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LEPIDOl'TEIU. HETlllROOIUU .. 65 47. NEPItOPTERYxi' HAUPAXALIS. Mas. Cinerea; palp" oblique a8C1!fldenteB, articulo 80 longo Iineari; abdumen alas poBlicIIR jere dimidio "'lleran.; ailS an_ tictll 8'Ubacutfll, lineis fUBCBICBnabUl/ Ulld"llltis denticulatis indislincti. wide ublig"is 'PaUido InarginatiB, lillet~ lIIargi'llali nigricante, 1)11netis costalibllB 814bapicalibus 'Ilbidis, IllaTfjine illlerillTe basi .ubt'IJnlJtl:J)o; pOBtiCte linea 8ubmat'flinali puUida indistincta. Male. Cinercolls, a liLtle paler beneath. Palpi obliquoiYlIsoODding; third joint lineal', rouuded lit the tip, more thaD hall' the length of the !ICcoud, Abdomen extending fOT nearly hull' its length beyoud tbe hind wings. Foro IVlIIgs Ii little bronder tllllu those of N. EtoluBlilis, mOTO nouLe at the tlJls, allli ~lighLly eOIiVOK towards the hll60 of the interIor border; liulls bl'owniHh, very oblique, umlnlnting, dcutiouiatud, indistinct, pule-barllel'cd I tnu.rgilllil line blaokillb; costal 8nbupillaillointlS whitish, Hind willgs with all indistinot piliu eubwargilillilino. Length 01' thu bud,!' 6l- lilies; of the wings UlineH. Ceylon. In Mr. LIlYllru's oullection. 48. NBI.'nOP'tElIYXr OULUS.ILIS, Fcem. Cilierco-juBra, N. Etolusnli a.Uini.' i alcc o.nlirlS litlilu niuri' de'llii& T"'gosi. ('inel'CO IIlf1rllitlldis, linea eXlIlTiDi'e vaid" jie:!:o., renilor71li e llunctis ni.'1riB, l,lllgl& poatiaa C'illel'eo. indi,­ tincta litlcalll nigl'am a/luulcliUIII inl!llldClltc, ItI'igis Bubmar­ Ui"ulibus t'ineruis, lillea lIIal'ginali niura i7ltl:f'l'lIpta; postiClll Il1IalinllJ, lUI/CO late margilllllaJ, Female, Cinorco\ls-hrowl1, 1Il0rc cincrCOUB bOil oath, like N. Blulusldis in structure. J.o'oro wing~ with black irrcgulUl' clnOI'eouebordered lllu,tiy I'ui~ud lllllstly oompictc liliIlS; eXLol'ior liue much bent, its hind I,urt IIIlIte distiuot Llillu tho othul' IUHlS; l'tmifurlll m.,rk imliofttuu by I~ fow bluck points; nn iauli6tincL CiUOltlOU8 Ilatch by the middle ul' the intel'ior burduJ', LmvoI'sud by 1111 lIugulaf bluck llno, whoreuR tho OOl'I'ospoUlliug Iillc in N. Elul"Bulis is btruight; submnrginll.l strouks oiuol'lloUH; 1I1111'gllllll )ilia bhlck. illtefl'ullwd. lIiuu wiugs vitl'eons, with bl"III11 browll boruel's. L~ugth 01' tho body 4 liues; of tho wings 10 liuea. Ceylon. In Mr. LIl'ylI.l'd's colleotion. GS

66 OATALOGUE 01' 40. NUROl'TER.YX AOIBALt8. Mas. Furca, N. Etolusali affinis; palpi. porrecti; allll antital liM' nigria punclularibus cinerl'o marginatis, linl'a marginali interrupta, 'I'Crt.iformi cinerea ""i,qam nipram includenle. lUale. Brown, brownish oinereouB benoath, in structure like N. Btoi'U.ali,l and N. CullusaliB, excepting tbe exterior horder oC the fore wings, which is hardly oblique in the fore part. Pulpi por~ reot. Fore wings with bh\ck irl'egular cinereolls-bllrderod liues, which are partly composed of black points j runrgiUILl liDO interruptod ; reniform mlLl'k oiuereous, inoluding a black strenk. Hind wings as dark as the iure wings. Length oC the body 4i lines; ot the wings 0 lines. 4. Oeyloo. l!'rom M. Noitoer's oollection. 60. NEI'UOPTERYX i' Al\OJADEBAL1B. Mall. Fusca, N. Acisali a!fin;,; al~ anticm cano tinctlll, lin,;, punctularibuB plagaqlte poslica nigns, Male. BI'own, brownish cinereolls beneath, in struotnro like N. AcuaM.. Fore wings tinged with boo.ry, more especilllly ulonR' the blaek lines, whioh are muoh like th080 of N. Acisalis; a blaok 'Patch by tile interior border at 0. little before the middle. Hind wings brown. This may be II variety of N. AcisClli" but tbe latter apecies bas no traeo of the pl\tuh. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. Ceylon. In Mr. Layard's collection. til. NlllPIJOI'TJ!lRYX P Fc:em, Cana; caput et 11£oralU anlic'US nigrlJ-ju8ca; palpi 1mI'. recti I al·tieulo 30 conico; abdomen jIlRcesClmtn-cinOTP14m; aim o.nticaJ apit·e "otrtnciatm, lilleis JURci. Ilelilit'1llatia .uboilsa/otis, spalio eretericJI'o juseo, Ulloa 8ubmarginaU calla, lun'Ulis /IQl'uinalibus obscure jUBcia callO marginalia, "'argine 6retcriorc l}orobliq uo. Female. 1I0ary. Head and fore part of the thorax blaokish brown. llulpi plll'reot ; third joint oOlliclIl, 1I0t moro tlum ono-third of the longth of the socond. Abdomell, hilld willgs nud uudor side brownish-cincreous. I·'oro willgs with ill distinct trlloos of dcmtiCII' latecl browD lilles I exterior Jlnrt lnnstly browll; bubmnrgiual lilla hoary, dcntioulnted; marginnlluDulus dnrk brown, hoary-borllcrcd i .\

66 OATALOGUE 01'<br />

40. NUROl'TER.YX AOIBALt8.<br />

Mas. Furca, N. Etolusali affinis; palpi. porrecti; allll antital<br />

liM' nigria punclularibus cinerl'o marginatis, linl'a marginali<br />

interrupta, 'I'Crt.iformi cinerea ""i,qam nipram includenle.<br />

lUale. Brown, brownish oinereouB benoath, in structure like<br />

N. Btoi'U.ali,l and N. CullusaliB, excepting tbe exterior horder oC<br />

the fore wings, which is hardly oblique in the fore part. Pulpi por~<br />

reot. Fore wings with bh\ck irl'egular cinereolls-bllrderod liues,<br />

which are partly composed of black points j runrgiUILl liDO interruptod<br />

; reniform mlLl'k oiuereous, inoluding a black strenk. Hind<br />

wings as dark as the iure wings. Length oC the body 4i lines; ot<br />

the wings 0 lines.<br />

4. Oeyloo. l!'rom M. Noitoer's oollection.<br />


Mall. Fusca, N. Acisali a!fin;,; al~ anticm cano tinctlll, lin,;,<br />

punctularibuB plagaqlte poslica nigns,<br />

Male. BI'own, brownish cinereolls beneath, in struotnro like<br />

N. AcuaM.. Fore wings tinged with boo.ry, more especilllly ulonR'<br />

the blaek lines, whioh are muoh like th080 of N. Acisalis; a blaok<br />

'Patch by tile interior border at 0. little before the middle. Hind<br />

wings brown. This may be II variety of N. AcisClli" but tbe latter<br />

apecies bas no traeo of the pl\tuh. Length of the body 4 lines; of<br />

the wings 10 lines.<br />

Ceylon. In Mr. Layard's collection.<br />

til. NlllPIJOI'TJ!lRYX P<br />

Fc:em, Cana; caput et 11£oralU anlic'US nigrlJ-ju8ca; palpi 1mI'.<br />

recti I al·tieulo 30 conico; abdomen jIlRcesClmtn-cinOTP14m; aim<br />

o.nticaJ apit·e "otrtnciatm, lilleis JURci. Ilelilit'1llatia .uboilsa/otis,<br />

spalio eretericJI'o juseo, Ulloa 8ubmarginaU calla,<br />

lun'Ulis /IQl'uinalibus obscure jUBcia callO marginalia, "'argine<br />

6retcriorc l}orobliq uo.<br />

Female. 1I0ary. Head and fore part of the thorax blaokish<br />

brown. llulpi plll'reot ; third joint oOlliclIl, 1I0t moro tlum ono-third<br />

of the longth of the socond. Abdomell, hilld willgs nud uudor side<br />

brownish-cincreous. I·'oro willgs with ill distinct trlloos of dcmtiCII'<br />

latecl browD lilles I exterior Jlnrt lnnstly browll; bubmnrgiual lilla<br />

hoary, dcntioulnted; marginnlluDulus dnrk brown, hoary-borllcrcd i<br />


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