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LEPIDOl'TIlBA HETEIlOOER.A. "17 Genus 30. NIGRAMMA. FIB"" Corpus Bilt ol'assum. Fasciculus frontalis productus. Proboscis brevis, gmoilis. PilI pi lawes, nSC('udcllles, verticem ~u- , perantcs; 1l1'ticuiliS 311s lallceolntns. 2i dimidio DOD bl'evior. AbdolDell Illas )1l1sticas supcrans. Po(les huves, longiusculi, sat gracillis ; tiblm 1)08tio(8 01l101u:ibu8 qUlItUOI'!ollgissimis. AIm longw, a.ngustm; anLic(8 IlCULW, margine exterillre Suhcollvexu perobliquo. Female. Body moderarely stOllt. Frontal tuft ratbcr promi_ nent. Proboscis sliol't, Blendol'. Pdlpi smooth, erect, longer than the brE'!l(lth of the head, Ilud I'ising mnch above the vel'lex; lhh'd joint lUllccolatu, abonl hlllf tIle length of the second. Antennw smooth. Abdoulen extending beyond the hind wings. LellS smooth, mtber long llnd slender; hilld tihim with four vory long SpllfS. Wingll 10llg, IIllrlOW, l~ol'(} Winl{R acute j costa straight; axtcI'jar border slightly I,lOIlVOX, V81'Y oblique. This geulls is nenl'ly nllied to Slenoptery.u, a.nd the latter is probably oue of tho Pl4ycirlllJ. 1. NXGnAM31A. QUADItATIFnnA, Fmm. FuscesuOIlill-cilll'l'Ca; al"" aliaCal fascia interiors wellS dilatata fa&cia~lle b'IRali tl'Imi lIiU,.is, lit'llora rliscali e strigis tribus tAi,lJrt., lmoa Bl.lbllllll'{/llltili nigl'a den,ticula.ta intSl'Tul1tll, polIlW.'JiJ' />WII'O'iIidlJio,w A;iyol'kIllNJJIP.t.r. Famale. Brolvniall CiIlCI'COUS. Fore wings with an intonor black band, which is diluted iuto 11 )latch 00 the olltcr side, and with a slcudor bllluk bll11d nenr tho basu; discllIlDllrk composed of thl'ee short tl'ltUSfcrsc black stl'eakA; subnull'gilll1lline blaok, deDticullltfld, illulllD111eto; mlll'giuul poiuts blackish. LOllg,th oiLbo body 6 lines; of tbo wiugs 17 liucs. a,. -r Geulls 31. SEBUNTA. Mar. Corpus vix robllstum. Palpi porl'ecti, Inti, bravillscu1i, subrostl'ifofmeR; llrLiuulllB 3l1s brev!ssitnus. Alltcllnlll basi nun incrassutm. Abdomen alas l'0sticas )ll\ullo supcrllns; fascioulus 1&I,IoIIIIs II~rvIIS. A.lm alltiulD elouglltlD, vix auutw, costa reota, margmo extel'lore couvexo, Malil. Body Juu'dly stont. Plilpi porreot, broad, subrosMform, milch sborLor Llmll the brclI(ltb of tho beu.d, not acnte; third joiut extroulcly short. AntenuUl not inCraS&llted nt tho base. Ab- H8

78 CATALOGUE OJ!' (lotneu extending 0. little beyond the hind wings j apiolll turt smnll. Wings elongated, mo(lerately broad. Fore wings hal'dly acute; costlL straight j eXLerior burdol' oonvex, model'atoly oblique. 1. SEDUNTA GUT1'uLoSA. M118. Cinel'Ca, .fuReo compel',a; caput BubtuR pcctURqtlO albida; aim antic(o li7leis duab", incomplolis nigl'is fuseo IIcb"losis. ltf(lle. Cillcrcolls, Head and tIlOl'RX Apccldell with bl'Own. or mostly l,ro,vD, Ilond benoath lind pcctus wbitiHI1. Willgs slightly iridescent. Fore wings largely and trollsvel'scly IlroIVII-IIPo('klccl; two dentate incomplote bluek lincs, which life 1II0rc or h'RN bbuded with brown. Hind WillA'S speckled like tlJC foro willgs. Lcngth of the body 0-6 lines J of the wings 14-16 liucs. a. Ullited HIMes. Prcsented by E, Doubleduy, Esq. b, c. Nova Scntia. ,From J.ieut. UcdlUan'K collccLion. d. Orilla, Wost Canada. }'1'oUl .Mr. Bush's cullcotion. Genus 32. TRISInRS. lira". Corpus grocilc. Frons Jll'uduCJtu. P,'nll!lRois cODspicUll. Fatpi sat Jtl'llcilcR, ubliqlul aSCCllllclltcs, vcrtlccIII ]lILulll.l IIlIIlrrnuLI'8 ; articulus :luH IUllceolatns. 20 pllullu breviol', Alltlllllll'c I'Uhl!8CltlllIlH. Ah(lolIIllll uills 110StiCllfj supcrllllsj fllHIliculu9 IIpionJis JlllrvlIs, subcOlnIlI'csKlIS. PedoR lruves, gt'aoiles; tihiw PUHtiCn.· cnlcILrihu8 qnutuol' longis. AIm notiolll elollgotlt', 'ollgllstru, npice subrotuud. atm, margillll exteriol'c ,'ulde COIIV01{O vix ohliquu. Male. Body slender. Front prominont. ProhnRcis (listillet. Palpi mther 81011111'1', obliqllely usconding, rising 11 litlle JJil~llllr thou tho V01'LCX ; thi1'11 joint Innccolate, a little shul'tel' t110u the scourul. Alltenllw PUbl'sccut. Abdomen tapel'ing, cxtendlug beyond tbo lIiml WhlA'dj Ilpicul tuft small, slig-lltly uOIllJll'('!sl:Icd. [.CgH 811)11Ilc1', smooth; l1iJHI tibhll With I'llIII' long ~l)lll's. Willgs clfJIlA'lIto, l~ol'o willgs lllll'row, slightly roundcd at tIlC tiJ's j cxtcl'ior uol'tlcr VCI'Y com'ex, IlI.mUy ubli1llle. 1. TlI~8IDJo:FJ BIl:IWNA1'A. Mos. Cint'I'eo-jlls(,I': a.ftt' a"th'w tll(l('II[1I "fllfd 1tIm:qitl('lII irltl'ri(/. rem It/Mdl& 111119"" 1I1Il'J71!Ia.; l)11sticll! I'iIWI'C,l', selJlil'llali.lIIlI. lila"!, CillllTCOUN-hl'owII. AbtllllllClIl CiJl(ll'C'OtlH, ]I'UI'Il wings \Vith II large oblong whiti&b SpOL 011 Lbe iutcil'Ul' uortlcr lit n lillie

78 CATALOGUE OJ!'<br />

(lotneu extending 0. little beyond the hind wings j apiolll turt smnll.<br />

Wings elongated, mo(lerately broad. Fore wings hal'dly acute;<br />

costlL straight j eXLerior burdol' oonvex, model'atoly oblique.<br />

1. SEDUNTA GUT1'uLoSA.<br />

M118. Cinel'Ca, .fuReo compel',a; caput BubtuR pcctURqtlO albida;<br />

aim antic(o li7leis duab", incomplolis nigl'is fuseo IIcb"losis.<br />

ltf(lle. Cillcrcolls, Head and tIlOl'RX Apccldell with bl'Own. or<br />

mostly l,ro,vD, Ilond benoath lind pcctus wbitiHI1. Willgs slightly<br />

iridescent. Fore wings largely and trollsvel'scly IlroIVII-IIPo('klccl;<br />

two dentate incomplote bluek lincs, which life 1II0rc or h'RN bbuded<br />

with brown. Hind WillA'S speckled like tlJC foro willgs. Lcngth of<br />

the body 0-6 lines J of the wings 14-16 liucs.<br />

a. Ullited HIMes. Prcsented by E, Doubleduy, Esq.<br />

b, c. Nova Scntia. ,From J.ieut. UcdlUan'K collccLion.<br />

d. Orilla, Wost Canada. }'1'oUl .Mr. Bush's cullcotion.<br />

Genus 32. TRISInRS.<br />

lira". Corpus grocilc. Frons Jll'uduCJtu. P,'nll!lRois cODspicUll.<br />

Fatpi sat Jtl'llcilcR, ubliqlul aSCCllllclltcs, vcrtlccIII ]lILulll.l IIlIIlrrnuLI'8 ;<br />

articulus :luH IUllceolatns. 20 pllullu breviol', Alltlllllll'c I'Uhl!8CltlllIlH.<br />

Ah(lolIIllll uills 110StiCllfj supcrllllsj fllHIliculu9 IIpionJis JlllrvlIs, subcOlnIlI'csKlIS.<br />

PedoR lruves, gt'aoiles; tihiw PUHtiCn.· cnlcILrihu8<br />

qnutuol' longis. AIm notiolll elollgotlt', 'ollgllstru, npice subrotuud.<br />

atm, margillll exteriol'c ,'ulde COIIV01{O vix ohliquu.<br />

Male. Body slender. Front prominont. ProhnRcis (listillet.<br />

Palpi mther 81011111'1', obliqllely usconding, rising 11 litlle JJil~llllr thou<br />

tho V01'LCX ; thi1'11 joint Innccolate, a little shul'tel' t110u the scourul.<br />

Alltenllw PUbl'sccut. Abdomen tapel'ing, cxtendlug beyond tbo<br />

lIiml WhlA'dj Ilpicul tuft small, slig-lltly uOIllJll'('!sl:Icd. [.CgH 811)11Ilc1',<br />

smooth; l1iJHI tibhll With I'llIII' long ~l)lll's. Willgs clfJIlA'lIto, l~ol'o<br />

willgs lllll'row, slightly roundcd at tIlC tiJ's j cxtcl'ior uol'tlcr VCI'Y<br />

com'ex, IlI.mUy ubli1llle.<br />

1. TlI~8IDJo:FJ BIl:IWNA1'A.<br />

Mos. Cint'I'eo-jlls(,I': a.ftt' a"th'w tll(l('II[1I "fllfd 1tIm:qitl('lII irltl'ri(/.<br />

rem It/Mdl& 111119"" 1I1Il'J71!Ia.; l)11sticll! I'iIWI'C,l', selJlil'llali.lIIlI.<br />

lila"!, CillllTCOUN-hl'owII. AbtllllllClIl CiJl(ll'C'OtlH, ]I'UI'Il wings<br />

\Vith II large oblong whiti&b SpOL 011 Lbe iutcil'Ul' uortlcr lit n lillie

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