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LEPrDOPTEllA HErEBOCEBA.. 189 tennre validm, glllbrro. Pedes robusti, 8ubpubescentes. AIm anticm elongatre; autiolB apice 8ubrotuUllatm, margine exteriore convexo subobliquo. Male. Body stont. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi porrect, very slightly curved, con\'cx Ilbove, a little shOl·ter thnn the bl'eadtb of the beud. Autcllllle stuut, smooth. Legs stout, &ligbtly pubescent; hind tibim whh four long SpUI'S. Wings elongate, moderately broad. Fore wings somewbllt rounded at the tipij; costa straight; exterior border oonvex, slightly oblique. 1. UGRA l'ARALLE'LA. Mas. :Ptillide "u!a; abdomon album; alOJ atllicOJ lineis duahUl albidis pa'l'allelis non obliIJ11iB ; pORtic(/) alb0. 1I111.le. Pule red, Abdomen aud himl wings white. Fore wings willi two whitish parallel upl'ight lineR, one iuterior, tile other exterior. Lenglh of the body 6 P lines; or the wings 14 lines. cr.. HondUl'as. Fl'om Mr. Dyson's collectioll. Genus Hi. BEGUNNA. FC1Jm. Corpus vix robllstlllD. Frons fnsciclllo subproducto. Proboscis nulln. Palpi pori'Ccti, laDeeoJati, Bubltrcuati, capitis latitudine multo longiores j articulus 2ua suhJimhrintus; 3us ltlueeolatUB, 2i dimitlio lion brevior. AlltmlUlII gl'lluilcs. Abdomen nlils posticas patillo Hupel'nns. Pudes robllsti j tibim postiow quadrioalca.rat9'.l. AIm anticw latillsoulm, aeutm, costa COllvexa. i posticre mal'gine exterioro IIntico sllbexcavato. Female. DlIIly bardly stOllt. Front witll a phort proll!inent tuft. Probl1sci~ ubsoletc. 1'I\I)li porrcct, ll1l1ceoll1te, sli~htly curved downwnl'd, much longer tlmn the brellllth (lf'tlle head i seooud juint slightly frillged allovo I t11ir(lll1l1cOolllt6, 1'II1llHllf the IOlJgth of tbe seoond. Antcllllw slt'udcl'. Ahllmnell extending It little beyond the hind wings. LCgN stout, nllt long; hintl tibilll wiLli four moderlltely long spurR. Wings ruthur brOlul. I"uro willg~ Dllllte; costa. convex j exteriur burdt'I' &li~htly convex nml oblique. Hind wings "il11 tho fore pllrt lIt'the IIxtul'ior lIul'der blightl)' elnllrb>1nato.

190 OATALOUUE Oll' 1. BEGUNNA XANTROIDES. Fmm. Dc/wacea; aim litleolis plurimis transversis obscllrillribv.. ; atlticlB puncto .ubcostuli. IUBeo; p08ticIfJ albido-cinerelB. Female. Ollhmcoous, paler beneath. Winp:s with many smtlll tranliverse dmker streaks between the veins. lfore wings with Q. brown suboostal point before the middle. Hind WlUgS whitish oinereous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 linee. a. Vancouvel"'s I~lllnd. Presented by Dr. Lyall. Genus 16. MYEZA. Mas. Corpus sat l'Obu~tum. Palpi porrecti, lanceolati, capitis latitudine multo longiores; jl.rticullls Sus parvus, Antenum robustm, 'glabl'm. AbdollJen alliS pnsticas longo &Upcl'uns, Pedes vaIidi; tibim posticm calcaribus quatuor longis. Aim 1l1iticro apice quadratm. ~7I1alB. Body !'ather stout. Palpi porreet, lanceolate, much longer than tbe brcadth of tbe head; third joint about ollc-fourth of the lengLh of the second. Antcnnm robust, smooth. Abdomen eXtending much beyond the hind wiugs. I.egs stout; hind tibiro with fon~ lung SpUts. Fore wiugs Mutely quwlru,W at. the tips. 1. MYEZA. TONSA.LIB. Mas. Cinerea I caput albidum; alm antictJJ I.'IIl"IIino tjncttB, Zinnis d'J.abIlB e punCH' elongatis nig"icantibus, la arcuata, 211 cOllam 'VerBt18 1'1!tracl't, yutta ba¥ali nigra, puncto discali nigricante, punctis marginulibus atria, Male. Cinel'eous, Fore winA'S mostly tinged witb fawncolour; exterior line olllique, composed of el(lDgl~ted blackish points, enthe and abruptly l'ctl'lloted towards the costa; middle lille of blacki&h points much curvcu, llot extcnding to tbc hind Plll't of the wing, with a blllcki&h disenl point 011 its inllcr lIidc; un olou· gated black discal dot nearcr the bnso; marginal puinls Ill'ell bhlCk. Himl wings with minute blacl.ish mllrllilllll points; fringe whitish ainereou!. Length of the bndy 7line&; (If the wings 14liuos. Sarawak, Borneo. In Mr. Saunders' colleotion.


tennre validm, glllbrro. Pedes robusti, 8ubpubescentes. AIm anticm<br />

elongatre; autiolB apice 8ubrotuUllatm, margine exteriore convexo<br />

subobliquo.<br />

Male. Body stont. Proboscis obsolete. Palpi porrect, very<br />

slightly curved, con\'cx Ilbove, a little shOl·ter thnn the bl'eadtb of<br />

the beud. Autcllllle stuut, smooth. Legs stout, &ligbtly pubescent;<br />

hind tibim whh four long SpUI'S. Wings elongate, moderately<br />

broad. Fore wings somewbllt rounded at the tipij; costa straight;<br />

exterior border oonvex, slightly oblique.<br />

1. UGRA l'ARALLE'LA.<br />

Mas. :Ptillide "u!a; abdomon album; alOJ atllicOJ lineis duahUl<br />

albidis pa'l'allelis non obliIJ11iB ; pORtic(/) alb0.<br />

1I111.le. Pule red, Abdomen aud himl wings white. Fore<br />

wings willi two whitish parallel upl'ight lineR, one iuterior, tile other<br />

exterior. Lenglh of the body 6 P lines; or the wings 14 lines.<br />

cr.. HondUl'as. Fl'om Mr. Dyson's collectioll.<br />

Genus Hi. BEGUNNA.<br />

FC1Jm. Corpus vix robllstlllD. Frons fnsciclllo subproducto.<br />

Proboscis nulln. Palpi pori'Ccti, laDeeoJati, Bubltrcuati, capitis latitudine<br />

multo longiores j articulus 2ua suhJimhrintus; 3us ltlueeolatUB,<br />

2i dimitlio lion brevior. AlltmlUlII gl'lluilcs. Abdomen nlils<br />

posticas patillo Hupel'nns. Pudes robllsti j tibim postiow quadrioalca.rat9'.l.<br />

AIm anticw latillsoulm, aeutm, costa COllvexa. i posticre<br />

mal'gine exterioro IIntico sllbexcavato.<br />

Female. DlIIly bardly stOllt. Front witll a phort proll!inent<br />

tuft. Probl1sci~ ubsoletc. 1'I\I)li porrcct, ll1l1ceoll1te, sli~htly curved<br />

downwnl'd, much longer tlmn the brellllth (lf'tlle head i seooud juint<br />

slightly frillged allovo I t11ir(lll1l1cOolllt6, 1'II1llHllf the IOlJgth of tbe<br />

seoond. Antcllllw slt'udcl'. Ahllmnell extending It little beyond<br />

the hind wings. LCgN stout, nllt long; hintl tibilll wiLli four moderlltely<br />

long spurR. Wings ruthur brOlul. I"uro willg~ Dllllte; costa.<br />

convex j exteriur burdt'I' &li~htly convex nml oblique. Hind wings<br />

"il11 tho fore pllrt lIt'the IIxtul'ior lIul'der blightl)' elnllrb>1nato.

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