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LEPIOOP'l'BRA. HErBnOeEn!. 195 Genus 20. SAFRA. Mas. Oorpus sat robustllm. Proboscis brevissima. Palpi la~ biales oblique ascemlelltes, verticcm llRtlllo supcrllllles, capitis ladtndine hreviores; arLiculu9 2us pilosus; 3us longi.colliclls. AlItenDm globrlll, vulidre j Rl'ticulllS lus Cl'aSRUS. Pelles IUlvcs j tibim posticlll robllstm. AIm l.mticre 1011gle, Itngustro, apicc l'ULuDualle, costa basi subconvexu, nUirgine eXlcriore sat obliquo. Mlle. Body ratller Rtout. Proboscis vel'y short. 1.11 hiat palpi obliquely ascending, rising It little hiA'her tImo tbe VOl'U'X, shorter than tbe breadth (If the head; 2nd joint pilU61l; third elcmglltll- • conical, nllt more thaD one.third of the length of till) silcond. Antennm stout, smooth i first joint very stont. Legs smlloili, mllllerately long l bind tibilD l'obust, with four IODg Rpm's. Whlb'S elongate, nal'row; fl'iuge long. Fore WillII'll l'Ouu

196 OAT.AloOG'OlII OJ! long and stout. Wings comparatively brand aud short. Fore wings aoutei oosta almost straight; exterior bOlder hardly oonvox, slightly oblique. 1. AREQUIPA TURBATELLA. Argenteo-alba; aim antictB punctiB duobuB disco,libllB pllnetisgue 8Ilbmar,qinalibul et marginalib'Us 71igNs, 'Vitta 811blu8 8l1beo," tali cUJlusa jl/"ce8cOOl,. Fellla18. Silvery white. Fore wings with a submorgiualline fonneu of black points, abbreviated in front; two blaok disoa1 points, one more exterior thon the other and nellrer tllo oostll; marginal points blhck; lInder side witb a diffuse brownish Bubeo.tal stripe. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 11 lines. a, b. United States. Presented J>y E. Duubleday, Esq., Genus 22. TUNZA. MaB etff1111l. Corpus sat robustum. Probosois nulla. Palpi porrecti, compressi, vix nrcuati, capitis latitudine vix breviores; articulus 3us ll1nceolatl18, 2i triente non longiol·. Antennm subpeoti. nats. Ab(lomen lDaria alas posticlis louge supel'ons. Podes llllves, longiusculi, sat graciles. AlII! 8nticm lanceolatre, sat angUlltm, costa vix convexa, margine exLeriol'e perobliquo. Male and female. Budy r:l!.hor stuut. Proboscis obsolete. Labial palpi porrect, compressed, very slilXhtly ourvell downwal'd, nearly as lung ae the breadth of the heod; tbird juint hmoeolate, about one.third of tho length of the second. Antellnm ~ligbtly pectinated. Abdomen e.xtellding mllcb beyond tbe hind wings in tho male, muoll shorter in the female. Legs smooth, ratller long and slende)'; hind tibim with four long SpUl'S. Fore wings lanceolate, acute, rather narrow; costa hardly cunvex; extorior border slighlly convex, very oblique. 1. TUNZA. PROMPTEr.LA .. Mas. ScMstaceo-cinerca; aim antic(/] disco 1lallitlo ce,."ino linei. duabuB af'genleis nigf'o 71141'gi7lalis, 211 n,bIITCIlata, lluncti. dtlObtlB discalibuB niuris ; P081ic(JJ albido-ci7lerem, jla'lJescente subtinctlll. Male. Slaty cinereolls •. Pulpi porreot, lanceolate, a Ultle shorter than tbe brelldth 01' the head. AntenDtll slightly pectinllted. Abdomen and hind wings whitish cillercou9, with a. slight yellowish

196 OAT.AloOG'OlII OJ!<br />

long and stout. Wings comparatively brand aud short. Fore wings<br />

aoutei oosta almost straight; exterior bOlder hardly oonvox, slightly<br />

oblique.<br />


Argenteo-alba; aim antictB punctiB duobuB disco,libllB pllnetisgue<br />

8Ilbmar,qinalibul et marginalib'Us 71igNs, 'Vitta 811blu8 8l1beo,"<br />

tali cUJlusa jl/"ce8cOOl,.<br />

Fellla18. Silvery white. Fore wings with a submorgiualline<br />

fonneu of black points, abbreviated in front; two blaok disoa1<br />

points, one more exterior thon the other and nellrer tllo oostll; marginal<br />

points blhck; lInder side witb a diffuse brownish Bubeo.tal<br />

stripe. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 11 lines.<br />

a, b. United States. Presented J>y E. Duubleday, Esq.,<br />

Genus 22. TUNZA.<br />

MaB etff1111l. Corpus sat robustum. Probosois nulla. Palpi<br />

porrecti, compressi, vix nrcuati, capitis latitudine vix breviores; articulus<br />

3us ll1nceolatl18, 2i triente non longiol·. Antennm subpeoti.<br />

nats. Ab(lomen lDaria alas posticlis louge supel'ons. Podes llllves,<br />

longiusculi, sat graciles. AlII! 8nticm lanceolatre, sat angUlltm, costa<br />

vix convexa, margine exLeriol'e perobliquo.<br />

Male and female. Budy r:l!.hor stuut. Proboscis obsolete.<br />

Labial palpi porrect, compressed, very slilXhtly ourvell downwal'd,<br />

nearly as lung ae the breadth of the heod; tbird juint hmoeolate,<br />

about one.third of tho length of the second. Antellnm ~ligbtly pectinated.<br />

Abdomen e.xtellding mllcb beyond tbe hind wings in tho<br />

male, muoll shorter in the female. Legs smooth, ratller long and<br />

slende)'; hind tibim with four long SpUl'S. Fore wings lanceolate,<br />

acute, rather narrow; costa hardly cunvex; extorior border slighlly<br />

convex, very oblique.<br />

1. TUNZA. PROMPTEr.LA ..<br />

Mas. ScMstaceo-cinerca; aim antic(/] disco 1lallitlo ce,."ino linei.<br />

duabuB af'genleis nigf'o 71141'gi7lalis, 211 n,bIITCIlata, lluncti.<br />

dtlObtlB discalibuB niuris ; P081ic(JJ albido-ci7lerem, jla'lJescente<br />

subtinctlll.<br />

Male. Slaty cinereolls •. Pulpi porreot, lanceolate, a Ultle shorter<br />

than tbe brelldth 01' the head. AntenDtll slightly pectinllted. Abdomen<br />

and hind wings whitish cillercou9, with a. slight yellowish

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