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LEPIDOPl'lUU. DETBBOOERA.. 197 tinge. Fore wings with a pale fawn-coloured disk, in which there are two silvery black-bol'dered lines l second line very slightly ourved, beginning behind the first, ending at the tip (If the wing j two black poiuts iu fl'Ollt of thtl first line. Lllogth of the body 6-7 lines; of the wings 16-19 lIues. A,b.-f Genus 2:J. SAM ANA. Falin. Oorpus grlloile. Proboscis broviuseuln, sat gracilis. Pal pi porrecti, lallolloloti, ~ubtus subfimbriati, capitis latitudino J ululto 10Ilgiul'es. Antonllro grueiles. Abdomen ahts postiulls 1)1111 superans. Pcdeslongi, graciles, ua}col'ibu8 brevinsculis. Ab 1L1ltiCal latlr, fo.leatro, costa 5uboonvexo, mal'giue eXleriure antico sub·· concuvo. FlJmale. Body slender. Proboscis I'lltber short and slendor. Labial pulpi pOI'rect, IUIIeoolo.tll, slighlly friuged beneath, much longer thall the bl'catitb of tbe belld. AutelJIlIB sleuder. Abdumcll 1I0t extending beyond tlle biud \Vingll. Legs long, snlOotb, SIClldllr; hind tibiro with lonr l'utber sbort ~pUlS. Wings bruad. l

198 CATALOGUE Oli' bus longis. AIm aotiam elonglltle, 8ubfllloatre, margine exteriore llexo antioe exoavato pOBtioe perobliquo. Female. Body slender. Probosois moderately long. Pl1lpi porreet, lanceolllte, a liltle longer thon the brcadth of the head. Anlellllw slender. Abdomell hlmlly extending beyond the bind wings. Legs smootb, long, slender; bind tibile with four lung spurs, Wings elongate, mlldel'atelybroad. Foro wings aonte, subfalcate; (JOSla stl'Uight; eXlerior border bent in the middle, conoave ill fl'OlIt, vel'y oblique hindward. This genus hardly belongs to the Oratnbites. 1. ADEN.!. Ll.NTHIALIS. Mas: Ockracea; aim anticw linea intel'ioTe undulala, dis. cali fasciaqtlc Z,lla 1I1111'fJilittli lIaturatiol'ibll8, costa lincoiis albis. oulla sll'igulaqrlO e,t'lel'iore stlbcostalibus 'IIitrl'is; pusticm pallid!: ochracco.cincl'ellJ, 71I11Tginc e:IJteriOl'e juscl!scentc. lI[ale. Ochraceolls. Ah!lnmen, hhul wiugs and under sidc palc llI'hl'accous-oinercous. Fure wings with an undulllting iutcriur lilil', l\ IDiddle patcb and It bl'(I:1I1 mllrgi lllll baud dlll'kol' ocbrllceous j O(lstil wilIl It few shorl white lines; n. vitl'COUS SlIbcuSlul dot IIlld an CXlt·l'lUl' short tranllverse ViU'(llI11S Rllhcostlll stl'fal,. Hiud wings tiu.',·,1 with brown along tho extol'iol' bOI'tlcl'. J,cugth of tIle budy 5!- 1i1l'!~; of t1le wings Hi lincs. 4. Auckland, Now Zealand. From Mr. Oxley's collection. Genus 25. ACARA. li'tmn. Corpus orassullI. Proboscis nulla. Plllpi lab hiles 1)«1'\'('oti, grlleiles,lllnceolati, capitis lulitudine lion breviores. Pulpi !11i1\i11llres breves. Anlellllm brcviusouho, sat gfllciles. Abdomen ,,10•., pOllticas superans. Pedes l'obllSli, breviullculi, sllhpilosi. AIm Ulltil Ie longm, acutlll, vix falClllle, margine extcriorc subobliquo vix c .... II!t'~'!'xO. Female. Blidy thiel" Prohuscis obsole.te. Labilll plllpl por· :'Pf!l, slendel', Illnce01ate, full liS IOIlA' liS the bl'Clltlth of the head. ]\! ,I ~ illlll'Y pulpi sllOrt. AntcIIlHO 1'IIther short ll.Iul slelldor. Abllolllt'll extending beyund tho hiucl winll"s. Legs stout, ruther short, ~1)1!)(!whnt pilose; hind libile wilh fnur modurately lollg spurs. ',v'llIgs long, model'ately brond. Furc wings acute, bardly falcate j '1lJ:141l alraight; extcrior bordor hlndly convex, slightly obliquc.


tinge. Fore wings with a pale fawn-coloured disk, in which there<br />

are two silvery black-bol'dered lines l second line very slightly<br />

ourved, beginning behind the first, ending at the tip (If the wing j<br />

two black poiuts iu fl'Ollt of thtl first line. Lllogth of the body 6-7<br />

lines; of the wings 16-19 lIues.<br />

A,b.-f<br />

Genus 2:J. SAM ANA.<br />

Falin. Oorpus grlloile. Proboscis broviuseuln, sat gracilis.<br />

Pal pi porrecti, lallolloloti, ~ubtus subfimbriati, capitis latitudino<br />

J ululto 10Ilgiul'es. Antonllro grueiles. Abdomen ahts postiulls 1)1111<br />

superans. Pcdeslongi, graciles, ua}col'ibu8 brevinsculis. Ab 1L1ltiCal<br />

latlr, fo.leatro, costa 5uboonvexo, mal'giue eXleriure antico sub··<br />

concuvo.<br />

FlJmale. Body slender. Proboscis I'lltber short and slendor.<br />

Labial pulpi pOI'rect, IUIIeoolo.tll, slighlly friuged beneath, much<br />

longer thall the bl'catitb of tbe belld. AutelJIlIB sleuder. Abdumcll<br />

1I0t extending beyond tlle biud \Vingll. Legs long, snlOotb, SIClldllr;<br />

hind tibiro with lonr l'utber sbort ~pUlS. Wings bruad. l

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