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LEPIDOP~ElIA BETElIOCE1:U .• 21- 1. PlJAZACJ. EROSIOIDES. Fmm. Scl,istal!llo-cillsrl!(l.; VBI'lctl' albas; ala! antic(8 Itigricantc cOli8persm, linea submarginali jeTl'uginea angulata, gutlis dua. bus p081icis nigris, punetiR lIIarllinaliblil atM8; 710RtiCfll 0.1- bido-cin~'CclI, mal'gil&ibm Buboch,'aceis, punctis Il'ibu, ma,... gina1ibus alri8. Female. Slllty-oinereous. Vortex white. AlJdomen whitish oinereous. Fore wings with blaokish spooltles, "Ihioh are thiok and partly eontIuent along tho costa all(I tuwlnds tho extorior border; submarginal line ferruginous, fOI'minA' 1111 outward angle in the middlo, retreating froln the exterior border ill front; tWI) black (lots Dear tIle hindwurd part of tbe innor side of the sublDal'ginailine; marginal poiuts Ilcop hhlCk. Hind wings whitish oinereaU9, slightly tinged with' pille ochrnooous tOWILI'ds tho bordors I a fow blac1dsh speckles ncar the intCl'ior border i threo nllll'giual minulo deep bIllCk points. LODllth of the body 4 lincs; of tho wings 10 lines. Sarawak, Demeo. In Mr. Saulldors' colloetioll. GOllUS 2R. l\nDEA. Ftvm. COI'PUS vix rubuslulII. Proboscis ob~1l1etll. PllJpi porrecti, luLi, dOllso pilobi, olll'itis illtitmlino hrevinre9 i al'Uoulus 3us brcviaeimus. Ahdomen aiUR 111111110 RlIllorU1l8. Podes );IIVOS. graoiles, breviu8ollli; tibilll l'IlHtiolO ollllll~rihus 'IUlltllUl' l()n~iskimis. AIIll bl'eviU90ulto, Inliusollla· i 11IltioUl I\outm, nuu'gillu OKturioto rooto sub~ obliquo, lDargino exlllriol'c vix OXIlI~Vn.tU. Female. Budy sligllLly stout. Prebo~ci8 0119010to. Palpi porreclo bl'Olld, with ,httl,t tlJick-sel hah'll, ShOI'tol' lh.1I1 Lho IJreI~dtll of the hCllll; tllh'll.ioint V('I'y short. Antellua! smuotb. Abdomcil sligbtly taporing, oXlillilling a little buyu1I(1 thu bind wiugH. Logs SlDootll, slondor, ratbul' shurL; binll tibiw with four vory long spurs. Wings ruther shurL llull brolul. I,'oro willMS "Cllto; COKtU. anti oxterior border Ktl'lIigM, the laUut slightly oblhl'10 j interior bordor bardly oxcavatoll. 1. Ml11fn nlIO'rAr.I!!. From. FI'N'lIgilll'(I'TI~/i,; aillimilm clllmm'll; aile lI1,ticOJ linea rprla "blilJlII& dlll'l'l'a ""IIiS n;grict&II(' nl'b14lll'''; "ulticOJ ci­ IICI'OO.jU8C(O. ]i'c'fIlIIle. l

22 CATALOGUE Oll exf.l!'nds from beyond one-third of the length of the interior border nearl, to the Lip of the costa, aud has a blackish tinl!e along its inner side. Hind wings oinereous-brown. Length of the body 3l lines; of tbe wings 8 lillCS. Sarawak, Bomeo. In Mr. Saundors' collection. Phycidlll, Gta. Semnia, H. S. Fum. 2. PHYCID.&. Genus 1. SEMNIA. Europe a.nd the neighbouring regions. 1. SEMNIA. PtJNOTELLA. punctello" Tr. Genus 2. ANERASTIA. Anorastia, Hb.-Araxos, St. Europe and the neighbouring regiona. 1. ANEaA~'lIA LO'l'I:LLA.. lotella, llb.-pulverella, Hb.-miniosclhl, Z'~.-Var. r ]I'arrolla, Ct. a-e. England. Fl'Om MI'. RtojJhons' oollection. I-i. England. From Mr. Bouchard's collection. j. Englalld. From lIfr. Scotland's colleclioll. k, l. Europe. Flom M. Beoker's oollcction. 2. ANElt.\llTJA AlmNOSELLA. arenosello., Std. 3. A'NEnASTIA. ·rn.~NBVEIIBAmELr.A. tro.nSTorsarielJu, Zl. vulnomtello., Zl. venosa, Zl. 4. A'NElIABTJA VUI.NEDATX!LI.A. O. ANERA.BTIA VENOSA..

LEPIDOP~ElIA BETElIOCE1:U .• 21-<br />


Fmm. Scl,istal!llo-cillsrl!(l.; VBI'lctl' albas; ala! antic(8 Itigricantc<br />

cOli8persm, linea submarginali jeTl'uginea angulata, gutlis dua.<br />

bus p081icis nigris, punetiR lIIarllinaliblil atM8; 710RtiCfll 0.1-<br />

bido-cin~'CclI, mal'gil&ibm Buboch,'aceis, punctis Il'ibu, ma,...<br />

gina1ibus alri8.<br />

Female. Slllty-oinereous. Vortex white. AlJdomen whitish oinereous.<br />

Fore wings with blaokish spooltles, "Ihioh are thiok and<br />

partly eontIuent along tho costa all(I tuwlnds tho extorior border;<br />

submarginal line ferruginous, fOI'minA' 1111 outward angle in the<br />

middlo, retreating froln the exterior border ill front; tWI) black (lots<br />

Dear tIle hindwurd part of tbe innor side of the sublDal'ginailine;<br />

marginal poiuts Ilcop hhlCk. Hind wings whitish oinereaU9, slightly<br />

tinged with' pille ochrnooous tOWILI'ds tho bordors I a fow blac1dsh<br />

speckles ncar the intCl'ior border i threo nllll'giual minulo deep bIllCk<br />

points. LODllth of the body 4 lincs; of tho wings 10 lines.<br />

Sarawak, Demeo. In Mr. Saulldors' colloetioll.<br />

GOllUS 2R. l\nDEA.<br />

Ftvm. COI'PUS vix rubuslulII. Proboscis ob~1l1etll. PllJpi porrecti,<br />

luLi, dOllso pilobi, olll'itis illtitmlino hrevinre9 i al'Uoulus 3us<br />

brcviaeimus. Ahdomen aiUR 111111110 RlIllorU1l8. Podes );IIVOS. graoiles,<br />

breviu8ollli; tibilll l'IlHtiolO ollllll~rihus 'IUlltllUl' l()n~iskimis. AIIll<br />

bl'eviU90ulto, Inliusollla· i 11IltioUl I\outm, nuu'gillu OKturioto rooto sub~<br />

obliquo, lDargino exlllriol'c vix OXIlI~Vn.tU.<br />

Female. Budy sligllLly stout. Prebo~ci8 0119010to. Palpi porreclo<br />

bl'Olld, with ,httl,t tlJick-sel hah'll, ShOI'tol' lh.1I1 Lho IJreI~dtll of<br />

the hCllll; tllh'll.ioint V('I'y short. Antellua! smuotb. Abdomcil<br />

sligbtly taporing, oXlillilling a little buyu1I(1 thu bind wiugH. Logs<br />

SlDootll, slondor, ratbul' shurL; binll tibiw with four vory long spurs.<br />

Wings ruther shurL llull brolul. I,'oro willMS "Cllto; COKtU. anti oxterior<br />

border Ktl'lIigM, the laUut slightly oblhl'10 j interior bordor<br />

bardly oxcavatoll.<br />

1. Ml11fn nlIO'rAr.I!!.<br />

From. FI'N'lIgilll'(I'TI~/i,; aillimilm clllmm'll; aile lI1,ticOJ linea<br />

rprla "blilJlII& dlll'l'l'a ""IIiS n;grict&II(' nl'b14lll'''; "ulticOJ ci­<br />

IICI'OO.jU8C(O.<br />

]i'c'fIlIIle. l

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