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LEPIDOl'l'ElU. JIE:1'E ROOE itA. 81 tntorHned with blackish. Length of the body 6 lines; of the wings 10 linos. Sarawllk, BorDeo. ID Mr. Saunders' ool1cotion. Genus 48. CA LINDillA. Frelll.. Corpus robusLllm. Pruboscis mediocris. Palpi por. recti, osput sat supcrantcs, vix angulati; arLicuhls 8us lancculatus, 2i dimidio Don brevior. Antenull'I SIlt validm. Abdomen subcari· Datum, alns posticaa vix supel·uns. Pedes validi; tibim postie. qnadricalcarlltlB. AIm I1Dtic08 cIongatm, angu8L8J, SpiSbOl, aCIlt8J, margine exteriore slIbconvexo. Female. Body stout. Proboscis moderately long. Palpi porrect, exteDding somewhat beyond the bead; third joint Io.nceolate, about Italf the length of tho second, with which it hardly furms an angle. Antennw smoot.b, ralher stout. Ahdomen sligbtly keeled, hardly extending beyond lhe hind wings. Legs stout, smooth; bind tibim with IOllr spurs, ODe of the ILpical pair very IODg. Wings elongate, narrow, dense. Fore wiDgs ILcute; costa. BttAight i exte~ rior bordcr &lightly convex, extremely obli\lue. 1. CUINDWA CUMULALIS. Frem. PprruginfJa; tarsi albo !afciati; aim p"nctiB nonnullis chalybmi,; antical /ascii, duabus obscur&oribus obliqui,; posticUl disco nigrico.,tle. Female. Ferruginous. TlIl'Si wW. white bands. I Wings with some oblllybe(luB points. Fore wings with two oblique darker band., one noar tho biLKe, tho other in tile middle. Hind wings with Lhe disk mostly blackish. Length of illo body 4!- lines; of the wlDgs 14 liues. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saundors' colleotion. Genua 44. LAMORIA. Pmln. Corpus Silt robustuln. Caput bifn8eioulatum. Proboscis bl'ovissima. Pulpi lanccoillti, validi, Bubdecumbcntes i arti· culus 8us 2i dilUidio n(ln brevior. AlItouDUI bllsi rohuBtm. Abda. IDeu alas postioas8ul,cl'IlIlS, allioem versus atleuuatlltn et comprf:lssuUl~ oviduotus exsorLus. l)cr}lls lllwes, sat vnlidi i tilli8J 1108tioll) olllcllri. bus Iluatuor luugis. Aim anticm eiongatlll, 8.lIgustm, apiee rotuud. attn, IDlLrgiue cxteriurc perobliq 110.

88 CATA.'LOGUE OF Female. Boely rather stout. Herrcl with two sliglltly promi~ nont tufts. Probosois very hhurt. Pulpi puncet, lallucolatCl, rather stout, slightly curvod duwnward; tlJird jllint lanceollLto, ahout half tbe length of' the soeond. Antennm SDlOOtll, stuut Ilt the bnso. Abdomell extending beyond the hind wings, attuuullted lIud Bomewbat compreshcd towards tho tip ; oviduct eXRl'rted, Ll'gs smooth, tathol' stnut; bind tibhl) with fOUl' IOllg sJlurs. 'Vings ('Iongale. Fure wings narrow, roltudc(\ at Lhe tillS l costa straight I exterior border convex, very oblique. 1. LAMORlA l'LA1ULIB. From. Cemn4; al(/) a'ltictB fUlleo BllbstrigattB et 8ubnebulo.te, an,mUs dtJobu8 cliscalibu8 fuscis; alfJ! pUIlicaI ciflerete. Female. l'awn-colour, cinereou8 bCIlOlltll. Abdomen cinereous, with u testllocuUS tinge. Fore wings sliglltly sh'clIkcd and oloudod with brown j orbicular and reniform rCI)1'CSCllLod by two brown ringlets, of wllich the second is much 1tlrgllr tban tho 11rst. Iliud wiugs oinereoUB. Lenglh of the body 7 liuCB ; of tbo wiugs 16 lines. Oeylon. Pre8ented by Dr. Templetoll. Genus 46. MARACLEA. Fro»!. Corpus sut robustum. Prnbnscis cOllspiclln. PulJli gruciles, vix ascenrlenlcs, copUL panllo euperunles j IIl'Liuulus 3U8 gracillimus. Autcnnm ghlbrm, gracilcs. Abdomen alns Eoslicafl rllm Sl1perllns. Pedes Slit robust!; tibiw pn~ticm qlludrien AIm outicm nCl1Lm, margine eXLeriore postlco vuldo rotunduto i 1)09- tiCfB margine intol'iore fimbriato. Ffnnate. Borly mthcr stOl1t. PI'oboseis !listinct. Palpi ala'nder, llllr(llyasconding, extellrlillg n little bcyrllld the henrI; third juillt eXLI'emely slender. Antennae Rlno"th, slender. 'l'borluc smootb. Ahdomcn 110t extrnding beyond tho hiJl(1 WiUgH. I.ogs smooth, rathol' flt(mt; hind tibilD with fllur 10llg SPUI'S. 1"l)ro wings nculo i custa BtrllighL; eXlerior bOl'dor not uhlilJue in Ihml, lDllCb rnullclod billdwurd. lliod wings with vCl'y lung huh'l! Illung the illtcl'iol' hOI'del'. 1. M,tRACLEA INOSTRNTAJ.IS. Albidil-liunielllor i Ill(/) ulltietB 1'Ilnctis ({"ohu. disl!fllibu. From. o squatl1is nigris.

88 CATA.'LOGUE OF<br />

Female. Boely rather stout. Herrcl with two sliglltly promi~<br />

nont tufts. Probosois very hhurt. Pulpi puncet, lallucolatCl, rather<br />

stout, slightly curvod duwnward; tlJird jllint lanceollLto, ahout half<br />

tbe length of' the soeond. Antennm SDlOOtll, stuut Ilt the bnso.<br />

Abdomell extending beyond the hind wings, attuuullted lIud Bomewbat<br />

compreshcd towards tho tip ; oviduct eXRl'rted, Ll'gs smooth,<br />

tathol' stnut; bind tibhl) with fOUl' IOllg sJlurs. 'Vings ('Iongale.<br />

Fure wings narrow, roltudc(\ at Lhe tillS l costa straight I exterior<br />

border convex, very oblique.<br />

1. LAMORlA l'LA1ULIB.<br />

From. Cemn4; al(/) a'ltictB fUlleo BllbstrigattB et 8ubnebulo.te,<br />

an,mUs dtJobu8 cliscalibu8 fuscis; alfJ! pUIlicaI ciflerete.<br />

Female. l'awn-colour, cinereou8 bCIlOlltll. Abdomen cinereous,<br />

with u testllocuUS tinge. Fore wings sliglltly sh'clIkcd and<br />

oloudod with brown j orbicular and reniform rCI)1'CSCllLod by two<br />

brown ringlets, of wllich the second is much 1tlrgllr tban tho 11rst.<br />

Iliud wiugs oinereoUB. Lenglh of the body 7 liuCB ; of tbo wiugs<br />

16 lines.<br />

Oeylon. Pre8ented by Dr. Templetoll.<br />

Genus 46. MARACLEA.<br />

Fro»!. Corpus sut robustum. Prnbnscis cOllspiclln. PulJli<br />

gruciles, vix ascenrlenlcs, copUL panllo euperunles j IIl'Liuulus 3U8<br />

gracillimus. Autcnnm ghlbrm, gracilcs. Abdomen alns Eoslicafl<br />

rllm Sl1perllns. Pedes Slit robust!; tibiw pn~ticm qlludrien<br />

AIm outicm nCl1Lm, margine eXLeriore postlco vuldo rotunduto i 1)09-<br />

tiCfB margine intol'iore fimbriato.<br />

Ffnnate. Borly mthcr stOl1t. PI'oboseis !listinct. Palpi ala'nder,<br />

llllr(llyasconding, extellrlillg n little bcyrllld the henrI; third<br />

juillt eXLI'emely slender. Antennae Rlno"th, slender. 'l'borluc<br />

smootb. Ahdomcn 110t extrnding beyond tho hiJl(1 WiUgH. I.ogs<br />

smooth, rathol' flt(mt; hind tibilD with fllur 10llg SPUI'S. 1"l)ro wings<br />

nculo i custa BtrllighL; eXlerior bOl'dor not uhlilJue in Ihml, lDllCb<br />

rnullclod billdwurd. lliod wings with vCl'y lung huh'l! Illung the<br />

illtcl'iol' hOI'del'.<br />


Albidil-liunielllor i Ill(/) ulltietB 1'Ilnctis ({"ohu. disl!fllibu.<br />

From.<br />

o squatl1is nigris.

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