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LEPIDOPTBRA llETEllOCE RA. 53 North America. 22. NEl'IIOl"l'I~RYX ~I(ES'l'ELL.\. MILs et from. Cana, fusco nebui(IS4; allll a11tiCfl! fuseo tl'ilineatlll i p08Ii,·tB BOrdide ciltcrcaJ. V ttr.-Allll UI&liCCll nigriclIlltIJ li_ Ilcalm. 1I1ate and female. UOllry. Hellli and tbnrllx thickly speckled with hrowll, Ill' mostly hl'UWII. Pllilli MUllt, obliq nely ri,ing, ~tlry little bighel' thdll the vertmc; thiJ'd joint eunicl!!, ncute, minute, much Icss thnn ollc-lolll'lll of tllo length of tIlc seconcl. Antelllllll of tbe 1I111111 milch i!1Il1'1I6solted tOWltl'ds the haRe. Abliomen of the male extending n little heyoll(l tho himl wings. Fore wings 11111'­ row, round"d at tbe tips. thickly 6Jleckilld wiLh hl'OWII; the~c ~peckles Rre pllrtly cUllllncut md rOl'lII 'Lhrell liIlCS, lOf' which the Lhud is cOlllplete Rllt! Ullduilltiull'; IJIIII'gillul liuc hrown, lutel'rnptell by tbe veill~; CO,tll llt11lighl i elltermf but,lllr cOII\'ex, mndcr" tcly oblique. Hiud winjl'R. dingy CilICI'I.lIll1S. V'lr.-i"ure winlls witb bltwkisb lines. 1.cugLiI ot' tho budy 5-tl lilies i uf the wiugs 14- 16lincs. a-c. United Stutes. PI'cseotcd hy E, })"uhlndIlY, Esq. d-::lt. lSt. ~Ittrtiu's FIII1S, Alhany Hivel', lllllllluu's l3c1y. PrcscntcII by Dr. Blll'll-Lutl. i. Nov" l:Iuutia. l~I'om LiollL. ltcdmllu's collection. 2:3. NEl'II01'fERVX FIlI'ITJ~Lr.A.. Mas et fonn. Ob$cure CiIIPI'I'U; atm alllicm linei, tf'ibu~ (ievii, iliterl'lIplis 71i.f/rtl sqllallltl~iB, lille" sublllllrgilluli ulldlll

OATALOGUE 0lI' 24. NEl'UO"TERYX METAOKAMMALIS. ,Mas. Cinel'co-cana; IItllJ anticllJ llneis l)aucis obsclirlOl'ibus de,,­ ticulatis subll/Jsoletis, linea IUbmUT!Ii7lali llailidn vi", 1mdlllata, p"nctis dllllbus discalibu8 ni,gricantiblls, TJUIlClis mar­ !Iiflltlibus ItioricantibulI, macula postica basCili tI iOl'a; posticQl albidre. 1I1alo. Cinercolls-boary. Frtllltnl tuft promimmt. Probuscia (liSliuct. PnlJ'i Rtl'ui~bt, stuut, 1I1'1\1'ly OI'l'CI, l'iI!iug lIilll10r than tho VC1'tUX; tllirrl Jilin! I.'xtr(,lIlcly minutel. AlltclllllU slonl, Slnllllth, in­ CI'llssu.tcd townrlls the basI.'. 1"01'0 wings nnrl'lIW, l'lIl1uded at thc tips, with II few dal'kel' dcnliculutu(1 IHmrly uhsohltC tl'uuwcrsc lines; RuhulIlrginoi liue pnlor thl1n tbe IIl'uUJl(1 luw, lllu!lly IIlldulutillg'; tlYfJ ciiRolll tl'lI11s\'crscly-sitlllltc blucki~h l'uiutR; Illlll'ghml poinls hlllckish; a bluck spot IIcar tho intl'rilll' \II)I'(ler tOWlIl'e1K the bllso. 11 illl! willl{s whitish. iridl'sccnt; fl'illgo white. 1.ullgth ul' Lbe body {) lilies; of tho wiugs 14 liucs. u. Uniteli Sliltes, Presellted by E. Doubleday, li!sq. 25. NEPJlOIITEIIYX TIIANHI'riolLl,A. I·'rom. Cinerea; aim ILnlic(c COIICC, /lII,di ('e cinf'f't'lC, lineis dimiJu8 tl7!II'il'ltfllibllR Ulldulalis dentetlis SI&t lli/rusis, flU/ill. IliRcali. 1JiOJ'icalilc ellJnga/a. TJ1mctis 7JIIII'ginali'b·u. nip"i&; pod,elC allleo sublinrlaJ. 17elllulu, Vincl'cous. l)rnlll1scis dislinct. Pnlpi slighLly declllllbcnt,llUbcRCCIII, ruLher Siout; thh'd ,joint U)uugllll'-uullioltl, Cull Iud! lhl' length of Lhe ~('cnlld. Autenllw 1'lIlhor stout. AhdolDCIl cxtendiug' a little hCylllUI lho hind wingll. }\II'C whlllS rather IIUrrow, lllll'dly ucuLO, IDIIRLly bOllry, exccpt wWlu'ds the inWriol' bordor; illtcrinr 111111 exterior lines billekish, ulldulttl,iug, dcntnte, rudlCr tli(· fllllC; diBClll dul b!acltisll, cillugnlud; lDorgiulli pnints blllllk; eosta atmiglll; ext('l'iol' bnrll('r slightly CUIIVllX lIud oblil{llt'. lfilllllVingli with a slight runooll8 tinge. LCllgtb of the body IS Iiuos; of the WIl1~S 14 inwH. u. United Slutes. Jlrllslllited by E. Dllubluduy, ESII. 26. NEPlIOP'l'mtyx OLARIOIIAJ,IS, Fwm. Ci'lwrcl(, calJ11t et t/WI'IIUJ aJlticus nifl"icatlte-cifll'rea; allJ!. anliclC nigru slIiJcOtlSllCI'Sa:, !cJ"l'Ugi,wo "ariUl, "pice rotundllU"

OATALOGUE 0lI'<br />


,Mas. Cinel'co-cana; IItllJ anticllJ llneis l)aucis obsclirlOl'ibus de,,­<br />

ticulatis subll/Jsoletis, linea IUbmUT!Ii7lali llailidn vi", 1mdlllata,<br />

p"nctis dllllbus discalibu8 ni,gricantiblls, TJUIlClis mar­<br />

!Iiflltlibus ItioricantibulI, macula postica basCili tI iOl'a; posticQl<br />

albidre.<br />

1I1alo. Cinercolls-boary. Frtllltnl tuft promimmt. Probuscia<br />

(liSliuct. PnlJ'i Rtl'ui~bt, stuut, 1I1'1\1'ly OI'l'CI, l'iI!iug lIilll10r than tho<br />

VC1'tUX; tllirrl Jilin! I.'xtr(,lIlcly minutel. AlltclllllU slonl, Slnllllth, in­<br />

CI'llssu.tcd townrlls the basI.'. 1"01'0 wings nnrl'lIW, l'lIl1uded at thc<br />

tips, with II few dal'kel' dcnliculutu(1 IHmrly uhsohltC tl'uuwcrsc lines;<br />

RuhulIlrginoi liue pnlor thl1n tbe IIl'uUJl(1 luw, lllu!lly IIlldulutillg';<br />

tlYfJ ciiRolll tl'lI11s\'crscly-sitlllltc blucki~h l'uiutR; Illlll'ghml poinls<br />

hlllckish; a bluck spot IIcar tho intl'rilll' \II)I'(ler tOWlIl'e1K the bllso.<br />

11 illl! willl{s whitish. iridl'sccnt; fl'illgo white. 1.ullgth ul' Lbe body<br />

{) lilies; of tho wiugs 14 liucs.<br />

u. Uniteli Sliltes, Presellted by E. Doubleday, li!sq.<br />


I·'rom. Cinerea; aim ILnlic(c COIICC, /lII,di ('e cinf'f't'lC, lineis dimiJu8<br />

tl7!II'il'ltfllibllR Ulldulalis dentetlis SI&t lli/rusis, flU/ill. IliRcali.<br />

1JiOJ'icalilc ellJnga/a. TJ1mctis 7JIIII'ginali'b·u. nip"i&; pod,elC<br />

allleo sublinrlaJ.<br />

17elllulu, Vincl'cous. l)rnlll1scis dislinct. Pnlpi slighLly declllllbcnt,llUbcRCCIII,<br />

ruLher Siout; thh'd ,joint U)uugllll'-uullioltl, Cull<br />

Iud! lhl' length of Lhe ~('cnlld. Autenllw 1'lIlhor stout. AhdolDCIl<br />

cxtendiug' a little hCylllUI lho hind wingll. }\II'C whlllS rather IIUrrow,<br />

lllll'dly ucuLO, IDIIRLly bOllry, exccpt wWlu'ds the inWriol' bordor;<br />

illtcrinr 111111 exterior lines billekish, ulldulttl,iug, dcntnte, rudlCr tli(·<br />

fllllC; diBClll dul b!acltisll, cillugnlud; lDorgiulli pnints blllllk; eosta<br />

atmiglll; ext('l'iol' bnrll('r slightly CUIIVllX lIud oblil{llt'. lfilllllVingli<br />

with a slight runooll8 tinge. LCllgtb of the body IS Iiuos; of the<br />

WIl1~S 14 inwH.<br />

u. United Slutes. Jlrllslllited by E. Dllubluduy, ESII.<br />

26. NEPlIOP'l'mtyx OLARIOIIAJ,IS,<br />

Fwm. Ci'lwrcl(, calJ11t et t/WI'IIUJ aJlticus nifl"icatlte-cifll'rea; allJ!.<br />

anliclC nigru slIiJcOtlSllCI'Sa:, !cJ"l'Ugi,wo "ariUl, "pice rotundllU"

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