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LEPIDoprSRA HETEROOBnA. 1S3 6. UaoLA PULORELLA. Frem. A,-genteo-alb4; thoraci, latera 4ntica ocnrace4; a/(lIanciem laaci4 media recta obliqua margincque elllteriore oe/,ra.ceiB. Femlilo. Silvery white. Thol'ax ochraceou8 on each side in front. F01'e wings with B straight oblique middle ocbraoeous band, which is nearly p.o.rallel to the ochraoeou8 exterior border. Length of the body 2T hoes; of the wings 6 lines. a. N orCh America r 6. UROLA r AURIOINCTALIS. Frem. Ar,tlmteo-alba; palpi mallJillal'ea bali fuace.,centea; alt.e antiem lituris duabus costalibus oC/£raceis, tineis duabus cinereil arcuatis 8ububsoletiB, punctia mafginalibu8 nigriB elonglltiB, jifllbria «"rata. Female. Silvery white. Labial palpi much longer than the breadth of the head. Maxillary palpi brownish Ilt the base, about one-third of the length of the labial pal pi. Fore wings with two ochraoeous oostal marks, aud with two ourved transverse almost obsolete cinereous linea I mal·glnal points billok, elongated; fringe brightly gilded. Length of the body 31- lines; of the wiDgs 9 lines. II. West Africa. From Mr, Ftaser's oollection. G~nus 9. JARTHEZA, Mas I1t lcern. Corpus sat robnslum. Proboscis brevis, graoills. Palpi labialee breves, pomcLi, 111110001o.ti. Palpi mnxillares brevis~ simi. Abdomon alas posticas superans. Pedes ImvDs, longiu8culi. AIm auticre acutlll, sat latm, costa reota, margine exteriore antioe COllCo.VO postioe obliquo. MIl8.-ADtennlll robustlll, serrate aut peotinatlB. }wm.-Antennr:e glabrlll, graoilas. Male lind female. Body rather stout. Proboscis short, sleDder. I,nbial palri porrl,1ot, lnnceolate, sbol'ter than the breadth of tho hoa.d. Maxtllary palp! about one-half or less than half th6 length of the labial palpi. Antennlll deeply serrated or alightly pootillated or doeply pectinated in the male, smooth or serrated in tho female. AbdomeD extonding much beyond the bind wings. ·Legs smooth, rather long; hind tibir:e wiLh four moderately long Splll'B. Wings elongate, moderately broad. Fore wings acute I oosta. straight; cxtorior bord.or hardly CODcave, oblique hiDdwald. 11.2

184 fJA'rALOGUB OP 1. JABTBEZA CHRYBOGRAPBELLA. chrysograpbellus, Kl".-locupletellu~, Klr. Cape. From M. Drege's collection, South Afrioa. Presented by R. Trimen, Esq. South Africa. From .l\IIi'. Trimen'~ collection. Port Natal. Frola M, GuienzllIs' co11eotion. Punjaub. Presented by Sir J, HenrsllY. • NorLh Hindostnn. Prescnted by the Secretary IIf the India Board. Shanghai. From tho Entomological Society's oollection. North flindostan. FroID Mi', Stevens' collection. Ceylon. From M, Nietner's collection. 2. JARTIIEZA REBPONSELU .• Mas. Pallide ochracea; frolls fllscescens; antennal 'I'octinatat i t'ho"aru lusco bivittatus,' a/111 aPlticl8 villi, paltide aurat;., I!MOis linoaque submal'ginali am'atia aaturatim'ibl18, hac undulata juscrl marginata. lincia at011laJ'iis punctisque 7lIa"ginalib'll' nigMs; potlicce albitlflJ, .Male. Pale oclirnccous. Front and plLlpi above brownish. Antennre rather bi'oadly pectinlltc(1. Thorax witb a brown striJ>e on each side. Abdomen with whitish 11111105. FOle wings with pale gilded stripes, w Mch are accompanied wiLh mOI'1l briglitly gilded streaks, and with lines of black speckle, j submlll'~inallillc bright!,. gilded, undulating, blown-bllrdcl'e!l; marginal points bluck. Hind willgs whitish. Length of the body 6Hoos; of tlle wings 16 liues. (l. NOith Hindostan. From lIr. Stevens' collection. 3. J..I.UTIlEZ.1.. XYLINELU .• Fmm. Albida; caput et tlioraris lliscu. obmll'c ju.('(I,; altill antiCal iatiusclIlr1!, 'Vi:!! al'llIm, "rlUit 1I'lbt'6 di6calilnn allrtltis fuseo mal'gillalis, Btl'iuis tlw'llth jlllllctilqllC nlg7£1 c:.1llcrim·ibIIR, punclo dl6r:ali ObhPIlrl! f"sr:o, lillen udll/iurgiliaU rilft'"frl rml/ulata dcnticulala fill co I1IUI~/IItt1fa, ]Jullclia lIIuJ'yilialilJllh IliY"j/, fimbria 1I1Irato-jil,!Ctt CilWt'CO i1ltcl'linc(£ta; /lostiCIIJ albirtu. einCl·eaJ. Femalu. Whitibh. Hp-ad and dhk of tllIl thorax dark brown. Labial po.Jpi porrect, stout, not acuLe, much shortel tllall tlle breadth of tbe bead. l\laxi!ltuy pilI pi half the lenAth of the labial palpi. Antennre &mooLh. Fure wings tolther broad, hardly acule, wiLli


1S3<br />

6. UaoLA PULORELLA.<br />

Frem. A,-genteo-alb4; thoraci, latera 4ntica ocnrace4; a/(lIanciem<br />

laaci4 media recta obliqua margincque elllteriore oe/,ra.ceiB.<br />

Femlilo. Silvery white. Thol'ax ochraceou8 on each side in<br />

front. F01'e wings with B straight oblique middle ocbraoeous band,<br />

which is nearly p.o.rallel to the ochraoeou8 exterior border. Length<br />

of the body 2T hoes; of the wings 6 lines.<br />

a. N orCh America r<br />


Frem. Ar,tlmteo-alba; palpi mallJillal'ea bali fuace.,centea; alt.e<br />

antiem lituris duabus costalibus oC/£raceis, tineis duabus cinereil<br />

arcuatis 8ububsoletiB, punctia mafginalibu8 nigriB elonglltiB,<br />

jifllbria «"rata.<br />

Female. Silvery white. Labial palpi much longer than the<br />

breadth of the head. Maxillary palpi brownish Ilt the base, about<br />

one-third of the length of the labial pal pi. Fore wings with two<br />

ochraoeous oostal marks, aud with two ourved transverse almost obsolete<br />

cinereous linea I mal·glnal points billok, elongated; fringe<br />

brightly gilded. Length of the body 31- lines; of the wiDgs<br />

9 lines.<br />

II. West Africa. From Mr, Ftaser's oollection.<br />

G~nus 9. JARTHEZA,<br />

Mas I1t lcern. Corpus sat robnslum. Proboscis brevis, graoills.<br />

Palpi labialee breves, pomcLi, 111110001o.ti. Palpi mnxillares brevis~<br />

simi. Abdomon alas posticas superans. Pedes ImvDs, longiu8culi.<br />

AIm auticre acutlll, sat latm, costa reota, margine exteriore antioe<br />

COllCo.VO postioe obliquo. MIl8.-ADtennlll robustlll, serrate aut<br />

peotinatlB. }wm.-Antennr:e glabrlll, graoilas.<br />

Male lind female. Body rather stout. Proboscis short, sleDder.<br />

I,nbial palri porrl,1ot, lnnceolate, sbol'ter than the breadth of<br />

tho hoa.d. Maxtllary palp! about one-half or less than half th6<br />

length of the labial palpi. Antennlll deeply serrated or alightly<br />

pootillated or doeply pectinated in the male, smooth or serrated in<br />

tho female. AbdomeD extonding much beyond the bind wings.<br />

·Legs smooth, rather long; hind tibir:e wiLh four moderately long<br />

Splll'B. Wings elongate, moderately broad. Fore wings acute I<br />

oosta. straight; cxtorior bord.or hardly CODcave, oblique hiDdwald.<br />


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