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LEPIDOPTlIiru. HETEIl.OOI!:RAI 69 South Amanoa. 36. NEI'1I0P:J:EIIYX INDISTINOTALIS. FUlea; corpus IlIIlittls albulIl; pnlpi b,'eves, 8ubalcondentes; an. tellncli longitlscu/OJ; abdomell cinercum, II las posticas 10llgll 8upprallB; IllOJ IInticllJ angll .. vtcli, 8ubacutOJ, nigl'o conSpel'8IB, fasciis tribus lIigricantibulI Nigro mat'ginntis, punctil marginalibu8 lIigricantibu8; pOBtif!1B omeo·cin£'fl!ll'. Brown, whito bOTl('uth. Pulpi short, slightly ascenrling. ADtennlll vlltl\et l\lug. Ab!l\l\\\en (l.i\lC~eo~\II, ext.cl1ding much beyond the hind wingll. Fol'C wings narrow, slightly acute, speckled with 111ack, with tlll'oo blackish black-bordered bunds; marginal points blaekish j extel'ior border very oblique. !lind willgs mneouseinereouR. I,cngth uJ' the budy tI lilies i of the wings 12 lines. Brazil. III Mr. !:lnllllucl'S' colleotion. 31i. Nl!ll'lIOPTEaYX DIF.l.9CIALlS. Frem. PII,vcesC'l'Rt('·cinc.,.ea j corllllS BubtliR album; palpi lanceofati, SlIbllRCOllrl"lltcs, Bat breves j abdomen alaR pnatica. 'Pat,[lo 8'U1'1'''UII8, 8p,qmentis po/lido marginatis; alai antictll acutlll, SIII'(/icic O('/II'UCIMJ, jasciis duabus fuscil alba sabulol", 1 a ba,~(tli, 211 eilll'1'ol) 71Iargi11atfl antieo ililutaia, flebulia marginaUbll1l j'lIsciR. l'l1nctis 11111rginaliblM nigris ; pOBlicm omeo­ Ci710l'Cce, 8I1b1i.'lalill(e, punctia fntlrginalibu8 fusei •• Fe'lllalo. llrownisll ciucreolls, pale 11enenth. Body white beneRtll. Pl'obuscili distinct. IJllljli lunoeoillte, very slightly Rscondiug, much ~hOl'1CI' tlulIl thc bl'cndth of tho llcad;'d joint cincreous, les8 tlullI hllH' tho IVlIgth of'the second. Abdomen extendillg a little beyond tllO binel winllH j binel borders of tho segments pale. Fore wings IWllle, dlill ocln'l\ceous, with two dark brown balldp, whioh arc slH'illklcd with white; filst band bU8al; secoud mucb di· lated in frout, lJ(mlcre(1 with palo chlereous; mllrgillllisllllce partly clouded with hl'uwn; mlu'ginlll IlCliuts blaok. Hind wings mucouscillercous, a1igbLly hyalill

60 (U,TALOGtrE 011' 8alm; aMoml'R. allll po'licas lonoe SlIpf'1'ans; altJJ antica anpUltce, acutll', linei. duabu8 jlJ,rttt incli,di11clis 811blientatis, UII~a 8ubll'lllrgillali cinerea, pllI&ctis fIIat'oinlllibu, 1£igricantibUR, 'patio costa 1£ cano,' PI1"ticlB cinereal, 8ubily"UnaJ. Male. CinereoU~~"Town, mndernlely stout. Plllpi obliquely asoending, rising vl'ry little lliu.hcr than the vertex; third joint lnn­ (:elllllto, less thno lIlllf the length of the eecond. Allteullm stout i iil-st nnd second joints inoro.ssatec1. Abdomen extenrlillg muah beyond tbe hind wings. FaTe wings nalrow, Ilcute, with two brown imlistlnct slightly dcntlltc lines, till' second bordering tlrc oinereuus submarginal line; costnl SllnOO d iffusedly hoary i marginal points l)laokisb, iUllistillot. Hind wings oinoreonll, blightly hyaline. Length of tlJe body 4~ lilies; of the wiugs 10 IiUf.'s. Q. Rio Jllneiro. FI'OlD Mr. Stellhcns' collection. 3R. Nnl'IIOl.>TEnYX MINUALIS. Foom. Pt,llidl' rprvina; ptllpl lanccolal.i, gracilp" subascendentes, sat {n"ui, /llSCO irijasciat'i, al'ticulo 211 8U~aI'Ctlllto, 30 lOIl~ gi1lsruln; alce antiCflJ 1l'fl,IJusi(c, uslJaculll', tIf,q1'(I ntllCmlRper'te, 'Punrtis dllnhUB nif/riB, linea Sllblllal'!)i1&ali nigl'icante iJldis~ gim'Iu.; p'latit'aI nibil', fere kualillril. Ft'I'liale. P'llc fllwll-cn!our, pnlor hcnenth. I'lIlpi 1l1noeolllte, slt'ndc'l', sliJ!btly n~celldillg, with tIlrc't' hl'own !JlIlIIb, ncurly 1111 l(lug n8 tbe bren(hII of tbe henl.1 i heonnd joint very &liglltly CllfVt'cl; tbircl acute, ohllllt lllllf tIle len_gth of the Becund. Fore WillgH 1II111'OW, slightly ncute, thinly lind incgulul'ly blnck-speckled; two blnck points, 0111' nellf the illterior border, tbe otlior ill tlio interior disk i submarginul Hila blackihh, in(listinct. Hind wings white, nOI\1'I,. hyaline. Length of the body a lillcs; of tho wings 8 liUCb. a. Honduras, FrOID l\llo. Dyson's collection. 30. NEPIlOl"l'EIlYX DT::l'lllVAJ.IS. SubcI,rt'inn-l'inel't'fI; alai anlicfIJ all,q,ntll', 'IIi.qriral&tl' sllbcOII.tJlt!t'~tJll (Ipice Rub"Oltllldatm, [lllra ,mb7ll1ll'lJillldi hllblllltillilll" 1)lIl1il/o Cilll'I'ra, llU11l'lis JlItLI'gjnalihm "igTi~, Illll't'[lillO 1'lI:iI'I'iIITe 116- li'lllll SUlJClIIWI':rO; po~tical ulbiritl', ./t'I'1I "U"lill'I', {illlll& mar~ Dillali fim:a lal&lJi. Cinercoull, with 0. slight tingo of fllwn-ouluur. Foro willgs narrow, slighlly l'oUluletl at the tips, illdihlill('lly blllcki~h-HP('lIkl(Jd; a pale CillCJI'COllS &ligbtIy uutlllliltillg submargiual lino i lll11rgilllll

60 (U,TALOGtrE 011'<br />

8alm; aMoml'R. allll po'licas lonoe SlIpf'1'ans; altJJ antica anpUltce,<br />

acutll', linei. duabu8 jlJ,rttt incli,di11clis 811blientatis,<br />

UII~a 8ubll'lllrgillali cinerea, pllI&ctis fIIat'oinlllibu, 1£igricantibUR,<br />

'patio costa 1£ cano,' PI1"ticlB cinereal, 8ubily"UnaJ.<br />

Male. CinereoU~~"Town, mndernlely stout. Plllpi obliquely<br />

asoending, rising vl'ry little lliu.hcr than the vertex; third joint lnn­<br />

(:elllllto, less thno lIlllf the length of the eecond. Allteullm stout i<br />

iil-st nnd second joints inoro.ssatec1. Abdomen extenrlillg muah beyond<br />

tbe hind wings. FaTe wings nalrow, Ilcute, with two brown<br />

imlistlnct slightly dcntlltc lines, till' second bordering tlrc oinereuus<br />

submarginal line; costnl SllnOO d iffusedly hoary i marginal points<br />

l)laokisb, iUllistillot. Hind wings oinoreonll, blightly hyaline.<br />

Length of tlJe body 4~ lilies; of the wiugs 10 IiUf.'s.<br />

Q. Rio Jllneiro. FI'OlD Mr. Stellhcns' collection.<br />

3R. Nnl'IIOl.>TEnYX MINUALIS.<br />

Foom. Pt,llidl' rprvina; ptllpl lanccolal.i, gracilp" subascendentes,<br />

sat {n"ui, /llSCO irijasciat'i, al'ticulo 211 8U~aI'Ctlllto, 30 lOIl~<br />

gi1lsruln; alce antiCflJ 1l'fl,IJusi(c, uslJaculll', tIf,q1'(I ntllCmlRper'te,<br />

'Punrtis dllnhUB nif/riB, linea Sllblllal'!)i1&ali nigl'icante iJldis~<br />

gim'Iu.; p'latit'aI nibil', fere kualillril.<br />

Ft'I'liale. P'llc fllwll-cn!our, pnlor hcnenth. I'lIlpi 1l1noeolllte,<br />

slt'ndc'l', sliJ!btly n~celldillg, with tIlrc't' hl'own !JlIlIIb, ncurly 1111 l(lug<br />

n8 tbe bren(hII of tbe henl.1 i heonnd joint very &liglltly CllfVt'cl; tbircl<br />

acute, ohllllt lllllf tIle len_gth of the Becund. Fore WillgH 1II111'OW,<br />

slightly ncute, thinly lind incgulul'ly blnck-speckled; two blnck<br />

points, 0111' nellf the illterior border, tbe otlior ill tlio interior disk i<br />

submarginul Hila blackihh, in(listinct. Hind wings white, nOI\1'I,.<br />

hyaline. Length of the body a lillcs; of tho wings 8 liUCb.<br />

a. Honduras, FrOID l\llo. Dyson's collection.<br />

30. NEPIlOl"l'EIlYX DT::l'lllVAJ.IS.<br />

SubcI,rt'inn-l'inel't'fI; alai anlicfIJ all,q,ntll', 'IIi.qriral&tl' sllbcOII.tJlt!t'~tJll<br />

(Ipice Rub"Oltllldatm, [lllra ,mb7ll1ll'lJillldi hllblllltillilll" 1)lIl1il/o<br />

Cilll'I'ra, llU11l'lis JlItLI'gjnalihm "igTi~, Illll't'[lillO 1'lI:iI'I'iIITe 116-<br />

li'lllll SUlJClIIWI':rO; po~tical ulbiritl', ./t'I'1I "U"lill'I', {illlll& mar~<br />

Dillali fim:a lal&lJi.<br />

Cinercoull, with 0. slight tingo of fllwn-ouluur. Foro willgs<br />

narrow, slighlly l'oUluletl at the tips, illdihlill('lly blllcki~h-HP('lIkl(Jd;<br />

a pale CillCJI'COllS &ligbtIy uutlllliltillg submargiual lino i lll11rgilllll

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