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LEPIDOPtERA lmTEBOCEIU,. 181 Female. Pale fawn-colour. Pal pi brown. Tegulm of the tborax bordel'cd with brown. Abdomen pale ocbraceous, with whitish bands, Fore wings with two h'regular whitish discal stripes. and with two brown stripes which are accompanied exteriorly by several bl'own streaks. Hilld wings wllitish. Length olthe body 7 lines; of the wing'S 20 lines. a, b. New South Wales. Fl'Om Mr. A. J. Smith's collection. Genus 8. UROLA. Mas et .f(1m~, Corpus sat robu6tum. Proboscis conapicua. Palpi labiales porrecti, rubusti, nOll Reuti, capitis latitmline breviores. PlIlpi maxillnres breves. Abdomell alas posticas non superans. Pedes Imves, Silt validi; tibim postiClil caleo.ribus 'luatuor longis. AIw D.ntiolB acutm, costa vix oonvexa, margine uteriore reoto subobliquo. MalB and jPlllale. Bod! ratboT stout. Proboscis distinct. Labial palpi porreet, stout, ratber obtuse, sllOl,ter tban the breadth oftbe head. Mnxillllry Jlalili ahout hulf tbe J)l'eadth of the labial pulpi, 011 wbiob tlley are incllmbcnt. Abdomen not extending beyond the bind wings. Legs smootb, moderately long and stout; hind &ibim with four IouII' SpUTS. 1!'ore wings acute, moderately broad i custa hardly couvex; exterior borclor straight, slightly oblique. 1. UROLA. IIUOHR.OOIlVSELLA. Mas et fmm. Argrmtoo"alba; capt" Bt tlloraci, tnargo anticUl plus minURVII uc}&racea; alell antiel!) bf'l"lJes, latlB, acutCl!, puncds ml.lI'uilialibus niUI'is elullgutis, 11uneto apHd mar.'1inem inte­ Norem niuricante flut oeh"lteeo nonnunquam obsoleto. Malo and female. Silvery white. Head and foro border of tbe tllorax nlore or l09s ocbyaceous. Labial palpi 0. little shorter tban the brco.dtb of thll bCllll. Wings bl'Olld, sbort. Fore wings acnte; COstl1 and exterior bor«lllf Illmost straight, the latter 5li~htly oblique; margillal pointN b1nok, elongated i interior bordor wIth lIo blackiHh or ochl'llCennH point, which is occasionally obsolete. Length of tbo bOlly at-4! lines; of the wings IO-12linos. a,b. North Americn. FI'om Mr. Carter's collection. c. GellrRia. l!'rom Mr. Millie's collection. d. Honduras. From Mr. Dyson's collection. e,f. HondllTRs. g-l.-I' It

182 CATALOGl)'E OJ!' 2. UnoL4. S'UBENBSCENS. Maa. At'genteo-o.lba; ca.put BlZturate ocMaceum; tkOf'aci, latera antica et abdomen subockracea; aim antiem ZunuZi, marginalibUB fum., mal:gine interioTo ealtus ochracoo; posticlll l1JtIeo tiflcilB. MaZe. Silv~ry wliite. Head and palpi bright Qchraceous. Thorax on eaoh side in front, abdomen and under side slightly tinged with ochraceous. Fore wings with brown marj!inallunules ; interior border ochraceous exteriorly; fringe tinged with ochraceous. Hind wings with au mneous tinge. Length Qr the body 4 lines; ot the wings n lines. G.-r 3. U:aOLA onOOEIOINOTELLA. Fmm. Argmteo-alba; paZpi ochraeei, .u:pra. albi; alllJ anticlIJ costa ochracea, lilllliB d'llabuB ochracei. /oro obsoletiB, Zunuli, mllt'ginalibuB jUlcis,fimbria ockt'acea. Pf'male. Silvery wliite. Palpi ocbraceous on eaoh side Bnd beneath. Fore wings with an ochraceous oostalline; two ochraceous costal marks oorreRllollding to two otber mal'ks on tbe interior border, the four indicating two transverse lines, which are almost obsolete elsewhere; marginal lunules brown; fringe oohraceouB; under side slijthtly tinged with oohra060u8. LengLli of 'he body 6 lines; of the wings 15 lines. a. Vonezuela. Fa'om Mr. Dyson's collection. 4. U (lOLA onOOEIVITBLLA.. Fmm. ArgBnteo.alba; caput e! th,wlI:Il an!im" ocliracoa; alai antlea' ocMaceo fllat'ginlltm. Blriga cottuli breui oblilJua e:r(e.. riot'ejascilllJue interiorB vil!: obligua JUBCO mat'ginata ochrllceis. Female. Silvery white. H'ead and fore bordor of the thorax ochrnoeous. 'Fore winl{s bordered with oohraoeous j costal line emitting a short oblique streak towards the tip; an interior bllrdly oblique ooll1·lI.ceous baud, which is bordered with brown on the outer side. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines. a. Rio Janeiro. l!'rom Mr. Lamb's collection.

182 CATALOGl)'E OJ!'<br />

2. UnoL4. S'UBENBSCENS.<br />

Maa. At'genteo-o.lba; ca.put BlZturate ocMaceum; tkOf'aci, latera<br />

antica et abdomen subockracea; aim antiem ZunuZi, marginalibUB<br />

fum., mal:gine interioTo ealtus ochracoo; posticlll l1JtIeo<br />

tiflcilB.<br />

MaZe. Silv~ry wliite. Head and palpi bright Qchraceous.<br />

Thorax on eaoh side in front, abdomen and under side slightly<br />

tinged with ochraceous. Fore wings with brown marj!inallunules ;<br />

interior border ochraceous exteriorly; fringe tinged with ochraceous.<br />

Hind wings with au mneous tinge. Length Qr the body 4 lines; ot<br />

the wings n lines.<br />

G.-r<br />


Fmm. Argmteo-alba; paZpi ochraeei, .u:pra. albi; alllJ anticlIJ<br />

costa ochracea, lilllliB d'llabuB ochracei. /oro obsoletiB, Zunuli,<br />

mllt'ginalibuB jUlcis,fimbria ockt'acea.<br />

Pf'male. Silvery wliite. Palpi ocbraceous on eaoh side Bnd<br />

beneath. Fore wings with an ochraceous oostalline; two ochraceous<br />

costal marks oorreRllollding to two otber mal'ks on tbe interior<br />

border, the four indicating two transverse lines, which are almost<br />

obsolete elsewhere; marginal lunules brown; fringe oohraceouB;<br />

under side slijthtly tinged with oohra060u8. LengLli of 'he body 6<br />

lines; of the wings 15 lines.<br />

a. Vonezuela. Fa'om Mr. Dyson's collection.<br />

4. U (lOLA onOOEIVITBLLA..<br />

Fmm. ArgBnteo.alba; caput e! th,wlI:Il an!im" ocliracoa; alai<br />

antlea' ocMaceo fllat'ginlltm. Blriga cottuli breui oblilJua e:r(e..<br />

riot'ejascilllJue interiorB vil!: obligua JUBCO mat'ginata ochrllceis.<br />

Female. Silvery white. H'ead and fore bordor of the thorax<br />

ochrnoeous. 'Fore winl{s bordered with oohraoeous j costal line<br />

emitting a short oblique streak towards the tip; an interior bllrdly<br />

oblique ooll1·lI.ceous baud, which is bordered with brown on the outer<br />

side. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 10 lines.<br />

a. Rio Janeiro. l!'rom Mr. Lamb's collection.

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