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LEPIDOPTERA HETBBOOBR.A.. 1'77 133. ClL\MBIIS OOURA-OEEI.r.US. Mas. Albidu,; "R'pi It,!lial~s e:utus och,'al'oi; thot'a:u ock'1'al'CO foscial,"; alllJ anticll! oc/t'1'UC,f11, lalte, cObIa alha, mar pine Ollltenore ,ubobliq'Uo, Male. Whitish, stout. Lubinl pulpi neurly twico longer thltll the breudth oC the heud, bright orange 011 tho outor sille, Ml1xil. lury pulpi very sbort. Alltcmnre rlltl10r stOllt. Thorax witb lID Ol'tlnge baud in fronL, Abdllmen (lxLondillll' heyond tbo hilld wings. Fore WlllgS brigbt orange, broad, pcuto ; Cllstll while, except towards the tip; exterior bordur slightly uonvex and oblicluo. I.ength of the body 5i-6 lilies; of tbo wiugs ]2-13 lines. a. Sydney. From Mr, Lo.mbelt's oolll'ctioo. h. Sydney. ]!'rUID Mr. Diggles' oolleotion. c. Australia. From l\lr. Dc1Dlel's oHaotion. New Zealand. 134. CKAMDUS FLEXUOHEJ:,T.US. fiexuoselluB. Dhl. a-g. New Zealaml, Presonted by Col. Dolton. n, i. Auokland, Now ZCllltulIl. Frum MI'. Oxley's oulleotion. j-m. New Zelllllnd. Presented by Hr. Sinolair. m,IJ. New Zealand, P,'esentod by Cllpt •• T. 0. HUSH. 135. Cru.lIlIlUa VITELT.Us. vitellus, Dbl. a, b. Auoklo.u(l, New ZOlllllnd. From i\1'r, Oxlt'y's colleotion. c. New Zealand. 1'roKontocl by Col. HoILuU. d,6. New Zealand. Pl'esllnted by Dr. ~il1clair. 136. CIlAlIlDUB BAMnlml.LUA. ramoselluB, Dbl. a, b. New Zelthmd. Presented by ])1', Sinelnir. c, cl. New ZOllltmd, PI'oscntot! hy Uul. Bultoll. e. NOlv Zealaud. From J.'vIIY01' !limy's colluollou.

178 OA.TALOGUE Oli' 137. CUU«BUS NEXALtS. Fmm. Albus: palpi ewtus cervini; tlloracis latera c~I'lIinll i Iti(JJ antictB entice, angusice, "itta di,c:ali albu aUTaeO mUl1/inaja /I lineis duabu$ e:lllerioribusjllJiris inlerrupta, p,matis m4Tginalibtlll niOTi" fimbria 41l1"1zta; po'tiCdl albido-ci7ll!IYltf!, t8/~eo subtinctce. Female. White. Labial paJpi very much IOJlA'er than the bteadtb of tbe bead, fawn-colour au the outer side. Thorax fa.wucoloured on each side. Abdomen extending beyond tbe bind wings. Fore winlo[s hoary, nun-uw, wltb a white disca} stripe. which is bol'~ dered by two gilded stl'ipes, lind is interrupled by two benl exterior brown lincs; hind stripe abbreviated cxtcriol'ly; marginal points black; fringe gilded; 'exlerior border very oblique. Hind wingtl whitish oiuercouB, with slight mueous tinge. Length of tho llOdy 4J-6 Iillo.,; of the wings 11-12 liDCS. a. Auckland, New Zealand. From Mr. Oxley's colloction. b. Nllw Zealand. PreseDte(\ by Dr. Sinclair. 13B. Cru.MDue 'fllANSOISSALrs. Fmm. AUI"atll$,' caput et abdomen al6ida i aiOJ anticte, 'Vitta di,­ cali ar!Jenteo.alba, costa erotus alba.; posticte 11ailids cineretB. F«male. Gilded. Hend whitish. Palpi white all the inner side, loug-er thlln the brelldtb of the hend, Abdomen whitish. Fore wings DIlI']'CnV, with II silvery wbiLe dibcal stripe; COSla wliite cxte· riorly; exterior border very oblique. Hilld wings pale ciullreous. Length of Lbe body 4 lines; (If the wings 10 liues. o. New Zealand. Presented by Dr. Sincluir. 139. CIlAJIlD1:rS SA.DU[.OSELLtI'S. Fmm. Cin!'fYlO-cel"Vifl'UI i alt8 anlictB a.ngual", puncto discali ' 'Punctisqlle 7lIarginalibua nigris, margine e:llteriore 8ubobliquo fere Tecto; poslicQl pal/ide cllleretlJ. Female. CiOerl'OU5 fawn-colom. Labilll palpi a little IOlliter than the breadth oftbe head. Abdomen extending II. little beyond the hiuel wings. Fare win~s nnrrow; discal paint aud nuuv;i.nal points hlllck; extel'ior border ulmost sll'llight, slillhtly oblique. Hind wings pille cinereous. Length of the body 4t lines; of the wings 10 lines. a-c. New Zealand. Presented by Dr.


133. ClL\MBIIS OOURA-OEEI.r.US.<br />

Mas. Albidu,; "R'pi It,!lial~s e:utus och,'al'oi; thot'a:u ock'1'al'CO<br />

foscial,"; alllJ anticll! oc/t'1'UC,f11, lalte, cObIa alha, mar pine Ollltenore<br />

,ubobliq'Uo,<br />

Male. Whitish, stout. Lubinl pulpi neurly twico longer thltll<br />

the breudth oC the heud, bright orange 011 tho outor sille, Ml1xil.<br />

lury pulpi very sbort. Alltcmnre rlltl10r stOllt. Thorax witb lID<br />

Ol'tlnge baud in fronL, Abdllmen (lxLondillll' heyond tbo hilld wings.<br />

Fore WlllgS brigbt orange, broad, pcuto ; Cllstll while, except towards<br />

the tip; exterior bordur slightly uonvex and oblicluo. I.ength of the<br />

body 5i-6 lilies; of tbo wiugs ]2-13 lines.<br />

a. Sydney. From Mr, Lo.mbelt's oolll'ctioo.<br />

h. Sydney. ]!'rUID Mr. Diggles' oolleotion.<br />

c. Australia. From l\lr. Dc1Dlel's oHaotion.<br />

New Zealand.<br />


fiexuoselluB. Dhl.<br />

a-g. New Zealaml, Presonted by Col. Dolton.<br />

n, i. Auokland, Now ZCllltulIl. Frum MI'. Oxley's oulleotion.<br />

j-m. New Zelllllnd. Presented by Hr. Sinolair.<br />

m,IJ. New Zealand, P,'esentod by Cllpt •• T. 0. HUSH.<br />

135. Cru.lIlIlUa VITELT.Us.<br />

vitellus, Dbl.<br />

a, b. Auoklo.u(l, New ZOlllllnd. From i\1'r, Oxlt'y's colleotion.<br />

c. New Zealand. 1'roKontocl by Col. HoILuU.<br />

d,6. New Zealand. Pl'esllnted by Dr. ~il1clair.<br />

136. CIlAlIlDUB BAMnlml.LUA.<br />

ramoselluB, Dbl.<br />

a, b. New Zelthmd. Presented by ])1', Sinelnir.<br />

c, cl. New ZOllltmd, PI'oscntot! hy Uul. Bultoll.<br />

e. NOlv Zealaud. From J.'vIIY01' !limy's colluollou.

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