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:r.EPIDOPTnA. JmTEROOI!lU .. 19 black-speckled. LQng~1l or lhc body 3t lines; of the wings 1.0 )illes. ". St. Domingo. }'roDl Mr. Tweedie's colleotion. GeDU~ ~5. BURATIIEMA. Corpus vix l'obustum. Probo~cjs nllllll. Pulpi pomcti,llLl1- ceolllti, sqllamoNi, oOI,iLis iutitlldiull bl'eviol'cs, arUculis iudistinctts. Aoteunlll giu.IJI'm, CI'IISS!ll, 8uhcompressro. Abdllmen alas P"6ti038 puullo 8UpCI'IlUs. POUOH lmvus, Slit gl'lIcilcs; tibim pOBtiom qUllfll'iclllcllrlltm. AIm uuticw breviusculw, 61lt nngllstro, npiue subrotundatm, mlll'gine oxlori(II'o pCfllbliquo. Boely hltl'dly stout. 1'I'ohIl80i8obsolote. Palpi (Iol'rect, lanceo- Into, SqUIIIIIlJllS, shOl'tor lluto the breadlh IIf tho hCltd; joints in distilloL. Alltemlll' sllJooth, vOl'y stout, slightly compressed. Abdom~n ex.teutliup,' II littlo lwyuud tbe billd wings. Legs smooth, rather .8lollllor; himl tihi:e WiLli fUllr IOIlg' 51)111'10. Wings I'litbur short lu1d I,'m'o wiugK RIi!(htly rOllut\utint the tips; costo. hlu'dly COIl~ vex:; elltcriol' border slightly cunvex, very oblique. J. n U RATlIllM,1 IlIVrSA. Palli,II' (,I'I'Ililla; I,lee aluicliJ "itta dillcali alba posU('e /Uloo tIIuff/inrlta, lillf'a. il&tul'illrtl IIbli'lll!I. fIlNt·a., IUlIlIla. disl'lllL alba, l,nell ,¥1t'/) I 11& Ju~ca 1'1I1101';'U)'I1 BUU'UIII).u2,1lct. ; pUBtictil nnea 81111e· "iul'" !usra. Pa.le IillVu-colour, ciucreolls bflllClltll. Wings beneath with 1\ brown IlXllll'iur alightly ulldlilMillg Iiuo. )!'orc wings with a. whlto discill stripe, which oxtends fl'oln 110111' tbo btlse of t11e interior bOrdor to m'IlI' tho tIll ut' tbe eo~tll, 111111 is bOl'dcrcd 011 tho lIillll side by It brow1l1mc; lUI ubliquo bl'UWIl liJle truvlll'sing the white stripe nonr Lbe ba~u, Ilml 0. white OXWriOl' dibCIiI lnuule. Hilld willgs Wilh o.n eXll'l'ill1' browu Iiue. Lenglh of \hc body 3~ liuos; of the wings 10 liUt's. Borawak, Borueo. Iu Mr. Saulldors' collection. Genus 26. BANASSA. I Falllt. (jorpus roll\lsLum. Proboscis l)fevis. Plllpi longi,oblillue URUIJIlII('lIt(/~; nrtieullls 3UR laocoollituB, 20 1100 bl'evior. Antcnlllil 1(l'llIIilcs. .A llU Illiticte "pice rcctllngulatw, costa recta, mllt~ giue cxtcriorc SUbClIllVIlXO, Bubobliquo.

20 OATALOGUE OF Female. Boc1y BtOltt. ProllOscis short. Pulpi nl,Jiqucly as. oending, full as Joug us tho bJ'cadth of tIIC llcu{l; tbir(l juint 111111l00. late, as 10011' as tbe Hecoud. Antennru slelllior. 'Vings 1II00lemtcly broad. Fore wiIlgs l'UC'ulIJ.\ltll\r lit tho lips; costa strllight; oJlte· rior border vCl'Y "lightly convex Ilud ohllliuo. This geuus blLs Ullich resembla.noe to some of tile Noctuites. 1. B.-I.NARSA RUTIJ.ANS. From. Z"usca, SlIbiU/I albida; aim anlicfl' illt!l! rllalyhlJ)o e':r/lls Ctl· p,'eo tinc/ce, lim'is (ill«bll,' illlpl'iorUms t'oL'ri/ll'ia, lim'a {,.fll('· rio,.,. U71dll["ta «,'urI11"a it,I'Us nigl'o m«'I',qinatrl, iWl'Ulis IIl1lrgi. nalibus lIi,'ll'is (.'11I'rille'11 mal7/illaliR, siriglilis IJltllllmr l'll,vlalillll,v albidis; po~lir((' albiclo jilllbl'ialto, Female, Brmvn, wllil.ish bcncath. Forc wilJI.f~ Hnged wHb cbo.Jybeous, ,locI cXlIlI'i(n'ly with cuprrolls; two ~1iJ.\hlly uhlllluC vcrmilion linos before tho millllle; an eX1UI'illl' llIulnl'Llillf,( silvcry liuc, which 1)11 its illilcr sidl' is bOl'derml with hInck, lIud I",wm',h tho oosto. with vermilion nlsll; mlll'ginn) IlIllules hlrwl(, bUI'III'l'I'd witll vermilion; fOUl' minuto ublique whirr. atrcn)cs lowunlh t1w tip III' tllll costa. HiDd wingq with It whiLibh tHngu. 1.ulIgth of the holly Ii lines; of the wings 14 lincs. Sllrawak, Bornco. III l\h, Slluudcrs' collectioll. OI'UUB 27, PHA:l.ACA. /Jmm. COI'rUM lrevt', vix rolll1stllln. PrullOscis ll\'cvill, gl'll('iliH. Palpi pOl'recti, grueilc'!, Cllpitis Intitndiuc mnlto hl'C\'im'c's i nrlil'ulna 3uslinellris, nUlltlls, ~II IJl'cvilll'. AU'OIlIlW Villichl', Al)(ltIIlHm 1I111~ p()sticulI plLnUo MlperlU'S, jJctlcs )'IlVOS, hrl'Yis~illli i tihi'll Jtustil'll) lo.titlRoulm, culm,l'iblls qUILtIlC)l' lllilgis. AIm ullticlI' "pice I'utlltlclllttll, margine exlt'I'iurl) pCl'ohliljUO vix eOllvcxo; ll')8ticru lIIlIl'ginu (lXW· noro subnngulato. Famale, nod,· smooth, Illtrllly stout, PI'UhllSClis Hhllrt, slllllllt'r. Pnlpi porrt'lll, RIIIIIOlIt, hh'uc!er, milch bhortcr llllll) thtl hl'u'l!lth (If the bend; tbircljoint Ihll',\r, auut!.!, IIborLl'l' tlulII tht· hI'l:nllrl, Antennlll stollt, htnnoth. AilIlulUCII sligbtly lilperillg, ('xllm,ling " liltl(l beyond the hind wingli. Leg" smouth, vrl'Y hhOl'l; hind Llhhc I'IlIIlCf broad. with fOllr luug Spill'S. Wiugs nlOdcl'lltcly brulIll, Furl! wjllA~ rounded ut tllll lips i (Illhlll stl'uighL; cxtl'I'iar hCll'lll')' hurdly t'IlIlVI'X, vcry obliquc. Hind wings with a. muuh rOLlllllcd lIuglll 011 tho uxterior bOlder.

:r.EPIDOPTnA. JmTEROOI!lU .. 19<br />

black-speckled. LQng~1l or lhc body 3t lines; of the wings 1.0<br />

)illes.<br />

". St. Domingo. }'roDl Mr. Tweedie's colleotion.<br />

GeDU~ ~5. BURATIIEMA.<br />

Corpus vix l'obustum. Probo~cjs nllllll. Pulpi pomcti,llLl1-<br />

ceolllti, sqllamoNi, oOI,iLis iutitlldiull bl'eviol'cs, arUculis iudistinctts.<br />

Aoteunlll giu.IJI'm, CI'IISS!ll, 8uhcompressro. Abdllmen alas P"6ti038<br />

puullo 8UpCI'IlUs. POUOH lmvus, Slit gl'lIcilcs; tibim pOBtiom qUllfll'iclllcllrlltm.<br />

AIm uuticw breviusculw, 61lt nngllstro, npiue subrotundatm,<br />

mlll'gine oxlori(II'o pCfllbliquo.<br />

Boely hltl'dly stout. 1'I'ohIl80i8obsolote. Palpi (Iol'rect, lanceo-<br />

Into, SqUIIIIIlJllS, shOl'tor lluto the breadlh IIf tho hCltd; joints in distilloL.<br />

Alltemlll' sllJooth, vOl'y stout, slightly compressed. Abdom~n<br />

ex.teutliup,' II littlo lwyuud tbe billd wings. Legs smooth, rather<br />

.8lollllor; himl tihi:e WiLli fUllr IOIlg' 51)111'10. Wings I'litbur short lu1d<br /> I,'m'o wiugK RIi!(htly rOllut\utint the tips; costo. hlu'dly COIl~<br />

vex:; elltcriol' border slightly cunvex, very oblique.<br />

J. n U RATlIllM,1 IlIVrSA.<br />

Palli,II' (,I'I'Ililla; I,lee aluicliJ "itta dillcali alba posU('e /Uloo<br />

tIIuff/inrlta, lillf'a. il&tul'illrtl IIbli'lll!I. fIlNt·a., IUlIlIla. disl'lllL alba,<br />

l,nell ,¥1t'/) I 11& Ju~ca 1'1I1101';'U)'I1 BUU'UIII).u2,1lct. ; pUBtictil nnea 81111e·<br />

"iul'" !usra.<br />

Pa.le IillVu-colour, ciucreolls bflllClltll. Wings beneath with 1\<br />

brown IlXllll'iur alightly ulldlilMillg Iiuo. )!'orc wings with a. whlto<br />

discill stripe, which oxtends fl'oln 110111' tbo btlse of t11e interior bOrdor<br />

to m'IlI' tho tIll ut' tbe eo~tll, 111111 is bOl'dcrcd 011 tho lIillll side by<br />

It brow1l1mc; lUI ubliquo bl'UWIl liJle truvlll'sing the white stripe<br />

nonr Lbe ba~u, Ilml 0. white OXWriOl' dibCIiI lnuule. Hilld willgs<br />

Wilh o.n eXll'l'ill1' browu Iiue. Lenglh of \hc body 3~ liuos; of the<br />

wings 10 liUt's.<br />

Borawak, Borueo. Iu Mr. Saulldors' collection.<br />

Genus 26. BANASSA.<br />

I<br />

Falllt. (jorpus roll\lsLum. Proboscis l)fevis. Plllpi longi,oblillue<br />

URUIJIlII('lIt(/~; nrtieullls 3UR laocoollituB, 20 1100 bl'evior. Antcnlllil<br />

1(l'llIIilcs. .A llU Illiticte "pice rcctllngulatw, costa recta, mllt~<br />

giue cxtcriorc SUbClIllVIlXO, Bubobliquo.

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