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'LEPIDOPTERA llBTEBOOEIU. Pedes breves, robusti. AlII! anticIII elongatre, acutle, costa 'convexR, margine exteriore longis~imo subllngulllLo. Male.-Body very stout, thickly clothed. Proboscis distinct. Plllpi obliquely ascending, applied to the head, Dot rising 80 high as the- vertex; third joint conical, nCllte, very minute. Antcnnre 8etulose, rather long. Abdomen extending a little beyond the hind wings; apical tuft small, quadrate. Legs smootb, short, stllut; hind tibire with four spurs; one spur in eaob pair sbort, tbe other long. Fore wings elongate, acute, extending milch beyond the hind wings; cOllta convcx; extenol' bOl'der very Inng, forming a rounded angle at one· third of the length, extremely C1bliquo bindward; fringe veryl"'}g towards the interior angle l interiur border very short, 1. MAscHANE ERllA'lTPENNIS. Mas. Pu,'~ra8cente-!erruginea, subl'UB ocliracea.; antennce a.{6t8 Bubtu, albar; tkoram antice et abdomen ochracea; alar anticce tlitta antica lata pallidissime ocl"ac~, lineis duabu8 clnerei, nigro marginati., 1a angulata, 2a 8ubarCIIata pcrobliqua, punelis duobu& di&calib,,, et lJuinque tnarginalib'UB albia; po6ticar pallide cinereal tnarginibu& ObBC'UrioribuI. Male. Reddish brown, with II. purplish tinge, ocbraceous beneath. Antennlll white beneath lit tIle 1)88e. Thorax in front and abdomen ooliraeeons. Fore wings witb a broad very pale ochrllceons stripe on the fore Plll't of the disk j two oinereollS transvel'Se blllek~ bordered lines; first )ine farming a vcry acute Ilnd prominent Otlt H ward angle, accompanied in front by two white POilllS; second line very oblique, slightly clll'ved inward j COl'e part of tIlO oxterior border with five whitisil points whic11 diminish in size hindwlI.rd; bind part with tbe fringe white in front; disoal puiut, very smnll. Hind wings pale cinerouus, oxceJlt towards the borders. Length of the body 7 lines; of tbe wings 18 lines. a. Para. From Mr. Bates' collection. Mas. 2, MA}lOII.A.NE SIMPLEX. Ferrugineo-rufa, suhtus pallide rv,felce'1l8; palpt aseentlenter, breves; 411telinCII 8ub,eto'(.(Jj su6pubBBCll7ltBB,. a.bdomon ocltraeelJln, basi c,'istatum, alas pOllica. lOllUe 8upOl'ana J altD antictB lin!'a recta ubligua cltalybtBa, plaua anlira pallide purpuraseente, mat'ginis interioris angulo jlmbriato belle (leterminato; po'tiCfJI pallide ru!e8Centes. »2

OATj.l.OGllB OJ' Male. Ferruginous-red, pale reddish beneatll. Pall'i ascendillg, applied to the head, not. rising near so high as the vertex. AntcmnOJ minntely setoae and pubesoent. Abdomen ocbraoeous. taperin!!,. crested at the base, extending muoh bryolltl the bind wings; apioal tuft very smnJl. Fore wings with a strlllgl1~ 01181ybeous dark-bordered line, wllich extends from the tips towlll'ds the inner 1I0,1't of the interior border; a ditfuse pale purplish patch alc)ug the aliter fore Jlar! of this line; exterior border very oblique bindward i angle of the interior borde'\' distinct, fumisbcd witll II. fringo. Hind wings pale reddish. Le:ilgth of the body 6 lines; of the wings 141ines. II. Nauta, Amazon Region. :FroID Mr. Dates' oollection. Genus 6. EGONE. FII'I1I. Corpus rollUbtum, ]reve. Proboscis oonspicua. Palpi porrcot!, longillsouli, lati, fiDlhrinti, artioulo 30 eonico minimo Antennm Rubsetuiosm. Abdomen alas poslicas non BuperaDa. Pedes vaUdi, squamosi; tibire posticR! qlladricaloaratm. Aim anticOJ eloogatm, apioo subquadrntm, costa BubooDvex8. Female. Body stout, smooth. Proboscis distinct. Pulpi por· l('ct, brond, f1inged, about as long as thc breadth oftbo hoad; third joint conical, very minute. Allwllnm very millutely ~etuluse. Abdomen not extending beyond the hind wings. J"egs 8tout, squamous; hind tibire wilh four moderately long spurs. WingR elongate, moderately hrond. Fore wings subquudrate at thc tiJl9; oosta sliglltly convex; exterior border hal'dly convex, sligbtly obliquo. t. EGoJiE lJtl'tlNOTALIS. :Frem. F,mlgineo-fusea, nitens; ailP antil!(11 pliRctia d1lO~1I8 di,· calibm 1I1bll nigra ma'1'ginalis; poslic~ albido-eitlcf'etIJ. Pemale. Femlginolls-hrown, shining, brownisb cillllleolls he· Df'ntn. Abdomen wbhi&h cinereou!. It'llre wings with two wblte black-bordored disoal pointll, one interior, tbo otller extol'ior. Himl wings whitish cinereous. Length of the body Glilles j of the wings 1611ne8. 4. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert's collection. Genus 7. DAULIA. Pain. Corpus orassum, dense vestilum. Prolloscis ellsoleta. Palpi porrecti, pilosi, Illlgulllti, OUllitis latitudino nOD iOllgioter.;

OATj.l.OGllB OJ'<br />

Male. Ferruginous-red, pale reddish beneatll. Pall'i ascendillg,<br />

applied to the head, not. rising near so high as the vertex.<br />

AntcmnOJ minntely setoae and pubesoent. Abdomen ocbraoeous.<br />

taperin!!,. crested at the base, extending muoh bryolltl the bind<br />

wings; apioal tuft very smnJl. Fore wings with a strlllgl1~ 01181ybeous<br />

dark-bordered line, wllich extends from the tips towlll'ds the<br />

inner 1I0,1't of the interior border; a ditfuse pale purplish patch alc)ug<br />

the aliter fore Jlar! of this line; exterior border very oblique bindward<br />

i angle of the interior borde'\' distinct, fumisbcd witll II. fringo.<br />

Hind wings pale reddish. Le:ilgth of the body 6 lines; of the wings<br />

141ines.<br />

II. Nauta, Amazon Region. :FroID Mr. Dates' oollection.<br />

Genus 6. EGONE.<br />

FII'I1I. Corpus rollUbtum, ]reve. Proboscis oonspicua. Palpi<br />

porrcot!, longillsouli, lati, fiDlhrinti, artioulo 30 eonico minimo<br />

Antennm Rubsetuiosm. Abdomen alas poslicas non BuperaDa.<br />

Pedes vaUdi, squamosi; tibire posticR! qlladricaloaratm. Aim anticOJ<br />

eloogatm, apioo subquadrntm, costa BubooDvex8.<br />

Female. Body stout, smooth. Proboscis distinct. Pulpi por·<br />

l('ct, brond, f1inged, about as long as thc breadth oftbo hoad; third<br />

joint conical, very minute. Allwllnm very millutely ~etuluse. Abdomen<br />

not extending beyond the hind wings. J"egs 8tout, squamous;<br />

hind tibire wilh four moderately long spurs. WingR elongate,<br />

moderately hrond. Fore wings subquudrate at thc tiJl9; oosta<br />

sliglltly convex; exterior border hal'dly convex, sligbtly obliquo.<br />

t. EGoJiE lJtl'tlNOTALIS.<br />

:Frem. F,mlgineo-fusea, nitens; ailP antil!(11 pliRctia d1lO~1I8 di,·<br />

calibm 1I1bll nigra ma'1'ginalis; poslic~ albido-eitlcf'etIJ.<br />

Pemale. Femlginolls-hrown, shining, brownisb cillllleolls he·<br />

Df'ntn. Abdomen wbhi&h cinereou!. It'llre wings with two wblte<br />

black-bordored disoal pointll, one interior, tbo otller extol'ior. Himl<br />

wings whitish cinereous. Length of the body Glilles j of the wings<br />

1611ne8.<br />

4. Sydney. From Mr. Lambert's collection.<br />

Genus 7. DAULIA.<br />

Pain. Corpus orassum, dense vestilum. Prolloscis ellsoleta.<br />

Palpi porrecti, pilosi, Illlgulllti, OUllitis latitudino nOD iOllgioter.;

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