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LEPIDOPTBRA IIETEROCERA. 93 7. GyltTONA 1l.0TUNDALIB. Fmm. Pallide ci7U'I'oa, jel'mgitloo 'IJI1.,ia; palpi pOTTecn, t'Oltriformes; tibio1'um calcaria. breviuBt'Ula; alee anticee angUlI,. apice 'I'o,ullrllll«" Unois jerrugineis utidullitis plus minus'llll detel'1nillatis nigrica7lte punr:/'di,¥, pllnctis marginulibus nigricantillllS; posfictIJ cinereo-/uscfl!. Fl'male. Pule oillereous, atout, vllric(1 witb ferruginous. Probo~oil:l dihtitlot. PilI pi porrect, rostriform, much shorter than' the breadth of the helld; third joint minute, conical. Antennre smooth. AbdouJon extuDlling slIIuewhllt bcyond the hillll willgs. Legs smooth, stOUl; 8pUI'S rutber short. Wings nanow. Fore wings somewhat rounded aL the tips, with Boverlll luore or less oomplete ferruginous ullIlulutiog lines, Home of which are mOI'ked by bllLokish • points; lIIar!(inal IlIJints bhiOkish; co~la Btrtligllt; exterior border convex, vr'ry oblique hillclward. Hind wings cinereous-brown. Lengtb of the btldy 4! lines; of the wings 10 lilies. Sarawak, Dorlleo. III Mr. Saulldera' collection. S. QYRTONA HVLUSAI.IB. Fmm. Oincren.jusca; palp' 1'ubulti, pilosi, suba8cenilente.; 0.1,. anlietlJ angtlsttlJ, JUSC!1 conS}Jtl'StB, apice rotulldutlE, '!Iltice purpu,'aSC!·llte-l.'int'1'!·Ul.lIOBtice pallidI.' cine'l'~tlJ, Untis triblls nigris u"ul"latis denticlIl'1tiB, linoola nigra jll':t:a Bubcostuli, linea "lbmarginali dBJlticul,lta pallidI.' cinerea, punctis margitlCllibu, fligril'ltfllibus eloll,'Ialis; }IObticll fmcc6cellt6R. VlLr.-Tlloralll' pullirllssimc CI'I'villtlS, teguLts IUBeis ; altll allticee bllsi clJstaque interillre 7Jt,llidissime ell7'1Jirlls. MilS r-Palpi aBcllllclelites, al'licldo 30 bruui.sitllo; aim antictll rujeseente-jusctlJ, allgustio1'cs. . Female. Cinoreouh-brown, rather stout, more ciOel'0llU8 beneath. Palpi S~(IUl, pilube, slightly IIBl.ll,llldillll, ueurly us lung ILS the breadth of tbo bUILd; third joint cOllioal, hllrdly one-lhird of thll length of tho second. 'fllm'llx with a 111l1'pJish oinol'ooliS tinge. Abdomen oxtending talhor lleyoncl tho hind wings. Willll'S nurrow, elougaled. Fore wing!. somcwblll rl)uoded at tire IIJls, milllltelybruwn-speckled, mostly pliTplisb oillcreotls in frunt, mostly pnle Cillt'IOOItS Iliuclward i tllroo blnok, transVet'loe, slight, ilTogulurly Ilndulllting nnd denticlIlILted lilies; Ii IOtl{lod bllll'k Iille oXlcnding from d,e costll hetwoen ~hc SeOIlI1() IIfId tiJil'd lines; 8l1hmlll'llinlil line }llIle cioeleollR, dellti- 9ul11tod j umrginul points blullkiHh, elouguu:d i costa &traighL;

94 CATALOGUE OD' exterior 1)ordel' convex, rather oblique, Hind wings brownish. Leng'Lh of the body 5 lines; of tbe wings 14 lincs, Var, Third joiut of tbe palili Jlule cinel'clluH, Thorllx, except the tegulro, very pILle fu.wu-eo}nur, ]!'ure wings vel'y pule fawn-colour towards the base IIneI alollg the a(~ioillillg part of tbe 001110.. Male P Pulpi mote u~eending; third ,jllint IOlIoh shortor, Foro wings lInrl'UWCr, reddi:!h brown, wiLh indistinoL black oillercous· borcJererl linob. 4-a" Oeylon. Prcscnted by DI', Temillcton. 9. GVBTONA NIGIIOCINF.n.EA. From. Nigricante-ciner('a, 'l'l)b'Mta; pldpi pOl'reali, ('apftl palillo ,ul,e"antos, a,·tic"fo 211 Jimb"iltlo; af(JJ anlil'elI elongatle, aliDustfB, Nubal'utl71, 1JelliB nigrll l'Il,&ctatis, macltlll magna pllstica ferl'It!linoo.cillcreo. nil/I'o lIlal'gilza ta, lillca ciller." a7lgulosa, pllnctis mal'fjillali.bu.s nigriG. Pemale. BhlCkisll einereous, stout, Alldlllllen 11.1111 llilld wings somewhat pIller. Plll(1i poneet, extending R little beyond the hend ; seuond joint with 0. short thiok fl'iugc, Ab,lolllen extonding beyond the hind wings. J .. OR'S smooth. Whlgll elllllgllto, UUl'row, Fore wings slightly llOute, with somo blll('k pUinLY 011 tho VOillR, un(l with a Inrll'o ferl'ugilllllls-oincreolls blllck-hol'cJel'ed bpot (111 tho illLOI'ior border belhl'o tbe midtlle j suhllllll'gilllli line oinoroulls, zigzag j mllrgiut\l polnt.q j exterior 111)1'(\0\' mlHlb roumlo(\, lU1.l'dly oblique In f'I'(lDt, very obliquo bindwllI'!l, Hind wjnllB with 0. pILI~ oinoroouB fringe. Length of the budy ,it lincs ; of the wings 12 linoa. , a. OeyloD, Fl'om M. Niotllel's collcction. ]0. GVRTONA. INCLU8A.T.18. From. Cinerea; 1mlpi pOffCI·ti, C(LPU' longll 8ull('!'ILnles I alto anliclO tlll,lJlIst«l, suba('u/t1i, lilleis "mmuili, .fInds Itlillulitti. albidl1 lIIal'ginaliR, ma("lfl, illtel'illre mllt/lla /"I"",,,prsa 1111nc~ tisqllll tlioryillalib,ls J,,~cis; postiC(lJ mal'gino t'oUlO1'illre sub. erorll11uto. Female. Cinerc()lI~, rnlbel' !otuut. Pl'OlJOSllis IlistillOt. Polpi porrcct, compress(lll, llcllrly us lung aq tho hl'c.ulth III' tho bund; third joint elllugld.e-culIltllll, lIIore thull Illllf tho 11'Il~th or the seound, Antmlllw smooth. Abdumen el'tlllllliug II little hnyollcl tho bind wiugs. LCl-ts slIlooth, SIUlldlll' j ~Jlllrs IIIl1dtll'Utl'ly Iring, Wings narrow. }'ofe wlllgs blightly aOllte, wlLh !luvol'o.l unduhLLiong brown


7. GyltTONA 1l.0TUNDALIB.<br />

Fmm. Pallide ci7U'I'oa, jel'mgitloo 'IJI1.,ia; palpi pOTTecn, t'Oltriformes;<br />

tibio1'um calcaria. breviuBt'Ula; alee anticee angUlI,.<br />

apice 'I'o,ullrllll«" Unois jerrugineis utidullitis plus minus'llll detel'1nillatis<br />

nigrica7lte punr:/'di,¥, pllnctis marginulibus nigricantillllS;<br />

posfictIJ cinereo-/uscfl!.<br />

Fl'male. Pule oillereous, atout, vllric(1 witb ferruginous. Probo~oil:l<br />

dihtitlot. PilI pi porrect, rostriform, much shorter than' the<br />

breadth of the helld; third joint minute, conical. Antennre smooth.<br />

AbdouJon extuDlling slIIuewhllt bcyond the hillll willgs. Legs<br />

smooth, stOUl; 8pUI'S rutber short. Wings nanow. Fore wings<br />

somewhat rounded aL the tips, with Boverlll luore or less oomplete<br />

ferruginous ullIlulutiog lines, Home of which are mOI'ked by bllLokish<br />

• points; lIIar!(inal IlIJints bhiOkish; co~la Btrtligllt; exterior border<br />

convex, vr'ry oblique hillclward. Hind wings cinereous-brown.<br />

Lengtb of the btldy 4! lines; of the wings 10 lilies.<br />

Sarawak, Dorlleo. III Mr. Saulldera' collection.<br />


Fmm. Oincren.jusca; palp' 1'ubulti, pilosi, suba8cenilente.; 0.1,.<br />

anlietlJ angtlsttlJ, JUSC!1 conS}Jtl'StB, apice rotulldutlE, '!Iltice purpu,'aSC!·llte-l.'int'1'!·Ul.lIOBtice<br />

pallidI.' cine'l'~tlJ, Untis triblls nigris<br />

u"ul"latis denticlIl'1tiB, linoola nigra jll':t:a Bubcostuli, linea<br />

"lbmarginali dBJlticul,lta pallidI.' cinerea, punctis margitlCllibu,<br />

fligril'ltfllibus eloll,'Ialis; }IObticll fmcc6cellt6R. VlLr.-Tlloralll'<br />

pullirllssimc CI'I'villtlS, teguLts IUBeis ; altll allticee bllsi clJstaque<br />

interillre 7Jt,llidissime ell7'1Jirlls. MilS r-Palpi aBcllllclelites,<br />

al'licldo 30 bruui.sitllo; aim antictll rujeseente-jusctlJ, allgustio1'cs.<br />

. Female. Cinoreouh-brown, rather stout, more ciOel'0llU8 beneath.<br />

Palpi S~(IUl, pilube, slightly IIBl.ll,llldillll, ueurly us lung ILS the breadth<br />

of tbo bUILd; third joint cOllioal, hllrdly one-lhird of thll length of<br />

tho second. 'fllm'llx with a 111l1'pJish oinol'ooliS tinge. Abdomen<br />

oxtending talhor lleyoncl tho hind wings. Willll'S nurrow, elougaled.<br />

Fore wing!. somcwblll rl)uoded at tire IIJls, milllltelybruwn-speckled,<br />

mostly pliTplisb oillcreotls in frunt, mostly pnle Cillt'IOOItS Iliuclward i<br />

tllroo blnok, transVet'loe, slight, ilTogulurly Ilndulllting nnd denticlIlILted<br />

lilies; Ii IOtl{lod bllll'k Iille oXlcnding from d,e costll hetwoen<br />

~hc SeOIlI1() IIfId tiJil'd lines; 8l1hmlll'llinlil line }llIle cioeleollR, dellti-<br />

9ul11tod j umrginul points blullkiHh, elouguu:d i costa &traighL;

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