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LEPIDOPXE RA Br.XElI.OCERA. $1 19. ACROBABIB JNDDOTALIS. From. OB""iIlU; palpi !'obu,Ili, erecti, areuuti, vprlicem 8upBl'atltt'B; libice 710Slicf.() apire jascic'Ulatf.(); ala: pUllelis mal'ginalibuB jweis indislincliv,. antictlJ apice reclr/,11IJlllalw, ftlsClti ferrugi-nea, Uncia d,,,llJIIs allgwlosis pallide cinerei,a,. postiGai c;'nerem, 8ubll!lftlillaJ. Female. Fawn-colouro(I, stout. Pl'oboscis sbort. Paljli verti~ cal, OUI ved, stout, oOIJl}lres~ed, ri~ing In uob above tbe bead; third joint 11111000111to, lc~s thl1n half the length or tho bOllond. Anteun8l smootb. Abdomcn extending II. little boyond the hind win~s, I,egs sbort, stout j hind tibim with fOlll'long spurs, and with a. co(l1- pl'l.'ssed Illlieal Lnlt. Wings stuut, with indistinct b1'01V1l marginal points; J'ringo long. Foro wing'S l'('cto.lIgnllu' at the tips, with tlYO pale cinercoub zigzag liucb j fh'ht lino inteliol'; second bullmarginal; 0. fel'rugiuons Imml alung the outer side of' tbe fhbt line; costa slightly convex; oxtel'iur \)ol'der ohliq ue hiullwrml. Iliud wings cinerCtlU9, sJigllll)' hyaline, with 1\ hardly llcrecptiblc fd,wn-culoured tingo. Lcn/{th uf the budy 4 lines; ot'the wings 12 hnes. Sarawllk, BOl'neo. In Mr. Saunders' collection. Australia. 20. AClL01Hs.IK lI'UNERRA, Mas, AII'll, 8ubtuB 'Iligricante-rincl'I'a, prabu,ri8 "t/PICon" basi ni!/l'(I,; 1,a[pi crl'l'li, rtf'cle ar,lllicali, at'liclIlo 30 minimo; dim po,'icf.() alb,do-c;'ncrctll, SClnt/l-!lalintlJ, nigri.cantl· marginatllJ. Male. Dt·cp b1nok, nlldor side and alldomen blneki~1l cinereo\\s. 1'1'01lo~clb ]l.Ile rell, black at the base, Palpi stunt, ereOt, riRing a little 1Iig1lo1' than tile bend, to whicb tlllly are closely applied; tbird joint vCl'y minnte, AnteallOO smoDth, rather SLOUt, Abdomen extending lather bOYCllll tho hind wings; IIpieal tuft small. Wings r,\thor broad, with a pale cinercon8 marginal line, Foro wmga ho.\'dly 1101ltO; extel'lor bOl'del' llllrdly convllX, mOllcmtC)ly IIbliqu('. llint! wings whitish oillcrcou8, ROlJlihyalinc, ditrll&edly blapldhb ubout the exterior bordar. Length cf the body 4-6 lilltl~ j of Lllo wings 11-13 lines. a, b. Sydn~y. From tIr. Diggles' collection.

32 OATALOGUE 011 21. AunoDABIs P XA.Nl:rrOMELAT.JfI. FOlm. AtllIArllcina, robtnta; llrobllscis al'il'l' .flllva; "alpi. validi, erccli, 'lllJrliccm paullo 8Upel'lmtrR j IIbfltJmm tI~,qrll-!ll~t'IUIl, ,e.qtnf!lliis 1,4fI'Bcellil' mal'uinatis .. aim alllicfl' Illtitlsl'ul,l', ,,,,,,'Us trib,u satw'tttioribus imlistil1ctis gutlullll'iblls" l'OSfic(JJ '''i('(c, ,ntwuine latll nigfo-JU8CO. Fema.le. Coal-Muck, stont, oincroolls-1l1I1ol( bf.'IICalb. 1'1'01)(Ihois tawny towards die tip. 1'1I11'i stout, erect, IllJplilJd til lIlt! IlI'lId, rising a little lIigher tlilm the verLex; tbirll Joint tlonielll, vm'y minuto. Abdomcn brownish blaok, }ulI'llly oxtOllllillJ,t hl'YOIIII thn lIiml wings; hiud bordels of the hegmcn!!! }.II\le IUll'IIl1'1. Wingb rlltller bron!]. FOI'c wings gIOl'~Y, sliglltly rounded III tIll' ti]lR, with three deeper black gu LlllhLf indibtinot buuds l oXLm'iur hurller ('011- vex, slightly ohli1lllc. Hind willgs luloQlIS, with II t,rollli hrllwuihlt black ]Joruel'. Length of tbe body (JUncs; of the Willgb Wlilles. a. Sydney. From l\lr, Dig~lc8' collection. h, c. Australia. lI'rom lI'I1'. 1:lLutchbUl'Y's colleotilJlI. Genus 7. GLYPTO'J'ELlJ:~. Glyptoteles, Zl. 1. Gr,YPTOTllLEIiI LJ!UCAClUIlu:r.l,A. leucacrinollll, Zl. Geulls 8. CRYI)TOBLAlmS. Ol'Ypiobla1Jcs 1 Zl. 1. CUYP'l'ODLAJlCS DUl'j'mOA. bistriga, IIlo.-rutilrUn, Fsc/t. jl a-e. England, Fl'om Mr. HtIlJlhcnR' cnllf.'IlLioll. f. EnglalJ(l. Prescntcll by W, It. n, .1 (JrlhLll, J':IlCj. g. Eugland. l!'rolD 1\11'. llulIobnr!l's collectiull. Alipsn, Zl. angustello., lIb. Nyctegretis, Zl. Genus O. AI.IllSA. 1. Ar,ll'SA ANOUll'lELLA. GellllS 10. NYUTEUrtE'J'IS.

32 OATALOGUE 011<br />

21. AunoDABIs P XA.Nl:rrOMELAT.JfI.<br />

FOlm. AtllIArllcina, robtnta; llrobllscis al'il'l' .flllva; "alpi. validi,<br />

erccli, 'lllJrliccm paullo 8Upel'lmtrR j IIbfltJmm tI~,qrll-!ll~t'IUIl,<br />

,e.qtnf!lliis 1,4fI'Bcellil' mal'uinatis .. aim alllicfl' Illtitlsl'ul,l', ,,,,,,'Us<br />

trib,u satw'tttioribus imlistil1ctis gutlullll'iblls" l'OSfic(JJ '''i('(c,<br />

,ntwuine latll nigfo-JU8CO.<br />

Fema.le. Coal-Muck, stont, oincroolls-1l1I1ol( bf.'IICalb. 1'1'01)(Ihois<br />

tawny towards die tip. 1'1I11'i stout, erect, IllJplilJd til lIlt! IlI'lId,<br />

rising a little lIigher tlilm the verLex; tbirll Joint tlonielll, vm'y<br />

minuto. Abdomcn brownish blaok, }ulI'llly oxtOllllillJ,t hl'YOIIII thn<br />

lIiml wings; hiud bordels of the hegmcn!!! }.II\le IUll'IIl1'1. Wingb<br />

rlltller bron!]. FOI'c wings gIOl'~Y, sliglltly rounded III tIll' ti]lR, with<br />

three deeper black gu LlllhLf indibtinot buuds l oXLm'iur hurller ('011-<br />

vex, slightly ohli1lllc. Hind willgs luloQlIS, with II t,rollli hrllwuihlt<br />

black ]Joruel'. Length of tbe body (JUncs; of the Willgb Wlilles.<br />

a. Sydney. From l\lr, Dig~lc8' collection.<br />

h, c. Australia. lI'rom lI'I1'. 1:lLutchbUl'Y's colleotilJlI.<br />

Genus 7. GLYPTO'J'ELlJ:~.<br />

Glyptoteles, Zl.<br />

1. Gr,YPTOTllLEIiI LJ!UCAClUIlu:r.l,A.<br />

leucacrinollll, Zl.<br />

Geulls 8. CRYI)TOBLAlmS.<br />

Ol'Ypiobla1Jcs 1 Zl.<br />

1. CUYP'l'ODLAJlCS DUl'j'mOA.<br />

bistriga, IIlo.-rutilrUn, Fsc/t. jl<br />

a-e. England, Fl'om Mr. HtIlJlhcnR' cnllf.'IlLioll.<br />

f. EnglalJ(l. Prescntcll by W, It. n, .1 (JrlhLll, J':IlCj.<br />

g. Eugland. l!'rolD 1\11'. llulIobnr!l's collectiull.<br />

Alipsn, Zl.<br />

angustello., lIb.<br />

Nyctegretis, Zl.<br />

Genus O. AI.IllSA.<br />

1. Ar,ll'SA ANOUll'lELLA.<br />

GellllS 10. NYUTEUrtE'J'IS.

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