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LEPIDop:rnn,l HETEnoOERA. 29 .Blale. Maxillll.l'Y palpi sllOrt, densoly fringed. Labial palpi ereot, rather slout, rising much highel' than the vertex; second joint fringed beneath; tbird joint slender, l&noo01ato, less than onefourth of the length of tbo second. AnLennUl 1I0t inOl'assated at tbe base. Abdomen extending u lilae beyoud the hiud willgs; apical tuft subquadrate. Wings bl'oad, not long. Fore wings quadl'lIle at the lips; costa. almost sll'aight; cxterior border slightly convex and oblique. Hi. ACnOD,\SIS LATIORELLA.. Mas. Cillcreo-fuBca j aim 111lnetis tllarginalibus 71i,l/riB; anticle niu,·o COII&/107'StJ:, fascia il~tel'ifJre cana, lillea erulcl'illl'C denlic". tala 'Undulata, Plllit'IO cliscaU pUficlisque triblls inleriol'ibtl8 nigris, lillea stlillllClI'ginali llalil(ia undu(ala ilidiRtilicta, clIslc~ elll/us I~iura llll11clis trib!!y pallidis j postical ciliereu-jUlc(JJ. Male. Wings einercous-browll; tnlll'gilllllllOitils black, olisolete Ilbove in the hind wings, I!'ore willgs minutely black-speckled; interior hand huary ; extel'iur line black, dcnticllhlted, undula.ting; 8ublUal'ghlll1 line undulatiug, indibtinct, a. liLLIe pltlel' than tho grollud hue i I.l. black discal point; thrue black points neo.l'er the base; costa D1ustly b1aok cxtel'iOl'ly, where there are three pale poilltll. Hind wings eineruuIIs-brtlwn, with II. ciuereo1l8 J'ringer Wings benoMh with 0. brown extol'ior dCDticulllted liDC. Length of the budy 6 lincs; of tbo wings 12 lines. a. J!'lorida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq. West Indies, 10, ACROB,ISIS'l'UANIiLUCIDA.. Mus ct from. RujoRI'L'1lle-Cervifia ; pal,l;' creeti, vcrtil'enl IfUper­ «lUes; (11m alllil'tli 411!lu81({', 411ire ,'otllnclal(c, llWIII:tis Cli8Cati_ bus niuri~, lillCle Bllblllargiliali ,''Ufescollte diffusa; postiCCll albillte, hCll1iltllulillm, lilll'a 71lal'Uinclli JUSeR. Male and female. lleddish fawu-colour, llIodlll'ately st(lut, }'ront pruminoDt, l'all'i el'eet, rising higber than the vel'Lel: j third joint elongnte-conielll in tbe lllllle, luuger nnd mure linear ill the tOlllale. Fore wings llarrow, rOlllldu(1 ut the tips, with a fow bluck dibCll1 lloints j 8ubmal'gillul !iua reddish, diffusa, Hind wings wbitiRh, iridesoent, scmihYllllnCl j margillalliuo brown. Longth of tilc budy 3 ~ liUCH l uf the wings 10 liulls. a, li, St. ()omingo. From Mr, I'wccdie's colleation. c. JaulILioa. From Mr. Gossu's eollection. D3

30 CATALOGUE Oll' Ceylon. 17. ACIIOBJ.BIS INFICI:rA. l\ias et feem. PlIllille stramiflca, pllipi 'IICl'tiCCIIJ paul/o slIperantc8: alm al~ticlC angusllJl, apil1(J tYllumllllrl', j1/SCI'8cclltc-cinl1l'co 1Ie~ hl/loste, linea slIbmal'[ji"ali pallida denlicul(lla; ptJ8liCtIJ paUl­ (liores, 8ubliyalintlJ. Malo and female. Palo dull stmw-cololtf. Palpi osecmlillR' a. little lligbor tlullI tho vortex j tbhd joint eouiuul in the mole, longor llutlloneooll1te in the AlHIulllcn extending rn.ther beyond tho hind winf,tlil. I,'ore wings Darrow, 1'01lI1cle

LEPIDop:rnn,l HETEnoOERA. 29<br />

.Blale. Maxillll.l'Y palpi sllOrt, densoly fringed. Labial palpi<br />

ereot, rather slout, rising much highel' than the vertex; second<br />

joint fringed beneath; tbird joint slender, l&noo01ato, less than onefourth<br />

of the length of tbo second. AnLennUl 1I0t inOl'assated at tbe<br />

base. Abdomen extending u lilae beyoud the hiud willgs; apical<br />

tuft subquadrate. Wings bl'oad, not long. Fore wings quadl'lIle<br />

at the lips; costa. almost sll'aight; cxterior border slightly convex<br />

and oblique.<br />


Mas. Cillcreo-fuBca j aim 111lnetis tllarginalibus 71i,l/riB; anticle<br />

niu,·o COII&/107'StJ:, fascia il~tel'ifJre cana, lillea erulcl'illl'C denlic".<br />

tala 'Undulata, Plllit'IO cliscaU pUficlisque triblls inleriol'ibtl8<br />

nigris, lillea stlillllClI'ginali llalil(ia undu(ala ilidiRtilicta, clIslc~<br />

elll/us I~iura llll11clis trib!!y pallidis j postical ciliereu-jUlc(JJ.<br />

Male. Wings einercous-browll; tnlll'gilllllllOitils black, olisolete<br />

Ilbove in the hind wings, I!'ore willgs minutely black-speckled;<br />

interior hand huary ; extel'iur line black, dcnticllhlted, undula.ting;<br />

8ublUal'ghlll1 line undulatiug, indibtinct, a. liLLIe pltlel' than tho<br />

grollud hue i I.l. black discal point; thrue black points neo.l'er the<br />

base; costa D1ustly b1aok cxtel'iOl'ly, where there are three pale<br />

poilltll. Hind wings eineruuIIs-brtlwn, with II. ciuereo1l8 J'ringer<br />

Wings benoMh with 0. brown extol'ior dCDticulllted liDC. Length of<br />

the budy 6 lincs; of tbo wings 12 lines.<br />

a. J!'lorida. Presented by E. Doubleday, Esq.<br />

West Indies,<br />


Mus ct from. RujoRI'L'1lle-Cervifia ; pal,l;' creeti, vcrtil'enl IfUper­<br />

«lUes; (11m alllil'tli 411!lu81({', 411ire ,'otllnclal(c, llWIII:tis Cli8Cati_<br />

bus niuri~, lillCle Bllblllargiliali ,''Ufescollte diffusa; postiCCll<br />

albillte, hCll1iltllulillm, lilll'a 71lal'Uinclli JUSeR.<br />

Male and female. lleddish fawu-colour, llIodlll'ately st(lut,<br />

}'ront pruminoDt, l'all'i el'eet, rising higber than the vel'Lel: j third<br />

joint elongnte-conielll in tbe lllllle, luuger nnd mure linear ill the<br />

tOlllale. Fore wings llarrow, rOlllldu(1 ut the tips, with a fow bluck<br />

dibCll1 lloints j 8ubmal'gillul !iua reddish, diffusa, Hind wings<br />

wbitiRh, iridesoent, scmihYllllnCl j margillalliuo brown. Longth of<br />

tilc budy 3 ~ liUCH l uf the wings 10 liulls.<br />

a, li, St. ()omingo. From Mr, I'wccdie's colleation.<br />

c. JaulILioa. From Mr. Gossu's eollection.<br />


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