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LlilPlDOPl'E1IA. IIE'rEROOE RA.. 17 1IIalt'. Body bardly stout. Head with two very prominent frontal tufts. Probuscis model'lltcly long. Antcnnw slondor, fili~ form, vcry minutely serrutc!lll.ud puhescent. Ahdomen harrily ex· tonding beyond the biud wing!:; IlI'ic[\1 tllft extremely small. Legs smooth, rathor slender; lJiud tibire ,vith four long spurs. Wings slightly clougate, moderately broad. Fure wiugs acute; COllto. Btro.ight; exterior border c()nvex, hardly oblique in fl·ont. 1. M.UUBIIA UNflUI.U'ltltA. Mas. Fusca i abdume" cinerI1IJ,fI~; altll apud marginem eRlt~riorem ni."ro-jllsctll j antiPIIJ Unei. plul"illlis approa:£matil 8ubrmd'lllatis; poati 11(8 subtu8 cinel·elB. Ma/e. nrown, Body beneath allll abdomen cillorcolls. Wings blackish brown u.b()ut the extel'ior hOl'dor. Fore wings witb mnny appl'oximato tr~IlHV(!r8e minutely ulldlllllting cincroollll lincs. Hind wings cilleIoous belleath, I.Cllglh of the boely 5 lines ; of the wings 14 liUCR. nio Janeiro. In 1\1h-. Fry's collection. Gonns 23. MAPgTA. Mas, Corpus snbcylindriclIllI, vix robustllm. Fl'Ons plana. Probosois C01l811icllll. Palpi l'IlI'I'octi, ltllve~, gracilcs, IIlllceohl1i, tliNjllllcLi; articulUR 3us 2u pnullo hl'cvior. Antollllm gliLbrm. A hlluUlcn ulas pn~ticus I'[\ullo ~UJlOI'lm8; ftlsciclllllH 81,icltlis po.I'YU8, PoduA lwvcs, IOllgiu8Cllli, Silt 1ll'Iluilus j tibim poSticlD lluatlriulLI­ Cll.l'ntlll. Aim antium olullgillw, latinsoulw, vix uoutw, costa bubrllota, nlargillc cxtcllol'o CUIlVCXO. Male. BOIly hllrdly stant, nCluly cylhJ(lrioal. Front fiat. P"oboscis distiuot, PlLlpi IIflrL'C01, SlQooth, slondor, lanooolato, apal't li'UlIl IlllOb othor; thh'd juiu! 11 Jiltlll Shlll'tOl' than the SOI'Olld. An­ !01l1l1O MIIO()th, AlllluUlon CXLclIllillg n little boyulld tho llind wings; IlJliual tuf~ slIlnll. 1.egs smooth, l'athol' loug 1111(1 Slell(lel'; hind tibilll with fllllr ulOdertlleiy long sJlurs, Wings elulllI'llte, rnlhor broad. :FOfO willgH illlrdly BOlito; eusta nlmos~ strnigbt; extol'ior border Ollllvex, UlOdOflltcly oblique. ], MAI·I~'l'A. X!N'fUOll!IlLAS, Mas. L,No orMae~a: et£JI,d IIlbiclulIl; 001i1i tI("ro eincli j palp, 1'(,lll/Blllle "iUri subltl,' albidi ( allIJ anliCfI,l tt.l'ice albid(/) venia nigl'o 1IIIlrgilillaB ; postit'tC "1,iI)6 atrlC. 03

18 Cl.A.TALOUlIE OJ!' Male. Bright ornnjle. Hcad wllitiah, blaek abol1t tlllI eyes. Antennlll, palpi nntllegs blaok j pili pi. femora. IlIId tiblm whitisb boneatll. Apical ~art or the; wiugs bcncnlb and or lbo tore winga above whitish, wlth blnck-bllrdfred voins nnel with Ii hluck fringo. Hind wings deep black towards tbe lips. Lengtb of tbe boc]y o-s lincs I of the wings 16-20 lillcs. a, h. Jamaica, From Mr, Gosse's colleclion, c. Bogota. FrOID Mr, Slevens' CoU('otilln, d.-f, Vonezuela. From lUI'. Dysoll'l! colleotion. Genns 24. AUDIA. Pwm. Corpus sat robllstnm, Pl'ObURCls mClliocris: PIIII,i ]OO"C8. porrccti, lunceolati, nplll'oKill1l1ti, clIJlitis laLitlllline plIlIl (I bl'cviorc~; articulus 3U5 2i dimidio 1)IlUUI) lungior. AhIlIIIllCll IIlus ])osticlII:! non supernns, l'cc]es sat gmoilcs; tibilO pOblie[IJ qUlldri&ml. cal'atm. AIm uuticm latiusouhl', 81111111:utl1', Female. Body rllther stout.. PrnllOscis moucrntely lllng. Pulpi smooth, pOrrl!ct, ltmeeolatc, 8lJproxhnate, a. Hula shllrlt'r tl1l11l llie brf'adth of the llOlld; third joint lallocolate, a Iiltle 111111'0 tllllll billY the length 01' tile second, AbclomclI 1I0t extcuding hllylllul the lIilld wings. LoR'S smooth, l'utller .. lendor; hiud tihiUl Wilh fnur lung spms, 'Villgs father hrond. :£I'ore WillgR Alighdy :1('lItO j ('UHll\ Btraight; exterior border slightly convex, luoderatcly oblillUU. 1. AUDl.\ MIX'fAT.IS. Fmm, Cana, BubiuB pnilldp JlcWC,'CPIIR; cap"! anI il'l' rrtfesl'rlls; a/(n anticlll ."igl'o 8I1bcCJ71&PI'I'SIll, ju"ciis cllll&lJII,' t'Uji'SCI'lltillll8, 2a llilissima, lineis rluablLR inll'rllll'tliis ni,9)'ll'llllliilllR R"b~ reetiB, glma c!iscnii ,ttfa ltif/TO tlllu',qillata, tillll'is duabln 0118- talillu., clitfllsis 91igri('lI7ltibuR, ,'Ulu,tis IlIllrgillctfilllu fliuris; postiCf1JjlaIlC3centc8,jim':ll cllnsperafIJ .9uhlllS "lIjt'Setmlra. Female, HOllry, pale yeJlowj~h b01l01lt1l. TIcllIl in frllnt 111111 pnlpi brick-red, Willgs thillly blllck'H)lccklcd. 1"111'0 WhlICH with two brick-I'I'd 11It1lCls, of whiub tho sClluncl is VCI'V bl'Onrl !LIHI ('lUt-ll(ls to the extcl'iar llordl-r; two hhwkish ullIlrly sU'iliglJt lillI'll hCII'Vt'CIl tll(,' balldH, tbe ontnr lIllG connected with II 'Inrge rod bl,wk·hurclul'flIl discal dot; two dilfllbe bllll'kiRh llIarks nn tbe OONta towllrdH till' lip; rum'ginnl Jloints blllolt ; undor "icle rudclish tOWllI'liti thtl tip~. Hilltl willgs yellowish, with 11I'own spook I U8, 80llle oj' which fflrm l\V., patches uu tho cxtcriol' border j UllIler bide rc:dlliHli, IIlillutuly

LlilPlDOPl'E1IA. IIE'rEROOE RA.. 17<br />

1IIalt'. Body bardly stout. Head with two very prominent<br />

frontal tufts. Probuscis model'lltcly long. Antcnnw slondor, fili~<br />

form, vcry minutely serrutc!lll.ud puhescent. Ahdomen harrily ex·<br />

tonding beyond the biud wing!:; IlI'ic[\1 tllft extremely small. Legs<br />

smooth, rathor slender; lJiud tibire ,vith four long spurs. Wings<br />

slightly clougate, moderately broad. Fure wiugs acute; COllto.<br />

Btro.ight; exterior border c()nvex, hardly oblique in fl·ont.<br />

1. M.UUBIIA UNflUI.U'ltltA.<br />

Mas. Fusca i abdume" cinerI1IJ,fI~; altll apud marginem eRlt~riorem<br />

ni."ro-jllsctll j antiPIIJ Unei. plul"illlis approa:£matil 8ubrmd'lllatis;<br />

poati 11(8 subtu8 cinel·elB.<br />

Ma/e. nrown, Body beneath allll abdomen cillorcolls.<br />

Wings blackish brown u.b()ut the extel'ior hOl'dor. Fore wings<br />

witb mnny appl'oximato tr~IlHV(!r8e minutely ulldlllllting cincroollll<br />

lincs. Hind wings cilleIoous belleath, I.Cllglh of the boely 5 lines ;<br />

of the wings 14 liUCR.<br />

nio Janeiro. In 1\1h-. Fry's collection.<br />

Gonns 23. MAPgTA.<br />

Mas, Corpus snbcylindriclIllI, vix robustllm. Fl'Ons plana.<br />

Probosois C01l811icllll. Palpi l'IlI'I'octi, ltllve~, gracilcs, IIlllceohl1i,<br />

tliNjllllcLi; articulUR 3us 2u pnullo hl'cvior. Antollllm gliLbrm.<br />

A hlluUlcn ulas pn~ticus I'[\ullo ~UJlOI'lm8; ftlsciclllllH 81,icltlis po.I'YU8,<br />

PoduA lwvcs, IOllgiu8Cllli, Silt 1ll'Iluilus j tibim poSticlD lluatlriulLI­<br />

Cll.l'ntlll. Aim antium olullgillw, latinsoulw, vix uoutw, costa bubrllota,<br />

nlargillc cxtcllol'o CUIlVCXO.<br />

Male. BOIly hllrdly stant, nCluly cylhJ(lrioal. Front fiat.<br />

P"oboscis distiuot, PlLlpi IIflrL'C01, SlQooth, slondor, lanooolato, apal't<br />

li'UlIl IlllOb othor; thh'd juiu! 11 Jiltlll Shlll'tOl' than the SOI'Olld. An­<br />

!01l1l1O MIIO()th, AlllluUlon CXLclIllillg n little boyulld tho llind<br />

wings; IlJliual tuf~ slIlnll. 1.egs smooth, l'athol' loug 1111(1 Slell(lel';<br />

hind tibilll with fllllr ulOdertlleiy long sJlurs, Wings elulllI'llte,<br />

rnlhor broad. :FOfO willgH illlrdly BOlito; eusta nlmos~ strnigbt;<br />

extol'ior border Ollllvex, UlOdOflltcly oblique.<br />

], MAI·I~'l'A. X!N'fUOll!IlLAS,<br />

Mas. L,No orMae~a: et£JI,d IIlbiclulIl; 001i1i tI("ro eincli j palp,<br />

1'(,lll/Blllle "iUri subltl,' albidi ( allIJ anliCfI,l tt.l'ice albid(/) venia<br />

nigl'o 1IIIlrgilillaB ; postit'tC "1,iI)6 atrlC.<br />


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