmk qy hor aulJxw qoN bcwaux dI nIqI ApnwauNidAW ‘gurmqw’ soDx<br />

Aqy hor PYsly krn dI smucI SkqI iek`ly ‘jQydwr’ nUM sONp idqI [bhuq<br />

swry sUJvwn sjxW dw iKAwl hY ik qdoN qoN hI SRI Akwl q^q dI jQydwrI<br />

Aqy aus vloN AYlwn kIqy ‘hukmnwimAW’ pRqI ikMqU-pRMqU SurU hoey, jo sihjy<br />

sihjy iek bgwvq dw rUp Dwrn kr gey hn[<br />

pr, kOm dI ieh siQqI BI inrwSwjnk nhI[ sgoN auqSwhjnk hY, ikauNik,<br />

Asl ivc ieh kOmI jwgrUkqw dI inSwnI hY Aqy ieh jwgrUkqw iblkuL<br />

AYsI hY, jYsI ikDry BgqI lhr dy BgqW AMdr pYdw hoeI sI[ijnHW ivcoN<br />

SRomxI Bgq bwbw kbIr jI ny AYlwn kr id`qw sI ik ‘bRhmx’ pUjwrI, jo<br />

Awpxy Awp hI lokweI dw ‘gurU’ bixAw bYTw hY Aqy lok aus dy hr hukm nUM<br />

r`bI &urmwn mMn ky pRvwn kr rhy hn[AsIN Aijhy murdy bRwhmx nUM gurU nhI<br />

mMndy[auhnW dw pwvn slok hY: kbIr bwmnu gurU hY jgq kw Bgqn kw guru<br />

nwih ] AriJ auriJ kY pic mUAw cwrau bydhu mwih ]{gu.gRM.pMnW 1377}<br />

so, auprokq swrI ivcwr qoN inrxY huMdw hY ik jykr pMQ dw SRomxI jQw<br />

‘SRomxI gurduAwrw pRbMDk kmytI’ SRI AMimRqsr, hr pRkwr dy PYsly Aqy kOmI<br />

AYlwn krn dI swrI kwrvweI ‘is`K rihq mrXwdw’ muqwibk inBwvy [qW<br />

iPr, SRI Akwl q^q dy muK syvwdwr ( jQydwr) dI inXukqI dw srb<br />

pRvwixq FMg Aqy AiDkwr Kyqr aulIkx dw koeI bhuq vfw mslw nhI rih<br />

jWdw[ikauNik, ies pRkwr dy swry suAwl qdoN qoN hI auTxy SurU hoey hn, jdoN<br />

qoN hr pRkwr dw kOmI AwdyS jW sMdyS dyx Aqy PYsly krn dy swry AiDkwr<br />

iek`ly jQydwr nUM sONp idqy gey hn[ hW, ieqnw zrUrI hY ik auh AMgryzI qy<br />

pMjwbI BwSw dw cMgw jwxU hox dy nwl-nwl Drm qy rwjnIqk cyqnw ivc<br />

inpuMn, pMQk rihq mRXwdw dw pwbMd Aqy Awcrxk qOr qy swP suQrI qy<br />

pRBwvSwlI S^sIAq dw mwlk hovy, ikauNik, aus ny Kwlsy dI muK jQybMdI dy<br />

bulwry dI syvw inBwauxI hY[bwkI, ivSv-Br dy is`K numwieMidAW duAwrw<br />

‘srb`q Kwlsw’ iek`T ivc srb-pRvwixq jQydwr dI inXukqI Aqy hor<br />

PYsly krn dI g`l@W, jykr swrQk Aml rokx leI ie`k SoSw nhI, qW BI<br />

ies jugiq nUM Aml ivc ilAwauxw suKwlw nhIN[ikauNik, srb pRvwixq qW<br />

prmwqmw BI nhI ho sikAw, koeI ivAkqI ikQoN ho skdw hY Aqy nwh hI<br />

ivSv Br dy swry numwieMdy hr Cy mhIny jW swl ipCoN iek`Ty ho skdy<br />

hn[ies smyN ‘SRomxI gurduAwrw pRbMDk kmytI, SRI AMimRqsr’ hI pMQ dw<br />

SRomxI jQw mMinAW jw skdw hY[ikauNik, sB qoN vDyry pRvwixq, SkqISwlI<br />

qy srb-auc is`K sMsQw hY[swnUM ieh kdy BI nhI Bulxw cwhIdw ik ies<br />

smyN iksy BI qrHW dw jo swfw jQybMdk Aqy kOmI vjUd kwiem hY, auh BI<br />

iesy hI sMsQw dI kIqI Gwl kmweI dI bdOlq hI hY[iehI kwrx hY ik<br />

jdoN BI koeI kOmI smisAw jW sMkt pYdw hMudw hY qW AsIN swry ies nUM hI<br />

kosdy hW Aqy hr pRkwr dI shwieqw leI BI ies vl hI Jwkdy hW[swnUM<br />

ieh BI inScy hY ik iksy BI qrHW dI iksy hor ivSv is`K sMsQw dw supnw<br />

swkwr krnw BI ies dI slwh, sihXog qy shwieqw ibn@w AsMBv hY[qW<br />

iPr AsIN ieMj ikauN nhI socdy ik koeI hor auprwly krn qoN pihlW<br />

AwpxI ies muFlI jQybMdI ivc AweIAW kmzorIAW dI inSwndyeI krky,<br />

auhnW nUM suDwrn dy Xqn kIqy jwx[ikauNik, ryqlIAW nIhW au~pr p`ky<br />

mhl sQwipq krn dI ivauNqbMdI krnI koeI isAwxp qy dUr idRStI vwlI<br />

soc nhI mMnI jw skdI[<br />

ies leI Ajoky is`K sMkt dw qqkwlI hl qW Ajy ie`hI jwpdw hY ik<br />

SRomxI kmytI dw SuDIkrx kIqw jwvy[ayus dy mYNbrW leI iksy rwjnIqk<br />

pwrtI Aqy srkwrI Ahudy pRwpq krn pRqI rok lgweI jwvy[ikauNik, kOm<br />

dy mhqv pUrn PYsly kmytI dy jnrl iejlws ivc hoxy hn[ies vwsqy SRI<br />

Akwl q^q swihb dy jQydwr leI koeI vKrw slwhkwr borf kwiem krn<br />

dI QW, SRomxI kmytI Awpxw slwhkwr borf inXukq kry[ies ivc dyS<br />

ibdyS dIAW kuJ coxvIAW isK sMsQWvW dy muKI, vK-vK iviSAW dy<br />

ivdvwn Aqy hor pRiqST SKsIAqW Swml kIqIAW jwx[pr ieh sMsQwvW<br />

qy ivAkqI, is`K rihq mrXwdw dy pwbMd hox[SRI Akwl qKq swihb qo<br />

koeI BI kOmI AYlwn jW AdyS jwrI krn jW koeI hor mhqv pUrn PYslw<br />

lYx smyN, iehnW sjxW dI slwh lYx leI SRomxI kmytI dy dPqr ivc ie`k<br />

ivSyS ivBwg kwiem kIqw jwvy[Drm pRcwr kmytI dyS ivdyS dI rwie nUM<br />

pV@-sux ky Aqy aus nUM gurmiq dI rOSnI ivc soD ky AwpxI irport SRomxI<br />

kmytI dy jnrl smwgm ivc ivcwrn leI Byjy Aqy Drm pRcwr kmytI dy<br />

ivdvwn sjx BI ies iek`qrqw ivc Swml hox[Drm pRcwr kmytI ivc<br />

ivdvwn vDyry ley jwx Aqy ies dIAW bYTkW ivc ipRMsIpl ShId is`K<br />

imSnrI kwlj Aqy muK gRMQI SRI drbwr qy muK syvwdwr ( jQydwr ) SRI<br />

Akwl q^q swihb dI hwzrI zrUrI kIqI jwvy[sQwnk isK sMgqW dy<br />

sDwrn PYsly qW jQydwr, BwvyN muK gRMQI SRI drbwr swihb Aqy Drm pRcwr<br />

kmytI dy mYNbrW dI slwh nwl kr lvy[pRMqU, smucy pMQ nwl sbMDq msly<br />

dw PYslw jW kOmI AwdyS, sMdyS jW hukmnwmw jwrI krn smyN, kmytI dy<br />

jnrl smwgm ivc ivcwrnw zrUrI kIqw jwvy[ies smwgm ivc q^q SRI<br />

ptnw swihb Aqy SRI hzUr swihb dy pRbMDkI qy Dwrmk muKIAW nUM ivSyS<br />

s`dy qy bulwieAw jwey[pRMqU iehnW leI BI is`K rihq mrXwdw dy pwbMd hox<br />

dw inXm zrUrI hovy[ies pRkwr SRomxI kmytI dI jnrl iek`qrqw duAwrw<br />

pws kIqy hoey iksy mqy jW gurmqy nUM, swrw is`K jgq suBwivk hI ‘srbq<br />

Kwlsy’ dw PYslw mMn ky pRvwn krygw[SRI hirmMdr swihb dy muK gRMQI Aqy<br />

SRI Akwl q^q swihb dy jQydwr ( muK syvwdwr ) dI inXukqI qy syvw<br />

mukqI leI, 1929 ivc bxwey ivSyS inXmW qy ADwrq kmytI dy jnrl<br />

hwaUs dI mnzUrI lYxI AvSk kIqI jwvy[inXukqI leI kmytI dy smUh<br />

mYNbrW qy slwhkwr borf pwsoN, Xojqw pqr Byj ky AYsy gurisK ivdvwnW dy<br />

nwvW dI isPwrS leI jwvy, ijnHW ny iksy BI SRomxI kmytI vloN pRkwSq isK<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 29

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

rihq mrXwdw dy pwbMd skUl/kwlj ivcoN gurmiq dI ividAw hwsl kIqI<br />

hovy[<br />

so, swrI gl dw is`tw ieh hY ik jykr SRomxI kmytI dw SuDIkrx ho jwvy Aqy<br />

auh Awpxy muFly AsUlW nUM ApnwauNdI hoeI, iek`ly pRDwn jW jQydwr nUM swrI<br />

SkqI dyx dI QW, swry mhqv pUrn kOmI PYsly kmytI dy jnrl smwgm ivc<br />

smUh pMQk numwieMidAW dI sMmqI nwl kry qW Ajoky is`K sMkt dw hl ho<br />

skxw sMBv hY[ Bul-cuk muAwP[pMQk ihqU,<br />

jgqwr isMG jwck.<br />

swbkw gRMQI, SRI drbwr swihb, AMimRqsr (hwl, inaUXwrk )<br />

*****<br />

sUqk df Brm<br />

sL[ gurbKsL isMG (kflf aPgfnf)<br />

kuJ Dfrmk gRMQF ivwc iliKaf hox krky “jIvF dy jnm” aqy “jIvF dy<br />

mrn `qy” apivwqrqf, asLuWDI aQvf iBwt mMnxI ihMdU Drm df aMg<br />

bx cuwkf sI. gurU nfnk sfihb dy smyN sUqk df ieh Brm bVf pRcwlq<br />

sI. jy iksy dy Gr bwcy ny jnm lY ilaf qF bwcy dI mfqf iBwtV ho geI<br />

aqy Aus leI rsoeI Gr ivwc jfxf vwzf mfVf krm bx jFdf sI aqy<br />

Auh Gr bfkI lokF leI iBwtV bx jFdf sI aqy Aus Gr df aMn-pfxI<br />

Kfx ivwc iBwt mMnI jFdI sI. eysy qrHF hI ijs Gr ivwc koeI mOq ho<br />

geI qF Aus Gr 11, 13, 17 aqy 30 idnF (vrn vMz) dy ihsfb nfl<br />

iBwtV mMinaf jFdf sI. sUuqk vfly idnF ivwc brfdrI dy lok afpxy<br />

GrF qoN rotIaF pkf ky mOq vfly Gr phuMcFdy rihMdy sn, qF jo Gr vfly<br />

vI sUqk kfrn apivwqr ho cuwky Gr ivwc pwikaf Bojn Kf ky iBwtV jF<br />

apivwqr nf bx jfx. siqgurF ny ies iBwt vfly Brm-BUuq ƒ mnuwK dy<br />

mn ivwcoN sdf leI mfr kwZx leI, srb-sFJI aqy sdIvI syD idMdI<br />

rihx vflI gurbfxI rcI. duwK ies gwl df hY ik iswK prvfrF ivwc vI,<br />

aigafnqf kfrx jF lok lfj kfrx, ieh sUqk df Brm pRcwlq ho<br />

cuwkf ivKfeI dy irhf hY. gurbfxI dI rOsLnI dy huMidaF hoieaF hnyHrf Zox<br />

vflI ikiraf hY. gurbfxI df PYyslf hyT ilKy anusfr hY, jo srb<br />

mfnvqf leI lfhyvMd hY:<br />

jy kir sUqku mMnIaY sB qY sUqku hoie]<br />

gohy aqy lkVI aMdir kIVf hoie]<br />

jyqy dfxy aMn ky jIaf bfJu n koie]<br />

pihlf pfxI jIAu hY ijqu hiraf sBu koie]<br />

sUqk ikAyu kir rKIaY sUqku pvY rsoie]<br />

nfnk sUqku eyv n AuqrY igafnu Auqfry Dooie]1] (pM[472)<br />

siqgurF df Purmfn bVf spsLt hY ik lwkVI dy aMdr dy Gux, isAuNk,<br />

kIVIaF afid aqy gohy dy aMdr dy Coty-moty keI qrHF dy kIt-pqMgy,<br />

afid vI jIv hn. eysy qrHF sfrIaF iksmF dy anfj-dfixaF Bfv<br />

bnfspqI ivwc vI jIv hY. ienHF dy jnm-mrn dI ikiraf vI Ausy qrHF<br />

dI hI hY ijvyN mnuwKf dyh dy aMdr hY. siqgurF df Prmfn hY ik jy<br />

sUqk ƒ swc-muwc hI Drm BirsLt kr dyx vflI iBwt mMn lvFgy qF<br />

ajyhI iBwt Gr ivwc hr smyN vfprI hI rihMdI hY. Drm bcfAux leI<br />

Bojn Ckxf sdf leI iqafg dyx qoN ibnf hor cfrf kI rih igaf<br />

ajyhyy Brm gRsy DrmI mnuwK dI ijLMdgI ikvyN bc skygI AupRokq gurUbfxI<br />

slok ivwc, gurU nfnk sfihb dI spsLt icqfvnI hY ik sUqk dI<br />

iBwt mMnx dy Brm-jfl ivwc Psxf, iDÕfxy dI mOq shyV lYx vflf<br />

duwKdfeI bRfhmxI krm-kFz hY. jo aslI sUqk hY, Aus vwl iksy mnuwK<br />

df iDafn ikAuN nhIN jf irhf, gurU sfihb ies df ibafn hyT ilKy<br />

anusfr kr rhy hn:<br />

mn kf sUqku loBu hY ijhvf sUqk kUVu]<br />

aKI sUqku vyKxf pr iqRaf pr Dn rUpu]<br />

kMnI sUqku kMin pY lfieqbfrI Kfih]<br />

nfnk hMsf afdmI bDy jm puir jfih]2] (pM[ 472)<br />

Bfv: ijnHF mnuwKF dy mn ƒ loB rUpI aOgux icMbiVaf hY, jIB df sUqk<br />

JUT bolx df gunfh krdy hn aqy ijnHF mnuwKF dI jIB ƒ JUT-rUpI<br />

sUqk hY, ijnHF mnuwKF dIaF awKF ƒ prfieaf Dn aqy prfeIaF<br />

iesqRIaF df rUp qwkx df sUqk cMbiVaf hoieaf hY, ijnHF mnuwKF dy<br />

kMn ivwc vI sUqk hY ik kMn nfl byiPLkr ho cuglI suxdy hn, hy<br />

nfnk! ieho ijhy mnuwK vyKx ƒ BfvyN hMsF vrgy sohxy hox, qF vI Auh<br />

bwDy hoey nrk ivwc jFdy hn. gurU sfihb df isDFq ieh hY ik hr<br />

mnuwK sUqk qoN bcx leI afpxy ieMidraF Aupr jLbq rwK ky aMdrUnI<br />

gux Dfrn krn df Xqn kry. ieho hI shI rfh hY jo iksy ƒ smJ<br />

nhIN af irhf aqy suc-iBwt dy Brm ivwc pY ky jnm brbfd kr irhf<br />

hY. gurbfxI df Prmfn hY:<br />

sBo sUqk Brmu hY dUjY lgY jfie]<br />

jMmxu mrxf hukm hY BfxY afvY jfie]<br />

Kfxf pIxf pivqR hY idqonu irjku sMbfih]<br />

nfnk ijnI gurmiuK buiJaf iqnHf sUqku nfih]3] (afsf dI<br />

vfr,pM[472)<br />

gurU sfihb df AupdysL hY ik sUqk inrf Brm hI hY, ieh (sUqk rUp<br />

Brm) mfieaf ivwc PisaF (mnuwKF ƒ) af lwgdf hY. swcfeI ieh hY ik<br />

jIvF df jMmxf-mrnf pRBU df hukm hY, pRBU dI rjLf ivwc hI jIv<br />

jMmdf-mrdf hY. pdfrQF df Kfxf-pIxf vI pivwqr hY (Bfv mfVf<br />

nhIN, ikAuNik) pRBU ny afp iekwTf kr ky irjLk jIvF ƒ idwqf hY. hy<br />

nfnk! ijnHF gurmuKF ny ieh gwl smJ leI hY, AunHF ƒ sUqk nhIN<br />

lwgdf.<br />

siqgurU jI ny pihlF ieh smJfieaf ik dfixaF aqy bflx ivwc jIvF<br />

dy jnm-mrn vflf krm inrMqr huMdf rihx krky rsoeI ivwc sUqk<br />

sdf hI rihMdf hY aqy dUjy slok ivwc afcrn ƒ nIvF bxfeI rwKx<br />

vflI apivwqrqf df igafn krf ky mnuwK ƒ AuWcy aqy suwcy afcrn<br />

vflf bxn df AupdysL hY. qIsry slok ivwc iPr jIvF dy mrn-jMmx<br />

`qy mMny jfx vfly sUqk ƒ inrf Brm kih ky pRBU-dfqy dI dfq, KfxpIx<br />

vfly pdfrQF ƒ inMdx qoN vrijaf hY. gurU amrdfs jI afpxy<br />

AupdysL ivwc PrmfAuNdy hn ik iksy kiQq pivwqr Bojn dy Kfx nfl<br />

koeI mnuwK AuWcy afcrn vflf nhIN bx skdf. eysy qrHF iksy kiQq<br />

apivwqr Bojn dy Kfx nfl koeI mnuwK apivwqr aQvf mMdy afcfr<br />

vflf vI nhIN bx jFdf. prmfqmf dy nfm qoN tuwtf mn, muwK apivwqr<br />

hY aqy gurUu dI sLrn rih ky pRBU-nfm ivwc juVy gurmuK df mn aqy<br />

afcrn pivwqr ho jFdf hY.<br />

mn kf sUqku dUjf BfAu]<br />

Brmy Buly afvAu jfAu ]1]<br />

mnmuiK sUqku kbih n jfie]<br />

ijcru sbid n BIjY hir kY nfie] rhfAu]<br />

sBo sUqku jyqf mohu afkfru]<br />

mir mir jMmY vfro vfr]2]<br />

sUqk agin pAuxY pfxI mfih]<br />

sUqku Bojnu jyqf ikCu Kfih]3]<br />

sUqik krm n pUjf hoie]<br />

nfim rqy mnu inrmlu hoie]4]<br />

siqguru syivaY sUqku jfie]<br />

mrY n jnmY kflu n Kfie]5]<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 30

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

sfsq isMimRq soiD dyKhu koie]<br />

ivx nfvY ko mukiq n hoie]6]<br />

jug cfry nfmu Auqmu sbdu bIcfir]<br />

kil mih gurmuiK Auqris pfir]7]<br />

sfcf mrY n afvY jfie]<br />

nfnk gurmuiK rhY smfie]8] (pM[ 229)<br />

asl gwl ieh hY afpxy mn dy ipCy qurn vfly mnuwK dy mn dI<br />

apivwqrqf kdy dUr nhIN huMdI, iesy mnuwKI krm kfrx, ieh ijqnf vI<br />

jgq hY aqy ijqnf jgq df moh hY ieh sfrf apivwqrqf df mUl hY.<br />

aqy ijqnf kuJ Bojn afidk KFdy hn, Auh vI (AunHF sBnF dy mn<br />

vfsqy) apivwqrqf df kfrx bxdf hY. sUqk dy Brm ivwc gRsy hoey<br />

mn ƒ koeI krm-kFz pivwqr nhIN kr skdf, koeI dyv-pUjf pivwqr<br />

nhIN kr skdI. prmfqmf dy nfm ivwc rMgIjL ky hI mn pivwqr huMdf<br />

hY.<br />

iksy pRkfr dI KfxXog Kurfk nf hI mnuwK df afcrn ivgfV skdI hY<br />

aqy nf hI iksy mnuwK ƒ AuWcy afcrn vflf bxf skdI hY. afpxy mn<br />

dI mwq ƒ sRysLt mMnx vflf mnuwK hI nIcqf dy KUuh ivwc izwgdf hY. ies<br />

leI ieh Brm pYdf krnf ik mfsfhfrI ƒ nfm-rs dI pRfpqI nhIN<br />

huMdI, nf hI afqm-rs dI koeI sUJ-bUJ ho skdI hY aqy ies dy<br />

ivprIq goBI, bYNgx, iBMzI afid Kfx vfly ƒ pRBU CyqI iml pYNdf hY,<br />

gurmiq dy ankUl nhIN hY. aijhI ivcfrDfrf pRcfrn vflf gurmuK<br />

nhIN ho skdf, Bfv Auh gurU dy isDFqF dI AulMÕxf krdf hY. gurbfxI<br />

ies Brm ƒ hor spsLt krdI hY:-<br />

jil hY sUqku, Qil hY sUqku, sUqk Epiq hoeI]<br />

jnmy sUqku, mUey Puin sUqku, sUqk prj ibgoeI]<br />

(Bfv sUqk dy Brm ivwc lukfeI Kuafr ho rhI hY)<br />

khu ry pNMzIaf kAuun pvIqf]<br />

aYsf igafnu jphu myry mIqf]1]rhfAu]<br />

nYnhu sUqku, bYnhu sUqk, sUqku sRvnI hoeI]<br />

AUTq bYTq sUqku lfgY, sUqku prY rsoeI]2]<br />

Pfsn kI ibiD sBu koAuU jfnY, CUutn kI iewku koeI]<br />

kih kbIr rfmu irdY ivwcfrY, sUqku iqnyY n hoeI]3] (pM[331)<br />

Bfv: jy jIvF dy jMmx qy mrn nfl sUqk-pfqk dI iBwt pYdf ho jFdI<br />

hY qF pfxI ivwc sUqk hY, DrqI AuWqy sUqk hY, hr QF sUqk dI<br />

apivwqrqf hY (Bfv, hr QF iBwitaf hoieaf hY ikAuNik) iksy jIv dy<br />

jMmx qy sUqk pYNdf hY, iPr mrn `qy vI sUqk af pYNdf hY, ies iBwt dy<br />

Brm ivwc dunIaf Kuafr ho rhI hY. jdoN hr QF sUqk pY irhf hY qF<br />

suwcf kOx ho skdf hY (inry iehnIN awKIN idwsdy jIv nhIN jMmdy mrdy;<br />

sfzy bolx-cflx afid hrkqF nfl keI sUKm jIv mrdy hn; qF<br />

iPr) awKF ivwc sUqk hY, bolx (Bfv jIB) ivwc sUqk hY, kMnF ivwc vI<br />

sUqk hY, AuTidaF-bYTidaF hr vyly sfƒ sUqk pY irhf hY. sfzI rsoeI<br />

ivwc vI sUqk hY. ijwDr vyKo hryk jIv (sUqk dy Brm ivwc) Psx df<br />

hI ZMg jfxdf hY, iehnF ivwcoN KLlfsI krf skx dI smJ iksy ivrly ƒ<br />

hY. kbIr sfihb ibafn krdy hn- jo jo mnuwK afpxy ihrdy ivwc pRBU<br />

ƒ ismrdf hY, AunHF ƒ ieh sUqk vflI iBwt nhIN lwgdI. (smfpq)<br />

[s[gurbKsL isMG,kflf aPgfnf dI pusqk ‘mfsu mfsu kir mUrKu<br />

JgVy’ ivwcoN DMnvfd sihq.]<br />

awj df akflI<br />

gurpfl isMG Kihrf<br />

awj akflI Auh hY ijhVf JUT c` pwkf<br />

bfhroN pUrf rihqI pr jLbfn df kwcf<br />

ijhVf swc boldf Auhdf vKrf rfh hYY<br />

jdoN ids pey JUTf iehnUM imlx dI cfh hYY<br />

dyvy sB nUM ieh isiKaf qusIN dfhVI nf bMnHo<br />

khy iswKI nhIN rihMxI bIbI sfhVI nf bMnHo<br />

jdoN kursI hY imldI iPr kdI nF Cwzyy<br />

Jwt dl ieh bdly jV pMQ dI vwZyy<br />

sfry jor nfl kUky kro Tyky sB bMd<br />

kro blYk qy pIvo gf bfxI dy CMd<br />

jdoN puwTI hY pYNdI khy vYrI ny kIqI<br />

mYN qF lfeI-lwg sF bhuqI horF ny pIqI<br />

pRyry aMimRq sfry Cko iPr kro inq jMg<br />

cfhVo nfm KumfrI BfvyN pI ky BMg<br />

jy nfm nhIN jpxf bxo ibpr bbykI<br />

bih gfvo BgfAuqI Kto dsvyN qoN nykI<br />

sdf muPLq dI Kfvy kdI zwkf nhIN BMndf<br />

iehdf gRMQ gurUu hY pr kihxf nhIN mMndf<br />

ijQy mfieaf ids pey Jwt tyky ieh mwQf<br />

myrI jyb c` af jfh qMU kIrqn quhIN kQf<br />

akflI iewko mnorQ BfvyN bhuqy hY dl<br />

Brny KIsy afpxy lfhuxI iswKF dI Kwl<br />

ijhVf bdysL c bsdf iswK buDU lfxf<br />

iehnUM zflr bKsLx kihMdy gurUu df Bfxf<br />

ibnf mrjI Eey myrI koeI ihly nf pwqf<br />

iehdy nfm sYNkVy BFvyN afKo klkwqf<br />

iehI bfdl iehI tOhVf iehdy bhuq hYN ichry<br />

bfby sMq ieh sFBy hr sLihr c` zyhry<br />

cVHI sdI iewkvIN hor bd gey awgy<br />

iswK rih gey ny sKxy ipCy akflI dyw lwgy<br />

vIro iswKI qusIN mfrI iehdy ipwCy lwg<br />

aqvfd df icnH awj quhfzy isr dI pwg<br />

*****<br />

*****<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA. 95678 31

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> &`gx 535 February 2004<br />

Following May Be Ordered From <strong>The</strong> <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville, 201 Berkeley Ave, Roseville, CA 95678<br />

CDs: (1) ‘<strong>Sikh</strong> Di Pachhaan’ Free 23 hr CD on 25 topics answering most commonly asked questions about <strong>Sikh</strong>i on the basis of Gurbani by Prof.<br />

Darshan Singh Khalsa (Ex-Jathedar): Interfaith Charities, 1540 Barton Road #222, Redlands, CA 92373. www.Interfaithcharities.org<br />

(2) Gurbani-CD Free by Dr. Kulbir Singh Thind, MD, 3724 Hacienda Street, San Mateo, CA 94403, USA<br />

Books by Gurbakhsh Singh Kala Afghana available from <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville:<br />

1. Seven volume set of “Bipran Ki Reet Ton Sach Da Maarag” Bheta U.S. $ 10.00 per volume. (May be ordered individually)<br />

2. One volume “Maas Maas Kar Moorakh Jhagre” Bheta U.S. $ 10.00 (Temporarily out of stock)<br />

3. Bachittar Natak– Bheta U.S. $10.00. Note: Items 1,2, and 3 combined please add U.S. $ 10.00 for postage. For individual volumes please add $3<br />

for postage. Please make checks payable to KTF of N.A. Inc.<br />

Books by Gurbakhsh Singh Kala Afghana available in India:<br />

4. Harmeet Singh 768, Chabi Ganj, Kashmiri Gate, Delhi-110006. Tel: 011-22153616, 23974543<br />

5. Giani Surjit Singh Missionary. 44, Mehar Chand Market, Lodhi Colony, New Delhi- 110003. Tel: 011-24621245, 24652977<br />

6. Inderbir Singh H. No. 4321 A, Gali No. 4, Ranjitpura, P.O. Khalsa College, Amritsar. Tel: 98146-45805, 0183-2228572<br />

7. Jasbir Kaur w/o Kehar Singh, Chandigarh, Tel: 0172-793920, 94171-06213<br />

Others Books available from <strong>Sikh</strong> Center Roseville:<br />

8. <strong>Sikh</strong> Religion and Christianity, author G.S. Sidhu, UK. ] Bheta $5.00 including postage<br />

9.<strong>Sikh</strong> Relgion and Islam, authors G.S. Sidhu and Gurmukh Singh, UK.] for both<br />

10. Teaching <strong>Sikh</strong> Heritage To <strong>The</strong> Youth, author Dr. Gurbakhsh Singh. Bheta $5.00, including postage. For bulk copies please<br />

write to Canadian <strong>Sikh</strong> Study and Teaching Society #108, 1083 SE Kent St. Vancouver, B.C. V5X4V9, Canada.<br />

11.“<strong>Sikh</strong>s in Hisotry” by Dr. Sangat Singh, Paper Back, Bheta $10.00, Hard Back, Bheta $15.00, including postage.<br />

12. Gurbani CD and SGPC publications FREE. We pay the postage.<br />

13. dsm gRNQ inrxYYYYYYYYYYY, igAwnI Bwg isNG, ANbwlw] Bheta $10.00 including postage<br />

Books and CDs available from other sources:<br />

10. SHABAD GURU CD, Contains SG Search Software, SGGS Darpan, Mahan Kosh, Gurbani Files of Gurbani CD.

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